!& . m Br V m M tiiiii hiluAiiun STILL UNCERTAIN Admiral Goucher Takes Du Fournet's Place Com mands Fleet ' JSVVSSma LKI)aiilR-IHILiVDEtPHIA VVEDKBSBAY, MCBaiBliJIt 13, 1916 . 1 RUSE OF A GERMAN HORSE C II A-N G E UNEXPLAINED JQng Constantino Again Said to Have Ordered Mobilization. Protests Against Blockade I.OVDON". Dec- s- The Of"k situation i illil very complicated. It In announced imc illr from I'urlti that Vice Admiral Su rournet. commander of the- allied nt In Greek waters, has been replaced hy Ad. wlral Gaucher, but no reason for the chants Tn"tJreek Charge d'Affalrea called at tho Ministry of I'orelBii Affairs In Paris yes terday to "express" to the Government of the republic In tha namo of the kltiK and flovmment at Athens their Blncero rearet at the events whlth occurred and to de clare that they deplored them." Tilts would seem to Indicate n concilia tory attitude on the part of the Greek Gov ernment, but an KxchanKO Telegraph dis patch from Copenhagen says advices re ceived there report that Klwr Constantino has onlered a cencra! mobilisation of the Greek army". GREEK PROTEST NOTE RECEIVED IN V. S. WAHI'IN'GTO.W Dec- 13- Alexander Votiros. tho Chnrne iI'Affnlrca of tho Greek location, called nt the Htnto Department late yesterday and left with Counselor Polk a translation of tho text of the Greek loyalist Government' protest to tho Kit nte Allies nRalnst the blockado of tho oast of Greece. The protest Is nit follows: The Iloyal Hellenic Government acknowledges rcrelpt of tho declara tion, dated December 7. by which tho French ndmtral commanding tho Allied naval forcca notified them that the French Government with Its allies had decided to blockade tho coast of Greecn I from October S. Greece, who Is at peace with the Powers of tho .entente, and has never ceased Riving them the most striking proofs of her firm desire to maintain with them friendly relations and. mu tual confidence, seen with grief theso very samo Powers have recourse against her to n measure which Im contrary to the rules of international law nnd tho principles of International Justice and freedom. The Itoyal Hellenic Government, ex pecting that tho Allied Governments will bo good enough to inform them on what ground such a meaauro has been taken and of tho nature of tho block ade, decided upon, protests, firmly asd legitimately, against such mens urn against a neutral nnd friendly nation . The Grfek charge also left at tho Slate Department a copy of n cablegram received from Athens containing the following Infor mation regarding tho Greek Government's Version of what happened In Athens on December 1 and 2 : ' Tho repression of tho Venlzcllst Insurrection- In tho city of Athens dur ing the days of the 1st and 2d of De cember cost tho troops as follows: -Military Killed. 13; wounded. 24. Civilians who had nsslstcd the au thorities Killed, 6 : wounded, 6. The Insurgents had only threo killed nd two wounded. This Inequality be tween the losses of the troops nnd tho Insurgents Is explained by tho fact that the latter wcro barricaded In their houses and ready beforehand for un . attack against tho troops. New Auto Stolen From Garage SOUTH DETHLKHEM, Pa., Dec. 13. A new roadster valued rtt 11500, and owned by Miss Sarah Meyers, was stolen from a local garage. The police aru looking for two men who are said to have disappeared. t -J Jfrom ftfjc Xebtjer'S $elt ftunHrcb Boofcs Theie Volume! Mar He Heen In nnr Philadelphia Ilookehop $iogrnpf)j KKMIMNCKXCKM OF A WAIt TIJIK STATESMAN AND DIPLOMAT 1830-1010 Iljr rrrderlek W. Reward Assistant Secretary of Htatis under IJnroln. Johnson nml Hayes h soo pages. M.SO net. "Far mora fasclnullns; than a novel, this lively volume, richer, too In th quality called atmosphere and In susgestlve