& IN MAY LEAVE ?0R WEST MONDAY j n11 Wnnf hnv tf nna vvi" ,,v..v..v. &se Coach Folwell to Seek Warmer unine Iegonteam is feared nr NEIL MATHEWS . ...i. .( rnn Football Tm, . inclement weather nnd R !"". .Jaraeroui nM upon which to JCtaS ItobJrt P Folw-.ll. of the . .bbljr will Inko the team ), .- i..i.A. Fr irrirtftV n K'.nnouncid The 1UU ml Uluo & unable to do anything Ike SW. iwmoi mora than mole va I00l",. "".. ., ...ilia n liv an. r.t?n the reRUtar uniform, plus .Vnd other earb which Is charac ( "c c,,mc8 na Tnn footbll team, It it nop 10 ro lWA'," .,.r h atronir OrtKon tenm. ntKunou -,.,.,,,. pomlltlon. but (JrMeAnt condition. It I. Impocelblo for "?!! ".-. .i in ativ nood work. Team .Jttnnot be perfected In a Kjmnaelum. ...... mn.t nf the time ho.-, been SrJilnce the Cornell Bme. Isrr r-nnrit hrlimes that to ST. Rw dw. early would enable tho ,nd tht four or the extra daya- m tMtrr; -, ' r ; ihn nrhi nu.tv BStK K committee will nRreo with Khrill i he I the beat JuiUe of the fFZllZ. (. iK.im nnd what la beat for SJlfire. of the el.n Irti team piysee through Arizona nnd ffi5Vlco and lit either of those State, & tnlnlnit quarters can bo found. An HSi SwnUiTe of an early departure la Ur ',.. . ,, tun nntr Ittmr. nm! fttcl II Will PR" " . - r- ------ Krt ttJ ntar the ecene of battle when tho I .. .e. -. arrival K It U known that live of tho mi f'V. . - iiinvftra urn nicked on All-Pacific Coael cloeti It readily can iatrtn that wo haxe nothlnit enwy In storo fcru. We respect the team we arc eehed iCt tom'ct and for that reaion want to be Ln and especially Cornell MOnch Folwell l an excellent Judso of T .4 vlrrlit miiv tin I lint Matlflfletl r?: .1.. . II. I.Kllrvcn Hint thev nlloultl Ivan wie w -v -------- - I. - m. ..IfflnlanA nf III limt flllO VBK III ImI prsctlce In the open with excellent KeslMr conditions prevailing Tho prca Wfst wintry weather baa inado footbnll prnc tii ea Franklin Field out of the iues- (ica, tna me Kyniliaoiuiu in iiu inrtv.w iu ww feiiSMd In. . , BTJte refUiar IPUIUUII B;MUI1 HUB Ut-UIl ....nn ror more than two weeks, but not iir tt Penn eleven After n wcek'a rest K. ..-,. . BAnl Inln nrtlnn nnd ilnimttA & condition of Franklin Field we took FVlI.i nt-b.jMitii Of pnlirn. urn lnnlr trr tXilr-S like this on the coast, as near to t-XZt. MnillHnnn irn fYTll-tp,t In lirnliilt Ip.-t In the event they have nny midden iiiset In the weather, nnd n. little snow -1 1 l..nn,n fft Ifititl nn Ihn PnnnrlAnn CVI WH" " ... "" -- ...... 'feH. tn we euro woutu iiuvo iv ucciuen tJnBUn ovor our far western opponents. ktw- .luillnn nf navf vain r'u pnntnln la fticduW to bo held tills afternoon. It )ki beta the custom to hold the election ti Its day the Miralty plcturo Is taken, Vst M toay does not seem favorable for flotctrspMc work It Is unlikely that tho 1117 leader will bo chosen today I do not llo wto will bo the next leader. Miller, VdVlny or Men Derr An outsider may pur? in, uuv ifc bcoiiiu c (iiu -i,iii;i ui iitin Wa will be the 1917 captain Out I am a p& prophet. ISCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS By LOUIS ,t Lester Darcy will bo In New York Mlilm thin a fortnight anil that ths Airs- uailsn will be Georges Carpentlor'a op- fftttni, II the rrtncliman cornea uere, Air tSiDor Is definite, according to word today tec Tet Illckard Jesi Wlllnrd has been (oiaated as a possiuio opponent tor ur yioUti' because of the champlon'H exorbl Mnt demands. Illckard conllrmn the ro lrt Hat Darcy arrived nt Antofagasta, J&BL However the uromoter eoes one letter and declares that Led is "somewhero wiBjnijn seas," rew Yoric Dounu. wun M, hIbI n.K... Ttt.n-..l i.rlll An HttlA IWtMorlng whether Carpentler carea to visit