Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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"ffirsP ;r
- - - - i
BftKet Said to Bo Slated for
TrAnafci4 to Ddpartmont
of Justice
' "WAMHKdTOM. Dee. IX. Vatic C. Mc
Comtek, chairman of the Democratic Nn
,Ue1M Committee, II I rumored. Is likely to
. 'Seeem ffecrslary of War In Ihe new Wll
Mir Cabinet. It li undetntood that Attorney
dnfal Oretroty ctenlrln to ret.re. Bhoultl
he adhetfl to his decision. It Is bellaved tltAt
HMiretfiry linker will be untried to the De
partment, of Justice and Mr. SIr.CormIck
given tha war portfolio.
tfasntngtdri betleres titer Will be ho
other chfthen In the President's ofllclnl
family, flecrelary MeAtloo has person-
rv ally , denied that h had any Intention of
rtslKiilnff. and It wan ittven out thnt fiecro.
try HotistsT) hail been Riven a further leave
of absence Tf Washlnnton University at
Sfc. Louis.
V.- M. Daniels to Be Jtenppolntcd
WABUINOTON. Dec. 12. Wlnthron Jt.
Daniels, of New Jersey, whoso term nn a
member of tho Interstate Commerce Coin
mission expires December 31, will be re
appointed by President Wilson.
iAONEV', Dee. 10. ANDItlJW AONUU. ose.l
S3. Relatives and. friends invlteil to funeral
aenrteea, Ttaurs,, t p. m., aon.lii.law'ii real
ence, JSmea CaUljr, 0S20 N. Park ave, tut
. AUDLSIt. Dee. 11. LUVKNIA C, wife nf
jowm W. Ambler, asd an. Itelnllven nnil
Jawim w. Ambler. asJ an. It
frltndf InrllfcJ to funeral awrvlc". '
m. i H-. trailer at,, Went Phlli
2-af."vVl Iu Illll lm. iVl.n
Wed,, after H p. in. Weal Cheater
'ueo to iiinemi nrvic". inure. n.
nun. int. nn
enna mny call
r local MMr
. ANTItlM. Dee, . 0. at Wonahurr. N, J .
TVA1.TKU ANTHIM. huabaml of Helen il. An
trim (naa lluil.;. Italattvea and frlemla. ,rrn
plores of Trenton dlv. of Penna. II, It., In
Tiled tor funeral. Wed.. 3 p. m.. I'emlierton, N.
f. Int. M. K. Oem.. I'emfiertnn, N. J. Trnln
leaves Market at. ferry for 1'tmuerlon l'J..V
f"AItbuCKt,B At Mlnserly.Mil., pre o. HAM
trni, J. AIUIUOKI.H, aseti 71. I'uneral -rv
lees, ainarerly, 111, Tuea S p, m.. Int. Went
mlnater Cam I'lilla. tL':3D i, m,, Wnl.
nALLANTrND. Ued. 0. WIIJ.tAM. Iiuabaml
nf Jane ilaltantynn. Hatatlvpa nnl frlpmla. Jef
ferson Lodge No, S. H, of 11., Invllrd In funeral
services, Thura 2 p. m tvaldenro of aon-ln-law.
fftenhen It. ltussall, 2lnn K. Cambria at
ninth Ward;. Int. pflvale, llelvue LVm. Auto
IJAnilKTT. Dec. 1). JtAItflAnnT, dsushler
sf late Patrick end Mary llarrett. Itelallvea
and frlendr. It. V. M. Hodnlilt-, Altar oclt'
eiiM , e. . nuvi.ir w, r.yiiMiniir ,Mi,u,cii, inu
Ft. niiiabelh Uenendnl Hoclety. Invlteil in fu
neral, Thure.. :ao n. tn.. 2314 H, join at.
solemn reoulem mass Church nf tho I.plphany
10 a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem.
nKNNBTT. Dee, 11, DO.VA1.D AUTHOll
11BNNKTT, Infant son of Dr. and lire, W. A.
llennett. need la moa. Ilelatlvea and friends
Invited lo funeral. Wed,, 2 p. m,. rmrents' resi
dence, MIUS Krankford five., Holmeaburs;. Int.
prhate l'leaas omit flowera.
tttiAlCK Dec. in, AMOH BNYDI.rt. husband
of.H. Mill Clayton lllake' and ami nf lata
Ttobert H. and Marsaret. ttnyder lllake, eo-d 117.
Ilelatlvea and friends, menlbera of lluntlna
..a ra. - f u.,-, e .,i.-u .......-- .
t'arit Assn., inviten in runerai servicea. weu.,
2 p. m.. 40ttt Old York rd. Int. nrlrate,
TlONNElt. Dec. 111. MICHAl.t,. nuahaml nf
lata Mary Homier. Itelallvea nnd frlende
Jame II, Ilawley lien. Mnc.t.Pope Plus IX
lien, cc, Invlled to funeral. Wed., NMD a, in.,
1204 H, 22d at. Hulemn mase of reiiulent
rhitrrh nf Hi. Uharlra llorromeo 10 a, m. . Int.
Cathedral Cent,
IIONNKH. Dec. It, KI.MW.T., widow of
James llonner, lleliittves ittul friends Invlled tu
funeral. Thtirs. N:30 a, in., 2113 N, l'alethorn
St. Solemn hlith renulem mass Visitation
Cnurrn HI n. m. Int Holy Uenulrher Cent,
tmPJNNAN. Dec. 10, at Ilryn Slawr, ICATII1
ttltlCNNAM'. ilanahtsr nf late John and Catha
rine tlrennan, of County Kilkenny, Ireland.
iteltttlve-t and friends Invited to funernl, Thurs ,
7:.m s, in., reetuenco nr Airs, jonn iienneaey,
EIVO H. clarion at. (I3tn and llttner sis,).
Holemn requiem mass Church of Kiilphany o
s, rn. int. Holy vrosa cem. Auto runerai.
ntfnnowa. Dec. u. ir. .mahy j. vvn.
HOW. slater of Mra. Alihln Ktrkbrld and aunt
of Oenri". and Thome s Klrkbrlde. Krlends tn-
vlted to funeral services. Wad., H p, m.,
densa of Jossph W, 'Vlckars, 272s llldso
Int. Carbondale, Pa,
CAMPIIKM,. Dec. 10, JAMI.H, husband of
Elliaueth Campbell. Ilolallvna noil friends,
AUfhrlm I,. O, I, No. U1 Oranecmen In aen
tral. membera of Fifth. Ilefortned I'resbylerlan
Church, Men'a Hlbie class, employes nf ail
more'a, Invlled tn funeral services. Wed., 2
p. m.. residents nf Win. Curry, 1211 K. Onlarlo
at. Int. private, Jforih Cedar lllll Cem. llemalna
may las viewed on Tuea. vo,
QAntST. dHUBliIrr of late ilartlit and. Insa
Carlaon. aied -I. Ilelatlvea ami friends In-
.,,. .h. .u.... .i.ii.f., ,,ru,, a. ft. III,, rt-Ol-
denc-i nf Herman 3tallaon, 133 Hylvanla ave.,
Ilockledsa, Alnntiomer Co., abos Ko Cliae.
Int. Lawn X lew Cem.
CAMHIDY. Deo, U. AN.NIK. v.f of Wll
Hum Ceasldy, formerly of 1'ontalear, Charles
town. County Mayo, Ireland, Helalivta nnd
friends tnviied to funeral, Wed., 11:30 a. m..
JI33 Uaynton at., tlermantown, Solemn man
gt, Vincent do Paul's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy
enuleher Cem.
CASHIDY. pec 10. MAItY R., wife ot
Thomas I' Caisldy (nee Douahertyl.'ltatatlves
"?JL 'Clenda Invlled tn funeral. Wed., a. m
2410 X-ombard at. Illarht mass of- reoulem Ht,
Anthony's Church Ui30 a. m, Int. Calhsdrsl
CASTOI1. Dec. B. JAltlCS. son of John and
Kllsa, Castor, sffd 2lf. Ulatlrra aim friends.
