Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Bhunes Him for High
if T iittntr Cost
. ,m.tvrmluct distribution
mWII'"" for tn, present
KXi ceil y John A. Mesparran,
Srt Wir::..i..viii flints Orange. In
rtMi .mmu today before Iho forty-
'3.? rrW n int.nssly proves.
ASSr r.3 U..-r wives
E ? ffif distribution
SKliaditmsn as antiquated. Mr. Me
sSwifSiJS that this wsteni must
asia a'0"., i. , nbi n a sauare
JalUr of farm t.roduct.
llSrrrsn advocated establishment
a"-ij-i milk wants in an ciukb in mw
fiSJet tM eHles would bo b to .t
aCnd cream at fair .r cm.
rr-..trd that wero -wan "?"
the dairy farms snouiu noi move
. '??'. ... . imnrnvn with abo and
wwcn uw v 1
K:. h. hd of legislation, Mr. Me-
BSrna raid that new fl$)d.i of taxation
STm found If larger burdens nre not
W.'TL u. tinmen of tho Com-
1!" ! i TirosMit time, ho said.
KfEof tho State are carrying an un
&B2ER ot the cost of Bovernment. He
S..J that It was n omrBRu iu urn
StMdrn to pay the bonded lndbtt.
HwlO"n "- '.',,... ,.. Meg,,.
fd. a strong- atand for prohibition.
faWtiit that mere wn nw iv- "ni ...
tmWr....,i m aubmtt a Droh bltlon con-
KtoMt amendment to tho pcopl.
& ifcSoarran'B address, In part, fol-
LSli lbs call of the largest city In the
S& have come to I'htladelMila with
(Srtj-fourth session ot the State Orange
'W coming ii" u ... iu .... . -,.h-.-SJ
There Is somewhat of mlaundcr-
Jw -i .. rwrtnl. nt otll- lnrtfa
MmM the people of the country. Tne
Lvl , . .l. -1,,. . f.nmnli.lnlnff that food
& are so high In prlce. The peoplo
.K. 1L..1 r flmllni? fault tiseaini tho
Sum last they get for their products have
Qhlwry and tho other things they have
wlopi that our meeting In tho heart of
(tlj rrtit Cliy wm uruiK uuuui u "mci
tatoiundlng between those who work
tM Cliy na mono ra iuu 11m um.
kkhnnirf lm ha nuarrel between nro-
Jsmts no natter where found. Tho welfare
"Avt&U bound up In tho good of nil. The
hmm . nn nf thA fnrt th.it In our
Wplrc elTllUatlon we have allowed too
y,ttt a pircemage ui our pvupio w uiw
gvtsnt of simply "handllnK" commodl
gA Food products are "handled" until
$f r almost unlit to oat, and yet the
ffia WBen mcy reacil 1110 uuuaumer ia
Bjtir Uiaa Iresh food should bo' bought
fsriOa the other hand, many of tho prod
Sacf the factory and tho Shop are
ftstlxi and "Jobbed" until thbse who havo
Ll. Iham nnrt 4hi.li itirftfti-.r 4nh In
H JJV ...V... .... ...... .n. - --
fjjVlhs price arlslnc out of the Jobbing
1 ls jQDoer. 111 aimoai uvery 11110 mere
mtSvmJ 01 useless Tniuuivmcn mnua ncc
UNSrji' an antiquated sj-atem of dlstrlbu
taijjs the first place cornea the question
ftfgssitioftatlon, which decides whether
rk. h.t tf W I ia 4 a kft e wilt. tA 4fcA nettfnrl
Asuililli n4rt1firt Ta-rt tn til el nnrnia
ffc. .I.iIah n tnhktliiR mrtif Ann !
UmsioIIU 'to bo taken on every step of
Kufof our cltlea havo found It to their
v.U4ai,a w iuno w:t iiigm ...k. ..u
Mitis;, plants because they do ndt wish
t tapoH upon tnem3civca mo exira prom
fttlvmld arise from tho nrlvate.aunnly of
i"TM w-operatlve principle has worked
1014: "Phew-mcatl" 1910: "Look-mcatl"
Does the Work
And docs it better and
ore economically than
any other type. Savo"
money by using our con
Toyors on every contract
CWA51iE? -in ,iiimh' i
520 Arch Street
ceve m&
BHundred -
dollars wnrth nt ,:.,
I Si ?7. "av y a
V ZZZt" aoa worth of
Pi i?rrfTfact wrth your
1 careful thought.
