(wfcpB '" ntKufKHitjlmeiilKffVf' f , - , &fc. m .1 utTjgyjiufiy, jiftg imtiil,laUWiiiiin)fiailfiiiiiiu, nftuBwu SWPttLIWtSACOffflRO 1 tlMAMVRETEDESCHE Sriand Mtto irt Gimrdia In Na iM!Rrmces&---Ln, Germanla p itirA a Orenro DJsscnal ola'AiaasA'n vinceranno iJLcritfeania Moti Iln Ottentito Succcsal I StdMvi in Alcuh Purtto dolla I Pronto dl Battaglia 'ft' i .f.!' nOKA, II Dlcembre. TM(1 U lmp Itnllnna contlntia ad GSMjiarsJ' dells, propoala, dt rc fntta dalla ranla. Toptnlona unanlmo e' cho le twkitAitw debbnno essere naUro re Ma(n oma Undent! a dlmostrnro Al mondo wtftHta ed al popolo tflco cho la re. afaIilU(A' Pr la continuation oil ftiurr cade tutta itul blocco dells. Quadru ple Inlesiu. ' l&siegr&mmt da Parlgt dlcono the lerl Mtlft Camera del DeputAtt francese II pre 14ertt del Conalgllo Brlnnd, II qualo ha appqns, formato II suo nuovo ministers ill Itutrni, nomlnrvndo Joffre eomandanto In capo dells ton francesl d II generate Nlvelte eomandanto dello .annate del nord ndtll'est rleo, dolla for combattentl con inj la Qarmanla, ha ottenuto una Immensa tn&cglor&nta, raecogllcndo 114 votl contro J85, II presidents del ConlKllo ha fatto ait Camera quests dl chlaroilonl a prop aslto dells propoato tcdcscho: "Sento It doVero dl metlero In guardln 11 laet contro ognt poaslnlte tentative dl nvvelensmento. Qunndo una naxlono al arm fine- at dentl, quartdo sequestra dap jpeTtutlo uomtnl In vlolaslono dello letrgl dolls hastonl ed impons loro dl lavorara. to wl centlral colpevole so non grldaasl forte nl talc pasol Attentl, atato In giiardlnl "Prima dt lutto ho II dtrltto dl dire a iwstrf nemlcl per la centeslmn volta: II MKtMo sporco to vostro tnnnl, non lo noslro. Mon eho lo dubltl della chlnra vlslono cho It Wlo paeio davo overo; ma dl fronts a queatl tenUtlvl dl somlnare dlssensl tru nil silentl, lo devo grldaro forto cho la lie jw&bllc. Francese non fara nulla dl meno ill qhello cho si o obbllgata a faro con lo oenvonalonl Annate. Jo non aono atato mat ncceasl nmonto atUmlatai ma oggl plu' cho mat nol dob blaoid avoro la convlnlone cho la vlttorla Mro' nostra. In neasun punto 1 nuccessi dt tedeschl aono stall dcclsM. K vero ohe l.i valorosa Ilumanla o' ntuta contretta w, coders, ma II nuo caorctto, apposglnto dll) fono ruaae, rltorncra' nltu rlcosa. JPep quanto rlgunrda 1'Orlonto. In qutstlons lin lontana dall'ogsero rlnolta o domanl v sara' una nuova fronto cho noutrallzzcra' 1 icrto nemlchs. T atompa. francoao naturnlments deride la proposta tedasqho e ritleno cho cniio jBtrano a qualcho conn, dl ben dtverso dolla MC. Ulrano n crcaro effotto nel paeal iteutrall. Sopra tutto U propoato non eto-ono tdcuna baao per la dlqcuulone. Jj'IstcsBft oprntono a' ceproBsa dal glor sell Inslesl. Tutta l'oplnlono pubbllca In Onto Bretacna o' contro I'accoMazlono dolUt propoato tcdoocho a per la continua tions ilalla guerm flno al conscgulmento della vlttorla. I glornall Initleil dlcono iho Kit o)leatl dabbono reeplngoro qualslaal Idea dl ntedlaxlorio. intanto m areola aono awe mil I nv Wnlmontl cie fanno prevodere mlsura dt figure ed immodlate da parto dollo forxa 7- TPVENING clothes, suits for riding, shooting, motoring, golfing for pleasure na well na for busi ness bear the hall mark of distinction when mado by Hughes & Muller. For nearly three quarters of a contury wo hnvo BOt tho paco for men's fashions. Our clothes for special occa sions aro more than merely