Jetonka. Tribe, Nq. 321. i. O.It. Jl.t empioyei
Oeoreo Blnn coal yard. Invited to funeral.
Wed., a p. m.. narenta' residsneo, 470S Metros
at. Int. North Cedar lllll Cem. Ttemalne may
w ivi-r lull,, e to ill p. in,
J7ffciu Dec. u. tiiioitdn v.,
aon nf lata
wti,iW&,c.W,, ll,lh.! V'f'U '"It private.
Tof?,AAiDS.0N.-r-D'!' .". .ANNII. li.. wife ol
William Davidson. Ilelatlvea and friends In
ttfil -Jo f un-jru.I senlces, Thurs,, ti a. m
12T U. Van .Pelt at. Int private. Westminster
:mii.Wn,1'' m".y, "" ve!-. H tn 10 p. m.
DAVIS, a red M, Ilslatlves and fr.enda in
J'teM to funeral s.rvlces. brother's realdenre,
Watson T. Davit. Kourlh-day. R p. m. Int, prl.
Int. Madia Cem
Charles Dlshl. Ilelatlvea and friends Invlled to
funeral services .Wed , 10 a. in., parlors of
ft, P. rrankendeld Bona, OSOO vine at. Int.
Ifernwoed Cam.
. DIElUf. Dec. 10, auddenly, AUTKIIUS, son
M Chartea A, and Jennie Dlehm, ased 0. Itela-
uvea ana menus inviisu to innerai services,
Tttors,. 3 p. m., parents' reald-ncs, 2002 K.
Hart Una. 'int.. North Cedar lllll Cem, Ha
sina may nej y ivig
Vn""".RIKr ".J"l . .
lata EHa Dllerorth, ejred 73. .lelstlvra and
frlenda. membira of Ksnslnston Jt, H, Church,
Ell .oriapljatlons of which ho.wss a mem
er, Invited to funeral services, Wed., an, m.,
rtp,-, i-eetilene Indalth J l,ll,artvlh OAll ll...l
on1 residence, Joaenh J Dl wort!
ave. int. orlvata. Northwooil Ctn
'ij;.-, ww, u,iiu
BDyONlrTQK. pec. 8, tlOIIET A
pKIV, bnabana or Helena Edmonston, fit atlvea
and frleoil. lit. Airy todse,. No. 233. j. o,
O. JV Invited to funeral services, Wed., i p,
. l-riiU' Versos St. Int. Hillside cim.
BLVlbfiB. - .D. 10. suddenly. JOHN
THOMA8, husband ot Husan Klvldaa. and S3,
Itelattvas snd.frlsnds Invited. to funeral aerv
Tms, Thurs., 3 P, m,. 140 W, Oharpnack at.,
(iermajitown. Int. private. Ivy lllll Cem. lis.
gains psay pa yitweu ivaa. av,
IveNjT Dec. 10, WIUTTON KVEN3. Pu.
niral nrivatiL
. rXltlt peo. II, MAKY a,, widow of Usnry
M. Krr, on'blla.. fs. Int. Worth Laurel Ilift
Cent., Wed.
FLANAGAN. .Deo. 8, at.Uamburs;, P.,
DAVID J. .KLANAOAN, son of David. 3. and
fat jtfary jrianassn, aed 8T, Funeral. Wed.,
s 30 a. rn.. from resldenca of bU fathar, UJJti
KlnRelns ave, Hlih mesa at 81. Clemtncs
II. C, Church II . tn. Int. Cathedral Cem,
Jlelatfvea and friends Invited
FOItTNKH. Dee. 10. auddenly, AUCB 8.,
wife ot. Albert II. Fortner.atid deuahter of
..Wllllira K. and pis tl. Wolfs, seed S3, ltela
ilvta and friends Invlled to funeral aervleea.
Wtra., J, p. ro reeiosnc or nusmno, sto
Sisvans at, Camden, N. J. Int. Private, liar
, ir
T to
tetsro &;sm. srienos may can .uh.,
j aj ictefi
Believes in
fflaMng tile
Mmt of the
- f
i11!" 'ii" iiiaious terminal l ta p.
tn. for. Ivylaind.
s.rASl?T"0' '!! V,ILI'TA.11 T- DAVFH. seed
Mi Itelallvea atid frlenda Invlled to funeral,
Thura.. !J a. m.. Niwinwn Hmi. n.l A i...'
p-uii.Bifii. uee. .v. KbiZAHBTII J., widow
?' ??? Dethlere. aseil nj. Ilelatlvea and friends
L,lvJ,l,,0.!i",5"'.i,v,il 1:3U V m- residence,
14 U, eui st, Int, l-'ornwDOd Cent. Friends
may view l-eroalns Tue, eye.
tSlKIIIitlec. It, JnitAMMA. ol.l.. .
nw.'of- tti Ltai rKmAr fl MM J3t"N&KX l4-li4:s.BaaaaaWl)c-f-rfBKiB llilPBBaaaaw 'Yu ra ' ivV &fx
J r - --jM-MjjjsjprrT-ri"h -- ,,i. i, ....,nl.i-.-l .-...., . .,., ,..,.,,, I -iir - ' i , i I, , JLm itjhu S'-rmMxmri V
ii",v'j."''-ir vJr"vj.""y ...,..... ni.7.
Iirsil v.nuncil, no
( I A.. tn.lteA V,
funeral rle. Tneg a p m. 2711 K lilt,
ft. hrtltt snd fnt Forest unvi. I'a Wed.,
a. rn.
?nnrrD' n. bcmam Hamilton? wif 0f
Dr Walter iinerns.y Frey daughter of la( a
Alexander and Phoeh luwr.lfe.mi ton. .nets
Hre an'l.frlenrfs Invlttvl te funeral, Wed,. II
. m 20.1 tlrand ( . lions' Island Clly. N r
OA NTS!. Dec. KLtKAHirrtt OAN'TZ. wife
rf cgper D. (Isntslnea Rleinl., formerly of alo
fllH et. ttelatltra and friends Invito lo fu
neral, Wed . t je t m , sin-In. law'e residence,
rranic ntawari. sin : 2it si. ins
Illsh rruufem
rna, Orjr Lsdy of lloly Moula II a
i- -;-- - -" -, ...... ... .- .... .....
new vaine.irai uem
..OKniSTr, ! , PATRICK J . husband of
Mary, lierily ipsa Feihrreorji, Helaiives snd
frlende. Dlr. No ft, A. D, If.. Invited to fit
neral. IVfil.., S:,10 ft n S221 franfcrnfil .
Holrmn rrqiitrm m I'lmreli of AtnHn 10
. m, Int lloly i'ro cm
qum l)f o. MAURI. .tlilr of .tofrh
S'toyea tan1anl A flow, .ivtl) lo fnnrat aerT
r, Wl . a p m,. 51 S.t K. l'lmnlln al.
nt Oakland. Cm. Ilomatni mar Ihi vlavreil
rufa . T to 10 o. m
ftOnMAh Vtc. JO, JOHN' .hban-l nf lat;
Anna (lorinnn
li' an
nd friends Ineiol
to funaral, 'fhtira N.til a. m . S3 ltarp'r
Iflah riqultm rnata Ht, Hmou xi
nt. riinn .n
Churrh III
HltAT-rAM lle II. iM.lenlv. KDWAIIIt T
nil. VIM Jiinrtri ' n
iiuabenil of Kannle F lirattan ln Aunar)
lelallyea and friend Invittd to funeral eerv
eee. Wed., 2 p. m , SS24 W. Ihleh ave Int
)rlal. Prlenfa may rail Tu, I lo P.m.