atBli C,m f u-... I.la 1. ..A.ll.t H.r(I.A n uwm XJatKy iiiiusrii wuutu itmnw AsMirful attraction and a mutch with Wi Olbbons virtually would be almost as tfterttlfnK to Americans If not more than JSrpentler context Furthermore, Gib toand Dsrcy would make n more evenly withal sffalr, MP L fl&rhr Cross and Sieve Latio are tha prln- ui ma windup at tin National Ainiaua IgtAlft haaoud and fousht a a-naatlonal ilsht yauillr Kramer Latiu won from Jack Ilrlt ffV8 straauous t.n-rouml aerap lat week, pni are terrlfle punchera. In tho aamtwlnd-up HUClirki. nf illlwauli.r. maata Kr.dJy Kelly Uik. of Akron, boita Artie U'l.aarr. ss Biront. of HI I'aul. tarkla Hobby U&a. WhltV 1ltVtfrBM mnA fl-.l Vttt Mia innir, S"L' tne. sons aounda In the final fray at rflfJin A' F.I tenlsht Henry Haubar and JUT TcUnil will atart on an elchtetn-mtnuta KKli".'na Prpeo or enovinr tna otnar inio gha4 af drtami. Joe Dallay . Young llor KvS" atmldnal, In tha othar num CJJrTMnun Jluiton takes on Joa Ortnour, IS5I A"i? ?? At Bauar meat and Tommy ag3 luklta Kittt llalM. lSt"Ir w numbar of yaara. Thay have Iri.J.1 ', but narar would ona admit the K8X1 Uttar slovaman. Tonlsht thay ' bi more el me Nonpareil, jack mc CWt mrat, Chick Ity.r. va Johnny Clark. HaJllaa va. Praaton Hmllh and YoUDtf H4.VS. rnkl I.mch alio bo. rKJJt m Jehnny Dundaa's esact walsht." m "Joe O'U." "whan he boxad Johnny H5a,r "BotU bora weighed undar 18 tti tun ayiiuuiteviuviit iiwii "1 " U firotAbl Dumlttt didn't wdMh ovr M Dwto ppars to b tha only UlUmat IH'Et pun Johnny Kllbiut, fttr 1 iJiVi till, . t fcli match tier Monday night with ' TWmlnir. Johnny Dunde wl mHt Mil Lt.twrnr. !!,, CbrUtm&a Day. It VAAI 'U.lla,n In a. ..Inan arn alt kkt jo Naw Yjar'a Day. February 2J Jl tn JKtdad on for Dunrt.a'a data at Naw iMTa a aat-to. with Jea Mandot. BMaar .Tillman bia received an offar to so -MaxrLiia ror a sariee or an toun. ii is fc- - e II ' ijfAX ' " it - " I ,PfeAK -3UST ARB KIOTHIWG "BUT CHlLOfteu ) ZMffl l) , & m'RVlTflV I Core rrs Av , V MUCH To -oo TFiij APTER-T " VWmXZ I I A Miuutb rrtneo w L mguiux y r ( "orL hosu- mfr ( vifp sTSSS A kv BJ , i "- ii iwinJlaHj nrf" i BACK IN PHINT AGAIN Harry Slnclnlr, tho milllonalro oil mwrnato nnd formor F o d o r a I League magnate, who It is roported, is associated with Jamoa GntTncy, former owner of tho Boston Braves, in an nttempt to purchase the Pitts burgh club from Bnrncy Drcyfuss. NATIONAL LEAGUE MOGULS MAY END SESSION TODAY NHW TOUK, Dec IS The National reniruo mnnnnte reconvened nt 10 o'clock this morning and tho Mr league rhlefa hoped tn clean up nil business beforo the day Is oxer The ftRhl between Harney Droyfuss and Oarry Herrmann li due to bo fought to a decision before the con ference onds. This has been one of the Quietest Na tional Iacue meetings on record, but It li not yet oer nnd some lively dolnns may dexrlop before tints Is written on iho meet ing TWO-YEAR-OLD KULE IS ADOPTED BY JOCKEY CLUB Ni:W YOniC. Dec 15. At the regular monthly meeting of tho Jockey Club the work of tho rules committee, which haa been In session for the last week, was placed before tho members for their np proal The roinmlttco submitted n re Used draft of the rules with their various amendments nnd suggestion- The adoption of a tno-ear-old rulo was tho moil Im portant feature of tho work done by tho committee Thla new law forbids tho racing of two-yenr-olda beforo April 1. 