Inspiration. The kind of book that may he reud over and over, rropeued anywhere. "i Chicago Herald. Jfictton TIIK CAII OF TIIK BI.KF.l'INd IIORSK Hy John Itred Kcott. author of "The Colonel of the, Ked Hussar." etc. 12'. Color Frontispiece. SI.SS. Three crushed roaea Intimating vlolence, a cypher message and th .picture of a beautiful woman known to be an International "spy -that's what Harleaton. gentleman and member of tho Secret Service, found In a cab, deserted- by all but the horae, sleeping between the shafts, at 1 a. in. on Maaaachuaetta ave nue. And before dawn ha waa aet upon In his own apartment. Mr. Bcotl knowa how to tetl a charmlmc love atory and arouae Intenae ex citement at the samo time. poetry TUB CAMI1RIDOK BOOK OF . 1'OETKY FOB CIIIU1RKX Compiled by Kenneth Drabs me. au thor of "Praam Dare," "The Golden Ase.'1 "Wind In the Wll l?v.'! "- frown 8. 1'lcturo Knd Papers. II JO. This volume la compiled far chil dren and not about them. Mr- (Ira ham haa made hla collection chiefly one of lyrical versa, because, aa ha says. "As an Introduction to Kn. lln poetry thera la no better portal than this." Too volume la Indexed by authors and tint lines; the con tents are classified. SFutienile THE QUEST OF TIIK OOLDK.V VAMJ5Y By. Helmjre Drowns, author of V.. Conquest of Mt. McKln. ley," ate. lil. .J3. tt full- ,.;!'& .1 .trsur which Ilea fS& by the fntnes qf uturt T,I - SU !!( Mir U Alllll. & Mnttration or thu wim hv i?,.,.'.w.15?..M: -lhA hero., of the Gfjrtetmns OLD rilMin'r-iffftii WASHINGTON 1KVI.NO 23 Illustrations. Soma la color. JJ.S0, luX?'? llltful and glowing pic- THE GHEftT WAR JK war and humanity tfft tit u"or of 'Th Evidence In th Cas." 12. Sl-sO. tSSnff of noncombalantj and of cm "" Pltl autta. Vis-?rf,i-Srlc? Mf4 et ' authors niV5?cT. ,B Cas" that "U 5 SS,1 on surpass!, Ho44 waftSili'"' "y wrU,r lan "" Y&G.P.PijteamUSon, . From Itoiidllnlk Petroirait. tn Oartouna it. (I coplc are cntinp horse meat in Ilcrlln. Nowa note.) ho Ilnran- ''I'll ..! n .t-u.l l- ?i .t t tt . 1 . ii mnv Biiiiiu niuiiKsttie incso uronic nurcs. rornnps they won't notice mo here." v Trio horae; WILKES-BARRE STRIKERS SPLIT ON PEACE OFFER Trollcymen Unable to Agree on Suggestion to Bring Dis pute to Close WIMCHSiUAIlltG, fa.. Pec 13 Strik ing carmen do not view with satisfaction the demands of tho fnlted Mine Workers nnd other labor crafts that tho trolley strike ho brought to a quick end on tho terms laid down by the miners' committee. Thero Is n division In Ihe ranks of the strikers. Homo of them favor peace on the terms of the mlno workers, while others do not believe that stiDlclent concessions have been obtained to wnrrant the strike being ended. Tho threat that a contlnttnnce of tho strike may mean the withdrawal of tho support of orgnnlzed crafts has stirred up the strikers to some extent. Two factions nppear to be at work In the ranks of the strikers. Ono side Ib strong In ncceptlng the demands of the miners. The other side Is Just as determined to. con tinue tho struggle. ' WOMAN'S MEDICAL PRAISES PRESS HELP Mrs. Eliznboth K. Currier Exhibits Scrap Books Showing Newspapers' Aid to Fund Campaign Scrap books containing clippings tn'.ten from Philadelphia newspapers, showing the co-operation of tho press In aiding to raise the J200.000 fund for the Woman's Medical Collego of Pennsylvania, nro being exhibited nt the campaign headquarters In the Halo tlulldlng, Chestnut nnd Juniper streets. "Tho way tho newspapers have) allied ns Is wonderful." said Mrs. Kllsabeth Itudyerd Currier, manngerof the campaign, when tell ing workers of the scrap books. "You will bo surprised at the splendid amount of space they have given us during this campaign. Tho help of the papers Is beyond comprehen sion in a campaign like this, nnd