(SISTERS PERISH flRB SWEEPS HOME L PS Other 79, Victims of Mg M, uv T. w,irti.i BJatc on wo ." .niv.itiii. the othtr &f tx ";t .; ihMr lives In WTtZr t their home. 1447 North fMtfrtar by them4 SitrHWww RL. ,mranr . Twnlr-Tnlh and J1 ..- arrlred wlimn mo &lB?u!s FJU Koeler at tho tamol i'.i.r1 iheathed In name... They ?.f to 4hT front of tho house and Llrrh for the other ulster, WSflSfSd crumpled b' this tlma and iSt1 Sal.,,,v n. ladder to the Mc- Tr and found Mi Josepli'n. .. lEF v;i, ih body on ineir chkiii """ wn llMPltnl. Members of Com EJ.P!2fc Jill Uosenau to tho Women's rW ;,.. W "TV.,.,. .iBlr rooms tho police ITI Sine containing J19.4J and a . ry not, for JS100 duo April 1917. mlory noiii firemen to havo "Si Irt ' IM iioVlcr. when .h. -4 down '" ". " " Y, " Kui ttMlch ret re ,u "" ....-- - -SrUiV-ur, K Most of Iho iiaranKe 7 " - Xl. the head of 'tho .1. Irs and the ESTu- iwf Th. nremen controlled ?.VmM without much delay. SlftrTwi dKov.re.1 by a take boy. 12 rinsenyager. of Twenty-seventh nnd He notlwi m". ". ," KL Tnd rouned l'ollcenmn laul. who lives F?w MMlte sldo of tho street from the tox h"i'!;..i Mrmn Wlc-rlnii. nf .uTDty-el(tllh an.l Ogfcirtl street stn TZl and the two broke In (Jin front iloor, ifl,r wndlne In nn ninrm oi nre. BCTb bouse Is a two-story brlclt nnd la u 1 lo haro been owned by Mrs. Roscnnu. ?l tUttM had lled there nbout seten iwnund had been rrsldcnt of this city for mar J. They aro said to havo been Jjjjrw of aermany. They wcro Inscpara V,t companions. ?'a relatives of the two women nra known S'tht tvUet. and District Dctectlvei CleKB td Farley, of tho Twenty-clBhth nnd Ox fcrf ttretta station, nro carchlnB today ttrmjlwnttho nearby sections of the neigh Krhood In an ttt0Tt to nml trace ot fela-Urts. wTo inarriea maicr iiru ucch wiuuw jsf tboat ten years. It Is said by nelsh tot tint she was on the constant look est fcrhtr husband. Sho thouRht ho would nturo to her. h VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS COUNTER ON WHITE RATS Scoarlng the Country for Nonunion "Talent" to Bo Used in Event of Actors' Striko I.CHICAOO, Dec. 12 Vaudeville nnd bur IgQiM managers of tho Middle Went todny in tcourloff the country for nonunion tnl- esttobaused In casa tho White Itats nc- IKi' union of America calls a threatened an. jjlfct White Itats nre demanding recognl .ttM'ud a closed shop. Tho Vnudovllle Mitirm' Protective Association, which Is Sarfto iranlltiff the demands, has ndopt- IWM attitude or silent defiance. KrMclloni nra thnt If n strike does Tkx It will be confined to the Mlddlo iVut. 15VBNING LEDGEK-PHILADELPIItA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1016 NEWS AT A GLANCE H Woman Dies in Chair; Man Held MOHNSTOWN. Pa.. Dec. 12. Seated In icJilr, her head upon a bed. Mrs. Michael Mtocilna, forty-nvn, was found dead. Mar Ito Cubir, a visitor, who left but a few PKlaates befora her hndv wnv fnunil. hnn lamsted. Tho pair had been drlnklnc. Hll , V I vvlllll, ' mini i mmmndi er; Jobber. .", "" ,,'-'"'-e'- Mfl .J?." nwp,r iwbllshers ap- KTmmlJt 7 J!'0 lh6 K,er' Trade .Son 6,KUn ,he nw" prlnl r Mine wn,!m!' .A,k' ,,M- VnKed taM.'u,1'1 AtkanM. Oklahom nnd T?i.;rBf.0'!2, WHWion. of Thurber. oKe,ln!rten?;dMMe 'f "' JJ . .f th VnlM Mln" Workers of JV?7. . . tMla)'' Th r"ul1 of the contest .n d.tl,rl,ct Jir.iant between John 1L Ijw. 5?!1 ' ! McLennan will have n til In. .il??9 on the pontest for the national presl. .J? y' B".Me,-nnan ha campalaned In ile rense of National President Jvhn P. White's llrfke Colora,, miners In their r- n-Rr''K, V"" " The Noutbern cotton Consress met hero today, elmul