jffS10A3d IHSTRttKEHTfl " Cmtfntt fret rrtrrUng Peat. cn Daddy Walker Record Ex. 5c jC isj rurx-n xra , ni -'0 tr.nrn New minmmwl. tUoe, flag. PRINTING TnT tOt'R CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY piie i-oif eeieettono from 123 iImuiii. "Mra SO lo on rente per down IMf Shop, loot Chestnut t. Open evga. OLD aOLD Sn"riiIJ. !Iver. platinum, Plated wre. old ,1 Jewelrr. .!& Plate: bought for c-aih. eX 18 to J. t cut, rmnr, ot Banaom. KOoRrar.1' 3 A'ufiilWfti ""' ffSToU)-'ash J'l 'or. nun ono-i a. STORAGE rrDBUTT FIREPROOF WAnjBH0UBE3 110 lSlf-lSHI MARKET ST. "WfcailCA MONARCH HTORAdB CO." I' ..i.i. ...! tattle. ..I.. in i SKRVICE 870 ItANCAftTEIl AVE. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES rot mut mo., . i.m 8 mo Kent! payment applies on Purchase. Rem Inst on. . Typewriter Co.. Inc., 110 H. Blh et. -.. ..., . - - HI riNa in premiers WANTED AMKTHTSTS. old gold, sliver. rALSn TEETH. MeilrJii beaded bag blsMiB.jllh. I'nTlSj. INTIQUE FURNITURE, feather beda. sliver. i,k.f. iiiMlrr. rold. file teeth, diamond ewraaht. "Antiques." 028 Chestnut. Phon Walnut T07" KTOKCN JKWnt.HT. ntlqua, pliloU. colm, ln booli..rllh pttcn ,Pf. multd IBo J. II. fei (l'op ' Hlory). add 8. llth. WU 4l8. nART-OFP CtXlTHINO TTi r In "t nafil of tnm'i flull. LA ! ai tlfa &B a!a iIa OVff' will. hat. ihor. 'lo. Wo ftt Io dtiiroua .TOini ' lad!.' atroot and ovonlnr nwni nd atlmtn full tirvin and TuxfOo nulla, Writ, call call or phono. imII, r rjMCKHK, laan Toplar at. CAHT-OFP CJOTIIINH WANTE WANTED JWlTi.ohn pays tho hlihut prlcea for mon'a (dia, onrroala. Irouaora and ahooa, Sptclal arKa for m.n'a aack aulta. Hnd postal. PbLHinuiin, mvw twmi I unit itAMONDS lllhel.prte paid for diamond" old (old, alitor, platinum falio tth itlso paim tlrXf to i.mo jnihf ri at . sa noortront FuRNITUIli:. planoa, rarpota, nnliciw. onllra or part hou"a bouitht for cnah. no mattar row iarre. J, llarnataln. 1331 Hldfo aa. C"CLK HAM bura tnlklnr marhlnra, rtrordiTand lacalo rollij ietiAnar a, fie. for aala, Columbia. and Victor rocordi. a for II 2:1.1 Columbia, liSVT JUNK MAif, who para hlahrat caah prlea for rata, papora, mttala, marailnea. 8n4 poitaL J. Coplan, 2010 Maatar at. tr: . . UO0M3 FOIl KENT MpAD ST., N,. 1018 Two front rooma and Rtb wall haattdl rantraaa.i alto alnala room, IrOAD, S.. 2100 Cbarmlnc outaldo roomi'il trio HrHI'. hot-wator lioat; roaaonablt. OIIC3TNtrr, M0 DRHtltAriLB HOOM3. VKR. MAWriJr j AArniN.i. TWimT. 1043 Ou la da roon omo with runnlnt wat.ri niwiy lurniwngu, wingio or on auiio. OXtXinD. 1T0J Warm, rhrorful opartmont runjnira noor inrousn, pnrior, uniur , pnono, WjTCNUT"8t.. NI2AU 4.1TII KIcRantly fur rm. for cotipla every convenience, prlvalo homai boaM optional, refer. . Phon llnrlnv 310 f. WALNUT, 30." ltmo alntla or on eulte jinv. Ulh: h.-w. beat, board op'l Prra 4237 V. &CNTI.EMAN ran havn bedroom and alttlns room itiui m.rrwi mupin in opurinirni nnui. near Stat and Walnut CI 411 fodser Central, BOARDING OREBN, 1740 AttrnctUe aemnd-floor front room, with hoard. Poplar H083 Lsillail AVil., 13t0 Larue 2d and 3d atory front rooma. board reaaonnblo. Tioga R221, maiv i.iNn, r n. r ovrannnnirT .. M aouthern epoaura. la email adult family, with loard for cant lie- man. uu. i- luu, i,eager unice. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIKUI, LOCATION; apeclal arlentino care) Krvona, elderly, every comfort, nuraea, ImoIc - Dr. Randal, City I.lno. Chealnut 1 1 1 II. APARTMENTS FurnUlieil , BT. VERNON, 5004- -Largo eecond front, furn.j optional. dealrablek water; pnvilecea C1ERMANTOWN THE NEW ADDITION TO PELHAM COURT IB OPEtf PEL7IAM COURT waa not built to make ni on appeal to every one but to you who demand tbe beat and are accustomed to receive It nt price which, considering what you do de mand and receive, la moderate It will make a etrorur, compelling appeal. rauiAU COURT la locati lnnf1 m. Cm rruin . r m Station, Oermantown, lust off leautlful Lin coln Drive. on the Pennsylvania Railroad: It or ao train a day, surely transportation aourh lor any one. Bultca of 3 rooma and 1 bath to 0 room aad 3 baths: the alio to ault your requlre tnnte Price are from ISO up. .PBIHAlt COURT I n aulet, perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In an ab solutely Ideal and exclualvo auburban location In a. word, you may coino to TEL1IAM COURT and find a perfect auburban location, with trasaportatton unexcelled, an Ideally con structed building, quiet, dtgnlfled, elegant. . Tourney select an apartment of the alio . ault your Individual needs 1 you will find I your housekeeping- problems aolved and Uxan care of for you absolutely without effort ea your part: you will nnd a table of the almost exoellenca at a most moderate price. ad the same courteay, aervlc and attention 1 uniform throughout tho entire eatabllah ami. For full Information, arrangement for In. ejection, and reservations, call, phons or vrtt to NORMAN B. BIIEnwOOD 1411 WALNUT BT. TOUCH 87l RACE 803 vr to nta repreeentatlv on the premise at Pelham Court. Appointment may b made for automoblU S.f&ll at your realdenca or bualnesa nil ke you directly to PELHAM COURT i ,eall at your realdenca or bualnesa place ana directly to pelham COURT at your muvemenc ana pleasure. :i5: FOnNISHED APARTMIfNTS JVJWSHED 8 outalda rooma and bath. Wait feu.) possession Jan. 1: 150. Also furnished act. oi opposite lllttenhoui. tin. telephone wal- not si , HOTOEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS I APAHTMENTS UICNTED ONLY 4 IJ!T N. E. COR. 17TII A WAUiTTT (On block from niltenhoui Square) .Tb houaekeeplnv suite ar perfect In Ihelr plan; lag bav . mi o targe cearoom. eacn a i-. w.......... ...t. 1..U. 1 .W HIUimUM, Wm.t 1H-T-ndows: rlna lam living room. JlBtng-room. kitchen I maid' room and wiauowa: nn urea llvtnj om. kitchen I maid' roon a aa Well. titanl ulnl.- !!r..r?Sm. well. Ideal winter and sum. nier.apai aadV.Ui rrtrimenia. auo ault of a rooti QO : fl m frt uas of laundry on top floor. Your inspection cordially Invited. Liberty Bldg-., Broad ft Chealnut. MERTON GREIMS ytoot Walnut 6929. Rao S3T0. TIIERB ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURINO . AN APARTMENT a.P"' auppoae. Instead of trying all of the feVVfnfW "Mt attractlv. and beatVulpped i?.Pif1,Lph.U.. devoted aichis vely to iecur" Isrlsat what they want for particular people? fci'-'V" our rsqulremenl. Th. leading and lrbi apartment In Philadelphia ar1lsts3 ?JLritnui,r b rented through Si. o"? fu,Um.S"" T' waiting to taki you to th ?'"' rou deelgnate. go that with weeioi eiiort you max ucur. .hi SJrtJsG?nnt ,0 I'hUaaelDhU which moat " ??JS.t.h your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SlIEftwoOD KS,ruc.807l" "UT BTR.c .025, MM$MfWM?P: Two i.. . "7. ". TH. BT, t 1 T1. OH 'ZJS?1"? hS? KuaakMplaaT roo; 2s- h fcltchenettOf lT Are' ..ttianea no: ml, 8. :S I1T PIlltADEI-PIIIA ("frtoi oV7ir J-""1""', twuooni. aim ana ktMOfS BSdlii",UU lwlltor- " CBE33B. APARTMENT HOTELS I'm CLINTON TENTH BELOW P SMSEr EVERY .CONYENfSHa1 CU UTrna--5i7n"(r-,1r'""' CELUAR1J0RIU3 ' Ws v... !Tl!l"Jt,-Bprw. lEl.lth at. SWf EKEEPINO APARTJiENT8CuSrtT3f ' ls,ilS?IM b,lU o T JSma and bltb: luftT.,JC-.mon,u. "11. phone or writ. fe.lUBL STERN 1201 r-hi.7n,,. .f""- fairyiWirlflj"!"""10 nolal. all Urge. -SW ri aa4huKi,ri"' ,W SMroaM' .APARTMENT MOTELS COTtlnj,Fil ron FrtrrJlne CcHnn ALDINE HOTEL ,, inetMntb. THE BEST RnnMS ANn cttrrrc With the bt table, in Philadelphia Jay, Week, Month, Season. Year PARKSIDE APARTMENTS '" Bucctmoj ' eAMra, charlei 8Wwll?W' Ch.rle. McuT.'S, PAmc jflfhonl!iSB W MllnM- THE GLADSTONE IITH AND PINE ST8. Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERT JmJM1IU1 SUITES CAN tnusiiSB o?icRPl?nNiSMBO ..r. 7J.'J? MONTEVIflTA . Mp and oxford afnERT? i.k i!r!!.on,yr.,,rf room, newly fumletied 5lnb.hhot.nit!.,(e:;n,,u " w ,o K' ' V?!on;pverJroak Jo'. IRVING HOTEL m-m WALN0T Amjr1-npUn. S. rurop.n, II op. rml$Mmrmm REAL ESTATE rOIt BALE CITY ew.ib S2r Mrmphla and llunllnrdon !.. iS?SBiS.,11r J.,JLV "'t-Btlc fTotttr atora on r.m?i IV ift"" " "' nl dw'lllnr. no cupled.by rood tenant, rem. lii nri.-. HiivA E dwefllnai cor 7th .; ator and rent. , ai uS5 ft,iS1.2w""""Jm- ,SUI ". va Melon at SI ., ...V,'i.T. V" " ""I'lirru. rai -- iirvjcwn ft J , , thanl Oreen ata. SOI HJAIIKET BT, ai I'UDIIi lie Bale UaiISfs LofLa.n'd t7 B 4th at MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Uutldlna AtiMlMlon and Trut Kundi. J?A,il'i,1iioo0Jvlnut at. 007 8 20TII : BT B rooma. all conva i lot 18lM corner, aide yard, .cement callari ault any buaUieaai roomjo enlarie: rented at 1420 a yr. .Miivr.uu, tti. o. ,uin r. nBAJ.RnTATB.FOII flAI.K On KENT r HATtuniV 1.11, 1IAU1UN 1201 Chealnut. WAIID'H 8Tlt HT. HOilES. north Sf Jtun ttalt. f Ifunllna i-ara are., are. rompieia In every detail them at onca HBTZBL HON, Ayenta. Be aTtAUTIFUI. home 2 aty. atone twin hoar Bth A N. T3 nmttavavt aty. atone porch, A rma bathi moderni . want offer Kennedy lUmbo, 874 Kennedy ft lUmbo, 8740 Oin. ave. 0NI.T at !?QAr7T ooma, 2th n (II.KNN, 1817. Columbia 8ih.it.. north of Tor It ave. noMdlnItaJctorjrBJIee.jito. viiuu-i; HUII.DINO IJOT3 and larr tracta cround.ln all parte cltyi alio over 200 mfa ail pana rnyi nian over sutl mra altea ..iwnin. .mo lu ileal i.ai Trust Hide wn-ST niii.i)i;i.inrA CORNER IflTlt AND BPRINCirtEt.D AVE.I owner deolrea to eell ar once, will tacrlfice and make terma to ault purchaser. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND H I! cor4atll tc llaltlmnrn nve Ph Wood 3200. HOMK1 "HJXUIHOI'8 BPRITB HT EAST OP 44TII B atory armldetnched homfa. feature! beyond description location tineicelled rarace prlv- tleje.eample houae, fully furnished, open ATTRACTIVE IIOMEH TO OPFER EUGENE L. TOWNSEND 8. E. cor. 40lh A Ilattlmora ave. Th Woo.1 6200. HE fllll.TON AITS. 819.321 N, 33d at. Full of ten.inta, patlnk Inveatm'nt. price and trmi rlaht. See Harrla J. Chilton, owner. J10a Locust st . P to 11 a. 'HKMIHiniURRAN HOMES" On (obb'a Creek lloulevard. H3d it below line. BEE THE NEW 8AMPLH 1IOUBB 3329 Walton ave.. loit.ft. lota. EN11URO, Builder. J3080 W1LLOW8 AVE , 67th to 88th. furnished sample house open dally to 0 p m KER- HIIAW CHOWI. Owners. Mi Chestnut et. (IK.RMANTOV4N DETACHED ATONE HOUSE ONLY I.IOOfl OI.YNDON PRIEHfMAN 0300 Oermant'n ave. LARUE LIST OF OERMANTOWN IIOilES MMULLEN ft IIAltlir Liberty llutldlng. llroad and Chestnut. OUR REAL ESTATE 11ULLBTIN will be aent m ywu vj JV'f " application, itermantown .m .,. . ntjifn .mi itel ermintnwn avea. OUR.NEW RENT and aale II. t of Oermantown and Chealnut Hill properties sent on appllea- U0!liJiJLlS'sr4j,0n-'Hlo,riS"n!rila,- IF YOU ARE L06lUNOrOR A HOME In OTp mantown. Ml, Airy or Cheetnut lllll. consult me A RMehan. 0747 Oermantown myt NEW pWELLINOB andbulldlnc na in beet looatii ion. .1AUIUH, UULMA1N ft CO., N. S3. cor. llroad q ai and Cheetnut. rheetnal lllll BEVERAL DESIRAULE PR0PERTIE3 MiNTURN T WIUC1UT CO, MOIIIlln ULDd. Logan REAL ESTATE mortgagee and conveyancing. WM. D. CHAMDERS 433 N, llroad at. Roiborooxh THE ELEVATED ia coming to Roiborough. Select your houae or lot now. For Hat writ CALVERLET. OIOU Itldge ave. " PENNSYLVANIA BDDCBI1AN BROOICLINB Bungalow, brand new. whit stucco: 001123: hardwood floor: til bathi water neat, fruit tree; conveniently located! I4H00. J. Elmer Watt. Ardmore. ELKIN3 PARK New Colonial dwelling, 10 rooma. 