'oaj tttlmatt-no ablisathn
I m.mhsum;n
&flPntnce that dearly dem
Sn's''io of HARD-
t"wM .u " wn any claims
Wt,warane nt u.,i-i- ...n
Bg ttw homg, the sttp SK.
rw6tore p'ewe
out splendidly as proven by the fact that
cities seldom If ever go back to the old way
after having supplied themselves In 1. co
operative way. it stands to reason, there-
ore, mat othdr commodities that are ea
centlal to every family will require, the
cutting out of some of theso Intervening
pronta If the consumer la to get the bencnt
of fresh and moderate-priced food.
"Conspicuous In this regard nre the per
.Ishable products of tho dairy. We are con
vinced that If the people of our cities nre
to get good milk and cream at right prices
they will have to handle the work of dls
trlbutlon co-operatlvcly by n municipal milk
'Tho fanner has long ago recognized
this principle, ns very little of dairy prod
ucts comparatively la manufactured on the
farm on which thoy ero produced, tlut
when the milk goes to the shipping station
or the creamery there ends tho co-operative
Idea. Competing distributing concerns have
their stntlons along the lines of railroad,
compelling separation of shipments aa well
an the maintenance ot useless receiving stn
tlons. When It reaches tho city these ship
ments have to bo delivered at different
places nnd, through tremendous duplica
tion, Is nt last delivered with tho extra
cost added to the product as expense. A
municipal milk plant would do away with
all that duplication. The train that hauls
to n large city would load solid cars and
take the train straight to the central plant,
where after having been prepared for dis
tribution large trucks would move It rapidly
to the distributors without dolay or dupli
cation. There In reason why tho eggs of
tho dairy farma and dairy communities
should not move along with tho dairy prod
ucts straight from the farm to tho con
surner. An egg Is one ot tho things that
does not Improve with experience.
"It Is probablo that other products would
better be handled more direct to the bene
fit of both producer nnd consumer. Some
would nrguo thut having the Intermediate
profits Is not atrlctly necessary, yet fur
nish a living for moro people, but' no per
son has a right to ask a living from a com
munity unless they render a service, nnd
n middleman that simply 'handles' goods
should bo cut out wherever possible.
"The closo of another year fl.ids our
order moving steadily forward. The na
tional secretary gives us credit for tnlrty
llvo new and three reorganized granges tor
the fiscal year. Our State secretary's re
port will show n net gain In membership,
so that wo aro now not far from 68,000 In
actual membership. And yet we are not
satisfied. The friendships tho grange has
created, the social outlook It haa broad
ened, tho Intellectual stimulus It has given,
tho debaters It has trained, the public
speakers It ha developed, the progressive
citizens It has made, the financial help It
haa given, the Incentive to a. hotter man
hood and womanhood It has Inculcated nil
demand that thousands ot farmers now
with without the gates should lie num
bered with us, helping to solvo the prob
lem ot n better agriculture and n grander
"With the coming of the new year our
legislature wilt again convene. During
the summer our legislative committee out
lined a program along the lines ot Orange
policy, and Its report will come before thla
body for action. It Is not necessary nt
this tlmo to suggest an outline of policy,
as we can better work that out from tho
reports that nro. received and acted upon nt
this meotlng,
"It Is In place, however, to point out
that with a Slate Treasury virtually empty
and with the record of the, kind of deal wo
got from the last Legislature fresh In our
mlnila, It behooves us to carefully consider
the advisability of establishing a headquar
ters nt ltarrlsburg and have a man on the
Job to know what Is being ilono and to
keep tho folks nt home Informed. The per
capita school appropriation Is gradually
dwindling. The appropriation for dirt roads
haa been cut off and bonds are demanded
for n boulevard system of roads. Ileal
estate Is being naked to carry moro of the
load of taxation. Our cattle aro being
condemned for tuberculosis and.no money
to pay Indemnity for the loss, flanks nnd
chambers nf eommereo In their loving de
sire to help tho farmer assumed largely
tho local oxpeme of the farm bureaus and
then tne second year dumped It on tho
counties nnd Doctor True told us at Wash
ington that they hoped ero long to havo n
woman's bureau also In every county.
