-pria y EVENING LEDaEIt-FlIIIiADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBEK 12, 191G 5 I fcS3 grrr ow LATOURAINE A superb as aortment of' Pcads.Sapphircs and Emeralds direct from our Paris and London col lections K C artier 712 Fifth Avenue .New York rfc--nnffi (&fars APPROVAL EXPECTED FOR BYBERRY ROUTE ; Thirty-Afth Wnrd Delegation Looks for Acuon uy otiv ice Commission i Miinu of the delertatlon of Thirty em, w"rd Amu that went to Itarj -SuY 5wter.ly In the Interest of the Hy JiKr.urf.co trolley line resulted In the .on of .lVnost un.nlmou. opinion to Sr that the I'ubllc Service Commission .iM irant a certificate of public convenl m autnorUlnB the Department of City ?r.rMt to proceed with the construction of Sf line without any further Inquiry. The question raised by Commissioner Itvsn as to whether It would bo equitable to expend about 1.?00.000 for a lino to KatOt fewer than ono-thlrd of one per cent if IKo city's population. It was declared, Would be more pertinent when applied to tho Jh'rtmno extension of tho Krankford "IV above Brldgo street .Thta extension tacked on to tho original Tarlor plan will run through virtual farm bad which Is already cnjoylmr trolley ser vice and will cost approximately 12,100,000 tit three miles, ns against u coat of II, tOO.OOO for tho ten-mllo llybcrry line. TWINING DIDN'T KNOW Although nono of the Northeast deten tion offered any objection to tho clinnco In route of the surfaco lino from that orlgl Mlly.planW by former Transit Director A. Herrltt Taylor, Commissioner llyan naked Transit Director Twlnlnff point blank why thechanco was made, Mr. Twining replied Uat he did not know. The- Inquiry by tho commlujloner was made when It developed that cars could Jit run on tho Taylor lino at n speed be tween twenty and twenty-flvo miles an hour and on tho present proposed routo at only twilre to fifteen miles. As speed' seemed to be the object. Mr. Hyan sought to learn Trait had been Rained by sacrificing speed for the new route. , It was evident from tho testimony and tho , jettmates made by both Director Twining ' and Assistant Director Atkinson that more than five cents will havo to lie charged for ' a ride over the full ten miles of tho line If IB. pprrnuuii ib w u i;iuhhiwc ,,..., bilener Ityan, nfter some hearty calculation, ff ttntatlvcly suggested that a fare of fifteen " tints might protect the operating company , uvm iosa. ; :, lp(rec(or Twining offered estimates to WOw tnai aoout j,uuv,uuu jioruvnn wuum Ii tA. .. at. Il& .. II . itrA n, . tnra WO UVCr (HO UNO UIIIIUtlllJT, win l ,vi ej:ilve cents tho total faro returns would - r v,uuv. A no operation ui uiu 11110 un , tie ether hand, not Including any Interest ' cr sinking-fund charges on the cost of the line, would araount to IDJ.OOO annually If LAI ncio Ull )C; IIBI1 HUUli CONNELIiV AS SPOKESMAN City Solicitor Connelly, who represented the city officials before the commission. Bide a plea for a five-cent fare, but it was not Indicated how the line could be mado profitable. Mr. Connelly intimated that tinder such conditions the Philadelphia llspld Transit Company might not operate the line, with the result that It would be a dty-operated an well as clty-hullt line. Director Krusen, of tho Department of Public Health and Charities, also pleaded for the construction of the line on account cf the benefits It would bring to the city farms at ljyberry. Assistant Director Mace and Assistant City Solicitor Lowengrund were at Oft hearing, but did not speak. , IccIuJk) In the delegation (ram th Northeast Unncenrto boo.t the project we.ro Select Cqun. rllmn Ueorio Mitchell, of tho Tblrlr-nf Mi w.rtt Selett Councilman Ellwoou 8. Davis, of If. Twenty.thlrd Ward: the llev. ;. W. Mc- KJ'W. " . J'. i wininir. ui U." I, v. uu s&tllmlr., J. Dvl. li. jutn.ld. II. Jt. Hrh.de yWi.tt Irocklhurt. K Wooden, it. wti.on. , iTiuer. T. IlW.lle. V. P. nuckru. A. U Iloorie. g, steena. H. sllirhell. II. Ilonnrr. V. A.htm. f. .cnahnj.D. E. l'rlCT, J, Miller. T. Heller. W. B'wtn. J. (Havana. W. Uablnston. J. Itoberta, B-.uoooe. . Hh.I cro.a, J, ilarber, W. . B. grtln. liTl 6eK.lb, llr. J, if. Ueyer. Wtllfam faitftk J. Bonner. W. I.lncii, If. Wela. II. Starker. W. iluckman. Vvilll.m Nlchol. C. fg,aa. U. Farrell, U Mott and N, il, Con- New lOOQ-Room Hotel for New York NEW yoniv, Dec. 12. New York Is to Mve another splendid hotel, one of a thoujand rooms and all of tho featuros tdch make up the