Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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general Committee Ap
proves Kecommenuauons
for Revision
1-4. .rl committee on the revision of
Ki m charter h approved ft report or
RVJiinmrtlllfB wlileh recommtmU radical
ftVS In the municipal watem or a-own-
.1 .moontlne v rtualiy to nn emireir
&"'.!?!;.;? Tha full strength of the
IJi-JS.. wine of the llepubllcan Organlza
K27 Uliood. I prepared to push
a pt,e m',ur' throUK,, or th0 ma
.'"CUl Mit Important recommendations, of
WwtxotnmUtee's report would revoke ths
-rJLiMi Dowers of the judge: would
fJSt smaller municipal leslslaturn;
SStaate the constitutional distinction I.e.
..a city and county! create n liquor 11
"". :uinn nml nn election commls.
SSil ellnilnnto the Ccunty Commissioners
frfjlercuntll Appraisers; reduce the num.
? of warts and confer upon Councils the
twit to levy taxes and .formulate a method
if wtulng real estate. ..,,,,
P. ,mmliiee at Its meeting held late
tMterday afternoon In the boardroom of
:.. n,mlir of Commerce ndopted Hie re
St of the subcommittee which has been
Verklnr on ,h0 BUbtct ot n ncvr city
Urtr ilnro last July.
Tt1i fubcommltteo recommended a score
if iireepliur channes In the pi-rient char
M however. These changes woi.M etiuallxo
tuition, "have a board appointed by the
rurtrnor or Mayor grant llnuor licenses,
h.MfiiM In the conduct of tho city gov-
linuninC place more power In tho hnnds
let the JUjfor nu . i'"i """" '""
trrotnt system of Councils and substitute
ita Its place" Cduncll of ono chamber, com-
nottd 01 niieen nainncu incinucip, ...... .....-
ii., the city anu county Kuvcrumi-niB.
Th" otnees that are ,now electlvo and
EVWch the Charter Hcvision uoinmiuce woum
FmVe appointive are those, of City Solicitor
d neetlver of Taxes. The City Solicitor
Ithould be appointed by the Mayor, Bald tho
-.,t nt the nubcommtttee, "with a view
to ieeurlnc harmony and co-operation."
L'Tll City 'ironaurrr, um nuu.u.ii....mo
telnta out. Is custodian of tho city funds
ted should nppolnt tho Kecctvcr ot Taxes,
ho collects them.
t. mmmlttfa urged tnat the Itonnl of
iJlerUlon of Taxes and tho Hoard of Kduca
lijou, which are now appointed by tho Hoard
Itfjudjes, should br appointed by tho Mayor
;M a big- step toward removing the Judiciary
iffm nnlltlcs.
IV Tha commlttco also advocated that the
kkrylnc of school taxes bo taken from the
I, The blgxest step toward taking tho Ju
tHn out of Dolltlcs Is tho proposition
tf the eoijimltlto lo have n board of three
letsnitsstoncra with overlapping terms np-
fpslBtrl by either tho Oovernor or tho
llliror, (rant, revoko and transfer liquor
I' The Imposition upon tho Judges of tho
Siutr of regulating tho salo of liquor In
EtU city hy granting, revoking nnu trans-
ittrtvnt licenses nan neen narmiui to ma
Ertsutatlon of the bench In tho community,"
Stikl the report.
R TWI.rlnfr Iht. nrMpnt nvMti.ni nf Pnllnrlltt
tla be 'cumbersome and Inclllclent." tho com-
Emltlte advocates a Council of u single
fchambtr. to ba composed of fifteen mem.
Iln elected at large.
E It this Is not considered feasible, n
tcoDil propostlon of a ssinglc-chamber
jCouncll, composed of ono representative
from each of the wards that would exist
vctAft the redisricting. Is advanced.
E5T&9 committee would hnve all Councllmen
Mptii salaries of J2500 nnnually. The chair
kut of the Finance Commlttco would rc-
Btt!ie J3000 a year.