4 W. & J. DROPS RUTGERS AND ADDS STATE ELEVEN WASHINGTON. Pu.. Dec 15 Itutgers has been dropped from the Washington and Jefferson football schedulo and Its jilaco will bo lllled In 1917 by Pcnn Hlate. I'enn State will bo met here on October 10. Sharpe Picks Eleven Basketball Men ITHACA. N. T. Deo. 15 Kloven bMVMUIl players have bn Itxili'il .by Dr. At Sharp for th inralty training table, which haa Iwrn itarted toJajr The playrja are Orlner. Flork. Kratollli nnd aiewanl. forwarda. Fuller and Keninll. CAntra. and Ward. Ilouck, Allan. Cur ran and Conklln. suarda II. JAFFE Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouta Last Night IIIIOitntVAV tharley Thomaa defeltrd Mlcker ilallmlicr, Jimmy tilbliona wun from Vounc llorrell, t'liarl-y Jloonar drew with Vrnnklo WlllUni.. Johnny . Haltsra beat Harry Kllburn Voonc Jlleker Iiousbrrlr quit to Johnny lloe, Urat round. AHI1TA11UI.. (). Itobbr. KeynolJa. of ridladelpnla. knocked out Whiter riuunden, aeeond round VK1V OKK Mel t'oosan won from Io Johnaon. ItAInSIOUR Iw fTendler ourolnlnl Kid Trim. AIroilNA lluck Crouae and Jack (Twin) HnlllTsn drew, HT LOUIS Jimmy I)uTr outpointed Aounff UufTr aold the suarantaa was to bn 13000, Whalhar Tillman will accept has not betn decided. The Tremont Field Club, n South Philadel phia orranliatlon Inrludlm many bniera. will hold Ha annual ball tonlsht. "Tha ISO.oAO Ad Kid" will romluct th vrand march, led by William J. Cahlll Jimmy MeCabu meeta tha moat russrd oppo nent of hla rarrr In tha aeml at tha Olyrnpla Monday nlsht If Jeema boiee Harry Condon, hla advaraary. and keeps atepptnr faat. ha ehould outbox th llrooklyn battler Other bouta are. Harry Coffey, of Bt. I'aul and Ijiw Hllnger, Indian Iluiiell and Dattllne Murray and lw Hunter and Vt'allr Nelson MPSIO TIME IN 20 LESSONS We'll teach you to play real ractlma on tha piano n SiS learans IK YOU DON'T KNOW A NOTt in less time If you already play You'll learn to filay popular eonse, fos trot", "ras" any pleoe, ?all or phone for Free Ilooklet. ciiBiHTfcfsEN acnooi.soworur-Art jiubic 8830 (lermantown Aa. , Phone Tloa SJSt 1SJ0 Taaker rJt. rhona Dlcklnaon 3101 I, WINTEBKESOBTS "raKr.tvoon. n. J JUkenood. N. J. Noted for Ita bomellke almoapaera. AliaOHTA. HA. PARTRIDGE INN, Augusta, Ga. 31 W. PABTIIIDOB A- O CU3IU.Va " w' on TiKcEMnEn tTiay Bleara heated, eKctrlo elevator, private ye- WSeTS"MfffflMSl - - U - U JiJuliiil-i'jliJbiJjbU-JbiiA, XdUiJAj., JUJbiuii.iUubi3.Av lo GAFFNEY MAY BUY PITTSBURGH CLUB Dreyfuss Would Sell Pirates if He Got His Price the EVEUS WOULD BE MANAGER NRW YOHK, lec IS The bluest deal which the National League meetlnu haa jet brought forth Is tho peaslhlo sale of the Pittsburgh rirntea by Harney Dreyfus to James II Oaffney. who owned tho lloxton Hraxca when they won the world's series from tho Athletic In 19H. U (laffney decides to buy the I'lrntes he will very probably buy the release of Johnny Iera from tloston nnd nppolnt him manager. The efforts hlch havo been made for the last two days to keep the negotiations tinder eoer failed jestetday when Oaltney and Johnny Kera had a two hours' confer ence at the Waldorf The contrail which l-vera hni with the lloston club has another year to run t:ora m)s that he has en tirely recovered from the lllmyis which kept him out of the game Inst sumriier for so many weeks Ho stated recently that next season would probably be his last as a PUer liver slnre itaffney had such great suc cesa with the lloMon llrnves hn has been anxious to ct ti.uk Into baseball Ust year hn and Harry V Sinclair, the former hederol league oner offered a high price for the (Hants, but the otter wns refused "J would like to get back Into baseball." said (laffney, "If I rould Ilml n. proposition which looked attractUo enough" After his long talk with Kers. flnfrney hurried away from tho hotel and i:ers was rather retl. cent for the, rest of the afternoon and would not say a word about nny Impending deal. "If t could get the price I wanted I would sell my club, nnd get out of baseball tomor row," said Dreyfuss "I am willing to sell. ","', "" "o una made me a direct tlnan olnl offer for tho club " The reason that Drefus Is willing to sel out Is because ho bellees that he was unjustly treated tn tho Hleler case, when he maintains he lost thnt player through an unfair decision by Chairman August Herrmann, of the National Commission. .