w jr' k. WW: '--f4 J . 04 W JJL & Ji'ZA-ft wwwi'iMirt),fSiwifijiilpiiriiirttiiffiiaiuifcti .-J-Jt--r-iirniiifT iniaii-T-i- ii ' f-irmn-T"1 it' ii 'i 'I- .iuiIi. i ''""'""' " in in!! tin ' i i ii i irMmn.i. .... ......Tr....r,.J..t.1 aMfmin.,ftiifiim tritmiriniil-nl-i inr""B 'f-lr '' " '"'I" --T""1 - ' """""""l ' "" "'" '"i ninmi"' "" " ' ' '1 ' '""aaiiauii.eew ) M.aBlBlfWWBBB !"'' -- ' '"ii I -I in I. .Ill II 1 IWir,IIIIIMIIIIWfW II .iii .T i .1..111. -- aa--,. at"- . ... Jnt ILL j . , .., BEAUTY QUERIES FROM WOMEN READERS HINTS FOR CHRISTMAS HOUSEHOLD PROBLE Tnar, despite Chicago doctor, ; A WOMAN'S A WOMAN FOR A' THAT IlillWIHHHIm ,m ..-i. a..l ' QW f . Startling1 Statement Made by Di Van Hooaen That Third Sex Is Being Evolved Does Not Seem to Bear Careful Analysis 'A WOMAN physician In Chicago, Dr. Bertlin Van Hooaen, hna come out rrltlv tho statement (hat a "third Rex" If beftiff lowly ovoirrd out of tho old hu man mfltuHnl. " "A great many elr1," ah say, "ore iSInMverlnff curly In 11(6 that thlr na tures &ro not (tt nil domestic, and that they have no spark of tho normal doslro ttf marry and reur children. It la un to such a girl to ntako a detlberato choice of careers. Tho new Individual will hnvo moro Urno to cultlvato her or IU brain than tho woman who kIvcs up part of her time to child rearing" This last remark seems to bo tho key to tho whole situation. Desplto tho theory of Charlolto rerklnn Oilman to soclnltzo tho homo and tho nursery and pldco both In tho hands of nclentlflo experts, drawing a plctliro of the mother coins off to hor dally) work and roturnlnE at night, tut does tho father, nod findlntr everythtnir In order nnd tho baby skillfully dealt with, inarrliro to most womon means relinquishing tho ca reer for which thoy had workod nnd hoped. In It Any wondor that, ns President Thomas, of Dryn Mawr, Is quoted art j,ylnff, 'latter they havo spent n llfctlmei tn nttlng ihenisetves for a scholar's work When asked to chooso betweon It and marrlairo thoy revolt beforo such a hor rlblo alternaUro?" Of courso thoro nro thousands of girls Who do grow Up without tho slightest In tention of "careering." Thoy may, It la true, chooso a vocation, but In secret tholr minds are always fixed on tho ono object, matrimony. To them thoro is no actiflco In giving up their work for tho Joys of domesticity. THE CHEERFUL CHtTO m mmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m Iftunuould gwr. hoik vetuth a.nd fVme, Or oven -notoriaty -Id do most anything To TYYlJtO hat.d VtLltctt notice ma. . wre"? i (0 A A Hltl if v It Is Uicho girls wlio, If thoy remain tin married, hecomo prissy old maids, their outlook on tho world soured. But when one realizes Hint In a coun try Uko Orcat Jlrllnln, for Instanco, thoro worn oven before tlio war a million nnd a qunrtor moro womon than men, thcro ucoinn to bo vory llttlo chance for these surplus women to do othor than "cultl vato their hrntns" at tho expense of tholr emotional natures. Thoro Is always a largo proportion of marrlaKcablo women unmarried; thoro nro also married women without chil dren. liut nlthouKh ovory woman cannot ho a mother, slio can at least contrlbuto her sliaro In mothering, thereby catch ing tho spirit nf motherhood. I havo known many successful examples of "old maid's children." THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Lett ere and queellone eubmiMecI to thle department must be written on ono elde of ins paptr and ttgned totth the nam of the writer. Hptcial qiesriee like those given below are invited. It it underitood that the editor doeti not neceeearllu Indorse the eentlmente exptetied. All communication for thin department ehould ho addressed a follous! the WOMAN'H exohancik, Uventng