ir ft, m WALL ST. MILLIONS GIFTS TO WORKERS Clerks Will Get Record- Breaking "Division of Profits 50 PER CENT OF SALARY Amounts Rango Down to One- tentn iuuiB" to Hundreds ... rnnit Vtc 14. The ilrlpplnirs Jm ih. overflown vain of fat rendered L:,, ...... from the munltlona trado "h wrrlnc Borop. will b. dlatrlt.utc.1 Ihti week ana nei i c...p."v ... -....-. 1 gift, that will break alt pant record. Th dripping" of today would havo made . ffat for both employers and employe iurlnfjhe lean holidays of 1913, before, the fSropean war. Of Muri-o. all the record-breaking profits ULSm and Mr pnVl and hospital Buppllea. Eflli I. the tnidlnit In war materials that Iml It W n """' ," .,..iti nt tliA j behind the Rrcai " T. bankers nnd brokers have It to lt i this ear. nnd thoy will never mlii (lte hi i pinml on the horUon if the profei-lontet trader nt this tlma of E. "' .:. i. .1 .....iinn fmm normally I MAfl Will 1" ,,u """n-"-""- " . , I; i0" ' ..... ti.i. im. l.ri-ii blown almost h !!:'.. it in (ho Entente capitals nitHM - On n mllllon-sharo day In the stock et ehiwte the profit to the brokers In round BnbYrs. Is $250,000. Actually the profits efbrokera aro much greater because the UbuUled figures omprlso only stock bindled In hundreJ-stiaro lots or more. Brokers dealing directly on tho New York Stock Kxchango rccched J8.000 000 , In commissions in mo moimi m " br off tho trading In lots nf a hundred " i ..tlniali-il tod.iv. Thev hail this much Income If they didn't cam soother penny. ,Hut thcro In no law stilnit a broker buying or selling stocks for himself through other brokers. This one way big profits nro 'made. TVe'vo been too busy handling other ' people's orders," ono broker complained ruefully, "to do mucJt for ourselves" There Is the cane, however, of ono young man who worked as a stenographer n year Ht and Is now said to havo J200 000 of but own stowed away In tho bank, tho money mado out of u brokerngo business it Up on J5000 capital. Ills operations hive all been on tho curb market i. ti. ..notr .vfhnniTA with a iTR.nnn Mat paid for by tho firm for whom ho was i telephone operator four years ngo is Rsbert C. Hancks. Moat Wall street stenographers, however, will go without scats on tho exonnngo. They will hae to ho contented with glftH of $100 to 1500 Tho latter sum Is tho fli;ur ,re illctrd today for tho smaller wage-earners In the banking houso of J. I. Morgan & Co , though formal announcement of the firm's jiUns hao not been made Other houses, like tho auarnnty Trust Company, which vtll distribute $300,000 to 100.000 employes; Charles II. Jones & Co., fifty per cent of til employes' salaries; the Metropolitan Trust Company, ten per cent to all em- nlnv.ii n.ronn.t fr r)nrimtl. wlr month . . ..I. .w !.. If n.rlmn Vndnntil l,1. B" MI1 , ,.w ....,..,,.., ..( .iii., . i..i tn to sixteen per cent. hae risked spoiling '' ttlr emnlnves' Christmas bv telling thrm -..Jaidvance. Jn For hundreds of clerks It will bo the best Chrlt(nan they'a ever had, nnd nt tho ,eime time tho second nnnlvcrsnry of the h?ltat fhlal vr b til no n A Vifit-irt In baa Tmn - V1HHD VltV 1JIU1 !,' tU D-J, 1 f JiilS t" tiiciu ntiu I1U uuiiuaci V. Kllll street clerk who hnd a Job nnd fr, pay was considered a very lucky younff AT ALL OL'It .MANY I-orL'LAP: STOKKS FOR CHRISTMA We offer special service in the Ilia of candies to SUNDAYSCHOOLS Schools, Churches, Societies, Homes, etc. Thoie charitably inclined should phone now or call at factory, where orderi will be booked for delivery any time up to Xmai. SPECIAL PRICES Pbont, Locust 1303 On Show at 15th St. Store OUR WONDERFUL Sanitary Wrapping Machine Wrspplnr Uutantlr oor FAMOUS Soft Yellow Jack Come in a$d Get a Free Sample 20c V2 Lb. Box T,Tif lx"5 box of this famous soft eJSd? ,ikk ""d ?.u.r Chocolate Own-Spun JSfth.iS. rfSr chlMi . mother, father or twturt. They will like thtm Immensely. t3ontajue.