,Olts,riN, Dec. 10. MAItY A . .wife, nt
flter-h.n tlrlffln. IleUllvee and frlnd Invlleil
to funeral. Tim re , M no a. m . (Mini al nar
I'hureh lane, inn Hnlainn rr'iulem maaa Itn
tnarulnta (.'onrrptlnn Church III a m Int Holy
Hepiikhee IVm
tauahlrr of late ('npl. Plilllu anil Marsarri
Hammond. Itetnllvee end friend, i.-aene of
HAIJH).Ni tier, 10, amideniy. HAI.I.II
necre,i mart, il, v, ji. Hnfiaiity or t'hiirrn
of flarretl
Heart, invuari in runerai, i rt.. n
He,! a Hfl'tnn mnaa fit re,idvm
a. m 3
I'hurrh of the Hacred Heart U'30 a. in. Aulo
..HAN'MflAK Dec. 0. JAMFW II.. eon of late
Henry nnl Mary Hannlean IteloMtra ntid
frlemla invlled to funeral. Wed.. 8:39 a, tn.,
aluter'a reatdeuce, Mrs, Il A lurner, i nurcn
lane and IteUwood ne., Yeadon, Delaware i'n
nnlemn lilth ma of reoul"m fl l,hllonna a
Church, Irfintdnwne. Ill n. m. Int Old nthe-
ilral 'em.
..HArtVlir Dec, 10 suddenly, al Tntiatmrn.
lneo Crawley), aerd .11, Relatives nnd frh-nds
t'otirt litidlow. No 27", I', of A , Washlnslm
(ami), Nn 4S.V I' O. H of A of Plilla , I, t,
nf JI , Nn. til of (Mmden. Invlleil tn fllfi-rn
eervlcea, Tliura., 1.30 n, in. West ll-rtlti Cent
,. J., jtjiin nuaunnn oi rinrn iinrrej.
innnei. rrnln lentea .Murk-1 et rerry J ,'i
fur West llrrlln, Itenialns tmv lie viewed Wed
e.. fit home nf 'riiomaa Hnatie. TnnaiKirn.
n. j,
.. HAZKI, Al ft.enn (Irnte
I'.I.IZAilHTH IIAP'.I. llelnll
Vr I lie.. Ill
ve's ntid friends lu
vlti-d in eervlcea. Thurs. 2 p tn . reaidcnie nt
ll . realilen e nr
II !'i el . I'lilln
iirniiier, David nniel. ll.TH N
ini nrivaie
John and llrldcel llendrmi (ne Mtirpny), iiacd
10. Itnlntlvra nnd frlrlida, Dhlabiii Nn. H.
A. t) II . Intllril In funernl Tlllira , H .111 n in .
parenla residence 2I1IH .Mercer al. tlHth tVnrilt
lleiiulem rnsaa Hi. Ann'a Chiinli In n. in. Int
limy Henulcher Cem.
IIIKHTHII. Ktlddetlly, at hie residence .Mer
cersburK. Pa.. Dec, III ne,1 ml HKNIIY Jtpt,-
ciiHiit MUiH.c.Nilr.itii hii:mti:h, e,,n of int-
Hr Jnaeph M. Illesier and Isabella Mcl,.in.iiihiin
lllealer. Punernl Meneraburs, Pa.. Vcil
IH'lTRNAIIl.t.CII. Dep II. HI'.NIIY. hue.
band of Kiln HHIenmlller Due notice of fit.
ner-il will lie ylven. 21121 Hulledae al
H(IPI'.Ni:il Her In MAIIY ANN. ilousliler
John M. and Hllril Hntfner, sRcd 70 Heln
tlvea ntid frleriila Imlled In funeral eervli-es
Wed . 2 p m . parlors of Tltlow lima . 3127
N. Ilroad si Int urltale
It'll. I.AII. Dec. II. ut 4220 Hprure al . Wile
1,1AM II. Mill, I.AII Kunrral eervlies Wed .
2;30 p. in. Int. private I'lUsburah papera
plea an rnp
HUI.MP.H Dc. to, ANimilW. nm of Hiim
ttel nnd Jane llnlmea nnd hualuitid of Mnrsaret
Holmes Ince rcrmienn). Itelutlves nnd friends.
True lllue, Inline, No .",(1, 1,. (I I., Invlled. lo
funeral, Prl., 2 p. m . r2li H. 27lh at Int. Mt
Mnrlah Cem. Ilemnlna may be viewed Thurs.
eye. Auto funernl.
llOt.MKH. Dec. II. MAIttlAltKT. dnuohler
nt lato Illchnril nnd Hllrnbcth Holme. Itela
llvea and friends Invllrd tn funeral seniles,
Thura., residence of K. P. tluaklll. I.lnioln and
Parker nea Moore. P.t. Int prUate.
. IIUIIHI2Y. Dec. II. of tetnnua. (IKOIIfli: W .
hualiand nt tlerthn Horsey, nucd ill. runerai
and Int, prltnle, Tuea.
jn.VlilNH. Deo. II. auddenly. JOHN, hus
band nf Isle Mary Jenklna. Itelallvea and
frletide. True lllue l.odre. No. B'l. I.. ) I, .
Ouaker Clly. No. 174, I, 1. A . Htonemen'B
Club nnd lllhlo Class nf Mulchinnro Presby
terian Church, Invited In funeral. Thurs, 2 p
M. 222 H. Soili si. Int. Mt Morlnh Cem.
Ilrmalna mny be viewed Weil e,e.
JOHNHON. Twclflli montli. mill. HKIMIRIIT
W.. iiisbnnd nf Ida Neff Johnson, need tin.
Itrlattvea and friends Invited in funeral aerv
tiea, 1'ourlli day. 2 n. tn , 10(1 Washlnston uve..
Ilsddnnrield, N. j. Int. private.
.. JUDHON. Huildeniv, Dec. II. flAHAH WOP.
ItAI.I.. wife nf !r. Charles P. Judson. Services
mm ini. privnii-. i-iease omit nowers.
. IMH.M.MA.V. Dec, II, KUANCDH. widow of
i. ..,., ,,,,,,,.,.. , ,ruen ijuiti iKinrii,
CAUM.MA.V. Dec, II, PltANCHtt. widow nl
Iin Kniirniiili. fttemerlv nf n-17 li.itilfi. -(
llelntlves and friends Invlled lo funernl senlces,
ed., 2 P. in . 30IKI (lcrmanlown ave. Int.
(ireenmnunt Cem.
KKKN. Dec. 9. KMTItrill P, If . widow nf
Jncnli II, Keen, aeed 711 llvlnllvra and trlends
Invlled lo funeral services. Wed . 2:31) p, tn..
.,.. iiumimik iria ave.. I loan. illl. private.
ll VH1F,
i,niirci inn t.cin. itemuinn mny uo vi
l us,
lilf.VINriTOV. . ttoe II iltAIIAir .ulfn e
lata William Kllvlnstnn. aieil 73. lliallve
and friends inllcd to funmil servicea Wed, H
p in , residence of Harry II. Henna 130 W.
Iiiiileii et. Oermanlnwti. Int. prlvote
KIItKt'ATftf(-lv -lw 11 ttei. -ninxfAU
KIItKPATItlCK. ased S3 Helallvva nnd friends,
ministers of I'lilln. Confrrrnco Melllmllat epis
copal Church, HI. Paul's Uidae. iin 4N1, P and
A. M.i officers llnu'u of Correction. Invlled 1,1
funeral eervlcea Wed , 3 p. in.. Ilehoboth JI. 15,
Church, I'rnnkford Int prlvnte,
. KUI,I.. Dec. Ill, auddenly. lilCOltrli: W ,
husband of Hu'lnda Kllll, aaed 111 Ilelatlvea
and friends, Mlnrra I.odii". No. 20, I. 11 o, r .