Ltdatr, Philadelphia, Vat Tbo winner of todtir'a prlto l lln. Jno irntfltM, of B313 Iicutt utrttt. whoi letter appeared In reitrrilnr'n t'KPer. TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1, What makes Mack ioodT a seod aponslns (lalJ for S. In rlnilnt colored elolbe lioir ran the eolora be prettnlej from runnlns Into' each Uitr? ' S. How can water plpea b kept from freer tnsT 1. Ily what nnme nrn the rarloua wedillns nnnlvrriarle popularlr knowaT 3. When ntmnlnted with a married woman honld n ChrMmna mnl, If neiit, he nddremed to her or to both her nnd her bmDundf S. la It neeeatorjr to aend a prrient when In rlled to n church wrddlniT ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES 1, A (Ilea ot lemon placed In the wnli boller with th elotliea will make .litem white, Mcordlns to Mm. I. It. H. S. Water carafe and tnaea with amalt neeka can be freed from doti aedlment br rlennlns them with tlnr pleeeaof nerpaier or pl"eea of I-otrtio peellns ahaken around In the water. Jlll)o thoroachl'. S. Cat flowers can be kept freah for a Ions tlmo If, every momlnr. the end are ellptied nd each atem planted un to the blotiom In warm water and kept there for about twenty Blnutee, then placed In cold water. Utilizing Tough Steak To the Bdttar of 'Woman'&J'aBit ' . Dear Madam I have fnund that a liotwlenly touth ateak can bo made quite toothiome tn thla wajri Lay upon' n boant and pound from end to end with a malUti then rover with a forcemeat ot msnod aalt pork, onion and ia aoned crumbat wet with a little sravri roll up and tie Into ahapo. Place In the roaater. pour In a. Utile cold water or aome weak etocM. cover and cook alowly for two houra, baatlns freauenUy. Then, after ptnnlnr.th roll to- Kther with akewera, untie It. plare It on a t platter and aorvo. HOUBBKEBl'En. Chrysanthemum Cake To the JTditor of Woman's Tasef Dear Madanv The followlna recloe for chrra aninemum caae win prove aeuciouai pint tc Halt ot butter and one pint of ausar rubbed creami wnitea or eiani eata beaten lo a nau pinca or nour in one and one-balf tea ms powdirt one-half pint of ted rind, of an oranre. Color attrr frothf onn and which hare been elft apoonfula ot bakln kihi Tina di in Dnnn licate pink with cochineal and mtlk and the Era tha batter a dill bake In Jelly-cake Una In a moderate oven. ua tea ausar lor lows. uuiiii u. The recipe sounds very rood, nltliouifli I am ot tlie opinion that with eggs at their present price the whites of eight eggs would be rather extravagant for moat housewives. t. It l Clulmiinry lo ncknowledra letter, of condolence In writing- within n reatonable limit' or time, nlthouch this la not a hard und fait rule, t S. In former j-eare It wna an Inrnrlnble rule to wear Ions lore' with evenlnr dreee, hut now manr rouneer women dlapenae with them nt alt but the moit formal nlTnlri. , 8. Topeoate appear lo b more faahlonablo thla aeneon than tailored eulta for dreaijr wear. Manr women have ektrte of the material to match their roate. Idea for Making Christmas Glfls To the Silttor of It'omnn'e Vaae: Dear Madam It may be of Intoreat to othera hhuiv ltitvw nava mn. mn.r m. mouth fault boi BK1I to I Daeketa, Oet any kind of cardboard that I t.i. viiuubii lauiL mix ur 110 have, made jnoet pleaainc wnato i caraooara initt l at box will do) and Willi haakat paper u ue.i acrapa. or wallpaper ta aa you wlehfor your aper (I une-l aei ot for nothing- iiniH can oe lrle from any out out aa many a liaeKet. TI paper dealer). Each aldeneeda twn pleeoa of paper, one little larcer than tho aide, in order when yaatlng tn, turn, the edaeariown on tha aldo ot the rnrdboanl over which tho other iiiwe. cut rxaciiy me ana oe tno caraoo&ru. la hen cover eoch of, theie with bub di wiunimr. aot for