Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Necessity and Not Meriting
Public Abuse, Says
Keeper of Plant
-v -Aid storage tnn shows the same
. J About inklnc visitors throuflh his
Km tt. Plnt.ndeBt of Klmberly
?. J mine With every nste, even the
JS.T w5.P Kohlnoor. uho can bl.m.
iU!H!. it isn't on that account, he will tell
BaL i, in fashion It l became he Is
If i rl of havlntr his houn' ilawK
M .round !?" "'ln nt nfty
kI-ihrdSMn Instead of at twenty-flve.
wun,f l. two do with It? I'eorle
m Lbe darn Blad-c. he mid darn
ttShl, ?hH at any cost "t this season of
?l 'rTlle AM not Pet tho price; he
IwinlM himself only to keep edibles edl
rtl benefactor to the human
not a blacKKUard .nd pmuihIwI.
IJi of the newspapers and most of the
.ewlveTsee'in to believe. 80 there-
tlavlnB thus rid himself of hi Ire. the
Jd ,ture man brought forth heavy coat
Tnd Prepared to be hospitable by personally
wnduU n a tour Into place, where tho
Sfrmimet.r sometimes nor aa low aa 0
dw below aero and always staya-ln
tm. of the rooms-ftt 2 " '"" ""ow
w-ihn meraco woman, worn and spent In
t,MnSwr 5 keep up with the l.lKh cost
it llrlnar. the cold stornno plant I an abode
S mv.ttry In Ita nrlm precincts dark
SU ucl. a. "corner.." which make It
feasible for any but a "multl" to Ket
ttSyl tor Thiinkwlvlnit or breakfast es
Sat do not tarle like a Klu factory amella.
in nulled off If It were not for tho cold
ton &nK '" Imanlnw. the land would
Sw wltK milk and honey all the year
Sound and we would bo a rare of people
u fat ; and cood-humored as old Kins Colo.
In reality the cold storage plant la very
Isnoclnt lookln. and aa tho miperlntendent
it the Pennsylvania Cold Storaito and Mar
ket Company pointed out. a very necessary
Institution. Albeit. It la cold, with tho
tltln kind of colrtthat maker, the toes
cotifeal and tho nose look pinched and
No matter what het feelings may have
been previous to a visit to a cold storago
plant, every woman intlnctlely sympa
thies with a stored cgR. It haa lis
libeled on Its crate In plain view of all
liq wlh to behold It
Es In Pennsylvania, however, reach
the patriarchal stage In eight months; tmt
tr In nine months nnd poultry In ten
After this protracted sojourn In tho leu
house, the law demands that they be taken
To the uninitiated, the storago egg looks
no different from tho one laid yesterday
The eapert. though, by the procesa of
candling, which li now done electrically,
can tell In an Instant' whether nn egg
ll palsying with age or whether It Is of a
Jtjuna variety The old egg shown 11 slight
thrlnkago from Its shell. Just an aged
person shrivels up In his skin
Ta itAMAmtrnla IYi caIiI nfnrncrn tiinn
ft went to a crate dated April 19. llfi He
S .. .1 s ... .. .. .1. II.1I.....1.I.
fxirvcicu UllTCllUIll Ull Vbfc. viic ..ioiiiunrii.il
ef his collection. On December 19, If It
had not come to an untimely end, this
Methuselah would liavo had to lenve Its
happy home and bo put 011 tho market.
But tho cold storage man 'Juggled It with
a perfectly fresh egg, fetched two glasses,
lad broke- an egg Into each
"Which Is which?" ho usked triumph'
anilv. )
This Is not Intended to bo a paean
w mic iuiu lUlilEO IKK. uul 111 juauwo
to that ancient hen-fruit It must be writ
ten that It could not be told from the
fresh one
thi: DiKPt:ui:xci:?
It did not smell nnd Us yolk remained
Unerringly, however, tho expert knew It.
"Its white In a little cloudy nnd a little
watery." he said "Also Ita yolk Is not so
firm, as the fresh one Hut It Is a whole
some igg. Th.it Is whut you cannot get the
peoplo to understand. Of couise I would
'not advise any one to serve an eight
months old egg soft boiled It might taste
llthtly old but Its health vuluo would be
Ju the kame as that of u fresh egg. nnd
tnr all nllio. .mem-,... ....... .i.. .
" - " uiutii-D VAlcyv UlUl IJ1 CUll-
bolllng It la just na good, and I doubt If the
average person could tell tho difference."
