Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 13, 1916, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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$m$ Correspondent, in
wHour Day Law, Believes Woman Looks on
Her Work in the
ALTHOUGH to fltlll further confute tho
StmrltMnt advanced by Doctor Vn.h
JfeMn,-comes rt letter In regard to the
. Mrere fclrl's attltudo toward her work
' iif jmotharlrftf Inntlnct which will not
fwri, The writer snys!
?UottId not have been without a feel
Jn&d sympathetic Interest that the
SromeH of ?hlladolpt4n. rend tho other
4f:-hCtha Intention of tho Mld-Atlnnllc
Conference of the National Women's
Trade) tfnlon to hrlng tho mnttcf of an
elght-lrpur worklnjr day 'for women be
fore the present congress for Federal
.frho 'Justice of tho demnnd stands self,
testified. Tho working womnn has ft
hard, tlmo of It. It In rlio who bears the
brunt of the modern Industrial system,
ho nnd her children. Thcro Is something
pitiful 'In this paragraph, cut from tho
resolution sent by the conference to President-VV!lsorti
To fulfill our obligation
s daughters, wives-,' mothers nnd sisters,
WB' need leisure not only for fellowship
knd .service In our homes, but for tho
wjder service nnd jjreutcr Interests ns
Hins of our country,' The Industrial
colossus Is) eating out hor heart. Woman
Meed, the eight-hour wurklnit rfay not only
io 'afford themselves tho opportunity of
keeping; In flBhtlnpr trim, but nlso tn sat
wfy'thelr Instincts' ns human beings nnd
evolop the best qualities In them.
'. "The woman who works Is In nn nnoma-
Ions position. Hho Is neither nno thing
nr the other. Sho stands botwe.cn two
fires. Sho Is holding down n man's Job,
physically handlcapcd nnd trndltlonntly
abound, without tho ability of playing tho
pNuno as a man plays It, buoyed by a
comfortable excess of animal spirits, nnd
' hppy-ffO-lucliy sang frold that enabla
.Mm to look things In tho face and feol
, hlmeotf blftRor than his circumstances.
A, woman has the Instincts of tho home-
milker within hor; her -work does not sat-
f.'fofy, these Instincts, and sho must look for
MlUfactlon beyond her work. On tho
one hand, without tho leisure nocossary
to'physlcnl fltnoss; on tho other, without
the leisure necessary to tho enjoyment of
her birthright, Is It any wonder that tho
Working woman Is so restless?
"When a. man comes homo from work
Ot nlffht he rolaxes completely- Homo for
htm Is a ptaco of rest. He Is through for
i the- day. and ho settles down In his easy
'chair with tho knowledge that his wlfo
is n the kitchen proparlng nn cxctillent
nieal for him and that In tho morning
when ho needs his bost clothes she wilt
have them ready for him, brushed null
pressed and in tip-top order. Ho doesn't
Jiava to think of sowing on his own but
tons. But not so with tho working
woman. When she comes homo It Is not
to a place of rest, but to a new sot of ac
tivities. If she Is tho right sort of woman
" Sib'Js keenly Interested In all that has
-taken place In her nbsenco during tho
day, Bhe offers to help tho other mem-
((- and ju!tlon submitted to thU department must b written on oim aide of
the raper and signed tolth the name of the writer. Special qwtries like those given
; ttlow ar invited. It is understood that the editor does not necessarily indorse the
tintlments expressed. All communication! or this department should be addressed
. as follows: THIS WOMAN'S KXGIIANaiS, Evening Ledger, Philadelphia, Va.
The winner of tadar'i prlxe It Mr. 0. II. Htnion, of Mllforil, 11 whosn Irllrr SVptnrrd
' In ypttentar'N pnprr,
, 1, What I ttu !wt Triir to niend n run In ft I
tSk tk1mT
" S. Itnr cn ernul'M btt b miln to III
S.' Wit tort of material maVri foo.t dlth
' j towI?
, 1. A food aponxloi fluid for lilack loodt la
ninBu4 of en ounce of camphor, two ounce
-ot,BriU, no pint of nteohol and two quart
' f water, Tho camphor and borax ahould be
beibd until dUaolred In the waterl when cool.
S j lt alcohol.
' Si Ybxtar added to water In which colored
IaUe are rlneed will prerenl the colura from
rochln Into eth other and will brUhlcn the
ealora, aecordlnc to tre. 8.