Taken altogether, taxation Is Increasing
by leaps nnd bounds, and new fields ot tnx
ntlon must bo opened up unless wo wish to
seo larger burdens placed upon tho homes
of our Commonwealth. It Is not altogether
the granges' problem, but If the organized
farmors of the State nnd the organized
laboring people of tho State do not speak
for the protection of tho homes of the State,
It Is doubtful If any other worthy cham
pion will be found. Notionly are tho homes
of the Commonwealth carrying an unjust
fehare of the cost ot government, but even
our children are asked to take up the bur
den of thla generation's expenses. Some of
our cities and towns nro bonded until they
can hardly keep square, and when one mill
So remarked one of our friends
j the other day when she had secured s
her remembrances for her friends and
S family.
EJ Certainly a pleasing custom and Ej
EJ one that may be pleasingly answered Ej
by "remembering" the home with a S
EJ beautiful Oriental rug, or by one or EJ
EJ more j
I. 9iMb?z'm4 I
U Newest patterns and colorings in jj
Ej America's leading Wilton Floor
Fabrics 'The Bundhar and French j
Wilton ttgs. J
1 1220-1222 Market Street fj
inrTnTirrmrrT ANDh- . il
jiWjl OPTJCJANSL-"'" L'is.'ssss'LDu.L,
32 N: Thirteenth St
Preaerintions filled. Broken lenses dupUcated at a .
saving of 50 per cent.
ifl A A Eye Glasses or Spectacles
AJUl2-k. Gold-Filled Frame
1 , , , Genuine Orystal Lenses,
AIL 1" , I,,,, . rTjir iiwill'Ji,' ,r p'H7lffiS?fSpiw'NTilitWTH' r '
on personal and corporate property would
furnish aa much revenue to can be properly
pent on road In n year. It la simply an
outrage to nsk unborn rhiidren to pay the
bllt, especially when the only defense these
children of the next generation have are
the very persons who are perpetrating the
cowardly deed. J'atrons, w must take n
greater Interest In these public affairs, "re
membering that I.nrd tlyron told the truth
when he said: -Vfhn would he free them
selves must strike the blow.'
KDt'CATlON Fort roujrrnr
"In developing schools for the country
the tendency Is to ape nfter the cities, with
their long term nnd cloie grading. There
might be some Justification for such n courxo
If It wero true that the city schools were
turning out the best kind of scholars, but
the fact Is and has been that the child
from the country school Is going Into husl
pes In the city and crowding the city-bred
boy nnd girl out of leadership, We recog
nize that the country home has something to
do wllh this, but It can hardly fall to I rue
that the Child seven nr rlaht mnntliV In
reboot and the rest of the time In the school
of experience Is learning how to Use that
combination of brain nnd brawn which ulti
mately spells success. The world today Is
calling for men nnd women who know
how to do ns well as how to think t who can
think while they work rather than to think
how to get out nf work. And If our long
term high nchools nre to fulfill their mission
they should have vocational training that
trains the hand ni welt ns the head.
"This last election brought tho, number ot
dry States up to twenty-throe or possibly
twenty-five. I-nrgn sections of other States
aro opposed to this terrible business. There
Is no excuse left why Cohcrcss should not
nt once submit a constitutional amendment
to the peopte of this cduntry. The need
for Industrial alcohol for fuel and power
purposes furnishes n Jut way to change
the mnchlncry that Is now running, making
alcohol to the harm of every one Into tho
manufacture of a product that would tnke
the liquid fuel supply out of the hands of
Ktandnrd Oil and at the same time furnish
great quantities of feed that would help to
balance some of the now unbalanced rations
that nre being fed Into stock, thus wasting
a part of the food and to an extent pre
venting tho nnlmnt from doing Its best,
either n n meat or dairy animal. The Na
tional Grange has voted to send outn leaflet
upon' this subject of potable alcohol to every
grange In the United Stales, and wn hope
that every grange when they receive this
leaflet will have II carefully read nnd that
Ihe strongest possible pressure shall bo
brought to bear upon the Congressmen and
Senators from this Stato to vote toisubmlt
the question by a Federal amendment.
"Itemember. you may be saving your own
child or loved one.