nothing- nr for n, intra trl "( I atei! naxt naata.1. When all of the eldea are thua completed. imiuiaii iiiviii qii racn nil apart ir you are roina to lace rfl ibout two Inchce ino riooon up 11 lnr: Yolka of two esn, nf craam. ona and onana! one-lhtrd tableapoon aalt. Fruit Salad Dressing Fo the Editor ot Wotnon'e Past: Dear Madam A. recipe for fruit aalad dr- i two ea, one ana one-nair cupa ' and one-naif tableapoona ot ausar, eaooon aalt. one-auarter tablcaDoon mustaru,, one ana one-nau laoieer-oone nour, two tableapoona melted butter, three table apoona vlnee-ar tor, on and one-half tebltepoon each vlnecar and lemon Juice). Mix all except cream. Urine- tha cream to ealdtnr point and pour oyer other Insredlente. Iteturn to double, boiler ana rook to Ihe con eliUney of thick quetard. When cold add whipped cream (one-half pint or !"". aa you like) that baa been sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Frului Oranree. applte, grape and pine apple. A. 0. C. Rcclpo for linking Powder Ij the Editor of Womaii'e I'ooe,' Dear Ma4am Will rou pleaae print tn our axshus e formula, for baklnr powder? CONUTAKr ltlSADEn, I am unable to etva this recipe, Can any ,readr supply onof An Old Reliable RemtAly To the Sltto ef Woman' Paaei .Dear. Madam I am. a dally .reader ef. the Wuman'a ISxchange. . I have tried aeveral of the raelpea and tbey have proved aueceeitul, Sm eendlns an eld but reliable remedy for all lnda of brufeea and woundat Take a, half tha ton. Whara A tiralfv Inu, la mut.i nr wmt may have about three .mrforatlona at tho bottom, middle and top through which ribbon la run and a bow tied at .each perforation. The bottom, cut according-, to tha number of aldea the baaket ia to have, la fitted In. reatlnr on email pleroa of cardboard that have been paatrd on the Inner part .of, each aide about one inch, or more from the bottom. In, thla way very charming waate baskets can be made. a, IJ. Divers Beauty Queries To the Editor of Woman' Page! ot Ihe time la . and in of hot water, nut Intn Ihta about four ta&leapoena of wood aabea and wlJ tlie wound la. thla until the water coola. lave toe water aa hot aa you can bear it. You will and tfca xorenau and pain aU sno and have no trouble whatever, ' It arawa an poteon out, . Today. I went to rub my little lrt' dree on the waihtoard, and . pin went right tbrouxh eir Rncer naif Into tha Sean, It had to be Dear Madam My akin la delicate and moat u rouxn, .in wnai toilet it v ue hot water It my. face. le. very delicate and a V4 rough, en rna mv f.i I.aleo have frecklea nn rd ?' fACflt what wmftly will rtmov Xhtml 8hal tftiut pp can I posmlbiy ui for mr fic to make tt iikj- mm ttinnoiiii ir? te ecome enlarged from It? My eye lortl what can 1 miaalhlv An In muua (hem lonr and dark! 110H13 N, norea rowa are ahorti what can ' JuaC pulled out, and It pained, me to my elbow, I fsagea. it in & water ana wooa aatua. ana hardly dlecaver any Hnnw at all. If an Vinn to try thla and b sot a wood Are, purciiaw e, tiunaie of wood at the grocery a lure od liiAko a aotall Bra In tha backyard. (StreOo-lt. ft. Mllford, Del. , CutlltiK Fresh Home-Mode Bread fo the Bdttar ot Women' Poet: YlMaw tilulaM T An taAt lllf i t-iiiy. lut when Tea reeelve word they will arrii Dear Madam I do not Ilk .unexpected com- . tiut wa you reeeive vera they -win arrive ir djr It aureiy te, trylns. Beln an id, buicewer. f concluded to raaVe the It. . About 11 o'clook ah time la like , brlnain eunihlne with her. After , Im exld. bj emelled treab hoine- 3 breu, ztmellat b&a aala tade brd u ah came In, and ttwmtrw i. moagnt it weuia ruin cut u worm my motner taii Jt would treib it mi ihcuilit It would ruin tie bread to u but I oukiily thoucht of tutartss ay ta diu the knlft In