.r mmtm XmDOmtmLADmjmiA. FRIDAY, D320BMBEE lf, 1016 GlFTS AND OTHER SUGGESTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON REVELATIONS OF A WIPj if 7 ? &f. t'vfi 3q -rSc , m Jtfb SYMPATHY SHOULD GO OUT TO THE lie Mother Frequently ith Her Daughter's Efforts to Assist Her in the Duties of the Household imiSNEVER ft err I pi 1m 1teetel.til AS BrfWP'stroneir I feet reat sympnlliy for ,t fl lin't nlwnys to be Warned 6n nn ox- 5Co9 of maternal nollolliule. Frequently I jflniJ It l liecutiso tlio mother has followed f52th lino of least rcalntnnco and with tlm . ' fcrothldlo "I can do It myelf In half tho 1 tfnfe" line deprived her children of tho BdftintAgo of a llttlo Judlcloim tnilnlnic tinder her watchful eye. , One girl In upeaklnn of thin very linult urnon fond parents pays: , "It Is often easier for n mother to do tier holisowork without tho nld of her children than to havo them help her. It in another evidence of motherly love Detail n, Wo'tium allow, her rhlldren to ' Vfork bcMdo her, giving them tho bene fit of hpr oversight nnd cxpcrlenca and Itceeptlntf their petty little hlundorH with Rood will and equanimity. "For child labor, for many reanonii, l Woro of a nuUnnco tlian n help. Out In tho' buslnemi world It In Irretrievably linked with wnnto and Inelllcleticy. It V nfo tho mother who ncccpU it cIiIM'h "$ work ond given tho laborer credit for a wah'w Job. She has tho bad end of tho 'bargain. It nil means extra offoit on hor port, constant oversight nnd constant repetition. Thcro Is tho child who Is willing enough, but forgets what ho Is trying to do, nnd thcro Is his brother Dvho Is unwilling nnd who pouts nnd Bulks and kicks tho Moor In a lit of bad .temper. If tho work Is Important tho child hits to bo continually watched, It It Is to bo dono In n huiry ho Is too slow. Consequently It takes more nervous en ergy to get a child to do something for ,us 'than tho task would demand If wo did It ourselves. This Is especially truo when tho mother Is worn out with tho cntes of thd day. It Is moro fatiguing for her to eo that Johnny fills tho coal bucket than it is to carry It up tho collar steps her self. "Yet tho mother who has tho best In. . teresta of her children at heart tloei not In tho least allow tho question of her own .. convenionco to govorn hor. Children havo to bo taught. Hlio realizes thli, nnd hIio realizes also that no ono Is In it hotter position to Jill this responsibility than THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Letters anil questions submittal to (Mi department must be xoriltcn on one side of tM paper anil signal tolth the name of the writer. Hpecinl iiimrirs ftt thorn ulerri below ore invited, it is understood that tho editor docs not iieinnnrlj Imlorac tho sentiments expressed. All communications or thh tieiirlmenf should bo iutdrissi.il as follows: Till: n'llMA.N'N II.XL'llA.NOi:, Evening Ledger, PhitaiMphla, Pa. Th" winner of toilur'e lirlin la lira. V, V. llalipralroh, ot 2S31 .North Hlvtrrnlli atrrrl, wlioae letter appeared In rratrrtliiy'a paper. TODAY'S . 1, IVbnt tlionltl be the) niuilniiim wrlilit of n ffsod roaatlnr pit? 3. Whin there l n tentirnry In lillIounr Hilar Hilt atimrtlinee Increnas It. Haw ran It fc taken with anfetr br lernni no nftrrlrdf 8, fihgolil meat Iw laid illrectlr npan the lrr.7 ANSWEKS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1. Wetllnr a mold with lr water Inimeillule Ir before ponrlnc In tho rranberrlra will prn tfttt them from atlcklnir to tlm bowl. 3. A fowl nftrr belns roaated In Iho uaual nnr honld b turned, hark upward, nbout twontr mlnutea before InUen out uf tho men. a this rar tho Jutcea will run lulu tho breaat 3. Bob alalna on a tint-topped tuhlo with n Ilea ot lemon. Allow tho arid to