UMOSSATEDESCAPER UPACE;LECONDIZIONl IAustria Tcrrcbbc la Serbia. Ii'Itnlln Dovrcbbo Rcatltuire H Terrltorlo Conqtiistato PBOPOSTE ' INACCETTAB1LI r. Stampa Allcnta Deride la Mossn dt Berllno La Gormnnia Vcdo l'lnovlUbilo gconfUta , ROMA. U Dlcembre. It cancelllere tedesco ha pre-poato condl. . i At nice che I irovernt allentl non ' J" TSlfiw. Queala ' .'opinion. Fu? .umna romana b del clrcoll polltlcl fiiunl I Tu-Uconelderano oh. si trnttn Jl i.?. allro che dl una mosra diplomatics .?. r ware un'oplnlone pubbllca favor Hols alle potense centrnll net paesl neu ir.lL al iuall al orrebbe far vederc che ae lTurra contlnuera nncora la colpn e' ..... nn.ilriinllce Intcae e non della tier- 'mints. Bi rlllene come cosa ovvla che lasola tliooela che Rll allentl dell'Intesa dfcranno ills Dropouts della Oermanla ' I'lntensM nlt'enls delle opernxtonl mllllarl, do cha rare debba nwenlro con I camblamentl che ' .. annorlat ncl KOerni ui Francia re dl Oran llretagns o col comblnmento del r eoliiando supremo delle nrmate francesl II krherale Joffre non e' plu' comancianto su Jrtmo delle for francesl. II buo posto e' ililo asaunto dal Benernlo Nlvelte. cho B Jotrr medeslmo aveva suKRcnio cumo buo t .suleesfore. Joffro rlmane pero, nl rltlcne, kwle conamuere mininrB uci himmu " ce e In tale nuallla' potra' ancora renders winilfltl aenltll alia patrla sua cd agll iitMtl. Le propoate dl race delta Oermanla. che ririanno dallo potente ncutrall traamesse al (oternl dell'Intesa dl rlaaaumono In qucate cond.ilonl' La Oermanla rldara" I'lndlpendenxa , l nllo. .... ' la. Oermanla rltlrera le auo truppe dal terrltorlo franccao che ease prr8cn (tmente occupano. Ia I'olonln e la Mtuanla earanno create monarchle Indlponrtentl. tAutrla o la IJulEarm, o una dl tue. doranno conscrnre quella Kr lionc della Serbia che o stata con qulitale dalle nrmato teutonlche. ' Ia llulsnrla dovra' aere quella por ilono dl terrltorlo cho le fu presn dur ante lo ecconda Rucrra batci.nlca. L'ltalla dor.V rcatltulre all'Auatrla It terrltorlo del Trcntlno o delta Venoxla Olull.i conqulatato dalle forxo Itnllane. ' Alia Germanla si doranno restltulre tutte lo au colonic II congreaao della pace Ul dovra' rliolvere II problcma della I'enlsola I Balcanlca ' Di queate condlilonl al edo chlaramente tbe la Germanla o I'Auatrl.-i. cha o'okk! completamenta aotto l'lntluenza dl Bcrllno nllltarmente o polltlcntnonte, errcbbero a guadagnsre la Serbia che eparlrebho com plttamente dajla carta pollttca dcll'Ehiropa. Jn altro paro! la Oermanla verrebbe a gtudagnare tutto quclto, o quaal, per oil aveva proocato la pcrscnte apaventevolo fuerro, I" una commedla ncl mezzo della traxedla plu' terrlbllo che I'ttmanlta nbbla mil tlato. Queata e' l'oplnlono generale rl clrcoll rotnant I" una fnrsa, nclla qule I'lnteaa non al laacora' tranclnaro. Tttegramml da I.onclra o da Herllno dl cono che I commentl della atampa Ingleae ,franceae Bono narcaBtlcl. I crltlcl mllltarl franceal conildernno che la Germanla tenta II eolpo della pace ora perche' non vedo Jla' II modo dl lnccre non solo, ma dl ovi. Urt la Bconntta. EVENING LEDGER-PHIL ADELI'HDLV, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1916 5 1 BBaB''BBaaaBB I UP jf" ''.HflH i lim 3 Br MISS BEATRICE V. CLINCH "SAFETY FIRST" TALK BEFORE RAILWAY MEN Miss Beatrice V. Clinch Dis cusses the Responsibility of Trolley Employes , Delaware Farmers Gathering Holly IS. HBAFOlin. Dot, uec. 13. Tho holly iml evergreen acason la recelvlne tho ntten- I- Uun of the farmers throughout Sussex County. The crop sometimes means more thin (100 to each family which makes wreatha for the city marketB. Tho men and bo)l go Into tho woods to cut the holly, while the women and girls make It Into jirreatha. Trices are ranging from II 10 to' 1. 10 per dozen How the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Com pany la Keeking to reduce the number of ac cidents duo to the carelnanen of children nnd ndulta In crossing the street In front of trolloy cars was described last n'Rht by Miss Ileatrlce V. Clinch, of the safely bit reau of the corporation, before tho Pcnnsyl anla fitato Hallway Aaaoclatlon. nt the Hotel Adelphla. Mlis Clinch, a remarkably trrtty young woman, waa engaged by the Itapld Trnnalt Company to speak to gatherings of school children on "itafety first" and to undertake other activities leading to greater safely In the public highways. Sho told how hundreds of children com peted for prizes for the beat stories dealing with accident prevention, how thousand nf blotters bearing pictures Illustrating "safety first" had been distributed nmong the boys and girls of tho prlatc, parochial nnd nubile schools Mlsi Clinch said- "The motorman must watch continually for the safely of thought less women, tho man who Is so worried with business affairs that he has no thought of safety nnd for tho safety of the children who do not know tho danger. He must be watchful nt stre-t crossings nnd must not fall to note tho moement of ve hicles which nre being driven or operated by careless persons. Ho cannot Ignore the faot-mo Init. short-turning automobile; he must ever be on the alert for the unex pected moes of small children In the squares, he must expect that some careless person will suddenly appear from behind a movlns vehicle or car nnd step Into his pathway nt extremely nhort notlco. He willingly docs all this, but he expects that you contribute your share of caution for your personal safety." CIST ANMVmSAnY JtMAB HU.K i,, Fne White .K&" Diamond ll-ht. elM sold Cf M TlrTanr lllnss. V I a- talld tiii. law as Hiwelul valuta. La Vallieres Menulns Diamond, as $5 I. MAYER, 1732 Market St. JEWTO.Cn AND NII.VKRHM1TII i OTKS KVKSIXOH WMWMWmmWBMBi Wifcker N ovelties for Holiday Gifts The smartest new designs and colorings. Tea Trays of Yellow, Black, Sage and Light Blue Wicker, with assorted stencil centers. Bed Traya of White Wicker with cretonne center. Round Serving Trays. x Wrigkt, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc. 1212 Chestnut Street Alan Seeger's roems volume containing the complete collection the Poems of the American Soldier-Poet, including "Champagne, 1915," "I have a Rendezvous with Death," etc. of Published Today "This book contains . . . the record of a short life, into which was crowded far more of keen experi ence and high aspiration of the' thrill of sense and the rapture of soul than it is given to niost men, even of high vitality, to extract from a life of twice the length. Alan Seeger had barely, passed his twenty eighth birthday, when he was caught in a deadly flurry of machine-gun fire, and fell lohis friends his loss was grievous, to literature it was we shall never know how great,"-W7Wan Archer, "To England the war gave as it poe.t-hero Rupert Brooke; as token of the love ottwo great republics, it gave to America and France this other so(ldier-poet, eternally,. divinely young;, hs life and death made poetry, too. If there is tragedy in 'such a loss we joyfully remember that in tragedy also there may be pure beauty." Collier'? Weekly. ' W " BOYS USE SPOON TO DIG THEIR WAY TO LIBERTY Three Flee Prison at York. Soon Captured in Barricaded Bedroom YOmv, I', fiec. . "Huck Klnn" himself could not have staged a better prison flight than three thlrteenyear-otd York bo)s, who dug themselves out of Ihe House of Detention, a brick bulldlnr near the center of the city Their only lool was a teaspoon. Potlco captured them le than an hour later, barricaded In a btdroom at the home, of Halph Spangler. one of the neelng lads. The others were 1'aul Keener and Kdwsrtt Alwlne The bos had been arretted for a series of roboerles at Conewago Heights, which they confessed In one of these the Alwlne hoy had turned a crucifix In the wall while Ihe looting was progressing Willi the spoon the trays dug through n partition wnll In the House of Detention, hiding the mortar and laths In their bed Making their way Into an unguarded corri dor, they tied down the fire escape. "We didn't hae enough brenkfast." was the excuso the oungaters gave the author!, tits for their flight CAPTAIN ULAIKIB'S CASE British Government, It Is Snid, Now Considers Taking Serious Mcnsurcs J.ONPO.V. Dec U The Itrltlsh Oovern ment Is understood to bn considering serl out measures In connection with ths case of Captain Ittalkle. of the tlrltlsh stentnshlp Caledonia, recently sunk, who waa taken prisoner by the Hermans The ontclsls of the foreign Ortlce hae consulted the Admiralty regarding tho beit steps advisable, hut the nctlon they will take has not jet been decided upon Chester Womnn Dies dlK-STRll. I'a. Dec 13. Mrs. D IMwUi Inlng. wife of a textile manufacturer In this city, died at her old home In Inlngton. Mrs Inlng wss a member of the board of managers of the J Iwls Croiler Homeo pathic Hospital nnd the J. Lewis Homo for Incurables IT. S. AIDS SOLDIER'S WtfE Norrlstown Woman Granted $40 Month Durlnjr Husband's Service NOnrtlSTOWN. !.. Dec 1J Mrs. Annie Qulntrelt, of Norrlstown. whose hus band. Harry Qulntrell, Is n private with Company P, Sixth tleglr.ont. nt Bt Taa. has received n cheek for $213 SI from Washington, with this explanation: Tho Inclosed cheek covers allowance due you as a dependent relative ot TT. C Qutnlrell, from June 19, 1916. to the last day of the month preceding tho date hereon. Hereafter a check for JIO will Im forwarded to you on the first day of each month during the sen lee ot the soldier, Mrs. Qulntrell wrote to the War De partment at Washington, staling that she needed the support of her husband for her self nnd two children, and requested that ho be permitted to return home Train. Off Track, Hits Mill HAOKIISTOW.V. Md., Dec IJ I'arl of n Cumberland Valley .freight train. Jumped the track while passing through Hsgers town nnd crashed Into Heck llrothers' brick lumber mill, breaking through n wnll Into the machinery room LOCKED 10 DAYS IN CAR, MAN AT POINT OF DEATH Falls Unconscious in Arms of Trainmen When Liberated nt Pittsburgh rlTTSmniOH. Dec. U. Nearly dead from hunger, thirst and exposure, a man, belleed to be Itobert Koch, twenty-eight jenrii old. of Altcntown. I'a., fell uncon sctous Into the arms of trainmen when they opened n box ear In tho Houth Seventh street yards of the fVnnsjIvanln ltnllroad here late eaterday. The man was taken to the South Hide Hospital and early today was still unconscious Mystery surrounds the nppenrnnce of the man In thn car. Inasmuch ns he was well dressed and carried n new grip filled with clothing Apparently he was starting on a trip when he found his way Into the box car. which was seated In Allontown (en days ago and nns not opened until It nrrhed here. Koch's Identity was estab lished through n lodge card from t.odg No II, Patriotic Order Sons of America, of Al teuton n. CI ACOBS BOOKS 1628 CHESTNUT STREET and Stationery A LADY REMARKED when in our store a few days ago, "I did not know that you carried such a large assortment of hooka of all the pub lishers' She expressed her delight by making a liberal purchase and was surprised when she learned that our prices were the same ns elsewhere. Have you made YOUR purchases of Christmas Boolcs and Stationery'? 1)0 IT NOW. SERVICE IS THE KEYSTONE OF OUR BUSINESS j "MEET MP ATJACOnS" Want Uhtshton Man Promoted LRHKIHTOtt, r., 1A U. Carbon County Democratic: leaders are urging President Wilson to promote Fourth As. alstant Postmaster Oeneral James 1 ninkslee, a resident ot this town, to ft higher position. They say he has put his depart ment on a high plane of efficiency nnd that through his economising he saved the Gov ernment millions of dollars, thereby en titling him to something with better compensation. Woman a 'Husky' Huskcr CAHt.tSt.ti. Pn.. Deo. 11. Mrs. CI. d. Kaufman, who resides on n farm near New Cumberland has husked 501 shocks of corn this season. They were largo shocks, some making two and others thtee sheaxes. THIEVES KOU COURT taATKQH - i Take $233 From Her Corset and Stock. -injr nt tho SPolnt ot a Pistol prrrsnurtcm. Dec is --Corsets and stockings are not always safe hiding places for money, as Mrs. lxella Dlskcney, nfty-two yean old, Juvenile Court mstronv cah testify Two men, poslnu as JuVenlta Court onicers. appeared at tho residence' ot Mrs. niakeney, which Is n detention horn for Juvenile offenders, nnd nsked to look oer her books. As Mrs. niakeney was handing; the book to one of the men the other thrust a re olver In her face nnd demanded her m6n$y. Mrs. Utakeney screamed, hut the tmen took 1100 from her corset and (111 from lief stocking and escaped. 0MK? enameled "' Silver PHILADELPHIA The painslakirgf effort of years enables this House to offer patrons the hardest stock of Enamels ever assembled by one house tr w flffiEkMAid lO3Q!JQyQyni23UOUUUHUE&a Mason & DeMarry 1 1 15 Chestnut Street Vpp. Keith's 32 Hudson Seal Coats 40-inch model. Skunk, Ermine, Beaver or Seal. 74.25 Regular Price, 82.50 m Genuine Hud. Seal Sets 9 Barrel muff and small novelty scarf. I 22.50 Regular Price. 25.00 I aMisincjicBKim Russian Pony Coats 40. inch Model Beaver or Raccoon Collar 35.55 Regular Price 39.50 French Seal Coats Genuine akunlc collar. 49.05 Regular Price, 54.50 French Seal Coats Block opoBtum collar and border. 62.55 Regular Price, 69.50 French Seal Coats 40-inch model, aeal or skunk raccoon collara. 67.05 Regular Price, 74.50 Hudson Seal Coats Dyed muikrot 40-inch flara model 88.65 Regular Price, 98,50 Reliability art -- ivit1 4 reason for the success or tins holiday sale of furs. Ten per cent, off the Tagged Prices would be of little induce ment without the relia bility of both Firm and Merchandise. The word Sale means a "buy -word" of oppor tunity when used by us. Not an excuse to unload or liquidate, as we never buy for sale pur poses, - Black Fox Sets Barrel muff nnd nil-fur scarf. 31.50 Regular Price. 35.00 HtttHmtBHUIlUIBiltttTILsaMBMetlK a3KURHRIyS&nQU4RaninmnErBPiuik)i Kamchatka Brown Fox Sets Barrel muff, animal scarf. 35.55 Regular Price. 39.50 iswmmaz Dyed Blue Fox Sets Barrel muff and nil-fur acarf. 52.20 Regular Price, 58.00 lnWHW.BltiBllyinBWBffMwECWlPM 81 Natural Racoon Barrel muff and animal scarf. 67.05 Regular Price 74.50 Beaver Sets Barrel muff and all-fur scarf. 40.50 Regular Price, 45.00 iwinniiiwwiinnwwii Hudson Seal, Coats 42-inch model, exceptional full flare 121.50 Regular Price 135.00 Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted Expert Mail Order Service Slate Fox Sets Barrel muff and all-fur scarf. 76.05 Regular.Price, 84.50 Hudson Seal Coats Full flare model 6-Inch border and collar of skunk or lynx. 130.50 Regular Price 145-00 Scotch Moleskin Coats sS-lnch model 6-lncU border and collar of skunk. Full design. 247.50 Regular Price 275.00 Natural Mink Coats 41.neb model trimmed at bottom with aabl paws nnd mink tails. 337.50 Regular Price 375.00 White Fox Sets Barrel muff and all-fur scarf- 72.00 Regular Price, 80.00 Fisher Sets Barrel muff and all-fur ucart. 130.50 Regular Price, 145.00 iS3& STT" 'SMvJu?l Trpfcr L & m. fflrftiiTtttwmiptwWMirt tiwni"Bm eS " m inmiiifr' "mfl