-.,.j..-, urvidicn no inienus to ilellxer nil oration ngalnst Herrmann's nppolntment before the meeting la oer HEDGES, FORMER BROWN OWNER, AFTER CARDINALS ST. LOUIS, Mo. Dec 15 Negotiations looking to the purchase of tho Ht Louis Nationals haa been opened by Hobert L Hedges, former owner of tho St. Louis Americans The offer was made to I.011 C Hocker, attorney for the St Ixmls Nutlonnls. who now In attending the National League meet lug In New York Mr Hedges said Hint ho had opened negotiations for tho purchase of tho club Ho said ha was acting for others. Today's Scholastic Schedule sorcr.11 ft. I.nke'e fieliuot is. friend.' rteleet nniiwi, at 11 Mm l4l.roi..il IrnUemr a. l'pner Ilarlir lllah Kchool, nl Mtty-eeeonil nnd Malnut treela. lUIKirTIIM.I, La Halle, Collece llret and eeeoml frame . Ilroern t'rrporulorr llret and eerond teama, at 1m (tal'e (ol.eer. Ixier Merlnn flret nnd ternnd leame e, (leruiantown lllah Hchool llrst and eerond teeme. at lirnnnnlorrn trunk ford lllsh t. Hnnrlhmore I'repnra torv School, ut Hnarthniore. Ilalboro lllsh ta. omliolinrken lllili Brnool. nt tonhohnckeu Jenklnlowu lllsh va. Ablnston lllili (evrnlnirl, nt Ablnalan. Tempi I'rrimrntory T, Camden lllsh nclivol, ut Camden. timi.i' ii.iMitimiAi.r. llail.lmi Helihle illcli Xrhnol vs. Uni. daniw lllsh Hchool, at Lunedowiw, WINTER HESOKTS ATf.NTir CITV N. J "The World's Finest Promenade" TIIK i:NTIIt'.MIAHTlr VnitKICT or KIK.KV VINITIIIt TO ATLANTIC 1'ITl'H KAJIOUfl Htl.tHDtVAI.U Klanked by masnincent hotel and elea-antly appolntrd atorra, It la tha meeting place of pleaaure seekers, enjny Ina alike the blua aklea above and the wonderful expanaa of ocean aparkltna In Ihn aun Huch la tho "Woo.len Way" of Allantlo City (he famoua all-year prom enade No nner apot to enjoy the festive Chrletmaa aeaaon The Leading Houses Will furnlah Information, ratca elo., on application. MAIIf.HUltUUtlll-IILKMIKDI ST. I'll Mtl.IVS II jl.lMlllli; (IXI.lS IIAI.I, hlllrtlllK hTKAMI lir.NMrt CIIKI-Slit NIIKl.llirilNK iini.Miit.-nhT Only ona hour from Philadelphia Fre- ?uent Iralna via 1 'til la It Heading Itny, rom Cheatnut Bt Kerry, and I'enna It It from llroad at ur Market ut Kerry both ateam and aleclrlo trains. fMPH nft erar " 9 ArAAvrrccnt Oporvat ojl-scajorvs . 01 mc xiian, A TOCoaniMd .fltandara. orzxcclleic0. Cuorrv60a IWlZRJ.D28r. rTHe IWOIrtO RESORT MOTEtOF THE VTORL0 i!arlDorwijfiiiiii ATLANTIC CTTY.lM. J. owhinSMiai HUWIUSNT. JOBIAM WHrTftfcOMg COMPANY Wc.tmmstcrSr-.r:,-,"? witer, fS uo wklr. U up daily. ussitu. Ceiava- naina. run w Chat, lluhr gmfcsr&6m jf m Bspss"as?Aa jr jiisjj , LOU TELEGEN SEEN IN STANLEY FILM "The Victorin Cross" Proves Ef fective Story of Indinn Mutiny Excellently Stngcd STANtjltr "The MclaHa I'reee." I.aaVy, with lu Telleten. I'ten lll.lerlev and Keeeue lleis Ww&-.!,eTr "T Mirsaret -mrnhull trom I'aul it Petter's play, diretted by tMwsrd J . Haint Here Is another tale of the Indian mu tiny. In many respects It suggests 'The ueggar of Cawnpore," It, 11 Warner's ex cellent lehlcle. It supplies the Lnsky forces with splendid opportunities for lld and colorful action, atmospheric photography, graphlo lighting, suggeattie locations eierythlng. In fact, that the Lasky forces do best lit addition, Director I Halnt handles his mobs nnd his soldiers In n thor oughly exciting