remain on the root for about an hour, then wlpo on and 4ho lno will bo clean and bright. Removal of Iodine Stains To tSilttr o iraman'i i'aoe. Dear Madam For tha Ixnellt of A. I),, irhoco raiueat for aoniathlns lu remove lo.llno talna from whlto llnan waa In Wadneaday'a paper, I am pleaaed In advlaa that It nho will oak tbo sooda In household ammonia for rive or ten mlnutea tho alaln will entirely ill"- psfear. Do not dllut tha ammonia, but uao It tull atrenfth, and du not throw It away niter--ward, aa tha Iodine will havo nu etfetl on tho ammonia. Thta haa been tried nn nld atalna and haa proved lia reliability to my cntlra aatlifacilou, ' " ' So ths Editor a ll'oinon'a I'aat: Dear Madam I.aat lummir I apllled lodlna vn.ak luta iinait carij liiaktnf a liluik atatu. v waahod Iho apot In denatured uttohol. At Erav II aprvau uui (it tiutaa iiiw uciaiiiui alio, vt la two or three waablnue tha alutn routd not bo found Th linen en la uiii.ijutau. u.anu to burn throuah. Thla acid would ix nam may Daip your inquirer ot weuneauay. UOltlrtlX W. U. Old-Fasliloncd Gingerbread Va tht Editor of Woman's Pagt: Dear Madam After rich, heavy rakea for a few daye, tha houaawlfa lootta , aruuud fur a lIuiDla caka that will ail tha bill, Tula la a reclDo for old-faahloned glnxerbreadf Ona cud browa euirar. ona cup ayrup. ona cup butter, ona cup aour milk, ona-half cuu i.orn atarch, two and one-halt cupa flour, ime Ira auoon cluvea. ona teaapooo oda.. (Mra.) C. T. f Recipe for French Toast J'So lh Editor o It'omoa'f roast ' V. D"" Madam How do ou make k'ram ranch b"rench toast One loaf bread, two fees, pnu cup milk, ona teaspoon augur Out Into toin slices. Beat eggs well. Add milk and Mgar. Dip bread in the mixture, ulid fry in butter or dripping, Herve with syrup. Tho toast makes on excellent breakfuat ttUh. Slarahmallow Fudge Recipe fa the Editor of IVcman's Pass: Dear Madam At thla tlm of the year rolP for coodlea are alwara tn demand, , Afaraameiiow raart-iwii iwu iiu one-nair cum orauxar. one cup or miut ana two equarea at bitter chocolate uatll a aoft ball la formi med and In eolil wateri add one tablaaooon hutter hruhi froni Sra. Out one-half Dtiunil tnarah . tsaltowa In ouartera and add. aiirrina: wui F flUjtnlvad and the inlature beatna to thicken. h; , Pour Into buttered pane and cut In auuar ta s tl I toMpenahe and ry "moralah1' , r"3Pr)a? (Mra.) O. A Household Suggestions f r JSdUor of Woman's Paul taw Madam Some of rar bouaehold helpa uy belli other In my kltcheu I alaraya keep Sams of m Jn my kltci l. Mr at araaellne and I llad It better than oil far aaUr dour blnnea. for drawer that etlek ' AM ootcl) and there l nothloar a tood aa f tkHl!ii In my eatlmatton far remorlBg water Bikika from poaanea rurniture i cover an my titJtea and kitchen drawera with while olluioin Md of papr. aa It looks nicer a be kept ear wlU) 1M trouble sad ia very loexpen-..i-ar my alnk t alwaxi keep a (malt bruah tsat to wuh my forka aa the bruah t in t4iweea each prang and eaalljr and oulokly re- MM all SMtrtaclta of food. nvi9 oi oou. t ahoaa 1 alwrave aonly tha baa llw ahoea wllh an sk teoUuiruah. 1 fmd aprior u au waya is a cioin. aa toe tmjmtS4 tan at uw n w iwi awl - mif el tb b wJtbout aoHlsi tn bnU. Whett Pressing Embroidered Work fg, t Sdltor of ffMa' Vats. 0.Mdas-l la t i m nr. mum pi - mm i SUM HUgafUSS oanciieei aaaaaeue attaeuauka wai naaNpeam aajaaF -r'-ETt .".urrrni. n "inlif THriafJJ III il ii Triinar am.JBkf 1cr.. ""'. wtu ' smUr ssBmug Mi.v-MmitiasMkMssaFmms- mmmriBf aaaWeBosltJSL X?r "ri 1 :..,,, iXi-OMW GmrwjaWTmmm ! c"Tir- nvtir whom .pe nn u .aansj :mm, UktmarW' TW.I ecu wmnni ssjasjia ' tVr.i "SPOILED77 CHILD Will Not Sympathize THE CHEERFUL CHERU& I used to think this little SDa.cc. Mfc. leas tWc-r. 1 