&tfK Ul. 9S. 15th 10 S. Broad StWM It OTIIEIt llVTVtir crtia -1-ACTOJty. JIn A 8AN80U flTa. , "We're Distinctive" DIXON Dep.ndabU Tailor Service since Eighteon-SUtySlx SsJMaj. or 0reUnt. JS to ?53 1111 Walnut Styeet "We're Reasonable" ANDIRONS FENDERS FIRE TOOLS News at a Glance ?J ' th? C""1'''"" raelflc lUllway Company nnd nsslstnnt io th president. hf. ?, .,hl" ow? rT'u,t httn "'lve4 from h s dul ei and placed on the retired list Alex d succeeded by Ernest t,,?Ki:T0N.,. I,e', U A "'"' Agrleal. turnl CDnvenllon will be held In this city January 24, 2S and 28, when delegates from county boards of agriculture and many other agricultural associations of the Btate will meet to elect two members of the mate. llonnt of Agriculture and to transact other buines. Reports will be made at this convention by United Slates Kenator elect Joseph S. Krcllnghuysen, president of tho hoard, and Alva Agee. Its secretary Distinguished speakers will addresi the convention. THr.NTOy, n,. t. The 51. te ffl.on lioanl of Inspectors recently asked State Commissioner of munition Kendall to np point a teacher for the prison school and to hao the Stale Ulucatlonal Department take charge of the work of the school Ac f,0"1 "glV. H Howell Tlee, principal of the SIcMerUlle school. Wllllamstown. Camden tounty, has heeti apimlnted nnd will soon assume his duties Tho salary Is J1200 Tltr.NTON-, nee. 14. A. remit nf n new clay survey and series of tests which are being made In this Slate, New Jersey clays nre In a number of Instances re placing thoso from other districts In ono case n New Jersey clay Is being used In the manufacture of lead pencils, whereas up lo the tlmo of the war only Oerman cliis were used for this purpose. TIWVroN, Ilee. 14. The Mat tlepsrl ment of Health Is today conducting nn In vestigation as to why A Salus. former As semblytnnn of Atlantic City, nnd the Mnrlno l'reealng Company, of Anglesen, owners of small cotd storage warehouses In these re spective places, havo not repotted the nmotint of food held In cold storage by the fifth of tho month as required by law The Salus warehouse ordinarily stores about 6000 or C000 pounds of meats and the Anglesca concern about 75,000 to 100,000 pounds of fish. POTTSVIM.r. !., Iee. 14. After fur nlshlng and equipping a room for a voca tional school, thn school directors find that there has been no provision mado of funds to mnlntnln It nnd hence a delay In opening It will result. Prossuro was brought by tho Stnto Department of Public Indication upon tho school board to open such a school HRAIllNfl, I'n., Dee, It. An unknown man. well dressed, was Instantly killed nt Wyomlsslng. a suburb of Heading, today, while stealing a ride on n Heading If.ill vvay freight train I In vvns riding between two coal ears when they buckled, nnd ho was squeezed to death. Tho man was about thlrty-fivo years of ngc, dnrk com plexion, smooth shnven nnd wore n blue scrgo suit. MISSING TREASUKEK BACK Nether Providence Township Official Returns Won't Kxplnin Absence, Clnrenco C. Tolmnn, tho Nether Provi dence township treasurer, who has been missing from his home In Wnlllngford since November 23. returned last ntcht shortlv after his wife had notified tho police" of his disappearance. No explanation vvns Klven of his absence. Mr Tolmnn, who Is n merchant, left for Chcslor to transact business Mrs Tolmnn feared her husband had met with foul piny ns he carried a largo sum of money Neither Mr or Mrs Tolmnn would say nntluni today corncernlng his nbsence XmAS GIFTS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE A Conklin makes a mighty good Rift Tho Pen with the "Crescent Filler." Points to suit every hand. $2.50 up. -Filling Fountain Pen NONLEAKABIX Our Christmas and New Year Cards are most attractive. Our Desk Sets, Ink Stands and Leather Goods well selected and suitable for gifts. The Best Since 1820. -Wm. F. Murphy's Sons Qo. Stationer BlanV Book & Loose Leal MuaUclartn 509 Chestnut Street OrrOSITK INDKl'KNnKXOM II All" m. n,rt Link, are Ully t- """"" 