EVENING LBDGER-PHlDABEnPHIA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1016 i ,-- v -in. f & J taeti0Ft!&v Gimbel Brothers Store Opens at 8:30 Gimbel Brothers Store Closes at 6 Gimbel Brothers Friday, December 15, 191tf INTS Ufai A year ago Gimbels under its new policy proved its helpfulness to Christmas shoppers. It is a question of intenta determination to win vast volume of business by giving best values. Today the Store is more necessary than last year, for it has worked hardest to protect its customers against every cent of unnecessary price advance. First of all Dependability. i PAGE Ir i 1 A JL&P JLLi JLj kJ r :' i i I T F " 5 Service Means So Much Carefulness in preparing stocks. Carefulness in. safeguarding your purse. Carefulness in waiting upon you subject to human limitations that you can help overcome Be sure that "send" and "charge" address arc correctly written. Look at the sales check; have salesperson read it to you. Carefulness in saving your strength and time and in sparing your nerves. Guarding against street, road and railroad blockades, let us start gifts on their journey at once marked-"TO BE OPENED CHRISTMAS MORNING." Use the parcel post freely and insure your packages U. S. POSTOFFICE IN THE STORE. And what a Christmas it will be! here in the Philadelphia Prosperity Zone busy for years to come; praying for world peace; believing in itself as the best region of the world for production and distribution without waste. At $2 a Pair Yes You'll Givo Silk Hosiery It will be more gratify ing if thev're bought at Gimbels. Practically atyy color and any style that' new. Silk Stocking, for wom en, that arc hand-embrotd-crcil. In black with apple blossoms and daisies beau tifully embroidered. At $2.50 a pair. From France Ten styles in women's silk Stockings, with silk clock ings and a touch of cm broidery. At $2 a pair. At $1.15 a pair silver, gold and a hundred other fashionable s h a il e s in women's silk Stockings. m Gold Jewelry and Gems for the Principal Gift Whether it be for school-chum or father or mother, husband or wife, sister or brother, daughter or son; old people or babies the best gift (and some others) is pretty sure to be gold or gold and gems I At $2.50 a Pair Gimbels, First floor. For Women- Diamond-set La Vallierex: in platinum, at $50 to $225; in gold, at $B to $70. DiamoiUl-set Uroorlies. at $25 to $400. Diamond-set Ilracetcts. at $35 to $225. llracelets - in secret lock or flexible links at $9 to $35. Diamond Kings, at $50 to $475. Strings of gold beads, at $3.50 to $18. Gold Lorgnons. at $12 to $25. Gold HaRS in Krcen and yellow gold at $40 to $225. Gold Thimbles, (it S3 to $7.75. Gold Bracelets, at $3 to $70. Gold Wrist Watches, at $21 to $65; Kohl-filled at $12 to $27. Gold I.avallieres in endless stone-set styles! At $2 to $25; diamond-set, at $7.50 to $70. Stonc-sct gold Kings, at $4 to $28. Hat l'ins the head of sold; a fcxv stonc-sct at 75c, $1, $1.50 and $1.75. Lingerie Clasps, at $1.25 to $4.50 a pair. For Men Diamond-set Scarf-pins, at $10 to $90. Diamond-set Kings, at $20 to $240, Diamond Cuff Muttons, at $10 to $35 a pair. Gold Waldcmar Vest Chains, at $6 to $38. Men's Lockrts, at $7 to $21. Gold Fobs, at $8 to $30. Pocket Knives, gold handles, at $3 to $18. CiRar Cutters, at $2.75 to $25. Match Safes, at $14 to $29. 