deserve cl somehow: But t my, its lucky tVvct 1m 3nYcJll Op else I'd not Le here. ,-t 1 white paper's P so expensive. I N. now. n.TCAr"? slm herself Thern iirp few exceptions to this rule. Htrnngo to i elate, thu onu ox (option that has come under my nntlro Is tho most capablo liouiuivlfe In every Intention a HUcrcmtful mother, "Mrs. II. was burled under a tush of things, and when t vlnlled her boinc with Its big family and threu iMjardum I wiw at a-glanco that II vww only by dint of tho most skillful management nho suc ceeded In putting through tho dally rou tine. Hho was an Immaculate house keeper. Ilor two llttlo girls, Juno and Kllzabctb, seemed to havo some of her talent, for they both loved to dabble In tho kitchen and help picpnro thu meats. Hut Mrs, II never let them stlrk their lioml'i Inside tho dooi. Hho uiim nlwitjH too busy to bo bothmed. Hho never al lowed thorn to tiy their hand at it cukn becaiiKo iilio couldn't afford to have It spoiled. Hho never poimlttcd them to prcpnro a meal because It had to bo ready on tlmo ami tlm jiluk of peifcutlon. "Several yeats wont by, financial con ditions Improved, and Mis. II. hlied a servant who pioved to bo a splendid cook. Tho girls became absorbed In other Interests as they grow up, HrHt school, then tho business world. Finally, thoy were mnirled, but they vvoro not happy In their homes. It nil enmo about bo nuiHO they couldn't cook. Tor clvlllcil man cannot do without cooks." INQUIRIES 1. la It proper for it man to "rut la" Inure? at n 2. At "lint lumr ran n man ilon Ma ilrraa ult? .1 How nnr nn xteulne rn lie. niailo, o that II will he iinlto fnrinal, yet roiivrnlently ahort for danelnxT 1. A ahauinou whleh will lra the hilr aofl nnd allky ran be unite by dlaohlnir nne-half aunrn of rnrhannlK of nmnianlii mid one uitnre uf bornx In u uuurt of vnileri ndd tnu minrei of styrrrlu In three uunrta of Jsew r.nalanil rum mid one quart of h7 rum. Mulalrn the hair nllh Iho mixture, ahainpoo ami rlnae thor ouchly. 2. A brldo may bo alven In marrlnKn hy her moUier If thero la no near main rrlatlre. In thla rate the bride prorcrda up thn iiUle nlone and tho mother alepa forward at the chancel, 3. Tnrnlnr down on rorner of n Tlalltnc card alxnlllea that tho rail win made In peraon Uso for Old Woolen Shawls or Wraps To Ine r.iWor of Woman's root: Dear Madam racked away In almoat every attic or aarret aro any numtier of nhl woolen hwl or wraiw that hava had their day. Jn atead of lettlna- l hem lla there, uaeleaa. ararch than; out and hrlns them hack to Ufa and to trrlce again. Thar are atlll xood. Tho yarA inn be unruvelrd and mralu imed In knlmna warm aocka. Jackets and mlttena for the lit tla onca or for tho aoldlera a, V. Wants to Lenrn Nursing To Ine Editor of "li'oman'i Pane: Pear, Madam I wlah to learn nuralnr. What hoapltala In I'hlladelphta have tnlnlnr icuoo" for nuraea? Which onee would you rerommand ? Cull jou let ine know aomethlns aa to the re lulremenlar How much innurv anouid airl r..Tr.'-.'"; "" J"""' "". .". nr in UII)I.UI WM VMI BIT 1I1B Wll vreilated. be araally ap UUITH M. Nearly all. If not all, of tho hospitals ofTcr training courses for nurses The Penn sylvania. University. Jerferson, Ilablen', Banmrllan, Presbyterian, Kplecopal these aro all good, A girl must be at least elKhteen years of age, must have the equlv alent of a common-school education, her b-enera! health must be food ami her teeth, hearlhaT and sight pass examination. Bho cannot graduato If she marries durlne the period of training. No sum of money la neeeaaary, Invitations for Dinner To tht Editor of ll'omaii'i poai' Dear Madam men aendlns out bivltatlon for dinner, le It all I cu.Ioni.ry to write t a name out on the Inalde envelope ot the Invlta. won T A An