Bwwnpi mm . r-s-jxss WrtSSXKQt LlfiaBR-PHIIfADBLPHTA, PBIDAY. BGBMBEB IB.' 1&6 ss j. S' syr Sk-- e V. ire ftf ic1 kBEi:1 4 I " EAPROPOSTADIPACE , Kchiara Alln Camera Cho f ? Jjltallft Agira' dl Concerto con -ft ,' lo Potonzc Atlanta I 8W'. ,, . rr A ,r a n.onnown rtiiA vn.iii j tiK niarufiiu rUna' a Ltoyd (Jeoreo Otlcntrono Plonl ji :.. ... -... mi .,', I'oicn o nuovi vircuiu pur I.4 flnntlnnnrn In fluorro. "'vi ' X& HOMA, IK Dloembre. ;?i)fo frrojxwU dl pc flta rtnllA Oermanln - yatn.U itrmunclata nl roverno linllano tlnl KitnUtro dl Bvliri nccredltnto ireo II ulrlnIe. vSH rrilnlatro dl Bvliwrm cho rnppresentn raytomn ell InUretfal ilelln Oermitnln, con- gno ta nolfc provonlento dn Htrllno, VI- Jnn, CoaUntlnopoll Sofia nll'on. Hon- unlno, nwertendo che crII fncevn la. comu- ' ftlcasfone detln ntenaa Hcmptlcrnieiite como , rappitnentnirte dcnll Intcrenul Rermnnlcl In 1UII o che non Intendeva con qurnto ntto nnumera ulcunn fumlone ill medlatorc. Furlando Mia Camera lerl, Ton. Konnlno . d!er! , ' - "lo Rlt rlnpodl che premlevo nllo e lo flrgrailavo. Per rlnpondfro nH'lntrrOK- . ICP- rattaml a proposito ill qucfliii oiifrm r dl' pnc, poo dlclilarnre cho nclla tiota tdeacA o In quelle dtsll nllmll tlollii (ler niant non vl nono precleo Indlcntlonl rlci fda nils condlxlonl nulla qunll tlovretibero fcdrl la trattatlva." ,Vna, tradualone del tcalo ilMla tmla te tiiCA o' nUla. dlramntn dnll'ARenxIa Hie taM. I.'on. Konnlno ttcao II tcsto francrxo delln tola nelln Camera dol Dcputatl, o dopo & f(un! !'Q.Uealo o' tutto. I'ar II reatn la notn con eontiata In nrRomtntnxlont circa la Riierrn. Itltpoal nl mlnlitro ill Bvlzzern die, until , rnlmenie, nvrel dovuto nitlre ill nccordo con I rolel colleRliI dol Rovernl dcll'lntcnu circa tfrca la rlvpoxta alia notn che o ttala prcpn 'lata dl concerto tra I qunttro Rovernl dello potenzo nemlche." II prealdente del ConalRlto (rnnccne, Brland, Inlnnto, ha data la mm rlnpoala alia nota tedeaca domnndnndo cd ottenendo dul la Camera plenl poterl per nuanto rl Rimrda la condotta delta Rucrra. Tutto do' chit Anora doveva ottenero l'autorlzznzlonn del rnrlomento per enaero iiimbo In ceecil Xone pan ha blaoRno d'ora Innunzl cho ill uu' eehipllco decreto mlnlatarlale, Nelln Camera (ranceao Ilrlntul ha dentinclato uueato manovro della (lermnnla como una ,rand trappola teirn nlt'Inteim. Per auanto rlRiiarda la IUiialn, tin nlto . funzloimrlo del Mlnletero dCRll Kntcrl dcllo czar dlchlaro' lerl cho qucato non ern It prlmo tentatlvo lotto dalla acrnianla per Retlaro la reaponaablllta' dcllit fontlmm xlona dolla guerra nut nuol nemlcl. Prom Ibo la pace, la Uermanla, incho quaiulo cadde Varanvla o qunndo fu conqulatata In Serbia o feca credere cho foasuro In corao irattatlvo per una pace aeparntn. Orn In icrmanla ha fntto la nuovo propoato for 1U dopo avoro avuto notlzla dol dlncoral 4L JCloyd CJeorge, dl Brland, dl Iloeelll a delta dlclilarazonl dl Trepoft, e anpevn Serdo' Cho le propoata nurobhero atnto rra pinto. 