Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    awiw'i')' e pwpmw jgwp"
KacNciHc'8 Opposition to
Woman iviay on did
of Issue
Lnile Branch Should I Be In-
.pendent, judges rnwuuo
?.f MM. J".' H. PP" S-,''S
Sffi ?S " Sr.- -PUt in the
Spit Cout dMl.r.th. power of
WfJlal for omc In the Juvenile Co
SSSTIV rom Judge Brown .
i'- i 1-L..X rrrtm .1 i inn fiiumii ttiiu
fflS in the hand, of the Juvenile Court
?? .. .tuitni tlrown to nnoolnt
ijriuppln chief probation omeer be-
iiwwn ytit.nlay with the disclosure
".""" ' ,,, ,,!- nl.nllt 11 its.
tad flht from Judge Ittymond Mac;
vSne of the Juvenile Court, and many of
WKrL";r the Uome.tlo
Iwuiloni and Misdemeanant, branches of
SSmSS'cIpSi Court, at a .alary of J2600 n
rf. . . 11,. tmiitiltt. atnrtnl hv the re-
rt thl Mrs. Illppln would get the Juve
EfT. ....... nn.i. la rpnnon9lble for a ulsn
Ke. f-.f "a Crt !H"
Md or in iiuin-iH www.. " "
!Pi f...t f tfiA Miinlrtnnl Court, nt
wnt Judite nrovrn, will hao no Jurla-
J-.j.- ih. nrAn nvMtem th Jlldiro of
:"" it. fupt hit nnfhtnrr In inv
rVtaet the awlstnnta who work with him.
Tatr " ,',',-" ' r- "
'iralie U.cNellle'B friend, point out that
'tt would be ey for an unfriendly Judge
I. ... tt.. Tuvnnllrt Court ofTlcnfl with a
likrnti ef Incompetent., and for tho result-
iwimt the Juvenile Court Judge.
tl ThCre ate IIHllljr nuuncn i.iu njru-m urn
I. midt to accomplish, Judge Mac.N'cllle'a
wpporttrs y uiiun .- ....... .,,
mi Jannlle Court Judge nnd hh chief
f. . .., Thfirnrnr-. If In nrcued. thn
liwolntwtnt of Mrs. Klppln over Judge
.VgCXtMie B pruirnfc vtuuiu iiibi', ,,o j,uc,
f Ui court and Injuro the syatem already
'to eptratton.
b The ultimate object of tho.o who want
ta)te the power of appointment to Juve
ail Court oftlce. out of Judgo Brown'n
...j- m-A mtt If wllhln IhiT tuiivnr nt thf
javenllt Court Judgo himself Is an appeal
U tin legislature It Is probnblo tho
t Legislature will be nsKed to pasa an
et making tho Juvenile Court a complete
"'.-If, (th fha Antinlntlt'A nnti'Ar wlioro
trUndi of Judge MncNellle .Ay It should
M, In me nanas or mo juvenile uouri
l, lain Drown declined to comment on
the report that he would nppolnt Mrs.
;Krwn as chief probation olllcor In tho
tut of Judge MacN'eltle's opposition
& "I don't want to be a party to any
Ust comes tne announcement or tlie np-
! ,- A 1,1 k.- .- tt
ifamunciu win uq imiuQ,
j. .Beta sides are resting, waiting for tho
!(orttd the appointment -will be made and
usounced January 1.
Bemaria Thompkins Returns to
rArdmore After Suicide At-
fp temnc in JfittsDunrn
ftjmaHtt Thnmnlilna (Iim fflTtMti.vtnp.nM
Irdmore girl who attempted BUlclde In I'lUs
largh after she wan deserted by the man
fcrnhom she left her home twenty days ago,
Mtsrned home last night In the company
w E. T. nalllsey, chief of the Haver
ford townshln notice. The elrl Is nnltpnt.
tStatand 111. according to Hallisev.
K'fltmarls has been forgiven by her
RtlHta .1.k ...!. 1. . ,....L.f 1
la brought on by youthful Ignorance and
Bltplaced confidence. She will be kept nt
jfcse until wanted by the Pittsburgh police
Is a irltness In case of the arrest of tho
anaa, no is still a fugitive.
