FIRE CHIEF HEEDS CHILD'S APPEAL .1.1 iMembers of Department Will Have Jiixtra xiour un Christmas Day example FOR PUBLIC Sar? Dornn's Unaided Effort Suggests rower 01 wra munity Demnnd 'rJilta Msry Dornn. slnRle-rmnilnd. list IF.JnMnibhnl more for the nremen or. i-niis- l.Halfof those underpaid and overworked lmi nnU by lh entire cltUen f Mr of thts community. She Iim ir-rfcer flreman father nnd for nil of liH Sitmrt&t In the Tire liurenu hihwmb 01 rtmn. " . ...!.. ... thnt nn nhrlatnlaa ISST ; now enrolie-d In t.i, &u of nre may for "just thl.. one." Soy "n o far s present conditions per- ?u1r'i victory was nccompllahed throuah if litter addrefaed to Chief ttnirtnetr Mur-!'..-. unreal- of Tiro. In hla reply nut Murphy not only expresses hla Irtlen- S.i i irant to Mary'a papa nnu mi ine ..'L'Tii,. nn extended time Sn Chrlstmai Day. but ho voices the SJ7hat next .ear will nnd the men In his 5&mnd able to enjoy moro time lit home ."ri.. " vfv" thnn the t irea vrs dally leave of nbaenco which la now Si maximum allowance for men on duty. Chief Murphy'a letter w obta neil from hiSwarr today In Jier childish pride. to, Htnt-year old champion of the Uurcau Sure waa loath to part with her cherished MUr from the chief. It was only In the ilCMrof her Joy over the unexpected In .rmstlon that her father would be. oble :?!KJrT- ih. rhrlalmna fcatlvltlea for the tent time thAt aho waa Induced to allow Use. trtiiureu note i- ,- -- - ,--- -itoHtvcn temporarily ADDITIONAL 1IOUH KOU AI.Ii And JIary liaa booI rlKht to feel proud, eiue Murnhv today declared that he In- JK'tiBdld to Imuo a Keneral order for Christ r ... n nerrnlttlne- the tnen of the Fire I'jjarM,u to enjoy an additional hour for )M ijy ihh time next year I hopa the tin- m tetu will be in aucn conuuion inn. it win U poMlMe for ovcry (Ireman to be off duty flE -.. if. t.l fnmllv mnrn fri.nill.ntlv than d now the case," aald tho chief. -It eeerv- cltlxcn Interested In tho bu- "twtt Kid written to hla Councilman or to t tie Mayor as mis lime Rin una vvriuen 10 mt I feel that the campaign for shorter .oars and better pay would have been won E'ts.fara this. K "But this llttlo eight-year-old itlrl has set IH example, l aimpiy couiu noi rrnui ner 'itn en behalf of her 'papa.' To let hint cit-ill day would bo unfair to tha other fathers In tho bureau, but to let nil the fitWs hive nn added hour for their Chrlst- Kgui dinner seemed to m to bo the fairest WtF ...!.. , .,. iiil..lliin Un It. In., panll, Er Solution Vk mu niun.iwu .... in mj i n'u C I told her that I would Issue nn order to at Uut effect. And t will uend It out In n it K ft diTS. Ill ' ""y F that "''3 'etter Impresies 1 K '1' outside tho bureau os much as haiedUtely If It did. "Kreb now It has renched n atace throttsh tluil publicity w haa obtained thnt some Cotecjlmen appear to ho really nahamrd U dlKuss tha firemen and tho way they kin been treated , "Let the 'Mary Dornna' of Philadelphia ear friends, big; nnd little write or call tyi their Councllmrn, especially the mem- ten oi ino finance coniinniee. nnu Irt long these men would hold out ncnlnst anriitail U'latiata nf f Viutt rtAnxtliinnla 4day, I belteie the outlook Is unusu iar favorable for o'ur campalKii. but tho liTkvt putting Into effect tho proposed now Khsdaia of salary nnd time could be has Uttd considerably If pressura were broiiRht b teir upon the Mavor and Cnuiicllinnnln b4rs. They will file the nubile whnt Hlt innta if tt mnlfPH Urn u-nnlu !.,. n mjtrajhatlcally enough. I "U Mary Doran. eight Team pld, nnd crjlded. can nccompllah what aho has, one eew additional time off duty for ono thou- una men, can you ImaKlnn whnt would fsllaw If tho business man. thn nrlvstn titUenf, men and women of our city, would rfi r petition tho Mnyor nnd Councils ta ear tiehalf T AVe hae received splendid Eipport and encouravempnt in nm- nm. Plxa. 'wn you Imagine tho effect If eiery one jLt"? Persona were to address an in Wual note to tha Mavor nr In n rv.unll- lawtfllr aa it Is, the effect of Mary Doron'a SEUtA wnnM t. lfl.n..i .." ,--.- nw..v wu iijujuicBimai in comparison, rlaert mould nf h n AMi..H - i.t prucb of Councils who coulU hold out itltJwt auch nn appeal. Wilson Sends Berlin i Peace Note to Allies OttlMid f,,,, p.. 0 Go official attitude of the Entente in ttaatter and tho information now be- VJt Patfierorl l-l- .im..j. i it - u tu mis uiiivuuu uy Aatrlom diplomats. ;t,Is possible that tho President mnv tsddress himself directlv tn thn For. fp i Offices of the Entente in tho name W United States, but mny simply )m an appeal for peace to the world urge. 'bit the Entenin Alllaa ...ill, "Central Empires' proposal seems .Potable. But that it will receive carc Jl consideration nnd mny even bo ac apnied by a counterproposal also ilPtars likelv. Thn lno,. nuii.n ? & necessary from the point of view s ou aipiomacy, in view of the fact Jrt a fiat refusal. ni.r.,itn nu ffUon, would be playing into the hands S Vmany and her allies, who, accord S? to Entente sources, are seekine to the responsibility for tha continu. of the war upon the Allies. That loner will h pnnriiiit nn.u...j -.i. t (u probable rejection is apparent 'irui presa comment and the JUed sueeestion In Promt... n.;nn,i. mvb last night, in which he warned V-- i nuKu out- ami "taKO Ign before taking action. Be next move is up to Lloyd George. 18 xurtner developments in the situa- sPnd upon hla speech in tha fl Of Commnna KAvt T.,..j. ted today, are the realo-nnrlnn nf thp, itrlan Cabin.. n,t , ..(. (archduke Charles Stephen, cousin of Tt M" Austria, to be Regent vmuw. He may later bo crowned " u tne captured Russian province. tA8nwQT0N complies WITH BERLIN REQUEST iertCA'g flt atn lnrri iwvln. A,i of anay n4 the Central "" mrsbrm$ Um CHILD'S PLEA DSPArtTMEHT OF PUDLIC SAntTV QUREAU OF FIRE PHILADSLPHIA wiULUM M. (.u.nrr mi t. Utea Kry 3ran, fTto Pllb street, w. rhti.a.ipuii, ra "y dear llttla frttpji- ana hit ltlni beta rery iSPiili.?!"? T? ilt" rothera, tniti year pt. S2!i. f.I . ' f" ln oar aa. t mla Terr J! l'kVt0. ,n. P"lten to ay pcattlvely that rara tun Jt hen with yea, not only en Chrlateaa, bat en other lay threohent tho 7r core than hat he haa had an orrortuotty to be, under the present eondltlons, 11 the other little tota win haTe your rwia with -yon aore than what yon hare bad ln the past. I ao unable to proalte you that" para ean be hone on Chrlstcaa, bat I win rrealee yon this eueh, that I an color to take effort, that each and eTtry one of tha eerbera will hare nore tla extended for hla Ohrtatnas Dinner than what they do for dinner on ordinary days. Hoping that this tle next year your papa and all the other little (tins' raraa that we Kara In cur Bureau will be abln to be better aeaualntoi and see father nore often than what they hara la the peat,' I will oloat. thanxln you for wrltlag to ne ln the manor you did, and axtendlnr my slneereat wlahea for pleasant times both at Chrlstmi and Hew Toare, and I want you to atlll feel that t la your friend and your papas friend at all tlrea. official text of tho Teuton pimco proposal, which Incidentally was nlmost Identical with the text carried In press dlspntche, Kecretary I.annlnc. at tho I'reatdent'a order, dispatched it to Iindon, I'arls. Petrograd, Toklo and to the proi capitals of Ilumanla, .Serbia and IiclRlum. Tho United States represents Oermany In IlelRlum. Itussta, Great Ilrttaln, France, Japan Serbia nnd Ilumanla. She rcpre nenta Austria-Hungary In the same coun tries She representn Turkey In Clreat Tlritnln, France nnd Japan. Tho Oerman communication to her enemies was rent without any suggestions or comment by thn 1'resldent. This. action completely fulfilled the re quest tho Central Umpires made of the United States. The State Department aald officially that tho Allies would understand that this (lot crnment la ready to transmit nny answer to ficrtminy without necessity of making any definito offer to do so. In his study of what action. If any. he may tako toward adding the weight of this Ooiernmenfa Influence In the matter of furthcrlnc the Teutonic suggestion that peace be discussed, the Ircldent received from Charge drew, of tho American Km hussy nt Berlin, confidential advices tend ing to explain Germany's action nnd the spirit which prompted It. It ma stated on highest authority that tho President's mind Is still entirely open. He still la undetermined. He will reach no decision until he has confidential adiicei from American reprcsentutiies nt the Entente Allien' capitals Ono point, howoier, boenme clear today Th'n Is that however nreful the President and his advisers are that no mo be made that might bo recoiled unfaiorably by the Allied governments, the President "it not golne to overlook the slightest point" on 'which he might hinge nn openlnr wedge for hla avowed belief that peace, when it does come, must be permanent nnd must be made permanent by eome organization as a. world league to enforce peace. It ha been auggested to him that perhaps a statement, concise, clear and full, deliv ered to the American people nnd to the world, might be the entering wedge to be nd-ntnl While Secretary lnolng had no engage ment vilth President Wilson this forenoon. It waa assumed he would seek tho oppor tunity of conferring with his chief before tomorrow afternoon's Cabinet session. Oennan Ambassador von Dernstorff will nrobablv have an Interview with Lansing within the next few daya to discuss tho mat ter Informally. It wna learned today, from sources of authority, that President Wilson's greatest problem In tho German note la to Indi cate, beyond question, America's desire "not to intermeddle," while at the aaine time to perform the humanitarian part of eliciting from both aides some official data ns to the preliminary terms upon -which each regards peace as possible. The Administration hopes that the Allies will not flatly reject the Oerman note without Indicating In some fashion their minimum of concessions and maximum of demands as tho basis ror peace, u wiom preliminary concessions and demands are established by tho Allies the Administra tion regards It as certain that Oermany will respond with a like list Thus a starting poini win oo muiuiiwi from which at some time In tho future peace may come. There Is no Idea In official circles that peace Is near, and there Is no Idea of attempting to expedite a settlement. It Is recognlied that such ac tion on the part of this Oovernment would probably be resented. It U ulio recognlxed, however, that the first draft of demands mn.f t lubmltted some time, and It is looked upon as In the Interest of humanity In general that this preliminary siep snouiu be made as early as possible. As the American Government sees It. atrmany has achieved a clever dlplomatla coup In first presenting her peace pro posalsat least It will be a coup If the Allies "fall to tako an equal forward stride. Germany will retain a position of "tactl cal" advantage If England and her Al lies fall to meet the Oerman move, If the President should decide to make the suggested pronouncement to the world of America's creed as to peace. It -would include these two main Ideas: America's Interest is "only In peace and ts future guarantees." (Obviously it was explained acceptance of debatable points, such as indemnities, boundary lines, etc, would be regarded as a question the bel ligerents themselves would have sole right to pass upon.) .... jlxpresslon of willingness of the United States to become a partner In any feasi ble association of nations "to guarantee territorial Integrity and political Inde pendence" of nations, largo and small The President avowedly believes "the principle ot publlo right must always take precedence over Individual Interests and separate nations, and that the nations of the world must In some way band them selves together to see that right prevails as against any sort of selfish aggression." Such pronouncement, with audi a creed, the President U said to believe, would serve to notify that fnls country stands ready to assist In bringing- about a lasting peace at the propitious but not at any other tlm. . . , . . ufihafnM$. tt was fVWW ' w&m 14 tt I J a aSaikuinmmnH vhhjw s wtess y HV&Nim lbdger-philabelphta; Thursday, dboembbr u, AIDS FIREMEN ttm m il il in Peoiaeir 11, Hit. IobmiiIt. Slneerely yours, &7t Chief EsRlneor, Chief Murphy, of tho Buronu of Fire, moved by tho letter of Mnry Dornn, decides to give the firemen an extra hour off duty Christmas Day. might greet a suggestion of mediation to Germany's enemies J. P Morgan. International financier nnd flnnuclal representative of the Hntente Al lies In America, wns n secret visitor nt tho British Kmbassv today. His purpose wan assumed to be the gath ering of Information us tn th posulble nttltudo of the Entente Allies toward Ger many's peace proponals directly from llrll Ish Ambassador Cecil Spring Itlce. the man In tho best position tn know officially whnt thn Allien Intend to do In the matter. It wan further assumed that the visit mny have A broad effect upon future rie vclopmcntn In International financing. In namuch aa the house of Morgan has been the main link between England nnd the money and munitions mnrkcti of Amerlc.i It wns admitted nt the embassy that MiirRan ' pinliably talkod about tho peace prniosals " BRITISH FAVOR ALLIED STATEMENT OF TERMS LONDON. Bee H Sentiment Increased today In favor of Including In Ungland's answer to the Ger man peace note n clear and explicit defini tion of tho Allica' basic terms It Is certain tho nnswer will be a rejec tion of tho proposal at this time, but It Is felt In ninny quarters that the Allies should meet tho German diplomatic strategy In sending the noto by n counter-move, which would put the Allies as the first of the two sides to mnko known definite demands and concessions. Thu Pall Mall Gazette's comment wna tjplcnl today of thin view. It said: "We do not see why tho Allies should not turn the Incident to their own profit by n fresh and vigorous proclamation of the fun damentals of our own cause nnd the condi tions without which they felt bound to re gard any sort of peace a inem springboard for a still moro terrlblo conflict It Is a unique opportunity to acquaint the whole world with the real Issues. "Tho essence of the Allies' answer must necessarily be thnt peace without Justice Is 'Immoral, and that peace without safety Is a mere delusion." The caution, "Watch out; take care." sounded by Premier Iirland In his address to the French Chamber of Deputies will also be Knnland'H guidance In scrutlnlilng the German penco proposals. After the rtrst shock of the news of Ger many's pence plan and the first and In stantaneous decision to reject It. there came today, with a strengthening of thlse deter mination not lo make the peace Germany craves, the belief that England and her Allies ought closely to examine the cir cumstances of the Teutonic move. Press and publlo alike were more than aver con vinced today that somo "Oerman trick" was behind the proffer. Most apparent In the German peace offer Is the attempt to gain tho sympathy of neu trals. An attempt to create dissension among the Entente Allies Is believed to be one con sideration of the note and tha Chancellor's ipeech, Lastly, the British public believes the Oerman Government desired to make a "Play" to the German people to support the oft-repeated cry that Oermany is merely de fending herself against enemies who forced a v ar upon her. England believes there Is every indication of popular unrest In Oer many, due to shortsge of food and the stag gering losses of men and material whlcb she has undergone since 1)16, Popular approval wsa emphatically regis tered to the first otncial answer to Ger many's bid for peace made for France by Premier Orland, He spoke to the Cham ber of Deputies outlining the alms and policies of the reconstructed French Govern ment, and In connection with that ex. planation took occasion solemnly to warn France and her allies to watch for the "poison" In the Teutonic offers. FRENCH PRESS INDORSES BRIAND'S PEACE STAND PARIS, nee n, The warning sounded by Premier Hrland In the Chamber of Deputies against the German peace proposals was lialled today by the press as sound advice to be consid ered very seriously. The Premier's speech la regarded aa France's answer to the peace proposition of Dr. von Bethmann-iloltweg, the German Chancellor, although the peace note has not yet been formally handed In by the neutral emissaries. ' That the various branches of the Gov ernment are In accord and that the view expressed by the Premier struck the pop ular chord was shown by tha fact that the chamber adopted a resolution of confi dence In the reconstructed Government In addition to that section of the speech re lating to the peace proposals, the Pramiar Indicated that the Allies are In complete accord on all military questons, a well as questions cf diplomacy The Rumanian army has been reorgan ised and strengthened by the Russians, tha premier said, and Is ready to take its place on the eastern front The elevation of Oeneral Joseph Nlvelle to the post formerly held by General Joffre Is arousing much speculation ever the new military tactics that would be pursued on the western front. It is believed certain that Jeffrey's "nibbling policy" will b fot Ibw4 by we uuefa more, aggressive. O-w- SOnal as &' ?- Mm, .WM ajT)92A ' KRISSKRINGLE TO BRING NEW SCREEN THEATRE Tho Strand, nt Geminntown nntl Vennngo, n Christmas Gift to Photoplny-jjocrs Rjr the Thotoplay Editor A Christmas present of a theatre le unique In the annals of (tiling, but thnt is what the residents of Tioga and all tho surround. Ing territory In that Immense section of the city which Is designated aa northern Till receive on Monday, December 25. Christ mas Day. Tha theatre U the Strand, at the Inter section of Oennantown avenue and Ve. rnngo street, which will throw wide open Its doors to the public ns a plwtoplny house on that day The Strand, which was erected nt n cost of JJOO 000, Is not only unique In being In the nature of n gift to this neighborhood, hut In Its various ap pointment for tho comfort nnd conven ience of patron. The orchestra has been placed In n pit The orchestra seats nre 1J00 In nil In the center nf tho ptrquel Is an array of boxe. This Is termed "nuto. mobile row." for It I designed to accommo date parties that may come In their mm ln this connection It ran be wild that the comforts of such patrons and the care nf their machines Is one of tho frst conilil. erntlons of the management nf th.t Strand There has been erected nn up-to-date garage en a large lot adjoining the theatre proper. Flanking the seats In the center, ron of boxes hnvn been built on both sides of the main floor, and nbove them nro also rows of boxes designated n mexxnnltie boxes Tho finishing of these nnd of the entire house Is In old roo silk panels and the drnperlea nre of the same color scheme In velour. At the entrance nre haudom mar. bellied oolumni which mid to the beauty of the Interior, nnd the lobby Is nlso In keeping with the Keneral plan of useful, ness ns well ni beauty. The stage appoint ments nre of the inoit modirn, nnd the screen hat the latcM devices for clearness and the elimination of nil eje strain. . Muslo will be ,iu imiHirtunt feature tn connection with the presentation of film plays. A Klmb.ill organ Is Installed nnd there will be nn orchestra of eighteen musician under the direction of Jacob Freedmnn. The Strand will bo under the personal management nf Herbert 11 Eftln ger, who looks nfter tho Interests of the Leader Theatre In Weit Philadelphia. It Is hit Intention to preent only the best of photopliys first ihonlngs In that section of Philadelphia There, will be other Inter esting features. Including well-known sing ers. There will be ft nintlnen dally nt 2:13 nnd two evening performance, tho first starting nt 7 and the second nt 9. Theatrical Baedeker OAntttCIC "Mn.SnniN f!uranled." with rrlltl tiehfft snil Jeftemon I Anstlln In the rnftt r Crauiur.t Knl. IVIIUsm IWrrli.n, rlnr ence lUrvelr. Amelia Mummervlll. Allen llettmnn. (Irsjrrn Hcott A soori company, but mtxert methods of the book rietrart from it LITTW: THKATIlR "Voo Meter Can Tell." with Charles l .Mitchell. Dorothy Hhelmer dln, Maria llaer ami lh ! Mocletr l'Ur era Admirable rtvtval LYIIIC "CUIIIiallon," Thomaa It. lnr.'a mo tlon.plcture portraying the horrnra nf war ami tha ricltcment of battle on lamt an.l and In tho air Superb martial fpectaile and aen ttmanta! eymbollam finOAtx "I.lttle IjiJt In nine." nltrt Franc- Htarr t'oatum eomadr about an adnrabla llttU inUtjr and aoma plctllreaqua peranna 11 verttnr Indoraed by iho Drama l.rau. FOitllLitr "thln-Chln." with Do I.I Montgom ery and Tred Htona. Iteturn ensasement at the popular muaicat eitriivaiansa wlih tha famoiia enmedlana appearing In various tin peraonatlona AlJKI.I'III "Kinerlenee." with Krneat Oleudln. nlns V ' modern morality pla " with mor humaneneas than srsred ' Kverywoman." Tbere'a a Inrso caat Olendlnnliia- tia BUa parbly. at rarvnn rmcr. WALNt'T "Mult nml Jeff's U'rddlns," In which they dlaport theinaalvea III a new suite. A lively show. STOCK KNirKKWIOCKKn "The piiure. Quedlon," with Anna !ougherty. John l,oreni and the lock company. rn.iTvnr: Fit.nn 6TANI.i:r "Oilier Twlat." Miky-I'araninunt, wltn Maria IMro. Tully Manch.ll and llol.irl noaworth. adapted from 1)1. krna a novel, tlrat half of th. wees -Thn lltlorl ( ro " t.aaky.raramount, with I.uu Tallegan. adapted from I'aul t'otler a play, latter ball or Meek Othera, Alii Alll.l--"The Matrlmnnur," rine Arta-Trt-angle, with Douglaa 1'alrbnnWa and "lb (link u Lena Htar Mutual, with Charlts Chap lin all week tUli-ra VIiTOItlA "The Honorable llrr." Kar-llea. Triangle, with Charles Hay. and "Tha Kink. with Charlea Chapl) I Aral hair of week "The Utile Sunbeam." Ilolfe Metro with Mabel Taliaferro, latler halt at -rha Uluk" Raturday. PAI-Al'IS "The flow fllrl " T.aky Tiramounl with Mae Murray, and "The Itluk." with Chnrtea Chaplin, flrat half or week "The Vellaw Pawn," Lnaky Paramount, with Wal lace Held and Cloo ltldgIy latter half of week "The lllnli Saturday ciiEHTNtrr nniP.m' uPt'iia nousn a Daughter of the tioai.' I'm. with Annett Kellarmann. Iji'it week of a feature with spectacle and beauty of tha beet, but some what lacking In dramallo algnlOcanc. VAVnr,viu.B KEITH'S Itu.alan llallet. with rToaiarr and Maalovai Nan llslperln. The Call of Child, hooil-'i frank Crutnli Mlrann lirothera; Ade. laid Iloothky; Miner. Ilawkaley and Mo imav. Mavlna lirothera. and niwa oicturae OlAitil1. "in., faaniuii whop. war, it.rnv Pour, Maurice Mamml and company. Lee Af. vareltaa: Jatk Hytnonda Chief t:agl. Horaa: Cora Ulmraon and eompany. May lllllebury. and tha Yamamato lirothera. OllAKr rnealloii, with ll.rr llakari fVowlln a mt HI C'a'f; Marl Hparrow, Mile. Mlltor.t Hid Lewie. Crecno and 1'latt, and WlMvll PENN-'TJIa Drestri. Olrls-i p,v, Ilothl Hennett and ItlchsrdJ Krealaka'a 1-lga. ana in. 4au . uu... imuiupiay, ine ', ret Mi', ', ,'. T," jiooaiar ti ri". and. Kelbr, rarr.ell. and.. Taylor. K t;ota, anil - I lie imnui.Hn ,iar vnoiopiay. latter half of week. CP.OHS IcTjVs Tate's "Meterlasj". "In Met. leo'!t Carr, .Cain and Oarr Kthel Coataii.ii the Phllllpl Pouri How and Hmlth flrat half of week, "ilarveat Caya". th Clover lat ffl?. th TCIlann.HlftMMrt. fitch Irlo. "I)n "M1,Cu ana iyer ana ioritin, iur aair uf WM iioiit.ksovi: TKOCADKntl "The . rreneh l-rolle.. with Harry rial la and t-na Dally supported by the "Twenty 1'lutterlng Flapper " UlSSTRni.8 DtlMONTH Chin Chin Chin,' a bunesiju on MC ontgomery and Htoni "II Trovatsre." and alher topical pieces of burlella by the real. mi company 6.95 BUYS This $15 Talking Machine Ilaautlful mahogany flnlah cabinet, nickel tone arm, speed controls, ele Hlu lli't IS'i 7 Will piay any recortl maue wunoui rewwuing i.scep, llonal tone. Ovr lit aoM fail uer., Unly a limited supply left. Call or write. Kitro loud Tone Needles, 100 for 10c BRArloRAnDOUBlE RECORDS 5 ; NEW 81! FACE Everybody's, 100 N. 10th $&$ Why Not Records for Christmas? They nre an unusual gift and sura to be appreciated. Come in and let uh help Va-ill ma Ira aa aak1is Ifin earaf)Jaaw that will give your lucky friend constant enjoyment every nigni tnroujthout the year fran Phonograph Co. 17 8. 9th St. fOssoelfg folotflcf" MILLER PIANO STORES Rard in All Lanquiavrw A-tHCV TARA'S HALLS STILL WITH Irish Sentiment, Humor and Melody Refuse to Be Ousted From Popular Lists of RecordsNew Ones All the Time Uy the Phonojrraph Editor I'ertiap It Is ctiltlni; n on an nujacent humorist n bit to refer to tha Irish nnd their Ulaco In sottnd-reprridiirtlon; but Inasmuch ns Tom Daly (who hate lo he called mis ter) Is Riven to dropping into phonograph talk In hi own column, he may excuse thl slight dlsertatloii Whether lie excuses It or not, there Is no denying tho fact thnt Irish spirit ha pervaded the cntalogue JUst ns persistently nnd a thoroughly ft It has the life of the world, and the Ufa of art and letter Not content with the already threat amount of Irish records made these many months, nnd eien .ears, the companies con tinually announce ne offerings. These nre sentimental, comlo or purely orchestral, a the case may be, but who that knows Kath leen nl Houlihan nnd her sons nnd daugh ters cuti doubt that the first-named quality Is bit; with Interest on every paptoT The Columbia Company this month put old wine Into new bottles by Including No 1 nnd J, In tho guide printed In con nection with this nrllcle "Mavourneen" I n favorite that won't wear out for a while vet (It has stood the test of n. frnntld vogue lastliu; for jears) nnd 'The iJist Hose of Rummer" Is. bejond doubt, It brother In popularity l'erhap jou nro tired of these familiar songs Something newer How nbout No f Here we have the real Celllo stuff with the flavor of the soli. Itecorda In (laellc. so far n we know, nre n. novelty this side of the Atlantic, though there may bo half n dnien illsc-proiluclng companies from Unlmiy to Traleo making them. It might prove Interesting to contrast the timnner In which this foreign tongue car ries on the phonograph with somo of the Jnpanrso selection referred to In this de pirtment a while ngii J'or n reverse twist, consider the Interprc- Handy Pltanoarapli Guide for Readers rOM'MMA "Kathleen VUtmirneen." Stellar Quar tet tenors baritone and Imae un aecompanled (New ) "The IjiiI ne of Nimimer" (Meore). Kathleen I'arlow, vlollnlat (New) "The I'alatlne'e Panahter." "hnle Agrsh" and "The M earing of the l.reen," In nath-. -laelle. lleorse rot ter baritone Urtheeira acromranl ment 10 lach. I'rlce T5 ient A IMniS "Kathleen Vtatourneen" and "nnle Ijiiule." All Nlela.n anprano. U lneh. l-rlre II Su A OS-IS "Klleen Alannah" (Thomas) eld Irian "Mr Love la l.lke lied, Ued llo.e," and bagpipe Imltationa Mac kenil Murdeek vlnllnlit 10-lnrh rrloo n.v cents A ITRn Irll Jig ("Fathr OTlrnn." etc I and rll Jig ("Fathr O'Flrnn." Iimiiy p'lka. I'eter VV'yper lt. 10 Inch I'rlce 1V rent aciordtnn- enta A T0J T Walls (medley of Irlah melmtlea) and (.eraldlne" walti. I'rlnce a or cheatra 12 Inch I'rlce II A ! 8 "Memorlra of Tora" (Pe Witt) and 'ltemlnlaeenee of Ireland," I'rlnco'a hand. lu-lncli. I'rlce 01 rente. A 1074 t "Slother Uselire" and "lteeue." Tay lor Msckel Merge trio (rello Molln and piano). 10 Inch I'rlce To rente A IMS. KDIHOK to "Itenilemoer'e Hlream" (Monre), Ida tlardner, rontrallo. and "The Hong of the Noul" tllrell). Marie Kaiser, so prano hO.t.O. II "Klllnrney" (Half-). John Klnnegan. tenor, and "Sundial" (DaraweM), Helen Clark contralto 80337. VtCTOll IS ".nnga nf Ireland" and "Ronra nt Srnt land," Vlrior mUed ihorua 12 (nth I'rlce II '-.I 3331.1. 13 '('ome Hark to Ivrln." John MeCormerk. tenor 12-Inch I'rlce II CO. 7413S 14 "Dear Utile Nhamrork," John McCor- mack loliah I'rlce II 01133 Victor Records The Ideal Xmas Gift How much better it is to rIvo a Rift that you Anoiy will bo ap preciated by every ono in tho family. A Victor record, whether it be for tho kitldlfj or crown-up, the opera lover or popular music fol lower, will fill any want. Wo have every Victor record In stock for Christmas delivery, appropriately packed) 75c to $7. Every Victbr Record in Stock Alwafy Victrolns, $15 (o $300 G. W. Huver Co. 1031-33 Chettnut St. Pianos Players The Home of Service Open Kvenlim Shop Systematically The day of helter skelter shopping is rap idly vanishing. In its stead comes systematic shopping. Wise shop pers make a list of those for whom they wish to purchase gifts. Then turn to the advertise ments in the Ledgers to guide them in their selections. Try sys tematic shopping this Christmas season read the advertisements in the Ledgers. J ioig RING PHONOGRAPH MUSIC The Best Selling Columbia Records The fsllnwlnt reeenla were rnot In da. manl by Khonceraph owners .turtn the week en-tlna: l)eemter . serenllnt trt the Prnn arlvsnla Talalnr Xtaehlne Cemranr. 1109 t heatnut street ., 'I'm l-eniln' Ko' Ven" Olalhaway), walte, IVInee a Ortheaira. an.l "Hksllnr Welttea'' narriai. i-rinre's Urtheitra. ASfl'O Mhe Mans .vleha Is .Me" (Cater). Ilroirt le1 w.jwirift, nrenraira aiPomiannneni n.l "Talr Hawaii" tKutil ilroailway Uuartet. orrheatra arremranlinent A2I0V. "The (lelJen I'elmetia," a rhrlstrnss etory tueorsene Kanlkner). tlenrsene frautkner. talstnr ahJ "The lllnierhrearl Her" Uleor ene Kaulkner). Ueorsene Kaulkner. talklnr. AJS3 tallon nf Irish sonus hj' the nnn-lrlsh. Tnke Allen Nielsen for example. Thin former light opera, princess, vvhn hair, dropped nut, ns far ns Philadelphia tjoes, for yeara, hnn made a "Mavourneen In No 4. John McCormack, who hefore lonit is to Rive one of his recitals nt the Metropolitan, nlso lins a Rood representation of Irlih songs. Nos 13 nnd It are adMtrnhlv Illustrative of his Renerally sweet, and often smeary, slylo. After all. there's nolnrnt; like the com munal feellmt. nnd thl) comes out with force- nnd fiaitmnrn In thnt most primitive of all music, the dance utrnltt Poetry, they tell us, originated when the hnrhnrlo dancers nmund camp Urea, or the grinders of corn nt work, gave vent to their emotions In ciiorlo ahotilH nnd yells Something of that ntmospherr' nt companionship In lahor or play survives today The Irlvli Jig, No A. has n trace of It. It's not neces sary to go on Willi the pnrnllel, for tho reader can hunt up various records for hint self In which lhW fact tn evident. The lMlson discs nrn testimony to the literary flavor thnt hns saturated Irish song nnd tale. Tom Moore. ou will see. Is represented moro thaw once In the guide Ills verses nro w'rll Mttert to the sentiment of the accompanying melodies, lly tho way does any render know of musical settings for thn poems of Clarence Mnngnn? Tho father of modern Irish lyricism might well be given the honor of n composer. 2100 HunterH In Camden County During tho month of November thoro were Issued nt the ofllce of tho Camden County Clerk ItOO resident gunncm' und fishing llcensos nnd ninety-one nonresident gunners' licenses, UBHEHJia JEHTBH JfiHIBJSB KB iBSUJIH KHJfiar.HUniTE If X, y... . Amas without music is like Summer without sunshine. There is atill time to obtain nn Edison Phonograph tndettructihle Record No Needle lo Change Tho instrument thnt nctually RE CREATES tho world's best music. No mere tnlklnp; machine can rIvo you tho name lasting enjoyment us tho Edison Dia mond Disc Visit nny of tho undersigned leading Edison Dealers nnd hear your fav orite Detections played nu tho masters of melody themselves would play them. Starr & Moss, 3627 Germantown Ave, Tioga. Philip H. Moore, 6644 Gcrmnnlown Ave, Germantown. L. L. Goodman, 327 W. Girard Ave, Northeast. Geo. B. Davis & Co., 3930-36 Lancaster Ave., W. Phila. mBBH9WBjlBaBMBABplTi:itMH to Vominent Photoplay Presentations A rillir. felloitlnr Ihriitrre elilaln llielr m. rempanr, Alt nlrtnrea 1 rananr. ethleh la euaranlee uf Irtnrra rrilewed before eihlMtlon. ebtalnlns plrturea Ihrnuili the HT.VM.IIV a ei i lSlh.Morrla l'aeirunj.jie. Alhambra siBfe.o! 1'ararnuunt IMcturea. StAR MimitAY "The. PInr r:iri" TIIEO nOIIEUTB In ,ll. A iU.I - A Dm 1 t "t AND TIIOMI'SON ArULXU UATlNliE DAILY MAUHtl'B KHinnNt-B VVAf.rON In """"lfiK quuht OP t.IKi'.' AJaa AII.Htar Trjansle-Kevaione Comeilr AD r k r I A ciiKHTNtrr KlALllA hklow turn Douglaa Fairbanks matuiamamac" rL,jymcuiAi' ' ii5i3'i,iu l ' N ' v BLUEBIRD ' HUBqUCIIANNA AVE William Courtney Sea, Up, rrrrriAO ootm'and cedah avb. EAJA VAIt AMOUNT TIIEATnE Viola Dana in "Gates of Eden" lfaurlea foalelui In "Crimean BlalnHalery" FAIRMOUNT :t)TH AND QlltAIID AVKNUB Theda Bara uTHE VIXEN" IN eCTTU CT THBATIIB 3D 1 TO a e Below Hpruee. MAT. DAILY Evfs. T to It, Wm. Duncan & Mary Anderson In TUB IJtBT MAN FRANKFORD T" '"lySSw SCKf'1 Mary Pickford ,R "$$$?. ylXmF.SCK ItOSB rAHIIION PirTllHK GREAT NORTHERN Ethel Clayton & Carlyle Blackwell In "MKOKU.V niAINB ' TMD17DIA1 OOT" '" WAINUT UTS. ImrlVlrVLi TIIHBB TIUKg DAILY "The Fall of a Nation" VCATTPH FOIlTr-lflHBT AND LXiJUCtl. LANCA8THII AVENUH ANN PENNINGTON in 'TUB IIA1NIIOW PRINCESS" l'iTerty "BOAPtu FRANK KEENAN in "JIU GHIMaUT'H DOT wxar nm-ADKLruu A EUREKA xu UBKET ST8- Ethel Clayton & Carlyle Blackwell in "MADNESS OF HELEN" NOKT11 PI1IT.ADKLFI1IA RIDGE AVEiNUE "15V "THE YELLOW MENACE" 05 L. S. KOWE BACK IN CtTY AFTER MEXICAN I'AULEY University Professor, Sctrctnry lo Con ference, Says Cnrrnnza Men Want Further Meetings on Question Dr. t.eo ft. nowe, professor of Interna tlonal law nt the Vnlverslty of rennsyl vanln. and secretary of the Amerlcah Mexican Joint Commission, has returned from Washington nfter it, conference with Secretary I-nnsIng nnd Secretary Lane, chairman of the American section of tha Joint, commission Doctor Howe nvld that thej Mexican memliera of the commission had requested n conference with tho American member In order to submit the message of den cm! Carrnnin, with reference! to tho proe tticol of ngreement ns to tho enfeguardlnc of the International border nnd tlie.Yillh drnwnl of tho Pershing column. Thd Mexl enn commission will be In conference; In New. York until Saturday, nnd wilt prob nMy come to Philadelphia Sunday After noon. No definite word lias been received from flenernl Carrnnia with reference, to tha action thnt ho has taken on the agreement, hut It Is expected that he will request some modification This will be the sub ject of tho Philadelphia conference. l iMMIII I I VICTROLAS All Stylet and Finishes 515 to 200 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ('nil. write or telephone! Walnut is:t. Mane youri reservations at once. All Records Always in Stock B. B.TODD 1306 Arch St. Pianos Players I feBas-sii vv..r lha llNI.Y lhtla. dealers who have a romnletr stock nl all style machines In all nnlinea. nn . Opan Every Evanlns hiit you KBmBWBMBIBXB'EBUBSBEll mmtK AxtSy wjHnS3BjrvynS, HHI ill nHr ill llernrda inske arreptnble Kills H I BoSma Grmpamu picture. Ihruusli the hTANMIY llMklm rurlr alimvlnr uf lh Rneat nroilnrtlana Aak fur Ihe theatre In jour lecalltr IKKIKIMI C(IMI'.t.S. OfI TQT Ma nd MJCDBT uv-rtUJl Mate, una an4 8:30. 10a. Evce. 0i30, a, 0,00, ibo, E H otrvrn ln "-K ENEMY c. n. aoinern to tub kino Market' St. Theatre "ebt" Hoharf Henlir ln "T1,B a'0N l.ery Weil. Marie VV'alcamp In 'LinEUTY" OVERBROOK . L?$ Chaplin '".Jf,!"' "TljeRink" jiiusiiirn "Tim iiuqr.nn or aloiwis" PALACE "" M""KT tfTltKBT Wallace Reid & Cleo'Ridgely in "TUB TEMHV J'AWN" PRINCESS l0l" Alice Brady "''0U0"TDItm, Mvery Tuea Uarle tVllllann. "acifrlet llunner" RFHFNT tM "AnKET BTnEET"""1 l-'v,-'tj iiuuan voiaa OKOAS Mme. Petrova "TI,B fmr rilAm.lBC'IIAPMN In "TUB JUNK" RTA! TeT. OKIIMANTOWN AVm. " 5i wt AT IUIJEIIOCKEN flT. Olga Petrova "Extravanco D l n V MAHKBT BTHBET lv f HEI.OW TTIt 8TRB1SV DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in AMKMCANARIBTOCIUCT" noltOTHY IJISII In "Children or tbs Fejd ' hi AJ.ltJ Attr. Trta rule-Ken ton Comedy Tomorrow- CHASf. CIIAl'I.INJjv THE COUNT STAN! FY WAHKET ABOVB7oTH MV TKI.LWIKN. CI.EO ItlDOELY AND SWiawA ,The VictorTaCW TIOGA mu AHD VEis,ANac tb. Lionel Barrymore-Grace Valentine In 'TUB HI1ANO OF COWAHDICi?" " ' 1 UK1A auovb'ninth Mabel Taliaferro ln '8sffir CHAHUE CUAPL1N In 'TUB BINK BOPTH JTIL'lPSPUX OLYMPIA BKOAU AN "Shielding Shadow" KSogBf1 Also a Surprise Feature Vte 10 a uuai ea THlTf MaHeTaatTL --- 3LE e3Pys- fl.tTrrtt Ji"riTraBlii l ' SuS-STiMhj &- mm w 3f HHy. few HMM Ar liiX tft tla jmtjytf to Ht'WWM, we " SSi.e-.UB fr;'Vj i 3Ts