wHrsjfiffr? &A t: sX & P r : I I X- Egyr r ST1 i - Ul ' t i ? . EVJWW1N0 LBDGI3Br-lHILADELX'mA. THURSDAY. DEOJfttBBtt 3i WiO PENROSE ATTACKS WILSON'S TARIFF "Democratic Prosperity Is JBa8ed on a Continuation of the War" CRITICISM BY FORDNBY f nva BrnlT Crrlolfnl .WASIIlNaTOfr, D. O, Dec Hr-Deetsr. tttt that "Demdcralln prosrwrltr Is baaed on a continuation of (h war," BertAtor I'n irose, of Pennsylvania, today predict that restoration of peace In Europe wouM mean th itramptns; of this country with forelrn. mad iroods. l declared that Inn Amerl can consumption or $30,000,000,000 an nualljr would make tbln market worth mo're than all tin other markets of the world put totrelher. Representative Joseph W. 1'ordney, of Michigan, wtto will be the next chairman of the Ways and Mean Committee If the Jtepubiicnni organize It, and llepresenta tit J, Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, another strong protectlonlet member, both tald that ftoods Imported free of duty would closo many of the Industries that have been able to operate during the war. Senator Tenroee said! "Industrial preparedness In Juat as vital as Military and naval preparedness. The present revenue law does not meet the Issue In any way. It Imposes onerous bur don of direct taxes and yet It Is predicted that there will be n deficit of 1100,000,000 InMlle revenues for the next fiscal year. Wei are living under the Underwood so called tariff law, which contains the lowest tariff rates of duty on Imports of any tariff law within 100 )ears of our history. 'In the face of a grent deficit nnd tinder ths burdens of direct taxes, we delib erately have abandoned the revenue which might be got from the customs houses to the extent, cen In this time of war, of :00.00t,000 or 1100,000,000. While nil the foreign nations are resorting to IiIkIi pro tective tariffs, embargos nnd subsidies, we stand naked nnd unprotected. "The groups cu belligerent nations at the close of the war is III bo prevented frotf trading freely with each other by rrnson of hostile tariff barriers, nnd their cheap products will be dumped Into the American market, which with Its consuming power of more than 120,000,000,000 annunlly Is worth air the other markets In the world put l&aether, "These momentous Issues were Inst sight of by the American people In the last cam paign. The seriousness of the crisis Is Illus trated In the stock market "Not the slightest remedy exists to meet approaching -conditions. The tariff com mission provision In the revenue law In In effective, It was simply meant to catch Votes. The anti-dumping provision Is even more absurd and Intended for the same purpose. As peace approaches, or even as the talk of pence Increases, wo will with Incredible rapidity approach a condition of Industrial, financial nnd business depres sion and adversity. If the llepubllcan party had been successful In the last election the difficulty would have boen had enough, but would not have been Insurmountable, nnd wa might have entertained the hopa of re covery, "I can sea no assurnnco of safety under the policy to which the present Democratic Administration Is committed. 'Terhaps the war will last a year or so longer and will give an opportunity for the American people to restore the lie publican party at least In Congress Demo cratic prosperity Is only based on a continu ation of tho war." Representative Mooro thus expressed his views: "The percentage of Imports now crowding Into tho United States from foreign coun tries whteh pay duty Is so small ",, preponderance of foreign goods nam ttea free Is so great that the fieroe competition against Amerlcan-made goods is now rnosl alarming The people have not observed ma Insidious Influence of the foreign commer cial Influx, becauee of the export trade, which has satisfied the farmer and the cot ton grower. The consumers In ths large cities have been paying for this uncertain prosperity with the highest cost of living ever known. If the war In Kurope closes suddenly It will be absolutely Imperative