manner If "The Victoria Crrws" falls anywhere. It Is In the early stretches of the story The first mutiny ntul the parts that various characters play In It are not well defined On the other hand, tho latter part of the story, depleting tho hero's rescue of the heroine from tho clutches of n Hindu ruler called by the singularly Inoffenslie title of 'The Nana." Is cleor ami forceful. Lellegen acta well In his own particular stjle. fleo Hldgely likewise, while llnyak.iwa does n splendid nml original bit as the leader of the mutl neeia Inctdeutally, the fUm shown us In llrouktiu.-ta death, tied to the mouth of ti ratition, that historic bit of llrltlsh brutal ity which exceeds een tho putting down of the Irish rebellion The children are going to have their In ning thla Christmas. Tim Famous l'layers hae made 'Snow While nnd the Scion Dwarfs" oier Into a photoplay, which Mar guerlto Clark will appear In nt the Stanley December 35 The L'ducnllonal l-'llm Cor poratloti of America also hai 11 children's Photoplay of the samo name. Tho Kmt Dearborn Company Is Issuing another of the kind In "Modern Mother (loose." The first release of the now Knx comedies will be "Social I'lrates." directed by Walter C Heed, with Charles Arllng as the prin cipal comedian Anna Luther will bo fea tured In an early release. One of tho fif teen comedies already produced Is n bur lesque of ono of the Kox dramatic photo plays, wild Hank Mnnn and Carmen Hilt lips aa principals Included In the Hat of directors of Kox film comedies are Charles rnrrott. Walter C. Heed and Harry Kdwards In the list of pl.iers nro Hank Mann. Charles Arllng, Martin Klnnej, Drank Alexander, Joo Lee, Leo Morris. Harry M O'Connor, William Haulier, Smiling Hilly Mason, Anna Luther. Carmen Dhllllps. Amy Jerome, Annette Do Doe, Varollne Hankln nml Klslo Clrecson McCluro 1'lcturcs announces that tho first nf 'Tho Helen Deadly Sins." a series of ftve-reel features, will be released by Super pictures, Inc. through tho Triangle ex changes on Monday, January fi Ann Mur dock In "Kniy." supported by Shirley M.tsou nnd Qeorgo Lo (luere, will be tho first re Icaso. Tho other six will follow at weekli Intervals Holbrook Illlnn In 'Trlile ' will bo released on Monday, January 15. Shirley Mason In "Passion." on January 32, II It Warner In "Wrath." on January 29; Name O'Noll In "Oreed," on l'cbrunry B ; Char lotte Walker In "Sliith," on I'rhruiiry II. Oeorgo Le (lucre In "Tho Seventh Sin," on Kebrunry 10 lllchnril ltldgely llrci't.-d "Kniy" nnd l'rldc." Theodora Marstoii was tho director who produced tho oilier Hie features. Record in School Attendance i:ao iiAitnoii crrr, n j. Dec 1.1 County Superintendent Cressm.in. present ing thj records of tho public sihools of At- STEAMSHIFS HAVANA K'8'bT Ideal climate nnd surround- inns. Splendid modern hotels. Morse racing at Onentnl Park. Sailings from New York Thursdays Saturdays. Kxcellent passenger accommo dations on fust twin screw steamers salllni; under the American flag NASSAU BAHAMAS Polo, tennis, golf, surf bathing I .arse capacity hotels nnd a do llghtful social life Sailings from New York Thursday .Veie, liclee-a lettk sen ice liraiimlnu Jot K. ISI7. orfuiees Jaclveontle. In uHii .Ynstnu Mexican cruise :i days. Includ ing lluvarui Cuba l'rogrrso tnd Vern rux. Mexico Sail ings fortnightly on Thursdays WARD LINE LWYORK &CUDA MAILS.S.CO. rrll Oft.. I. feel ef H.ll fl , N ) ijy llranrh Ticket linire, 01 Cheetnut HI., rhllatlelplili FLORIDA "DT SI5A" ritlLADCU'lIU TO JACKSONVILLE ICaltlns ul Saeanneh) DKUOHTfUL MAIL rtae B tea me re. Iw Kar.e. Ileal Berrtee. Meals and UertU Included, flan Tour Trip to. Include -Tte Fine. I CoaeiwUa Trim la tha ITerlJ- IlluelraleJ PcwkUl sn fleueat, MerchnnU tSt Miners Trans. Co. OClee. 