Kit water lit out the warm, bread wccthly. ade her It your skin becomes red nnd rough from tho uso of soap I should ndvlta you to dispense, with soap and uis Inatend, particu larly diirliie tha cold weather, a puro cleanBlng cream. This will cleanse tho face, quits as well as tha soap and water and will keep the skin soft nnd smooth. Lemon jutco will remove freckles, although they will probably reappear under exposure to tho strong sunlight. After using hot water care should be taken to cloae tha pores with cold water, ,Tha eyebrows nnd eyelashes can be thickened and darkened by nightly applications of red vaseline or petrolatum. , Remedy for niackheads To M. OL B. and B. R. II. A mixture of one part liquid green soap to three parts water applied to the affected parts nnd allowed to remain for several minutes bo. fore being .Washed off with warm water and a sponge should, it aplled dally, free the shin of blackheads. After washing tha faea In hot water an astringent should al ways be applied to cloae the pores. je makes a good astringent. A pinch of alum dissolved in a quart of water also wilt act aa an astringent. Bktllful treatment with the electric needle will remove hair. Remedy for Red Hands T0 the fdllor p Woman' Paget D..f Madam Pleaae. publleh euxgeatlons for avoiding fluehed. red hand. With mine thla la slwaya the caae, JEAN p. Carelessness In drying the hands Is one of the. moit fremuot causes of redness, as the hands after belns- wet beoqms chapped when exposed to tho air. One of tha sim plest and at the earns tlmo ono of tha most effective remedies Is to keep on hand a supply of dry unoooked patmeal and after washing the hands Vub a little of tha meat on them. Work it In well and yuu will find tha hands will bo soft and white. Cold cream rubbed Into the hands at night also will soften and whiten them, and' lemon juice always acta as a bleach, MY MARRIED LIFE By Adele dAnmsoN What DkUy Said Aboni Madge's "Inconvenient" Engagement r' 18 not often that I nave what women call "a good cry." Hut when I remem bered that my ennsitcment to meet Mrs. Smith was the rmmo day that Dicky had planned such a delightful jaunt to the country, I shed angry tears. To make matters worse, whan Dicky pro posed the trip I hnd forgotten Ihrt eimare menl for the moment. 1 had let him go tin mAklng plans, nnd I had acquiesced In them Joyfully. Now ho had gono for some cigars, nnd, when hs returned I must spoil all his pleasure. Knowing Dicky's explosive temper and his perslntcnco when tin had set Ills heart upon nnythlng, f dreadf-d ills return nnd tho moment when I tnlmt tell lilm that I could not go, and, worst of all, my renson for not going. I knnw that he would consider It no reaiion nt all, disapproving. as he did ot tho whole affair of tho history class lemlnrslitp, which Airs, fmtlth wished to dl.icuss with mo. He noticed my red eyes nnd wothegono faco tho moment ha enmo In with tho cigars. "What's tho matter, now 7" lis queried. His tons sounded n trlflo Impatient. "I thought I hnd ohnsed nway nil your blues, and that yoU woro all randy for n good tlmo tomorrow," "That's tho troubls, Dicky, I can't go tomorrow, "Can't go tomorrow! What do you mean 7" "Why, when you were talking about your pinna, I forgot that I had mndo nn engage ment to meot Mrs. Smith nt 3 o'clock to morrow afternoon." "Who In thuntlor Is Mrn, Smith?" "Mrs. Holen llrnlncrd Hmltb," I explained painstakingly. "Iho secretary of tho Lotus Study Club, tho woninn who wants mo to tnko the leadership of tho club's hlatory ClABfl ' DIclty sprang tn his feet with an r-x-clnmatlon that conslfined Innocent Mrs. Smith to perdition. "I knew It." ho said, raising his hnnd high above his head, a way he had when nngry. "I know