correct. They liavo finish as well as tit. On matters out of the ordinary It is "well to consult a specialist. We aro specialists In clothes for special occasions. HUGHES ..AND MULLER' Tailors 1527 Walnut St. - o PHILADELPHIA Sfiii giijjiw ntfeaie. &dall greet (it numtro dt efrca 7068 hemno ftttaccnto-' I fort franl chn oeoipsvnno Klrlnt te hnno re pfnta da quetla elltadlns. Ia notUIa vtene da nerllno, ma eemhra era confermaU da altra font). It mtnlstero atittrfaco, (ormatotl dopo t'aaaislnlo dt conta flturgkh, prleduto dal dr. Koerbar, kl a' dtmemo Kon al nanno la raglonl cha hanno detrmlnnto qaeata erlil, ma non a tmprobablle che fl traltl anch queita volta drlla qulntlona della con vocaztona del Itelchxrath cha It governo, coma quello dl Bturgkh al oatlna nncora n rldutara, nonontante la presglonl cho vn Bono da ogfll parte. Senator Vare Defends Governor From Attack Csnllniw.l from rit On tlon loJnr. Ha declared thai tho Oovr nor Whipped renros followera Into Una In support of tho moaaureii, and forced their pafuaga In the facn of tho I'enroeo opposi tion. ariindy, salii Senator Vara, led tho forcei opposed to tha compennatlon. child labor and almllar menaurea laat ariialon, and In now naeertlng throughout tho Mate that tho Clovernor contemplates leglalatlon aimed at tho manufacturers of I'ennaylvanla. Tho manuforturcrn' amioclallon head la dnlnB this, aald Senator Varo, for tho purpona of railing funJn to conduct a fight ngalnat Ilrumbnugh a( Ilnrrlahure; thla winter. "Tho break nl tlw very atnrt between tho Ooernor and 1'enroao wan cauaeil by Pen roo'a withdrawal, nf aupport of Ambler for Hpenker two yonra ago, nfter ngreolng to glvo Ambler his aupport," said Henator Vare. "Tho Governor thon had to tnka tho speakership light In hand hlnmelf nnd force all liamls to bo fur Ambler. "It will bo remembered that whan we held tha Philadelphia caucus two years ago, Penroso was husy all that day trying to stop a majority from altomllng Hint caucus nnd supporting Ainlilor, In which purpoio ha failed. After that falluro It wan easy sailing far Ambler "So fur oh tho humnnltnrlnn legislation Is concerned, tho (lotornor forced through legislation Ilka tho workmen's compensation and child-labor Inns to my personal knowl edge, Whllo noma Ponroso peoplo voted for tliofiu nnd other similar bills, thoy wcro absolutely forced to do so by tho Uovcrnor -tf&z WrBsttm. QuiWiA sm&mg Served nt the St. Jnmcs, Arcnilia, Ilinsltnm, Soulns, Walton with n IJluo TnR on every shell and the original decp-sca purity and flavor riuht there. Seatag Oysters for Freshness and Flavor Grown under ideal natural con ditions; each oyster is impeded ttvicc and selected; each one cer tified by the Blue Tag on its shell. Zcstful and appetizing a touch of salt in their flavor most deli cious. Firm, juicy, vigorous, you never put a fork Into such satisfy ing oysters before. From exclusive beds miles olT Cape Charles, Va. it. li. m.inoy (in.. iMiiin. m.iriii. Iteaillnc Terminal Jfurkrt. Arrb Htrect Wall. KJiiirr, , ....