ij' .- - - -'""'f'ksi'. m.nmmmmimMm.M$mm "TT'-wcT5p'y-. -r , t'pSpfr' 1 M r Ei' p. v-r (; ,-; 6r - 4 EVENING LEDGBR-PHIIiADEIiPHIA. TUESDAY, BEdEMBER 1 lMfc Wilson didn't win the West; Hjtighes lost it, and Wil liam Allen White shows how in evitable the result wasJn "Who Killed Cock Robin?", an article of extraor dinary interest in this week's issue of Colli lers TUB HATIPMAt, YTBSKZ.V CHILD WRITES PLEA FOR FIREMAN PAPA Mary Doran Asks Chief to Send'Him Home for Christmas . HER QUERY AN ARGUMENT Mary Dornn hns nddrtsseil. to Hha chief of the bureau of Flro a communication In volving a subject of personal Importance. )9fnjr youthful, "olsht years past," an slio proudly ndmlts, Mary's oxporlenco ns n cor respondent In a brlof one, unit nha doea not edhcre at nil times to accepted formalities in her lettor-wrltliig-. But belwr feminine, MIRK Dornn "wants what Rha wants when sho wants It," and "ho mnkeii known hor wants In query form. Chief Murphy, belnB masculine ami a fire man of twenty-two years' experience to toot, mny popularly ho regarded as lacking In sontlment. At nny rate, ho haw permitted Miss Doran'o latter to obtain publicity, It may bo that communications bearing upon tho subject of Miss Doran'a missive seldom find their way' to the chief of the Uurcau of fire. They may be looked upon by tho eltlten publto of Philadelphia as none of Its business. Such letters may bo puerlto In composition and of no concern whatever to n. busy, workadny world. Hut their rqrlty must be taken as oxcusa for their publication and In extenuation of Chief Murphy's action. JIo promises proper atonement In hi reply to his little corro ' gpondent. Atlss Doran's letter roads; Dear Mr. Chief My papa Is a fire man, lie Is on Englno 20. IIo has ' been a fireman for ten years. I ntn eight years old and I havo two llttlo brothers. Wo. wont papa home for Christmas. Ho Is always at tho flro house and wo only seo him once In a while. We luivon't had him homo with us on Christmas that I can remember. Sometimes ho comes In for dinner while wo are at school, so we don't sea him llko othor llttlo girls do their papas, You aro the chief. Can't you let us have papa homo with us when Christ mas comes just llko tho othor llttlo girls In our street? It don't seem Ilka Christmas ought to bo without pnp.i. Ho Just hurries In and goes right out again and rover has time to play with vs. Wo want him to seo aur tree and havo dinner with us and all that. Won't you let him homo for Christ mas Just this once 7 Staybo you havo llttlo girls of your own and know how much thoy like to -navo you, homo on Christmas. I llko presents and candy, but oh I I'd rather liavo papa homo with us just this ona Chrlstmaa than all the rest. Please, hjef, won't you do It? Yours respectfully, MAIIY DOIUN, 760 Do Kalb street, West Phlla. There Is Mary's letter. It waa received In Bis morning's mall by Chief Murphy. Mary has Worded It with such childish nnlveto that ho must be nn adamantine fireman who would not answer IIh slmplo appeal. Chief Murphy Is a stolo on duty, Ho In human, however. There Is a father'n heart tinder his fireman's uniform and there In something besides formality In his makeup, as the men of tho Klro Ilureau know by experience and contact. It a only among those cltlsens who tko no Interest In the bureau, save when they need It to protect their lives or property from fire, that -Ignorance of the department and the conditions therein prevails. rERTINKNT QUERIES Little Mary has done what those cltlsens In their apathy have not done. She wants to know why her father, Juit because ho Is a fireman. Is not permitted to bo hor father in tho same sort of way as the fath ers) of other llttlo girls who are her neigh bors and playmates: And Christmas Is coming. It Is a holiday for family reunion In tho homes of those other little clrl.