City Committee Declares Investi
gation Will Be Followed by
Ousting of Democrnt-Ilepublicnns
Fire Chief naps n Deer
SUAMOICIN', Pa.. Pec. 13. While on the
mountnlns nenr Allenwood. Charles Spltler,
chief of tho local flro department : Solomon
Kngely nnd Oscar Pockey. also of thla place,
enmo upon n largo buck deer. Spltler kilted
nmocrntlo ward leaders In Philadelphia
and their workers who have formed bi
partisan nlllnnces with the llepubtlcan Or
gnnlxatlon will be ousted from the former
political ranks. A general Investigation will
be conducted In every ward ot the city by
a special committee headed by former Mag
istrate William It. Uelcher.
The purpose of the probing committee,
which was appointed at the meeting ot the
Democratic City Committee Inst night, wns
made known today by Kdgnr W, Innk, city
ctmlrmnn. Mr. lnk Rildi
"Wo have received several letters of com
plaint. The fact that there nre or have
bott nlttnucea aeemn to bo generally known
throughout political circles. Wo organised
n committee last night to Investigate con
ditions. They wilt begin wllh the First
Ward nnd tako tip each other wnrd In nu
merical order.
"There seems to be no question In the
matter ot alliances. The city committee hns
tho power or right to reorganlio ward com
mlltees ntid will exercise that power where
political ententes have, been formed.
"Our purpose Is to, form a Strang Demo
cratic body In Philadelphia to carry on our
Tho Investigating committee chosen form
ed plans for organization nnd cnmpolgn
Inst night. They will meet ngnln on Thurs
day, December 2t. v. hen It Is believed thnt
considerable evldenca against certain so-
cnlled Democratic workers Will be placed
before tho committee.
The Democratic City Committee will meet
ngaln somo night this week to further tho
plana of probing Illegal balloting In Philadelphia.
Solicitors for $200,000 Endow
ment Fund SJiould Bo Ablo
to Exhibit Credonttnls
. i
Workers for the JS00.000 campaign for
the Woman's Medical College of Pennsyl
vania havn credential cards authorising
them to solicit funds for tho endowment. It
Will he wise for prospective donors to nsk
to ee theso cards, according to Information
given out nt campaign headquarters In tho
Hate llulldlng today. This Information Is
published to protect the campaigners and
the donors as welt.
An Instance cither ot dishonesty or
6niclonsneM Was told today by Mrs. Kllxa
belh ttudyerd Currier, campaign manager,
who said that six peoplo had approached one
man and nuked for money when but one
had been appointed. or authorized to do It.
Mrs. CUrrler did not sny that she thought
somo of the persona wero bogus collectors,
but many ot the workers feel that such
must bo the case. They think that per
haps some one under tho gtltse ot being n
cvll-c(or Is getting money under false pre
lenstn nnd going nbout without tho cards,
provtilta for the campaign workers.
Oitlclnl blanks nro given each collector,
nnd no one should give money to workers
who do not havo tho blanks nnd cards
showing thnt they nro members of team's.
Mrs. Currier polntod out that IC peoplo
not authorized "pester" n busy business
man they often spoil real chnnces for gel-
tlnr it wnlrlbwtlon. Gh aM thSt a mm!
did mot llko to tie bothered mow than onw
about Rlvlnft A aubscrfptlon unlft lis tort
the tollcltor ta return. Sh emphasized th
fact that It would b Impossible for th
campaign to be. n success unless lh worlt
ers observed the rules nnd called on ih
persona they were appointed to see. She
said If a wotker had failed to se n. prospee
live contributor, then thorker ahoutd
bring In th card and let tho manager as
sign some one else to the task.
Wnrntnjr of German Raider Off Florida
MIAMI. Flo.. Dec 18 Warning for M
tied shipping through the south Atlanlld
and eastern portions of th Jult ot Mexico
to keep ahatp watch for a strange steam
jh p. thought to be n, German raider, are
being sent out day nnd night by British
cruisers nnd by ahoro stations In the Brit.
Ish West Indies. Wireless messages picked
up hero described the auspected craft ns n
vessel with two tunnels and a straight
k Wrealhs
Qroons of all Kinds
Artistic arrangements
at moderato prlcca.
Flawrrs iuiiI Peroration
11th above Chestnut St.