tnneously with the Southern Commercial LonBress an.l other bodies. WASIII.NOTON, Il, It. K.lwnr.1 S. McOraw. Wllllamsport. Pa . confidential secretary to Secretary of Ijilror Wilson, to. day wa admitted to practice before the .Supreme Court of the United States, on motion of Solicitor General Davis. IIOMK. U,r. li. ropo rirnrrilct jenUt day received Prince nnd Prlnres Andrea Hon OampnKnl In private audience. The Princess was Miss Marttuerlte Preslon Draper, of lloston. She was recently mar ried to Prince lion CampnRnl. who Is a scion of ono of the oldest families of the Holy Itoman nobility, with a title datlnfi back to 1J33. .TJ' T.nK "" "Ten firemen were injurw nnd property worth IS0.000 was destroyed today In n spectacular nre In i. .ii ii ""' iivo-siory factory bulldlnfr was destroyed. IIKADINOWhen the first open-nlr rchnol opens here there will he forty-three children ready to take ndvantnBe of It. Ninr HA N'OVRIt Jolted from hN waeon when the wheels skidded nlons the trolley trncks, ltownrd Kulp frnctured four rlb.i. COATRRVIM.R John II Kelly, nf Waynesboro, Pa., was Injured hero when his automobile was wrecked on tho Lincoln Highway. Ho suffered cuts nnd bruises. He was accompanied by his wife, who was not hurt. -Ho wns able to leaxo by train for his homo later In the day. COATKSVII.I.K Levi S. Handler. Ihlrty clBht yenrs old, was equeeied to death In In tho Lukens mills, when he was caught between a slag pan and tho furnace. He leaves a widow nnd two nmnll children He was a well-known citizen and took much Interest In munlclpnl affairs. IIAimiSKUHO Claim for compensation because he was shot by a fellow employe durlnB worklnB hours nnd on the premises of the employer has been Hied before. Hefereo Saylor by John Quam. nn employe of a firm of coal dealers of Harrlaburk. LANCASTER Jacob Mumma, fltty-thres years old, a city street department em ploye, was hit by an automobllo driven by Jehn Kuhns while crosslpu Hast Klnit atrtet. He died soon after belne taken to a hospital. ('VMnr.ni.AXn Because of the Illness of Judge (Jlllan. Franklin County' regular term f Common Pleas Court will not be held this week l.at week was criminal Week, and neighboring Judges sat In the place of Judgn Olllan. Judge Sadler, of Cumberland, and Judge McPherson! of Adxms. n n r L r. T o W N The twenty-three students from Rucks county attending the Pennsylvania Slate College have organised a onunly ettth, Otflrers tor lh year were ilected ns follows; President, Iwls Haltey. of Doylestnwn; Mce president. Ilonartt Fraser. Doyleslown; secrtary and treasurer. Joseph Ituos, Doyleslown. CirAMni'.nsnVIttl The strictness of the law put an end to the plans of the mum. mers' organisation to raise easy money for lis annual trip to Philadelphia. The mum mers had arranged a rame, but the district attorney Informed them that It could not be held. Consequently. If the club falls to collect sufficient money, the, valley will not bo represented In Philadelphia's big New Year's eent City News in Brief A ritVINH IIAIIY nOY w found Ut night by Mrs Mary Wnugh and Mrs Nancy Kmory, 2113 Arch street, on the front steps of their house. They notified the police of the Fifteenth nnd Vine streets station, nnd the boy was sent to the Philadelphia llencrnl Hospltnl. OOVr.1lNMr.NT CONTnoi. ever Indns- "We'rc Distinctive" DIXON Dependable Tailor Service Ince Elghtten-Sir-Slx Suitings or OTrrrontlngt, J to 133 1111 Walnut Street "IT'Vre Reasonable" E. Milton Dexter 1218 Spruce Street rS & 4.