-.La. jJfrrl-ffM 1 For a lonff 11 &SC time to hear INSTRUMZNT Or QUALITY c UEAR AS NOT 190 WHY mi r Htl .maaSMK ' I m $ i amm ma til" t'VvmtmB li! ' mlWliirfJ fill ' iTilUrintf al ' ail Oil I M rfii MllMtyi Sonora Phonograph Corporation 1311 Wnlnut Street HIGHEST SCORE FOR TONE QUALITY AT PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION PEAELS DIAMONDS ' JEWELS FOR CHRISTMAS V.' ' J The splendidly equipped workshop " located in this building enables ibis House to desidji and execute speciqL' ' ' . jewels promptly .tjL :,:&; , . . - The seasons pkxiicti'ons of less pensivejevvds are more numerous Hian tisxjal $VB$OT0 IM)0ISB--.?HniAI)3KiHlA; UHOTSMT, DB033MBBB 14, "Trj btttertt kind of epposltlott was Wt by from tha day th last session opened unlit It etide4 by Penrose's Bucks County leader, Joseph, It Orunby, and his asso ciates. They never left llarrlsburir while tha Ieglslatura was In session, from be ginning to end. 'Tha same Influences that tried to atop theso laws have been circulating alt over tha Htato and trying to frighten tho manu facturing Interests by tolling them that tha ttovernor Is going to hamper their business at tha next session of the legislature by other laws. 'Thesa reports havo absolutely no foun dation In fact. I personally know that tha Governor has nothing of tho sort In mind. "Tha latter scare Is for tha purpose of squeezing out of tha manufacturing Inter ests monev for a supposed legislative pro gram at Ilarrlsburg next year." Tho McNIchol charges were made In a speech beforo tho newly organized Over brook Ilepubllcan Association, IBM North fllxtlcth street Tho association will be used ns n. McNIchol ward commltteo In the Thirty-fourth Ward next year. McNIchol nttneked both tha Governor and tho Mayor, Mayor Smith today deollned to answer MeNlohol's references to him. Heforrlng to Mayor Bmlth, tha Henator said : "When tho election was over It looked like HUnihlno nnd as pretty ns a bed of red roiesi but what has resulted? An con fused n condition nn I remember In my political career And tho only cnuso Is thnt somo people aro Jealous of Honntor Ponroie, a man giving tho best of his big jrnln lo tho Commonwealth without tho thought of a dollar's compensation." Concerning tho ooornor, ins remarks were "Tho schoolmaster, In professing a deslro "2 1 it Annivoriary Xmu Sale""""' A NEW ELGIN in rurir jeireis, a So . rnr Ker- Jp (on enmi. ! mxn, iiiiii inuiiri. Ultra Kueelal offer Niiinll tlennnlt will Mtrtire iinr urllcle until Clirlnt mnfl. I. MAYER lint .m.iciu:t NT. Jntrlrr mill NUrcnmllli .llfl'.N KVKMM1H - Look for Blue Tag tt Ucntillci eich StJtJgojutcr. Itmikei you turtl II the one real, never-failing, tan gible mirlc of oyiter quality, whenever and wherever It It founJ. The Blue Tag li a blui-nbbin a ptdU r guarantee! liitir 0) iten. rWSTifi hum "C&j you've intended A DELL TODAY? J. ilit. fro ",yS'i (o- r o-ll mm tffc Jlk MM $mm ?"Jr tm ,SII DISCOUNT ALLOWKD Ten Superb Models 15 $G0 $75 $100 $150 $225 $350 $1,000 ta b Governor, w iut rnlftl shd oelol ny mn conld tx. ll fro ! th BrMtcrt ndmlrntlon tor Bruitor rnro, and ho professed, behind eloged floorn, thnt without th nanctlon nnd ap proval of Penrons h had no aspiration to ba Governor. "H wan elected with th hearty gup port of Penrose bul h had not bn In poewlon of his certificate of election twenty-four hour before he began net lint up for hlmcelf A man may do a he I Ikes, but I protest thnt loyal Itcpubll. enns of Ion utandin ahoutd not lj de prived of their livelihood Juet because they aro not willing lo jtubncrlbo to nnd fpllow euch n nrumbaugh." Other attneka wero made on the Bmlth ndmlnlatratlon by I'rank CJnven, former city oommltleeman, nnd Thomas O. Morris, ex-Mngletrate and former McNIchol leader In tho Twenty-nlnth Ward Indictments Hint nl