we want nil workers in the cnmpalgh In see what the papers have done, and see which ones have given us tho best co-operation. For thai reason we have made scrap books with clippings from tho various papers, nnd w want all the campaign workers Id cottle to headquarters and see them. Wo keep them on n table In the middle of tho headquarters rooms Scores of women looked over the scrap bonks today as a result of the announcement matte nt the Tuesday "gel-together" lunch eon by Mrs Currier Hint she wanted them In Inspect the crnp books. V -n.V JKt5T y c:.ji yJ -r ME&mEA eWPfcJti iifef 7 ma. J-Zoiit "wait for time to heal your skiiv "Oh it will get well anyhowl" you say ? Perhaps it will, and perhaps it won't. Maybe it will jet wort Instead. And think o( the discomfort and embar rassment it causes you even now. Isn't it better to get rid o( the trouble byusinff Hcsinol Ointment and Kesinol Soap? Doctors have prescribed the Resinol treatment for over 20 years, so you need not hesitate to uic it. JRtsinol usually slcfs itciing instantly. AlldragiUtt aell Rtdnol Ointment and Retlnol Soip, or a tree eempleol recti, write to ltpt,e)-R Itftlaol, Ilsltimare, Mi. Vn'it hllrr try ,88111 for that skin trouble ,UR Hosiery Department fea tures both Onyx and Phoenix in lisle and silk, 25c, 50c, $1.00, $1.50. Both makes, are guaranteed for service or will be replaced. (AH jrifts purchased are cxchanRcable after Christmas,) liam H. Wanamaker 121719 Chestnut Street the $?Mm (Ideal .eB FottnpFen JB flfg&il' One of the useful gifts. Sl:S1 lifjfflj' in keeping with these days fURf : J : I T a : Bimw of efficiency and sensible jffiBm--:tl jSttjjf gift giving. - jff mTronjlitJlli Lirp rrriig j&RA known tho world ovt r iHEff At the Bttt Slor jffifk BrTHISHARKOr VrW -- E. Waterman Company J&jrji oSGSvTH fBff Nsw Ywk, N. Y. d!SiL m'--'rteS AflSS WILSON PRESIDES ATCMC CONVENTION President's Dnughter Interested in iMnn to Mnkc School n . Community Center1 WABlltNOTON. Ore. ll Ml.M MdrRaret llson, itnushter of the Preside nt. wtg the presiding officer l thl- nfterttoon'ii sexton of the twelfth nnnunl convention nf the American Clvle Association, which opened it lhree-ly meeting here totlny. The nfternoon session yen chlelly tlevnlnl to consideration of the Use of the school ns n community center. Miss Wilson Im.i heen personttlly active In this work In the Dis trict of Columbia, and there IS today n hill before Congress which tuny give til Hie people of Washington the right to use their rchools as community gathering places. Dr. Henry IS. Jackson, of the t'nlted Slates lltireail of FMucatlon. nddresseil the nfternoon session on this topic nnd his talk was followed by the address of Terry Mscknye. phwrlht. who dlscuel th community dritrrta tnovcfVtent At the: rrtotnlhg eesisloti teporW were rend of nt ntitsnltatlons whwe wotk Is affiliated with the American Civic Asso ciation. These wei tlltt Oeneral tVd.ir ntloh of Women's tllutts, tile) NalloAl Miirilelpni league, the Ontario Itortlcut tufal Association, th AtnerlcMh Hoclety of tJindschpa Arrhlteets Anil the American Institute at ArfhltecK Tonight the delegates will he entertained by the Washington Ileal Kstrtte ttoard, And officials, of the War Department will out line th plans of the Government for beau tlfylng Potomac Park, the future municipal playground of tho D. strict of Columbia. Tomotrow morning Jeasee Iee tlennttt, nf llnltltrlbre, .Mil., will discuss the bill' jionrtl nlllsanee and Mm. Imogen II. Oak ley, of I'ltllsdetphla, will outline the work of the association's committee on unneces sary city tuilses. At this same session, a "movie." produced by tha members of the tiutllsvllle (Uy.) Women's Civic Association and written hy Mrs. Alice llegan nice, author of "Mr. WUga of the