Poltavllle. I'a . l,liena Iideo. No ton. If, of
P., I,ykena. Pa , Houtlivti'stern Assembly. N11
IN. A. (), M, 1' Invlled to funeral aervliea.
Wed... 2 p. m...flt0 N, Wilton at . V. Ptilla
Int. Montroae ('em Itemalns may let .lewed
Tues. vo. Auto funeral
I.AWMON --Dec. 1U, I.OUIHA MAY, wife of
Jessa l.awsou (nee Koslerl llelallves and
friends Invited tn funeral amlrra, Thura , 2
P. m .23S.S lledner at. Int. private. Frlenda
may call Wed. eve.
I.EAIt. Dec, 11. JAMKH W. I.DAIl. aceil Ml.
at hla late residence. U2.i Main al,. Darby, Pa.
Servicea and Interment at convenience of fnmllv
i,r.iwn. i raiteinainn, en , lat-uay, 12111
Mo. JOth.TI OMAH I.CIOll. niced 73 llelnll.ea
and friends Invited to funernl, wlibnui further
notice, Kallslneton Prlends' Meeting House, 4ih.
day. I2th Mo. 13th ,3 p. m. Carrlases will meet
train at Morr svllle, eavln Ilroad HI, Hln.
12H.1. nnd trolley nt Morrla lleliihia nt 1 l.l.
LYNCH. Dec. II. AUllllHTl.Ni: H LYNCH.
aon of lute Daniel and Kleanor Lynch, aaed
as. Ilelatlvea and friends. Do a Halle Council,
No, ana, K. of.C. Invited lo funeral, Prl.. H-30
a. m.. Church lane and I'enn al., Yeadun, Deln-
wnr" i.u., 4 u. nmeimi man maaa ot renulem
Ht Phtlnmena'a Church JO a, in. Ini. Holy
Crnsa Cem. -
nr late lleneee anil I.mllv Malm
and frlenda Invited to services. Thurs.. II a m .
1 1 n m .
I'a. Int.
strictly private
,1111 II, ,-, u n.o.a la H 1,1
iinaiy umn nowers.
'Huddenly, Dec, 0, at Is An
ff''A.tt!'.'. v'AW'SFIl ,ii.1'07 yi(am
rrire, t.,1,, i.iuwii,ill H,, WIDOW Ot 1VIIII
f. Marriott. Due notice wilt he clvin , .
Ices, at aon'a residence, Frank II, M-irrlott, 23o
Carpenter si.
33. Ilelulttea and friends Invited to funeral
eervlcea. Wed,. 2 p. m ,. 2115 Ilrandywlno st.
Kematna may be viewed Tues. eve, 1
MAHTIN. Deo. .0, .JOHN W..mAp.TIN. seed
A7. ilelatlvea and friends Invited lo funeral
esrvlrce. Wed., p. in., residence, 2012 N.
Ilroad al. Int. prlt'ate.
McIllllDK Dec. U. AL1CK , WALL, wife of
Frankfonl. Holemn rcaulem mass'Ht Joachim's
Church H) a. m (nl. W. Domlnlc'a Cem
elCUAIIO,- ouwe,, u-l, . l-AtllH'lv J.
McCAUIL Ilolatltea and friends, Ht. Patrick's
HensflclalSpclety, Nj. 643. I, C.'ll b.. Inviud
In funeral. Wed,, H'SO a, m.. residence of son.
Joseph McCebe. 73S N 43d at., V,. t'nilS
Holemn blsU masa of requiem (W Mother of
Korrows' Church 10 a. in. Int, Now Cathedral
1 'mcCAT. Dee. 11. JOHN J. ifcCAT. i,i an
Il'Ly."i.'r.'L frtviffi'," ""A '-'""?es
Ilursau of. Health. Invited to funeral rvlr.a
W30.N. Park a.. Thurs. 1.30 p. ni. In",
private, West Laurel lllll cm,
1 MeFADDKN. Ic. li. JOIls J., husband of
retflKnllllII. Dee. 111. IfAllV AVfJ U.I.
ofllugh McHeougti (ne. Qulsl.yi. .... lielallve.
nd.frlnda Invlteil to funeral, J.ltll Slater
of the Poor. Chutch Ian. am.. Wed.. 0:30 a.
m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem.
MeatttLLIH. . Dec. 1U auddenly. ItOSK,
daughter of lalo Jamea and Mary McHrllli
Itelallvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl
H a in... brothsr'a resldenoe, James J. SI -Orlllls,
1713 Ffancla et Hlsh requiem maaa
Church of Utsu U.3U a. m. Int. Old Cathedral
atciv,e,riVB.iv.- ijc. o, -jr.uitArctj, husband
of lata Mary McKesver.
invlled to funeral. Wed.
Vf ,W.T,C- JVX""" and friends
r.'.'r.-e.'i ,.., w.v . in.. urcnwooi
avs., KUs Hill, I'a. bolemu high reoulem maaa
St. Luke's Church, aienslde, 10 a, in. Int. Holy I
ni, i,uhi
er Cem,
prvt vi. - r - - .. - i
DiUORoe. tyisg . j
IB1W jr, e,v,-..M-, .,, ..,w.,f,e. IVeiSIIVS
anil friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:30 a. m.
I21 K, Homaraat at nolenin requiem maaa
Churjv of tna Vis tajlon. II. V M., lu a, "i"
Ini New Cathedral Cem. " ' '
V A 56.jRtJrss-lT.fe uat Alio Ma, t Aao J h fNXW '-irnp: ; ryW
9jMr f I vuhuua try. jSTiCLn V3fe?gKP 1 ih.n,"' k MiifK o ,K,,V t,r,n- WLJI m
..MfKBNiyA pee ft. ANNA, widow of Ituvry
UeKenaa .frte larti-) .ltejallrea and frlenda
e-arne of AafT1 L'tff ' aihedral. Inrlted
jo fnneral Wed t a. m lilt Pearl at.
Ium f'athedral v a ,m Int. Holy rroee m.
TilKI.- Ie HI, JokrI1!) r son f Jsmei
J. ami Helena Mee (neo Deemari . Itelallvea
and friends. Nstleltr T. A. li Morleiy. Court
Wm I'enn. F of A , Invited to funeral. Thure ,
Sflo a in. Mrenta reeMenw. isil H. t'le-r.
SO in . r-arenta reeMenw. isi
eld at. PAlmn renulem maaa l4htireh of Mm.
tlvliy 10 a. m. Inf Holy llettermer Cetn.
MRItliDltll Huddenly. OKO; MBHBIlltlt,
rtelalivea and frlende.-Journeymen ilrirklayeia
Proiet-llve and llenelfelal Aaep M I'hlia. nnd
vlelnlly. Invlte.1 to funeral,. VVed . It a. m.,
from patlora ot John A.MeJIerney, taa N, loin
el. Ini American Merha nice1 lm llemalna
may h viewed Tuea e , M tn in,
. JtBlilftJ t)er U HI.IZAIIBTll A dvllSh
ter nf ialj J.-ih and Mary Hereto. Ilela
llves nml frlerula Invlled to funeral 2)14 Vine
H) a m. Int. Holy Cross I'aiti, Aulo funeral
NirTHBlPIKK.llec II. (1774 MtlsSrs".
el . Alt ..Airy. WILMAil . NITTKNIinitflAlt,
, . r. , . I"i'ii-m mHn unineorai
aneu no ueiativea nnu irirnos inv)tfd tn funeral
services, Kfl. 2 .P. nt Ml Michael's Kvansellra!
Lutheran Church Mt, Airy. Int. adjolnlne rnti
(rc'ONNtm l)er ill. PAtll.lNH c wfa of
William O'Connor and dauehler of John I', and
Isle Psuline Duafln. Itelatttea and friends In
vited tn attend funeral. Weil., s 30 a. tn , real
dence. flSrl Pln e. IMali fenulem mass HI.
Mary's Church 10 a. m Int. Holy Cross Cem.