Uhe method by which the assessments of
til estate should bo mndo should bo detcr-
jataKl by CouiicIIh. tho committee recom-
leendrd, and for tho purposo of enabling
Cornells to center lis attention upon Its
ISttrt Important functlona mnny of the
clnor administrative dutleH that now de
Evolve upon It should ba delegated to proper
EutcutlYe departments.
S Tht report of tho mibcommltteo declares
iUtlt abuses that hare existed In tho nail
fltre not. In the opinion of the committee,
The WrltPF nrf.fnrf.il thlu .vlrni.1 fmm
ItU letter by saying. "I hnvo travelod nil
ver the United States for tho past twenty
4 --. -
.tVlth afl his Avnprlnnrn In trnl'Altnc
Itts aervlco on this fnmou.H trnln was ho
Ificelitnt as to call forth an unsollcltod
ttttcr o( commendation.
P0n your California trip thin winter
if Tal' J'ourself ot tha superior nervlce
ftrovldcd on tho superb tralmi "Golden
Oil tfl I.lmltaxl" nnH r..1linnnlM .tin
Jock Island KUPoso Sputliwestcrn
iBoathern Pacific over the Golden State
Uoute-lrect Iftie of lowest nltltudcs
2?J outherly and Interesting raut to
flt iMl than tl a. .
fVi Z. 1?s A"BeIe-no extra fare.
aiSw "t'f5' encampments at Et Pa'so
. J i ' Pr?vlde a continuous panorama
Sm!..yil.A,nwlcan should see. Tickets
SL.!enay topover nt El Paso.
--.- ,,, ' - iiiiu vuuiuutiu 111"
BuTtL: "Uri5"0" a :ic- ZZzzi drivel
gurew,, mo Brown,
-A. I'llOne. tVnlnut 1 .!..
Changes Advocated
for City Government
TV.?. PPsel changes In tho But
..Ii i 9hftrler "nJer which the
municipal Rovernmcnt ot PhilndeU
phia l operated, na advocnted by tho
ffll'tai on Revision ot tho Phlla
delphia Charter, follow:
1 Combine tho city and county
O iMoko the ofl)ccs of City Solid-
tor nnd Kccclvcr of Taxes
Tnke the Judiciary out of
A Abolish present ays tent of
T Cbuncils and substitute Council'
of single chamber, composctl of
uiccn members.
Equalize assessments on real
estate nnd scnaraie ns.r.
ments on rcnl estate and buildings.
l: nevision 01 revenue system.
Laws to rcquiro Councils to
follow bud ere l nvstrm In rllv
8 A five-year limit on all munlc-
ipal contracts.
9 Have liquor licenses granted
by a board appointed by tho
Governor or Mayor, instead of by the
resulted from a concentration of power In
the Mayor, and advocates Increasing the
power f the Mayor.
Ilrcolnmendatlons for changes In the va
rious departments of the city government
will bo made later, after the heads ot the
departments havo submitted reports lo tho
Charter Ilevlslon Committee.
The charter revision committee's report
pointed out thnt the Hoard nf Itevlslon
of Taxes, as now constituted. Is not answer
able to any department of tho government
that hnndles the flnancrs of the city. Said
tho report:
"There should be. In our judgment, a
delegation by tho Legislature to tho t'lty
Councils of a power of determining tho
incthod of arriving at the actual value of
the real estate of Philadelphia, and It should
bo mndo tho duly of the Hoard of lie
vision of Taxes to apply the method thus
laid down by Councils. It would thus bo
within the power of Councils. If they saw
fit. to provldo for a separate assessment
and different tax rata on land nnd build
ings." The control of elections, which Is now
vested In tho Hoard of Iteglstratlon Com
missioners nnd the Courts of Common Pleas,
shojild b centralized In ono body, the com
mittee recommends.
The committee advocated n board ot four
election commissioners, to be appointed by
tho Oovernor. The terms of the members
should overlap, recommended the committee.