One thing that angers the cod storage
Ban above all others Is the nccusutlon that
the storage houses are full nnd that stufT
M being held back on purpose to force
r5es up.
"T,ey are not full, as you can -see" he
extended an arm In the direction of a
spacious room In which poulty was being
frown at nn Intense frigidity. "If we
Wled the rooms the gtutr would spoil. We
fan use only about one-third of our space.
"Most persons do not understand the law
or supply and demand, which regulates
prices Inexorably." ho continued "Of
course there hava been corner, nnd from
IBS DUltnftH ,ll!I,l' MjiIrI . !.... .U... --.1.
-...-- ,i,i,,, vflllb lit tic llivjr iilu
VoubtlcM legitimate, because a law of busi
ness IS tlV If! th hllI.ABt nrln. t.n,.,
, eaa for your goodM. Hut this does not
wucn me cold storage, becauso we do not
own the products. We mersly store them
Th people who howl th most against
Korea food are the ones vh go down to
AlUhtlo City or other seaside resorts and
eU lor turkey In July and August. How
could they get It If t were not for the
storage houses? Would there be enough
Ntn to go around In December and Jan
uary If wine were not put by In the months
1. tn ,h.? uPP'y ' greatest? Of course not
It Is ridiculous."
' . TM B-lmePhere of the storerooms Is pf
' Tw . B'' A mountaln-top variety, and
there Is a marked absenca of odor. Even
W th rooms set aside for thirty-seven or
were varieties of cheese Including Urn
eurter the nostrils ore not disagreeably
The. brine pipes, which encircle the
I- fe always solidly 'ncrusted with Ice,
wolch because of the Intense cold never
onps The wails are white and the floors
unmacuutejy cIeani
in . rt!?lP cn he 0,d " would pot be
w such bad odor If Ita storing place were
r "ccssatble to the women who are ex.
d to buy It.
Child Badly Burned Near Furnace
Three.yearold Anna McQejrmott. of JIT
W !If,!t,,re,, WB8 erlously burned by
Mr cloihes taking fire from a furnace as
!? P'ay-ng In the cellar, -where ner
Li th hai1 all"wed her to go on account
w... !iwet weather yesterday The child
teifi,. v only "or m( when tin
wether hsard the little girl's screams. She
lh. Policeman, who helped extinguish
li0,L1M ??'' "K' ,h8 h"d to Bt. Agnes'
li .1!. . ,lily"-Ura there said this morn
s; ""J ehlld la not expected to live
Ke. ia4
Maker to Wtartr
A .Ilk wUI rSKK wltli easliStO
a ttXHtV,
FVPHlVfP nnrce-0 "
SIPS nft1."1 i-2 Bt l'Jwrt4 Bioaela.
18.fJ0 to 327.50 torrortllj to 3S
w it v jxtt jT'r"!? broaOi-urtba
In the Hovels of the Poor Its
Benign Quality is Unquenched
by SufTering
Ucrnlds Coming of Snntn Claus, Whose
Appcnranco la Confidently
t'.xrtutlT of (nilsy thfre are trn stiopplng
dsy tietere ClirlMtnaa.
"If you come with me " said tho "cruelty
ady." -I'll how ou whrro faith reaches
lis subllmest pitch I'll show you the moM
glorified optimism you enn find on the face
or the earth "
To discover this sublime fallh. this glori.
ned optimism, It Is necessary to nccom
PnnV the "crttSltv Uitv' tin fir hmrmntf
rounds of the slum, Kvery day hundred I
Of SOClal workers rtirfnlln(? ilirrirnt nr. '
ganltatlons ttenetrata Into the alleys and
side streets of the poor suctions of the city
with philanthropic Intent To the In
habitants they are. one and all the
cruelty ladles." miraculously empowered
agents who by the mere signing of slip
can command doctors and nurses, grocers
landlords and coal barons Tho "crue'tj
any therefore is no harsh appellation
Instead It stands for the guardian angel i
In whose wake, very often, comes Juiov ,
soup bones. Harm clothing, buckets of co.-fl
aoii necessary medicine
"Ma here's the cruelty lady again '
A blue. veined youngaler sucking on n
crust of bread as though It wsro a lollipop
summons his maternal progenitor
t'ncorscled nnd unwashed she appears
In the oiling Other youngsters cluster
around Ono Is saved from nudity by a
torn mlddv blouso and a pair of odd shoes.