3 baths, hot water: big bargain) 9 mmutea rroni aiation. aiccuiimick a sio- COItMICKlOlCheatnutand Elkfna 1'arV OLENSIDC HOMES and building altes. svery description. RENN1NOER ft ItEN.VNaEH. Olenslds. Pa; BUBURIJAN TOWN COUNTRT Bend for catalogue, IIROW'N ft CliOUP, Norrlatown. Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE An JTiPles' price, ah locatione 8.1, a or rent. CM. J. HOOD ft CO orrla niiig. BUBURIIAN RESIDENCES .' 8a-e on 1(U, ATIUftH, JT. JACKSON ft CO . Cheatiiut and 18 th. COUNTRT BEATS, farms, auburban home and building sites In northern suburb of Pblla. l-none orwriie t.MJ. i.aaer, inqAmoier. fa. COUNTRY HOMES AND, FARMS A llat from wnicn in. jnoet e.aciin nr H auitea. J. SI. FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pennerivanla. fOAROB LIST OF (TUDURBAN HOMES, sale or Parent, on the Main Lin or Reading 11, it. ITiii, aii tuat lu aeiuv ua 1VM. H WILSON ft CO., Monrl. Ilulldlnr. HUIIUIUIAN IAN UESI RESIDENCES for aale or renti attractive location: price rlgnt. . Uaurto J. ticover. neai aetata 'inist iimiqing. Uove NEW JERSEY BCIICItnAN rs AND HOM1 I.lTBx.N. J. I'lWCOTT PENNgYCVANtA TARMS 11 ACRES. K.nnett Square section; rood Rttl truck, frolt and poultry farny 18300. J. B. THOMPSON, Weat Chaator. Pa, NEW JERSEY FARMS FARMS IN SOUTII JERSBT BEAI. ESTATE SAI.E OR RENT crrr and suburban. IRAN propertli IteaflrflO e for Ml or renL Lowi Title Bulldl 'mnujir. rm int.ivmvvn Ian. list houaee. aala renL t all prtca. .Samuel C. Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Trust llldg . I81h inj Market uain LINE Beat line of Main Lin DOIUM. .iiv,.. tn. .l ne rnf. at all brlea HUlST'ft McMTILLIN, Waat End Trust Blig. CITY IIDAL ESTATE FOIl 8ALH QRRENT TUB LAND. TITLl AND TRUST CO. . inu. llroaa ana 'heetnut t. CENTRAL PROPERTIES JAMES D. WINCHELL. lTth and, Banaora H. For aaie anu rvct. REAXi ESTATE WANTED COMMERCIAL OARAOB LOT wanted: also nt exchange otter . oo ubtirbaii country ieat and good city lnvtmept propertls.: IpicUlbuyla houae. BrauafeWt, 1123 Land WttfU Mt , . . REAL ESTATE bought. ol4. rented, ranu ool licted,1iortgag loan for a term of year or OB bulldlna aaaociatlon ti'Z ,.,v . ARTHUR IIOSWELL. 233 N .Ulh t. ILL BUY cheap real eataie. any i ilpilaj.lmmadltan.w.r. Vok, real eatale. any aecllon FbUa. m.wer. ure.,. urvieciou. TNER. 1420 Cheetnut. WANT mU bau In Weat FMUeUlahla for aale W hay th buyer. T. JI. JlAaiN NISS ft BON 6000 liUlimor ave. . CITY RENTS COLLECTED CENTRA LPROPERTIE3 SOLICITED a FpETERa ft fcON SOS CHEaTNUT BT. RBAIi ESTATE gQB RENT CITY ht. "gASyEL. tX Cajlowblll m. i4vLai.K.-fe.i CAS A. JHVM mt. iwMm-. ,x Z4.oim mijmj ,3simt Waa. ;t vnf& awpw- wt EVENING iaDaiDBrPHIIiIEDIHtA 1!HUBSDAY. BEOBMBBR 14 J5.E3l.BaTATE ronnEOT! CITY ,ifc5BJrflc TLACB-in rooma and' kdoati o cnoss. uii Wi 'alnat at. tln.lnete rreprrlle. nod Store. Sheridan Building Southeast Corner 9th and Sansom Streets Lnrjre store nrttl hnlf Hoor left Also storo No. 82fi Wfllnut St. Apply S. J. Henderson C01 MOKRIS BUILDING .. . .MAtlKRT RT., Hit .?;B,Jr olldln throuah to Commerca et.l ult retail or wholeaala buelneaoi Immediate pcaeeaxlon, . ApplyrBNMACO.. SIT Chestnut at. 0,:?"IAi,u?.l!E?..OA,'. TATtD. Amerlc"an at. corner, with aldlna office and atalln now KcuplVinW- roaaeaafon can l arrarored. itonnia co nid! at iiroad A-,ii'..',T' f07B Rljra and baa.mentiIaTiS winrtowi aiwd apace for manuracturer'a aaant !Jn dltplay. I.KA EBTATB8, 700 San. wm at stt &!.? r"rr"r .v." "juiidiniri5"(iM""ftr KAXtyTS;uJV i.fevt't, heal KtlaTrut tllda-. raetartea, tTarebon.e.MfrFlr :TJi.T." " "r d.alrahla eecond door, conjalnlna .12.10 ad fl auiiaMa for electrical vKJlPI",'' .''!.. t"2T'"'l,ri January 1. ilTRnK4jllAhTll Jtldaa n..landIOih, rAEI0,l.!I:.? nA ?". v"r of every deacrlp. SffiA, and vlelnltr KclVinT KX. rilANUE. ntephen Olranl nidi Filbert 4100 A.K'.,K9.",,"' warehoueea door apaca et-' clualvelr J Alan MM.tlelnn '..!. Swl.l. lyan.t nnalneer mo li U'tlener MMt HAVE I'ATITT Who will rret hulMlna. nt.rT MITT who will erect bulMIn f,, location, for aatlafactory il''ll!IJ.TS7)Valnut,a5, or other location, for aatljfartorr tenant. Oaraiea ,??,SJJIAI.lDrl,.r.,'k bflMIn. room lloulevard. dwelllnf attach!, roan M eara. at reaeonebl. rTirK.stiii'Rirj'i nnoi ittc, D5fcX.Kt' "'l0TK'i:s. annual renlali; in.?' ,m" ,100 ,l"- J'3'1 f""- liso. lii 1131 !!!S Ji Hullea till ItMl lino 200 1551 1310 Hulira nr IJll r.ni) iitj.l. 1730 1 A a. :' '" U" kH"7 vlelt'. tall .ril?"" ,.' ' ,T 27.lOa.i fi .nrma. M1J1 El til tV"vt..4. ""."tooma 1(130 to 11(130 M.MH li Wll.t.lAMn nnp Dreiel Hulldlna. f-.n...ll. ,KKII llUII.DlNII 118 BO mr.e.KlIt OCA,,i all convenleneei; rente !i,c.""lr llJw.'.n!r com nuoua. , ? 1211-17 Gilbert et 122 00 ItmrMrw itiritrTiv.-i lli8'2ti Chestnut atreei Jre. S ... "niall atnale office, is, rno. fBARB a, IIHOWf?,2W "h ,t. JEETrIUDKLPHIA CII53?roT BT-.WEBT SITU 8 sty.. 13 rooraai 2?.. li '"VE1 ni1 selntsd Uirouahoat: new "Jpr-rKCft ,Jl4.Kr month TATIAlIt 1 r BftN ! n,1 28 B 40th at. MAIN LINK. P. R. R. DEBIRAIILJ IlKfUDENCES KOIl HAI.E OH RENT e.e..AViUNOt'K A EMI.EN COMMEIiriAI. TllfBT III.DO MORTQAOES 1100 000 TO INVEST In Hrst mortiajtea In sums from 1100 up also bulldlna aasoclatton 111U11.7 .nr .Twin niorilnaea 11 JL" HKIDEJft CO 4th and rallowhlll ats. WORRELL I'l'NDt FOR KIltBT AND "... . P. OVD MORTOAOES. SSS NORTH 17TH HT 1100. I20D TO 53000 TO LOAN LEWIS ft CO 1227 W.at Olrard ave. $50 ALL AMOUNTS. IHT AND 2D M0IIT0AC1E3 ... . Quirk answer MA.mUri: II MaTMINOER, It Est. Tr tlld. FITND8 KOIl PlniT MiiRTOAOEI LAROl: oil BM.U I. ,VMH'Nra niAH I I1IIOUN to 217 H llroad. TRUBT FrNp8 FOR I'lllMT VtiRTOAOB IIEIIKNEMM A HTEThoN UNI) TITLE 1IU1LDINU 1'UNDS FOR IBT AND 2D MORTOAtlHS MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO.E NICKLES. 2.1IJ tlerrnalitnwn ave. FUNDS FOR" 1ST AND 2D MORTC1AOES AVT AMOUNT rOTTB ft THOMSON 231 Vrankford ave. . .MONET fXn 1IORTOAOE1 1-AtlUtS A?4l tiAIAI, ARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTS vr. . H. 1IOOD. 812 W. NORM QRIU3 B'l PARMER SMITH'S WERE YOU EVER COLD? Wero you over cold? When? Think hnjill I KNOW! When you crawled out of your nice warm bed this very mornincl B-r-r, how very, very cold you werol BUT It didn't last long, thank goodness, becauso right besldo the bed, very neatly spread out (I hope) wero somo nice warm littla clothes ready for you to jump into nnd ready to heat you up quick as Jack Robinson. Did you know that some littlo people havo NO WARM CLOTHES to jump into and that the day is all cold-morning for them ? Well, I guess you knew in n far-off kind of a way, but I guess you never thought just how very unpleasant it must feel to bo as cold all day as you are tho first thing in the morning. It's a funny thought, isn't It? AND it's the kind of n thought that ought to send you scooting to mother to ask if thoro isn't just ono little TIECE OF CLOTHING maybe just a PAIR OP STOCKINGS tucked away too small for you BUT BIG ENOUGH FOR SOME LITTLE PERSON WHO HAS TO BE COLD ALL DAY! If thero Is, PACK IT UP THIS VERY MINUTE AND SEND TO FARMER SMITH, EVENING LEDGER, Sixth and Chestnut streots, Philadelphia. What if every little person who is reading UiIb talk (this doesn't include tho many Rainbows who have already remembered us) would do exactly as this talk says? Think of all the little people wo wouldn't have to disappoint! HANNA'COO 0ET8 A SDRPKISB By Farmer Smith It aemed a though Willis Just couldn't atop dreaming; ao long; na ha did not know what beeamo of the doll irannn-coo was maklnit In hl homo, which i in uiouaiana. near where Santn Claua has hla toy factory. Of course. It Is very wonderful that a boy can go to Bleep night after night and dream out an entire atory, but Willi Wideawake la a wonderful boy, for did ha not put hla head on the pillow ono night and right away quick find himself ae&texl on the throne In ITanna-coo'a houae, with that atrango fellow and the Clood Dream Fairy on either aide of hlrat It was then that Hanna-coo eald, "I waa so surprised to think that one of the feet I had made for the doll Santa Claua naked ma to make had up and kicked me that I could not say a word. Then an Idea, came to roe. Before I ao any further, I will make some ahoea for the tiny foot. Shoe have tongues an "ey will tell me what to do." "Shoes have eyea, too," aald a. voice to near roe I almost Jumped out of my jacket. So I made a pair of lace ahoes, ao that they would have tongues and eyea, too, and what do you think! When I went to my lunch, I heard the mot beautiful singing- I have ever heard, I rushed to the work ahnn and what do you think had happened then I There, right where I had left the feet with the ahoes on them I found the pret tiest creature I bad ever seen. Bhe smiled it me ever so sweetly and I was ao da. lighted I went out to tell Doo-doo about the what u ItT I true I thought It must be a doll the doll aanta Claua wished me to make. The tiny creature had loved those rt all her life ahe had been waiting for r-.ii Would you believe It, when I cam back, the pretty creature had onet There had been the doll and now I could not find her. There waa nothing left for me to do but to go out Into the world and hunt for the doll, I kissed my wife and darted out the door. It waa snowing; very hard and I waa ao cold , "Why. Willie, the clothes are all off you. Aren't you coldf asked his mother. "Yes-a-s-s," answered Willie, aa he poked bis head under the bedclothes. It waa fcljat urday morning' and there was nothing to do but tU his mother about th doll that dis appeared, even before he bad had hla break fast. Slemory Gem But la try JENNIE lIEtUWTRHET. Eat WUb, ' tart street rM an tu Eardes. iMa us s rut. jafTf US W lygS. s4SSSr MORTPAOEO CenfMnol tnm rrffeatta Ctn $I00,000-4H FLAT BPKCIAt. 1RU8T FUND .GOOD riftBT ItORTOApES - - nortAf b ii rniTZ, 71s waijiut BT;, TO BKCt'ltK A MOttTnAOtt He It flrat or eecond li. you iteelre efnelen' t you iiesiro erncieni e-rTice, quick ana aatiaiactorr reault and nwderatw charaee. lAl.f. pi HImIi An wnrro to tta i!T.?.u.r..m?t,s'V.wlJt be aa.food ae placed." .NORMAN B nllKllWOOD,. lllTValnaljil. ISO WOTR OR MORTOAOH Immediate P.ttl.menta. TO ttnaetlled Kstate lana. .,. Hutldlna: Aseoclstlon Kunda. 11000 1JEMP8ET ft CO. aj South 18th at. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern TruBt Compnny BIXTII AND BPRtNtl (Htll)r.N .mont.v ron Ibt AXn SDuoRTOSOKa t a. itFTiiuvn a, uit 00 WAt4lT HT B20S HPltUCB BT. MONClr for tnortjraa;eei riotka County praperty. Lincoln. llulldtna-. Phlladjl lyn f. iunohfiw ?" nitlBT pitvnn . F'r Any tlool Xlortia T CnVVAItU LUTZ. 240 lorteaeea !40r JTlh 1AANB ON INTERK9T IN flBTATKS lieaeonable ynarirea, JOHN A llARItr 607 Land Title ntdf. ADVANCES TO RMILpEIIB A I - ..'Ml 'vtTTHT.. MONET for"rTfatand iwconfrnori fiinda and bulMlnr aaeoclatlpna WM KltlF.DllllMI 1 ft Id pUNDH'VOII WltST andaerrm.! or split mott aaa.a collsteral and ahort.term loana AliKRNlfTIIT IS3S J2ih, 2724 N Blh. fniVATB ri'NDH for firat mottaea:Tl. an3 I., money for a.cend mortraaes no premiums JOS AI.I.KN POTTS 40.1 tlaltimore are YlAVE HOME alft-edied first mortcatea for eaTT denomination. I230 to 12000 y. II APSI.Kr Bllh and Hprlntfleld al 1HT AND 2D mlae or on nol any amounti low rates Immediate answer P X Da !anr, 1113 Lincoln Hide llroad and Penn square. MONET for first and eecond mortaaassiXulldlnc association and Instalment mortaatea. Willis Wlncheatsr Co, 1001 Chestnut at. Tbo TO 12000 to foarTon real eatateaecurltyi Immedlale settlement i parable aa dealred. now M uui.ii3.i H. istn et. H'Slie for first and second mortgaaesl any amount quick anew swer. liiah. .v. ai 401 407 commonwealth nuiMina At.t. AMOPXTH to loan on 1st and 2d Cbas 7. D Touoe 400 W En I Tmtt MONEY TO LOAN FOR XMAS We Arc Offering THE EASIEST TERMS on $16 up to $204 This Reliable Licenced and llonded Company Is offsr1ng a new eaay repayment plan, which le !oattlvey the beet In the city. 13 monthly paya IIS I 13 monthly pay S monthly pan Ian I Id monthly paya 1. mnnthlv .in III 1 17 tnonthlv tava J'lua a- interest on your naiancw only Wa will also loan you 1120, 1132. UBS, ' 1180. 1204 at 2". Interest. SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 CHESTNUT BT. lull rilbert 3U3I Keystone. Race 1037, Next to Keith's Theatre. 2d rioor. Room 0 Open evenlnae until J'hrlstmaa YOU CAN GET $16 TO $204 TODAY prlvftMy and without tA Up. If houifken JW W r HcctuM ftrtti uptTYlnwt by tht ItAfiklnc lupArtmrnt of l'nn. Our term r try eAuy m IloiMy leoam Vnur monthly paymrnt cm f 3ft ! only ft 'lour innnthly pAymtnt on IM in only t7 With 31i lntrrtt on unp1 1 blnc. Tour monthly paymant on 132 la only 111 Your monthly payment on llflO t only 115 With 2 IntrrMt on unpaM balanc. Call, write or tu mil phono Walnut -IS03. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 South Broad Street Second floor N-tl to Porreet Theatre. OPES l:F.VINOH UNTIL CHRISTMAS vim r. nnnitnw monrt ON DIAMONDS JEWELS. ETC. 113 AND UP JeC, IIS AND UP lT I90O AND UP . , 1 ItlEDlill'a 128 MARKET BT. RIDOE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. . .. 22D AND SOUTH STS. MONET LOANED to heirs of unsettled 'e.tale.T ntrreata bought. FRANK P 3IART1N, 721. a ntepnen uiraru nuiiainr. ! a I3tn a RAINBOW CLUB THE CHRISTMAS RAINBOW EX HIBITION WILL OPEN NEXT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, at 10 o'clock In tho morning nnd wilt closo nt C:30 In tho evening. IT WILL BE HELD AT 008 CHEST NUT STREET. ROOM 101. THE CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION IS FREE TO ALL! COME AND SHAKE HANDS WITH ME FARMER SMITH! P. S. Look for me In tho Rain bow booth nt the back of the room. I will be looking for YOU! ' Christmas Rainbow Box Haby doll, two pairs of shoes, baby leg gings, pair of knickerbockers, two dresses, middy and two aulta of underwear KLEA NOIt AND VniOINIA BARNHtrRST, AI lentown, I'a. Three pairs of shoe, pair of new stock ings and two pair of new red mittens. MAI.VINA KAY IIOLCOMDB. Cynwyd. Three dresses ADELAIDE IIOLCOMIIB, Cynwyd. Handmade dress smocked In blue silk. . KI.8IE HOBINSON", Wynoots. Three woolen caps, four baby flannel petticoats, two baby caps, two sacks, pair of ahoes, pair of overshoes, carriage robe and coat CLAIIKU WILLIAMH, Wynnewood. Three aulta of underwear, coat, dress, two flannel petticoats, waist and three pairs of lockings. CAIIRIQ AND ELLA BASS MAN, North Hobart street. Two dresses and two pairs of stockings.. ETHEL McNEIL, North Chadwlck street Dress, two middles, pair of white shoes, serge skirt and bloomer. ItTJTII MA QILL, West Louden street Dress, flannel petticoat, two hair ribbons, two collars, pair of glovea and pair of stockings MILDRED BTAAT3, WUmlng. ton. Pel, woolen tam and scarf, baby ahoes, baby cap. coat and princess slip. MARY WHITE, Matthews street Two new flannel night gowns, two new palra of stockings. -JOHN YEJUCEB, East Tabor road, Olney, Five dresaea and two middles, ALICE! SACHS, Wyncot. Hat and new flannel petticoat ELIZA BETH CRAWFORD, Darby. Wanted Underwear of nil sites 1 1 There is a real urgent need for 1 ' ' ' ,1 n i , ., , , i. ii rn , ni i .., ,. ri .1 . . ,n 1M ...iituiiTf a"t.' "" ' i . mi l"i -" , . "Hi ith i . Mi, ,...i.nt 0 The Young Lady Across the Way . THE PADDED CELL "' yryr-y more day - " ( r I v J aJc-fy5WA'JHL-. x- I J"i55?. 5)T V4S "i r -7 f f 3 fT 1 XS (t &S5&0jmsn r -. ITf'lhTiTtfT i Wc That younir man, wo obaona to the S. 0 A V Uft ... ' S Ftitt& WV W, - ( s nTi... UTZ 1 TrltRfc-S 3 - ? llldg. veil ixamcu r... -rtn., XV N. x0 1 The other .lay Tommy's undo tukc.l 5 -rvil- f V ' him thu nnmo of May's young; num. S T aimiI' sdLj tr5 S" 1 "I call htm April Showers" ro- , . rG-- 1 piled Tommy. MIND - iia'aA'aHo J "April Bhowerar cried his aiton- II lh4 uncle, "WbatBver make you I 11 call htm anion a ridiculous name aa I S thatr ,1 io "UacausB h bttnva aray floirors," s v y v y v V ; li Tommy exnlaJnad. s r ii l" T . , , . m. i , THE BUNK OP A BUSY BRAD ' ' I 1. " 1 rm& 'Vfx nvmnt ( TlNC au5lW. f md? t1s L 1 1 POST OFFICE aSbW r ASr,0KOFy'AR1B" t5 ' i e& O -j V S-L--'( ) WOUlfJN'T IT rrn . Tkmow- ,.-w 4. 1 1 i v-.. . s -TJt a JLa?L e. . i mAl oSsam AmnM$ i JIKU iP" aar t I jHSZ I MM I I II II " -Ov'"'?,'!' ! iii-in m .- i im Acquired Bravery Willi Tou thlnlc theao aummor military cnmpn tend to make, a mail a braver flehterT Qlllla) Yes. After I returned from the first one I rrot married, after I cot back this year I had a row with my mother-in-law, and after my re turn next year I'm aolna; to Mra the cook. Town Toptcj. Too nigh Cornell Widow, "Why dont you teach aviation heret" "Oh, It's over most of the etudents heads." KiTr.i ' -- FRIENDS WE NEVER FORGET 'Tri.-.J ySrW rtipiLfiAnHNY. IStMeMlSM p MSb t Tj """'-" Irf iseC i mil ' JU jf tx eg -s SiBm - -ir....J TTi w.-r-aw- -S3alBSSSSeBSjjra,l . u,.ri 5 , x$y i TiiiMi T fil i ii.i i i f mi ill mini- - ri x-a t in ii T. i I . - - .a-. - -JtelgUr " , Mf i .i....i.... i ., . ninueii ..jt-i,,!.!!. ipin i ijijiajuiimiummj, j jwi as in l'4ajfjaaeaa- JSSS, ISM Every Cloud Has aSVjf'y Itl,Sv3esyV'El pAM hT Ip A-? tl5f fyl$siJ. tl&$fc!v"ajg Jn TaJler. The girls of London are rather happy that the Bcaroltr of gasoline baa drlrosi the taxis out of business. They were too faot, anyway. Appreciated Private Rate's aunt had, among other dainties, sent Iter nephew a bottle of cherries preserved In brandy. "Very choice." thought tho kh&kled ope, nnd he straightway showed them to his fellows. A few days later the old lady re recelved the following letter: "Dear Aunt Thank you so much for your sift of cherries. My pals and I appreciated them Immensely, not aa much for themselves as for the spirit in which they were sent" TH? CtOWN WrQ Wrt ijijMi mi H ii ijlsjjuiy m . ii - " " aeee i.ii,ii a Ita Sliver Lining A ilard One) Instructor Mr. Bmitb, Jmrt JaeT lonjr did It take you to do this ai-n-ment7 Smith (wearltyj X dunno; the clocJg ran down before X trot through- FriAoeton Tiaer, LIGHT OCCUPATIONS kD6Kll2p mmim PUrr,frPrUN&,Ol M LAPSE OrS.T,fA& Wtrj J that tmmr Owsjajf ttejT OB ti!t pll Ol 6til IHJOU OVr thaWfT" "Ob, hrt snitjujc AAt-lw mm &Smt Mf k -SJiltf to U am U