1a ferma dcclalone dello potenzo del 1'fnlesa dl contlnunro In k ne rra (Ino nl trlpnfo finale non puo' eanero ecoana da qunte offerto ill paco llluaorla. Itt InRhllterra II cnncelllcro dello Scnc chlers, Donar Iavt, ha dlohlarnto In Pnrla niento che I'lnteaa non fara' la pace bo non vra' ottenuto plena rlparazlono jier tutto quello che II blocco toutonlco ha fntto. It ffpverno Ingleoe, como rlapoeta null aforzl BUbdoll della Oermnnla, ha ottenuto dalla Camera- 1'autorlzzaztono dl nrruolaro nn cora un mlllone dl uomlnl o nuovl credltl per la aomma dl due mlllardl dl dollarl. II Sllnlstero della Ouerra pulibllcavn lerl aero.' 11 aeguento rapporto dol Rcnernlo Ca dornn: ' i Bulla, fronto del Trentlno II cattlvo 'tempo lia llmltato razlone dell'artl Cllerla a duelll nelta zona del l'nna deno o aull'uttoplano dl ArIiiro. r Sulla fronto dello Alpl (Hullo al e' ftVuta la aollta nttlvita' dl iirtlRllerla nel oottoro ill I'lav.. nil ohI delta Ver-' tnlblzza o 'aul Cnrso. Alcunl prnlot tlll caddero In aorlzla o vl provocn rono un Incendlo che pero" fu aponto Immodlatnmentc. BNTM3B AMONS MAY NAME OWN DEFINITE PEACE TERMS Continent from tl One Germans Take Buzeu, on Moldavia Dash Continued from Tate One north of the town of that nanin. nnrt to- day'a news of the capture nf tho city In- dlcatea that tho nermann havo reached tho battle front choaen by the lluaslana and llumanlana. FRENCH LAUNCH NEW DRIVE AT VERDUN BEIlIilN. Dec, IS. PnualnK In their Homme drive, tho French havo launched another terrlflq blow along tho Verdun front, an both aldea of tho Mouno. .The Oorman War Office today reported tha repulse of French attacks nt Kill 301. en Pepper ntdRe, nnd nlao In the acctor of . Hardamont (llaudramont). ' -The French bombarded the aermnn po- . eltlcna very heavily, aome of the curtnlna of flra reaching far behind the tlermnn jraeltlona to prevent tho brltiRlng up of re- aervea. pEDUCATOa For lien. Women and Children Solid Comfort ItrNrda wvarcra of th ntur-ihp tboa. y&r XSducatora and ba hpc-. EXPEHT FITTEItS Two htor 20014 Market St. 20D ila OtUrt iTomtKXu ruiti Op.o Satantaja UnUl 10 V, U Siaitj o i ft i1 -' ' T-g ?B . Ashamed of her had complexion II ypu, too, are embarrassed by s pimply, blotchy, unsfgUlly com plexion, try Restnol Soap and Res inol Ointment regularly for a week nd see if they do not begin to make a blessed difference In your skin, 'rhey also help make red, rough funds and arms soft and white. that There was every Indication today the Allies will adopt this courao. It la fully eipected that Mnyi! OeorRO will be aufllclently recovered from his lil hens on Tueaday to giro In Ills apeeeh befora the llouao of Commons a more or lens positive statement of the Allies' position. KAISER SAYS VICTORY ' PROMPTED PEACE MOVE I1KIIM.V. ee. IB. Oermnny espreaaod a wllllnRiiOBS to enter pence neRotlatlons because aho la now fully victorious, Kaiser Wllhelm told llermnn troops In AIbbco In nn addresn. The Umperof's etnlement enmo nfter ho had praised the loyalty of Alaaco In pcaco and war times nnd referred to Itumnnla as "that country In the east which at tempted to stick a dnRRer In our nlly'n back." Details of tho Knleer'a visit to Alanct, ns received hero, any tho Krnpcmr wnn In excellent spirits. Ho watched n parade of tropeo, while aeroplanes circled overhead to guard him nunlnnt poaslbld French rnldcra, He talked with ofllcers and told them In cldenta of tho Humnnlnn campnlRn, tnkliiR no notice of n rnln whlcli fell during the half hour he wan In tho open Kvon aliould the Allies reject ilermany'a penco proposal without an liitcrchnngo of Idea. Oorman will continue her effort to end the ronllngriltlon which la dcwilntlnj: ISuropc, according to nn opinion expressed In high political circles today. The fact that Cermnny wild nothing about terms In the proposnln la held In noma qunrters nn an Intentlonnl omlsnlon, tho object being to glvo tho Allien nn oppor tunity to exchnngn notes on the aulijpot Tho terms Germany Is willing to. offer