6.50 C. R. Smith & Son Mark,t St. at JSth St. Christmas Cards ..n .!. ami dfllBTim trim tur. n.r flit ertUtla stirM no wwa-w 91 ,Ai 4 tiM ruw-wiu, or without "f?" ? LZTct dr. R0W. jrtOM' priuv ' r rTTTO WTMTf & RflVS 1 t iSnttMiMtlS Vm "Self wftSrY GOLD CUFF J yifla BUTTONS SSS w 1.UU iSFssa EVENING LEDGER-pmLADELPHlA, T&0B&DAY, DEOEBIBEB U CITY NEWS nt'llNS ItF.OCtVF.n shll nUrlnv with matches resulted In the iHsth today lt two-year-old Uuth Mints, of 1S10 North Seventh street. In the Children's Homeo pathic Hospital. TWO (lint.R whs tell fattenes were held In 1800 ball by Magistrate Tracy today for a further hearing lo decide a shoe sales man's complaint against them. The itlrls aro Anna Carabuta, twenty-six. and Marie Oono, twenty-five, of tilt South street. The nccuser Is J fl Dllks, Vfho works nl MsrkVs shoe store, Klghth and ltnce streets. He testified that Miss Cnrabtitz Induced lilm to empty his pockets while she told his for tune, nnd then with some slelght-of-hand work rtnioed n U0O hill from his wnllet. Thn girts were arrested on the description lie gae TOM, Till. TKT CAT f Engine Tern pany No. 2J, was Indirectly responsible for the dlscoery of a fire In a stable on Com missioner street east of llelgrnde early to day Thres horses were rescued George Hummel mlr"d the cat from the engine, house nnd found It In the stable nearby and a (Ire at the same time. The stable Is the property of Captain lldward Wlsner The damage was 1100 AN orr.N ItMinKI. WAGON earrled twenty members of Camden nnd Philadel phia notary Clubs to Kugler's cafe, where n dinner was glxen In honor of Kred Hint meleln. Jr , founder of the Camden organi sation ftnme of the men were In evening dri-M Jiut by wAy of adding "atmosphere," Tin: tot'Mi ur.runt.icAN, stt South llrond street. hae nominated olTl cers to be elected at the meeting Jnnunry 10 Those nominated were the following" President. M J IMclterlng: first lce presi dent, 1'hlllp It Johncnn; second vice presi dent. Charles li Ilnrtlelt. third lce president, Wllllnm C Hrown; fourth lce president. Hamuel It (Inyton; financial sec retary, V Theodore Albright; recording secretar-, Teter V Cope ; corresponding sec retary. William II Herbert, and treasurer, John C. Lindsay rot'll MT.V were eterelr sealded about the hands and face when a boiler exploded at the Torresdals pumping station The In jured nro Harry Shotter. S0:i North I'nle thorp street. Jr" Moulton, 1632 Addison street; Walter Hlgglns, 1344 Arrott street, nnd Thomns Orrell, Kit Unity street They were remoxed to the Krankford Hospital a acixk ii.ot of ground, bounded by Kalrmount Park, Wis snhlckon nenue, Carpenter nnd yiiennnn streets, has been sold by tho Carpenter estate to II II I.liter & Hon, representing n developing- syndicate The plot was ns sessed for $150,000 nnd held for iUS.000 It adjoins a plot of twenty-two acres recently deeded to the city ns an addition to Kalrmount Park on condition that the city pavo the streets surrounding It Tltn ItOAItl) OP KIIUOATMN has re ceived n petition for a new school In the neighborhood of Slxtj -first street and Ilnl tlmore nvenue from .es-aents of the For tieth nnd Forty-sixth Wards Tho rapid growth of the section nrtjacent to Cobb's Creek Tank ttas pointed out. roi.lfK Ann snAitcilIMl for Patrick s E. Milton Dexter 1218 Spruce Street SS SWEETS Xmai Desserts Xmas Candy Xmas Cake AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT WHEN YOU WANT TO RUSH TO A PLACE YOU GO IN AN AUTO MOBILE. WHEN GOODS MUST' BE DELIVERED QUICKLY YOU NEED A MOTpR TRUCK. THE AUTOCAR jCOMPANY ARDMORTS, PA. Yiclrolas $15 to $400 Easiest Terms All our Vietrolaa are equipped with the Tunga-tone Stylu: Plays SO to too records without change. Our New Xmas Certificates give you the opportunity to avoid the crowds. It also permits the recipient the pleasure of selecting their preferred style of Victrola or personal preference of Records. Talking Machine