,3. Vaaellno and paraffin melted tocetber and
eptled to tbe eipoeed water plpea with an old
pilnt bruh, after tho pipe hare been rubbed,
r with flannel, will keen them from freeitni,,
- iwwrdlnr to tbe atteetlon mads br lira.
Directions f orv Fruit Cake
3t the Editor at Woman's Page:
flear Hadaro Hera I a very
, w.i fn, a HcllffAua fmtt rake.
All wno
! It aak ma for the recipe; Doll toacthcr for
iin mlnutM the followlns: On cup brown
. rur. one cup water, one-third cup lara or
drhtstna. one and one-third oupL ralaln. one
tun. enrranta aod one-lulf cup chopped citron.
"When cool add. one taaapoon od dlaaolved In
B-Ubleepoon hot water, two cupf Hour allied
,wltt oae-Calt UMpoon each at clove, ctnna
WOB., auttae.- and baklna powder and one cup
A tni..n nut mm,., fi k wall and bake In IL
r".".".T"-j --- ..."-,-- i-
.per-unea oreaa pen woe iwwr "J.r "tr, ,i'
telle,; 4t u
ElUtnir tot Turkey or Chicken
To flit Editor af Trovvaii' Pan:
Heir MdmTbe followln are two very
uoa rectpM for turkey or chicken MUni;
Cbeetnut JlllUuf lnto a chopplnr bowl put
bout forty chealnut that have been beJied
asd peeled, four ounce of auet, two tdule-
i "vf .-'"; "."r::t3,,.."j
lour viiei vnm vhiuii
Chop all thl mlilure very
Use and eeaeon with, U and ,PPPr and
tmii.len tatta a, null amount of tock. , ,
Oytter jmUnf. eSojk atele bread In. cold
water until oott. Add to thl two finely
pg4 nleo, a ood-ld pleca of malted
VMter. two ita. On taaapoon of alt and
Sffiffc !! JfeHS-. ih tUa:Ja,ti
rf;Ti fowl, M. It. c.
BMs-j&wci Meat and Sauce Combinations
s;JlrWififtt- Wtma, Pans:
SWpSr " M4jn--rh 'Ineiperlenced houaewlfa
f --i eisnettiiOi at a loea a to the proper .MUfo
R Joiiewlne- Hat. It. pttd in the rcelpa
m, ) ones trove helpful s
crrsaja eaucai wil inniviHiu,
mxe eeieo vita hiichcii
tv nufe tvlth ouell.
Bs4 pUyea with ftehboll.
irecrjtaxeo. ono, sneq vpiana w tivvr.
acb drtoatn .wtth eardtnee.
kn'ilre'puJillut with, roat beef.
is, eeew ana prer itw . uviivu
umprnry and etrawMnf pWtvo wllb
xie irtiilnz wtta turkey.
r ml SWS tt4u iHfc y. uww.
rape luic with caavaebaek duck.
mwtnt van corned titer
wtta rtaat fosse.
geworing IoiiJa! Stain
y9..k JWvr te IS-wmw. J'Oi-
Advocating the Eight-
Light of a Child
My hwirt is touched by
hvrmn acre new.
Tta movmFul ur tKicb
their rntsfortvnt lends
5o moves me ttat Im
verv nice to tkem
And thus I UucV3 hc,ve.
that hind or
friends f V i
bora of tho family whero they need a holp
Im; hand. Jinny girls return to a day's
work In tho homo after n day behind the
counter or nt tho desk, nnd oven when
their families aro consldcrato nnd exempt
thorn from ordinary household rotltluo,
they have their clothes to think of, and
while thoy got n, great deal of pleasure
oilt of sowing It does not mean ns much
for them tin an ovcnlng of relaxation or
oxorclsojn tho fresh air. All this tells
when thoy mnko their way to tljolr work
tho noxt morning. Compared with tholr
rivals of tho opposite box, thoy are npt
altogether physically lit. '
"Then, too, women aro handicapped In
tholr work In tho fact that thoy fall to
tako a dotached vlow of It. It wan Tda
Tarboll who said, 'A woman's work Is her
child,' Sho carries, whether consciously
or unconsciously, tho altruistic attltudo
that marks .her task ns n. homo-maker out
Into tho Industrial world. With a man's
Job on her hntids sho still clings to a
woman's wny of going about things. Tho
result Is a terrible drain on hor vitality
For generations past It has fallen to hor
lot to do tho llttlo things, to attend to tho
thousand details of tho household, to
watch tho thousand nnd ono Incidents
that go to make up tho happiness ot
thoso about her. H has boon a twenty-four-hour
day job, without rolaxntlon and
without rest, it Is all very well nnd
proper In Its plnco, but when you subs 1 1
tutd the manipulation of n mnchlno or
tho successful-, puttlnK through of a busi
ness deal, retaining tho monotony nnd tho
humdrum nnd subtracting tho human
element that makoi oven scrubbing floors
a pleasure nnd a Joy, you hnvo a combi
nation for which tho womnn must pny
a terrible prlco.
"Thoro nro thoso who will say that
women aro working nt crosH purposes
that tho fault ot tho situation Is theirs.
Hut tho fact remains, tho work Is hero to
bo dono and Women nro hero to do It.
Thoy deserve nn eight-hour day."
I. What In oiw of lh niot frrqurnt rnuiea
of bowttiffdnMi In rht.'drn?
i, IVIilrh wtddlnr ronrfh It maullr nlarrd
for the urrddlnx procratloni Mlilfh for tho rc-
rnilonT '
3, How dora n man dra for i format alas
1, The vartoua wnldlnc nnnhrrearle nre
popularly knonn al Ural, roltoni eerond, pa-IM-rl
third, leathrri fourth, fruit nnd flowrrai
fifth, woodeni tenth, tint twelfth, allk and
Uneni flftrenth, rrratnli twentieth, chlnni twrn.
tr-dflh, illvrri thirtieth, pearll forttrth', rubri
fiftieth, eofdem aevenly-nfth, diamond,
S, When vtlihlm to end n riirlttina card
to u marrtrd woman the card ahould nhrur be
addreeaed to "Mr, nnd Mr. "
3, It U not obllcatory to aend n weddlnc
preaent when Invited only to the church cere
mony, Obligations of a Urldesmald
To the Eiltor ot the IVomnn'e Vaoet
Pear Madam Next month I am to be brldea
mald for a very dear friend, nnd I have never
before been In a weddlna nrty I am allahtly
punted over eome thlnia, Thoaa In the tveddlnc
party, with the exception at mraelf, are wall-to-do.
and each at the alrla Intanda entertatnlnx
for tho bride. Jh you Ihlnk tl abaolutoly nra.
awry for me to do ao, toot I am not In a roil
lion to do o now, but may be able to entertain
later, and yet I do not want to appear to accept
all thine other Invitation and not do my ahare,
particularly a. I am fond of the arlrl in nutation.
Alio, when Invltrd to a luncheon In honor of
the bride, whet obturation do I Incur! la a
call attar the luncheon neceaaaryt l'lui aj.
viae me. ETHEli M,
I da pot think it Is necessary for you to
entertain the bride and bridesmaids noon
or at all, for that matter. However, If you
wish to do so It would be. perfectly correct
to wait until very near the tlmo of the
The fact that other bridesmaids Invlts
ijrou to luncheons' and entertainments will
put you -under ?in obligations to them, but
you should call formally nn them at some
time soon after they have entertained.
Sometimes It Is not powllite tu call until
"after the wedding t over, as there are so
many festivities prior to It, and, too, one Is
apt to become very well acquainted with
a fellow bridesmaid and often It would be
unnecessary to be formal In the matter.
Circumstances largely govern these matters.
Neither Should Take Arm
To the Jfdllor ot Woman' Pott:
Dear Madant yhen out welkin- with a
yun lady wMch le preuer. for too Ktnilman
to take hold ef tho lady'a arm or the lady to
held u to too gentleman arm) n. j r.
Vuleaa the pavement Is slippery or dan
gerous to walking1 or the woman with whom
you are walking- Is lame or III, It is never
good form to glvo her your arm or for her
to take yours. Many years ago It was
proper for a roan to offer hj arm tp a
woman when walking In the street with
her, but It is not considered the thing- to
do now, and, in fact, is quite provincial.
Causes of Headache
To (he Editor 0 Ike Weinaa'a Paae:
..fil-Kftft-?!lftt Jltt .?"? r
PHHil OTjjeVU BWg fMr?M KUnW fl W.
a. v.
the eye, the fiver, stomnh dr. ilitya, and
m t
How Madge Told
I PICKED up a newspaper, read the head
lines without In the least knowing what
they were, nnd threw It down wearily,
A book and a mngnzlno shared the same
fste. I had mnde Dicky angry by giving
up a delightful country trip with him for
the sake of keeping a business appointment
with Mrs. Helen Hrnlnerd Smith, president
of tho 1Otu Htudy Club. After he had
left me, nngrlly, for a long walk, Mrs,
Htnlth had called me up nnd airily asked to
postpone the appointment because the day
set was the one for the coming of her
N'o wonder t could not settle myself to
read. Hot, angry tears ramo Io my eyes
ns I remembered my day, such nn annoying
one. The woman In the apartment opposite
had angered inn by her Insolence nnd In
gratitude in the morning, Harry Under
wood had annoyed mo by forcing his
presence upon me while I wns riding on the
stnge, nnd now this unpleasant experience
had come.
How t longed for the country outing
which Dicky hsd proposed' If I only knew
whero Dicky wns. I told myself. I would cat
nny amount of htimhlo pie In tho hope that
ws might go nfter all. Hut hn had said ho
would ho late, and 'I knew that if ho did not
go tn bed before midnight there would ho
no use planning any outing Dicky, like
most men, In cross If ho Is sleepy, nnd to go
on the proposed trip would mean nrlnlng
early the next morning.
Ko there wns no use wasting regrets, Tho
outing was gone. I settled myself ngaln In
my chair nnd, picking up a book, deter
mined to rend nnd forget my troubles. The
doorbell rang before I had finished the first
I knew Kntle was busy In tho kitchen, so
I oiienC-d It myself Tho man and the wom
nn from tho apartment opposlto sloot In the
hall, both In evening nttlrc.
Tho woman's face flushed nn sho met my
nntnnlshcd gnze. I was glad she had the
grace to lio nahamxl of herself. She knew
thnl I must have overheard her drawling
comment to her mnld In the morning, whnn
I had called nt the door to Inqulro about
her baby.
"We want to thank you for all you did
for th hntiy Inst night," the man snld In
rapid, embarrassed fashion. "IlolleVu me,
wo ore deeply grateful."
"N'o thanks aro neccssnry." I relumed
sillily, fur the memory of his wife's attl
tudo of tho morning- rankled. 'The baby
wns brought to us In a convulsion. Wn
simply did tho bent we could for It, nn wn
would hnvo donp' for nny child In a similar
emergency. I am glnd to see that It must
ho fully recovered or you would not bo leav
ing lt
I could not resist that malicious llttlo
fling. I owed them smoothing for the
wlfc'n discourtesy. Ilcsldes, I was ropetled
hy the callousness of these parents tn leav
ing for nn evening's pleasure a baby who
had been no near death tho night before
"Oh, tho baby Is much bettor, tho phy
sician says." The man wiped hln forehead
nervously ns ho spoke. "Tho trained nurso
Is Htlll there, nnd alio has our telephone
"Our engagement Is onn we could hardly
hreak," drawled his wife, speaking for the
llrst tlmo. "I am sure tho Imhy-wll! ho
all right, 1 am (irr,v I did not seo you
this morning."
"Thero wan no posslbln reason1 for your
doing so," I returned, with my voice as
frigid as I could mnko It. "I had nn Inten
tion of disturbing you. I simply wished to
Inquire after tho baby. Tho maid could
have told mo, and when sho left tho door I
went awny, for I was In a hurry."
Not for worlds would I havo acknowl
edged to this womnn that I had heard her
lmred words to tho maid "Oh, the woman
from ncross tho hall. I suppose I slinll
havo to see her," and had rushed away on
that nccount.
"I think the machlno Is hero." Tho
woman turned to her husband. I know sho
was not anxious In prolong tho Interview.
"Yes, wo must go," tho man said. "Von
will understand that wo nro very grateful
for all your kindness," Ho lifted Ills hat
nnd bowed ceremoniously.
"Thank you," I sold, perfunctorily,
"flood night," nnd closed tho door upon
Thank goodness, that Incident was closed!
T felt that I never wished to see cither of
them ngaln. To my personal grievance,
against tho woman's discourtesy was added
the repugnance I felt to a father and
mother who could go to nny Boclal nffalr
while tholr baby was in such danger.
I sat down ngnln to my book, but tho
picture of tho sick bnhy with no mother
near It ntnyed before my eyes. If ever a
baby came to me, I told myself fiercely,
I would not leave It 111, nu matter how
pressing the engngemont wns.
I resolved to wait for Dicky, even If ho
were very late. I felt that I owed him nn
apology. Hut how I dreaded telling him
that Mrs, Hmlth hnd broken the engage
ment, I remembered his second words when
I had told him that I could nob change my
business appointment with her except for
tho gravest reasons.
"Fiddlesticks 1" he had said, "I'll bet
she'll change It fast enough It she happens
to think of nny llttlo thing llko getting her
hair dressed or her nulls manicured that
sliii wants to do."
My cheeks Hushed an I remembered how
I hud defended Mrs. Smith froln Dicky's
word. And she hnd proved the truth of
his assertions. She had broken the engage
ment for im appointment with a masseuse !
A strong temptation came to me. Why
tell Dicky tho truth and bear the ridicule
I knew ha would heap upon my headT Why
not let him think I had reconsidered my de
cision nnd broken tho engagement myself
to please him?
I had quite a battle with myself. Out
finally I conquered the temptation. I had
tried to pray fair with Dicky ever since I
married him, I would not deceive him In
this thing.
My decision once made, every mlnuta ot
Dicky's absence seemed an hour to me. I
was anxious to get the disagreeable task
of telling Dicky the truth over with. I
College Girls'
Winter Boot
A special design for winter
walks combined style and serv
icereal weather proof.
Tan Lotus Calf with heavy
extension sole of viscolizcd oak
leather. '
Priced according to
size. ' .
lltoZ.. ..$4,80
2$4to7..., $6.80
These models are tiliplayed in our eiclusiva depart
ment for the young folks, on our Basement floor.
i II
Jg - .,.nL. ... ., .I,, Lni...L.. .1. ..I.llll A"
Dicky the Ncwa
rntild not rend or sew or Sit still. I put
aside my book, and Jumping up began to
pace up nnd down tho room.
Dicky's, cheerful voice broke In on my
rushing walk, Bvldently he hnd walked
oft his III humor, And he only hsd been
gone nn hour, I'erluaps If I managed the
situation carefully we might have our out
ing, after all, the next day.
"N'o, only waiting for you, t have an
acknowledgment to make to you,"
"Hear mine first," Dicky said extrava
gantly. "I know I was pretty boorish a
while ago, and I'm awfully sorry. 1 have
thought tip a brilliant plan. There's a train
hack from Marvin, w little station we go
to, nt 3 o'clock. It will get you Into the
station nbout ,1:33, and a taxi will lake you
to your appointment nt I. You coulil ask
her to change the hour, couldn't you7"
Dicky has the most winning voice nnd
smile 1 have ever known. My henrl warmed
to his kindness. I no longer drended to tell
him of Mrs. Smith's defection.
"I can glvo you hotter news than that,"
I snld, smiling. "You were right nnd I wns
wrong about Mrs, Smith. She called up
Just after you left and asked mo If I would
mind her changing the dny of tho appoint
ment, as shn had nn engagement with her
masseuse for that hour. So if you like wo
can go, nfter all."
Dlrky stared at me a minute. Then he
threw back Ids liend and laughed.
i "What did I toll you?" ho Jeered good
nnturedty. Then nn he saw my fnco lio
stopped laughing and put his arms around
"You didn't need to tell me this," he snld
eoftly. "Why didn't you Ho nbout 11, and
say you hnd changed your mind, nnd cnlled
tho lady up yoiirs;lf7"
"I couldn't, Dicky," I faltered. "I wanted
to, but 1 couldn't."
He tightened Ids clasp around me
'That makes an awful hit with me.
sweetheart. Pretty nice thing to be nure
your wife won't Ho to you."
"Hut, Dicky, don't you seo It's because I
won't Ho to anybody Hint I won't He to you
That was the reason I couldn't tell Mrs
Smith a fnlrehood about tho engagement "
I always seem fated tn say tho wrong
tiling to Dlrky. Tho grasp of his arms
loosened ever so slightly.
"Don't spoil It all with a lecture, Madge,"
ho snld. a trifle Impatiently. "Lot's forget
all tho unpleasant part. Hy tho way. If
wn get off In Die morning we'll have to get
noniii sleep. Hood night."
Hn kissed me hastily and went to his
I fell repulsed, ns if lio hnd pushed me
away from him. 1 had not meant to nnnoy
lilin, only to try to make him seo my point
of vlow. Hut It seemed hopeless for Dicky
nnd mo ever to look at things In tho snmo
light -
1 inado up my mind thnt I would not
brood over It, however. Nothing should
mnr my enjoyment ot the morrow's outing
Republicans After $1800 Job
Several prominent ltcpubllcann hero hnvo
entered tho Hold iih candldatca for tho posi
tion now held by Charles A. MeKlhone, n
Democrat, of tills city, ns a member of
ttho Camden County Hoard of Taxation.
MoKlhono'a term expires nn.it yenr when
tho Leglslaturn meets, and ho wilt bo suc
ceeded by a ltopubllcan. Tho position pays
u salary ot J1800 per yenr for a term of
threo ycarB.
You can get butter
insuranco just as
well as health in
surance, and many
times they both
mean tho samo
nies you pay for
are really paid for
butter insurance.
You are guaran
teed a full pound
of pure, fresh but
ter, mado from
pasteurised cream
No hand touches this
"uncommonly iJood but
ter" either in tho mak
ing1 or in Us quick trip to
your table,
$.w3Sf Pl'IUdelphi,
Dell Phorie.Mirket 3711
Keystone Phone, Main 17U
look or iht"MtrttaU"
wrapper alr-ttilit. iuif- and
OdQt'Ptoolat your croctrt.
Shoes and Hosiery
1204-06.08 Market St,
l m '
j s
JtW i
' ''-'!
One of tho smnrt new hnta thnt
brinp; ostrich feathers "in" nBin.
OSTIttCII plumes nro In vogue ngnln.
Picture hale of velvet or hatter's plush
nre effectively trimmed with largo French
plumes of nit colors.
Tho crown of this charming hst of black
velvet is cpinpletely hidden hy n plume of a
wonderful) shade of snlliiue red. The brim
has a becoming droop nnd Is much wider on
one side. Hats of Ibis typo nro being worn
with restaurant gowns nearly everyero
these days.
Cnmtlcnilcs (inint; to InniiRUration
Camden County will bo well represented
at the inauguration of Hovcrnor-elect
Walter li 1-Mgo on January 1(1, when nt
least 2000 voters will marrh with tho llavld
Ilnlrd Association, llenernl John A. Mather
lins been ebosen chief marshal and several
bands linvo been engaged.
& Invalids
' Co.t YOU
Samo Price
A Nutritious Die for All Ages.
Keep HorlicI:'3 Always on Hand
Quick Lunch; Home or Office.
Hair Remover
Tin only treMmflnt which
will rmovB Prmnnntly nil
HIMTllnmi Iinlr from the
fiic. nfck, arm or nny part
of th iily, (ravin no murK
or til'tnlMh on the mo-t ciH
rnto akin. No rli-ctrlc nt1lt.
hurnlnc cauatlo or iowt)rB
Orlftnnlor. Hole Owner find
Reff. U. 9- rat.Orr. ii-fil rxrltmlvrly hy mr.
Dr. Margaret Ruppert u,kW-o'.s''
Hulle 70-7S-73. Kit. it jra. rbone IVulout 7011
r.irfllnrtl Hklii.U'ord. Molt..
8rnr. Illrtlimurka. , tint
Vein. Kiurr(lti(m llitlr.etr.
run h rrniii.nl without tuln
ii r knlfr.
l'urt HnrrlnlUt
'I;ltnlrri lluliilltic.OO)
iininiit Mil rii
A Young Womnn Photographer
- Photo rnpher of oun.r wnmin.
HlttlnKU tundft in thn homo any
where. Ktir i-anmiltjitlon. mlHrcn
I'nrlriilt ArtM, York, !'..
WffiU rrrrriffiiWEr ror
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As We See 0
There's nothing1 rarer than real goodness, and this business
mustn't get into ruts. We try to serve you well, but we've no bright
to think we're doing things as well as they can be done. We don't
think so. To-day's storekeeping is not as perfect as the storekeeping
of a year hence will be but it is good. We're all the time trying to
improve; and better still, we are improving.
You naturally think of us as compared with other stores. It's
the only measure you have. That we're selling Quality Groceries
and High-grade Meats, every business day in the year, at lower
prices than you expect to pay; and that our broad and liberal
policy protects you in every way, is very satisfying both to you and
to ourselves. It has to be one thing or another can't be nothing.
We're writing this to convince the doubting Thomases (and
all the Mrs. Thomases) and to settle beyond question the real help
fulness of THE CHILDS STORES. If you haven't already THE
CHILDS HABIT, go to the nearest of our stores and see how invit
ingly spic and span everything is; examine the goods and note the
prices you'll find it tremendously interesting. We're meeting the
supreme test daily; and facts are very stubborn things. We want
YOU to see us As We, See Ourselves,
"Where Your Money Goes the Farthest" ,
Brand-New Babies
Th Krenlnc 1Atrr -will .prist.
I .Mil
free et
the nt Iji
fnarre, rwriree .ot rreen ,
inrencn nreofr rnaonei. ourr-,. '-.-.
tnrengn nreper eitanneie.
Kew HaMee," Krjnlnr IJrer, SOS -""V"?
treet. . Njnne ni ad3rea ami. "hen tM.J
kle. telephone nnmber at aender ol
rompan eaeh nolke aa eetit.
DITTMAN.V, Mr and Mrs. Matthew Carton,
of lierwyn, n aaugnter, ensno""" ui
Hlltmann. . ....
OltrXNr;, Mr. and Mrs. Jtalph D 3883
North Third street, a daughter, Anna lea
belle flreene, , .... ,
nnittirr, Mr, and Mrs. Morris, 40 J Poplar
ale.al eAH f the R
SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Jsmeji P., 28 Bol
ton street, n uatignier, uorotny iuise,
S lbs, 10 os. , ...,..,.
MIM.KIt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, BIS South
Thirteenth street, n. sori
Dislrlliutc Christmas Checks
Ourlng tho last two days I3B0.000 has
been dlslrlbutel by five Camden hanks to
moro than 19.000 members ot their Christ
mas clubs. The llrondway Trust Company
sent out 1190.000 lo 83S6 members ot Its
club. This Is tho largest sum ever dis
bursed by the bank More than 6400 mem
bers of the West Jersey Trust Club received
1 I
I Furs for Gifts
Luxurious furs whoso natural' beauty la
enhanced by expert designing and painstak
ing workmanship, their reliability unques
tioned, are sold by us at moderate prices.
This statement is made without-fear of con
tradiction, and our name in a fur garment
means all this to you.
An UnuGual Showing of Persian,
Caracul and Alaska Seal Coats
Coats for Street, Motor and Dressy Wear
Men's Fur-Lined Coats in Finest Quality
Scarfs, MufTs and Sets in Various Furs ,
Fur Caps, FootmufTs, Robes
BLAYLOCK & 1528.
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St.
Furs Altered nnd Repaired
Gift ExtraH 10 Reduction I
On the Following Standard Prices Until Dec. 20th
This reduction is based upon purchases made before
recent price advances. Replacement prices throughout
our entire stock will average 40 to SO per cent more
than you now pay.
Wardrobe Trunks, 525 to 5110
Suit Cases $5 to $35
Traveling Baca $5 to $60
Fitted Cases $15 to $60
Fitted Bage $12 to $50
Visiting- Caiei $5 to $10
Golf Bast $ to$Z5
Direct Factory Connections.
Jtayap's jCugejatja Shop
1502 Walnut Street
nell l'honr, &ruer 11)0
checks which aggregate $130,000. Ths ttti
members ht the Merchants' Trust divided
$55,000. Tho Camden Safe Deposit and
Trust Company distributed 160.000 to the
fOOO members ot Its Thrift Club, and tft
members of the Central Trust's Club re
ceived nn aggregate of 121,000.
ItemoTcs superfluous hair and
mnkcfl slrcrclcss (towns and
sheer hosiery possible without
embarrassment. Fashion and
Rood taste demand it.
Said br Ilrnr it Department flteree
fiL nr j
sX. our 25ss.
IL ri,i';.',.il Jill j JjtJBs
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gn- t e y itc cvijjr.
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