10S Hoiillj 0b ttU. t"hll.. I'a. wrV.TUnK:u. a. P. A., llalla.. Hi. lantlo Countr. aya that the Buena Vlsl lowrtshlp Is tho best, probably In tho whole State, The number of pupils enrolled In 971 In the Iwenty-elnht nchoois, and the per centnrce of attendance Is 9? . while three, chools attained 100 per rent four attained above 99. ami three nboc tl Theatrical Baedeker OAnniCK "ltnbnd, (Inarantexf." with mill Pi-hen: and JetTeraen le Aneelia n the eael are Crsuturd Kent. William ItarrUan, riar nee Harvey, Amelia MummervtUe Alice llesetnan. UrarfHi Upon v erwd cempanr, but rolled tnethode ef the book detract from It. ,',TT.L'BJ,I,KATii,B-."Vn -1"" Tan Tell," with Charles D Mitchell, ifcirothy helmer dine, Marl liter ami the Htasa Seeleiy t'lay era. Admirable trvlrai LTniC 'rlsltballea." Thrtmas It. Inea's m-tten-rlctur portratlng the borrera of war and the excitement of battle on Isnd and set and In the air 8utrb martial ipectacie and an tlmental rratwllem OltOAD ''fJttle L,ly In ttliie." nlth rrsnees Btarr. Coetume remedy atwut an sdoraWa little mlir snd Some riclureaque iwraona. HI vtrllns. Indareed by the Drama Leasue. FOnitKaT J'Chln-Chln," with Dsvld Menlsom. ry and tred Hlene. Ileturn ensasemenl of the popular mueleal eitravasanaa with tha lameua comedians appearing: in various lm ADKt.I'lll "Kl "Ktperlenee." with nrneet Otendln. "modern moralllr play," with more eel than ernced "Eyerywoman." pin lumsneiieel than arnpe,! "Cv Tnere a a larse csat Ulendlnnlns acta au retbly. r rorvt.AN rifK. tVALNUT "Unit iwl Jeff's IVeddlns." tn which they distort Iheineelves In a new sulae. A lively show, '.roc; KNICKRIlllOCKKlt "The Divorce qneetlon." wllh Anna Houshcrty. John l.oreni nnd ins Hock company. KK.irtKK rit.UH STANt.KV "The llctnrlit Croie," I-isky Para. mount, wllh Lou Telloaen. ndjipted frnm I'aut l-otter's play. Utter halt t weW Others VliTtmiA "The l.llUn Nunlam." Imife Metro, wllh Slabel Taltnferro. latter halt of . week "The ttlnk" Hxturday PAI,A-t"Thr tellow l'swn." tjiiky-l'ara. piount, wllh Wallaca Held anil Oleo lll,lely. iatter half of k "The ttlnk" Saturday ClihxrNur hhinm' ("'rJt'N itouaei -a Htiisfiter nf the tlodi,' lot. with Annette Keliermann. tjiet week ef a feature with pectacl and beauty of the beat, but some what lacking In dramallo slcnlncanc. Vdfl)RV.f,B KniTH'A Itueitan ILlllet. with Koelorf and Jllova: Nsn Halperln. "Tho Call of Child hood ' Krank l rumu Mlreno lirotherai Ade laid IliKilhhy: Miner. Ilawkaley ami lie Clay Mailne ilrotnere. and newa pleturea, (11,01115 "The rasldan. Shop." with Tlerney rour, Maurlc Hamuel and rempanyt la Af lerettae Jack Hjinunde Chief Kasla lioreei Cora Klmiieon and tompanr. May lllltsbury, and the Voinainato llrolhers. (HtANl "Prevailcatluii." with Hert IlaVeri Nowlln and HI l lair. Mario .tparrow, line, Ulllor.. Bid Lewis. Ureeno and l'latt. and oirere IVIl.t.lAM I'KNN "Ills Dream. Olrla"t Pava lloth. Iiennett and ttlrhanla, Kreelake'a l'lsi. and "The Devil a Double " photoplay, , nut, half of week "Tha Ilooaler (Ilrl"i Iz-wle and Velber I'arreli ami .Taylor, nl t'ela. and "The Honor tile Alsy." photoplay. latier neu i " CltOIH KKY-;Tate'a "Molorln: rlns", ' . IJlhel 'In Mes. tha Phllllpl four Howe and Hmllh, flrat Hal ot week "llarveet Daya". the Clover Leaf irio: low , ,,Mii--,niiar,.iivit iriu. ian LU phi inn .-virera ana iorsan, iatter nair of week nvM.R.vorn THOCADKllt "The rrenrh Krolic" with Harry r lei Is and I.na Dully, aupported by the "Twenty lutterliuc l'lappera." irr.vsrit Rf.s DUMONTB "Chin Chin Chin." a burleaqua on Montsomery and Hiune. 