Co. . VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS Broad Abv. Walnut Branch! Optn Eutnlnga Broad and Columbia Ave. S2d & Chestnut SU. 4124 Lancaster Ave, IN BRIEF Flanagan, thirty-one yeavi old, who dis appeared about month ago from his boarding place, 1911 Itldge avenue. His ctrter. Miss Agnes Flansgnn, believes he suffered an accident. TIIF. I'llll.Alir.l.riltA nnANCII of the Dickens Fellowship has been granted a charter The fellowship has about 100 members. Us purposes are "the encour agement and study of literature and the promotion of social enjojment." Tim VAI.n At.UMNt ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia offers a scholarship nt Yale to a young man from Philadelphia or Its vlclntty. The qualifications which will be considered are scholarship. Industry nnd ambition, attainments In school nctltltles The scholarship -a 111 be awarded this win ter and the holder will be expected lo enter Yale In the fall of 101. Tim JOHN n,nTRAM ASSOCIATION will make a nntlon-wlde nppeal for funds to restore the famous gardens, below Fifty fourth street and Woodland avenue. In the condition they were In when John llartram, pioneer botanist of America, IHed there The Philadelphia Chapter of American Ho clety of Architects has agreed to draw plans for restoring the house A M'rrnAnn dkuati: win tie pioe tonight In Calvary Presbyterian Mission. Limekiln pike. Knst Oermantimn Miss May Macktn. representing the Woman Huffrnge party, will meet Miss I.ucy Price, who upholds the opposition This promises to be ono of the most Interest Ing word bat tles since the election, ns txith contestants nre fully Informed on the subject. Till: GIIOCr.HS and Importers' llxrlmnse In the llourse has nominated officers and directors for tho following enr ns fojjows. the elections to be held nn January 10 W'll llsm T Kirk. Jr, tho present head of tho exchange, for president, MnrWn M li en son, first Ico president ; John H. Ilngndt. second vice president: Alexander Henry, treasurer, and John K. Poore. secretary. A OAH NO of llrorlre root nblrli transported more thnh hnlt way nrnilnd tho world nrrUed hero by the Japanese steam ship Ikoma Mnru It was loaded Isti) the holds of tho steamship In Vladivostok, Si beria, after It hnd traversed nearly the en tire length of tho great Trnnsslberlnn Hall way, which terminates nl that port. Tho last lap of the Journey from Vladivostok to Philadelphia by tho way of tho Panauin Canal was 9800 miles s BULLETIN OF GOOD THINGS FOR XMAS Now Ready Srsil lor eapv 1232 Market St. M Showrooms IB I M M RELIANCE I n 1 1 Gas & Electric l I j WEDS IN HASTE, REPENTS IN COURT; HUSBAND HELD Sympnthy for Orphan Led Her to Marry Him, Woman Says in Complaint The old adage about marrylnir In n hurry and repenting In our spare lime has n new follower. Mrs Florence Ofee, of SSS West flerueant street, who married Thomas Ofee, of 27JS North Vtccond street (but wishes she hadn't), on the day after he told her he was nn, orphan, caused him to bo held In SOD ball for court by Magistrate Heaton. of tho Cen tral Station, today. He Is accused otnsrnult and battery. Mrs. Ofeo met her future husband Sep tember 2S. He cam tip to her In the de partment store where she was employed nnd, leaning on the counter, naked her for sym pnthy "Ho told ma n tinrd-tuck story," Mr? Ofeo said. "He was an orphan nnd didn't have any money, and wanted n companion to no through life with hint nnd nil that I felt sorry for him" They were married the net day "And since then he has broken my nose and got drunk." resumed Mrs Ofee "I WKBSSMiCfffflafflajQCOSXSJfflOXDO Bring the Kiddies to See ELECTRIC TRAINS Hundreds of electrical pasgencer anil freight trains, besides pullmnn, I bncRaec, box, cattlo, and mall cars. iCnn bo furnished with llirhts. Locomotives modelled after latest ! i types on electrified railroads, j Theso nro The Substantial Kind of Toya I mncio of sheet steel, hand enam eled; hnnd rails, bells, head lights ; and couplers hlirlily I polished nickeled fgfn KUf?Ji jitccl; cold lettering JJJTIITJJ and decorntions: 8 curvofl and 4 straight sections of a i track. Attractive prices. Store Vt i open 8 to 5:30. Ask for cntalog. & Prnnk U. Ktownrf Kloptrlr Cn S is 37 & .19 N. 7th (Old Mint nidc.l ajflDaia!