-v and has been aa far back 04 their memory goes, nut Mary's retro spection oho s only eight years old. to bo sure, but In all of that span the little homo on Do Kalb street has never once been brightened by tho presence of Hoseman Doran, Mary doesn't understand why a big jtur una t-niiaueipniu mages Its nremen work twentyfpur hours every day when men . to all other Holds of employment are allowed time to bo with their little girls and boys. So In her Juvenile quandary she puts the question fairly up to the man she holds responsible, "Mr. Chief Murphy." An older person might 'act differently. H mlght raise tho question of the right of a fireman to have family ties. Or, having Mt up a household, why should ho remain In tho Ilureau of fire at all? thereby con cluding that ut this Christmas season, or at any other time, in fact, it la not proper to consider Philadelphia nremen or their lot. Dut again obtrudes In tho lines of Mary Doran letteranother feminine trait: She obstinately persists In asking for what tho dislren, and she appeals for tho granHn- of CITY SWEPT BY FIRST HEAVY SNOW OF THE SEASON WIRES FIRE COUNTRY HOME Electricity Blamed for Blnio In Resi dence of Mrs. E, K Rowland Many engine companfes In tho suburbs groped nnd skidded about Iho country roads today looking for the residence of Mrs Kdwan! K. Itowland, which cnughl on fire from crossed electric wires. Tho quick work of serMhls, wllh assist nnco from the chemlcn! wigme of tho Wayne Klro Company eventually extin guished the flro afler about lioob damage had been caused. The Itowland homo Is known an nockrose nnd Is how occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Oeorgo Ilrook. Among others entertained at Itockrosa was Dr. Conslnntln Dumba, former Ambassador from Austria-Hungary. Mr. Itowland died about a year ago. JL Cop on Scent of Brandy Thiers h winbted, conn., Deo. I. TMti lapped tho casks at tho still of Rmiji .. .,., una arew cfr m vAtlnna nt a.1.4... 1A .... i " .1 . ... .... ..,m, nllu koi "Wayw.v-l the load. Constables suspect "cam.. ..,3 dieted to strong drink." but admit n3 a good deal like 'looking for a neMti M a hay mow," nM, ilnliikMnWflifll Looking townrd Indcpondonco Hnll from Wnnliington Squnro through the mixture of rain nnd snow. that wish to tho person In whom sho bo Haves tho power of comptlanco Is vented. Ho sho adds to her original request n postscript In which sho pleads fur "Just thin once." To her Infant heart that ono Chrlstman Day with "Papa" means, nn sho writes, moro than tho tree, moro than tho in on ants. It meann Christmas Itsolf. Bho doesn't know that In flfty-ono other Amerl can cltlen the firemen nro today enjoying moro hours of liberty than urn granted in this "birthplace of liberty." Hho doosn t know that In nearly forty of thoso cltlen the firemen of tho same rank ns Honamnti Doran rccelvo moro pny for lean work than hor father and tho 800 othor fathom In tho ranks of the lluroau of Klro. They don't teach those facta out In Ht, Agatha's Hcliool, where Mary and her thirteen-year-old slstor, Itoso, nnd hor brother. Daniel, now twelvo years old, aro pupils. Many persons older than '.Vary aro Just beginning to rcallxo tho trUth of theno conditions and nomo havo appealed to tho Mayor and to Councllmon to better them. MATOJl SMITH A FATHER Mayor Hmltli in n father. Ho hns a llttlo daughter. Her nnmo In Elizabeth and sho Is about Mary's ago. Tho Mayor nnd Eliza beth will probably enjoy Christmas together In tho Hmlth country resldcnco at Glennlile, Mary's father has spent nil tho ChrlntmaH dayn that Mary can remembor nt tho station of his company. ' IIo la now located nt tho station of Knglna Company No. 20, on Tonth street north of Market. Tho men of tho Flro Ilureau nro aerklng to bring about n changn In tho work ing hours