The report ot the subcommittee was
signed by all of lis members, bended by
Tlioma-i lt.ieburn While, chairman. It was
then submitted to tho general Charter Ito
vision Committee, of which John C. Winston
Is chairman.
Pomona (I ran kith Give Banquet
Members of the Pomona Grange of Ches
ter and Delaware Counties who are attend
ing tho State Orange convention In Philadel
phia held n dinner In the City Club last
night. Pomona Master Hankln was tho
tonstmaHler. Tho guest of honor was Mrs
Kdlth Klltcott Smith, president of tho Penn
sylvania Hural Progress Association.
Christmas Ship to Sail Today
NKYV YOIIK. Dec. 14. America's Christ
mas ship to tho Armenians and Hyrlans, the
navy collier Cnesnr. Is expected to sail to.
day with her 3230,000 cargo of foodstuffs,
clothing and medical supplied.
Hnllronds Plnn to Bring Big
Crowds of Visitors Hero
Now Ycnr
Loaders Object to Change In Parade
ltoute Because ot Burden-
soma March
Kvldtnce of the spreading fame ot the
annual mummera' parade Is shown by the
faet thnt the railroad will run special
excursion to Philadelphia from many
nearby cities. These proposed pilgrimages
are being advertised In New York, Ualtl
inofo nnd other cities,
II. Hart Mcllunh, special agent of Coun
cils' New Year Committee, who l or
ganising the pageant, lias arranrd for a
special train which will carry a- largo dele
gation of well-known theatrical. men from
New York here specially for the big parade.
Other delegations aro coming from Ilatll
more. Washington and numerous cities In
different ports of this State. Many of
these visitors will bo the guests ot various
clubs on Ilrond street and will view the
big parado from tho headquarters of these
Common Councilman John II. Paisley,
chairman of Councils' New Year Commit
tee, has received numerous communications
from business and Improvement organisa
tions which wish to offer prises. These are
being compiled and will be announced within
a few days.
Many of the prlies are offered with the
understanding thnt th nnicl.il tiarnde In Its
entirety will pass In the neighborhoods of"
the vnrlous donors. Huch a request would
be Impossible to grant, ns many of the or
ganisations And the present route, as It
stands, tests their energy to the utmost.
Any club which desires ti march Indi
vidually to neighborhoods offering special
prlies Is. of course, at liberty to ifu so.
Tho rnplalns of tho comic nnd fancy clubs
nnd others wearing long, heavy capes say
Philadelphia's Oldest Piano House
E$tabli,htd 1854
New Upright Piano
$300 Quality. GUARANTEED
$1.50 Weekly
Hole ltepresentallrea for
Apollo Player-Piano from... $585
Sohmor Pianos " 450
A. B. Chase Pianos. " 450
Victrolaa Records
MMTTIie Convenient Way of Buying Jewelry
Credit buying is tho most convenient and satisfac
tory, because you can enjoy any article you select from
our big stock and pay such small weekly payments that
you will hardly miss them.
Absolutely Pure White Diamonds
V Weck JJJ
Ladies' and
Vosltlvalr greatest
Taints oTr offered
for such fine Quality
diamonds. Osnnlna
S37.S0 valne.
III 50c U
III a )))
V Week J J
Solid Gold 24-Inch chain. 3
handsome white diamonds;
a verv desirable elf t to
any lady
$31.50 value
i$ otktr atvtrt
. i
irt . . ....r
trm. ' l"
ndvUe. ir B0 a wk. ft?
Open Every Evening
II.I,i:.NT!lATi:r t'ATA 1.0(1.
Toilet Sets, $5.50 to $400
Vanity Uoxes, 1.75 to 23
Picture Frames. 1.25 to 50
bnameled Novelties, 1.50 to 18
Pocket Knives, $1.75 to $9.50
Eyeglass Cases, 2.50 to 13.50
Cigarette Cases, 2.50 to 3 1.00
Military Brushes, -U5 to 23.00
Hundreds of other trift sueeestions arc shown ft
in our new catalogue, whjch.contains 260 pages of MW s
photographic illustrations of Jewels, Goldware and- ' vwj(
auverware, v
Call or write for a copy.