Xiraas Greens
flfkjMI loose nnd In
rtfw jSfiV Wreaths,
IsSvikK M i s 1 1 etoe,
S!' Laurel, lm-
We nlso have n large as
sortment of Palms, Ferns nnd
other house plants.
Ask to see the new novelty
Automobile Wrcnth, SOc ea.
of Heat Regulation
and rucl bavingf
nilmtnAtn th rhr! ?
OQiTniUirn t dirbrnic to lorn
nil mo uniiip. me oinoomrorl
of drmltur In a eoM ,,
Jhe ilnnf.ru of n overheated
borne or uJ.!;n dror In tern
nerHtur. and ranil ....
... .. . everlasting attention ana werry
th heater Conitanlly demands by Install
ing a
Mcrahon "Marvel!' Thermostat
Automattenlty rtsutatea aiy heaurur inttm.
,11.,, ... . nil .U iL ,"L '7.' WU!
evfry uaj. lou mi in nrmni
dot! ine rtl. i.l u a
The nil Bit ON
IIIIATH iiurna pea
coal or other cheap
er eradea ynd re;
nurva ytitir tuel bill
M to 40ft.
147 N. 3rd SI.
., I'honet
Main. IKOI.
Market, 33SI.
nrcbOKw-fhil llftrMl
itmonttrata Its many
In Great Variety
Campion & Company
... 1310 WALNUT ST.
a xm mm gift
is sure to be doubly
'OW much will it be ap
preciated? Tins is one
of the most important,
if indeed not TIIK most impor
tant thinff to consider in a
Christmas gift.
Choose your gifts from the
Keen Kutter assortment of cut
lery and tools, and you will as
sure a doubled appreciation.
To the happiness of receiving
nnd the joy of being remem
bered, will be added the pleas
ant thought that fhic np
, preciatiou of quality was shown
in the gift selection.
And, too, they are in har
mony with the time sentiment
toward gifts that arc practical
and lasting.
Every Keen Kutter article is
made of the very best material
in the very best wayf. The
guarantee of quality goes with
every purchase.
f At your Keen Kutter dealer's
you find a surprisingly wide
range qf practical thingssold un
dertheKeen Kutter trade-mark.
If you are interested in a gift
for mother or sister, you'll imd
the Keen Kutter line includes
everything in scissors nnd shears
from daintiest manicure scissors
to heaviest shears.
Then there are Keen Kutter
Fjood Choppers, fine Keen
Kutter Carving Sets, Keen Kut
ter Manicure Sets, Keen Kutter
Kitchen Sets, Keen Kutter Sew
ing Machines and a hundred
and one other things. A visit
to any Keen Kutter dealer will
fill you full of gift ideas.
For Men there ore Keen Kutter
Knives of all descriptions Keen
Kutter Razor Outfits Keen Kutter
Traveling Sets, Keen Kutter Tool
Cabinets, Keen Kutter Garden Tools
Keen Kutter Tools of every kind
and description.
Yon will be agreeably surprised at
tue fuoderate price of Keen Kutter
Goods, especially when you consider
that you wake a real investment in
every purchase, because
"Tho Recollection of QUALITY
Remains Long After the PRICE
miiiatlffi e .CS(mmon
rSv ; iii s a J7
Mo. K-40, Gtnulno mack Seal Grain
Leather, $4.80 ,
Set of Shears and
A Christmas BUKRcstion for your
vflfo or mother something both
practical nnd sure to be appreciated
is n fine pair, or, better 'still a set
of Keen Kutter Scissors and Shears.
Keen Kutter Scissors have blades
of the finest steel they stay keen
without constant resharpening nnd
give n clean cut the cntiro length of
tho blade.
At your Keen (Kutter dealer's you
will find nil sizes nnd descriptions
nil rigidly inspected against flaws
and thoroughly guaranteed.)
A popular Keen Kutter set is
shown in tue picture, it inciuues n
pair of 7-inch shears, n pair of 5H
inch scissors, a pair of embroidery
scissors and n pair (of button-hole
scissors. Any -woman would welcome
this gift.
Keen Kutter Shears nre different
from nil others with a ateuted lock
nut compensating wear and insuring
perfect results through years of use.