1'eucils, at $5 to $38. Fountain Fens, at $21 to $25. Kelt Ihickles. at $7.50 to $18. Waldcmar vest chains, at $6 to $38. Stone-set Kings, at $6 to $26.75. licit Duckies, at $7 to $15. Watches solid koIiI. at $2S to $125; gold-filled, at $20 to $90. For Children Gold Hracelets, secret lock style, at $2 to $12. Gold Crosses, at $1.50 to $5. Solid-gold Lockets, at $1 to $5. Ilib Holders, at $2.50. Dress Huttoin, at $2.25 to $3. Dress Fins, at $2.25 to $6.50. Gimbels. First floor. Neck-fixings That Women Admire And would love to own. Hundreds of dainty neckfixings to choose from. These are suggestions Collars of fine white tucked net, trimmed with lilct lace inser tion and edged in ruf fle of net. As pic tured. At $1. Collar and Cud Sets of white broad- Collar at $1 cloth, scalloped ctlgc wBgm and a suggestion of silk braid. Deep back lar and wide cutTs. Pictured. At $1.50 colli a set. Collars of broadcloth in styles galore. Some have pinked edge and silk tassel at each corner of the back. Also embroidered, spachtel and braided effects. Variously priced at $1, $1.50 and $2. Collar and CulTSets of Georgette crepe in cross-bar effect; large square collar. Ati $1.50 a set. Vestces of w h i t c Georgette crepe; re vcr front; some with picot edge ; others Set at $1.50 hemstitched. At $1.50. Gimbels, Neckwear Stprc, First floor. L 1 lit ZJ? 3 jW TOYS dim hoi Special CMM'a II mill Car at 4. vnluo tit ntcnl nnt! wood construction, rulilifr tired wheels, atect handle, wood frnmo and sent; will give exercise to th cheat, nnm and ltisa. Onn of the beat Vloelped mndt In pictured : linn nn ad. Jugtnliitt mnt and ndjustabl handtn-liar. rubber - Urd wheel, extra brnco tn th hack wheels; IS. SO. H 1 TOYS gaf3 Sandy Andy, n, practically unbrealtablo toy; nlmply nil tho hopper with sand mid the sand wagon runs up and down dumplntr out the uand automatically; 60c. Tba Sand Orano at (I. with a man working ft sand dump ing machine. nMm Tha "Hie nick" (lun at J patterned after real cutis; nil -metal construction and has 4S sheila ; can shoot tho shells oft as fast nn tho boy can turn tha crank. yffe$ Kmirion Talklnr Machine la a perfect llttlo machine and wfll play larjro and umall records; eood steel spring; S3.B0. m, Unjiirwi'ii i'i -i II ' P,rT I fW IT $5 315 Women's Finest Coats Reduced Very fine, yet they rank as "odd lots" with us because this win ter's strenuous selling of coats has broken sizes or colors. Naturally, the jtrettieat styles are earliest "broken." New Prices Are $7.25 to $10 Less Than Yesterday's Prices though yesterday's prices were lowest in town, quality for quality. Fine Auto Coats in checks and plaids now $15. Broadtail-fur-cloth Coats silk-lined; several styles now $21.75. Reindeer Cloth (wool plush) Coats brown, blue or burgundy now $25. Evening Wraps of Paradise plush in peach, old blue, purple or Beranitim, with huge while or taupe moufflon collars now $25. Wool-velour Coats silk-lined; with handsome fur collars now $30. Colors and black. Coats of Novelty Coatings silk-lined, fur-trimmed now $28.50. French wool velour Coats in a novel stitched style, colors and black now $32.50. t Besides a Wonderful Collection of Finest Fur-Cloth Coats Variously of Hudson seal cloth (silk plush), velour dti nord, broadtail fur cloth, pouyskin-cloth and Baffin seal fabric Without fur, at $25, $20.75, $35 to $59.75. Richly fur-trimmed, at $29.75 to $135. ' Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor. TOYS r& f-v -zxi y Hlfda nf every description. Including KUxlliln Kler. Htorm Klnpc Hlrds. National Counter Sled, thn American