If you began thnt stunt of going out washing for pin money thcro d bo something llko this every tlmo wo planned nny pleasuro trip togcthor." laAtKDisniKa THism uiiains 'dolnc out washing 1" I exclaimed. "What on enrth do you mean?" "I'd llko to know what olno jt la," ho re turned sardonically. "Tho Janitor's wlfo goeH to tho linmt'S of theso clubwomen nnd wanhen tholr clothes. My wlfo goes to tholr club and Inunilcrn her brnlns with a courso of lectures In history. What difference does it mean? You both are earning money to help your husbands out. And tho tlmo ot nolthor of you Is your own, You both nro nt tho beck nnd call of other womon. A nice stnto of affairs for mo, I must uny." "You know you nro snylng what Is tin truo, Dicky," I said patiently. "1 explained to ynu fully when wo discussed this that I wna not trvlngto uild to your Income You havo more than enough for our every wlnh, Hut I felt that If I acceded to your wish und kept a mold for tho housework. 1 must earn tho equivalent of tho extra cxpenMo In some way. I do not want to bo n parnalto wlfo, Dicky, doing work neither Innldo tho houso nor out." "I'lfcnso spnro mo any moro lectures on that feubject." Dicky's tono cut llko a, knife. "I told you onco that I would glvo In to you about thin, nnd I am going tn keup my word, llut why in creation can't you telephono this wonlan nnd tell her you vflll havo to change tho day of your en gagement to meet her?" "Oh, Dicky, 1 couldn't do that. It Is a business cngngoment. You ought to know I couldn't chdnge that appointment, only for tho gravost reasons.'' "Fiddle-ticks I I'll bet sho'Il change It fast enough If she happens to think o nny llttlo thing llko getting her hair dressed or her rtails manicured, that sho wants to do." "How absurd 1 Mrs. Bmith Is a well known club woman. I havo heard of her froqucntly. Bho Is a woman of polso nnd experience. I wouldn't havo her think I could chango an nppolntmont lightly for anything, Hlio would bo Justlflod in think ing I might not always kocp my ap pointments with tho history clans." "That wouldn't grlevo mo any," Dicky muttored. "Soo here, I've got It. I'll call this precious Smithy up, though tho Lord knows I hnto to da It, nnd toll hor you're sick. You are, too nick ot having to keep that appolntmont. I know you," "I am so sorry, Dicky." I tried to smllo as I spoko, "liut I cannot breuk this ap pointment. Why can't wo go Wednesday Instead of tomorrow?" "for two very good reasons." Dicky's tana was extremely unpleasant. "In tho first place, thero'U huver bo such good tuck as to havo moro than two January days like this. Tha predictions sny warm to morrow, followed by n drop In tomporaturo. In tho eecond place I havo a very Important appolntmont with FUlmoro, tho art editor of Sumter's Magazine, on Wednesday," "Oh I" I could not conceal the rcstntmont I felt at this injustice. "You expect mo to break a business engagement when you would not do so." "My dear girl" Dicky's voice was pa. tronlslng, as If ha were trying I to explain things to a child "considering that FUlmoro Wnt TojM and Clothe r MpMOuat ar weas's ragei Msda3Bta a reader of tha Emma a uiduaBi a jeacBMae. ufMIkl atk thraujfb IfeA f&r eosia ttelo, Auythia hi Ifc wsjf of tJ er floor jiayadsi la what! Work at Horn A, Header. Consult tha adverthdiuj col umns for answer to your query. , Try CoM Cream f kj.W wvmm pmi: 'mmmmmfmittpfpt tfH&SahUi MmAJlLXi&SkWem Silex Glass Percolator which has revolu tionized the art of m n k I n tT coffee. Science hereby as sures uu a bev erage of delicious taste, of uniform quality, econom ical and thor oughly healthful. Any one cunuaa a HIl.RX. the old est and tho young eat, the expert or tho novice, and each makes the "beet" coffee, be