I If lft K1 11111 ' r HVJlttO- fflD&Bl-JJaLtLiLDiiJLPHlA, JKlilA DEOMiiJJjJli .16, 1U18, ' ., 4 i -i - t jmJM 4-3M fafl -ja J- ENGLANDERS PLAN TO HONOR PILGRIMS Vmtt fn Rnnnt WtinH niM TT'onf' Sn ra ufv.ua IMlkll UUI1II urail Jrlfpten Hold Banquet In Com memoration of 1620 Landing Th landing nt ths Pilgrim forefathers tw'Utw England'a shores two hundred ind ntnsty-alx years nso wilt b fittingly mmnsmorated when Iho member of ths fpiw England society or Pennsylvania ns SmmM for their thirty-sixth annual ban' Mi ?wwrt In tha Bellovtie-Strntford next Friday - -"a Th society waa organized In I II I n ' ,' v means of perpetuating Now Kngland .Ideals In history, Ha traditions and tha . fetiaracter of Ha early settlers, nines then 41 members have met every Decembor 22, ," dy celebrated throughout tha nation f v Uf 5 VitiMin Jnjt 1,1 kVlilllltlileUsUlO t ..j '', 4018 ,ftnd,nK of t,,e I'l'Rrlma. K i ':fS2& T1i principal speaker will be ex-Prcal- 'A4nt Taft. Other prominent apeakera will ; ft. - tha Itev. Dr. Kehemlah Boynton, of 1 1, JBrooklyn, N. Y ami cxCongressman J. - Ad&in Bede, of Minnesota, It had been . I originally announced that Senator Wllllnm ,J J. Oorah, of Idaho, would bo a guel, but the Senator haa acnl word that, much aa ' ha would Ilka to be present, ho wilt be -unania io attend, A't every ono of Ha banquets the society ' has presented an array of atieaheni r. tiownod In politics, literature and In mnny walks of life. Among the distinguished , men who apoke before tho aoclety In years 'Bona by wero President McKlnley, Slnrk Twain and Wu Tlng.fang, 7 One of the unusual features of tho ban quet thla year Is the Invitation extended ' -,to the wlvea of members, while nn In vitation has alao been extended to Mrs. O. i J toward Clark, Jr., president of the Now ''England Indlcs' Hocloty. '-,- Tho cotnmltteo having tho entertainment '" features of tho evening's program In hand vhavo promised a varied and altogether novel assortment of fen lures for the diners. Tho ' rvlces of well-known vocalists and In strumental performers havo been engaged, Furthermore, the guests nro promised a 'surprise, tho secret of which has been closely guarded, It haa been Intimated, jhowevor, that Harry T. Jordan, mnnnger of Kelth'a Theatre and a member of the society, Is at tho bottom of tho affair. At present tho o dicers of the New Kng . iland Society of Pennsylvania nro; Cynw "H. K. Curtis, president; Lincoln K. Pass. more and Arthur VT. Howall, vice presidents j .Edward W. Mumford, secretary ; (leorso .Irving Merrill, treasurer; tho ltev. Dr. '.Floyd W. Tomklna, chaplain, and Dr, Ham uel p. Itlaley, physician. Mr. Curtis waa S receded In tho presidency by Alba U. ohnson, prenldcnt of tho llaldwln 1-oco-tnottvo Works. Whan flrol organized tho aoclety held list meetings In tho old Continental. fjiler they wero held In Horticultural Hall, but of y.recor.t years they havo bo?n hold In thn '.Sellevue. It la ono of tho most prominent mnd wldefy known aocletlen In the country. H. S. Meeds, Jr., Exonerated Holllday 8. Meeds. Jr., aon-ln-law of Ooneral T. Coleman du Pont, was exoner ated today by tho coroner's Jury of tho chargo of causing tha death of Ernest Forbes, nine years old, of 6230 Cheater avenue, with his automobile. Blight ot Rum Set on Young Legislators Continual frem I'l ni an Invcatlgftllon of Impure liquors being sold In Pennsylvania. II ald he had this Investigation nearly completed when, at In behest of the liquor Interests, (Jov ernor Hattlnga called off tha probe. 'I bought samples of wine, whisky and beer," said Mr, Moore, "In drug Mores and saloons all over the Hlate. Theae samples wero subjected to chemical analysis by I'rof. A. T, Ashman, of Pittsburgh, then fltata chemist "Tha conditions t uncovered were very bad, I found that the stuff which was being sold as whisky was not whisky at all, but a concoction well cat culattd to send tha user, niter a brief period, to the Ineane asylum. Of twenty threa samples of wlno nnalyzed, only, one sample contained any grape Juice. The beer was not beer at all, but n mixture which could not fall to harm tha health of the atrongest man. '"I atarted to prepara a bulletin on ths Investigation, and while I was getting It ready I happened to speak at a farmers' Institute In tho central part of the Htate. I was full of tho subject, and I Just let looso at tho unscrupulous liquor dealers for placing such poisonous stuff on tho market. ooVKiiNoit iNTi:nKi:m:i "Tho Pittsburgh papers used my address with big headlines, and tho next day I re- colved a telegram from Dovemor Hastings summoning mo to tho capital. "When 1 arrived thcro ho placed an arm over my Bhoulder and said: " "Hoe here, Frank, wo can't havo any moro of thla; we can't Injure our friends, you know.' "Tho Governor was referring to tny ad drosa beforo the farmera' Institute) "I replied, '(lovernor Hastings, I have been told that thn liquor Intnrestn contrib uted $1100,000 toward your campaign, and I hated to believe It. Now whether this Is so or not I want you to understand that I Hon t number tho liquor Imcrents among my friends,' "Tha Governor told mo not to do ntiy more work on tho Impurn liquor bulletin. In fact, ho Insisted that I turn thn work I had done over to him. Thla 1 did, but not before t had rnndo a copy of my work. This I linve at homo now. "Tho sinister Influence of tho booze ring' linn held bark thn wheels of progruin In Pennsylvania, and Prnnsylviitilu Is not going to got out of the mini Into which It has wallowed until wo hnvo driven liquor from tho .Statu. HAW HMC1IIT OF I100ZU "I headed tho tempcrnnro forces while I was In thn Legislature, nnd I enw enough of tho work of tho liquor ring. I Haw tho liquor ring ruin soorea of young legisla tors who enmo to the cnpltnl with n dcslro to servo their constituent!! honestly. Tho booze lobbyists work rapidly when they find that n young legislator tins a tanto for liquor; If that legislator has not audi a tail then they do their best to creata ona ror mm. They nil his system with boots Until hla will power la weakened, and then J Capitol Hill now looks to aeo the ax awung N, 5 BULLETIN OF GOOD THINGS FOR XMAS Now Ready Send for ropy 1232 Market St. they try to place him In compromising pol- nona witn women, so that their hold on him wilt be complete, "H la alonr these Insidious lines that tha booze ring la Working "every day In Penn sylvania. They barter In the soula and honor of young men to protect their Inter ests so that tho brewer, the distillers and the saloonkeepers throughout the State may gel their profits. "t am a thorough believer In national prohibition, but unlit wo do gel prohibition I want to seo lawa enacted ami enforced which wilt compel tho distillers and brew ers to make puro liquor. Tha ndulteratlons In tha liquor of (ho present day are filling our prisons and Insane asylums," Democrats Hold Speakership Key Continued from Pat lino a demand made for his resignation yester day by Oovemor Hrumbnugh, and Is said to bo tho result of his failure to support II rum -batigh candidates for delegates to the lie publican National Convention last spring. The Oovcrnor'a demand for Pomeroy's resignation wns looked upon an tho first blow struck by the Governor In tho present factional fight and ths forerunner of the retirement of other Penrose officeholders from Capitol Hill Uf.OW AT PBNIIOBIJ Pomeroy la n Pcnroso lieutenant, and his resignation was asked for In tha Interests of the program of legislation tho Govornor wants enacted during tho coming session. That ho was virtually discharged for polit ical reasons was alleged by Pomeroy In hla letter of resignation to the Governor: jio naiu; 1 appreciate tho atatement made liv you to me In requesting this resigna tion; that It wns not any malfeasnnco In olllco or Inetnclency on my part that prompted your request, aa the Deimri. ment of Printing nnd Hlndlng had been most satisfactorily ronductod under my administration, but because I hail failed at various tlmo to agree with you on mutters of a political nnlur Kugeno .1. LatTerty. of Philadelphia, Is one of tlm three men most prominently mentioned to succeed Pomoroy. Tin- otli- era aro A. Kevin Detrlrh. of Chnmherahiirg former chairman f tln Washington party ?,. ,? (?.m"'l01"V,1 ITogrcsNlvo leader ii tho htate, and Howard Hutz. of Hun tlngdoti County, a cloio friend of tho Gov- bf the ax by !au!mr a Statement delarlnr nis confidence that cox would be elected. over the heads of other Penrose leaders stilt holding office under the State administra tion. Governor Ilrumbaugh'S action marked ths actual beginning of the speakership con flict, so far n.i tho Vare-Urumbaugh alliance waa concerned, and the Cox supporters were elated. At tho ame time, the Perirose-MeNlehol leadership, It waa learned, Is compiling offl clal data to show from their point of view tho "small amount ot nctual constructive work done In the last eighteen months by Governor llrumlmiie.li and Attorney General Urnwn." The results of this Investigation will shortly bs announced, nnd, It was hinted, may he preliminary to a formal leglelatlve Inquiry While the antl-Urumbaugh leaders havo not decided definitely as to the advisability of Impeachment procedlnga, based on the Oliver check, they reallzo. It was admitted, that any Investigation ot the Oovcrnor'a activities may precipitate that Isstio Into Iho forthcoming Stale Legislature. For ex ample, Itepresentattve loadoro Stern, one of the McNIchol Moor leaders, Is ready, na ho has announced, to press for Impeach ment. Attorney General Ilrown ) accused of being back of the move of tho Governor to tet rid ot Pomeroy, and If his ndvlco Is fol- Tho Governor followed up (ho ii Hi 11 Diamond 0 if 1 1 f -inglna Hfill Br l)AI-HI.Mlt WTAMIAim H H O ISHjJZTZIZZ. "BS1 Guard Rinds Diamond Bar Pins Diamond Flexible Bracelets Z.J.Pequignot Jewels 1331 Walnut Street C niiii r " $n r iMr A Most Extraordinary Neclotfear Opportunity IMDESTRUCTOSCARF ItUaiBTKHKD UNITED BTATK8 PATKNT OKKJCK Americas Best Scarf GUARANTEED SIX MONTHS' WEAR Pinproof Wrinkle-less $.00 Over One Hundred Solid Colors PHILADELPHIA RETAIL DISTRIBUTOR &eAJ$& ret ONLY THE ONE STORE Z7? &eet& ::Z&Zrr, 1018 Chestnut Street Iliquitt Vt to BtnJ Illustrated Card of Colon &'BL- rilOXK: f U'llfllUI Uli An Unexcelled Value FOR THE YOUNG MAN WE ARE FEATURING THIS NEW SHOE OF STYLE AND QUALITY "Special" at .75 A 6 r V'Siri, keenly enjoy travel ingespecially on the 'Golden State Limited.9 " "Whoever was responsible for the building of this beautiful train under stood not only the needs of the trav eler, but better still, he understood numan nature. Mmmm DARK SHADE TAN OR BLACK CALF NEOLIN SOLES O'SULLIVAN HEEL Notwithstanding the Inrge increase in the cost of leather, with our large facilities we have been able to store quantities for the season that enable us to provide you shoes without the advance in price. Our variety of men's footwear represents the largest you will find with a price for every purse $3.50 to $9 and a fit for every foot. s TIH A FII.VT TO FIT I'UHT Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. Ji te- m tvt Thu JUUitary Encampment at ElPato and Wttt ptosld a continuous panorama Mry loyal Amttlcan ghoulJ . Tiehtta permit tin day ttopotmrat ElPmo, gjyy This is evidenced by the unusual service provided and the many un locked for comforts and conveniences." The above is just one expression of many commending our superior service to California. When you go west avail yourself of the splendid service provided on the superb trains "GoSdenSlateLimiied" and "CaSiforaian" via the Goldn State Route direct route of lowest altitudes and most southerly, comfortable and interesting route to Southern California. Les$ than thrsa day Chicago to Los Angeles no extra fare. Tickets, reservation and California litera ture ca request JuksJtMm&ft P The Xmas Gift Shop of Chestnut Street W lln "What Shall We ttlvo husband, fnllini. hmthnvl" -)m "What shall we give husband, father, brother?" That's always a porplexing question, beeauso he usually has everything you can think of. . , ,WnX. nof ive him something he can uso every day in his office? Something sensible, substantial, useful. He will appreciate your thoughtf ulness. We suggest among many others these appropriate Xmas Gifts for Business Men From the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Business Equipment in tho United States it it brown. putrlct I'aes'r A? sat jm wiatner Mrw l'Hune. walnut ii. Ik JblwfifefaftgSi f. T. nnnnk'ii Dst m .& Pasa'r Art.. Rttki, Roll Top lle.Ui, VUt Top lleiki, TypewrlUr Ileaki, Ilookkpf's Il(ki, Tflephom I)mU Iirop I1..U Fsdt, ()Ut Ink StaDda, IVootl ni lnk Stands, Gltu list Calandsr, Ieik Calsndar, n,U Framed lllatUr, Hand Knrlop Moliteotr Okalrs, IITol,lnr Chair I'ad Chair Outu'lOBS Dlttf Ca Trays, Correspondents Wast Ilaiksts llookcaies, ((actional llookeaasi, ltarolrlns Dlftlonory Stands Cotlaracra Cuapldsrs TsUphone jroliier Telcpliona Tables Caah Iloxca Scales, Poital I'encll Sharpeners Sale llozes Safe'Cablnete Hilar Cabinets files, Box Traveling Bass Wardrobei Letter Presses 3Iasaslue Stands Umbrella Stands fountain I'ene Pencils, Wood Pencil,, Metal Check Protector Diaries Books, Memo. Books, I.ooi Leaf Harare Thermometers Pen Knlres Nenepaper llaeki Smoklns Stands Important Announcement Visit our permanent new addition, the building next door, formerly the fc,T ' ' CaWw & Co., who have recently removed to the Widener Butldtna. f Stationers Engrav)rs Printere Office Outfitter 902 to 906 Chestnut Street bUsUr mt Bewttf! put 4 FmssmI Oretlaj, qrJ, In tb w gtwt I VlfBdaT ' ' HI. 1 tJ. 1 'Mas i mam iuf-u. m Sfil5flaeifiiWfcaBii3. K . , (owed other "hearts will roll off ths chop per's bloc" soon, It Is sitld, unjess there Is a decided chsnire In tho sentiment In fawr of Cox, Penrose men ftt HArrleburs; still my thnt llsldwln will have nt tesst 103 out of the 1J voles In ths Itepabllcan cau cus, snd HrtimbniiKh backers hixve not yet made public any tlicures. fiermann Capture Nlntty In UM tlRttMN", nee. IB. The csnturs of ninety llusslsn prisoners In a trench raid wns the only sctlon reported from ths eastern front by the War Ofllco today. Missions Msy Benefit An estate valued nl more than $100, DOO Is (eft In trust to ths widow and son of tha testator, liy the will of iteonre IC. Heed, Eleventh and Pine streets, admitted to probate today. Tlie will provides that In the event of the son's dylnir, leaving no Issue surviving, the estate Is to bs held In trust for the benefit of a nephew, at whose death the principal goes to ths Hoard of Foreign Missions ot ths Presbyterian Church of the United States. Other wilts probated were those of Frank Rurdsalf. iltO &!& vi-.l ... . , ,,. .,,( nn,! .v. In private benuests, dispose 6f brr3 valued nt SJT.flnO- Jn,hu ,.... ""Wi KVrlh Sltlh alreef. Hi flnA .. '5 "Hi Troth. 3C5 llarlng; street, IsVoflo- en,! .t" O. t)u Boll, 401 South Fortieth .!., .! 600$ Mary A. iJorsey, llfls MaifcJ'Vj Mary C. Church.- ?' 2317 North Twcntyserenth i, .,.?'?., trees, I10.S001 Mary C. Churchmsn latel avenue. 10800; Thomas F ?LU) 317 North Twcntyserenth .i..M25H,.. William Baker, 1381 Penn street lisW" 3 Martha Freal, who died In Cotiit. Jl'04 1 N. J.. $3000. -0'llniiroe4, ASSP wM fsieaisBasnisiii mi mmmmmemmmmmimmi minm i is HARBURGER'5 Vkere Small Sums nave a B Bic UVl PoAver .... JwfT'MjttW.-w'i B' i . :-ii ,Vi. ..' i m: Y Pendnnt U I'M 1 fine whl II.!.' "4'..' . , I.VUi!i! wm , tUiX' ''I.1lt "' '.V ".Si Diamond Jewelry The Most Permanent Gift Diamond 81 I l'endnnl 1U 7 fine will ulalnonde Kl In flolld i;o,a inountlnr. chain Included. si Wekjr mrnLi 'Vail !. ill" Atflt '" ' Iltnmond CA Hulllnlrr 0J Fine while tone Jn ll-ki. eolld cold ntountlnr, S1.BO IVeektr H K I v ,1 Diamond 9QC ,','. )i iioop '-'' r Diamond Hoop Two n n e white d I a mande and n.i phlre. IJ TTcekly A'.'V:.;!''1.'..' I' .: ftilP'I'V ."! 40 Dlumund lirvr Three fine white die monda or 2 diamonds and lODhlre. ruby or enierald. SI Weekly w Diamond PCfl Ilclchrr 0J Fine white rflRmonil. In 14Kt. olid sold eettlnf. ll.BO Wceklr (L 1 fs Diamond Gf f, llluK Oil iX I fine whit a Jj vwHonuej give M fi g olitalre. ---.. si.so weeki, t 1917 Art Catalog on Request f ysssirsbi:- v; -iiwaass &i fmSfmm ILrtnDUKUEK J s-Kfc B Hfc KM4ChGstnut St '11':' .Mg Open Evening Until Xmat, 1S(ry, I .cut45xlH'rS DIAMOND BAR PIN, ?S i J? t I Uo'eni'sb ' w H.i A waskU. jpl ::&fify$$; arMI4 W ; which is more accessible to the gift giver who desires that which will truly express his or her feelings than the ordinary gift when using 0uv 3Perfectefc CreMt intern An original and individual plan that gives to credit all the buying power of cash. Realizing that the great draw b a c k in - Diamond buying is the large cash outlay at one time, we originated this plan of selling high grade Diamond Jewelry on a basis that makes it not only a possibility to own Diamonds, but a good, sound business transaction that is economical from any standpoint. At Christmas time the advan tage of this plan is even more accen tuated on account of the many demands on our pocketbooks. So thoroughly have we perfected this service that credit becomes the same as cash, giving- the values that would ac company a cash transaction. The initial payment, which gives im mediate possession, is small, and the sub sequent payments so arranged, covering a long period of time, that the giving of a Diamond Gift becomes an easier pur chase and far more satisfactory to both tae giver ana recipient. 3Ian'a Wntch D OetSBonal ehape. Illinois movement. Si wk r. naf i m . ' c V Sapphire 9Qt Clnnter OU Ileal eappblre. eurrounded with 10 line white dlamonde. II wk. i,.-jv' .'?' ." '.,.. u:wmm -; Ft .W'-' Diamond SQv Hoop QJ . S nne white diamonds In lt-kt. mount' inr. S3 Weeklr. 1. -.il S: Dlnmondtl 1A Prlncra 11U 11 fine whtts dlsmonde. eet In platinum it (old. t.l) wk. ti ijtf";'"1,? V-' i Di?,"e '100 I flne white Jul dlamonda l.i 1 I platinum anl sold. ft. 00 wk. I p. I i nn i Jr, :SMiRi Diamond SOC La Valllern -0 ,."1 w(s dl monde In eoltd Sold mnnnlliifv chain Inc. l wk. 1 'i Diamond A ft I Solitaire 1U I Fine white dl mood; li-kt. aul Id c-old mounr us. lw wiiur. I 'M3ilMMmammEmMlHS:- ,rU. I j- attte.fiu e -. -. -. . . j . -