Shore Probe ATLANTIC CITY, Oec. 14 Connlderablo perturbation oxlnta here todny over the fact that a large hatch of Indictment re turned nt May Landing by the drum! Jury Immediately havo been Impounded by Judge flhlnn. The Jury I Raid lo hare been Inveetlgntlng alleged ofTenaen nt the November election. wmtwMmw s v; KOUEH'S COUFY OE LUXE In finest, oflut .felt In II kimono culore $2.25 SLIPPERS Thick, warm felt, isft snit cnmfortfcble f hlldrrnV, Jl Men's SI.7S A Thousand Pairs of , f"rr3 "Fausi OJtlsTr SATIN (UILTEO MULES Klnono colore $3.00 In llpnern without heel $2.00 ordered leathers aro nol obtnlnable at nny Erlco, and even tho lacks nnd tans have advanced so much thnt If mado now we would be cr obtlirrd to CHAflUINO BOOTEES , l'lnk n.l blue aullu.l tln. whlto fur trlmirmd $3.50 V4k; "Comfort" N.'i V Luxurious trimmed eTSeV W'N sole with GIVE HER STOCKINGS Women's Bilk Block t n k s (sartar tona) all ahadea, Had moor brand II. 10 the pair, 8 oalra In Gift llox. II, Worn n Novelty Hllk lloaa II, to rrada X palra boned 11.00, fllTE STOCKINGS - rThe Iffy i nip A" J .i. . W 'v- ,w MEN'S "fiOHEOS" In. rich tan oft leather $2.50 to $3 llore'. s; a mmm YV -...,. Min.immH1MCT. ,... t j-IUMrts ale 1 ft S1riniraae.."niia'fwrwg wm n,i... -..j C. J. Heppe & Son, 1 117 Order Your Vietrola Now! .Call at 1U7-1U9 Chestnut Street or Sixth and Thornpson Streets Fhone - (Bell) Filbert 2-5-8-0 (Keystone) Race 1-0t0-8 Or Write for Salesman to Call C." J. HEPPE & SON 11 17-1 119 Chestnut Street ' or Sixth and Thompson Streets Philadelphia N. Bv 'At the present timt there is every indication that there will be a tremendous shortage of Vietrolas for Christmas; We implore you to place your order with us at the earliest possible i Kte and avoid possible disappointment. amiSTMASSlflP BEARS RELIEF TO MILLIONS U. S. Colliet Caeanr Off to SyrJn Loaded With Food nnd Clothing NHW YOItK. Dets. H The United Rtatea collier Caeear, nailing a a ("hrlelma ehlp. will leavo New York thle nftemoon for Uelrut. Syria. Tho ehlp la loaded lo the hatches with tho most neceeeary nrtlcles of food nnd clothing. There l eondnwd milk for children, rice, lima beans, wheat, flour, petroleum, cottonseed oil, aujrar and Inrgo quantities of warm clothing Preceding Iho ship the American commit ter' for Armenian nnd Syrian relief cabled MI0.000 to Tlflls, Tabl, Uelrut, Jerusalem nnd other cities whero the need Is great It was Imposslhle to nwalt arrlvnl of the ship, according to members of tho commit tee Tho Caesar's cargo Is valued nt I2C0.000. l'stlmntes by the commltteo place the number of persons In need of food nnd clothing In Syria at 1.000.000 Another m russ-ix-iooTt p ft red felt. di 3r in ror ren. 2B & 91.78 ;fAt I X ehll 1 V11, ' l. ft . f . ' Vmmm euting Gitt Slippers at Last Year's Prices LAST Christmns tho unprecedented demand for Gcuting Slippers, etc. as gifts, caused us to look into the futttro a little more keenly than ever, and we discovered that leather and the other materials entering into their mako-up would advance contin ually through the year. So wo prepared nt once, the largest stock of Felt nnd Leather, House Slippers we have ever shown, sell ing now nt last year's prices. If wo were to duplicate our stock under present market conditions, it would mean several thousands of dollars more to our customers. A few of the models arc shown here. ? if yr ... -'''?MVmJM. AW mm Iteady for tho last 10 days of Chrlatmnn buylnr wo them last Decem ber Today many of tho MH t. marl: them !