modern, efficient car ' tvtnaary. Joseph J, Iannln, proprietor of U Oarden City Hotel and better known J the former owner of the champion Doston Bed 8ox, Is td ba the builder, owner and proprietor. For tho alto ha purchased yes terday the northwest corner of Seventh Jtenue and Fifty-sixth street, now occupied by the old Hotel Grenoble and several other Mlldlnts. Construction will ba started as oon as the plana can bo prepared. I Every Comfort Wi'fkmif ThUUth Mrvfe. previa. by tho . -rW Boa VgC" A throoeb, tiaia direct to both Los Ang! nd San F"110" oww tqulpmant, tfsl time, shortest rout nd no extfa Ufa on "The Pacific Limited" Alw th. ! th eonv.oJ.nc4i of arriving at Itb.r ,g jgj a buiit much pprdtJ by wom..n mvdtog loo tmw wuaJta. ..J . . : j e..n bbnufios, mitt aHL," MaliBllllHUfca!w LHHHIIIflfsHk. jsL aHVs llvlHtlv'ilutwijIlE THE REV. A. E. HARRIS Assoclnto pastor of tho Bnptlst Tcmnlo, who has been cnlleti to tho pulpit iof tho Ucthlehcm Baptist Church, Eighteenth and York streets. SUSPECT IN EXPLOSION HELD Police Detain Employo of Actnn Co. After U. ,S. Oflicers Release Him PITTSnUItOH. Dec. t:. Trailed by United .Slates detectives after ho left the Oakdalo plant of the Aetna Chemical Com pany at midnight Sunday. Frank Chevnllor. alias James ltccd, n Qcrmnn chemist, was arrested, Accurdlng to flovernmcnt agents he s n "German aympathUcr." Ho was released later by tho Federal oITicers. who said ho had nccoUnted for his movements, but the tocat police nre still holding him. Chevalier's actions Immediately nfter the explosion which destroyed the drying houso of the Aetna Company at Fort Till Hund.iy night and killed three persons wcro re sponsible for his nrrest. BELGIAN TANKER SHELLED Vessel Arrives Hero With Tnlo of At tack by Submarine and Mirac ulous Escapo Tho Delglan nil tanker Kasbek has ar rived safely In Philadelphia, after aurvlvlng a bombardment of more than an hour hy a 'Teuton submarine In the Mediterranean. Tho tanker escaped without a scrntch by crowding on steam to tho limit of her trailers, and gradually outdistanced the sub marine. For more than an hour shells were fired nt tho tanker from two rnpld-flro guns on tho U-boat. These whizzed past the oil ship and many fell short. Members of tho crow said they considered their escapo almost miraculous. Darkness brought a halt to tlie chase, nnd Captain Hytor through glasses watched tho U-boat glvo up In despair and submerge. Tho Knsbek arrived to take on a cargo of oil. Says Absent Lore Could Not Be Stolen niCADINCI, To.. Dec. 12. Tho novel do fenee that there was no affection between the plaintiff and her husband that It might be stolen, is put up In the J5000 alienation suit of Mrs. Hattlo Ithoda ugalnst Mnry V. Wlsler. both well-known Heading women, In an affidavit filed by the defendant In court here. Mrs. Ithoda charges Mrs. Wls ler with having stolen tho affections of her husband. Harry Ithoda. Tho defendant says the truth of tho matter Is that tho plain tiff and her husband were on tho outs. Stop STRIPS All Draughts Positively Saves 25 to 40tf I Coal Bills. Wo Install Them. Champion Co. 1233 Ludlow Si. Wal. II 08 V MEN'S TAILORS 6f Cor. 13th and Sanson) TAILORING of REFINEMENT Our $30.00 Suitings and Overcoatings ARE TJXt'HPAI. VALVES Evetftuxmry, lvjrtra Fare REV A. E. HARRIS WILL QUIT BAPTIST THIPLE Dr. Comvell's Assoclnto Accepts Cntl to Become Pnstor of Bctlilehcm Church Tho Hev. A. ft. Harris, for nrarly seven years associate pastor of the Ilaptlst Temple. Ilroad and Herks streets, received a call today to the pastorate of ilethlehem llapHfit, church, ttlghteenth and York Btreets. Mr. llnrtls will accept. Ho Is widely known In religious circles In I'hlln delphln throuch his association with Dr. Uuiwe.il II. Conwelt. astor of tho Ilaptlst Temple. Mr Harris was for five, years pastor nf the Tabernacle Ilaptlst church, Newark, N J. The next seven years ho was pastor of tho Main street Unptlst church, Merlden, Conn. From Merlden he was called to the llaplist Temple here. The pastorate of ilia tlethlehem Ilaptlst (Ihurch was made vacant by the recent death of the Iter. Thomas C fj Ncedham, who fell dead after preaching. .Mr. Harris is mo nuinor 01 mine uikim Outlined." He was born In Montreal, Can ada, and was sent tn Knglamt for educa tion In church schools. On returning to this country he entered tho Cro2er Theo logical Seminary nt Chester and was grad uated from the seminary In 189S. Ho was