-. SWEETS Xmas Desserts Xmas Candy Xmas Cake JrllCL OAVCK For the JUNOE CUTS COAL ntLU ONC-TIintD M.09 L. D. Bcrgcr Company f.i.i.VphU' BookUt e Jlmttl J. E. Caldwell & Co. Chestnut Junipet South Perm Squara Desk Sets and Toilet Articles - in gold .; , ?0R nearly thrce qnartcrs of a cen tury we havo held the reputation of setting tho pace for men's fashions. Each succeeding genera tion has numbered its young men among our best customers. And younj? men aro Included nmoni: our lest craftsmen. Their skill nd originality, guided by our experience, in jure stylo nnd distinc tion in the clothes we produce, and eliminate the possibility of any tnlnj; tendinjr toward the freakish. HUGHES ..AND MULLER Tailors 1527 Walnut St. Plain, Engraved, or Engine-Turned l Mausers! ASpecialtyl JONES W6WalnutStreefc -Readv Mnnpv. jWted States Loan Society b' U7 North Broad St, ui at, 1518 Gcrmaatona ANDIRONS icietyl na 8T. I A. DREKA FINE STATIONERS ' Canes and Umbrellas ' for Ladies and Gentlemen Smart Styles 1121 Chestnut Street J Is Your Store Always Properly Closed? When you havo Holmes Protection you can be sure that it 13 properly closed every night. If it is not, we do not receive the correct closing signal. The forgotten door or window ia truickly found and you ore saved from the possibility of loss by burglary or damage by storm. Let us tell you more about what Holmes Service can uojurjun. HOLMES fry n n necessity for the United StAte If it is to meet the competition of Burope was brought out at the Contemporary Club symposium nt th nellevtie-Stratron! Hotel last night. Speakers were lr It Tnlt Mc Kenxle. of the Tnlveralty of Pennsyhanla Physical department; William C Uullltt. ol the Publlo ledger, nnd Jlenry Wharton, of Chestnut Hut TIIK lUJV. iuitS It. KAI.KXr.U, eighty, four years old. rector emeritus of Christ I. K. Church, ttermantown. Is critically ill at his home. 9 South Korty-nfth street. stirrer ng from pneumonia. Doctor Knlkner jerved ns rector of Christ Church for twenty-al yjsrs prior to his resignation In May. 1(99 TIIK l'K.V.a.ri.VA.VI. IIAII.nnAtt li asked the co-opernllon of shippers In this city to relieve the shortage of freight ears, by loading and unloading the cargoes promptly. Simultaneously with this appeal, the hew demurrage rates, recently allowed by the Interstate Commerce Commission, went Into effect. Tltll V1CT1UK CATHOLIC OI.lIll lis elected the following ofllcers: ('resident. John J. (Irlfllni vice piysldent. William J. Mc.Menamln ; recording secretary, J. Joseph Wilson. Jr : financial secretary, Harry Con. way. delegates to the C Y M A. V., SI. 3. Hughes, John Collins, James Orlffln. Jlattln Gannon and "William McMenftmtn JOSTI.KI) ROt TIIK nilAU of it ehltl Ing engine at Twenty-rUth street nnd Washington nvenue. Charles Boyle, thirty two years bid, 1151 Boulh t'axon street, n Pennsylvania brakeman, was decapitated by the tender nnd two freight cars which passed oer him An undertaker took charge of the body pending nn Inouest. JOHN IIIt.nKIt, hennlnv expert of national reputation, has been elected execu tive secretary of the Philadelphia Housing1 Association to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of tlernanl J. Newman. The pew secretary U a native of tlalllmore. He Is rt graduate of Cornell University. CITY APPtltNTMIiNTS today Included Oscar ttelter. 72 llerks street, nurse, !lu renu of Correction, salary $400! St. Stanton Taylor, lot South Thirteenth street, assist nnt engineer. Department of City Trntislt, $1500; Abraham Klein, TJ North r.tghth street, second assistant, Ilurrau of Rimrys, lt00; Percy li Nebus. S426 Whitby nve nue, assistant sanitary engineer, Ilurrnu of Surveys. 11500; Cheater 12. Albright. 