nro not known to tho people, but from nit Indlcatlonn they nro bellevrd In lie inmi ernte. There Is good ground for tbo belief that the question of limiting iiriiintnntH wi.' enter Inrgely Into tho ronverentlons If a lieace conference can bo brought nhout. Hut thst l "lily "He of tlin big proliloinn. Con cisely they might bo grouped nn followm 1. nestorntlon of lost territory: 2. liiociii ii tii'H ; 3. I.lmltiitliri i- "i-iiimrnta ; 4. Commercial freedom. Oermany, It In declared, In prepared to making rqtml concennlonn with tho Alllnt nnttonn In tho mnttcr of dlanrmnmcnt. Hho Is eapeclnlly nnxtous to nhow (lint mltltnrlnin la not the domlunnt spirit nnlmntliiK tho Qermnn Kmplre. me R not from the Herman Oovernment and Its thres allies proposing that nego tiations for pence begin. The Swiss Min ister added that he made this communica tion In his capacity ns representative of German Interests In Italy and that It wns not Ills Intention to perform nny function of mediation whatever, but simply tho function of trnnsmlnslon. "I replied to him that I took notice and thanked him. In order to reply to the question 1 nm able to declare that In the note thero In no precise Indication concern ing tho conditions upon which pence nego tiations might ho attempted." In addition to the text of tho notn, a translation wns communicated by the Rtefnnl News ARency. Ilnron Bonnlno then read the original note. WAR TO FINISH, SAYS RUSSIA SEMIOFFICIA LLY PITTItOOItAIJ, Dec. IB. The peaco pro posal of the Central Prtwera Is regnnleil by tho Itulan Government as "nn attempt to court pnbllo opinion nnd encaurnRO the people of (lermnny by appearing to put the responsibility for tho continuation of the war upon tbo llntento Allies." The proposal hns been received by of flelal l'etrogrnd without nn atom of sym pathy. ' ITALY TO CONSULT HER ALLIES, SONNINO SAYS PAIttH, Dec IB. Tho penco proposals of tho Central I'owcrn havo been delivered to tho Itnllnp (Sovc.imout. No definite Ind entions nro given ns to tho condltloun upon whteh pence negotiations might bo at tempted. A llnvna dlnpntch Died In Home pays thnt Foreign Minister Honnlno. on being ques tioned In the Chnmber of Deputies, replied: "The Hwlss Minister hna presented to WILSON ANDJjANSING D1SCUS3WEACE PLANS WASHINGTON. Dec. IB. For nenrly two lioura tndny Prenldcnt Wilson nnd He rrtnry of Htnte Ijinnlng con sidered tho quentlnii of niipplnniontlng tho forwarding of tho Uertnnn penco proposnln to Allied rnpltflln with some suggestions from lliln ilovernment. At tho cnnctiialon of tho conference neither tho Presldont nor Hccretnry Lansing would throw nny tight upon whnt, If nny, decision wnn reached. "I have nothing to nay now. Thero Is no announcement to bo mndo nt present. Thero In no conclusion to discuss." summed up Lansing's reply to Inquiries from news papermen. Mediation efforts or suggestions by the United .Stales on behalf of n penco con fori'iirn would bo Immediately followed by nlmllur notion by nil Huropenn neutrals. "The United Htnles nnd Kuropenn neu trals should consider any answer of the F.ntcntp Allien tn tho tlermnn pence pro posal, save a flat rejection, on nn lnvltn tlou lo offer their good services In nr rnnglng a pence conference." Those two etntements wero mndo to the t'nlted prms todny by two 'of tlin hcst-ln-formed neutral diplomats In Wnnhlngtnn, who nro known to hnvn illscusaed the ques tion of pence Willi Secretary of Slnto Lansing nnd presumably presented these vlewn to