& nr Blach, Tan, or line gioe-llo Icutlier, . j lined with Boft. non-staln- Maroon an" nblo hid Draft-proof snap Graen $5 Value sides All fllzos Over 800 Pairs Women'o Beautiful Felt "Comforts" and "Juliets" in all sizes at coft felt, daintily with sntln ribbon. Soft chrome - leather padded Comfortable soft extra heel lift. About ribbon trimmed Full 450 nnlrn In rink. Light nine, nole nnd heel, splendid fitting Rose, Burgundy, Austrian Illue, 400 pairs In Red, Black, Ox Navy, I'urple and Red. Plenty ford dray. Brown and Wine of nil sizes. All sizes t. RONOUNCCD OYTINO) er a , , n Stores of Famous Shoo a I --''-' "- '-. y ""' 1230 Market fcJPl1 19 S. 11th St -Thrte Qeutfng Bro. Every Foot Profetsionally FUUd-Superviting. - 1119 Chestnut StreetSixth " j . , rent 1010 wtlltori Syrian and Ktorta ChrMhws nfa dependent vfrm. charity Th eorftmltle declares that to navo the persons from larTattort, through the winter nt , least, J 5,000.000 Is needed To repatriate the thousands of Armenians and Syrian who have been driven from Ihelr Homes win re quire another million, It Is said Uefore the rhrlstmri ship leaves It pier there wilt be speeches by former Ambassa dors Strnus nnd Morgenthau, Mayor Mltchet and by n representative of President VI1 tfon. Must Stamp Baseballs on Importation TTAfllttNClTOtt, Dee H Imported bMebt.Ui for ue on Amerlesn dHmoniK Wrestler man be imiwd with the mni nf the country In whleh the were manufMarM The ,Tresury )-Prtmnt h ruled that itamplnr the nim nf t"i nrllnatlnr enuntry en esrlom In whleh the belle r MtkKl It Intufncltnt to meet the requirements o( the l A THE HomcCcokingPopalat Price 1221 Chestnut St. I a.ni Tiinot'tiiioiT tiik city K tnimmm ruin Hslln. f I sot ilro- B .fed Bstln.. .801 Uiil. 1.031 rnriln (loth. M.OO. Wltbtut He'll, nft eaW lie end J1.25. Klmnnn Col KIDDIES PflETTT, SOFT RED FELT A-I-C'S 51.2G UEN'S "COUFTS" 0fonl (Irev Felt rolita A buttoni ot er ankle. $2.00 I.ower Cut, II.7S .35 Rimmi CARRUuE BOOT New ineo, no fattening re. uulred Black Muiiieii rubber fur top, vmr & satin. nil "Juliet" felt, satin . leather ' MEN'S "OFEfU" Btanlo eoldra of handiomo leather with euahlon p. aolta It 79 A up lo II so J" CITE; SOX GIVE HIU SOX Man's atlk Hoi. Hadmeer brand. lie, tha patrt I palra In boa. It IS. Hffl' hearr black and Bex, wane. ii.ii tha pair. ih'''1 i and Thompson Streets tJrX T 'WW J V'N'" u r Vietrolas $15 to $350 Settlement by cash or charge ac count or rental-payment plan; all applies to purchase. HARPER P BOOKS There i no mtttagt of love, affto lion, good'icill or friendship that cannot be vonvtytd in ' a book NOVELS RAINBOW'S END Bu Rex Beach "Htlrrlrur romanoe of the, revolution, la Cubn. .... Hxcttlns; adventuresses In rapid, succession.. and the plot haa food v leavening; . of the boyTah honjor familiar to the renders of Mr. Helen forth right tale" PAItedelpnto Prtti. "rull of suspense, wholesome! humor and containing many dramatlo ncenes." jm f'raMclico flMHfflrt. w fltvefrafed. $1 J5 stf. THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER Bu Mark Twain "A posthumous story by Mark Twain Is In Itself of eumdent Importance to stand in Interest head nnd shoulders abovn the maai of books of n new season," if. Y, Tribune, t "Written with alt his skill tn words. hl sift for putting a vivid picture on the pace-5 A Y Titntn Colored llluitrattont. 