'II Troiatorn ' and other topical pieces ot burletla by the resi dent eompanrv Prominent Photoplay Presentations l$Dff&ii BoSmo Grwww rpiIR fellonlnr theaters i.blaln their picture, threasb Hie HTANLKY Doeklos A Cooinwny, which U suarnnte of earlr ehnwlnr of tho tlneet productions. All plctnre-i reelewrd before etulhltlon. Ail fur the theater In laur lacadltl' abUlaUx pictures thrastb Ilia HTANLUY UOUttINd COMPANY. A I 14 AMnD A l-'th. Morrla&I'aeeyunkAve ALnAluoKA Mat u.uy a i:m. . I'arninount I'lcturee. UAH MI'ItllAV nn.l Till OIKHtK ItOIIUUTfl In THIS PLOW iHIIL' APflI I Cl "ID AND TIIOMI'HON ArULLVJ MATiNi.u ijailt Theodore Roberts nnd Anitn King In ANTON Till: Tt.ltltlllLB" An - A PI I A CIlf.STNUT RCAUl A iii:i.ow 10T11 Douglns Fairbanks ,n 'TiVntnrMAe" (IIMILtr. CHAPLIN In Till: HINK" - .Ma-stran. 1lllfAft A . Tl BLULtSlKlJ HUMUUHIIANNA AVB. Pauline Frederick ('Zaza" or,nin llOTlt AND rnllAIt AVB CEDAK iMJMJfoi'.vr tiilatih: Blanche Sweet ..-Th,. storm" FAIRMOUNT 'JnV.DWvnNUB IIAllOt n lW'KWCVdi and MAY AI.L1HON In ''n, T emnlna.' I'BUL WIIITH and ltAI.nl Kr.LI.AIII In 'Penrl of tho Army" CCTIJ CT TIIKATIHS. MAT DAILY 5o 1 li Ol. Iitl Spruce Hire. T to 11. Louise Huff and Jack Pickford In SBVKNTRKN" rniMirrtDn stii ritANKronn FRANKrOKU avknuh Blanche Sweet in 4Thc Storm" Art.le.l M'rn.tl.n The Hhlel.llnx Shadow' GREAT NORTHERN'!, a';.. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in Tim mm: op hihanj IMPERIAL rSSSltur "The Fall of a Nation" e e-. a -- r tXIHTY-l'lltHT AND LEADER I.ANCABTKH AVENUB Louise Huff nnd Jack Pickford In flBVKSTKEV LIBERTY oroauasdcolumda EMILY STEVENS in TUB WAOBIV' WKST lMIILAnKLl'lllA EUREKA40T1,tMAmtCTSW FLORENCE LA BADIE in "HAINT tIBVIL AN'H WOMAN" HOUTIl I'HILADBLIMIIA OLYMPIA HltOAU AM HAINllltlDOB r-J J 1 in "TIIK lYBAHNHHH CfUIllUlU iJiccac ok HTltKNOTH" 2d EpF. "The Girl From Frisco" )xl CITY'S MUNITION EXPORTS BOOSTED Port Will Receive Heavy Shipments Diverted From Other Points OBTAINS LION'S SHARE Dhlladelphla will gtt the lion's share of the shipments of explosives from the United Stales to the lmtente Allies through on Important order of several railroads which becomes effective today. This port already haa had nn Important share ot such shipments, but through Ihe new order the exports of powder from Philadelphia will be Increased by neieral hundred carloads monthly, meaning an ln crenso in l'hltadelphln'a exports ot many millions. , Tho order Is the outgrowth of a, powder embargo virtually placed on the port of New York ns a result of the ltlack Tom explosion of July SO, In which three car loads of powder were blown up, causing damnga estimated nt (10,000,000 Jersey City, which suffered most heailly, passed nn ordinance forbidding the shipment ot nny kind of explosives through Its limits. An Injunction to restrain the operation of tho ordinance was applied for nt that ttmo by the Central Hallroad of New Jer sey, the I'ennsilvanla, the Lohlgh Valley and the Lackawanna Itallronds, slnco It made It Impoe.tlblo for these railroads to get tholr powder shipments to their wharves at Hlnck Tom nnd Communlpavv Argument of the ordinance deferred tho decision of the United States Court, tern, porarlly, nnd Inst week the Injunction was mndo permanent. However, the victory nf tho railroads was not complete since tho court ordered them to hlp a major part of their explosives from other ports. Orders from tho railroads to that effect became cfrectlvo today. It will mean n decrease In the shipments of powder from Now York to from 1000 to 100 carloads n month The other approximate 900 carloads will bo distributed to Philadelphia, Haiti more, Huston and Canada I'hllndelphtn probably will get the bulk ot tho lot Tho monthly lues to tho port ot New York la estimated at 15.000,000 rlCIIOOLK AMI COLLKOr.H The Berlitz School of Language lGtli and Chestnut Streets Loder lllilc titer Hlker'a Pharmaey Terme war be besuu a I any lima STKAYER'S l'oaKlune auaranleed Ths Iteet Ilustneea HcuooL Sth and Cheetnut Htreela, lnter now Day or nlsnu QA1 PCMANCMIP Another cleea now-form uri.L.Lfcj.ii.niiua ins i-ome'ln ai oaoe. TeCTiMI'iiaSrielXIJl I CXCI ICT 5jr AND LOCUST LiJUjJl Mali, I 'AD and 3 -.10, l(k Kvre , 11-30. 