him. Action In being delayed, however, by GALVANIZED, COPPER AND ZINC SHEETS L. D. BcrBer Co., 59 N. 2d St. 1UU, Harktt IH Ktiiitana. ilaln d00 vsssessssmsxsmsim mBexxszzsssma Ifuropenn neutrals until noil Tuesday, when th speech of David Lloyd Oeorgo will Rlva them tho cuo on which to net. This wns the RlSt of cablegrams from their foreign oftlces to neutral diplomats here todny. Bom belief was expressed by Ihese officials that President Wilson would also wlthold action until then. The t'nlted Htates and Rpaln, they said, are the two countries that will take the lend If mediation Is offered. Switzerland, Holland and tho Rcandl navlan countries nro too dependent Upon the absolute Rood will of both sides to run any risk of offending them by unwelcome action. If mediation Is accepted by ths bellig erents, nil neutrals will urge that the peace conference seriously consider the formation of nn organization on the principle of the League to Mnforce Peace, It wna said. Neu trals havo suffered too much In this war, fnr more than noncombatants should, and they will mako every efrort for n penco which will mako the recurrence of war mors difficult, the diplomats said. GRANDMOTHER IN JAIL ON NONSUPI'ORT CHARGE Old New York Statute Revived to Mnko Af?cd Woman Assist Thrco Grandchildren NKW YOIUC Dec. 16 A alxty-year-old grandmother, grny-hnlred, but still vigor ous, spent today In Queens County Jail rather than oontrlbuto to tho support of tier threo grandchildren. Furthermore, she declared sho will nervo six months In tbo workhouse, to whlrh nho has been sen tenced, rnther than "give one penny." Tho law under which tho woman. Mrs. Clara Ilerscngcr. wns sentenced Is nn old linlf-fnrRotteu statute, making n grand parent llnblo for tho support of his or her children's children. Mrs. Ilersengers son. dnrold If. Jones, disappeared a few months ngo, leaving his wife, Mis. Kdna II. .lonen, with three small children. Mrs. Ilerscngcr wns ordered to pny IB a week toward their support. She lefused nnd wna sentenced to tho work house All iippenl will bo made. Ccntcnnrinn Dlco In Cnrllslc I'AItl.l.MLi:. Pn.. Deo. 16 Mm Mn,ih, Davie, n negro womiin. In dead live Him wnn morn than 100 yearn old. Hlin wnn bom In Virginia and rnine lo this nertlon during tho civil War. Willi two exceptions, nho wnn the oldest womiin In Cumbcrlnnd County MIT, TUBE SERVICE FOR NEW YORK ONLY House Committee Votes to Abol ish Them In Philadelphia nnd Elsewhere -. x . iiMt.. T""7sjMSJMMaMt WASHINGTON, Dec. IS All pneumatic tube servlco In Philadelphia nnd every other city except New York Is to bs abol ished In nccordonco with the recommenda tions of Postmaster General Ilurleson, If Congress adopts tho recommendations ngreed to nt nn executive session of tho House Postomce nnd Post Itoads Commit tee today. Authority Is Riven Hie Post master General to close tho New York pneu matic tube service In six months. Iteprescntatlven TaRUo nnd PnRe, of Massachusetts, cast tho only dissenting votes In the committee. They will present n minority report, but It In believed now thero Is Utile chance of saving the service. Tho bill as reported to the House will carry no appropriation fnr maintenance of tho service, except In New York. Ily a vote of II to 4, the committee de cided tn retain the llnndall zone system of Increased postal ralen on magazines anil other periodicals. Thoso who voted against It wero Orleat. of Pennsylvania; Togue nnd Page, of Mneanohunetts. nnd Madden, of Illinois. Tho