no failure, nn m ,. . i ,":-'' iwvr UUl'B, jiu i-iuuuivcss, Prices $4.00 to $15.00 An Ideal Christmas Clttt. "Christmas gifts from the Hours furnishing tUora always please." J,n-anMinMaiei INCORPORATES 1612. Chestriut Street -TrieKOWEFURNIJIIINO 5TORE" There can BEABINa; BHA1DIN tm&MBiroiDBKSS ' W3p3ftM -...l" MnAl.ln r.oJ,I ud SIIa KIXO D(JB le new. bend far lUad Our SOTfStWTRi YARD novelty Emliroidery Cot Wt TUM2WS ur. Order Some Today throws about tt066 worth bf work ft year my way, I think I may be. pardoned for considering art appointment with him a trlflo mors Important than yours with Mrs. Smith." "The prlnelpla of the thing is lbs same." t insisted stanchly. "Oh; you and your principles," snarled Dicky, "I'm getting eternally tired of hearing about them. Anybody would think to hfjif yoil Hint you had tt patent on all tha virtue nnd rlghteotla dialing In tlie world. Como out of it There's somebody in the world besides yourself, nnd your little two-by-four rules of right and wrong, although you'll nover nnd It out." He flung Into his room, nnd csmn out again wllh his hat, overcoat nnd stick. "Don't bother to alt tip for me," ho said formally. "I'm going for a long walk, and I may bo late." , I tytt quietly, ns ho had left me, for a long time. I could not feel that I had done wrong, and yet thing-, could not havo turned out more miserably It I had delib erately disregarded the right course. Tho telephono bell rang loudly. As I answered It Mrs. Smith's clear, vibrant voice carno lo my oars. "Mrs. OrahamT t wonder If It will In convenience yntl greatly If I change our ap pointment for tomorrow, You said you had no enprclnl engagement for this week, so 1 am venturing to ask you this favor. ' I had forgotten when I made tho appointment that tomorrow my maeseuso is coming." "Any .other day will suit ma as well!" I heard myself saying. "How sweet of you. What day?" "I will telephone you. What Is your number.?" "Chelsea 8769, Ynu nrs nuro this change will not Inconvenience you?" "Perfectly sure, flood -by." I hung lip tho receiver with a. feollng of blttor anger ngnlnnt Mrs. Smith. I had given up a delightful outing and antagon ized my husband to keep nn appointment with hor, only to havo her throw up tho engiigometit for an appointment with a. mnsseUBO? wnai snouin i ever say to Dicky? (Copyrlsht) (CONTINUKD TOMOItnOW) Brand-New Babies WELL-DRESSED GIRL'S DIARY Mmkk & Pm illliiilf ef riwSf m fflfrfr r Birwinllr K tree te of nl In . The Krentnr lavlser will rrln rharee. rial era of racnl blrtli llirouah ,troM-r.flirnncl. Add cm a "llnind New llnMea," Kvrnfnr I.lccr, SOS Oheetnnli utrrrt. Nome and ndure nnd uhen twieal. Me. tflephniie numlrer of aendrr muit ne romrtanr each notice eo sent, I.IMUll.!., Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlen A., S10 Hast Oorgaa street, Mount Airy, a son, Charles A. liberie, Jr. ltl.ll.MANN, Mr. nnd Mrs. John I-'., 2911 Houdlnot street, a daughter, 8 lbs. JtOI.ZI.It, Mr. nnd Mrs. lCdgar II., Z110 North Van Pelt street, n son, Kdgar Hart ley Holier. Jr. MUKI'HV, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmca D., Honlen town, N. J,', n daughter. Mrs. Murphy will bo remembered as Miss Kllzabcth Kills, of this city. nl.im.K, Mr, nnd Mrs. Francis J 02H Do Ijtncey street, a daughter, 9 lbs. 0 oz. TUOTT, Jlr. and Mrs T. A. S. von Trott, 3123 North Twenty-ninth street, a son, Albert S. von Trott. A New Disinfectant A now disinfectant, derived from plno oil, n by-product In tho mnnufneturo of tur pontine, Is said to possess qualities superior to ordinary disinfectants, being morn than four times as powerful as carbolic acid for disinfecting purposes, yet nontoxic nnd without harmful effects on dollcato mem branes or with fabrics