(KIIUJN Dec HI, JtOIIKIIT L, son of John
nhd Mary .J, Osden. need jpj Itelallvea and
friends. Albion l,ode. No IB, Hone of Ml
tleorse, and all other Imlaea nf which he was n
member Intlled tn funeral. Wed., ID'tii p. in,
nolo Pine at Hervlcea Ml (leurse'e Church
r: I t nnd llsiel ate ,2pm Int. Prlends
gotilhwralern t'em llemiilne may lie, viewed
Tuea., H to In p. m . . ,
widow of Thomas W Pllhlnslnu. surd SB Iteia.
Iltes and friends Invited lo servicea Thure,, It
a, rn , 421 H. Carlisle si Int. Media Cem..
Media. I'a
1'tlU'Kll Dec. 11. si realdenre of William 1
neat, .ilerion. i'a usa .iiaiit a. i-i ivvi.lt
llelalltea.at'd friends Invlteil tn funernl. Thurs ,
S.3U a tn . residence of nephew, Chrletntiher
MeNully K.'tl Mifflin al. Holemn rniulein mass
Chtircli of HI Hilmond III a. m Int Holy Cross
I'eni Aulo funeral
I'llKHH Iter. Ill, JOHN II husband nf
Milltdav A. Press and vminaeaf sun nf lata
Jamb I nnd Johnnna c I'reea (nee Dbmnlss),
used III KelRdvis nnd frlrttda invited In funeral
eervlcea 1 burs . In in. 2HVi Hlaet at, Ini
American Merhsnics' Cem. Itemalns mny bo
viewed IVed a lo III p in Auto funeral
QI'I.MTA Dec, II suddenly, at Il-adlns. Pa ,
.lOIIN r, son nf Into .lainis K and Mary J.
'Jtli-eta Itelallvea and friends. Ilcnillna: iKidee,
.No 133. L. II of M . '.'lllll Cent. 'Jllakcr Ho-it-l.
No 2 Invllnl to fulHTiil eervlcea. Wed,
2 p rn 2317 Cross el tut Kernwood Cem
Iti-malns may Irf, viewed Tuea . R In III p m
IIALMTIINDec tl. WII.I.IAM, husband nf
lain l.nll.in Illusion Itelallvea nnd friends,
emplnjea chgrlea Kchrack A i' , Invlled in fu
Iivrnl Thurs . 2 p lit. s'in-ln-law'a resblenie.
C V Klenk 13IH H Melville et. I llllh la-low
wii'nllanil nve.l, Ini Mt Morlnh Cem. Crlenda
limy cnM We,! eve
l.CILI.r - Dec II. MAItY, widow nf Patrick
llelllv llelallves and frlenda. II V. M, Hodallly,
Allar Hoiet nnd lllv Nn 2.i3, tl I. A. In
vited tn funeral Tnura . h a. m . 3132 Queen
l.lne, Calla nf tlcbulklll. Hol-mn rerpilem mass
Mt llrldtet'a Church II HI a. in Ini Ht. Mud's
i en, iinxinirounn.
IIIIIIHII'IM -Dec 111. HAItAll finlinllTH (nr.,
Donoirhv) wife of llenr lloberta Hr. itelatlvrs
Hill friends Invited III funernl, Wed., 2 p in .
1 1.VI Unir l Ini nrlvnte. Aulii funeral. I'rlrnili
lit iv nil Tuea belivccn H nnd III p tn
llOWt.l'.Y- Dec II. ANNIKe widow nf John
Howley. aged HI. Itelntlvta and friends Invlled
(o funeral. Wed 7.30 a m. 2I1III N. Illh st
Holemn reiiulem hlsh mass tiur Lady of Mercv
Criin n tl ii. m Int private. Ht. John the
ILititlst Cem, Maniyunk.
rtllliril. I'll -Dn Hi lir.NJAMIN i: . hue
Imlid of lain Marsarel A Itliilnlpli. iiaed 111.
IMutlii-s Htid frl-iuls. Hiirvltnra llllh Ileal..
New York llifnlllrv, 'n II, 2Hlh Item., Velernn
llea-rve Corps. Invlled to funeral eervlres.
Wed., 3 p 111 . 3 Keystone ave , rpie.p Darby,
Del. Co , Pa Int private, Montrnsa Cent, lie.
mfllns niHy be vluwe,! Tues eve
HCIIAI.I. Dec IL ITIANCIIH. wife nf John
lluiry Hchnli, Hr Ilelatlvea ami frlenda In
vited to funeral eervlies, Tliura . 2 p m . lli.r.l
11. Albert al Ini Norm Cellar lllll Cem. Ile
mnlna may lei viewed Wed uve
hi iiiinf:m;n i.t u i.kna m. widow of
Christian Hi hroeiter, nited 71. Ilelatlvea and
frtrrnla Invlled in funernl acrvhi-s, Thura.,
2 ti. in. rialdenco of ann-ln-lnw, Frank It
llnflcy. mill Wnlinti ave, Hlillh and Calhnrlna).
Int private. W. Laurel Hill Cem. Friend may
view rcimitua Wed., after 7 p. in. Aulo aervlee.
aired 73. llelntlves nnd friends, nlan Wlnlleld
Hcott I'i'-t, Nn 111 tl A II. Invited to fu
nernl eervlcea. Wed . 12 30 p 111 . from resi
lience nf tltorK" W Hllvera 17111 N Dnrlen al
Hit private Mt Vermin Cem llemnlua may bo
vleivnl Tues., between H and III li tn.
HI.MPLLH. Dec II, JAMLH IL. husband ot
Alinle Hlmii er Inen H nluiisl. nueil r1. ilelatlvea
nnd friends Invlled to runerai, 'Ihurs . 2 p. in.,
resldeiico ot diiuahter Mra. Frederick I'rttLhnrtl.
277."i I'liitt at. Int Prca vault, llndy may tie
viewed Wed eve, 8 to II).
HlfllY Dec 7. nt Wnwnloaa. Wis, born
In County Tvrone, Ireland, 1 1 ITcil I . eon of Into
Philip nnd Marcnret Hkey Funeral Wed , h'.ld
in. residence of broiher-lii-law. .lohii 31c
Cniialand, Hll7 N. ; It III al. Iltiih masa of rn
uuleiu at. l'mncla'a Church Hi a m Itelallvea
und friends Invited. Int. Holy Crusa Cem
tIMITIl Dec, 12. 1 1) HI. Mra. ANN MAIt
(tAltHT. widow of Jaiuca II. H in I Hi, neil no
Hcrvlrea Wed.. H p in . at resldcncu of diuiuli
ler. Mra Lit Haron llelssneldcr. INI3 Chester
uve Ini Thursday In Wnvni slmrn. Pa.
HPAlllt. Dec 10. CIIIUSTIAN. husband of
HlUabith Hpnllr (Deo Latterly), lllied 31. Ilvla
Uvea and friends. TvpiihtiipIiIciiI llnlun. No 2:
emplnvea N W. A,r Ae Co., Htnncmiin'a Fel
lowship. Invited in funeral servicea. Thurs..
1 p m . 2232 Cnnlrcll nt (23d at. and Hnyiler
nve.l. Int, Hillside Cem.. via funeral cur
Frlenda may view remalna Wed . M.p m.
HPHllUt. Dec. II ISAAC, aon nf Mannlo and
llnnnnh Hpeler. aited 3D. Helallvva nnd
frlemla. Nnrraeiinarlt Tribe. No. 43. 1. O. II
M , Herman-American llepubllcan lnsue nnd
oilier aoclrilea of which ho was n member.
Invited lo funvrol. Wed , 2 p. 111., parenta' resi
dence. 3234 N. Front st. Int Ml. Cnrmel Cem.
llemalna may be viewed Tues . H to lo p in,
HfANOKtl Dec 11 THOMAS C.. ami nr lain
Jamb H and Mary Hlnturer. ased 7il Petal Ives
and frlenda Invlteil to funeral services, Frl .