Inside envelope la only used for a weddlntr Invitation or wedding announce ment, A dinner Invitation should have only one envelopo When sending wedding invi tations the Inside envelopo should have the name written upon It. just as on tho out side one. but the address U not written on the inside. Amusing the Children 7a Ike Editor ot Wetna' Pom- Dear Madam In the winter month, whan the anow I on the sround or the weather la too atormy to allow th children to be outdoora. I try to arouae them or keep them Interallied 1 by readtnir to them and .by ttlllnjr them atorle. After I atn throuah I aak each on of them bow much be or ahe remcnibara of what r have read or Mid. and I raward the on who come out beat. In thla manner I am loatructlna them and kaeplo them out of mlachlef F. A. V, Care of the Hands To ths Editor of Womas' J'oje: r Madam One read to wear reo.ula for hand lotions that I m eodln a copy of a clipping which I hai had for year. It read "Well kept Hand Over my alnk are two bottle a4 Mil elanr Oa bottle contain al. J,". 5' "FW. u'f 'S.00' alcohol, which will keep indeflnltely The other contain In followlns: lotloa: . On fourth of an ounce of sum trancanth added to on plat of rain water whleh ha. toed three day then on ounce each of alcohol xlycerlse and wluu haul alio a little sood perfume After -waahlns dUbe or praparloa Miselablva I apply a little uf the lemon, uioe inea tne joiioa ana in a moment my. band are dry. soft asd very imooth. All ataloa dlaappcar a if my mute and the Ball at eJ4Bd uMv The tin rq.ulrd U not pros rcyeated .niupF ruiay , mors lulttA sg B'tf ea ,h i2? MY MARRIED LIFE By ADELE GAHKISON T H THIS Mrs tlrahamr "Yes, Mrs. fimlllir "yes." ' T flnshed n Joyous glnnee at Dicky Our outing was safe so far as this telephone inearage hail power to disturb It After my experience with Mrs Smith I knew no re quest of lief would have any effect upon ony plan of mine. "Pardon mo for calling you up so early." the smooth tones of Mrs. Smith went on, 'hut I wanted to lie sure of catching otl In My massouae telephoned mo Ints Inst night that she would m unable, to glte ma my hour lodny, and I wnntrd to rrsch you before oil made any other enKngement Will our orlRltuil niipoliiltnetit be alt right?' "I nm M-ry sorry," I used tho cornea tlonnl (ihrnsn without thinking Until t saw lllrky's wide grin "Hut my husband nnd I arn Just Inking the train for a long day In tho country, and It will bo Impossible for me to got baric In time to meet you." "Oh, dear I" To my astonishment tho Mimmtli tones took on a lingo of liflli.it lenrr' "I ham somo unexpected engagements for the rent of Iho week Wouldn't It bo possl bio for you to get back, sny, 4 or half after? Thn wo Lotild hae our nppolhtinent today after all " I was so nmnrvd tit her effrontery (hat I could senrcoly gather my wits together lo answer her Hho hail liroken n liunlnrai appointment with mo for a i lull from her mnHseiii. Thn fact that I hud Insisted upon keeping the appointment before I heard from her had utmost brought on a sarlous ipi.trrcl between Dicky nnd myself. Now that her innHnriiaa hail disappointed her sho calmly expected nm to glvu up part of my dny lo suit hei whim. Thern was a patronizing nolo In her voire which I re ccntnl It wns almost as If sho welts Apeak lug to a prospective eniphoe. PAYI.W lllMl HACK "It will I hi absolutely Imposslblo for1 me to tin us you request " I purposely mndo my tone delllicrnto nnd cold "You will pardon mo for hurrying nwny now I nm nfr.ild I will miss my train I wilt call you up when 1 return liood-bv" I heaid it shocked, protesting "Oood-by" ns I hung up thn receiver. IMdentty trs Smith wns iiLCtistomitl to liming other women nccunimodiite themselves to her whims I felt it rapidly