of tho scrvlco, coupled with n snlary reorganization, that will permit them to havo moro tlmo with their families thnn tho threo ono-hour meal periods that now comprise tho dally nllownnco until tho sixth consecutive day arrives and brings Its twon-ty-four hours off duty. Mary Doran, youthful nn sho Is, knows what hardship thin nyntem has wrought In tho house of thn fireman-parent. It Isn't llko home, nnd naver Is tho unllkoncsa morn accentuated thnn at Chrlstman. Hho hns never written to Chief Murphy beforo and her letter In somowhat lacking In ltn nd dress and language. Dut her sincerity Is unquentloned, nnd It may appear that In addressing Chief Murphy she wnn mlssend Ing her letter. Thoro Is a possibility that Mary Dornn'n letter would havo reached Its proper des tination It tho superscription had read: "To tho citizens of Philadelphia." CHILD SAVED FROM FIRE Mothor Roscuos Ono, Forgets Second In Smoky Kitchen Desire to navo her slx-mnnths-old daugh ter Itoilo from probnblo suffocation during n II ro nt her homo, 1G41 Smith Orkney street, caused Mm. Evn Millar to forgot Jounlo, another daughter, threo years old, who wns In tho kitchen. After reaching tho street Mrs. Miller renllzod that tho othor child was In danger nml shouted for help, District Detective Cohen, who wan passing, groped hl way Into the house nnd carried tho girl out. Bho wns uninjured. The lire, which wns of unknown origin, caused a loss of J300. Mil ' rnT 1 Suggestions j 1 for Men I P El BANG! AND BURGLAR SEES AURORA BOREALIS HouBcholder, Awakened, Hurls Chair and "Vaudeville Act." Cornea to Sudden End All that Joseph Lynch needed to mnkc tho robbery of tho homo of John Mcduugh, nt 3438 Hurley streot, ns theatrical nn his histrionic serffilbllltlcn seemed to roqulri nn a stringed orchostrn. With that nml nn audience It would havo been n vnudnvllln net. Lynch, according to McOnugh clnttereil and, banged nt tho rear kitchen window for 11 vo mlnuten last midnight beforo ho finally jimmied nn entrnnco. Then, with n bag of heavy, rattling, clinking burglar tools nnd porno bngs, for loot, ho tip-toed Into tho dining room. Hero wnn where tho stringed orchestra wan needed to ac company tho vaudfivilllan entrance with n crescendo pllnk, pllnk. pllnk, pi Ink. Mc Rough awnkoned, lay In bed uimtulrn tho whllo wondering, ho nuyn, nt tho violence of tho first winter ntnrm. Then ho heard iioIsch of breaking dlnhen nnd the jlammliifi nnd bnnglng of buffet drawers mingled with tin motallla Jnngllng of silverware. Mcflough, In hln night clothes nnd hnrn footed, .picked up a nmall chair nnd Sneaked downstairs. As Lynch was making an exit through tho hack window, tho chnlr struek him on Iho back of tho hend. IIo ntudled tho aurora Jiorenlln nml believed ho knew something of thn procenslnn of tho equi noxes by the tlmo tho police nrrlvrd from tho Front nnd Westmoreland rtrcetn sln tlon. Mnglntrnto H'rlgloy this morning held Lynch without ball for court rllherwnra nml Jewelry worn found In bin pockets. Home of which had been taken from another house In tho block whero .Mr!oiigh lived, itccnnllng t thn police. Lynch said ho wn thli ty-four yenrn old mid lived nt ir.0 Went Westmoreland street. . M tv ht- Ef91WiH if i i3 USV&J&1 ELECTRIC LAMP LiRlttinc Fixtures Lowest Prices Lnrito Showrooms RELIANCE Gas & Electric Fixture Company 1.118 Arch St. jm. AS t7JB . Mens Jeweled Finger Rings PHILADELPHIA, In Gold Clcarette Cases Match Boxes Penknives Pencils Smokers' Novelties Sleeve Buttons Vest Chains Z.J.Pequignot JcvJcls 1331 Walnut Street IMmidiCTTOWllllHMir'Irl.Hj Old Forty Dollars ionc of the best stories oircal.aimon-pure boy hood that has been written in a long time. Lat year its author, Frank Whig-, mxde thousanili laogb with til abjurd bur fesqueof Uut fut-rsnunisg iustJmtlon, the amily i4rffsnJi Album," In