that the tariff barriers In the United ntates be raised high enough- to shield both the American producer and consumer. This will mean the repeal or the revision Up ward of the Underwood tariff law. An Indl. cation of the way the wind Is blowing to ward manufactured products of the United States Is revealed In the depressing ef fect of Kuropean war news upon a atock market which has been depending almost entirely upon this dubious war prosperity." Jtepresenlatlva Fordney said I "Our Imports for the last fiscal year were the greatest In our history. Seventy per cent of them were on the free list. This, too, without any Imports to speak of from the Central Towers If peace comes this country will bo flooded with Imports, because wa have the cash, and they will all need It badly. Never until this year had our Imports ever exceeded 1111,000,000 In any one month. They have not gone below that any month this year snd have run as high as $116,000,000 Tho antl-dutnping legislation aracted In the last revenue bill la a farce, You have to prove a conspiracy between tho Importer and the purchaser before you can do a thing with It." AIR MAIL LINE PLANNED; CHICAGO TO NEW YORK Government Completes All De tails for Stnrt Except Pur chnse of Machines WABIIINCITON, Dec. 14 A regular aeroplane mall service between Chicago nnd New York will be established by the Pastnfflca Department If plans under con sideration go. through, It was announced at the department today All details are com plete for tho start, except purchase of the mBLhlnri Tho departmental plans Include establish ment of emergency stations eery twenty- two miles, each equipped with powerful lights, two landing stations and one relay station Flsncs would leave terminals at 0 p m and deliver hmll at Its destination before 9 n. m. From 600 to 1000 pounds of mall would lie carried each trip The first landing stntlon from New York westward would be near Wllllamoport, Pa., where It Is planned to establish a flying field, with hangars, tools, spare parts, oil and gas supplies, etc, The first relay station would be at Nlles, O , where another machine would take up the flight, with Its first stop near Napo leon, O. V MEN'S TAILORS & Cor. 13th and Sanoom TAILORING of REFINEMENT Our $30.00 Suitings and Overcoatings AUK UNUHUAI. VAI.UK FRIDENBERC FOR DIAMONDS Acting as we do, as appraisers for trust companies and estates, we constantly secure diamonds, precious stones, jewels and silver ware at prices below standard market value. You Save Money This season our display of Christmas gifts is greater than ever before in our his tory. Call at either of our stores, we will gladly show you hundreds of articles. Everything Guaranteed As Represented or Money Back mu Our Standard for Ovr 75 Years 37 M' BIH BETWEEN fllBEBT SfB nuBBsaBa AND ARCH STS. 25 9'm& BUTTON WOOD ; SORQSis Guaranteed Hosiery For Gifts THIS famous hosiery, by its excellence of material and perfection of work manship "will instantly appeal to the one who receives it as a gift Its quality is , apparent at a glance, SSC to $2-25 Guarantee Beautifully finished In silk or lisle, and we have a truly marvel ous array of colors that match exactly every conceivable shade. Ours is an unlimit ed guarantee it is for you to decide whether they give sat isfactory and suffi cient service. If not we'll replace. A mappy, ffll Wn f Newest Shoes ajtd Evening Slippers. a 3 1 3 443 - J? Zsi Jf m NAMES CHURCHMEN WHO HELPED SALOONS Pastor Rendu List of Names From Pul pit Liquor Dealers to Close Christmas WKIBBroilT, I'd., Dee 14 The Hev. W, ltlffert, the militant pastor of Bt Teter'a , ii i n i ii it . Mttt 111 mm United nvamretlcat Church at Bast Wets, port and an undying foe of the liquor1 traf fic, after compiling n list of the memBera of his chlirch who have signed liquor license applications, reail their names to tho entire congregation. lie said he dirt so because ho felt It to lie his duty to say to these signers that they could not support the Church and the saloon both at the same time. CARRANZISTAS