3d. 17 Kaat Tulpehocken street, assistant In spector, tlureau of Surxevs. JtOOO; Frnnk U tlernet. C22S Limekiln pike, Inspector. Uutr.ll of Suneys, U50; l.llllan A. McKI wnln. Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases, head nurse. Department of Health. 1900; Harriet K. Mendel, I'hlla delphla Hospital fftr ContagloW Disease, head nurse. Department of Health. 1900 j Marshall It. Uusslnger, t2t North Rlx teenth street, laboratory helper, llureau tf Health, 1600. nnd Margnret M. Hutth. 2110 Mount Vernon street, Bureau of Health. WO. . PITHS VAt.vr.tl AT glSOO were stolen from the house of Mrs. Holler, 142ft North Seenleenlh street by a man believed to hate gained admlltanro during the absence ot the family by means of a false key. Mrs, Holler found the front door ajar upon aer return. A, fur coat nlurd at 100, n fur robe and many other articles were stolen. The police of the nidge and Mid nle avenues station nre Investigating. Strikers Attack Police at Shore ATLANTIC CITY. Dec 12. amue Weakley, a policeman, was Injured In a fight between police and striking em ployes nt the paving plant of tho War-ner-Qulnlan Company, on Mediterranean nvenue Laborers, demanding more pay, were ordered from the plant nnd refused to go Stick nnd stones greeted the po lice when they arrived, nnd Weakley was felled with n blow from a shovel. He later lodged a charge against Charles Itoblnson, the iillcgcd lender of the strikers. Itobln son was commllted to Jail to await hear-Ing. RSrKKflBEflH agiHi gNgflBigiEiSBVlKigiw9lgisllllB. MKBBsSSSSSwBSHmK Ht .iPHRBwv' xdggig MFffffHWKj)9HE '" -H 4v JK 0 lgUBiillBk QnQkff lBBgigigigigigiM JigniUliigiiUlluUiliiiiiiiic . bPsUKkMmbl ,lfigHBuBBiWigHHgiHiiBI BARRIENTOSL jfil World's Greatest Coloratura Soprano fjIM Hi ri ARRIENTOS on Columbia Records! The new- found treasure-voice of the Metropolitan Opera the supreme coloratura soprano of the day! There is infinite sweetness in Barricntos' voice a voice of such rare beauty that critics bow before it, acknowledging the splendor of a gift unmatched, supreme. All the exquisite art of Barricntos is beautifully reflected in these, her first Columbia recordings: Now on Special Sale 12-inch $3.00 each 48627 LUCIA-MAD SCENE "ARDON GL'INCENSI." (These flaming tapers. With flute oblicato by Manhall P. Lufsky. 48628 LUCIA-"RECNAVA NEL SILENCIO." (Silence o'er all). 48650 MIREILLE-VALSE. (Waltz-aong). Barrientos' singing of these famed selections is beyond all description. Columbia Records are living reflections of the art of the greatest singers. They have the voice, the interpreta tion, the personality of such world-famed artists as Lazaro, Fremstad, Sembach, Bonci,Gravcure, Seagle, Nielsen, Gates, Macbeth. To hear their records is to hear themselves and "Hearing is believing." See your Columbia dealer today. Columbia Htcordt in all Foreign Languages tictp Columhii Rtcerit en tali tht acth tvtry mmlh TMt adurtiimint viat dittattd Id tht Distifhmu J t Columbia CrafonoU Price S20O LUM FOR SALE BY 'jmrn CrNTUAl, f-unulngham Plana Co., Hot Ch..inut HI. PtnnirlTsnU Talking Msehloe Co., HU'J Clieainul HI. f Btllenburg, N., Co., Ulli and M.rk.t Hit. ilrawbfldio CUthltr, lilt and Market at XOKTI! flly lint rharmaey, York lload and City XJaa. Ooll.r, John p., 1MT WockIan4 St., Logon. KoternlL. Ilenj , HO North Klghth 81. Ideal I'lano and Talklnr JlaclUoo Co.. ttii OtriuaDlowa Avo. Oldewurtel's, tS Oermantown Ave. Olacy Muili Parlor, toll N. 8tU u Piillsdtlphla Talking Machlao Co., 000 .V franklin HI. . I. K-. ' nirard Are. clierar'a Piano Compsar. S30 N. Slh 8b cbull Uciaban, 1113 Columbia Afa. NORTHEAST llurr. Kdward I!