'- f
I Si !'' iwf X
Silverware for Christmas Gifts
You cannot choose a gift that is more accept
able and useful than an article of sterling silver. Our
stock is of-the heavy, substantial sort, mrfde to give
permanent' service. .The engraving, which adds so
much to the appearance of silverware, is done in our
uvu oiiap witnj me greatest care ana attention.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut Street
Chting hour tin o'clock until Christmas.
that It ti too mat burdn to conUntia tha
march to other atetlona after roneludlns; th
frlr tout, which txtna on Bread
tmt freni Torter to 0 Irani nvenu.
nsianU ot Nprth nroad tret r n
deavorlnr o hnvo the omtlal rqUto Mtendert
aaVerat blocka abova Cllranl Avenue, nnd
oma of tha clubs. It la snM. favor follow
In- this plan ahoultt prises be offered.
Vp to tha present tlmo twentyelght clubs
havo obtained permits from Hergeant Harry
Balks at Woman
for Court Job
('ntlnted ttm rte One
probation n nicer, t shall resist such
tITorts wth determination.
We hae na tliofnuRh-worhlnir. ef
ficient and economically conductel a
system as there Is In this country.
There Is no reason either for spoiling
It or maklnir It more expensive to the
Tho source of the rumor that 1 would
realitn Is not difficult to nnd. A part
of tha court that knows t would rather
resign than submit to the step It con
templates Is trying to nrrnnite nn alibi
In advance. Hut t lake this oppor
tunity to say that thero never was nny
truth In that report.
Judge. MacN'ellte accused his opponents
of spreading the report of hi prospective
resignation so that they could hark back to
It If tho light came to tho point where ho
would lene the court and soy ho was going
to leavo anyway. Ills friends say that It
his disapproval ot the appointment ot Mrs.
ltlppln Is overridden by her backer ho will
fight It out to the end. and If unsuccessful,
will resign.
The omco Mrs. ltlppln Is slated for has
been vacant since October t. when Thomas
I), l'arrls resigned. It Is potentially ti $5000
job. rarrls iraa getting SO0. but tha
kalary wai Incrtaaed to tSOOO by tha last
Legislature. Tarrla never got the Increase,
however. Ilia friends y the authorised
Increase whs withheld with tha Intention
of tiring him out of tha position. t
Those, In City Itall familiar with tha
Situation, aay Judge MacNellle'a opponents
nro so determined to have Mrs. ltlppln ap
pointed thnt they would readily ngrea to
his resignation It they had to choose be
tween the two.
For n long time, opponent of Mr. ltlp
pln say. Judge. 11 row n has had his eye on
the 18000 chief probntlonshlp In the
Juvenile Court. Judge 11 row n does not, id
mlt that Mrs. ltlppln Is slated tor th
"We are walling for the situation to
crystallite." he Mid. "As soon aa anything
Is determined upon the announcement will
be mndo." l'rom his disparagement of tha
others who have been mentioned for the
place, however, the Impression waa gained
that Mrs. ltlppln waa Judge llrown'a
What aland the advisory committee of
the court will lake Is not yet knowp. It
Is reported that there will be some oppo
sition to Mm ltlppln's appointment from
that quarter. Her opponents havo nothing
to say against her management of the
branches she now directs. Their complaint
Is directed against nny plan to place her
In charge of Juvenile probation.
They assert a woman should not be pro
bation oltlcer over the boys who come to
tho House of Detention.
Tho position la properly n man's, , they
declare There In also some opposition on
the ground that the boys would bo brought
moro closely Into contact with the other
branches of the Municipal Court. This la
denied by those who favor Mrs. Illppln'a
Mrs ltlppln's supporters. It Is understood,
nro determined to force her appointment
despite nny opposition that might be ar
rayed against them.