I He Is Raymond Gardner, alias A! Orant.
n.itraVtllna' b00khln(!r frnm nntrnn nn,l
Ijanted In Louisville, Ky.. aa well as In
nmaurin, on a cnarge ot abandoning his
K The three-year-old hnv nintmr h.
pwttd. It being cared for at the Thompkins
vaw m .nramore, no was left there soon
laflw the father secured Demarla as a day
llfM. It was during her employment by
E4rtnir that the girl Is supposed to havo
lasnte under his Influence.
Ifttrty Leader Hero Snva Knlnn,, oi,nl.,,i
i Gladden Hearts of Women by Pass-
ing National Amendment
i titular IhM RnauM Tl .!
laant t .v. """: """"'' "",c"u:
tiiii. 2 wuimiuuiion oi mo unitea
I1"" Putting the matter of woman
IV,mV .r ir '" O'atea tor rat ideation
tiu . "'" wiirMimui present wmen
(!! . V. "." "on, accoraing to mra.
IsS' Dunnlnff- President of the Woman
mr '"" v"ir 01 rnuaoemnia.
K THien tnM ,na .. .1.- v..,.,
l . 4 "Ported favorably on the uf
ISSi!5,.1d?2?r. ,r-- Dunning, said:
KbimbT. n ",, "1.. liWfS. wo.u,a P"?
ItmM V: .,"u" "'" nriroaaf
tsi.. V 7"' "na tnristmaji present
?tS. the wmn of the country.
tte itmJ' "i!?cn ""rprlsed to hear that
Kiat.r?.vConlralt,ea ha1 reported on
fi2ji!I favorably so soon." Mrs. Dun
Stl?.? w"h aamlle. "We had hoped
Ksh, L2ulL.bB tak" UD t this e
WiS " rdly thought It would come
Ea.,Bv7 time the question comes
Krithf!,1 . 5'7 moro vote, so wo ara
wrt than glad to hear that It has been
SSL'4 on favorably by the Judiciary Com.
V- I" "" " Br wun us. 1
--,,. mo maner 13 put to a vote,"
t&y Fatally TT..W Wl.11- .-. n
fcorSGVt. '" """c .""""S
BhSafhiYS "'5ht ?.' CrMll, Charle.
B&m ST CSr' n.or M.r- . M":
Wtk i.. . . arei impetus coiuaw
nSa Trw?9 'ourlng car and suffered In.
MSTJW from Which he died In lh. rtnolor-.
- . v.v. .
Brand-New Babies
S?J' Mr. d Mr Nolaad Edgar.
t Siv,Xr V Un NelUon. SJ50 North
t Jwwoth atreet, a. son. NeiUon Peter.
m.lJf. ? wlU Briat. tt. ft
WSKL "S,A""S i. h.U MHl.
?.,cnno.. Chriaty (Mr. Bcrnnnl
urnnvillc) ns nn everyday wife.
Pretty Eleanor Christy, Actress, Wants a Home and a
Real Kitchen Absent Treatment Taboo in Marital
Matters, She Finds After Experience
MOST girls In some period of their youln
entertain tho rosy Islon of leaving
home for a spectacular Tnge career
Miss Eleanor Christy, young, pretty and
successful, has reversed the order. After
U years of cumulative triumphs on the
stage she has decided, Just like a regular
"ami," that not only Is woman's place In
tho home, but that her happiness lies there.
Mlsi Christy has a double role In "Kxpe
rlence." With remarkable skill for so
young n woman Bhe Is twenty-two she
plays tho part of Intoxication and tho lead,
Hut If you ask her which of her roles she
profera alio will tell ypu without heslta-Hon-
'That of the wife or Bernard Oranvllle "
Seventeen months ago she became tho
wlfo of the Juenlle lead of Zlegfeld Fol
lies. Kor n ear she renounced the foot
lights to bo Just a wife Hut "they"
"thoy" means the theatrical managers, who
always have their eyes opened for pretty
and talented young women besieged her
tgaln and Induced her to resume her rote
In "Kxperlencc"
"But It doesn't work." she said seriously
hh sho stopped gathering together Innumer
able little boxes containing Christmas girts
nnd sat down In her room at tho Hit to
talk "I don't think It In possible for two
young people who nre very much In love
with each other to be very hnppj It their
ways Ilo apart. Mr flrnnvllto and I hare
been separated almost continuously since
I retiumed my role, nnd we don't like It a
bit. We want n home " She ended In n
"It may be posalblo," she continued, "for
Gains Entrance to Apartment and Ar
rests Mrs. K. D. Moon, Accused
of Defrnuciinp Hotels
Hntn off to tho millionaire detective !