8, 0'30, ISc 1'UllOY MYI.AND. BVBUTON OVBHTON and I'll Alt LBft KB.ST III "AN HNKMY" Market St. Theatre 333 MAIIKBT MTIIl-ttT ...o,..9A11' lfA.N'i: MONTAOU LOVE. MtmiBI. OXTHtOHK anrl AHTHl'H AHHI.HY In 'Till: MHN MHI1 MAItniBD" OVFRRRDfiK- in iiAVEitroitD Tin: ctiahmi.no Mabel Taliaferro In TUB 1IAWN OP LOVK" AND UTIIBItH PALACE 131i MAUKBT 8THEET Wallace Rcid nnd Cleo Ridgcly in 'TUB YBL1XW PAWN" PRINCESS mi?t&' Ruocrt Julian ln "TI,K "ai-nrt Every Tuee , L'arle U'lllUnn ".Scarlet nunner" RFHFMT ,Mi MAIIKBT STHEET l.lJI-i'( 1 1lJM.V VOICU OROA.V TLT. Pn.. In 'Tim IILACK liatliv.. a. V.HUIU IlUTTKltFLY" CHAni.tK CHAPLIN In "TUB ni.NIC" RI A I TO UEHMANTOWN AVK, IV 1 I Li 1 U AT TUI.l'KHOCKKN ST Marc McDermolt & Naomi Child era In. 'THE PntCISjOPPAMlr R1ID V MAIIKET STIlEEr W D HBfAlW TT1I HTJIEET MARY PICKFORD in "IN TIIE IIIKHOP'H CAlinjAOEl SAVflV " MAIIKBT .TV V J I HTHEKT DOROTHY PHILLIPS in Till: PIHCK OK HILENpir' QTANI FV MAHKET AUOVB lOTll" JlUlLLiI ji,is A. m. to 1 1 1 Iff 1'. M LOU TBLLEdKN. CLEO IlItKlLBY AND S?AWAjn'The Vicltoria Crons" TIQQ 17T1I AND VKNANQO BTB. Ann Pennington ln "T,5I?,IW Extra Allracllim K It JUNO UUJ 'I tT I in B VICTORIA 1ura.nti, Mabel Taliaferro '" """'AlSiSir- C'HAHLIE CHAPLLS In 'TUB KINK" KOUTH rillleAmSLFllIA R1DGEAVENUE ""- FLORENCE REED in "NEW YORK" MTien jou want to know where t eea OUOD rbotoplaje, read Hi la dallx I'hatopUf Guide In Ihe Erenlnf Id(er. nrt 0 itMi i,llii,nni'uiiflniiri.iui mi i lnnui,m i.-irf, mriLwg I YOUR Price For a &Fb SUIT or OVERCOAT Then Investigate 15 1 Demonstration Values SEVERAL thousand Model Suits and Overcoats assembled here for the express pur pose of demonstrating to the men and young men of Philadelphia that this enormous Georges organization can give greater values at this popular price than any other Philadelphia store. r Georges Model Clothes arc produced in our own cus tom shops sold only in Georges Chain of Stores, tho Inrgest specialty retail cioth inpr business in America with no nationnl advertising expense, no wholesale selling cost or manufacturer's profit to pay. They represent val ues at $15 absolutely un matchable elsewhere. e IKc challenge comparison of Georges $16 Garments with those actually SOLD at this price by any other establishment In toion. Especially for this Demon stration Event, wo lmvo brought upward of a thou sand Suits and Overcoats in every style, model and color, thnt never saw our racks be fore from our Custom Shops to augment the stocks at $15, which embrace thou sands and thousands of SACK SUITS: tn hundreds of nxodeli; ono, two, three and four button itytct. OVERCOATS: SingU and dou. bU'brtaited fittmd coat; Pinch Bach and UUtercttai, Box and Chesterfield modehi T rm ne h Coat i and Ulitcrt. DRESS SUITS and Tuxedo Suite, tillt-tined, from our cue torn ehope, duplicating the model of New York's exclusive tailors all at $18.00. So come along, you men whose clothing price is $15. Our complete price range Is $15 to S50 but you can come with any style, model or color idea you wish nnd you'll find it satisfied .at $15. Open Saturday Evening PHILADELPHIA 15fh & Ciiesfnii AI.HO STOIIEH AT NHW YOltIC () l'lttlVinnNCB 1IUOOKLYN I.KTItorr 1IOSTON IIUrTALO $15 Mjp I lir a 1 J! t M