Kmtirjo jfoHmallsta Strike,
NKW VohK, DM. KTns entor fJIM
ot th rultUer School ot Journalism at
Colombia. Unhreriltr la on atrlke. Declar
ing that they have been overworked by
Dr. Talcolt William, director ot the school.
It member hay refused to tako tha second
examination ordered for them In two day.
Tha faculty of tha cchool met yesterday to
consider what steps should be taken In deal.
Ing with the rebellion.
ftttitfth eWp 8MMr IV M
KOUFOliK, Vw few U.-Kw Went!?
ot th vessel thnt rammed at'rt nivulr
damaged th Merchants and Miner tlwf
rowhatan in Chesapeake nay last HlAht
Was disclosed today as tha llritlsli oil tank .
steamship Telena, Tha rowhfttan, wreke4
by an explosion that followed the col
lision. I lying half submerged threa rnlltfl"''
southeast ot Thimble Bhoala. Th paa
senger and crew were n,rtl b renv "
hip that responded to call tor Immedl
nt nld.
' ' ' .,, I ",',,"!!
As a Gift
Harmony may also be
had in the useful
io or. glass humidor.
The ground class stop
per keeps this. Wend
m perfect flavor.
7c your dealer
I APirsnirjmc
' r. -.- ttir.uj I
-tmnmTtci CKr71.
tnestlr itJU. -TZT I
I irjf'-l'-"" I,
fynsf !.. p
-"M i miumi rtiiw
..... . .. Jl'-.v
tviinaiir th r.-.Li
St tiaM..VVnl'
f fifteen
nut brtfum tin
Famous English Banker and Mufti-Millionaire said:
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money by never
buying at the
bottom or sell
ing at the top."
In any generation there aro only a few men
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Thousands of men -were speculating in tho very
same market -with Lord Rothschild. He mado
millions, and most of them lost everything. Why?
Because they waited too long to buy or sell.
Millions of men were alive in tho -world at the
time of Noah. They "were drowned, and he and
his family alone were saved. They did not wait
... , .. .. after the warning. Opportunity warns, but it
will not wait. You must act. Right now you have an opportunity that will not come again.
Thio advertisement is timely warning that no more copies of
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When the present limited supply of The Encyclopaedia Britannica, printed on genuino India paper,
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Several million men and women will read this warning. Many of them will mean to act upon it.
Thousands will ad upon it immediately, and there are only a few thousand sets of tho Britannica re
maining unsold. Some people will wait a month or three" months from today when it is too late. But
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War Cuts Off the Supply of India Paper
India paper has been callcdho "miracle paper " by
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When the supply of India
paper seta began to dwindle,
wo considered publishing
additional copies. Then
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from which tho linen-like
India -paper is made, could
not be bought.
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hold eood only on orders sent at once. The prices wilt bo
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a set), according to the binding, on or before December 20th.
How long it will ba poniblo to maintain the is nw price
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with to purchaiaTha Encyclopaedia Britannica at tho prei
cnt low price, act at one:
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago.
Tho flax used m making India paper is a superior
grade grown only in Germany, Belgium and Great
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Germany, devastated the fields of Bolgium, and an em
bargo had been placed upon Great Britain's production.
Wo then knew that no more big quantities of Indiapaper
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few thousand purchasers of the Britannica could bo
accommodated. Since that
time tho supply of seta has
rapidly neared exhaustion.
By immediate action you
can still buy this wonderful
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dia paper, for a bargain prico
and most convenient terms.
(See explanation below)
But vta urge you to buy
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ment. Send for tho book
describing tho set you want
Terms for remaining sets printed on India paper:
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1.500 noted contributors. 15,000 illustrations, full-page
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Tho popular edition known as the "Handy Volume"
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Each volume measures 6, inches wide by 8 inches
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w1riWngta?PPiihir' "Handy Voluma "I..ueo the new Britannica,
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1 0rsendmolsrgollluitratedbookdescrlblngT)aEncycIopd!
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printed on tho famous India paper,
r AlsothoUautlMUlustratedb)k,'rhdarowthoftb.oEnglisa
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the Britannica and tho Century,
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