Sleuths arc called upon nearly ecry day
to play tho part of tramps, hobom and
bums, to run their prey to ground. De
tective Itobert Downey, however, had an
unusual case and did tho unusual posed as
a millionaire He won
This detcctlo mllllonalre-for-n-day from
Boston, "dolled up lit to kill," gained en
trance to the apartment of Mrx. K. I) Moon,
481S Chestnut street, and served her with
four warrants accusing her of defrauding
local hotels
At a preliminary hearing before Magis
trate I'drsch, Mrs. Moon was held In II 000
ball for a further hearing. According to
the testimony, sho came to Philadelphia on
November 15 nnd registered at tho Lincoln
Hotel under the nnme of Mrs. IS. I). Selden.
J. Wnrren Friar, manager of the hotel.
Identified her an the woman who contracted
a bill for J6G.05.
According to Detective Downey, she then
passed u worthless check for 50 at the
Hamilton Court Apartments, defrauded a
Market street department store out of (300,
the Hotel Walton out of $70 nnd the Bristol
Apartments out of three weeks' board.
Throng; in Snow-Covered Street Chcera
Roomer When Ho Ends Perilous
Trip Alonp; Cornice
A movie stunt was performed by a room
er trapped on the fourth floor of 1012 Pine
street this morning, to escape from a tire, in
which eleven persons were routed In their
night clothes to snow-coered streets.
Many persons watched Charles Jlose, the
roomer, ns he opened a window and made
his way along a narrow cornice that led to
tho next building. They cheered when he
ended his perilous trip
Tho flro was discovered about 5 o'clock
by Joseph Weber. He smelled smoke while
dressing and found a burning mattress on
tho fourth floor. After arousing the occu
pants of the house, he threw the mattress
from a window and was burned on the
hands. The damage Is estimated at 1100.
Cumberland Democrats Spent $1935
CARLTSLE, Pa,, Dec. IS. Filing of final
accounts by Cumberland County candidates
show that the Democratic County Commu
tes received and spent 11936, This amount
was made up by a 1100 contribution from
the Democratic State Committee, I100O
from candidates and officeholders. Presi
dent Wilson polled 6IJ3 votes and the eerv
ices of elghty-sl xmen were required a
Milk for 11,500 Dates, Rockefeller Gift
DEnLIK, Dec. IB. Tho Ilockefeller "War
Heilef Commission, saya an Overseas Newa
Agency announcement, haa obtained per.
mission to Import from Switzerland eighty
tons of condensed milk each month.
"Eleven thousand flvo hundred babies In
Warsaw and 6000 In Lods," adds the state,
ment. "will thus tecelve a dally ration of
milk. Tho aerman railroads will ship this
milk free of charge."
Luxurious Furs
For' men, women and children, Garments
of finest quality made with painstaking care
for dress,' street or motor wear.
' Fur-Lined Coats for Men and Women.
BJ.YNN, Inc.
KIcnnor Christy ns nn nctrosn
tho part of Intoxicntion
clever woman to havo a home, a husband,
children nnd a career nnd happiness all
together, but not If her career taken her
away from her husband nnd home. How
can there be any happiness It's all non
senso about absence making the heart grow
fonder. Separation Is bound to lead to cold
ness In the long run
"On the other hand. I nm very much
ngalnst husband and wife keeping too close
V. ?,n ,ac'1 0,h" Now- although I met
Mr. tirnnvllle when we were both playing
In the Kotlles. I should never want to play
In the imnie company with him again. I
am not Jealous, but." she added, humanly
feminine, "an actor nnd particularly one
In tho Follies must of necessity do thlngi
on the stage that might lend to Jealousy.