ordained the same year. l , ' ' ' . ' I I l " i MH . Mil I.I 1 " ' ' ' ' "" - ' m Piauer-Fiamo With t m Patented R m FURNACE DRIES OUT WEEK'S WASH, THEN FIRES IT AND CELLAR ALSO Mrs. Gallagher and Family Sleep Peacefully While New Drying Process Works Below Fire Hose Damps Clothes Again What shall a woman do with tho family wash when It starts to rain? Taking It Inside seems tn bo about tho best way of sotting the problem. Hut suppose tho wash Is still wet? To leave It In the yard would mako It still wetter well, then, why not hang It In the cellar? Thafa what Mrs. Mary Oallagher. of 373 Lancaster avenue, did. Hut there was a, big healthy furnace In the cellar and Its warm glow soon took the chill off tho many articles of shivering npparel which hung near. Mm. flallagher and other members of the family slept on comfortably whllo the wash was drying. Hut tho furnace gnvo the damp clothes suoh i warm wel come that they curled up and burst Into flame. Then tho firemen wcro called to put tho wash out and .11 got all wet ngaln. Hcport on Protectant Fellowship WILMIXOTON. Pel. Hoc. 13. At the meeting of the Wilmington Ministerial t'nlon a committee appointed to examine Into tho fnlted Protestant I-'cllOwshlp re potted It had found nothing objectionable in tho order. 9 For Many years we have i ne iriaicmess v one possible objection to a Player-Piano in the hands of a novice the mechanical effect caused by the operator not knowing the exact time to increase or diminish tiV ound. '' ' Some owners of Player-Pianos never acquire the ability to interpret l composition. Now all is changed. What was heretofore a result of practice is instantaneous with the Reo-style'. The Reo-slyle does away with the use of buttons or levers, interpreting the hardest compo sition, so that should you desire to use the buttons you can do so as a master musician. .The Reo style follows the line on the roll, and every expression, from the most subdued Pianissimo to the loudest Fortissimo, is brought out as by the accomplished musician. U The Reo-style is our Patent, and found only on the .Cunningham-made Pianos. It is the long-wished-for device that gives to a Player-Piano the exact .expression and touch of the master long- musician; $f A Philadelphia-made Piano with a Philadelphia' inventiorlat the factory-to-home p'rice tne last wora in riayer-riano I3 1 A mm I M MIUIHIIl MMM6 It Pays to Think 4 llMtHtMMWHBMO West Phila. Branch, 52d' arid Chestnut Sts. "U-" Although no one was Injured, many shirts lost their nrms and tho baeks nf others were contused and lacerated. While the battle with the flames rsced members of tho household awaited the outcomO In their nighties and pajamas. Tho fact that If was snowing nnd rallying did not Increnso their general comfort. 'da Rhymes of a Red-CrossMan The bat and biggtit selling non-Jkllon book By Robert V. Service "The Spell ol the YuVon" "U.IUtl.ol.CKth.Vc," Any ol the three In clots, net, 11.00 -l.implfillier, net, 11.23. Att to4 Horn. & BARSE 3c HOPKINS M '..ll..t- . VW 71..I i . M v. tJ ilmrwiflBHiiiiLi i ii mil M& been working and experimenting to do away with the perrecuon. JW O Eleventh and Chestnut FACTORY, 50TH & PARKSIDE ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS "Empty" Mstol Nearly KHI Boy ATLANTIC CITT. Dee. It. Mtroehnee. whlch'sent a. bullet Into tho head of Albert Van Baun. fourteen years old, when he com manded playmate to "watch mo shoot my. self" with n supposedly empty revolver, also, deflected the courso of tno shot Hos. pltal physician have found tho bullet and say the boy will recover. Hutcf) itlbet I for Holidny Gifts Bon Bon Basket Asparagus Server Salad Spoons and Forks Bon Bon Spoons Salt and Pepper Castors Tea Caddies Sandwich Baskets' Tea Strainers m Wriglit,Tyndale & van, Ro den, Inc. 1212 Chestnut Street ilSSSBi unmngna, he Ne eo-Style , C Stri It Pays . to J Think , 'm jKkBl . North Phila Branch, ) 2835 Germantown Ave. JSrS-it ilnrry nk9tcrt Rich wer Dl i CltAMBEttSBtjltO. J?., Dec W.-?if Ulester U dead at tltesur Mill, roar Mf . cersburg. Ho was sixty-eight y.are oW, ' He wan a member bf one of tho oldest t wealthiest families of tno county. ll a member of the New Vork bar, hut wsa not practiced actively nrt Spent his eartttr days In travel at horrta and abroad. Oiw elster, Miss Maria, survives him. only' - t, o t f )m offers i. umimTm. bi as.. rmw yMtH!. "-" i " " " ' " "" " -' rr Mi7iiijmfifV3CTf wmmmm!mmimmm!zmgisr3s