KILLED BY MINES, TEXANS HEAR 200 Dcnd nnd Injured In Attack on Train by Villa Bandits, Ameri can 'Says Kli PASO, Tm . Dec 14 More than JOO out nf 00 Oarrnnsa soldiers and civilian passengera on t Mexican Central train bound from Parrat to Chthuahu City were allied or injured Tuesday by (lit explosion of mines planted under the track by ban dit, according- to an American ottclal of a Parral mining companr who reached the company's headquarters here last night. Ths explosion occurred In Bachlmba Pass, according to the American lie says the train passed over the mined track without causing an explosion and shortly after ward encountered a band of Vllllstaa lined up on sch aide of the track. wbTeT fire. The engineer backed the train toW rarrai and then the explosion occurred The American, who was a paster,,,! ,..... ...... ... ..-.,, , oiown to n. ! Dead and Injured strewed the wrecks and the ground round about The Ami and several others escaped with minor i. junc nu n.uo ,neir way to pithi; H f, . u tf m B fe3' Si'fta .' INHf. E33 ,s i i L -'.i HRISTMAS is only Christmas when there is song and music music for dancing, the old Christmas Carols, music for merriment music such as only tlje Columbia Grafonola "The In strument with the Tone of Life" can bring. Let this Christmas be brightened for you and your family by "The One Incomparable Musical Instrument" see your Columbia dealer today and reserve now the IMM instrument you want. 1 here Columbia Grafonolas to fit variety of taste or purse, ranging in price from $15 to $350 a model to suit you, whatever your wish. s9h asST itiSSsi y 9 OsH! ItJ 3 B N0Hbi.iflsVkM ePw C.siggggggKrM Wi t jflgggH tiff fi MT f I I are every The $aoo Columbia Grafo nolais the apex of achievement in upright instruments. Tonal ly, mechanically, artistically, it is the utmost perfection or die reproducing art. Columbia Craionola Price $200 The n6la that parable ment. 150 Columbia Grafo- is convincing evidence the Columbia is incom es a musical instru Thc highest tone rs As. BflTTTTt ' sBsH II I II ' SBttttttttll i 1 II II sttttttttM ILJU-JssksJI quality, with every refinement of mechanism, farmland finish to correspond. UsBaaaaHTUsi 9 8 sll sstsstttBttl The $100 Columbia Grafo nola is an exemplary sample of what the best American craftsmanship can produce. In appearance, as in one, it stands alone. Columbia Grafonola PrlcoJlSO The 50 Columbia Grafonola is the most in music produced at the price. Its tone-quality is unusual, its tone-volume astonishing. tBBMf7sjaK?BjSvBB ILl&mI IfglaJssWw Columbia Grafonola Price 950 Columbia Grafonola Price $100 ! 0T New Columbia Records on sale the 20th of every month. LUMBIA GRAFONOLAS FOR SALE BV CE.NTU U, CundlDham t'Uuo t'o.. XI01 Chsstaal P,'.W5!I'.,PU, T"1" MathUe C. ,UOB Chestnut St, BuUMkurf. ., Ce., Mta sod Mar. SlrawbrlJfe Clothltr, (ts aad Mir- C( Ola NORTH Vk real and llurr. VJ.nl rolsnul JItloJ 1 Vn.Lf..J . ! M & ! PC iui uriaeuex jskl. UUr, OrtktNlax nail Al- Cllr line rbarmacr. UolUr. Jshn C. J.aii. jilcrnlk. IInJ.. 140 N'art! ri riaoo uu ii 1557 BerkUod Tlkin (ISA f lrmcint aisth ! sI- T"I. 'VZ.'Z " fiawnritii'sf, M2M1& Ce., iHI !.- ?l3f.vei- Miu sramjua pi. rruiaalawn Ate. atUue C'.. SWJ OBTIlE,ST lWjl. vu.rriiSi?mir flsMrdl fluisintw.l iHAKll Slid Knr. Xhimas U., J Ksaaloiteo Sltllnicr, Htmo.l. 1204 Nonb sit ii. KMf'H.W.Mi.Ai, "snrjr ;" BUhrmr'a Ueoarlmsat 8li. Soal iui Simnuhauaa Are. """ " NORTHWEST c.. tie H.lwali. Uartla. 4M3 Oerosaateira At. XtStFST Cioiia, sti Mutst SlO ol. BtkocU HesaluB, Ul CeloinkU Am. TaoickUi, t. MaoTM, Hl (JctmaiU tgwB Ave. )tV. I. (.. SIS ninrd Ave. Ueedmas, it., 4441 Uab St..Uni,Bnk WEST rUILADEUHIA Carr. O.V., l Mala .. Dirbr. JJavU, OM.B. A Ce., aS4sM JLaa. It Skull's i)ra- fiUrs. Ss Market Bt, Vajieteal ' lalklna iUthlat and U C., Olh asd Chtitnut HtT te., 1 Batik tOth 81 BOUT1I isll feu I scord Machine r. srRf--ml?'..H-M .. i. at. w.vwv lfU MICBIBf V.i il.lt Talklax . M.4I lUuth US Baatb HU " BS8,U phMrB C-a,. a! I'AaUKS. N, J, DuiUr. B. J.. ll-fl-X9 Bnadfrar.