(J!0OJQtDKCIUX3taC)!i!KlIS(UC)CIJiJS Ready Money - United States Loan Society ociety I limn are. jj 117 North Broad St. 414 ft. Bth at. MIS flermantonn J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chcitnut Juniper South Pcnn Squaro Lorg of platinum and diamonds WITH BREKA FINE STATIONERS Acceptable Christmas Gifts For "The Men at the Front" Wrist Watches Writing Cases with radium dials Fountain Pons Tobacco Pouchos Diaries Cigarette & Cigar Cases Game Sot3 Photograph Frames 1121 Chestnut Street STEIrWAY Duo-Art Pionolo PIANO J SidMWW 5 Why is a Steinway Piano So Great ? You would atonce answer, because of its thrilling beauty and breadth of tone, so deep and marvelous, and its ready adaptability to any kind of music. But there is another excelling quality Us staying power. This is the wonder of musicians, that with such a plastic action and delicate touch, the Steinway Is so little affected by hardest use, No other piano gives such satisfaction either in music or service p o s Come, set and hear the Steinway t)ut-Att Pianola PUno Jhc trinity of music-a piano (or hand playing; a Pianola; and a Player to reproduce the art of the great artists N. STETSON & GO. Only Philadelphia Representatives of Steinway & Sons 1111 Chestnut Street n' in 101G have JvMd the rent And the coat till. The only tlmo he'd show up wan on Saturday nlRht. Bomellmes ho would come to tho store and sympathise with me 'nnd say It hurt him to have to see me work." Mrs. Ofee was Indignant "And the only reason t married him was because he's an orphan," she concluded Buy Your Xmas Victrola and Records here nnd ever afterwards receive tho Wcymann Service Victor Qunlity plus Wcymann Service Enables you to koI the most enjoyment out of your invest ment. Convenient Terms Philadelphia's Musical Centre Planot VUtrolat Evrylhine Musical 1108 Chestnut St. -vi Alfred M. Bloominnrdnlc ffl OltKll.VAI. I1UUS IN ELECTRICAL WORK 217 Walnut Street Tlir t'Ktt fnit (s lAe Onlw Col ' trt '-iseH?..iSl nons SAUTOIRS m ft 1:1 ft a a t ffl rb I ' "'j. W Jf JS , ?f .' :-" mZimWM&igd il.lWW . r & ? . in mtswtTuMmmtwwti This Final Intensified Value Sale of J PERRY Suits and Overcoats at $15 is more than half over! The fabrics aro of regular $25. $22.50 and $20 qualities specially purchased for this Special Oc casion n n d have nothing- whatever to do vtfith our rcg-. ular slock of Suits and Overcoats. i In fact, the very best we or anybody else can do in regular $15 Clothes is not to be compared with these Intensified Values at $15. These are $25, $22.50 and $20 quality fabrics, and as such are recognized by all who know anything about woolen values today and recognized best of all by clothing experts! If we hadn't put it down on the schedule months ago that this week these fabrics were to be sold as Event Makers at $15, we could sell them right off the reel at $25, $22.50 and $20 and they would be in ac cordance with Perry Standards of value! Overcoats ' 4$ Dark Oxford m i x tures, bluish, grayish, olive mixtures; plaid back fabrics in single breasted and double breasted models of dif ferent styles plain backs and belted backs Ulsters and Ulster ettes, kimono sleeves and conservative models. Suits If Worsteds, heavy weight blue serges, fancy cheviots, cassi meres; young fellows' styles and conservative style s lapel variety, pocket variety, cuff variety Norfolk backs and plain backs, regu lar $25, $22.50 and $20 quality fabrics at $15, Until Saturday1 at Six! ,.. PERRY & CO. "N, B.T7 If tit qu&tyt m. I a -1 !u.A&irij JUUM443 i "-- s Printars-UtioBers EnttSfirJ it SttVk Vtt W Kwm "1 msftn SXMl IMSffiJ DiamoRMIwc Ber,E limn ii nil li i mini J J mmMmmwivTM w raiiuiniiTpnw T&uasrw- j