Klyer Sled larno cloiitIi drck nlcda and umall tliimiixr HIrdii variously tiX SOn to SIS. 1 ' ufcrtuTSSlSf afiJnl Jits l'apcr Hol.llrr ut SSe to St. I.rad Holdlcri ut SOn to ft IS. Large wooden Cannon at SOr, 73c, ft and St. HlH-cUtl Train Hrl, eonvlnt Inif of enKlne, lender, two earn und trark, conudete at f 1.80, regularly J2. Another Htyln with n. IlKhtly larger engine at :. regularly 12 SO. Thene lire of the farnouH Illng make; body of tha engine Is inudo nf cast-iron. (llmtwli. Ton. rourth lluar Perfumes Glvlnt: rerfumes nlnco the day nf Pleoimtrn In nn art The eendnr'ii jirrsenco- "thi' frngrnnce." floating throtiKh the nlr an everlasting re minder: From abroad we liae In ntock from bucIi maker nn Coty Hose Perfume, Toilet Water, $2.60. S5: 52.60, $5; I.'UrtKan 1'rr f nine, $5; Toilet Water, $5. Re frauds Mary Gar den. $2. $4.50, $9; Toilet Water, $3; Lil.ir. $2. $3.50; Toilet Water, $3.50: I. a Bohrme. $2, $4; Toilet Water. $3. Houblcants Ideal. $2.85; $4.90; Toilet Water, $4.65; Quclqucs Fleurs, $3.75, $6.95; Toilet Water. $6.15; Violette. $7; Royal llouva ria, $5,35; assorted odor, special, $1. Kerkhoff Djerkiss. $1.50, $2, $2.50; Toilet Water. $1.50, $2.50. I' I v r r a AMiruii. SI.BS, S3. (in i Tulli't Water. l, SI.1S I'lummair. SI. OS, SS.HOi Toilet Water, SI, Sl.rt.ll Im Tretln. SI.BS. S?.AOt Tollit Wiitrt. SI, si.es. Alxo carry III ntock a full line of l'erfilincH from hiicIi iu.iIcitm iim ). It. lirndloy, CulKHte. Oakley, Aubrey, Mini Demi. Deuney A Dfii ney. Hell llovcy. I.umlberg Ciimbcls, First floor. TOYS Tim (iliuliel Special Auln imilille ut nil. .10 1 nil iiri'KHcd Hleel eontrm'tliin. rubber tired wheelH adjustable ne.it, kiiucklK steering gear; enumeled and striped; for children 3 to 8 ears Mrrl nli.lrtlrlluli Tuyi gel Hi" udvanced bo Inter ceted Krcrlor at SOo to SJ3. Mcccenu, SI to StS. Amerlrnu Sludrl llullder ut 30e to SIS. illinbrli, To)i, Fourth flour. Black skunk Sets, at $32.50. value $5ti. Red (o Sets, at $27.50, value $37.50. Black fox Sets, at $35, aluc $45. Taupe and "Foirct" Fox Sets (very beautiful), at $125, value $145. Very fine black fox Sets, at $79, value $125. Natural mink Sets (not one dyed not a "blend"), at $52.50, value $65. Separate Neck-Pieces At $8.75, value $12.75, to $32.50, value $39.75. Separate Muffs At $8.75. value $12.50. to $22.50, value $29.75. ...... ... Gimbels, Fur Salons, Third floor, and First floor Aisles. Avtopbone, a larger ma chine, at 10. The Animal I'lanon are one of th$ most Interesting toy flanoa made; keya hap pic urea of. animals, and by striking 'key a to correspond with chart B.-tuna la played; ha educational value; S3. 30, regularly JS, Including the strips of musical bara and animal. Hand Cars at 11,50, Automobiles at 10.00 to 111.80. Jitney Coattrra, 10 ft. lonr, with car Included, at S3.1S. Velocipede at SS.tS to 1 13, Wagon at 1.S, ft.33 to S, roaiter Wagon at It. 30 atut S3, . Wood Hocking Chair at 3e, SOr, SMS, ft to . Heed Doll Ooabi white, gray, natural and brown; variously at fl.BO to ISO. Ilechanleal Trains at 83c, 13, S3.S0, up to S16.50. Klectrlcal Train at f to 7J0, Tool Chest at SSo to Oaiust Interesting In tha lone winter evening. Fool Tables at 13 to f 37. . Drama at 33c, BQc, 13c, ft to f J. ..Lead SeldUrt, In Mts, St 80c, 1e, fl.IS to ft.13. . Uattlsshlp Uulldsr at aoe to 3.B0. fell of every nation, do tnetlq and Imported. Th new "Mamma" doll at 69 to f . Th Bhaot the Chute at 1 5-18, Smalt Bnlnj. at f J.S0 and f S.5Q. bUoofl j or UgcUloj- If uses Mfttitof. SUcki4irls at 15e Uf I. Desk mt ft.iA tjj f 1040. Men's House Coats, $5 The coat of case when the man is about the house and goes around in slippered comfort. Housecoats of double-face cloth, the plaid or striped hack forming the con- ifKt in enllar and cuffs ; bound throughout with cord ; piped seams, two frog fastenings, three pockets. $5. One style is pictured. House Coata at 6.50, $7.