If seen too often. All I'm looking for now
Is a home with a real kitchen In It one
that I can go Into een If we do have a
Mies Chrlsly. or Mrs Oranvllle. is n
pulchrltudlnous brunette Her sister, Kstelle
Christy. Is known to all ns the original
Christy model.
It token a truly domestically Inclined per
eon to Inject the homo ntmosphere Into a
formal hotel room. Mrs. f)ranIIIe had done
It. There was a machine, there was a half
completed negligee, thrro were the Christ
mus presents scattered around helter-skelter
In true homo fashion
"I don't care if the stago never sees me
ngaln. I'm going to 'pull tho woman stuff
Just as hard ns I can and have n good time
nt It." wna her blithesome way of concluding
tho Interview.
Girl Scouts of Ashbourne and Elkins
Pnrk Come to Aid of Wives
nnd Children
Wives and children of many of the
Pennsylvania guardsmen now nt the bor
der are nssurcd of a merry Christmas ns
a result of efforts of the Girl Hcouti of
Ashbourne nnd l'lklns Pnrk. It was learned
today that a card party given by the scouts
and tho Old York lload Unit of the Women's
Preparedness League netted n substantial
sum of money, which will bo used to pro
vide food and clothing for seven mothers
and twenty-fight children who were in a
destitute condition on account of the ab
sence of the breadwinners nt the Mexican
Investigation of the homes of the nbxent
snldlcis showed that their families were
suffering from lack of food and that many
of their children were compelled to remain
In bed because of InsuMlcIent clothing
Among those who took a prominent part
in making tho affair a success were Miss
Mildred dates, scoutmaster. Miss Hester
Hunsberger, Miss Sarah Scattergood and
Minn Ksther Jones.
Tho party was given at the Old York
road flrehouse.
A set of Furs a Scarf?
A Christmas gift that
lnsts and is appre
ciated. Best of all, litftle to pay.
for dependable, worth
while Furs!
160 Chestnut Street
The Ilouta of
Exclusive Model
Chestnut St.
L a
Prepared to Vote on Resolution
Demanding Living Cost
WASHINGTON. Dee. IS. The high cost
ot living complainants In Congress today
lined up for A finish fight to force action
In tho House on the norland resolution
for n Investigation of food prices hy the
Federal Trade Commission. Tho resolution,
reported favorably by tho Judiciary Com
mittee, la now squarely beforo the House,
and Its supporters will devote their efforts
to forcing a vote on the measure.
Uepresentallve norland, author of tho
resolution, said today that unless early ac
tion was assured on the resolution by the
leaders, he would try to obtain a special
rule from the committee on rules to force
tho Inquiry measure to a vole He said:
The demand for action on this meas
ure Is strong enough to wnrrant the
adoption of n. special rulo to put It
through. It Is the nrst measure which
will enable Congress to express Iself
on the high cost of living problem,
and It should havo the support of
very member. The measure proposes
a comprehensive Investigation to de
termine the cause of high prices, and
If possible to tlnd a way of securing
fair prices for tho producers with a
fair price to the consumer. I believe
that this Is the only means which the
Government has nt hand to meet thli
problem, which Is the biggest domestic
question now beforo our people
Tho passage of the Uorland resolution
hy the House would make the mensuro ef
fective, ns It Is In the form of a mandate
from tho House to the Trade Commission
and does not requlro action In tho Senate
or by the President
Product Exhibited in Alabama Received
Coloring in Growth Drown nnd
lllue Samples Rnised
ANNISTO.V. Ala. Dec 15 Councilman
Claude J. Sclths. of this city. Is exhibiting
samples of brown cotton which he believes,
If It can be grown successfully on n largo
scale, will In n mrnsure solve the German
dye problem In this country. Tho cotton
exhibited by Settles was not dyed brown,
but grew that color In his back yard on
Glen Aditln avenue, and nature made It a
fast brown, for no amount of boiling or
washing changed Us color the least bit. he
A small bale of blue cotton, from similar
seed, wns raised this year northwest of
Annlston This also Is washablo nnd the
staple nf both brown and bluo was of
medium length
George Allen, inc.