15.00 net. BETWEEN TWO WORLDS By Philip Curtisa "A book, different from tho usual norel of New York night life, . . . there are no exaggerations In these characters. They art as near to lllng persons of both -worlds as American novelists havo over given Us." A'. )'. Kveninp Sun. "A mighty fascinating study of human nature au nature! versus tha glossed variety turned out by society." a rand UaeUU ire. Frolt(cce, 11,33 net. THE SHINING ADVENTURE By Dana Burnet "A new star hns nrlsen. Ho Is Darut. Ilurnet The Shining Adventure' Is hli vehicle, nnd n moro delightfully clover story . hns not appeared In a long time." BrooUm Eagle. "Ono book In ten thousand. It Is worthy to tnko a place near the children made Im mortal by thn great heart of Charles Dick ens." l'Mladclphla Pras. Frontisstcct. 11.30 set. EVERY SOUL HATH ITS SONG By Fannie Hurst "A book' real mine of human pleasure, this vnxcftgo itrraia. ''Tho stories range from clever, nmuelng comedy to most poignant pathos, and both are Uono equally well." TiHade'pnta PuUte Ledger. "I-"uIl of tho sweet pathos of homely Uvea." St. Louis Qlobe-Dcmocrat. Fronltsvltet. 11.50 set, ANGEL UNAWARES By C. N. and A. M. Williamson "An Ideal little gift book Is this Christmas story . told with simplicity and charm." Uuffalo Express. "Tho Williamsons In a short Christmas story havo outdone themselves, and nearly everybody else, from a literary point of view, nnd tho molng effect of a simple story " Hartford Courant. Colored Frontispiece, B0 cent net, IMPORTANT SUBJECTS AMERICA AND THE NEW EPOCH By Charles P. Steinmetz, Consulting Enninccr, General Electric Company "Unquestionably one of the moot Ira- fiortant contributions yet made ln this coun ry to socialist thought." Bpringfleld He publican "One of the host contributions to Amer ican cconomlo literature of the war era. We commend It to business men." Syraeuie I'ojt Standard, f 1,00 net. A DIPLOMAT'S WIFE IN MEXICO By Edith O'Shaughnessy Tho Literary Digest snya of this one au thorltutle book on the subject: "Kvery word Is Interesting, picturesquely sraphla and fair, giving a sympathetic account of the Mexican limitations ln character and customs and betraying clearly the commer cial Jealousy and rivalry that have fomented the trouble," Huitrated. 12.00 net. FOR YOUNGER READERS THE ARABIAN NIGHTS Louis Rhead, Illustrator The original fancy of these Immortal tales Is most succesefully reproduced by Louis llhead Each child haa the right to a good edition of the book, and those who have al ready on their shelves Rhead's other Illus trated children's classics will especially want to add this new volume to the row. Over 100 fltuetratloite oi dtcoratlom. 11.60 THE TRAIL OF THE PEARL By Garrard Harris "Will please the boy . . . full of ad venture, of graphic characterisations." N. Y. Timet The story of a poor mountain boy who found a fortune tn a fresh-water Iiearl, and of tho adventures Its possession irought him. llluilralcJ, II 00 aet. HOLLOW TREE NIGHTS AND DAYS By Albert Blgelow Paine This new book is sure to prove as great favorite as the two older volumes, Th Hollow free Snowtd-In Book" and Th Hollow Tree and Deep-Wood Book." Huitrated. tl.it. HARPERS MAGAZINE i ., VI 4 1 ( hh m J ! I $8 TJ -a t The Most Interesting MazJncIntfwferW. TTriTTTirTniroTr":r:i:::v::.TJTTlT fWrgMWH TfJlRI HKIW MiKWSMHHH -y:1rn- ismtv&mmfijN- ywtqfSMii jawy-