&U, $12.50 and $13.50 Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Scarfs at 85c Sale of holiday neck wear for men planned by men 4- and the silks and patterns selected by men hence safest sort of choosing by women of neckwear for men, $1.25 and $1,50 scarfs at 85c; and $2 scarfs at ?l.iu, 8Jc MtWs Blanket Bath Robes : $3.50 Because 01 oruers placed along about the beginning of sum mer on which the maker worked at odd times, these blanket bath robes are priced considerably below those of equal quality elsewhere, bought at later quotations; made full and roomy? good color combinations, cord at neck. Special at ?4.&u. Blanket Bath Robfes at $3.50 to $12 Jewelry Is Always Pleasing To men and women. These items will help in the choosing of the right gifts. No. t No. 1, t $9.50' Vanity Cases of sterling sil ver, striped and with engraved border. Fitted as shown. No. Z No. 2, at $3.50 Ior "" ffold - filled straight handle with pierced cap. No. 3 No. 3, at $19.50 -r- Barrientos Combs, alumi num top set with brilliant rhioejtones nu grte tylc I No. No. 4, a( $15.75 S a p P h Ires studded in a striking design decorate this lovely Barrien tos Comb. Of carved crystal. No. 8 No. 5, at $10 Cigarette Cases of ster ling silver that v,-t!l appeal to men. One side of case en graved; the other plain. famcerwa No 6 No. 6. at $2 Gold-front Pen Knives; engine turned, m strip ed and other de signs. House Slippers For Women and Men Are Gifts That Provide Comfort Very "comfy" cold vintery mornings to slip the feet Into slippers. Come to Gimbels and provide gift slip pers for someone you know. For Women 'Comfy" Slippers, bedecked in rib bon, padded soles. In black and colors, at $1.50. l'clt Juliets, with ribbon trimming. Leather sole and heel. In gray, wine, red. brown and black. At $1.50. French bow knots garnish these "Comfy" Slippers. Paded soles. In dainty colors. At $2 a pair. Pretty quilted satin Boudoir Slippers, light colors, at $2 a pair, , , For Men Everett style Slippers, of tan or black kidskin, at $1.75, $2 and $2.50 a pair. ,,,,,. , "Opera" Slippers, of tan or black kidskin, at $2.50 to $3.50 a pair. "Romeof." of tan or black kidskin. at $1.75 a pair. "Cavaliers," high cut, in tan, brown, black or red kidskin, at $4 and $5 a pair. .-.,., ''Comfy" Slippers, in various colors, at $1.50 to $2 " PaB'qyV Romeos. of tan kidskin, at $1.50. ' Gimbels. Second floor, and some in Special Sec tion, First floor. 20 Christmas , Booklets for 25c envelopes included. Each booklet different all charming. 