or" metals. One-plcco frock of black vclvot nnd ermine. CtOKLY has always cowddercd It a dire calamity thnt sho was born on De cember 21. Sho says thnt tha family Is so busy wllh Christmas preparations her birthday Is forgotten. So when Dad said, "t want it big fuss mndo over Cicely's birthday this year. Cllve her a danco nt tho club and n present that will make her 'sit up and lako notice.' I'll foot tho bill," It was a cuo for mo to "go tho limit." I modo arrangements for a dinner-dance wllh all tho nlccat kind of fixture", and then mother and I put our heads together to find a gift that would ,mako Cicely "open her eyes" even wider than they nro pat- u rally. Since Cicely Isn't keen about Jewelry, nnd tho wlehcd-for set of white fox is to bo her Christmas present, wo ngreed that a handsome frock would be tho thing that would plcnao her most, Dad decided that It should bo of velvet trimmed wllh fur. to mnko (t real expen sive, ns ho couldn't think of anything moro luxurious. I took Mrs. Mnthon with rno to ono ot tho shops which handles only Imported models, telling her to bo on tho "look-out" for something really unusual. Hoth of us lilted n model ot midnight blue chiffon volvot trimmed with ermine, Mrs. Int!ion was confident that sho could copy It exactly, so wo bought tho materials. Fortunately, Cicely and I are of exactly tho same measurements, so that Mrs. Ma than could fit the frock on me. FIrat, sho mndo a snugly fitting bodice lining of flesh-colored eatln. I sewed nn edging ot Vnl taco about the armholcs and tho neckllno and the hooks and eyes In place while she worked on tbo velvet bodice. When sho had basted the sections together nho fitted it rather tightly. Then Alio cut out the circular yoko end applied It to tho bodlco with a narrow velvet cording about the edges. Tho skirt Is full, but not clumsy, like many of the newest models, and is Bnlhsred nt th wnlsttlne ncross the back and sides. The front is n panel which 1 extended up Into the bodice. Mrs, Mathon mads the sleeves long and tight with cuffs that flare over the hands. Cicely will love them, for they ore edged with a narrow band of ermlns. I covered n heavy cord with velvet for Mrs. Mathon to use when Joining the bodice lo the Skirt The tufrler made a turned-down collar or ermine, lining It with white satin, and several dosens of flat buttons covered with the fur. The collar Is detachable, to that Cicely can wear It with other froclts It she like. Mrs. Mathon uaed Ihe buttons to forms border about Iho hem of tho skirt and to trim the front of the bodlco. Then she added a girdle of black satin with tho ends trimmed with fringe. The original model and the copy are ns tike as two peas. Cicely can't help raving about such a birthday present. When It was finished I showed It to Dad. "It's a stunner, all right Couldn't bo hnnd. somen" was his verdict Then 1 handed htm tho bill, but Instead' of being staggered by its size, he said: "Is that all tho dress cost? I thought I'd have to dig down tn my Jeans for a small fortune." I've got to make sandwiches for tea. Mother gavs Nora and Nelly a day off, and I'm chief cook and bottle washer. (Coprrlaht.) Sweet Potatoes, Southeigl ouyie Have sweet potatoes boiled eat js sucexi nnu nn men imcx, fry tv-isl butler for a few minutes. !,. ?:Mi them into a. baklntt dtshs cover with nnu uniwii inninnaea i nKS r a v oven five minutes. This dish, terred 43 --. ti-mImI- t,- l- .-ii-.- 'e-3 ja Onion Souffle. Ono cupful of onions, botled and J lhi.nH0.tt rvitfimlftr " rn One cupful ot thick whits cauia. Three . One tnbiespoonful chopped esrele " Few a-minn nf aalt. CMMey, , The onions and whlta m.. ... Then Ihe yolks of eggs are mlxM (iv!! flnallv the alllTIv hentan .(..