growing dislike, to her. Milt overshadowing everything else was nn unholy joy at having pnld her back fur thn unplciiHnntness she had (iiused mil "Was tho old girl peeved?" Withy asked lis wo walked down the street with the early rrlxpnrsH of tho morning nlr Piling our lungs and stimulating our nerves "I gather her iltar iiiiinboiiho nr chiropodist fell down, and she was trying lo ring you In an second fiddle" "You nro eminently torrect In your de ductions, however ptustllng your language," I returned mischievously "I know It's wrung, but 1 um so glud to hnvn bad tho chanco lo get etui Willi her for all the unpleasantness she caused ine " "It Hi w.i Just Hid right kind of fillip to thu thij's ctijtivint'iit, ih' That s u gootl feminine feeling. Isn't It?" "Of tourse, it iii.iii never enjoys getting back at anybody," I returned spiritedly A NAHItOW i:ai'API2 "Sure Nothing like winning n good knockdown tight to glvu n man nn appetite You can't start any argument with mo on that question (irent morning, Isn't It?" "Indeed, It Is," I returned, glad of any oxcitso for getting awny from the subject of Mrs Smith "It must bo splendid In the country " "Just wnlt till you get there," Dicky re joined In the m.uincr of a barker describ ing tho virtues of n sideshow attraction. Wo were both rapid walkera and It seem ed no time at all until wo reuUird the Im jioBlng station of tho Pcnnlwiula Hall road Tomo on. this way," Dicky grasped my nrm nntl started aeioss .Seventh avenue, nlong which street to tho taxi entrance n bewildering procession ot automobiles was rushing Hut I hung hack, pulling on IMckj's arm An I did so, nu auto horn snundeil right behind us Dicky Jumped forward, pulling mo with him by main force, uml tho auto glided past, missing us only by an Inch or so I did not realize- tho danger wo had beon In until we reached tho curb on the corner of Thirty-third street and Seventh avenue Dicky had rushed mo across tho road with such a tight grip on my arm that tho flesh felt bruised "Dicky"' I gasped "Please let my nrm go You aro hurting mo terribly " "I hopo I am hurting ou," Dicky growl ed savngoly. "Perhaps If I hint ou buIII clcntly you will have eenso enough next tlmo to keep from killing both of us " I looked nt him In amazement. He was white to tho lips nnd his eyes woro blazing "What do ou mean?" 1 faltered A I'UIIKKCT DUPENDCNCn "What do I mean?" Ho almost shouted tho words "Haven't you grasped tho fact yet thnt you've been about ns near death as you could bo anil get nwny with It? You hung back there Just ns wo were start ing, nntl that machlno Just missed us as I Jumped. You nro always doing It. Home dav vou'll kill both of us " He still held my arm. I wrenched It free. "At leaBt you can let bo my arm," I said Icily. "Como along let's get nomewhero where wo can sit down," ho returned. "I'm as weak as it cat When I think how near that machine canio to killing you right before my eyes'" Ho stopped short, evidently unable to continue the sentence My resentment at his manner vanished. After nil. It was his concern for mo that had worked him up to such n pitch "I'm awfully sorry, Dicky," I said ns we walked rapidly down the Incline leading to tho IorlT Island station. "I'll try not to lmng back another time. But ou cannot know the mortal terror that solxes mu when anybody takes my arm to pilot me across tha street "When I am alone I can get across all right, measure my distances and everything Hut the inlnuta I find myself being guided, nil my wits leave mo. Didn't you ever feet that way when somebody was guiding you?" Dicky stopped mid looked at ma ns If some new Idea waa percolating through his brain, "I never thought of that," he Bald, "That's probably what alls you, You see, being a man, I never bad anybody guide me across the street " "Ilelng a man you havo missed many ex perience which would make you under stand what a woman feels," I retorted. (Copyright ) (CONTINUED TOMORROW) Protect Your Skin From Winter Winds Keep roar complex ion clear a ad soft by lb dally use of Charm 'Graces AMIBKVTip SKIN VOOI), CONTAINS JsO MEISCI'BV. 'reserve and protect delicate kin, niprovaa bad oomplexlona, remeyea Wrinkles sad facial blemlaoe. For Bale br Jacob Bros., 1013 Chestnut St. If your dealer cannot eumly you. w land dlratt ttiit4 oa reeelct vt ft REGALLOTTE CO, iiitjr, WW sU4c4j4 v 'Ts l o m HOW CHRISTMAS TOYS MAY BE MADE REAL AIDS TO BEAUTY Uy LUCRE35IA "OKI rrlma Donna of the Metropolitan Opera Company. This toy will ciicoinaK'c musculnr development. rpc J- n OYS urn nu Important part of tho t'hrlst iniH relrbrullon It Is Impossible, lu Imagine a Unless holiday tenson where there are rhlldren The little fo Its uwalt with happy ntitlt'lpnllon ths dawning of the wondcifiil tiny Unit wilt add new bovs lo their plavrnuiiiM They Unci plennurii lu any tt hut It has nlwnys been p.utt my miilerntniidlng why Iho majority tif parents tllsplii) niicli bail Judgment In tlm selet tlon of the glft'i for their children I have seen nurnerles filled with ixpen elvo, meaningless tos, nnd have wtshtd lh.it I might hnvn ' huzred" lu the ears of these siiiiu fathers mid mothers the kind of playthings thoy vhuultl have biuiKhl fur their young hopefuls Tojs are anything but frivolous tilings They should not be solected In thn mad holiday rush without a thought ns to the I art they aro to play In thn mental uml plijslcal training ot your child Among the first to rrallte the Importante of toys In the training of c lilllrf.it was tho noted cduLutor, Dr. Marin .MontrrMurl She evolved from her theories a pr.ittlc.il method of chilli development I w inli that overy mother would reuil at leant one of the hooks on Iho MuntBSsorl method II Ih natural for a mother lo want her child to attain phvslctl perfection If she Ih a wise parent she will exert ovtr.v iffiirt to iis'Uut nature In the process of develop ment An excellent means to this end llui ill well-selected toys Hear this In mind when you buy Christmas gifts for otir Mclddlis" Itrcall the physical defects of tho particular llttlo one for whom ou nru Inning a toy and let them Inlluuiicu our selection Perhnp! her shoulders ar narrow and she Is Inclimd to havo stooped shoulders Deep breathing and excrclsu will remedy both phvslcnl conditions It Is a well-known fnct thnt tho mnjorltv of children do not Inflate moro than half their lungs Deep breathing is essential to robust htnlth Thcro rt a sanatorium In Franco where the patients nro given flutes, bugles ami horns for tho puiposo of encouraging deep breathing Ulthcr of theso Instruments would be n hcnsiblo gift for any child Surely, the oilier inombers of tho family will closo their cars to tho nolso In audi a good cause. Tenpins nro good sport and splendid cx crchto as well, If they are largo inough ou can teach jour child a series of ex ercises, using two of them nu Indian .clubs. A spirited game of tenpins will stimulate, circulation nnd exercise tho muscles of tho arms, legs and trunk You will agrco with me after reading this that a set of ten pins In a most excellent Christmas gift for a child Archery Is something that will appeal to tho child of ten or twelve Tho in rows that como with tho how nro tipped with rubber suction caps and aro virtually harm less They can bo used In tho plaroom or outdoors Tho youngsters will havo great fun Imagining themselves Robin Hood and bra merry men. Tho uso of tho bow nnd arrow requires steadiness, nnd tenches muscular control of tho cntlro hotly it encourages grace nnd strength which nlono should recommend this gnmo. Tennis, howovcr, holds first place among cxercfecs Both girls and boys enjoy this sport, nnd a racquet nnd box of tennis balls would plcnso any child. The racquets aro to he had in different weights, so that 111- il.VI,HIMHIt HTANItAltl, .,IIOKB -.lTt Fancy Footwear for the Gift Season It has long been recognized thnt Dalaimer leads in the presentation of variety and quality in dainty slippers T1IK OPKllA An elegant slipper for opera or dnncu, made of dull kid and nanusomeiy neaaea. S3. oo TIIK DUCHESS A four-button beaded dress slipper, open work front nt beautiful de. .sign. Ilronie Kid, bronze , beaded, 5 so. UullMat Kid. jet beaded ST.00 THI5 rOHONET fe A dressy "At Home ! slipper," Dull kid lir53fl with ornament, i il?o ,3,8 I A-sJrfSI LA "- V This season the assortment is especially noteworthy for style and originality, grace and charm of model, 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET Shoes and 1204-06-08 Tcnnit in tho host nil-round exercise. even 'Hoy tola can Indulge lu this sport. Ilmise tennis inn lie played during tho winter There Is nn better exerc.ye for nil around development He sum tn Include n tennis rurquet uml some balls In the c'lirlsunas gifts of your child Tho little innke-'em-go-yourselt" wagons menu plenty of outdoor cxercle. They are much lietter fun than the old-fnsilonetl ex-pres-i wagon The rolislnnt motion of the iirmn and hark develops these parts of the body niitl Increases Iho strength of the intlrn system Such a toy would be wel romd with shouts of glatlucsM Toy brooms and sweepers nro beneficial exercisers for the little girl Hho will nlno Improve phvslnillv If nhe Is eticotirnged to 'play latch' with hei brother Ko man) attractive balls are shown In the toy shops that you will probably Invest In several Do not rhoose meaningless loys t'nlcss they havo soma real value besides mere pretllliess, otir little inn) will Voou grow tired playing with them (Copyrlcht ) Scalloped Oysters With Cheese Mutter a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs and put on a layer of o)sters sea soning with salt, pepper, parsley and grated Parmcran cheese. Add another lner of brmtl crumbs seasoned o)sters and cover with bread crumbs Pour over ono cup of oyster liquor or milk, dot with bits of but ter raid bnl.e twenty or thirty minutes, or until nicely browned Never havo more tli. m two ln err of o)sters so thnt the dish may lie evenly cooketl and not soggy In tho middle If )nu llko spices, trv leaving out the cheeso and seasoning with bay leaf, blade of mace,' one sprig of 111) me nntl a little parsley chopped lino nnd sprinkled over each layer of oysterH Use threo tlorcn o)stcrs Souffle of Whiting Take tho flesh of one good-sited cooked whiting or a like quantity of any white fish (it Is best stenmed) nntl see that It Is free from till bones and skin Rub through a wire slove, moistening with milk to make this process easier. Add two eggs, beating each ono in thoroughly, salt, pepper nnd then hnlf a pint of whlto sauce. Orraao a boiuIIo mold nnd tlo greased paper round, fill hilf full, stand on a pleco of paper In a stew pan, cover with buttered paper (the dish being but half full) and tho wall of paper standing above It again gives plenty of room for the souftle to rlso enormously, which It should do Pour In boiling water three parts up tho soutlle dish, nnd cteam gently for thirty minutes Serve with curry or thutney mucc If preferred, bnko In stead of steaming ASK FOR and GET THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price TIIH flllOKS 6TKAP ve originally designed this three-strnn sllnner um n iinm anoo tnougn many or our imiiuiia wear it for dress, 3,a0 TIIK LOW HKKl. Made with