-, till Vrsnkford At. Colonial Melody Shop, StSB N. Front SI. trankfurU alstle Hlore. X3S7 OrtliuUo dt. Goo-Jmon, 1 l. ' Woat Olraril Aft. (iulUgvrkl, Victor, OrlUoilox anil Almond alt. Kenny, Thomas-M., Sltl Kcatlsgtoa At. Kilty, Z., ISd Wnl Olrard Ai. l.rrclrr. Joaeph, Slit Itlcuutoud BU Mtlnir. Samoel, 1204 North fifth St, a Oumworlh'i, all W, ihlrh An. a Pblladilpbla Talking Marblao Co., 044 N. td St, Hrlnliiluiir'i lliparluiat Htoro, Front and Suxiuihanna Avi. NOMTIIWE8T Cinan, T, II., B3J0 Oirmnnlown Ave. Daili, franklin, 00O Waym Ave. Kalwalr, Jlarlln, 03 Oirmanlown An, Ktyitoni Talking Machlni Co., 1801 North ltd St. Moire, P. 11.. J4B tliroianlown All. MdiUteln, Philip, Silt W, York rlt. linuklai, J. Mouroo. 6147 tiirmanlowo Ait. TEST PH1IJVIIKI.P1IIA Cirr. n. Y., all Slain St.. Darby. narlf, flto. II. Co., 1910.1938 Lancadir Ati. rikini I'luoo Co.. tti.es i, aid si, rillman, W. II., Sill I.anidowm Ave. Independent Talklnr llichlm Co., I8I Woodland Afiuue. I.rdiDi, Harry, 4 IS North Bd 81. Milehlorrl tlroi., 1911-40 I.ancaittr Ave. Shall'a Drur Htoro, ISIS Market HI. Ualierial Talking Maclitai and ltieord Ca, rOIIi and Chilian! SU. Wilt I'hlladilphla Talking Machine Co., 1 South flOlli SI. BOOTH no nron, Lonli. ltoi South 4th St. Vr.id, Morris. ISIT-It lh Hi. Ulebo Talking Machlni Co., Ull ft. Drioao At, Lnploaccl, Anlonlo, 70 South 7lt 81. Mlllir. II.. Otl South Id St. Muilcal Kclio Co., The, I Zibin, prop., N. IS. cor. 61b and Ualnbrldgo SU. 1'lilUdalphU fhonograph Co., (If Seuth St. I'hlladilphla fboaocraph Co., SIS 8. 8lh St. Hoiinfiltl, D., Ill South SI. atelti. Harry, ill South fth St, CAUDEN. N. ). Ondliy, H. J., llta-!7-! llroadway. . .t. it ,,,,,,, r u ,.ife i 11 lllXMIIhlw llhgl 1)014.111 llWi This Final One Week Sale of Intensified Value at $15 in Suits & Overcoats of recognized $25, $22.50 and $20 fab- ' rics is, the crown ing intensified event of the sea son! "ly J The conditions in the woolen market make these Values even more pronounced than those we gave in October and November. It twould be utterly impossible to sell Suits and Overcoats of these fabrics at $15 today, except for the fact that we brought such pressure to bear on the sources of sup ply and sacrificed some of our own legitimate profits just to have this value-giving event this one week in December. J Any man with a pair of eyes in his head can see even through the glass in our windows that the fabrics in these Suits and Overcoats are no regular $15 quali ties! They would be appraised and admired as excellent $25, $22.50 and $20 values if they carried those price tickets and that is what any store in the U. S. A. would have to get for them, unless it used the drastic meas ures to pull off this event that Perry & Co. have used. J Single-breasted and double-breasted Over coats in full loose backs or close-fitting belted backs; kimono-sleeve Overcoats, also single breasted and double- breasted conservative Overcoats both as re gards fabric, color and model and a variety of patterns, shades and colorings for the most exacting selection! J Suits of solid dark worsteds, heavyweight blue serges; brownish and grayish mixtures with a variety of striped and colorful patterns in plain backs, Norfolk backs and conservative models. Altogether, one Wonderful O p p o r tunity o get a $25, $22.50 or $20 quality fabric in a Suit or an Overcoat at' the Uniform Price of $15 but for this One Week Onlyl PERRY & CO. UN. B.T7' 16th & Cheut Stn .V 'J I rciHIIKRS FIRE TOOLS llui.A.-iWfcrds 8iCHESimiTSX mrWcanuttiz suasBJKpsjr". I) Ull'. MWIli )" I' a rr