Carving Set
Safety Razor
The very ono he's always
No. K-0222C, lUr handl UalheralU
cue, auoruq colon, ao.ou
A suitable present for
man and wife
If there's n family in yonr gift
circle without a really fino carving
set, make them glad with a Keen
Kutter Carving Set.
The steel in the Keen Kutter
Caning Knife will stand up under
the constant sharpening and take an
edge that will glide through the flesh
of the festive bird in n manner that
makes serving a delight.
Keen Kutter Tableware makes another
always acceptable silt We susxnt that
oillinpecttneegtJntthedealcr's, early,
in order to find hi ielecttniijjt its fullest
KlUt. '
cry man knows that
Keen Kutter stands for
$ the very highest quality
and rcputntion. Keen
Kutter Safety Razors arc
scientifically adjusted for
right shaving, The blrulcs
arc flawless, tempercd-to-lnst,
and iusu.-c n clean,
ensv shave. It's smaran-
teed, of course, to satisfy or money
No. KJ-10 Keen Kutter Safety Rn
zornnd extra package of blades, $1.00.
No. KJ-107 Keen Kutter Safety
Razor, pnekage of blades and Keen
Kutter Automatic Stroppcr in Green
Karntol plush lined case, $2,50.
Other seta also.
Give the Boy a real knife a
'I i wrf iiiiruaiw,mu.niiiiii I. Mil
gilt Cor tho man of your Itotuei complata
with 48 tool, M0.00
Pocket Knife
mm i&&P?uX'.
Tool Cabinet
The gift that makes Xmas
last the year 'round
Here's the gift tltat will make your
husband smile like n school boy a
gift thnt will make Christmas, 1916,
long remembered for son or brother.
For nearlv half a. eenturv Kwn lw
Kutter has stood for liighcstciuality,
yet theso sets cost littlo more than
ones of unknown quality. Priced as
low ns $10.00, $17.50 nnd up to $135.
Most dealers carry Keen Kutter'
Tools. Any dealer will gladly ge
them for you. Satisfaction nlwaya
guaranteed or money refunded
Both necessity and
You'll hear a whoop of delight
when he finds the name "Keen
Kutter" on the blade. He knows
Keen Kutters are top notch in quality.
Keen Kutter Knives take a razor
edee and hold their sharnncss for an
almost incredibly long time,
You'll be surprised to find how
reasonable Keen Kutter knives are
when you visityour dealer. Prices 25
cents to $25 dandles at $1 satisfac
tion guaranteed or money reiundeu.
Satisfaction always guaranteed
Keen Kutter Cutlery and Tool ore sold In every city In tho country
and in most all towns and villages. You can't B wrong; in giving Keen
Kutter goods there guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded.
Booklets giving full information on any of above articles gladly
mailed on request,
Simmons Hardware Company
Manafuclurtri anj Diitlibuttlt
New York Philadelphia : Toledo Minneapolis
Sioux City WicniU
Every home has repair jobs for tho
man. Shelves to fix, storm and
screen doors to liaug, sticking win
dows to loosen, weather stripping to
adjust a thousand-and-one things
where tools are needed. If good tools
are handy the work is real pleasure.
Keen Kutter Tools fill an economical
need. In addition to making n most
efficient gift they're tho tools tho
expert workmen use,
Good tools help make
boys manly
No.K.3 Keen Kutter Cabinet tompl.ta vltli
18 blshett arada tools, J 1 7.BO. Good
cneuanier taut men. A Bug.
oUlcaot sift Ut the bo
The gift of n Keen Kutter Tool Cabinet
will not only fill your boy lrun full cf tup.
plneu, but will pnmde a whuleiouia outlet
for exec energy, cscourege tho acquiring
of skill with toul9, make the boy a real beta
when things weej fixing. Booklet tin. SS7
ot Toot CaUaeU mailed oa rtijuEit.
! t MOOliU'tii, SiI UMttntono
ttPIBWM BOSli. MM Mnbt
jrjxKH m-JWi', ctsbc i.-itiii-ii
hmmiwhb KABtmAsa com-
t i4ax. u mmthm utnm
fH I MIS, :.KJWt X A CMWMW mb :
t, rix Ig- t iHml JtWuHi.
-VM-i?- ;. r .a-&3Iu. . jg;,r,1K,y1Wafi1Haa Ill I fill ' I " ' -" Ih-J -
"mnQ&f&i- ttrtV'KA