ruin Toreed arch. comrortaiiit) and serv iceable S3.30, THE lOUJt hTlt.VP Made of finest t J lace Kid, suitaoie tor street or dress wear. Si.uo Hosiery Market St. nrwi I aQSj -V y f f ae- DIARY OF A WELL-DRESSED GIRlI Neckwear Novelties of the Season TUB holiday outfit Is a problem close upon us now. To bo quite Ideal II must boast of alt the pretty vnnllln.that are dear to the femlnlno heart Among these, neckwear holds first place, whleh Is not hard to un derstand when It appears In such fasci nating forms as are now displayed In ths exclusive shop Quite the latest offering tn neckwear are the collarettes of velvet, sntln or taffeta trimmed with fur or pleated frill of the material. Closely following the lines of a fichu, a collarette of skunk and leaf-brown taf feta Is unusually quaint and charming. The front Is formed ot soft folds of the silk trimmed with narrow ru rites ot the same material. Itemlnlscent of the lovely Kmpress Eu genie, for whom It has been named, Is a shawMIko collnrette df dark nmethyst-col-orctl Velvet edged with n band of mote skin and a double ruffle of Qoorgette crepe, ltlbbon of the same tone Is used to fasten this old-fashioned-looking collarette Fashion Is loath to dlacard stripes, so she Indulges her liking for them by mak ing smart neckwear of striped linen, geor gette crepo or mull. Tho one-pleco frock of a dark color re quires a collar and cuffs of bluo-and-wblte striped handkerchief Illicit Thn broad col lar and double cufTs arc edged with a pleated itIII of pl.tln white hemstitched linen Tho set can be had in tnn and white, green and white, rose and white, violet and white, or black and white The bow stock with n long, frilly Jabot Is again considered smart. One of the most attractive designs has a stock of white snlln with n bow of black, Ths Jabot Is of white net bordered with several rows of narrow black sntln ribbon There are many who thoroughly dielike stocks, but who find the Jabot very fas clnntlng Dame Kashion has taken care to meet this condition of affairs Thero are Makes Hme TSSJXrnJU BakingPowder AbsolutelyPuri Lum- FOUNDED 1858 DeweeS Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century Pretty, Dainty Silk Underwear S1.50 to S6.00 Every woman loves dainty underfixings. These pretty Silk Camisoles, Knickerbockers, Ilodices, Vests and Envelope Chemise. Iland-enibroidcrcd and lace-trimmed. Make very acceptable gifts from one woman to another. Prices vary according to garments. Handkerchiefs for Christmas Gifts 25c to Dewccs handkerchiefs are of the finest qualities and prettiest designs the sorts you want for Christmas giving. Smart styles, newest designs. Always acceptable. Never too many. B. F. Dewees, 1122 chestnut St. fjaUST another cane is baked with dry heat. FRUIT TASTYKAKE is baked by a modern process, which elimi nates the usual moisture evapora tion and thereby retains all the original flavor and goodness of the fruits. Only 25c, at your dealer's, . fl Ofrier Kinds 10c While ftiffBK T j-Tnmrrg11pj - ipMMMmM j afflnf i mm. L.-.-iinjmjum.'iiBiMai 111 nMmnrpnnTTfflirnrn8l bm M y a Mfc-'HSfe, , m. "m. Wv m i ttaaV 5gTaJ TSBBBVaaSBBBBBBBBW .a r- a ijrafnln V 1 w rP 1 Lace jabot with cravat of blaril vcivei. Jabots of taco with a narrow frill at Ihtf top which slnnds up crisply about thai throat. A cravat of black velvet, satin grosgraln ribbon, tied In a perky tittle hiM in iroiu, gives juit me ngni nnuh to thr jabot. 4 "Winter frocks need Just such bits etj iritiy eouiiea m relieve ncir somDerntSeW fCoprrluM ) r Bakmg Eamy ire S1.50 point! Ordinary fruit Sponge Itaiain Molassea Wijt -plncft mtb OTfjtte IMjop SPECIAL REDUCTION 150 Hats Banjloi from fig to SiS At $8.50 Many new Importations and our own creations. M25 South 16th Srei 1