1214-Chestnut Street 1214
Now t the time to purchase an extra Hat the entire stock is
greatlu reduced.
Ne Fur Models and Dress Hats
Of unusunl superiority nnd the values nre best in town.
Christmas Cards
Designs nro n t e o 1 die.
stamped, tho sentiments nre en
Krnvcd. 50c and $1.00 dozen
Floral, Lajidscapo nnd Novelty
Nicely boxed, 10c ench
Allied Governments Consent to
U. S. Request to Let Austrian
Ambassador Reach
LONDON, Deo. IS According to the re
quest of tho United States, the Allies have
consented to grant a safe conduct to Ameri
ca to Count Tarnonekl, tho newly appointed
Austro-Hungnrlan Ambassador to Wash
ington. Count Tarnowskl was appointed Am
baiwndor to tho United Slates to succeed
Count Dumba, who returned to Vienna be
cause ho was no longer "persona grata"
to America. The I'nlted States made known
Its displeasure at Dumba'n action nnd he
was recalled. When Tarnowskl was ap
pointed his successor, several weeks ago, tho
Allies refused him safe conduct, first, nn
the ground that his entourage wns entirely
too large to be bona tide, and, later, becauso
It wns contended by the Allies that previous
experience had shown Teutonic diplomats
wero first of alf propagandists of the Ger
man Powers, and Knglnnd would merely
be nldlng her enemy by permitting them
to travel
The t'nlled States later made formal re
quest for Tarnnvv ski's safe passage It
remained unanswered and iv second request
was recently nindo nf Hngland.
Mrs. Coxc (o He Snntn Clntm Again
HAZt.irrON. Pa. Dec IE. The 4000
children of tho miners nt the collieries of
t'oxe llrothers A Co. will receive their
Christmas gifts of clothing, toys nnd sneets
from Mrs l-rkley 11 t'oxe. widow of thn
anthracite operator, nt their respoctlvo
school-houses on tho afternoon of December
21 Mrs Cove has been Santa Cl.vus to the
hoys and girls lit tho mines for nearly half
a century
Increase in (ins Kntc Upheld
IIAItlllSlll'ltG. Dec b Increase of the
Potter (las Company's minimum rate from
titty cents to n dollar for furnishing natural
gas In Us Held Is upheld by the Public
Service Commission becauso of tho comll
tlnns prevailing in thn natural gas business.
In an opinion handed down by Com
missioner M J Ilrecht. dismissing com
plaint lumlp hv thn cttlxens of Caleton
against thn company's rate
1232 Market St. &. Branches
English Ivory
Toilet Articles
For Xmns eivinR.
The assortment is complete
in every detail nnd moderately
Files, Ilutlnn Hooks, Combs,
Salve Rotes
Special iioc ench
Ivory Clocks
Guaranteed for two yenrs.
Sl.fiO to $5.00
Let ARMOUR'S Domestic Science
Department Help You Reduce
Your Table Costs!
EVERYONE knows two of the great aims of
Armour purveyor of foods to the American people. That
increased production for this country's farms ranks high as an Armour
ambition, is well understood. Further, that Armour is continually seeking new
economies in marketing these products best, is a matter of common knowledge. But Armour
has a third aim, which, less well known, is probably greatest of them all.
The ideal which Armour is striving to achieve is
ECONOMICAL USE-of every Armour product.
For no one understands better than Armour that
the average American incmo is under $800 n year, of
which nearly half (43) is spent for food, and almost
a quarter (23) for meats and meat products.
Since Armour is no a producer of raw ma
terials, and has no control over production costs, and
since the profits of the Armour organization are ap
proximately but three cents on every dollar's worth
of business done (much too little to in any way af
fect prices), the one thing Armour can do to re
duce living costs is to show the housewife how
to use foods BETTER.
To this end Armour maintains a large and thor
oughly equipped Domestic Science Department
under the direction of Mrs. Jean Prescott Adams.
This department is at the free service of every
woman throughout the United States.