Another n burefootrd boy. wears an abbrev
iated union suit The mother hugs to her
breast a third, garbed In a single nonde
script garment
The tiny house Is Impregnated with the
cold stale odor of places that are never
ventilated nnd seldom wormed In the
kitchen a feeble fire burns One of the three
chairs has n seat This i meticulously
dusted for the "cruelty lady" Nothing
savory Is cooking on tho stoic In f.ict,
nothing is cooking on the stove The cup
board It lulinbtfrd only by a few pieces
of chipped crockery Tlu children look, nnd
are. hungry The mother starts on her
hard luck tale Most of the mothers In
thev illMrlct King the same dolorous tune
Husbands drunk iuinu.0 babies, back rent
due. fowl prices prohibitive.
Suddenly, however, a merry note Is In
Jfcird "Christmas In coming." chirps up he of
the hre.ui crust The noto Is emphasised ty
the younger children
"Snnty's coming soon."
Tho "cruelty lady" looks triumphant She
promised faith nnd optimism It Is being
delivered She knows hor people.
Tho brow-beaten mother, however, as
sumes a look of tolerant cynicism as the
children demand news or Santy's whereabouts.
-r - '&&''
Trims Konna ef the Metropolitan Optra
"Zn pnnye Zhcbn?" (Whnt'll you buy?). From tho notebook of nn
artist who visited BnlnbrldKe street.
'They'll be luck " she tells you, "If they
get tea and bread for Christmas, but they're
such foolish children. I can't make them
understand "
For the last month or ever since the
universe haa taken on that Chrlstmaay feel
ing which comes Immediately nfter. Thanks
giving, that mother and the rest of her Ilk
who live below the lifeline three hundred
and sixty-odd days In the year, has been
trying to Impress upon her children the grim
fantasy that there Is no Kris Krlngle or
that he exists only for the prosperous,
whereat they being young, and. therefore,
very unit It wiser than she, know so much
It timv be as she points out. that Snntn
Chins failed t put In an appenrnnce last
year, but to the children that Is all the
more reason why he has Just got to show
up this jcar
"Mary save that Santa Claus Is sure
to lorn on 1'lirlstinaa"
Marv Is tho oldest girl she's twelve
nnd due to the crtlelt) lady's efforts Is sit
ting In a warm schoolroom Instead of In a
cold hovrl with the rest of the family What
the ma of this family can't understand Is
why Mary, that great big iwetve-year-older.
should want a doll for Christmas.
"She's got it In her head that Santy Is
too." the mother vouch
und she's old enough
going to bring one,
snfed perplexed!).
to know hotter '
In the slums to be twelve and a girl Is
to be very old and experienced It mc.vns
that one has enred for a tribe of children
while "ma" has been out washing: It means
that one has been up nit night with the
baby who has the croup: It mmti' that one
can get a meal, when there a menl to be
got : It meant thnt nun can speak up In
lively fashion to the undertaker who's try
ing to cullei-'i the bill for tho burial of the
Inst b.iby , It menus that one has Intercepted
u missile hurled at ma' when "pa" ar
rived home un Saturday night in n condi
tion wlikh tunde ti 1 ill not strict! account
able fur hit behavior. It means that one
should have forgone thoughts of a blue
eeil tloaa) -haired baby doll long ago Hut
It s been hard to ipirnch the Joy of llfo
In Mary
"Shirs going to have that doll for Chrlst
,mivH If I have to pnwn mum-thing." Is the
rruelty ladv'a verdict, 'and the faith of
tlmso children In Snntn Claus Is going to be
vlndlcntiHl If I have to go out nnd beg"
Hut this resolution will provide only for
the children of one family Thousand of
others have a similar unbounded belief In
Ilia Yuletld Majesly
What are you going tp do about t?
Additional Ilnlranee from Klerentli HI Mulnvsjr MUllun
The Whole City is Talking About Our Sale of
.f " , '4J-?J frKfctyl
-i" ?.e
'V ' ' ' " "'
jmanr.i wi.tc -v
Which We Bought In Its Entirety When
This Fashionable Ready-to-Wear Store
Closed Ita Doors And Are Now Offer
ing at
Vi Price and less
Emporium's $45. to $69.50
Coats, Suits and Dresses
Luxurious Coats and Wrang of oven' description, in mold
trimmed plushes, veldurs, in pastel shades and rich, dark
tones; finest genuine Boliviujj, velour du Nord. fur-trimmed
Our Price
The Emporium was a new store, flllod with
n majmiflcent stock of the most lux
uriously beautiful aDparel to appeal to
New York's discriminatinjr. women. But
because the subway bejran extensive alter
ations. breakinjr up the street right at their
very doors, their business was so disturbed
and retarded that they were unable to
Their stock was eagerly sought by leading
stores from all parts of the country, but
we were first to make a cash bid and suc
ceeded In closing the deal.
The shipments, are streaming In hourly.
Thousands of new garments will be in
readiness for Wednesday,
seal plushea, etc
Elegant Suits of English and sill:
velvets, broadcloths, velour di
Laine, etc., in magnificent fur
trimmed anil tailored ntvle.
fiowna and Dresses for every occa
sion, in Georgettes, velvets, satins,
finest serges, crepe meteor, wool
jersey, etc. Many fur trimmed.
Garments de Luxe
Sumptuou$ Coat aul Wrap, Suits and Cottumes
PariInapired Models
Emporium's Price $1 50, $1 25, (JyfQ Cffc
$100 and $85 Our Price. . . Pci,J7.UU
Furs! Furs! Christmas Furs
Seoeral Thousand Beautiful Pieces Fine and Fashionable
at Saoings Heal and Substantial
$98.50 Taupe JMQ tQ
Luxurious sklns flat animal scarf and novelty
S49.B0 Sflvercd Fox SUj flat crf and OR
novelty muff
S25 Mole Mufft weloa 12. SO
$98.50 Near
Seal Coats,
tattle fed J
46 inches long; Skunk collar and border; satin
$45 Skunk Sets; large, fashionable (fiOO EJA
earf and muff lSS.OU
$39.50 American Red 4J1 Q 7K
FosScrs .., A0
TUB )atcm li supposed to untUmo a
chsnufl evrjr vn year. Whtn r
woman rmehes the k of five tlms ssrn
stir should elossly obMrvA nny chsnsrs thst
t.iVp rntt for thfy hfrsltl tli comlnK of
oM srs At tlilrly-nva
Ih lulr Is llkflr to
loss its youthful luster,
nnd thorp mny li R
trw grny hslrs about
the trmplfn And nt the
crown of thn hrnd
This Is n warning thst
sko Is rlo on your
t?p. nntl you should
ImmttlUtsly brain to
nourlsii lha tnrvrd
roots of )our hair and
maonce your scslp
Thera la llhaly to tin
n moat notlcratilo
ucnKIA num thanica In )our com
nlxion nt thirty nv p. The plnknnd-whlte
frcilinrsa of jouth oftPM irlvpa vray to iv
willow pallor, and instead of retalnlnr Its
velvet), unbltmlahtd nurface. th akin fr
uently hM'oniM voaraa and unattrnrtlvp
In truth, nt thlrty-nvp oti can look
lulu vour mirror nnd foretell tho kind of
old woman vuu will b At this are
heredity lipulrn to show what It can do to
your nppearnnre If von belong; to a fnm
ily noted for Ita "lean" women, the plump,
roundness of oulh will likely desert you.
nnd hollow hegln to form In yuur cheeka
nnd neck On the other hand. If It la the
nuiiirp f vour family In put on weluht
ntlrr the tlilrl) -(lflli inllcetono of life la
roarlied ou probnbl) will Krow heavier I
do not want to make you dread your thirty
llfth yenr. but I want ou tu redouble tha
raro of our benuiy
tl la most Important that you should not
nllow tho mucles of our face to mg
Tln will betray your ait when wrinkles
will not Never allow tho facl.it muectts
to beioine teise pnrtlrulnrly those about
the moutli Notlte your faca when you
talk Ilnve iu the liublt of "tylnic jour
fare Into knots" when In conversation? If
no. discard the habit Immediately, and learn
muncular control of the face. Do not twist
your mouth Into unlovely shapes, hold
your tip llthtly. and refrain from thrusl
Ins; them forward when-yovi speak. lre
tlra tslklnr before h mirror until you have
mastered control of the facial muscles.
Tou will find that tha cheek and chin
muscles have a tendency to ear. and tin
leas you follow a treatment that will nour
ish the tissues and harden them your fare
will noon loss thnt beauty of contour so
essential to irood looks.
Vse the following cream iWhen massag
ing the muscles of tha face, na It Is nn
excellent tissue builder
While wet
oil of
Orange flower wa
I'll or ewet aimenJi
a drama
i. q drama
.. t itrsms
. I H ounte
. . 4 nunreii
. .. 'J ounete
Kach day Iron the sagging- muscles with
a lump of Ice with upward strokes. Con
tinue to do this until you can no longer
aland tho cold, then pause n while, nnd
afterward repent the "Ironing"' process.
During tha night keep the cheek and
chin muscles bound up so that It will lie
Impossible for them to sag durlnir your
sleeping hours, tiuy ono of the chin bands
of rubber that nra sold for this purpose,
r use a strip of strong muslin, pinning
It firmly acres Ui lop of the Hi ti&
safetv ulna.
Tou can also strengthen the iaeWt
clea by pressing them llehtly but
with the palms of lha hand. lfl
at the base ot lha chin and wrorklrHf
wanl toward tha cheek bones. This r
sure will stimulate circulation, whlefc jSrth
eventually restore tjie muscus to tfuir
original strength. i
Mnka aur that you sleep trlth yw
mouth closed Whan the mouth opfcna Ittm
lower Jaw drops and lha muscle refeur
This habit will encourage tha mustlea of
the cheeka and chin to sag. Not only this
woman of thJrtynve, but every wmaft,
no matter what her nge. should preserve
the firmness and strength ot her facial
muscles so that she will keep eternally
young nnd lovely,
(Coprrltht )
Son Hack From Border, Saves Parent
llRTlltiEUKM, I'. THO. l.lUroM
rtroman, formerly n private In Company t
Fourth Infantry, Seventh Division, Just back
from tha border, saved his parents from
burning to death In their room. Kxpos(t
clectrlo wires started the blase, Tha house
and Its content were almost destroyed at
a loss of 1(000,
"Dorothy" Sliaker Cloaks
Distinctive dcslRns for street, carriage, nutp, after
noon, evening or opera wear, all in broadcloth and
de F
at thi:
Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia,
Dec. 12, 13 and 14
w&mK a $mm
&he djbea'ccShcpTOncf 'nations
WM For Tomorrow, December 13th M
jsa? Continuation sz
Values That Need No Comment
Hudson Seal Coats
(Dyed Muikral)
Made from Selected Muskrat Pelts, 40 incho
long, loose Model.
Bordered Hudson Seal Coats
6-inch Double Stripe 5unf Border,
Cape Collar
Made from Selected Dved Muskral Pelts, 45
inches long, loose Model.
(40 Inches
Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats
Natural Skunk Collar. . ." 90.00
Bordered Hudson Seal Coats
(45 lnch.es
6-inch Skunk Border, Collar and ICC rtrt
Novelty Hudson Seal Coats u inches long)
With Borden, Cape Collars and 225 00
Model Hudson Seal Coats s inches ion8
I'arioui titles with contrasting . 245 00
Blended Muskrat Coats (is inches tone)
Vera loose models 75.00
Tiger Cat Coats (g inches long)
Dyed Skunk Collar 68.00
Reproduction of Paris Models
Trimmed with Kolinsky, Fox OJIZ ((
and Sl(unl( Oe W
Bordered Mdle Coats'
Taupe Wolf Border, Collar and 935 00
Original Paris Models and Replicas
Fur Coats, Opera Wraps, Mantles, Capes
Baby Caracul Coats
Exquisitely marked and perfectly matched pelts
225.00 ,0 495.00
Hudson Seal Opera Wrap
Selected pelts, Kolinsky Ftich A OK QQ
collar and cuffs , ,.,, W
Matched Sets
Battleship Grey Fox Sets 4B.00
Blcrtded Sable Sets 7S.00
Natural Fisher Sets , 85,00
Hudson Bay Blue Fox Set 05.00
Kamchatka Fox Sets ...., 85.00
Hudson Bay Sable Sets. . , . . .325 to 550,00
ii j i.i.im ii ii ;g jmnniiii nuujUiiumn
in ui i i ii ' iT'ii in. ,..ii.n i m mi, ii 1 1 .i im .
Natural Mink Coat
Made of selected rich, dark PU 450.00
Mole Wraps and Coats
Unusual modes, distinctively Bonvil Teller & Co,
235.00 i0 550.00
Separate Scarfs and Muffs
6.50 9.50 .Natural Raccoon
8.50 12.50.. Hudson Seal ,
10.00 15.00 Beaver ...
10.00 19.50. . Natural Skunk .
19.50 29,50. . . Black Fox .
25.00 32,50, . . Tjiupe Fx.
940 12.50
.12.50 18.10
..14.50 19.m
. .14. 22.SO
, .22,w aa.so
.,22.80 38 SO
iiir iffljBsWi" '""V
MWii.bHitiiHriiiHiiiiimii m
sunns he mi 1 1 m0" mmmmwxmi$
HWJfiiS'5-. A