- J!?.Fm are folded In. The tntxtur I. JhrlSW tulH,1 t,t,ln .11.4. .-i a. J"""" fnft nl Iwitnlv mini,,.. I . . .'"I " .... .. .moaeratt Faith Setter trust nil. and bo rWai.... And ween that trust and tha. a.9. Than doubt one heart that If beiieVesS Had bloas'd one's llfo with true h.i2 O, In this mocking world tn r... Tho doubting fiend o'ertakes cur yaast Better bo cheated to tho Inst rm Than loso tho blessed hope, of truth 1 --Oliver Wendell iiotel FOOT COMFORT- r'lrat, then enJorour pleaturea. nlnleea Antlaeptle Ineiprnahe, HANNA, Chiropodist 0. 12. cor. 13th nnd Ranaom (over Crane'o). Aleo mo I Chestnut Htreet. Come removed. 23o each. Manicuring, 23a. HAI.HI.tlKU HTANIIAltll HIIOE8r Style Practical Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate ;may be bought for a trifle less than Royal Baking Powder, which is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powders are not only cheap, but they differ greatly, in leavening power. If a cheap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole can of the cheap bak ing powder. Royal Baking Powder produces the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York As usual, thij store is in tho fore-front vJith oxdusWo styles in footwear original and superior. What is in voue just now can bo seen in our windows. If you are passing by this week, it is worth your while to see tho new styles not to bo had elsewhere. Among tho most notable are the models here illustrated. An Afternoon Dress Boot. Patent vamp with topping of whlta kid. Note tho new vanltio plats In tho heel, so.oo. Fashionable Walking Hoot of Mahogany Tan Calf with a. harmonising buck top and medium height heel, so.oo. Allhoush the leather market le ndvanclng, we have made a fortunate purctiaee, and we are pleaeed to be able to offer you tlieee exceptional vnlnei. 'TIS A FEAT, TO FIT FEET Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. PjggtfS'lIII.'Z'rltB'lUO HIIQ13 STOUK i - Jl J I I I ONT bake fruitcake NOW to be served during the holi days! We have assumed that burden for you., FRUIT TASTYKAKE is ready .whenever you are. Generous-size cake for 25c at your dealers. t S Other Kindt SOc Sponge IMsin MoLisaea H White rirftel tiS'l' CtfXOt? ffH t!tt nimiiimiiciflMiimiiitaniiuiiimtiiiiininmamiiinniiriiiiiiiiJimniiiiiiminHuiiiioiiiiaiiiimmnKniimnmamniimnriin ' SnaggestionicS for Gifts famine Carriage Boots Blnck velvet, with leather or rubber sole3. D'Orsay Boudoir Slippers antln In colors; hand-embroidered vamp. Exquisite Buckles rhlnestono and cut steel, In oxclusivo designs; a very largo assortment Claflin, 1107 CheMnutSt iiamiunsiiniiiiiuiiinnnmHiniiniuniimiiuiumiiiuiaiiiuiniiiiniiniminiouuiiuitntjiMiiimniuiiiiiiinmnm GOWM AMD FUR SHOP 1206 WALNUT STREET $25.00 up $13.50 up $16.75 up GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Top Coats all Shades and Materials, $15.00 up ouits, many rrench Lopies - - -Silk, Volvot and Georgette Dresses, Evening Dresses -.... . FURS Raccoon Coats '. - - Muskrat Coats . . . Fur Sets - - - - - Fur Lined Coats . . . J. ULRICH $90 up $125 up $45 up $5o up n LOUSES, 3.03 Up Fun Altered nl Iteosodelej SNSr5 EffiiffiS 1008 CheBtnut Street, Philadelphia For Particular Women Nfcw Ties, 25c to $3,00, Georgette Collars and Sets, 50c to $25,00, Spangled Scarfs, $5,00 to $20.00. Appenzell Handkerchiefs, 75c to $4,00 each. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 25c upward. Wonderful choice of all kinds of the BEST in the UNEN DEPARTMENT. Deerfoot Frm Sumsage 8m mrp you mtt uOmfs sm. tm or. nun wl, umk. wra rjge jwp j rwi r waaHnaisJMP a. new Sfcte:i ' & jiryife rJSfet "mfW&iat- ?3is:: -3t -mEfct. -I- rffiTi in trr siasn rrn fit MM tWMt j baas' to tuM I .V ' , I ". ,.fw-W. , . if.4;; '..: -', , Jiiri' " mm