thli Bfw book, iuli ol bU own delightful drawiags, he MabIihM Unjjelf ii a geo- tLtniratrjTraiiiiiiiTirniiniiiriunrrriiuTg A Superb Gift! 17 Diamonds in a Platinum Ring Fine quality full out snarkllne diamonds. Rinc is exquisitely ucsugiieii in uis new isncy dome shape and shows most artistic workmanship. Every diamond guaranteed exactly as represented, Vtidcr our rtltrtt iilan, tmall elttr ortlcli tor (mill XmoZ WU far New Dtuiioad Booklet MITCHELL'S Hand Carved or plaiwplatinum RINGS IN manyGombinationsofStones Star SappViirc and Diamonds CabochoriSapphitG and Diamonds Cabochon Efflerald and Diamonds Cabochon Ruby and Diamonds Cataeye and Diamonds " Diamond and Calibre Sapphires Emeralds, Rubies or Black Onyx Zest! In the rythmic sweep of the skilled skater or the spirited, smooth rush of a powerful annihilator of space V And drawing-room ele gance, favorite-chair comfort, joined to speed made safe. By 11 great motor always under control. Jiy respon sive, sure brakes. By roomy bodies swung low on sensi tive, staunch springs. Such poise and quiet har mony that you lose all sense of servant machinery and share, in winter days, secure and in comfort, the fine zest of the ori-sweeping skater. Ask the man who owns one Choice of twenty body styles. Prices, open cars, S3O50 and $3J00, nt Detroit. Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia 310 North Broad Street, Philadelphia nlso Hothlehcm. Ilnrrisburff, LancnBtor, Rending. Trenton, Willinmsport nnd Wilmington. Nearest wings with the strength of his muscles alone man comes when he glides awny on sharp skates over keen, clear ice. Power Hoods him. Speed poise control the sen sation of free flight, is his. Kindred joy of motion the world's long dream of spanning space and time realized again in the silent, smooth flight of a Twin-six motor carriage. ff lUfUMuTiWTiniWfr &?c W&rZoo3oo pjp&S-?2 T$&&-8tS&4? tiEPPE &oS0o8o$j!k8&.o&$ "v r- Mrhu & DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool , a Knitted Fabria Beat Hand -Tailored Ladies Suits Misses Suits 22.75 to 38.75 1 Lined or Unlined Models for all purpoies. No E retting. Damp proof and with )iitinctivc individuality, ,Our Models here only fWNH & DlLKS IIOI.feHBlX.HUT ST, 4 f sf i M T4e-iWueii - J Order Your Christmas Victrola NOW from HEPPFS This Christmas -will see a large scarcity of Victrolai. All pot.ibla diiappointment can bo avoided if you placo your order with us now; wo will then renro for you a Victrola of tho type you want. . .y V'L1 deliv" "nv ''yl0 ' Victrola, all delivery charges prepaid, to any point In tho United States. Settlement may be made by cash, or charge, or rental lease. j Call or writo for full particulars todajl HEPPE OUTFITS VICTROLA IV......,,..,,....., 118.00 4 10. inch DoubU'Uca rWcord,. ,,,,,, , .4.50 ,119.50 Total coit Pay II down, il.10 monthly. VICTROLA VI ......... 12S.D0 6 lO.uch DoubU-faca Ritord, ,, 4 .60 To ul cm t ,...,....,,. azsJJO Pay J2 down. J) monlbly. VICTROLA VIII 40.00 vibinuui tin ..-,.........,...,,, I4U.OO Racatdt, your ctlon. ,,, ,..,,.,,,, sso Total cpjt ..,.1 Pay $4 down. ) monthly. , 3.00 VICTROLA IX .,....,.., tSOXO Racordt. your atUcttoo. ...... ,...,.., 10.00 Total coat , -. tOJ)0 Pay 41 down. 14 monthly. VICTROLA X ,,,r... J,,,,. ,,,,,$78.00 Racordt, your ailectlon .II. 1. 1: iojm 1 ; -,T. Total cdtt ...,.,. .183.00 Pay 5 down. 1J monthly, 'ia';:!::;;:::;;::'a TP:VCtotdo."irmonhfy.- "" Racorda, your aclcctioa , iq.00 Pay $10 down, 18 monttlr. VICTROLA XVI , .,,, U0O.03 Record., your .dactii,::::::::::::;; Total eoit .....,.,,.,.. tatexo ray 110 down; no monthly. Writ for IlluatraUd Catalogue Man writer oo((iia C, J. Heppe & Son 11171119 Chestnut Street or 6U1 and Thompson StreU t,ft. , . PhflEcfelphta . -j ' S'J M 'I j& M i3 : rf w.Wmtm. 0t'JtJi -- ' . Jf a, N st. "M mst&am ' i&mam