2:3ii P. tn . 41121 Mulberry St., Frniikford. Int
Last Cedar lllll Vm
HWIPT. Dec 11. ANNII! I,., widow or John
J Hwltt. Dun notice itlven, from N. li. cor. 3d
nun vvoit sis
THOMAS Dec. 10 ANNII! M . widow of
Henry L Thomna (nva .Marx). Ilelatlti-a nnd
frlenda, conerritnilnn of Hancock 31. I, Church,
Invited to funeral servicea. Wed . 1 p in.. 11(17
1-opurd al. IHllh Ward), lul odd 1'VllnwsA
Cem Itemalns may Imi viewed Tuea . 7 p m.
.1001.13. Dec. H. MAIIY. widow of Chrlslo.
phsr Toole llelntlves uud frlenda Invited to
runerai, . Wed.. ;.lu a. in. 2IHI H 13lh si.
Holemn hlah mass of renulem Church of the
rfpliihnny. to a in. Int. Cathedral Cem
widow nf John Walker, ased 47. Ilolatltea and
friends tlermantown Lodge, No. IB. H of II .
nnd Pioneer Circle. No 1. 1 of A . Invlled
tu funeral aervlres. Vd . 2 p. nt.. 31) W t'hel.
ten live , iltn Int private.
WA.LIft). Dec. Jt. at lloan Tree. Media. Del.
Co I'ii.. JOHN, husband of Mary Walku (nee
lllirln). aaed Mil. Itelnllvee nnil felen.le Va.
tlonol Odlmr. No. 47; HI. I'elcr'e lleneflclul Ho.
clely, Invlled In funeral Wed.. H:.it) a. tn ,
Oliver II. Hair llulldlng
lloly Trinity Church, illh aiuL Hpruco sta.. Ill
a. in. 1-rlenda may view n-miilna all day Mon
day at late residence and Tuea., 7 tu lo p. m.
at IH20 Chestnut at , Philadelphia.
WALTON, Die 111. MAIIIA H., widow of
John II Walton and daughter of Mary Anil anil
late Alfred II Chllds. Ilelatlvea nnd frlenda In
vited to funeral service, Thurs, 2 p m.,
rhuprl of Andrew J. Hair A Hon, Arch nnd Huh
sis Int. 1'Vrnvvood Cem.
YVKISH, Dec. n JACOH 8.. husband of Tlllls
C .Welsa (nee.Osbliort). axed 42. Ilelatlvea
and friends, alt societies of which he was a
member, Invlteil to funeral. Wed,. 8'3il u. m..
Bull W, Thumpson at, Holemn renulem mass
Mt, Peter's Church lit a. m. Int. Most lloly
lledeemep Cem.
WKHTHNKll. used h7. Hslallvea and friends
Invlled lo funeral services, Wed., 2:3(1 p. m.,
o.u i.iieainui at 3IUSS
voenira v;uurcn. uiue lien, ia. jui, adjoining
WOODS. Dee. lO. MAItY B,. widow nf Dan
e L. Wooda. aged bll. Funeral eervlcea, on
kv'ed, 2 p. m., 3UH N. 41st st. Int. atrlrlly prl-
VAUNO. Dec. II, into. HAltltY fl bus.
luind of Hannah r Young Due noilco nf
funeral will la given from 83 11. Homerst al
1IANIHIAO, btark. Herman silver fastening, losti
containing pocketbook, enrda and colna, Itu
ward If .returned tn lSOJMIrsI Katalc Tr. llldjr.
JF.WKIdtY Lost. chamois bundle Jewelry
through aid. lent, llouver A Hnilth, Old Chest.
Jlut - lteward, . .
MHFI Uisl, about 4 p. in, Sunday, aval inufL
Wet Hortter at,, Pelhnm road, Hreeiia at, or
Westvlew. Phone Geriuantown 4eU7 J.
PIN Iist. fraternity pin. -list at.. I.uucaater
ave, lloule SI, tu 21st at. Howard If returned
lo M. Joins. Ledger Central, Ilroad and
Pt'llSB Will party who picked up purse lost
on Chesinutt Hill train Thursday communl.
cat wit
aia wnii owner, oi rniiroaa ucksi inclosed
In purse and recalv liberal reward; na uuts.
nun aearo. i',iont V nriinui Itlll luu.
HINO -I-oat, diamond ring, tiearlng name "JohK
H. Iluber, Jr " Hslurn In IN I ley, Hanka b
lllddle Co.. 131H Clwslnut at. Howard.
EAIllttNd lavat. lmrrAu pearl earring. Decern,
tier lu. twtwen lia w. Mount Airy ava.. wis.
aablckqn ave. and Uneal at. llaward If re
turned to the llalley. Hanks 6 lllddle Co.
' i IA1V A fAFDI I ni , .. . . I ' . -' KVCvVvVvV WWW 1'"' s--" JUUUI1'-H mVWVV
WESTEtlN t'NION TKLtSnttAPIt CO.. 1301
fhestnol st K D William Oarland Pteam
shin Cnrpn It Cooper Waller llarrett, asm
lloeen Jllsa Klltatietn Mavne Kmrena llndrees
Pamuel Paul Mrs Melta Pmiih Tnel A Co,
Klvtn M. MWseler, pvf.omalter Co W A
MctSn ("apt V. K Uchnei.ltr Dr Wm
Whitney. William Clark It U I,ane. . t
XV. Mlnlne Co., J. M. Kapel. Mle Ito
rtwrlul' TKLKtHtAI'H Mouth, Penn aouare
Mlae Jutla Dorsev Prank It'll. Frank lieil or
yell, A I. Phlllpe. F.. II Mitchell. Italph D.
Patterson B p LarcV. B. K. Van.
rtOOKKKKPnn. errlence-l steady position,
on who iinderstand ahorinand and typewrit
Inr preferred Answer In own handwrlllnc.
(Ivlnr see. esp. and sal. de. A HH, 1,1. orr
HOOKKKRPKIl lidy, eip. In D. . lavdikeep,
Ins. Apply Tuesday mornlnr, 80 Jatnersen
Clothes Hhopaliaft chestnut, iMJloor.
lll'ltLHIta warned on tnn-s.. wear: fancy
worsted Apply harkamanri Mills, Altesneny
ave and Hancock at.
COMPANION, vlslllnr nr itoverness for S-ysar-nld
tioy, 8 or 0 hours dallyi cheerful disposi
tion some knnwledis of mitsle and French
Ilos (13 Iladnor. Pa.
t'lUM'IlliTBIl wanted, aumelently eprlenced on
rrmhel and hand-knli aannema, na lo be
able to slve Inslmctlnns 10 liesjlnner. sooil
ihance for sdvaneemittt Heply. statins sue
and riiialincatlnn P Bio l-iUer (ifDce.
DHMONaTltATOim Canvasser. 2, tn (ravel
together, out nf (own. house. (o-house: atiar.
nnteed salary, with transtiortatlaii allowed,
permanent Mr. Cross 214 Chancellor st
(lllll, for rnnfcinsr and dnnnstalra work. I In
family: waaes li: referenca reiiulred Phone
Iwlween H and lln m. Cynwyil 7SI
(1IIILH over Id years nf one.
Htnrllns new machinery.
Hood waaes. paid while learnlnr.
Apply tlriswol.l Worsted Co., Darby.
Ollll.H. over HI Apply llllertinlloosl Art Pub
llahlnc Co I2lh nnd Cnllnwhlll, seroml noor.
(IIIILH tn learn Ilia business: ti ID per week to
alert Phlln Paper Ilos Co . 17lh nnd llkute.
(lOVHIINIJHH Competent liftman nursery nov
erness, (o lake inmpleie rharse nf boy i) years.