100 Brass, Desk Sets 6 pieces, at $1.50; value $2. Gimbels, Stationery Store, First floor S Calendar Gimbel assortments in clude kinds that folks ap preciate receiving appre ciate in -the home, office, all year through These at 50c Calendars TJie Mark Twain Calen dar, sayings for every day, from the writings of the great humorist. The O. Henry Calendar, artistic and appropriate se lections from O. Henry's writings for every day. Gimbels, Book Store, First floor, and some on Second floor, Center Aisle. Gloves GiA One Never Tires Of Gloves arc one of the few gifts that bear repeat ing. At Gimbels gloves for all from 'the tiniest child to the grown woman and man. Very fine silk-lined Mo cha Gloves for women, at $2 a pair. In gray and tan. Fur lined Gloves for women, in gray suede and tan cape, at $3.50 a pair. Wool -lined soft -cuff Auto Gauntlet Gloves, for women, at $5 a pair. White Washable Kid Gloves, for women, at $2.50 a pair. For children Lined Kid and Mocha Gloves at $1, $1.25 and $1,50 a pair. Boys' and girls fleece lined Gloves, in tan kid and gray suede, at 75c a pair, Buckskin Gauntlet Gloves, for boys and girls, at $1 to $1,75 a pair. Men's Hcecc.lined Gloves, at $1.50 a pair. Men's rabbit - lined Gauntlet Gloves, at $4 a pair. -Gimbels, First floor. Gimbel Brothers "Market Eighth ; Chestnut and' Ninth A V ictrola For Every Home Pay a Little At a Time $15 to $350, and easily owned, hy easy monthly payments, covering cost of Vic trola and records. Here arc two popular continuations '','';' 1 fm Victrola No. 14 Combination at $165 First payment $3, balance in small mouth ly payments. Included Victrola No. 14... $150 Records ., 15 $165 Victrola No, 9 Combination at $77 First payment J5. bal ance in small monthly ps)mcnts. Included Victrola No, 9. at.. 160.00 Cabinet with shelve hukllug HO raeord. ... 11,00 II Jtouble-faco 10- ..iter..?? 3.00 U.00 So qn,xiou arc we that you bhall be supremely satisfied with your Victrola that entirely at our expense we send an ex pert to your home within reasonable dis tance to teach use of the machine and care of records. Gimbels. First floor. Grand Auk. and "Hard , ir.n. t!lRflK,Rfe .jis "2 str. TOYS Vrlncjeli. at St I for UH on ddewalk or tho amooth Htreeta; two rubber - tlrJ wheal, wooUen platform and eteel ateerlni; haudl. Special ioii, 24 inch high, drewed with cap and white dreaa and. with boot-, eea, at St.33. value fit ullD of tha bxt dolls made und of th hard-to-break variety. nimUli, Ton. fourth Roar. unit aom un Yitmt Hoof. Tin Ttioroughtar The Big Toy Store Invtft Children to Com orirf S Santa Claus Tha Live Ponle The Trick Pony Punch and Judy "Polar Bears" and also the wonder I ful jcollection of toy! ami umiv.. T-CimbeU. Fnh ,' --HSZfc !! nubber-tlrcd. tcol-whoeled Chun Cnr for youmrsters; two ulier, nt SS nnit (I. Kiddy Kn, Skip Ivarn, lltney Cnrn nnd tho Amerl rnu Cir with nuto - wheel rmndlo. . Ulmtxl, Toy. Fourth floor. FURS Wonderful Values In coats of many lengths; in sets of every fashionable fur; in sep arate muffs and neck-pieces of every popular fur and style. Skunk-Trimmed Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coata 17C c i Ripple-coats -three-quarter length. Skunk $1 O t-oats ) 0,nari cuffs edged with skunk skunk border clear at $139 ) 'ro"d wats as well. 1 Heavy brocade .4ilk lining. C91H r-tn ( Very voluminous. Wide border, deep cuffs ei-rr, 1 u"d hroa'1 col,ar of the skunk'- 1,3,dsoine hr at $179 eade lining. Fine Set3 Include Natural red fox Sets (from "orange" to "name"), at $59, value $'-.w. Wolf Setsso fine they could pass for foxl in taupe, battleship, pearl aiul blue-gray, at $42.50, value $65. 'Toiret" fox Sets, at S50, value $69. Natural wolf Sets, at $42.50, value $650. Taupe fox Sets broad "open" scarf; trimmed muff at $69. value $95. Gimbels, Fur Salons. Third floor. 8 s nQiwte. M' Ow4m 1L" IfM mm SP WWSy - ' rfc(i J. !jtPSL Js -feat , fX'i ybgjywfyiiitww "i1 Pjl.itfinOWfcMBlpWWBjMMHMBgf: