pat!y!B"wWej m waning- iDaiSH-piaDAixsLHiA itiiiday, disomibmi w, ioig 4 o v: La ' f-B' 753? , - rri. am h' i,r.l0Tr,,, A n . y-Jt r3 f-w j E&&J2S2XJ22f fiS81.!ffltw- " J. iBzat)ti AUSTIN flfente ilene. flfllJl chestnut ! . rm Hue. no we 14, HAi! NUT AU8T: " ."X.!1""''! -Dec 19. CHAnt.KH tl tlAnNRN. L'a . aged tin Relative ami friend service. Sat .1pm, Oliver II. lain iUBin.ii .1 -1 ... ,. invited to Tf,Weetmln,ter Com. '' " ' - JiWS"CB. .uf.c " "A MUM, W , ItARNB!. iJTVS... "Li'.v '" "no Invlled to fu jeral, Mon H So . m, fmm 124 K Durham ??.. Jr'SH."1 lrr. Solemn feoulem man Holy XVlJT!1' '." "i int. orient. wiSAJ0" "f . '' MArtT Kt.iBATinTlt, Siaaw of Jm Hateman ami diiignter of lata K Joon "nil I ydln Hall McCluakey, aged at. rnnara! service at r1lm.a, 200. N faith at. nln'SiR m.. Inl .rrlvat. limit flower nincil Ojc. U. WILLIAM J,, a.m nf Jill: UYIfiL V nq Annie mrrn inea Klenel. aaea 1 1:1 ill "! -"" '"""' metnner or 71011 ti.rman luf'2!' Bonds School ami Central Ugh School, Ir.vtted to funeral eervlc. Bun , I D M . narpntr ee.ld.n,, till IT f -.,I.mi,i ? . !nl '.'"'I iMlow' Cam fc.SHv'iI'Br-rDrT " ?0RNBi.tua, hi... Snd of Marr A Blank er fnea flearvi. 11. 1.. and friend., employe of 1. 11, T , In ! .,,.nX!;, -,P' 8837 Mt. Vernon 1, Ml- '.ion Cam, Remains msy b viewed -i i. ftr A ttmviriM IAN, At Atlantic Cll Clly, N J . Wee, I , II llnartrin sasraiift ft I . l;ifif wlfi of IMwarfl ll riownwn met 5 fieiniivrn ni irieTirn Hiiivi(ca in -- rf-a - .'-. -.!:. J--"""-'" -- .1 ...i,.i.r, ( in iuiiik art - ifacV. 408 N Jlllnol. av t . 2.p, m Inl. Ilaai Wt . . 2 'p, m Jn(. Iatiiirlllft Ckm . I1H N IIIinl r al Unl a I'llu J t . , IJUTIi-r-UAr in, HAHAIl. wMotr of flumuM poril. Italatlrea ami frlrmla lnvttl to Mflri, ftV"V s P T i.tfiliKnca of aon In-law, John M. Ktilr, ha2S Aapfn at Int ill, Morlah Vm Auto funeral. Friend may vlow remain Hun. llttADT, Dop. 13. ANN1B wlfa of Michael F. llratly and ilaushtar of lloa and lha lata fatrlck llurrlan, naeit At. Itelatlvea and f!?.,,J?d1.,nv,,a 'o funeral Hat., an a. m.. J10 Hhamokln at, . Holmti reaulem maei Cathedral lu n m. Int Holy Croea cni -.intHIOS At llarrlaburc. !., Dec. 14. nAClliJ, A IIUKKIH (ne fampbell). wife of William W. )itl, formerly of Kolaom, I' . aaed 04, llelatlvra and frl'nd Invited to erv t;ea, Mon.. 'J p. m Oliver 11. Hair Hid-. lb'JO Cbeatnut at . l'rilla Int Mt Mnrjali Cm, nitOWN. Dec. 1.1. HtHAN WAV IIIIOWM Cneo Mulllann), wife of Marry it. llrown. Jtela tire and friend Invited. to funeral, Sal. 1 p, m.i ssji v. nrin ai. mi n jviorinn uem, iti temaln may b viewed Krl of, to lu P. Til. 11UCK. IJeo. 14. l.tK.lli V , widow of Dun ui I 11. jiuck. iieiaiivea ami irienua invueq 10 funeral aervlcea, Hal,. 2 11, iii;i ei. loin at. Int. nrtvate. limit floral nftertnea. rM... ... 111 . 1 UtlNTINd Per. 14. C'ATIIIilllNF) I' . wlfa f niwood fliintlnir and daughter of late l.owl rind Anna Otto, aiced IH ItelatUe anil friend nvlted to funeral eervlre, reahtenre, Andalmla, llurka Co , I'a , Mon,, 1 p, in Int. Itrlelnl Cam. OOADV. Dec. in. TIIOMAM II t'DADV. hu. nand of lata UllialHith dimly, formerly nf Mlneravllle, l'n, HelatUe and friend lnlleil to funeral. Hat.. .0 n, m.. aon-ln-taw a renldenra, Michael I, CarnJII, 1(111 N Ullli at. Mae Ht, Aurnaei J, ll Malachy'a t'l City. lfa. 'I k. m. roll I hurrli 7iln a. in Int. Mahnnoy Train lenvra ilrnnd Ht (IIr. u ll) villa IPii 1 itAnem t nitv COtiT:. fief-. I I. ! (Altl.KH UlOfM hnahitn.l ef May Frlel Cole, nrd (2, Holenm retiulem Hue Ht. Michael' Church. 2d and Jertoreon t,. Hat., lit m,, to which relntlvr ami lena Are Invileil. Ilernn na mny lm viewed Pi . t In in r, tfl In 'I M 411, l Inl llnnnla re r?eirrrrv)illtmorn, Mil '. Mon .'noon. Ilalll- tnoro and AVaahlnnlon imoere copy, COI.KH, Dec. 13. IIUHKN If, huabaml nf Floranco O. Cole. Itelalltea nnd friend, em riloye of ahoo department nf Hlrowbrldn clothier. Invited to funeral, Hun. 2 n. in, 1 1 1 n Buclld ae, Itemnln mny bo viewed Hat., 8-0 p. m Int, private, Arlington Urm. . CONN, Dec. II. JOHN bueband nf late Jan Conn, aon of I to William and Kmellna Conn (nee Ilnrxer). Ilelatlea and friend In vited to funeral (ervlrra. Hat , 2 i, m , real, denca of brother. Thoma Conn, ISai K. llerl, t. Int, prlvnto, Wet Laurel Kill Cam. lie- main may io viewea xri n fo lu p, in CltAYTllOK TIUJIUM. Al IlifVeriy N J.. Den, IS. ihaau THU.11AH. fiueiitth.i of lot T. Craylhorn, iieiaiivv nd friend Invited In funeral aervlce. Bat., 2. p. Int. nrlvutH. ill, 11 VIIUIVII fll., JJCYCTiy n, J, . bANicoilTH. At prtmenl of ilmmhler. Mr, w. 11, Mcl'arlanil. Ilnmllinn Court, l'lilln , Der, 1.1. ANNA lll.l.AIlilTII. wldoiy of t'hnrle Allen Danforth, naed ill llolalltra nml friend Invited to funernl aervlce. Hat , 8..1H i m , rrioenca of ana Alary jt. Tnoicer, 28 evergreen race, Knat Oranffe, J. lilt Itoaedalo Cein., ' wl Oranae, N. J. UULANY. Dc. nKOfldB A.. ann nf ludolph J, nml nmllr T. Delany, telntlve and friend Invited to funeral, flat.. S'au n. in., parent' reaidence, J 11 N r, 1 1 h l. olrmn .requiem nine Church nf Our l.ndy of Victory 10 n. m. Int, Old cthedrnl Cem. DONA1IIJU- Urn, 12, Mrtlir. wirt, ot Tim. nthr Donahuo (nea. Itnlrdonl of llncarliery. iL"."V7 lrk' 'f'S":'' .llclallv. nnd friend In. Tiled to funeral. Bat.. 0 a. in , aawi W. Dnkota jt. Huh iiua nf rniuleui nt Church uf Moat J'reclout Jlloqil 1(1 u. in, Inl, Holy Hepulcher 'IjltAKB. Dec. 12, J. NKlJtOtt. huebiinrt nf Fannla II. Drake, llelntlve and friend, officer and employe nf rielachmnnn' bnl.ery nnd Ivy Irtdg;, No. 203, I. O. o. f.. invileil if, funernl firrlre. Sat., S v ni.. 3Ti;i l'ulankl av.. loa, Int, prhate, HllleUIn Cem , la funeral enr. flemaln may be ilered rrl, ee. ESCANDKI,. Dec. 13. JOI1.V, hu.bnnd nf Henrietta tiarandcl nnd ann nf into Jnaenh A and Annlo Kacandel, ned lis. Itelntlve nnd friend, member nf llricklayei' Co., Invlled In funeral. Hat,. 2 ti. in.. 22211 H. Chmlvvlck t.(17th and Wolf i.l int. IVrnwiKxl cVm. Friend may call Trl. ev. .Auto funerul KVANH. Dp. la. I.I'.II.V 11. ISVANU ii.l.. .. -!.-. ' :....,- ,i, ..,:.-... ...-.. .-""- lira nnu iriviiun tvnniiiiiHiuii i aimi. no 7.18 itm I I', o, a, Ol A ! l-miit l.nilxe. No. 61, y o Jl, 1 liarrie v-neii,', ,iu, ri,, jviliuntn or tiulilen aiie, invueu in jiiiii-rai. jinn . - p. m, 211 i'rl. join ai, jiii. ,-ui loriau i;em. Aulo fu- Wl KVKIlt.Y Deo. 1.1. WII.MASf nr r-i.... jf... -., t- i.;i-i.- .:Y"...7""- ..- .v'"., '"' UJX.Ul Wll'l WHim III.IIXi Hl .11 IieinilVe ml frlenda Invited to fiineraL aervlce Hun.. 1:30 p. in,, parent' reilik'nce. itm Tulln at. Int. tlrni'irnount (Vm KALKNUIl, Deo. 1.1, lit 2511 H. -tfltti t W, Pbll.. Uev. JOHN I) rAt.KNi:it. D. t.I Eed 84, Krlenda mny cull nt HI, Matthew' Cnurch, lflth at. and Ulrnr.l ave Hot., between 11 and 12 n. in., and al Chrlet Cliurrh, Tulpe nocken and McCallum l , (Itn., between 1 and s p. m. Bervlcea In Chrl't Church, 2 p. m. Int. private. FOItD. Dee. 12. tlnuehter nf, lata Mlrhael and Ilenlrlco I unl. Itelntlve nnd friend invited to funeral. Hat. 8 in n in., atnter'a realdvnce, Mr. Annie 1C Ilnmllinn, 2244 H, TOlli at. Holemn high min of n-iulim fit. Jamea'a Church 10 a. in, Int. Holy L'ro Cem. Auto funeral, Ulnrz 6eo. is, HAHAII Il wlfo of Charle W, Oelti, atieil 78. Itelnlhe and friend In vited to funeral aervlce, Trinity Lutheran Church, Manon. Delaware County, Pa , Mon , 3:311 p. ni. Int. Arlington Cem, friend may call Hun.. T to 0 p. in. OILHOOI.Y. Deo. 14. nKOINA, daughter of John J. and Mary llllhooly (nee waldrnn). aitrd 4 yr. fl mo,. In da. IteUtltea and friend Invited to funeral. Hat., 2 P. in,, pn rente' real dance. 2308 i:. Thompann at Clint Wurd). Int. New Cathedral Cem. ltemalna may be viewed Ifrl . after 7 ti, in, (ibKI.LElt. Dec. IS JOHN tHinAflTIAN, huiband ot Catharine Uneller tnea rltitub) and on of lata Chnrlea nnd t'alharlna Ooeller, It, la live and friend luttted tq funeral, Hat., H a. m.i 2703 Oxford at Muaa nt requiem. Ht. I.udwlir' Church, 0-10 a. m. Int. private. Iluly Senulcher Cem, Onilt flower. Autn rortrae, OOLiDHEno. Deo. 13. MAHTIIA. wife of Hernnrd Uoldbera. Ilelutlve nnd frlenda In Ited to funeral. Hun.. 2 p. m,, 1430 N. Krunk. tin t. Int. Mt. t'aniwl Cem OOULDY. Dec. 12. I'ATHKIIINK W widow of John aoutdy. ltebithr and friend Invite,! to- funeral aervlcre, Frt,, 8 p. m , nlece'a real. denca, Mra Chnrlea A lloftman, 1421 Adam av,. i-Tanmorui aian Mat., ii a, in., at jener o-ivlll tl'.) l'rebytrun Church. Int, In rhuerh amunu. Norrletown paper rupy. ll tltl'KU. At Atlantic City. N J.. l)r', 14, RVAN I.UVIH. third? aon of Cc-IIU nnd late Jamee Harper. ItehttUca and friend Invited o rlce. Hun . 2 p. m., Oliver II. Hair Itldir., BH Che(nut at , i'hlU. Int. prlvajji. North, wood Cem. .. HAHT Dec. 13. anoitan W . on of Levan It, and Naomi and xrandeon of late tleorav and Ullta Hart, aenl 3-'. I'unerul aenlcea and Int, private. Hat, aft 1311 N Cnnvatoxa t IIAntLKY Deo 13. THOviAU W huband of Emma D, Hartley, agrd I3 lielatlve and frlenda, loaka. Tribe, No ,370, 1. O. It M.i Vahloalon Ijjdire. No. ll H of If. I Phll.i. Electrlo llnnlf. Aio.. Invited to funeral aery pea. Bat.. 2 p. m.. 718 W. Tloaa t. Int. CMJ Fellow' Cem. Friend may tiv remalna rrl., 8 P.P?i...Au!?. funeral. ,, rf U1AHI1, " Jifc, ? UKAinur, U11U PJ"ll , H,lllT,. "im (liruue. Oeaanit Vereln, . Harmonle. and l.ledertafel, all other aocleiie. invited io lunerai ervice. nun., S V. in.. 2300 N. 20lli at. Int, private, ML mBTlNOS Deo. 13. MAIIY V., widow of William p. Haatlnv. Relatlvea and friend Invited to funeral rvlce, Hun., 2 p. m., 23 N. r.tmlinwood. al, (jbov t2d and Market). Int. HAYE8. Dec. 13. JOHN J. 1IATBS, of ilary tUe. Itelatlvea and JrlenJ. lnvtJ to funeral, Mon.. 8:30 f. m., 1019 Creaa at. Oateinn requiem ra Church of Iminaoulato Cuoceptlon lu a. m ..Int lloly Croa Cem HBISI-KY Dec 13, JOHN. huband of Caro. line Htialey. and eon of late John and Mary Milv aaea 48, Itelatlvea and friend. Mlnne tsflj , tjOdf. No HI, I. O II. M , Court Pride. So 437 I' of A , J-iJ Ward Kepubllean Club and H9ri.e,hoera' Union. No. 184, invited to fu iiral Service Bun.. 2 JO p in , V3JU Htentou v.. Qermantown. Int fforniwooa Ln. tPmS POLLY AND HER PALS -jTHfe. wr i!m Has 4nybody Seep Pa's Hat and Qane? iCiirft IttW M5WaHl I :: ' wmmmmmmmW iv . ' r "r3i2 jjijiigag5 WSSt t 1 4m " mmmmt mm. iinw ij i iii ii mi ii iriffini.nir iimn i ji i j m i i i i .Mm , 1Li i jl mum i ua mi u n juii ni jhui i lumn tf.iiiiwitiniiiii mn wr - tw irrn nnrnnini n nf "I'll r n" iir i in i inj r f " r.j i '.r 'I" " ' " '""" i n inn Tirm i niiuwnfi n-.,.., , '""' -Tvii.ffnJ-ig TTrjL l u in .jili. i -ii j j MiiLii.jjf iwmFJ KAtIt JKCRST, -,. J, rETTin, hlisMnd fit lt lien iiie; IHefeej ll. fto 1 i. lib ;y. jietative ana irin inni alatlrra and frinda Invited to Man. 0 ji) a . m , ratldanM. Of on. Illeker. AIT N JOdaon ft ltun mai laMtn 'hurch 10 a m. Int Autn funeral. of rMtilern Pf rwtilcrn 111 B Holy cro rem tMr.T.ttennlirt tiu 11 tritim wir nf ful iflllaniirand. atad fS, ltflatlfn and rrlfmla Invited 10 fWrat. Pat , I! 3D .a. m, t;U Jlancn . of on. Joarph lllllenbraml. 1U21 Harold at, lllth mat Ht. Ann-a Church 10 . m. Int llofr f)pulch'r Cm. ...!!QW'"w,"wo,Vlf ro, U, IJBIB jl jroM.l.VostvoilTn tna roonr), widow of John A. ItolllnaaitoHh, It 1 and dauahter of 1-Atinl Coopar lf In and lata liutfna T, t;oopr. Uala. tlvfa and ftlnd ara Inritad to funeral, Rat.( a. P..rn raidnr of mother, 2W7 llrnw!trt I. Int. Mount Aloriah Com itoLMi; -hi it fiiAtit.Rn w HQf-Mfi. tfiwl a Itfitalirra ami trlnd 0fonl lla. No 14. J O. p. V 1 Waahlnalnn Camp, No, sot, i, r, it of A and Hnartarua faitla, No. fif, 1 tj 1? Invlffd to funral rlf". Mon 3 3K p m, low FnulVrod at . Frank ford tlmalnf ma l viewed Hun, 8 to 10 p. m. nrci7ttWr-,l!lic'iy. .IKOIUIR QUINTAni. JIOItWITX,, ard 4. aon of lata lir I'hjnaoa J. itorwlti maitkal dlractor of th L'nltrd flint'a Nar. at realUence, 1731 Walnut m. Hemlcea PPHK . 12. .JAMIiH T;. Iiofbanil of Annfo Iluahea (naa O'Hmirka), Holailvna and frlnd lnyll.l to funral, Hat,. n.KI a, m.. JBSO H Uiifnthor at, t2l)th and pirklnann la 1, lilan mux of reouli-m HI, llabrlel'a Church 10 lfTclrafcleCf.,ffi.!lWIl.M V.O' rrraricK and lata Carolina icauurr, niw i"t Italatlrra and frlemla, .flaarmakera' liril Union. No 101 Invltad to funaral. Hat., 1 p. m , raldnra of brolher, Jacob Icklnaar, Bin Illtnur t Int llallevua im. A11I0 aorvIM Hemnlna mnrl9t'wi rrl , to 10 p. m. , 1.1AM II . aon of Harah l Mro, formerly .of Camden, and lato Jnhn Jnilae. aire. I .111. liel live and memi indued to. lunerai Kt: In., ftaelere nt -Inaenh If. Murray A Hon. Iiuv Iver- Market t Camden, N. J, Jnt. witate, . IcflATlNf! Deo M.JAMr.H A . Iiueband of Abbl i;lln (nee Kelley), !. .3 J, ..Dim nollea jtlirn, from lle reeldenc, 2812 Hulh et KRlfril IM la, KIHIKNH I. iiiKbond Anno Keefe, (nen Worrell! Ilelntlve and friend. Han Salvador Council, K. nf (', In vited to funeral. Hat., k'SO ... m, Hid N..HI. Ilernanl at. (Roth ami Wynlueln ave ). ,11111 ma of reaulem Chureli of our Mother of Bor row 10 a, m. Inl Holy Cro Cem, , ,, , Ki:i,l,Y Htlddenly. l!ep. 12. Wll.l.IAM M . huebnnd of K.lla M, Kelly, naed (ll Itelatlve and frlende. Ilalph I'llllnit TemDl. No 0 p. W. A.t Ivv Council, No 18. K I' A , Ine , and Attn Friendly Hoclety, Invited to funeral "ervlree Hat , a p. m . M.'SO lluuvler l Int. Applebach- ICKMP Dec 1.1 HAI1AH A , dll'Khler of ln( (leorae and Martha Kemp Itelatlvea nnd friend Invlled lu funeral aervlce .Mon , !l m. nephew' realdenre. Oenme I! Kemp. 2nj(i H lOlh et Inl prlinl Itemnln may bo viewed MTi:iVA,ll -P-llrc II. WILLIAM, bujlmnil of Mnry Weppard, aged IIJ, Ilelntlve nnd .friend invlled In funeral. Moll, Hill n in .312(1 Ns 2lt el Holemn renuletn blah nine Chiirrh of the Hilly Huul 10 ll. in Int. Ho' Hepulcher 1Ta roiifin Dee is.nmviN maiioimi. hiielinnd nf ninma Mnnr f.a I "rue lleldenc. 430 H. Both t ltelatlvennd friend Invited lo funernl a-rvli-. Hat 2 p. m , Jjnrlora nt David (I I'rnnlienlleld Hon. 3-'-' N 112.1 et. Int. iirlvnle, Woodland Cem. New York nnd Han l'rnlieeo pajier ropy I.AlVllllTY. Iler 13 CA1 IIIIIHMI!. wife ot .lame K, Lnfferly. rtlnllye ntnl friend", 1.n.lla- Alivlllnrv nt A O It.. ItlVlted lO flinem. Bnt R 30 n. m 1"0J N. .Tuleon t. Holemn renuleiii m Ht. i:ilxbeth'a Church In n. m. Int. Hoi'' Hepulcher Cem Allto aervlce I.UAIIY. Dec. 12. ANN!!, Widow Of Joaanri Ix-nry. formerly of l.ltt Annln at Itelntlve nnd frliml Invited to funeral. Hut . H .in n in i . eon-ln-law'a realdenre Jntne Mcl.nuahlln, 4.111 lvnn at . Frankfanl. Hob-inn rmulem m HI. Jouchlm'a Church III a. m Int. Cathedral TkIINIJUT Dec II. 1IKNIIY tl I.nilNIirtT. aged 70. I-Mneral aervlce Mon., II n in, 7131 Hpramio "I , Ml Airy (HeUKwIrk Htntlinil, Inl private. Ml Vernon Cem limit flower I.YONH ll-u. 12. FIIANCIH XAVIHIt. ed IS, eon of Patrick J and Mary I.jnnn Inee Ale tlueklnl Iterative nnd frlende, Ht Oiibrlel' II. V. M Modality nnd Iluly Nami Huehtv, Hoy' Catholic IIUli Hchool cln of HUH, employe of P It. T. Co., Hehuvlklll Ave. Hhop, Invited to funernl, Mon . 8 3(1 a tn , parent' reeldeme 1 130 H, Until et Holriuu high maea of million, Ht. tlnbtjera Church lu n. in. tut. Holy Croe '" m'o'i IIIIIIU: -Der 1 I ANNIP M MacltrilDH (nee Judge), wlfo nf Agnew Mncllrlde. lleln llve and friend Invlled In funernl aervlce. Mon. 10 10 n m 17(11 Kninkford nve Int. "a'cKK'l'.OeT;, .1, F.tANCn, MAC., nged 78 llelmlvra and friend In vltrd to funeral aervlcea Hut 2, P m., parlor of Hubert P Morton Hon. 7IH . OOtli at. Int Leverlnglnn Cem .,,..,,,,. MAI1AIKIH Hudilenly. Dec 11 AHY H1.1Z Alliyrlt, eleter of latn Hiunuel J Unuure. of llrvii Mawr. Pa Due notice if f.neral .from Oliver It I In I r lUiU . 18211 I'heelnul I . l'lilln MANNINU Ne llrntviirill, Ihii I J. Ill.l.A IIKIII A., widow of Jnhn I'. Manntnr nnd inolher ef Ilev. Hylvrtr P Mnnnlng. ltlllve nnd friend. Leacun of H lcrnl Heart nnd 11. V, M. Hudnllty of Acnlon parlh, Invlled to fu neral, Hat.. 8.KI a. in., n.13.1 D l. Hnleinn re. nulem ino Church ot A-Milnii HI h. in Int. Holy Hepulcher Cem, Auto funernl MAIlltlOlT .suddenly, Her ft, nt I.n An-j-eiew Cnl . I1I.I.A H . widow of William II AInrrlott Funernl nt tho convenient n uf tin, family, nt nn'a reilence, Frank ll 112.10 t'nrpenler l. Int. prlvnle. Writ Ijiurel "ma'pi'ii: Dec. 13, MAltY A . wife, of Valen tino Mini re. lined 40. formerly of Pottevllle p,i Itelntlve and friend Invited tn funernl, Tue , 8 n, m 1743 Hoybert at High nan of reuulem CHiirrli of the tleu ll 3(1 n, m Int tlennnn CathoMc Cem , I'oltnvllle. Pu, Puttavllla paper C!irclllllDK Deo. 11. at New Hheran. N. J., ANNIi; MOHAN wife nf Wllllmn Mcllrlde, Itel. ntlvea nnd friend Invited to funernl, Hnt 8-:m a. in., nephew' reaidence, Jnmea Mornn, 3710 N. Judaon al, (24th t. nnd l.ehlgh nvo I. High ma of requiem Church of Ht. Columbi III n. m Int New Cnthedrnl Cem McllF.HMO'rr Dec 13. FltANK J MeDRIt MOTT. on uf lain Jnme J nnd Mnry A Mr liermott (nee Hculllu) Itelntlve and friend. Hon Halvnilar Council, No. 283, K. of C, nnd lial No. 117, O ll 11 A , Invited tn funer al, Mun . 8 it ill , (1.17 H lliuntirey al (2illh nnd llnliibrblge at I Holemn requiem iiinia Ht Anthonv a Church II 30 a. m. Int. Holy Crum Cem Auto funeral MiUHi: Deo. Id, HIJHAN, widow of John McUco Itelatlvea and friend Invited to funeral, Mon,, 0 n, m . Hon'a residence. John McOee. 2010 Titan at. tSlllh and Wharton l ). Bnlomn mat of rniulem Ht Anthony' Church 10.3U u. nu Int. Holy Cro Cem McOONVAN. Dec. I.', HAItAll ,T widow ot John Jumci Millownn, aged 78, Itelntlve and friend Invlled lo fiinenil aervlir Hat,, l.llu p. in,, reaidence of on-ln-lw, Mttlu 1- Horf man, 808 N. 42d t. Int. IVrnwood Cem. Friend ttmv rail Crl. eve.. 8 to II MoLAUOIIMN Dec 13, MAIIY 5. widow nf Hdward McLaughlin Duo notlco of funernl, from rrldence of brother, Tliomna H MrPnll, 21311 Taakrr at New York city paper copy. McNULTY. Deu 13 JAMK.1 J., mm ut Uiur end lata Jamra McNulty, 1 uneral Hut,. 8 30 a m.. 2.1JU H Kith t Mnea of rniulem church cf Ht. Monica, 10 h. m. Int. private. Holy Hvpulcher Cem. Autn aervlce, MKItTZ. Dec 14. (IKOIUIU. huabnnd of Anna Merta and eon of late Mlcahel nml Mag dalene Merit. Due notlco of funeral will be given, 11211 Hharknmimnn nt, MIDDLKTON. Tvvelflh Month Uth, HAI.t.lB A., vvldow of Frank It Mlddleton Funeral ervlce. Heveiith-day, I .ail ). m . 140 I.'. Main et Mooreatown, N. J. Int. Colratown Cem, 'train leave Phlla 12:30. MH.DHNIItCIKl Dec. 14, AHOHHTIJ, widow ot Charle L. Mlldenbcnt. need 7B. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited tn funeral aervlcea, Hun , 2 p. m , residence uf aon-ln-law Charle T Kammerer, 2112 H. 10th at, Int. I.ufaietU Cm Autn filnarnl MII.I.KII. Dec 14, CHAItt.KH huaband of late Amelia Miller, aged SI, Ilelailvra and friend, alno Iidge No. A4. !,. O. of M. . McKean Yearly Uenf, Ao,i ull other vorletle of which he wu a member. Invited to funerul, Hun., 1 V. m,. 1118 Hnyder ave Int. private, North- wooi I'eni, I rieuua may can Dai eve. Autu funeral, MILI.HIt Dee. 13, at 2300 W Oiford at., C'IMIIA H, Mil. I. lilt, widow of Janie II Miller, aged no, Itelatlvea and friend Invlled to funeral aervlce. In Frt Iteformed Church, Hprlng City. Pa . Mon., 12 noon. Int. :( lucent Cem Itemalna may bo vlevwd Bun., from il tn 8.80. P, I" MILI.HIl. Dec 14, WIM.IAM A. MII.I.KII. Itelatlvea and frlenda, William L. HrhniUer Lodge, No, 410. F. and A. II., Commercial Dept of Hell Tl. Co.; member Helect and Common Council. Invited to funeral aervlce. Mon., 2 p. ni , 2333 B, l-'ih t. Int. private, Auto funeral. MOHAN. Deo, 13. JAMGS J., huiband of Peart and aon of John J, and lata liabella Moran, Du notice of funeral will be given, father'! reaidence. 2220 Thompaon et. MUI.LKH. HuddenlV, Dec. 14 JOHN O., hueliand uf Anna M, Muller (nee Ituperlui) and on of Dora and lata Jacob Muller. Itelatlvea and frlenda, Phlla, 1'ollra Pemlon Fund Aeeo,, inenitiee of 2dth Pollen Dletrlct, Tongwea Tribe. No, 322. I O. It. M. Ural Order ot Mooae, Lodge No. 84. Invlled to funeral eervlcea, Mon , 2 p. in,, 2311 C. Uordou at, Inl private, N C.dr Hlil Cent MUI.LKH. Dec. 13, Til Kit K3 A MULI.En (ne Welnrelch), wife of Uion Muller. aged 06 Itelatlve and friend Invited tc funeral ervlce. Bun., 2 p. m . 2(133 W. Buiquehanna ave. Int. private. Northwootl Cem, Itemalna may tie viewed Hat , a Id III p m MtritltAY Deo IS. JOHN TYN'O MIIHIIAT tielatlve and frlende, employe of John CuV -i riOOiKS K'IaJ .SpUlD ADjORllzrv' OP A ywAni l VMQCt IP Yoo Kixi. nrs cur Quid thiaikiu' ABoor' 1 w YoLMmm I Ifvi TrilAlKul' ABO0T i r Vi TtTlo! i-- 'i iu'i-' m 'irn i riMam -,.7 'm ii - wiih 1 1 hi Js,.h"- aflnai i m ! mtSituawmsL u, vj 2rmmi W-jumpi i f izri -. . ,iWTHr iejtn Bon, .20 r. nv.. nei Invited to. (nneral aertlcef, Jiat,. haw'a rtldrnc John. H, liord. 013 W Jlarper at. Int Farnmiod Ctm W.rz .-;! HO IEIIT.K . eon ef Bdwanl and Pearl lut, aged 31 Ittlatlre and friendi, Urar tonnrll No, 031. I P A. Invited to (unerrervlree Mat. a p tn , parent' reel dene 8903 MrMahnn ve , dermantown Int Nnrtn f edar.Klil i em Itemaln may be viewed Bun .7 to 9 p m , NIXON. -Dec 1.1 BAItAlt NIXOM, wlfa of William Niton Itelatlvea and friend Invited to funeral aervlce Ht., a p m , sum w On. qufhann ave. Inj Mt Morlah Cem . .. . ..NOLAN -Dee is, MAIIY. widow of Iluih Nolan. Itelatlve. ami friend. ltoary Hociety, Invited In funeral. Hat , 8 M n m 3037 lw. ter et , WIahlrkon Holemn feo.ulem mun HI, John Hie iiaptiat church lu a tn Int, Bt. John' i n , NUOKNT Dec 12, 1910, MAHOArtBT A.. wlf cf (Iron Nugent, Itelatlve and frlende Invited to funeral, (fat, 8 a. m., from 137 H. 2d l Holemn m of requiem at Church of Ih. Birred Heart 9 30 a, m. Int. Holy Cro Cem. , OAKKH, Dec. 13, UKOIttlK W, OAKIJH, hll; band of Anna May Oake (ne 'Wallace), aged 24. IteUHve and friend, member of Wh Inglnn Cmp, No. 671, P. O H. nf A.( employe nf llernetrln .Co , Oiford and Oermantown nve. Invlled lo funeral aervlce, Hun, 2 P. m., reilnro nf father, 030 Kteven et , Camden. Friend may cnll Hat, v. Int. North Cedar Hill fern , . U llllTAN. Dec 12, KIjIZAIIBTII N , flingll. ler of Mary N and lata John Jt. Thomp'on, Itelatlvea and friend Invlled to eervfee. Hat, 2 n m . mother' reldence, 7BJ N Preilon t. Int.. private, Wretmlnetrr Cem . . . PAI.MCIt Der, 1.1, IHAAC, aon of III John nnd Ilinnah Palmer, Bervlce Hat., U.3U a. m , Oliver ii iiair inog . in?n uneemui at. int. private, Ureal Valley Ilnptll Cm, PANKONIKN Dee. M, Itlill.MAK, hueband of lte Martha Pankonlen (nea Iterker) lll; denre, ,113 Durfor at Due nolle of funeral will bo given. .... . PAUIi. Dec, 14, lHAIHH.I.A A. rAUL, daughter nf Inl William and Mary C Paul. Itelatlve and friend Invlled to funeral aervlce, Hun., 2pm reaidence of brother-in-law, John O ilrlgg 2.1.10 H, illh te Itemnln may be vleweit Ht. eve. Int Ml. Pear Cem . PIN roil. At Mooreatown, N J,. Dee. 13. PHILIP PIHTOII nged 72 llelatlveg ami friend Invited tn funeral, Hal ,2pm, from Trinity Church. Mooreatown. N J Int. Wt Laurel Hill Cem . Phlla New York paper copy. nAPP At Illackwood N.J. Dec 13, I1IANK I1APP. nged no. Itelatlve and frlende invited to funeral. Hot . I p. in., at Illackwood. N J Hervlre at home Int. Illackwood. N. J. Train leave Cheatnut Ht. Ferry 11.10 a. m Prlenrl may cnll Frl . 7 to 9 p tn . . . HAl'PAl'OHT Dec 13. HOBF, widow of Divld Itappaport. aged Bl Ilelntlve and frlenda Invlled In eervlre Hun,, 2pm, 2117 Nlrhole at (21th and Columbia nve I. Inl. "'lllVlNi'lYiT-Der 13. KATIIItYN It 11F.IN HAIIDT (nee Hrhnnuffcri. wife of William. Ileln hanlt lloltlve nnd friend. Ladle' Aid Ho flelle of (liTiimn Hvnngellcal Hmnnuel Luth ,ernn Church 4lh nnd Canenier t . Invited to funeral enrvlce Hun , 1 p. in hiiahand' real dence, 2108 Hlitink t Int private. Chellen Hilt Cem Auto funeral. . . ... ...,,., ItOIIINHO.N Dee 13 HI.I.A DltAYTON. wife nf Jontltliall J llnlilnaon nt her late home. .121 11 Chellen nve , tltn Itelntlve and friend Invlled to funeral aervlce, nt ropnl Church of Atonement. Wayne, nnd t.helten nve , Mon , 2 p. in. Int. private, Ivy If 111 Cem. HCATIHItllOOII At her homo. III Wet Ches ter I2lh Mo l.ltli. CAHOI.INIJ C. widow of Henrge ,1 Hcaliergoml, In the 78th year, nf her nge llelallve nml friend Invlled In funeral, from Friend' Meeting llnuae, W. Cheatnut i . Wet Cheater 7lli Duy. I'Jtli Mo 10th, 3 P tn Train leavlnr llrond Ht HI nt I ,3 will be met HCHAKFPIlIt Dee. 12 ANNUS C, widow of fhrlallan Hibneffer nnd dnughter nf late Matbew nnd Hoie Conlen Ilelailvra nnd frlende, nln employe of Htniwbrldga t Clothier. In. vlled to funetn. Hat , 7 .10 n in , 214(1 Moor al Holemn mnna Ht Hilniund a Church V n. m Inl4r!!iiriu;r-ijn h. amtmn john i...,- band of Katherlm, Hhleber (nee Lnngl un.l enn nf Frederlrka and late flrnrgn Hchlelier, nged 1.' Iteliitiir and fflendi Invlled to funeral ervlree, Mun . 2 -in p iii , 43,1 ll Indiana ave int "WWRjIflll-P... 1l.Aim.JHTW, huaband uf Murv W Hchroer (nee Klenzel) Itrlallvtn nnd frlende, member nf Philadelphia Lodge, No. A I, I. O O. l , emploje nf Victor Mill, 121b and Jnrkenn at. Invlled to funeral aervlce Hun . 1 p in . 2J12 H. 22d t. lle miiln may be viewed Hnt, 7 p. in. Int 'Y'lVTec"'!! I.HW1H If. HIIUCK. huabnnd of Lillian II Hrhlick, need B0 llela tlvea nml friend employee nf Armalrong Cork Work llivllnl lo funeral (ervliee, Mun . I li m , mill l nnd Hlghtnnd nve , Cumden, N, J Int private, llurlrlili Cem Itemulu may be vbwed Hllll eve MUX TON Dec 12. MAIIY KI.LA, wife nf Albert Hcxton. llelallve mid 'rlehil Invlled to funeral ervhr. Hut . 1 3u P. in , 7.11 W Cum berland t Inl private HIIADH Dec 12, HLMHIt II, on nf late John mid Mntgnret Hlmde Hrtntlven mid friend Inilleil In lunerai nrvlren rrl . 7 .11 1 n m , brotber-ln-liiw' reelilonce, W 11 Urine, BJI3 Htlle t , Weal l'lilln Int prlvnle, Montgom ery Cem , Nurrletowu. Hat , at convenience uf "hMITII Dec 13. niil.ES, diughter nf lite (leorge and Harriet Hmlth, nged .18 llelallve mid friend Invited to funernl ervlre, Hat., 2 p m , reaidence of Mr JoRephlne M. Marion, 2133 II Norrlrt t. lilt Oreenniount Cent. He main may bo viewed Frl utter H p tn HMITII Her 1,1, HDWAIID II . eon of Anna 11 nnd Into Frederlrk Hmlth. Itelatlve and frleiul Invited to funernl Hervlre. reeldenev of aleier, Mra Clmrlr Horlncher. 1301 Wyom I liar nve Lomitl, Hat . 2 p m Int. private. HNAl'i: Dec 12. auddeiily. WILLIAM HNAI'H Hr lined B8 llobitlven nnd friend Invited tn funeral aervlre Hat , 2 i in , Itinj H Pnxnii at . W Phlla. Int prlvulv, Arling ton Cem Cheater puper copy MTHINMHIV. Dec 11. JACOil huiband of lulla Htelnmetj (nee I'eterman). Ilelatlvta nnd frlenda Invited to funernl. Hal, 8 a. in., lllver rd nnd (Inllow lime High inne of reiilllem Church of HI. Cdmuml 10 u. in. Int. Hnlv Cron L,HTTi;WAHT Huddenly Dec 14, IIA1IHY, nn nf Henry nnd llmina Htewnrt Ilelntlve nnd friend Invllid tu funernl icrvlce Hnt , 8 p m , parent' rrnldenci-, 2118 Christian t. Int. Hun . Cold Hprlnir Cem , Cnpe May, N J Train leave Cheatnut t ferry (P and It 1. 8:13 a. m TAY1JIH Dec. HI. NAItAII J., wife of lllllnh Taylor llolillve und friend Invited tu funeral aervlu. Hut , 2 p m , corner Penn nnd llat Clninh Inne. lendon, Pa. Int. Fern wood Cein. 1 rloiid may lull Frl , from 8 to '"tAYLOH Drc 13. THOMAS, huebnnd of Into Mar) Jane Taylor Itelatlve and frlenda. member of Third Church of Covennntera In vited lo funeral eervlce. Hal . 1 n. in,, 180 W. Huiitlnadun nt lilt Ml Peure Cem TIIO.MAH Deo Ht WILLIAM 11. huaband nf Nellie Hamaon 'Ihomn. Ilelutlve und friends emplove nf l.lovd flnrret & Cu.. In vlled to funeral aervlcea .1110 N 22d at , Hat , 3 p in Int American Mechanics' Crm. TINNI5Y Dei- 13, THOMAH T1NNF-Y nged 02 Ilelailvra and friend, nleo Altar and ltoeary Hoilety, l.engue of the. Hacred Heart and Holy Naino nociety in ni. irreia-a unurcn, ull other orgmiUatlou of which he was n memiier. Iiivltrd tu funerul. Hal, 8 30 u in. 747 H '-'(!! l Holemn reoiilem ma HI Terei' iurch 10 a. in Inl Holy Croi Cem. WAIII. U-e 13. CATHAIUNH A . wife of Frederlik C. Wahl. uged 40 Ilelntlve anil friend Invited to funeral. Bnt , 2 p in., 20J3 Cuvuga t Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. WATT Dec 13. at Ilrlllol. Pa.. A LIN COI.N WATT, nged 63. Itelatlvea nml frlende, ilrlllol Lodge No. 23 P. nnd A. M : Iirother liood of America. Circle. No. 00, Invlled to funeral lervlcr. 331 Lafayette it., tlrfilol, Bat., p ni lilt HrHtol Cem, WAY Dec 13. JOHN WAY. on of Mary (neo MoTllue) mid tho lata Frank Way, nged 30, llelallve and friend Invited to funeral. Hal., 7 ju a. m . mother's residence. 2310 11, Harold et. lleiiulem tunas nt HI Anne's Cliurrh nt 0 n. in. Int. Holy Cross Cnu Automobile '"WHH'.LDIN Dec. 12. iiAltniRT, widow ot Waahliigton Whllldln, ageil 70. Ilelatlvrs and friends Invlled lo funeral servlie. Hun., a P. ni., son-in-law's realdenre, J. llhea Craig, Jr , tb2U Cedar ave. Int. private. WI1.HO.N, Dec. IJ..HAIIAH A. widow of Wllllmn Wllnn. Itelntlve ami friend Invited tn ervlce. Hat . 2 p in . daughter's reeldence. 3800 Wallace at Int. IVrnwood Cem. Frlenda may call Frl. eve. WOOD Dec. 12, ANNA M , diughter of lata John N. and Kmlino Wood llelallve. and frlenda Invited tn funeral, Bat . 2 p. m , broth-er-lii-law'a reaidence, John II K. Lynn, 2J0S Helgraaa ii, io proceoa to i-aimer vault. UNCLAIMED TELEQIIAMS WEHTBltN UNION TKLKUHAPII CO Tool Cheatnut si. Mrs. O. Chulker, James 11, Dor herly. Mrs, Psrar Howard. L, ti. Agoos, Dr. II. D, Heyeu. J. H. A. V. Conover' Clarence W, Crammer, Udna 1 Ford, Fourth Ht, National Hank, L, It. Ooihorn, Charle Uauvlii, U. llolmatock, F. P. Howe. Mr. Lan caster, Llpley Co., E, Frank Laran. Thomas A. H, 1'ropp, Oio. Paul). J. Mclluth, K. 1), Moore, F. C. Northerns, II, J. preicott, w, D. Heel. John Hlchard & Co., Hanltatlon L Hupply Co., E, 11. Bhowell, Ionaril Hleln nifli, Thornton Fuller C2 J, Jl, Wolford, Mrs II. W. Webber. Mils Jessie Wtllon LOST AND POUND I'OLICIBH Loal, Perpetual Fir Insurance poll. rles 1010) and lTosbj. 30(jiJ and llouuo re. suectlvely, of tha Philadelphia Contribution. ehlp. Finder ideal return to bl, Jamei'i Church. 2210 Hansom at IIIIACBI.HT Lpat. platinum amfdlsmoml rtei Ible bracelet at the Metropolitan Otra House, or between that placa and the lllts-Carlloit Hotel, on Tuesday evening. December 12: re. ward. IC P. Ward) Canatt i Co., Com. Jllrill JIUJ1 JJUIIUlllB, ?oo?oo AliiTriui'iil WOiU'D ly&jJLlKE. VfeR RaJT5 yo tSfc JtVR4AjV?JAl' AJ COORt If SOU ws A MODEST 9b0&- riHirViff LtK 'YcA.Lj Hr1. $m fa l $b WPsHWBWapslpBSICBAsssBsSaSgJwrtMBlssJbHB MSX AN J70UKIJ Coatleaed i" rrrcrdtno cftm irOUCr rerpetnal pollry No 1429 Meehinle In Co.. of Phlla covering en property 2023 Wilder si . hi been loit or mlilalif. Applica tion ! been md for ntrr pollry 429 H Ilh WATCH -ttat. Id rold vrrlit watch and 11 U" Ileward rtd It hraeei.r. marked ''M 11 f. returned to 0129 Wayne ave, i (Jermantown. Phono uermantown 7nz 1IEI.P WANTED FEMALE ACRXrtH peer) etperlenced ehocolil roller aareawomen, randr peer and wrappera, Apply Contecttonery Depart ment, 121 N. 8th it. I1BI.T. TBLFiPlIOND Ul'l-IIAI VT1NO Wnrk tmr voiir horn In pleaiant and healthful. iirroumllrt, wllh etceilent oppor tunities lor rapio aarancemeni. There ar twenly-elghl Pell Central Orflrre In Phlladelphlai probably there l one within a few blorka from your home. Cnuaual oppor tunities for eerneet, Inlelllarnt loung women between 18 and 22 year of age. New employe mi paid while learning and are rapidly advanced. Pleieint dining rnomi, where the beat of food I sold al coil In ovary Central Office. Comfortable sitting room for reading nu relixntlon. Opoorlunlly for advancement to Ben tor nd Hupervlilng poilllon. ' Apply at 400 Market afreet, dally, except Hundny, 8 3d a. m In 0 p. tu , or evening hetweeii 7 nnd 0 at any of tho following Central Office: SO W Chelten .ave Oermantown. B4lh at nnl Woodland nve. 17th and Diamond at l,anrntrr nve. east of B2d l. 400 Markut it. CHAMIIHIIMAID nnd waltrra. rolored, Oral cla, wnted In family of 21 reference re- quired, 332 H.JOth Bl. COOK lliperlepred (termiin rook, email private famllv, gout) waie. referei at. Phone Poplar I9J0 W, lamiiv, gooti wnie. reierence. 1&U8 n. lltn COOK Wnnled, irood tolored cook fur n email Inn Addrra l:ir, W. Hprlngfleld !., Cheat nut lllll Phone .1211 Chrainut Hill. niiu.ft 14 tn 17 )er nf age, for various de PiiHinenl. mperlencn mrt neceeeary. Apply Hmpliiyment liureau. LIT HHOTHHIIH OIIII.H, II to HI yenra, for bank wlndlnr Ap ply John Hromley & Hon, Lehigh nve. below Front lifMIKHY 'topper and knllTer on Hcott Wll. Ham and Htandard F machine, highest wage, tady work, beat working condition!, lljglenlc 1 leered Underwear Co., Hosiery De partment. 24IB N. Howard. IIOHHIIWOHK Colored girt wanted for general houaework, no washing or Ironing, wage 10. Apply 24113 N. luth at IIOIIHHWOIIK Cuwrlenred wTilfe gfrlT -1 In family, rood wage. 3327 N. 21lt it. Phono Tlog 712.1 J 1IOUHI7WOHK Colorr.rBlrl In tint, reference, Tho Kenmar, nnrlhweat cor. 10th and Pine ImKHY'H mnld nnd companion, while. Protestant, about ,1.1 ear of uge, bright nnd cheerful, well educated mid from good family, bent referenro required, nalary JI3 per week Ad dree H 3.11 Chealer nve , Mooreslown. N. J. MAID Wanted Immediately, a second innld, Hhlle, Prntealnnt. In combine dulle of wall re nnd chambermaid In n email family: must have some experience and good reference: pro motion ahead of right party. Phono Merlon UJ7 or nddrre P O llnx 111.. Merlon. Pa. MBHHHNOHHH Attractive rslrl mrener. over 10 vearn nf ago munt 1m willing to wear uniform Apply 010 llellevue Court llldg. HALHHOIHL for newiitand, iiermnnent ponlllon for one with good reference Apply, nftrr. 2 P ni Mr Perry. With HI Terminal. Plilln- iieipnia timi vvrntern utiiway. H WANI'HD ON HAI.AHY AND N TO HRI.Ij WONDHItl III, J'AI. TICI.IS OF 111(1 DI.MANI1 AND COMMIHHUIN i".Nri:i aiit API I, Alii CI 1,1,1. II, Mil H'.-il.l ' 1-1111,1' Ilil MAIHI 1IY CONVINCINfl TALICIHl AND HCBILIIII, HTHADY I'dHITKlN. lilt BKCUIHTY HCOIIIIIHD KAUF MAN MFII 1(1. HIS I'lll.HIIY r. HALBSWOMBN LIT HIlOTIIBIlfl require experienced ele women for vurtou dcpartinc nts. Apply Kmployment liureau. BALHSWOMF-N- Pnsltloni open for experienced .aleawomen. Apply llurriiii of employment. 4)i floor, be foro 11a. m. sTitAwnniDOB & cLOTiiinn HTH.S'onitAPIinn and general office esalatnnt; i ipable of keeping nrrurnto rerord: inual have hod good rxperlenee, preferably In auto mobile buNlnea. gooil opportunity for bright, ambitious joung lady. Apply, stntlng pat ex. IH-rlenre. ngn, referenrrs mid salary di-slrud, lo M 710, Lodger Office. STKNOllttAPIIHIt (ualnu dictaphone). alo at tend to mailing Hat nird and general detail work In ndiertlaluK department of ninnufar turlnu compuny, permanrnt position with nil vnnrement Htato ago exiierlence nnd nalary walllrd Address 1 97. P O Hox 3113 HTHNOCHlAI'llBIt nnd ortlce militant. mut be quick and nccurt nt figure Apply II. I.lnsH A Co, Metropolitan llulldlng, llrond and Wallace. HTB.NOCHtAPHBil and secretary, must be nble to take entire rhargo of correspundenco good aalary 81. ledger llriimh. M7 W Hlrard nve WAITHBS3B3 Women na wnltreeaea, from 11 lo 4. Apply Binployment liureau LIT HIlOTIlHItS WANTBD Olrls nvrr 10 years of nge, starting new ma ihinery, good wages paid vvhllo learning, Apply flrlswold Worsled Company, Darby. WOMAN For rountry plare near I.evvlatown, Pa., auperlor HnglUn or Cnnndlin woman for goon, plain rooking nnd downstair sVvork, no washing or Ironing: Bngllsh iiursa kept, good homo for sultnbla person, wage 17 or IH. Write at onro to Mrs. I.. II. Fry, Hose mnnt. Pn. HELP WAKTED MALE IKKiKKKBI'BHH. several, alsu men for general ultlro work. M 2.14, ledger Central. HOY WANTBD IHllnllT. BNEHOBTIC AND WBl.tBDU. CATKD HOY TO I.BA11N NKWHI'Al'BIl HIIH1NBHH. MUHT 1IH 10 YHAHH OF AOHl BXCBLLKNT OPPOIITHNITY FOIl All VANI'KMKNT. ASK FOIt Mil 1101(11 OA UK, PUHI.IC LEDOUH. 0TH AND CHBbl'NUT BTB. BOY. over 10. for office work, must he neat and ambitious, excellent opportun.iy to secure u good business training, .Apply Ovrrprook Car. pet Coinpah), Both and Lancaster uve. HOY 17 a -u yeara oi nge. in onne or nr inurance comimmi tfllaiila aiul (urnUh ref tjStt i .-. lTHljr orrice, HOY If lullablo. koch. wbem and opportTinttloi .3 ..niUiti rttn mnmi'iiritiirlnjF ! tllt. ni EirUIllUI " I ui-w iinimini4ii ( (Jliejlie ment.A 110, ledger OfOce, i)OY OHDBH HOY WANTED. WAQB8"l8 A .WEB K . A PIH, Y.8001 N, , IlltOAD HT . HOY wanted, over 14, to run errands Apply fifth Poor, 000 Cheelnut st nOYB WANTBD FOR NIOIIT WOnK: MUHT HE OVER 10: CHANCB FOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY AFTKIt d p M. LKpOKR OFFICE, FUTII FlXJOIt. ' UOYB. axe III to 18 year, who have completed gram, achool. to stsrt aa meeaenger. P. It, It. Apply 331 llroad at. Bta 9 a. m. to 3 p.' m. HOYS for" factory wo'rkt excallant pay. "cbelted Klectrlo Co,, 314 Armat st.. Uermantown, DKaiONEIt Carpet and rug deilgner wanted! experienced man: iccuatoined la Wiltons and Axinlniiirs. Apply, stating sxperlenra and wagea desired, to Toronto Carpjt Jlanuractur. Ing Co., Ltd., 1170 King W Toronto, Can. Jl knJ i 'inmm a ' 'smmm ssssss...B..HK rzL . IP T ZjtAVl li VII 1 tV t'e-A VTiWr HEti? wAisrarED mAi.e CeaflnuM rwn Frfetitnt Cdlwm VICTOR TAI,KWO MAClllNB CO, ha vaSflnetrs for CWnetmker. Kiperleneeit nibbers, . Bhellicker. Double-headed molder operators. Window cleinera, nough dip lawyers. lKPimn macnm. r,iin., Freight elevator operator (white). , ItachlnUta familiar with woodw'k'g michlnee.i young men, 211 10 in i"n of ate, to Team nibbing, .48-hour-week aohedule Phyilril ejamlnatjon neceirr. Apply Victor Talking Machine Co , Appfleitlon Oltlca, .13 Cooper t Camden. N. J. ft.CItlC ISO mo 1 mat clerki. 4. tttS, ,175, ""V.i-""-'!.!' a 1 nil. si yi. mo t general cletk. knowteiiga nf bool . I" v t.:-i . isaeeiiin:, io mo.i ciera, rlerk. tlO-IIB. tKMkkeeperi, prefer c, it it, enperlence, 0 mo 1 trtk and other clerk, ISO, ordef- clerk, lechnlcil educailon, IkOl rreiilt men, 2, 50 anrl.lsOi itenographer. several. llSl lnpector. alio a.ember, mll eler. prt. IIB-Ila. other Milt on open for high grade men. lluilnee Service Co,, 1301 Uindjritle Hid , DBTBfTIVB. etrerlenred, wanlefl. to take charge of Inlelllgenre deparlment of prominent commercial Inatllutlon Addreei A 129, Ixsl. aer "mice, giving detalli of eiperlence. age and eilary drelrru. PhliltlllT llANHLBHH Men winted to truck freight ai fPelght alalloni whll. or colored. Apply ln.M Filbert . cTlItAND HOY wonted J. K. t.lmeburner Com piny. 1720 Cheelnut it OAllfiBNKfl wanteif. inarfled couple, on genlbj. man'a plare mm gardener, wile launareni inmlern IRIiniiry ruiJIClllon,. iwi-.n w.. ,,n. riirnlaheil atlafarlnry teferencerequlredi no emll rhlldfen Apply eerono nnnr, uv a. r-c H, lietween 12 and 1. I5IM it , Mon CHiOCEnfl Aem Tea Co wanli flv grocer rlerk for Philadelphia and inburban iloreet good wage paid and bright proepecu for voung men to ndvatice iheineelve to higher roalHon Apply 7 lo 11 a in.. 4lh and Nobis al. JOII PIlllflH FI'.F.DHHH warned on culling and rreaalng pree llrown Ilalley Co., trank lln and Willow at iaiioiii:iih, killed iiold.reral, 2.2l . txr diy of 8 hour. dy ratei more on Piece; "pfy work: clllieni Appl llxem In person, rrankfotd Areennl LAIIOIIBHH winled.fnr Penna. II. ta.h-1. fl no Mr 1sv! rnn rtnaril pny If dealred Apply 43N. iTtn i, . i.AHOIlttitH for outside construction work, dli- ring. etc. I 12 40 per day of 8 hour!, clltxens. Apply In person. Frankford Arsenal. . MACHI.NIHTH wanted, muet lio let-else lalh and bench hands, good wages and steady work tn right parlies Apply Hires Condensed Milk co Mefvern P MACIIINIHTH mint l first clas. on smalirac- rurate work Hlectro Denial, 31d andArch. MAN wanted for factory work, at lisat 21 lenr of nge. with high achool education and Frnctlcnl factory experience Wrlle, stating ull pirtlculiirs. P 52,1, Ledger OITIce. . MAN wauled for rental department of central real eetnto office, excellent opportunity for young man with ability: itala ace and refer- ence M 23!). Ledger Central. MBN WANTBH llnllermaker. locomotive ma. chlnlnl. rr repair men, laborer, loromotlve ilrnnrre Prima 11. It., 1741 Filbert at. MBN WANTBD. with experience, lo iiutrlbuto adierllelng matter, money advanced each night Apply il 30 n. in , 200 N Front t. OPRIIATOIIH Flrt-rla operator on ladle' vvaiat. thoae having knowledge of denlxning. M 2a, lA-dger Central. . OPTICIAN, extierlenred edge grinder. J. B. t.lmeburner. 17Jn Cheetnutet. pOl.tHHI.llH on nickel buffera wanted Blectro Dental, 31d and Arch. 8ALKB.VIAN A liTghclne man with proven sale ability, nge between 30 nnd 40. wanted! n splendid nnd lucrative position for the right parly. M 431. Ledger Central. " HAI.HHMBN WANTlfll We desire to engage rveral young men, 23-33, with mechanical training and eelllng experi ence, famlllnr with tho building trado. excel ient orportunltlra nro open for clean-cut. sctlvo men Applications ihould give full par ticular! n to training, experience, qualltlca Hon poeltlonn held and aalary earned. M 713, LcdGcr Office. BALBflMBN, flO SOOTH FOIl TDK WINTEU The Handy Volume Kdltlon (idvertlied by Henrn - lloobuck Co ) I Ilia grenleal nelllng proposition ever offered by inlramen. Only one dollar with the order and three dollari monthly. Havo room for only n few more real ealeemen. We train )ou thoroughly iwork lend exclulvrly, and pay drawing ac count weekly encyclopaedia Uritaiinlca Cu., 130 8. lBth si., cor. Wulnut. HALKSMBN WANTBD The oldest and largest rxLlualve manufsrturrr or advertising calen dar nnd epeilaltlen In thin country h open ing In Phlla. territory for 2 salesmen, this I ii n opportunity for the right men to make very desirable connection. M 310. Ledger Central, TOOL DnsIONBnB wanlnl. experienced on In terchangeable small parte: none othera need npplr Call Itemlngton Arm Co , 1,100 Arch et , Philadelphia, or implojiuent office. Eddy stone, lu. YOUNO MAN, betuvrll 10 and 20, wanted at homo ofllcn tiro Insurance company. Apply Pennsylvania Fire lii.unime Co. 8(18 Walnut. YOt'Nd MAN for counter")!! canualty Inn. office! nl.o hoy; excel, opiwrtunlly. A 131. trfd. Off. TOUNO MEN Wo hnve ponttlona In many department for competent young men for stock and offlca work. Apply Ilurenu of Emplsyment. 4H Ooor. beforo 11 a. in. BTRAwnniDdn clothier SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IIOOKKBBPER. II. K . employed, desire change solaryll3 A 110, Ledger Office COOK Competrnt Orrman-Amerlcan woman wlshe sit. 28, Led. Hr,, zoth .ml Bouth. COOK tlerman lady lookfnff for position as cook. Write noil N Franklin it.Phlla, HOUHBKBEPBIt In small family, with on maid, good ref. sal. 133. Ph. Umin, B370 W MANAOINO working housrkpr. at liberty Jan. 1; Prot , mid aged, cnp., excel, cook; good hkpr., fond of rhlld. i reliable: good refs present em Plojer, terms reasonable. A 120, 1-cd Off. MOTHBIt'B HELPER lleilned Protestant lady wlshe to rnre for children not under 2 yeara and llghtdutlea, reference, A 130, I.ed. Off. STX'llBTAKY, .iiualliled stenoi rapher. general office detnllr legal work. A 117. Ledger Oft. BTENOOHAPHBtt de.lre posltlonr thoroughly experienced, capable of taking charge of office or department, F 04, ledger Central. HTBNOailAPHKH AND CI.EIIK. 8 yra ' cxp , d'slrei to change poaltlun. A 127, ld. Off. TllANHI.ATOIt, stenographer, Herman. French Spanish, Portuzuese, open for poilllon. 327 N 40th st WOMAN. "while! wishes position, houaework or hospital, city or out. Ledger Hranch. 20th and Christian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, with lone and beet experience In wholesale. Import house and Institutions wants positions Al references, A123,LedgerOfflc ADVEnTlHlNO-sales correspondent and mail? order executive: txst refs. O B7, ld. Cent. UOOKKBEPER. young man. deslrss tiosltlon; graduato of accountlnr Wharton School of Ac. counta and Finance! seven lears' corporation experience; beat ot references, U 140, Ledger i enirai. HOOKKUEPER. eiperlenoed ottlce i man. age 27, desires position; best ref. O 180, Led. O.nt, CHAUFFEUR wlshe position! strictly IsiTw perate!rapabls horseman. Ardmor 1173 W. CHEMIBT. aged 23. iirsd', Dr.xel and 1 year tech. lab. up., desires position as chemical reprejientatlve. A 120, Ledger OtOce. COBTACCOUNTANT. wlthO years' sxnerlenc. want permanent position with reliable con. rem I can fUnli!j,efernceiA h-h'X'iML. ELECTRlcXlr Technical gfaduat Unlvsnlty of Penna,, 12 years' electrical experience, can Slv bis services lo another company for 3 sy a week, A 102. ledger Ofnra. MAN. min 10 yeara' experlenc In inacnma builneai. ! open for poilllon aa aiilitant work's manager or cost accountant. A 31, Ledger OfOce. isaIt it'oJdst TooDE-vff.muuy MODERAl faR AMTWM; VkUOA?, TV ' I I ' r V'a4M4I TH T)lWDRCfi 1-1 ' . .-yVl.. er. SS ITU -xlHAii.y hjt -lYtfi TERUJS FfMBt I OH Trife- MAP F .JlJbBoOG i , , i , -.,.- ' I III rr -lu m I imti'im -Ti Fiji j bj II T nui n rV .,.,,., Sm.. il ,fe j,, , nrlcnimJr i , , , ni I ii, - Jjr"-' ' " 1 SiWATIOWS 'WANTSIJ-i.MAl.E Cnillaeo frtm rttvritlte irSeafan-ie MAN AND WIFE, colored. wlh petition with prtvt family, man a tmtleri vrlf aa cook. J1471.Irfdrer Central. 6AMCBMAN -Man, 82. who fin sell. Jot bCk , from th Bouth. wlhe is mtka change. 70 ledger Ilranrh, BOOIrfhlgli are BBLMNO rNaiNBF.rt. meehanlcat drflman and practical mehlnlt wants position to ell mschlnery. sfflll tool or mill upplle on alary or commlaelon for eatern Pei)nyl Ynta, New Jeifeey and Delaware, araiiatile January 1. Address PJll 4 ,LdgTr Office. TF.XTILB "MANl'FACTl'nKHB Rrnerfenerd bookkeeper Offera aerTlce lO buay executlrei am, ud mf. delay, wal ing ami fabrlo anlyl A 122, ledger Off "toUnT) atAN, eP In ref estate and tntge, eicelrent Inreitlgalor and appraiser, know legal endtoo. desires connc F B45. Irfd. a. YOtTNO"i(ANr:20 year. gnrl rlerk or analyi Ing clerk. Witarlon Hchool atudenti reference, A118. tVedger Ofc ' TOONO MAN, with 4(4 rear' experience, de lre poalllon aa aasialanl purchsilnc agent! etrellent reference, A 23, Lfdger oince. TOUNO MAN, bright, willing to do nnr kind of worki epeaki several lenguigei, A l.'S, imager utnee YODNO ifAi?, coToredT wants kllchen or houae work icltyi beat reference 180lltalnbrblge. " " MIL SfANUFACTlJliRli 1 am seeking a connection with a growing manufacturing organisation which realise the nereielty of sale and advertlilng director and wlhe to develop on within their, own organisation I am aggressive enough to work. Intelligent enough to plsn. . Ambition, and enlhualsstla enough to carry that plan to a lucre. iful completion My ele and advert recordjproof of my oh'ly. F 910. Led Cent. VijbnfbA Position a Florida resmn for rno.1 land fleveiopmeni poamon on en.i con.i lest reference c u iiox en.;, i-nnn Pa EMPLOYMENTAfJENCIES BCOTCII C(K)K. also American and Irlah flril clsss cooks Prolestsnt chambermaid and waitress, Isundrea.. Herman couple, butler etc, wish aUnntlona Mr Kan, 811 H. 19th t Hpruce 3101 NlCIIOLf-t 11120 IIAINIIHIDOB BT , WANTS HOIIHKMBN, COOKH. 17 TO 110: WAIT HF.HHBH ivJllllBKH. llOtJHBWOHKBIt.S WITH HBF PHONK IAJCUHT 2130 WANTBD Cook, chlidnurse chamliermild nrl hrtn.ewnrk alfla. nrnt-rlfla heln want Fo : Hwedlih rook want poalllon. Mle Ho lougherty, 1310 W Olrnrd AUTOMOBILES For Hale 1IIK WHITK CO. 210 NOHTII IlltOAD ST. 0FFBH3 AT ATTItACTlVH PHICB3 PACICAHD. 4rvl. 30 It. P., "7-P"... I.lmounlne and Touring 1830 PIBIICB-AIHIOW. , U cyl , 48 II P . 7- ... pass I.lmiiUBtno 1000 PULLMAN. I1H4. IV ps., Touring: starter nnd electric light, Oelae.l i-onverter ..loOO 1.0COMOIIII.B. rt-cjl, 48 It P. 0-pn . Touring 1450 FlBltfJB-AllttOW. 0-cyl . 48 11. P. Chn. I In excellent shape S47.I tVLVTON. 0-cyl, 7-pai Touring, bar-.... rain . 1275 THOMAH Taxi excellent mechanical con dltlou and newly painted .$200 THUCK8 MACK B ton teel body KF.LLY I -ton exprea Inxly . lull OVBHLAND delivery . 7fl $3.-. I.1U II 3U0 I,. II. O'NBAL, Heed Car Dept. 1'IIONKH Hell, Spruce 1002 Key.. Itace 1731 CADILLAC mil 0-30 Touring Fine condition w"t.--..t: .,,.;.-.-.. n.i nrnuiu.. ii.,r,i n,o. , , . i.m , mile, :nxe tire cn-np to operate. Only 12011 IXICOMOIIILB. 2311 Market at. Ijicn.l 480. F. M. HALLIQAN, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. CADILLAC, 1914, Inuring, condition, bus winter side, I82S 20.1 N llrond st panaengcr, fine lull equipment: CADILLAC 1014 touring car. nverhauled nnd repainted, full equipment, prim 17.10. AUIO BALKHcpHPOIlATION. 142 N. llrond st. CHALMKHH 1010 0-30 Touring: mileage 2.100 mile. Almost new Very rronomlcal to op. ernte. 3.'xl tires Painted blue, yellow wheel. Every pert ot car In Al condition. look this nirr Wonderful rr 7.1o. LfiCOMOUII.B, locust 480 F. M HALI.IOAN. Mgr. Ex- thnge Car Dept 2.114 Market st. CHALMBIIH ItOADHTBH. 1010. hna had Very little use. run lean thun 30OO mile. lllrtelow-Wllle Mulnr Co .301 N llrond l. CHALMBRR 3100 It. P il loupe. Hllll model. like new . fully equipped. I8J5. 233 N. llrond.el DODOE"l'ourlng Car In exrellent rondllton. full enulpmenl lllgelow-Wllley Motor Co., 304 N Jiraail t DODUE louring. Hlln model, kiI condlllnii' slip covere fully uqulppcd. 1100 233 N. llroad at. HUDSONH Phaetons ruadslers nnd cabriolets, equipped with electric lights and starters, OOMBHY-BCHWAU'ra. 283 N. llroad St. IIUDHON I.ANDAULUT fl-lo llko new. re- built and gunrmiteed 2.1.1 N st. HUP 20, nrst-class mecbnnlcal condition. $100 for quick caah sal,. Phone iAicust 72.0. KR1T, 1014 touring. Just painted. One condi tion: cheap tu quick buyer. P 042. ledger Central LO"f50M011ILB"0-39. touring, r, psa.enger, extra tine rondllton, full equipment, 3.'8. 2SU N. liroed st OVERLAND HEDAN, In nlro sbnpe. Dlgelow- Wllley Jlotor Co.. 304 N Hroail nt PAIOE 8 and 7 pan.enger touring car, over hauled and guaranteed lllgelow-yvilley .Motor Co . 301 N. Broad !,, TULLMAN 1010 Touring Car. driven veryfew mile, full equipment Ulgeluw-Wltley Jlotor Co.. 301 N llroad t. 1914-48 PACKARD touring. 7 passenger, very flno condition, specially attractive, tuuo. 283 .. N llrond at. 38 HIMPI.EX. four-senled tourabout, model 1013, run 20 000 miles, full equipment: In per fect mecbnnlcal condition: prlco 11800. O 144,I.edgerCentral. USED TRHCKH Hnveral well-known make., ranging from 1 ton up to r ton. with and without bodies Uarford Phlla. Co., 2308 Chestnut HUPMOBILE PARTS HCHOIIBII, 8339-43 MARKET AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES independent'taxicab CO. 1315 W SUHQUEHANNA AVE SUPEK-SIX UUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUBINKB. TAXlCAU'i TOURING CARS Dlsmond 8100 Never cloied. Park 78. POPr.AIl, 1017 To hire (open day and nlghtC Park 1482, brand-iew B-r4s touring cars, JJ-23 hr . also brand-new -puss limousines, l,60 hr , weddjngs. funerals. 17IB Olrard. TO HIRE Limousines, taxleaba. louring cars, 11 23 per hour and up special rate for wed. llngs Poplar 213 Alwu spen. Race 2241. UMOUHINEH ANDTOPRINO CARfTFOR ALL OCCASIONS, REASONABLE HATES. -POP. J ton ,, lll'Y JlpISTER porta'bfe garages, steel or stucco. On diipliy aoai N. 8tfi. 'Hoga 2981. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUULEB Bee HILLY, at hla new location, B10 NORTH IlltOAD BT. AUTO SUPPLIES . TlMKEV-HBARINaSHYATT ?.."": "Oeparlure ftervlco Bla, Th Uwllllam Co , 1814 Arch at. l'h Walnut 3107. Race 3002. PARTS . ,, .to build or repair any car rhlla.Auto I'arla Co., 23 N.I3th Park 1418, IF TOU WANT, to aell our old car or want any parte tu repair, call, writs or phona P. A II. Auto Parts Cu,. 813.17 N, 12th. Park mo' AUTO TIRES HERCULES TIRES .Guaranteed 400 miles. Plain. N.H f Plain. N.S. SOxS Ill SO 17.50 .11x4 ,,,112.93 113 u 3 80x8:.. 7.9S 8.03 3x4 'l7 93 'lOBS 83x4 ,,,12 45 13 80 I 87 x tl ...20.23 23 23 IIERCULES TIRE fco, ' 012-014 N, Broad St. . CULLMAN TIRES uuiramcea iijuu mll.s. ComDit. prices. aRIM'8. itH N. Broad st. aoxs 4 NONSKIO TIRES ,,,..17.80 IttlDOLPH TIRE CO.. 1233 AlWst. TIHKS. all sixes, slightly used cheap. PHI LA? AUTO PARTS CO., 823 N. 13th. "'1"" . Jl L tV-Tuf. iV TtirN rfj I :: " ; Tm Sh S Tie. JMio TH.VD r )''l.H ' 'w J Lzr .!! I I BBsV ' t I . . V ' El I1 11 - ,BB!H-1 i . '!! i vni j i i i '.!iiib " nf' n Lirr i m l- m . ,i 'fim ; I I IHJ (-a n ES , IV s sssssl 3S TMVPQTIrt tuexj A u I V " mora tn jrmj,2 MO 1nr.H0rlnndrrr0',,1SIT I ?rA' rfPH'1"" bluer,? monVrtntb riuon lor inveitment ever- Tttmk 2Hm will earn big dividend In iheti l2F' sell a limited amount "t .ie! J'L. 53 preferred at ItO.per .hat. VZr?& any amount or e'.vrfa this Vri.. -V time only ImmediiU InveiiorJ';,,','" money p nil ledger- o"i?I W1U l t A mm -at mra .. . I'v I i. 1 l.-v rrnu lor- MM. -.. ,.. ....- -.. rat-nti and 1-r.i?!. free ?n win neiiv yon aerriop y, i;"erli civiKiip- until n-ny - jjej FOSTER & WEBSTER tw1 .u,. r.,nu, . ,- pnnB, - CAPITAf. WANTBtl Mnufe(iirer of wonde tf M m I j,i as I haevulll irowng rt.m.n'd' UT." .'X. "Mill u"2rl ,V SiSHf.. WOttKINO CAPITAI, WAHreiL, . - ?'??. inrhlla. of otdeat mirTWe .'..' e noratli ion in in una In N. Y cltr iiVJliW 'wi tridstreet'a ...nee, 1 .ViT.rte4 ttX 1)00 Itrsd which h will tirocluc enormo-i.'t?.-,i1??esJl inveii: neo peiore Miy next p iu,'"f2 IP, TOH 1IAVB flBAt, M0NBY idI"5 lo lake an scllre Inlereat In .""Jt'" W he.., a II treasurer or If -.. L!t l M..K" ".I."" I?'&t b...lne.,'I.."j r)l lid.;?; Offie. """" "'"llOB.-ii-jJJ POll BALB IfUtDWAHR . .. il a&V,,, W ..iSTfc iaj?tEBl T'L1.'"1 '"""P. country, g'iod Veli."--M ree.on inr aeinnc ll HI ledger TK,,. , ,w'.,iw,in no. me prnnert- b"r, a bargain.' ItMm i VooiJS 1, Ing.Ilethlehem. Pa ,ol"rorui WBLIPAYINrt buelnes for i,. ,.h,7! rhlnes, Victor and eel, u'."!:. ''erl rolla. sheet music, eir , Ho oporiiiill ? reason for eng sua f N "aVT,1""" tm rASF!'T,':r9ur. 'our "book nt frM wimiiii i-fiif-niK Vlctrtf J i . 142A Che.lnut t, l'hll.1l.rphli,,M lil'UTH n,-e,-,- . . -.. .,.... r... uii.nii, cnair. r-ia.L. . ?-" lienrh rablnef. etc denllfriivinr TViri-8 no reaotwble ofter refu."l. gill "pjg?a BUSINESS PEnsONALg .,. r.A.H.T:,.,lT.r-TiilNo wanted" .,,.. .inuiiiivii mm and lidl.a' eln77 to UeiiJamln lllahesi r,i. rl. '.I ll vvrlte, or phone Mirket 4023 FULL DRBHH AND Tl XBDO aUITfTrnTTS Oitent tjlt). him. button brad.J '.' fur morning weiidlni, 'w wi cool l,ll lillll Olrard ave. tlf.v Mrvvrw iini,,,,. II. nV ref...,;. ""YiV.IK""" - iiAliiY Vv ' bmiFi 'iTffi.rf- - ""..iin si- DKESSMAKINO AND MILLINla? iSSi'Wl&rwW'&lPJS&wmm Uli-to dal. I.7...h '",".' ".' CU ' -..... -vnmi (-rairni. jTOB. sale ....,...-, ,w, j twvjiA comoinat on. lecena-tuitel bought, sold, rented, exchsniidi i rHl SIIPH le. Lnfo ICrafer ZSi 11 Hirer. 320 Olrard ave. Phona Ken.; 3ll3 UILLIAHD AND J-uCKBT TADLBB AIm ll 'viTe! Tafl!.? .n.n!,e,,.,.i. 'MX.?.". ' BSS1 ...... , ,vm. vircn a a UILLIARD, pool table! new. second hind UM Ln. ?'?J"i-;a,r payment. ltoiitBVrrr3 HtreetCo 222 6. Sth t. 1'hci. wi" :ill5si CASH HEaiSTBRS bought, exchanged, npj repiatedi auupllea new and f.ctorr ri new total adder a low a 133. Call im nxsl our new mo lei.. Register aoM by m eiel r. an.l .,,11 v -,,.nHt.4 va "J a ' II NATIONAL OAHlt HKOIBTEIt CU.,1 "--:".- ,. -. -, , .,,i. v. lib..-,,. , k miir.n,! CHURCH PEWS Walnut. red-pluih U!lIitieV B.cor. Ilth arUITtiSl el, plain 1. plain riunrtrred oak HAIR EXCHA.N'OE, H I jirmiii aire, r.- New and second-hand. Dullng'centr.i m hand Furniture Co.. UOt-oon-HH CalievtlU 1 n,,,?r,n!i:,'! ." I,-- riiiLA. soluaoj . ,,.,. o rcoi.iuiw n, nn. jiouj iii.ciuur,iiAiuitn snu nxtures tor rneit ntrvl r l,r,l cboppera and tools: atone nt ..,n",n aiiicu i,,, iruiiiuinir, nioninir psrraunts I'.'.'ri'""" pr" emiaiaciory. ii. t. kj DALL ft CO.. 311 N. 2d nt. PhllldelpMs. bai K3 Fireproof, new and illghtly utrd: ml alxci. bargain! repilrlng. opening all eiu; BAFfcH, flrenrnol closing out flu. slUHHly MHtl nu sizes unu mukci. big bargains. 311 SM Fourth st. (between llaro nnd Vine), UHED OFFICE ..,,, ,,,-etioe. Everything Imaginable In this line and ales i ii. oe.i nssoriment ana oesr, values- x-iiiia.: ireo suio iienvery anywhere. HUOIIEM lllh and llutlonwooi VACUUM CLEANERS Frnnls Premier elecTJB vacuum ciennern. second hand, other urtxitni ann tarro variety oi nana operating rntroi ni nnr own price. Apply BUOK.Ni: nAiiin. iiermantown area. 11117 ADVHIITlHtVn CAI.nMnAnB. rr.t r.ri ety. at bargiln prices We eupply lbs vrtsb Ing trade IVnn Finer Pn.. Hn V. ftth. .81 SIODBnN BIDEnOARD, CARVED INJlr33l ju,auj. itico i.uo. i an be een. P 810. Ledger OfBreJl HEATINO HBATBRH. boilers, ranee, new and nbtd.14 removeit ror me AtnKin-Keiaey neaito aeei-i win inetnii cneap 1827 rilbert it. MACHINERY AND TOOLS DON'T YOU KNOW It's economical wisdom UJ uno YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION 1IBCAL .tea lining midline bearlnga? IRON ind UlUSll 1 OU.NDllYS. 14S Nnrtll HeconU JAMBH YOCOM A ROS IriVVIII.Il-A?JT tCOtflPXIKNT Dynamo, motors, bollere. ateam and oil-1 ginei, pump air compressors. . FRANK 'lOOMnjr.Jnc. 127 N. 3d 4t. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bouibt. mn mid rented, armatures repaired. Jlila.H, Market 3003. JYearsley Co.t 224 N. 3d Ifcjij 1-nl IIITiltr 11,tlt-tiu nt .nm.L.1. eh.ln. 9l4 vator bucket unit transmission mattrUU est nn CHAIIl.LH IIU.NU COJIl'ASY. DSU ACT "j to, .0. luu lil(Al?l.r-l JiAaijiujvn. imi. j ib Henudry hammer. Kill. lb. atindaril J drop hmnmeri NtrrTAl.u 174S it. Jn" iMiii.i-u'iv nniRT in"!'!" iir.MrvrieeoJn. ekeletoii-M friction drume, One cooiittyM I. F. Hevrert Huns. 43T N 3d It lllMTItq nf nlln an.1 ntllnm.tle m.tht! Bend for booklet. A Nacke b Soa. 210 B. ft MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PLAYER-PIANO. Aeolian 1393! payable ItJJl weekly: this plana. msd by the great Afeu Company, has belter value than many yissMI sold In aome'stores for ISOO.and eveo tl it la a perfect plaver-piano. fully (uaruieHl ,0r "lrt?i!K.-8 UPTOWN STORES Cor, uth and Thompson sis. Open evenings until Christmas. PI-AYER-FIANO. mahogany. 1293. ti note, wrl j rolls of music, coil lllO new. oolyl montuir. yrllo lor full Information L "fi this special Instrument, as II Is "jcea, Tlaaj llEl'Ph. a UITinv.1 Bl.uivi.ia Alii end Thnmman atl- Open.evenlnga until Christmas. 1188. NEW UPIUOIIT PIANO tann On.Iltv llii.r.nt.en. TEIlilB 11.80 WEEKLY .. BELLAK, 1120 CIIB3rNUTBT. Plaver-Piano,.$200 ADDnEsaai38KENSlNaTONAV. JMCIUCKEHINO UPniQIIT PMNO 1IOWAHP VINCENT. 83 N JJI rEXYER-PIANO. auto manual. : 20 rolls of muslg frsa, coat 88i ... as scrii ii coal .ooif oewi "!"J only 18 mommy, vyr montlily. Write lor luu !' llkpPB'S UPTOWN STORES Our. illh and Thompson sis lie ror run aiij'y Open evenings until Christmas ijiivrwu t mm a nir lTfTT EYr PIANOS. QUALITY EXCLU8 . vt -? vu ."rr -isrzii,i la SHOO: nt..tri. 1130 to I123H. STKimVAY'rAHLOU PnANP. ood wuJ D43auiliui ionj annual rni t pw 'STnTa II L1AL.IaA&1. '111 a 11. a m -." i . kvijnino ciAyriiBs to nmfc a Latent atvle. phono l'onlir , iJ-". LBIDNeA'H -1011, iVn, tHrVrd ,,,C,"J2l BtJPBRFMiOUH HAIR removed to rHiL.7 the nnlv wrra.iif ni xr Kir. 'Pi'A'i JiHBHJSMtTII. 40J Ke?.T TheairliniflK-gj m lri3?rjinKKKKMKSmifc "J"...................i...l........ ' .ji)gHjitsK" -eB!ssssssssssssssssssssHlissssssB