committee also ndopted a provision barring tho appearance of liquor ndver tlrementa In papers and magazines sent Into prohibition territory. SUICIDE FOUND IN SNOW It BAD INO. Pn.. Dec. IB His body cov ered with snow, Frank Hnyder, fifty-eight yenrn old. n butcher by occupation wns found n suicide outsldo his homo nt Htnney Crerli. below Itendltig. todny. Ho had blown nway part of his bend with n shotgun, using n yardstick to snap tho trigger. Worry over the fact that Ills wlfo had him arrested yesterday for nnnsupport nnd for threaten ing to Kill her nfter a prolonged period of drinking, Is believed to hnvo driven him to suicide. 365 Day Oais In Hudson Super-Six The demand for convertible cars is multiplying fast. It is twenty times larger than two years ago. That is, Touring Sedntls with seats lor seven, and 8-pas8enger Cabriolets. Each is a perfect typo for any season, nny weather. (J Como see the latest designs created for tho Hudson Super-Six. For tho car with the matchless motor. For the car that out-sells any other fine car in the world. Phaeton. tlllO. Town Car, 118 CdbrlM.t, tlMO l.lmouifne, 1131. Touring Bedui, lilll, rrkea f. o. b. Detroit iGOMEUV-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR 253-255 North Broad Street CO. 1894 1916 SIS gom Guaranteed Hosiery For Gifts THIS famous hosiery, by its excellence of material and perfection of work manship will instantly appeal to the one who receives it as a gift. Its quality is apparent at a glance. 55c to $2-25 Guarantee Beautifully finished in silk or lisle, and we have a truly marvel ous array of colors that match exactly every conceivable shade. Ours is an unlimit ed guarantee it is for you to decide whether they give sat-1 isfactory and suffi cient service. If not, we'll replace. Before You Buy a Diamond Come in and talk lo us. Wc liavc been selling dia monds in this community for twenty-five years. Wc "know values" and can save yoti money on a "real" diamond. The il.y of unrRain litinlinif t wanitiR. Not only arc people aware of the futility of htiyiiiR M'lcly on price consideration, but they arc learning that they nrvcr get something for noth ing. Conic in anil talk with us. Charles H. Hambly 916 Chestnut Street v' MEN'S TAILORS 0 Cor. 13lh and Snnsom TAILORING of REFINEMENT Our $30.00 Suitings and Overcoatings A HI! U.VUHUAI. VAI.UKS , ' ' Quartered Ullffpf $1 jC 'JgSllJlgll I A bcnutlful, l)iB. richly ilcxiRncd. clc 4ffiiTCM fo' " . ' '"N ?l gantly finished buffet of 8olld quartern! J$itt ''' L'jtf ''5K. M 1 oak, ns illustrated. Wo doubt if you could duplicate rCCZmTZ i x .. -.r p ""Hv" I It anywhere else oven for $25. Has largo mirror, set V'TO ffiXr"'!' T 1 In very large top. One of tho top drnwers lined for WW(flW D silver. Anticipate your Christmas needs now and buy bBPSifeP 8 one. It's a marvcloun v"'""' ST'&Fmmii 4 Room 0ulfitl! Solid "" pSl SQ.50 S. ak i11 Table Tg MS 'h XSteEsak. ,lyle' with Ur8 So,,d 0n,t m it , r- GiOm'MXlmk V-'&ViSbSRBBi podetl and heavy -.. . M IS $i.5o SgcMSlia ti-jmm Teg., a table that Dinmn -M II WEEK KSiBfc0$1C'BO' r- VmB.W cM - -r -vy aWcck .