Htm ntlcnila school. Mrs. N. II. Ivee, .112
W N'orwiclsn at. Pnttsvllle, Pa. '
(KiVLHNLHH (or Iwy of II. slnle esp and mm
penssllnll espeited. (I I3, Lcilser Central
lliiHIHHY Toppers and knitters on Hcott Wll.
Hams nnd Htniiilard 1 machines, hlshest
waara. st-iidi vvnrk: lsi working conditions
Hvalenlr I'lteced Underwear Co., Ilosury De-
linrlmenl 2113 N. Howard.
MIl'HL.N JIAIH --YiiuiiB woman In nsaial cook
at I'bralntil lllll. nn viaehlns snod vvnara
Call Illl M llllh al , Tuesday, lielween 3 and
4. nr plume fhe-tout lllll 1021
KMTITlt wanlid, sufDclenlly exirlenced on
iroiliet and hand-knit garments as to be
able In .me llisirili tlnns In lieRinncrs. ffilnil
i luuii-i' fur advniiienient. Iteply, stiitlni; nae
and iiunliniallnns P Bihi ledser llmce.
NI'HMH esperlcnted for two children, t and 3
veara. Km-I waaes: suliurbntl hiiltie: answer,
statins extierlenro and ref ) BI, l,cdi;er Cent
CtlMMIHrllDN TO HULL WONIinill-'I'l. f'A'l.
i:.Nii;it Ainu 1,1: in iiki ui:viAii ,vr.i
LIT IIHOrilllltH reiililro operlencei) salea
women for various dciuiriiiienls. Apply
Liniiliijim nl llureiiu.
HTL.S'rMlliAI'llllll and t)H-wrller nl I3UI ier
annum aire IN In 22: rltlzen. Apply In i-cr-son
Frnukfnril Arsenal
WAHPI'.IIH, ejlH'rletnril on arllrlcliil silk vvarps
Helisel Milk .Mr Co. lllll Diamond St.
WI.VDIMIH vvanled on inllnn Minis, Ibne,. used
Ii, Alti'iini wlnilltiKT frnmen, .Inhn Norrls.
la.lu i: Mmllson. Kenaliiatnn ubme Allenhmiv
WOMAN Fur country place near l.ewaimvri,
P.i . superior HiiKllsh or Canndlan wotitnn fur
sihhI iilaln inoklnu and downstairs vvnrk; nn
washing or Irnnlmr. Hnnltsh nurse kept; anod
linlne for Sllltablo IMraon. ware $7 or SH
Write ill onto iii Mra. L, II Fry. (loan,
innnt. Pa.
WO.MKN Yollna women to irnco mechnnlral
drawings A Illl, l-duer Ortlie
WOMAN, over 21. fnr position varateit bv pro
iiiollnn. with larae concern, where Al crp
dentlnls will be more eaa-tiiiii than btialnera
eaperlence, muat l, refined and laclful. aulnry
121 twckly A Illl, lducr Ofllre.
ADTOCAIl HHPAIIIMIJN uante,); slendy:
emplovment, good wngea for men cap
able of repairing and nverlniullnu Auto,
cars. Apply employment bureau. 3 1
Door, from I) to II) In morning mid 2
in 3 In aficriioon, Autocar Hnlca and
Hcrvlco Co., 2.ld and Market.
1IKI.L HOP wanleil
Penn siiu.ire
Apply Hotel Wllmot, lllll
IIODY.MAKLflH, for wagon nnd iiuto lop bo,llcs,
31 N. Mil at , Camden. N. J.
I100KKIIi;Pi:n Wnnleil at once, atciuly younu
lllun of gnnil nddrcss ua assistant biHilikcclMir.
repl in own handwriting, elating fully uge,
ref. und past rinplntnienl. 11 BIJ. Ud. Cent.
HOY. over HI. for nrtlce work, must he. neat und
iimbltloua. excellcnl opportunity In eecuro n
KimiiI liusinesa training Alipiv iJltriirnolt Car
pel Company, Bilth and Lancaster ave.
HOY. In offlco of largo furniture manufacturer,
fur tiling, etc.. must b HI ira. or over; ad
vancement assured to tho right boy; 13 per
week tu start. P nil. Ledger Office.
wauled for iseneml nrilro work, must bo
- Ill veara. Ill per vvcik. Kevalnm, T,u,
Foundry, lull and Hpruce.
HOY vvantcil fur (lower nnop; Inliilllgent; exiicrl
ence unnereaanry. 2217 Mouth sL
HOY. HI nr over: good opportunity for bright
boy. 2217 Houth al
IIOYH. ago HI to IS tears, who hitvo coitipteted
gram, achunl. to elurt a iiieasengrr. P. I(. It
Apply 33lllroad HI. Hta li n, in. lo a p. m.
lll'TI.F.It and houseman, Hnsllsh. vvanled, first
class, marrlod man preferred, must havs
good ruferencea; good wages. Piiuiih Klvi-rion
IHJTLL'It: vvhllo man; Herman nr French, lst
rer. call (rum II in 12. 1321 N. tilth at.
luia vacancies fur
nsperlenrcd rubber,
Double-hend moulder oiieralor.
Window i leaner.
Hough rip aawjer.
lvchman maihlnn carver.
Freight frleviiur oiieralor twhlic).
Machinists familiar with wivatw'k'g machlnea,
Y'oung men, 20 to 23 years
uf ago, to learn rublitng.
l-hnur-week achedule.
Phvslcal examination tievrssarv. Apply
Vh lor Talking Machine Co., Appllcalloti llfflra,
S3 Cooiwr si , Camden, N. J.
CAIt ItHPAIItMCN, shoti hand and ahnn Inlmr
era warned, out of city mi the Pennsylvania
Hnllruud Apply 11123 Filbert al , between li
a. in. and 3;.io p. m.
CI.KIIK Young man about in yeara old want
ed ua clerk In timekeeping department. Apply
In pcreon, Jlarrett Co., Fruuktord.
DUA1-THMAN. epertencd Call Wednesday
morning, Lafore-Fosler Co., 23lh & l,o-ut sis,
DltUOS Young man, 2 or 3 ear' etiwrUnc.
IVcnln, 2uili uud Columbia, ave-
one who can do owt) repairing, Pearson &
Ludasher Lumber Co., Westmoreland and Del
aware lllver.
CXKCUT1VB Hoallh resort "for tuberculoals."
under Htate llcvna, nerasntt Its plant by
erection of 12 new rottuS. ek osacutlve
of evlucatlon. refinement and hoiiw oapltal.
AdJrros 31 U21, Ledgsy Office.
rilKIOHT HANDLnilS Men wanted to "truck
freight at freight alatluni whlla or colored.
Apply IH33 Filbert.
nrrnAND nusy. ;
LAltOHHltH. . sillied" uwlderers). 12.21 par
oay oc n pours, "r rat, iiior on pieci
hois: euisens. Apply
Apply In person, Frankford
COTllased ren PrterSlnt) Cotems
LAtlonEtlfl wanted. for Penna Tt. Hi steady
werk LS0 per day, can .board with com
panr If deaired Apply 43 N. 17th at
I.AIIOIIKIIS for outside. eonslriKtion work, dlj.
sin, etc i 12 40 per dsy of hours: etllitr.e.
Apply in person, rranaioiu Aim,i.
MAN AND WIFK. colored, for entire work, of
hnnae is fam l. near (lertnaniawn. v.au
nonse, arnail lamnr. near ,rrrni,, ,-. -----le-iween
11 and 2, 3,1 Church lane. Herman-
iei we
MAN ANb.WlFll. rolorci wante.1 to take, full
t-nmra nr rtniiiis. m t-wTinirir, nn wasnins, i.-
frenr ftviulfM. V ftlJ, lfltr OfJlw.