The work this Department performs is important.
Through lectures before women's clubs, church
societies and other organizations, through classes and
demonstrations at Armour Plants and Branch Houses,
Labor Lenders Fight Injunction Ob
tnincd by Expelled Local Unions
rOTT8V!M.R, Pa Dee, IS Interna
tional President John P. White nnd nil the
other general officers of the United Mine
Workers declared In court here through
their counsel. ex.Congressmah James II.
Itellly and J. V. Monaghnh, that the
County Court had no authority to arant an
Injunction ngalnst them. They asked that
Iho suit ot I-ocxI No. 110 J, ot Shenandoah,
be dismissed.
This local, together with two other
Shenandoah locaU, has been expelled for
alleged lllegnl payment of strike benefits
to members.
rpxnn shop here dress
For Saturday Only
You may select from the following lots of
Furs & Fur Coats
at One Half Off
Wc urge an early attendance, as some of these
lots are limited, and Christmas gift-buyers will be
eager to take advantage of this timely opportu
nity in furs of dependability & smartest fashion.
5 $30 Blnck Pony
nnd French Coney
Conts $15.00
4 $85 Ncnr Scnl nnd
Skunk Opossum Conts $42.50
5 $225 Hudson Seal
Conts; skunk trimmed. $112.50
3 $85 Moire Pony
Conts; dyed skunk
collnr $42.50
2 $337.50 Hudson
Seal Conts; Bcnver
trimmed $167.50
$20 Hudson Scnl
Melon MufTs nt $10.00
$25 Mole Melon
MufTs at $12.50
$30 Hudson Seal
Ripple Cnpes nt. . .$15,00
$35 Poiret & Rose
Fox Scarfs nt $17.50
$7.50 Novelty Mara
bou Sets, in black
nnd brown nt $3.75
brcnrcirnanannanii FRANK
through special newspaper articles and household
pages, and through a voluminous correspondence ex
tending into every state in the Union, the Domestic
Science Department has saved thousands upon
thousands of dollars for housekeepers.
It has thrown a new light on home economics
for a great multitude of users, showing them how to
get greater value out of the foods they buy, how to
bring meats, packaged fruits, fish, vegetables and
every other Armour Product to their tables in the
best possible way.
That Armour should seek to render this val
uable service is perfectly logical when one considers
the"broad-gauged policy upon which this great or
ganization is based.
, Fullest value and fairest prices! Could any Ideal
be higher? Could anything be more important to you?
When you have considered this carefully and
grasped the essential truth contained in 't that your
interests are Armour's interests you will realize
why it is important to your own pocketbook and
health that you insist upon Armour foods for
your table.
Three Hundred I. W, W Members film
pcrso on Arrival of Constabulary
wil,KK8-nAnnrc.'Pa., bee, is mans.
trial Workers of Iho World called a mlno
strike nt Ilemlce, Sullivan County. Thrf.
hundred men responded to tho call and
started rioting on a smalt scale when other
mine workers refused to Join thslr strike.
A call was ent In to the barracks nt
Troop n. Stale Constabulary, and a squad
of troops was hurtled to the scene on a
special train ,
Sheriff J. O Gaven called out a small
force of deputies In an. effort to preserve
onler Mntlt the troops arrived, when I. W.
W leaders at onco dispersed tho strikers.
smartly save money coot
$30 Red Fox Sets;
animal scarf and
novelty Muff nt, . .$15.00
$45 Skunk (Dyed)
Sets; lnrRC flat Scnrf
nnd Muff nt $22.50
$35 Moline nnd Er
mincttc Sets; ripple
enpe nnd melon
Muff at $17.50
$100 'Eastern Mink
Sets; nnimnl Scarf
nnd melon Muff at. $50.00
& SEDER zcrnnriirnL-iaxaxca
-.' I'jl-
P!fsDiN-SUE5'.Mr- a4 r TO
aF & V P,lt . lsuth.Ur,
Furs Altered trad Rf paired
PS,?'r- M W mmr.
'&. t
j. fc . . , JmZ-,
SHtf- ,.
, .
Tv -J&3&&Z& i&m&ssg.
WffA ; ,