--t. 1 . Special this jjf5, ijl si Easy Terms inmvSSrnW' Pj " - 722-'724 gpen Market Street Evenings The House that Heppe FOUNDED IN 1SG5 ADOPTED ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IN 1881 built C. J. Heppe & Son 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets A snappy, full line of Newest Shoes and Evening Slippers, SOROSIS SHOE CO. 1314 CHESTNUT ST. ttawrtaiwwiiiwifiiWTiiiiwiiiiiww T From Ilaworth's HE Juniors aro,compacr, reliable qamerna of high efficiency, easy to operate and so thin as to be pocketed without inconvenience. f Ihsmol No. 1A Autographic Kodak Junior No. 1A Autographic Kodak Junior (Fixed focus), meniscus achromatic lens and Kodak Ball Hearing shutter $11.00 No. 1A Autographic Kodak Junior (Focusing model, with scale, meniscus achromatic lens and Kodak Ball Bearing shutter , 11.00 Ditto, with R. It. lens 13.00 Ditto, with Kodak AnssUgmat (ens, t, 7.1 18.00 OTllll KODAKS. IS to IIS BUOWMU9 CAMKUAH, S1.S to fit JOHN HAWORTH COMPANY (KAST1IAN KODAK CO.) Aeolian Pianolas Entirely Oversold! The unprecedented demand for these stand ard instruments the acknowledged leaders of the whole industry has completely exhausted the capacity of the Aeolian factories (the largest in the world), and we are completely "sold out" on every style. We have, however, retained a sample of each style, which we can show to our patrons. Orders placed now will be filled early in January. But these instruments are well worth waiting for as everybody knows. Do not be satisfied with an imitation order an Aeolian Pianola NOW! ' The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world is on sale at Heppe's At Factory Prices t , as follows : Stehiway Pianoja $1250 I Wheelock Pianola,.! $750 Weber Pianola ....$1000 I Stroud Pianola., .....,..$550 Francesca-Hcppe Player-Pianos $450 'Aeolian Player-Pianos $395 Terms Cash, or charge account, or rental-payment plan. ' All rent applies to purchase In Uj? H we hava A largest ttoek in philadtlphia. Order your Victrola NOW Victrolas will be scarce. Do not delay any longer. Order from us NOJF and avoid pos sible disappointment. HEPPE OUTFITS VICTROLA IV SIS.00 6 10. Inch Double. fco Records ...... 4.80 Total coit , , $10.80 I'y tl down, $2.10 monthly, VICTROLA VI $25.00 o iuincn uouQi'iaca itccora 4.5Q Total cot ,,,,$29.80 Pay 2 down, JJ monthly. VICTROLA VIII ,.,..,, $40.00 Racorda, your itlectlon 8.00 Total coit ,.,,,.,..,,, $48.00 Pay 14 down, IJ monthly, VICTROLA IX,,. , $80.00 Racorda, your ailactlon.,,,, ,,,,,,,, jo.00 Total coat ,..,,, ,,$80X0 Pay S down. $4 monthly. VICTROLA X.. ,,..$75.00 Racordi, your aalactlan, .,.., o.00 Total coat , $88.00 Pay I) down. IS monthly. VICTROLA XI...... $100.00 Recorda, your aalactlon 10.00 Total coat , f 1 1 0.00 Pay $8 down, $( monthly. VICTROLA XIV..., , $180.00 Racorda, your aalactlon J 0.00 Total coat . . , ........... . ; . .$1600 . ,iv bbwb, aa mommy. ftrPtaMTaaBattafrlaa)rr-;aM'At'liri ? aa pSShk VICTROLA XVI. Racorda, your leUctloo .$200X0 10.00 Total coat .taio 00 Pay $10 down. $10 monthly. Call or Write for Catalogues Hail Orders Solicited Why not a Piano for Xmas? The gift of all gifts is a piano it' radiates Christmas music all year round. Ilcppq Pianos are as fine as the world produces! In tone they exceed all upright pianos through the patented Heppe three-sound-ing-hoards. Although the demand for Heppe Pianos has been exceed ingly large, we have a fair variety now on hand for Christmas delivery. Come in and male your selec tion today. Heppe Pianos $275 up Convenient Terms Used Pianos from $50 Up Pri IHE - ' . .s . , . -y.MXiA fVite. . ..nn..,... n '"- j i iv .,.,,! m i ,ti 1 ,, . , r.')frtTfiV- -'' riBai mmikm EJt.JV k ',. . .. J . TM : iiwf, !&. jimmm Sna (PWMiwiniiiiWW II Hill imiiju in inn ii II HiipmiUMji iiihii.HWII III Wl'i-ip rewnii 1 smmmmmmmmmMmmmBmmmm ;" Tt'5sesrrS"j' 1 .VtQ!r-" T? fY.-'rwKf 1