Cabbage I'ateli." will he given. The nfternoon session will be devoted to country planning. Addresses nnd patters will be rend on this subject by Professor Prank A. Wnur.lt, of the Massachusetts Agricultural Cotlege, ftt Arnhrt, MaM. 8 Herbert Qtilek, of th Federal Fanri tan Boards Mra. John Dleklnsbn 8herman. of the Oeneral Federation of Women' Clubs of Chicago, and Professor II. F. Franelt. At tomorovr night's nesslon. the annual report of the president, J. Horace. McFar land, of Harrlsburg. Pa,, will be delivered. R H. Marshall, director of the National Park Servlte, will speak, ns well aa Herbert W. Oleason, of Iloston. Mass., and Knos. Mills, chairman of the association's na. tlonat park committee. The general subject of city planning; will be considered at the closing session on Fri day. FEDERAL LIVING COST PROBERS HOLD HEARING Now York Investigators Examine Men Familiar With Fowl Markets. May Do Indictment N'KW VOltlf. Dec. 1J. The Government got down to business here today In Us fight to establish the responsibility for the high prices of llfo'a necessaries. Under tho direction of Frank M. Swneker, special t1o eminent prosecutor, seven witnesses np. .peared before; n. Federal srtttfWl )Wt were examined iu lengtn. The names' of tha witnesses Tram held. Mr usual, but thr Rt men who are entirely fanilllnr Wt -markets ,of the mtlon. Their teelimessl expecteil'to go far toward sscurlri tell ment ot unscrupulous speculator. Tho ezamlnatltm nf witnesses TfHt t tend over several' weeks unless theli- M mony Is of such a naturs as to ran j meaiaia action imprraiivo. Mexican He kl I as Hone Thlrf nrAVDINO, Fa., DJms, It. Ths hows n buggy of D. K. Flatrnerr, ot DouflmHrrllht was sfulsn last week. -Today n. MeJiteait rallrond laborer fromirUadlng waa Arrestees at Lyons station trying to sell tho outfit TltlE RESTAURANTS t-hPopatettf :hrttrnut Sk. anjoirr rqw i HomtCotAtng-hPopatsTiPtktt ,1ZZI Chrhrnut St. Hf AJroTnrtOTjanloirT xilm crrr r 1 -iJi?S5SsS25Sl? 'WrTl TVswT' nirmn "fTTitTOFMi r WP WmiMBa 3? sJs5DsfarfttfeWtlXraeaJerSKtrrMBjSM eSSllsssSfleWKe'tM'kKSSrSriS' 1 n'Twiit 'WWlPrStfrlf nm?TTVSvFv?ISTMiiZT m SSr5ivikKfiEfZMHSi3)3JSxwS3rmXSfyey m .S H vS3LSPSKGjSSwi32SS9KGvlipv9&Sir H ' oJeJeTjsFsFsafjTIieirjsgriJirrjlfT'-'jTTX J B 2?vEf0TfIBoe Sfejts of thleinew 8 Encyclopaedia Britaniiica ("laandy Volum'flssue) now onhand are the last that can be-ioffered'pi?in4ed. on genuine- npHIS wonderful book of alFJ knowledge 'the new JL Encyclopaedia Britanmcat makes a ? splendid common-sense unnstmas gin. papery Can you conceive of anything of more nracticnl value, or that would be such a constant source of pleasure and profit? Think of the countless hours of entertainment this masterly hook would afford the intellectual benefits it would cive. It is a complete library of accurate information which answers the nerids of men and women in every business and profession. Give it to yourself its usefulness 'will repay, many times over, what it costs. You certainly want t'he Britannica prihted on the famous India paper. This Celebrated paper, thin, lough and opaque, has reduced (lie size of the Briannica's 29 volumes to such compact form they occupy bit 29 inches of shelf space; and the weight of each voluroAris reduced to nearly one-third, making it lii;lit to hold. This invites reading you just naturally read the India paper Britannica muchwftener than -you'd readable, heavy book. Hence the Britaimicajprinted on gcnuincjndia paper -is much more useful td youthan,it would be.'on ordinary book paper. : I The More Excellent Way It mo. Over 400 pages i Cyrus ITownsend llJrady You must act quickly to obtain Wie of they" rew remaining s&zs or men)ew -Britannica printed on genuine IndJia pei t s tv i erY IMPORTANT Encyclopedia ifritarni'm hold coodfjniy on orders sent to ua at once. We aro sorry to state triat in nccpunt of tho higher cost of all materials for the mnltliiBjof bookstho I'ublisiicrs are obllcud to increase tho price to us, and wo to the ceneral public, The present low prices will, therefore, bo advanced by from one to three monthly payments (from 13,00 to 19.00), according to the binding, on or before December 20th. How Ions it will be possible) to maintain theso new prices without another Increase it uncertain. In any caie, if you with to purchato The Encyclopaedia Britannica at the pretent low prices, act at once. AITmm l.nn Ml. 4 rf tl ...v1..Jm0 el... . . H . ." - "' uib aurw "3 remavKaDle paper it is no longer possible to obtalinthe raw maieriols to manu facture jt in this country. India paper hi m Ado of a peculiar kind of flax, which is growmonly tin GreatBritain, Belgium and Germany. No more flax can be obtained Jn the latter two countries, and EnglandVias put an fetfibargo on flax exportation. In view of theshortage ofsets and the fact that tho Britannica cannot again be prioed on India paper the present prices make this wonderful WOrk a great bar gain, But you must act immediate don't delay if you ' want one of the remaining India japer seta. ) J, This splendid opportunity is for a shp;rt time only . Act NoW- Color Frontis flJS net A story of modern society and the divorce question, the scenes In New York, Sorrento, Bermuda and Reno. The really seri ous purpose and telling lessons of the book are for the momen(t forgotten in swift succession of Its dramatic developments Pri Comment; " The More Excellent ,Wa deserres a Certatolir oae l.eht-i!ff?,5-,1,).,, it! "Certtlnly oas or lot stronr mrw At All Bookseller "Th narrstlre is sbeortlnitr tnteitlor. suttiy UM, and prorooatlvs of tbotxtit" La Angtlf Of-atkla "A sensational stuJr ( ourntnjr question, told and dranjatlc.,r forUaaA Oraela "Tbs reader wlU And It ardto (orsaks the volume until dnlihej." Troy Kicoril. "On ot the meet lattrtttlu of thl popu lar author' took.1' ioitr Jireut Ttiinl itrltni- iliic ni4trit?nn.nrt monne 4n Ura1le-lf Kfinna within your reach the greatest library of facts and informa tion ever put between book covers. Realize the scopo of the Britannica 41,000 articles on every subject under the sun; the master work of 1)500 master minds in every field of human thought and activity. Your first payment of brings you the entire set 29 volumes Ygu pay for it in small monthly payments $3 a month, or about 10 cents a day (for the cheapest binding), Sets can be seen and orders left at: Gimbel Brothers Only .4 $1 Mark and mail the coupon at once. TjMa. will Viw'nr. i,n l, ion nmf..B.1tll...tMte.el Vr,"". "'." "V . U" "" M-iaBO, pu,u v,, ,.Ml.ully uooKor iuu wonders," containing in teresting inforraaybn from and about the "Handy Volume" Issue of the neJ Britannica. Remember-the price ad vances on or before npcomhpi. omu r,A . -- -u..j printed are ai that can be offered on genuine India papeH n. ,oi y.jum paper mat couia be obtained. fMaJ"Sign arid send this coupon NOW I SIJ'ARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. t-UICtfo, llluaif I Oentlemen: -i tPle,Mt "e?,d m,e-free Th' Bock of 00 Wo8de-urogtruUd. giving intereitine Iniornutlon on a hundred subjects and full inforv I SHH?n B0Ut EncyrtoPedla Britsunica. Also telj mrwtart wUl have to pay for one of the remaining sets of thef"Handy Volume" Issue of the Britannica printed on genuine India paper. Name. 9th and Market Streets NEW YOBK G, P. Putnam's Sons wndon G!Hri mwag In rmmti ISJpSBP-v i24J-jfeMWt.w-' ,k. s m-amM j-tuw "- u v l jz aJiUL.i.Js Z-H ' rwtm""mam"wm'U. i r J.4 '" lTzSffg T.. IB f b. . .. , . .A WkWmJr''-&-'1 .. Xii. LuiiiiL-iLiiiiiitrr rr iOTimOTinfmrrMtsTTfiiwT r