MP.CIIA.NICAL KNOINP.KIti one etperlenced on
aulo HiKks preferred; state are. references
and salary wanted. 1' 03S, Ledner Central.
itB.V. 1. brlsht. enersrllc who have rood
arnualntarwo anilunderstsnd the worklns- of
lnilldln sseorlallons, wanted: an unusual
chnm-e to make moneyi advancement. A -l.
te,ter Office.
MF.N WANTRD llo'lermakers, locomotive ma
cSlnlsl. car repair men. .lalevr"' lecomollve
cleaners. Penna. II. It, 1J4I Htbert .
MCN wanleil with etperlence, In distribute sd
verllalmr matleri money advanced each nlsht.
Apply njn a m., 200 N. Front st.
MILLMAN. one aerustmned tn ctllrir out ma
terial for warooa and autotruck bodies pre
ferreil. 31 N 6th St.. Camden. N. J.
OITlClAN Younr man foe optical shooi on
etp-rleneed In aylns.orT lnse preferred.
jT Llmeburner. 1720 Chastnut st.
PAPKIl IIOXP.S iJspsrlencfl yoiina; msn oti
lioldia eniilns machine, also esperleneed msn
in iutllns room Phlla Paper Hoi Co, lith
and llldae ave.
M vit-A" a mwiffifsw:
HAI.HHMBN Ve, need S live men for larse
maniirarturinx. imue-i un-'iiumo mi m.""
wll Ins- to.work: sjlary It rou qualify. Ask
fnr Mr Moore. Irsnis Premier Dlst. Co..
730 Market st . . .
HTKNtKlltAPIIKH and Iviaiwrlter, at looo per
annum, are IS tn 22. rlllren Apply In person
Frankforil Arsensl
TK.M'HKIt Compelenl lionkkeeplns (eaehee
wanted for larse day school, two months'
work A 113 dcr Olflce
WHAVKIIH wanted on men'a wear, fancy wor-
amis Apply Hhaiamainn Mills, All-shenr
and Hancock st. .
YiiI'MI MAN, brlahl. enersetlc, nn lilltolt-
Plshei marhlne, steady poltlnn. stale salary
ei and ref Ail'lries O MI, P. (I. Hot 3443.
viH'Ni! MAN for gen-re! ofllie work; muat hav
nod rdueallon. stale ace and references,
P (27. lIer Office,
Yo"S'(l MAN. esperlenceil. fnr soda fountain
IVnner'a Drue Hlore, Ilroad and Columbia.
YOL'Nfl Mt:N s
IVe have positions In many departments for
Mimiietent vnuns m-n for stock and offlc
work. Apply llurenu of 'Lmpliyment, 4'i
floor, before 11 n. m.
(,enernl m
AKHK.MIILHIt ainall elcclrlo pirla. IIS. Inspector
small electric purls. 113. clerks several rood
menlnss fnr hrlsh young American men. lln.
113 lluslness Hervlce Co . 1301 leind Title lis
CIXiK Itenned vvomnn. exttcrlencul rook In all
brain ties, want position after January 1:
liiardlnx srhuol. rrstectiilil private boarding
house or Institution preferred; beat rffcrmtr.
state wages V 013. Ledger Central.
COOK Proteatnnl. competent woman wishes
iKiaitlnn reference 41. Led llr , 2lsl A Pine
COOK Prolesliint, Penna, woman wishes cook
jiiv In tirlvnle fnhilly. 3220 Woodland
DlinSMMAKKK. hlsh class, formerly of New
York wishes rns.igemen-B: evening guwns
eie, liillv Phone Walnill tllSH
tllHLS 2. lompeient, with good referencis,
would tike (o take poaltlona with private fam
!v cnlng to Florida. Addresa A. P.. 13211
N :iutli at
IIOUHHWOHK lleliable Prol. woman vvanla
poa guild conk, no wnahlng, 42III Mantllv nve.
LADY, esperleneed vvlahea poaltlnn general nf
Pce work, can furnlah references. F 11.13,
LeiUer Central,
LAUNDHCSS. first class, would like silk wash,
take home. 2'i(il Kater nt.
NHHHi; fur Infant or molher'a helper," atate
waijea, illy or inunlry 313d f'atharlne st
HTI'.NOOItAI'IIKIl, typist anil bookkeeper de
sires half-time position In or nenr Camden,
M (( ledger Office '
HTIINOtlllAPHIIR. expert, can "furnish best reN
cretice. desires poslilon. A 3u, l-dscr Office.
WOMAN Do all kinds of sewing, ilnasea. tin
denvear, embroidery, also nil kinds of art nee
dlework. 12.30 per day A 107. LeiUer Office.
WOMAN of 3H wishes housework nr cooking;
illy, country A 112. Leibter Office.
WOMAN, lolorcd. wnnta ilav'a work or wash
lug lo tako home. 2141 Kater st.
WOMAN, white, wishes downstnlr work or
general housework 112 N. 17th at
YOU.N'i) LADY with 13 years' experience with
one llrm desires pnsltlnn na oookkeeper. 11,
Lcleer Ilronch. (10th and M'irket.
ACCOUNTANT Huvi huil 1(1 cur viieierlinr
hn nu'lltnr, ImrHitRRlor, nHtrmiittzrr, ci-st
Miiountiint nnl public nudltor, le1ro uubchU
linn rit.mtuM (lrm, iiubllc nccnuntunt, iibuut
1)tlHIHrv 1 1 -II lfltfsT 'VfHril
IHHiKivKKI'KIt, nxiMTH-m't'tl, wilt uudlt. onnT
i Icifr und ivrlto un 1kuUm, day or pvrrMnir;
inod'ralri ttrmji Ilcil pnuno, 'Woodland V M
UOOKKJei;PKH. exv office tnun, dfnirp rnslllon
nt iim, lefnt rrffTfiirpB r ti.V), l,,ed,nT ni,
ltltAKK M(iIIli:rt wnnli fnrfinnnhli In foun-
dry, PsitrrlfncfU iyXJ N (Jurnel il.
Jll'TI-KU, huu riv iinn. whit, vrllllntr nnd nbltc-
tnu: clly rpferrnce, V. H.. liOuu Ilalnbrldfce.
CIIAUrrnUK, vhltp. marrli.:. 7 yrut' priMI-
ral liop nnd rout) vxpfr1ncA un nil car.
wor!' I ni: nt prfftimt, umild like lu make
cnnniTi inon i-.ipjht iimi
COST AfCOUlSTAaNT with 5 scan.' fwtU nee.
wnntM pt-rriiiuicnt iKonltlon with rrllnlde con-
reni: can (urnlh refrrnc?. A -JD, ledffer Of.
COST lM:itK, !!1. t.ir' ijimlnrpi esp., dr
nlroir prr, poilllnn, Hllh advance, nnl, t'rnt
clan r-'fn . RmldtluuH. rell i i:H. l,M. Ont.
Kl.I'TJllOAle- Trchnlml i;nulual Unhrrlt
f lVnna,, li: tMr' (drrtrlcKl Piprienw, cn
nUr hU mrvlc,ii l unnthor tomnany tor 'J
day ii vrek. A UC Lrdsr Office .
UAUi:.NKIt. ountr, fir it. rlom In nil (.ranch..:
kmnvis hmv tu handle h?tp to full Hdvnntnitn;
ittde not only to tuko nny htHk. hut nlKu to
return full vatuo fur It tn rr-iuIU i.l)U)nrd:
frt to take ihtimn on laruo prtvatu tat
on January 1, 11117 IMfMiatt BttttP rt.ndUlona
und wuuvii In letter. A Hi. ldctrr Ottlce.
HorHlVOUK or inok nnd hutlfr; Jupfine-e,'
HPiitlfrniin wants to nnd winter txrupntton for
Koud .JuimntiMf nervnnti Bpeuks Itltlo Kngllsh.
A HK. led.fcr orfka.
MAN AND U'IFK. white. .wa!i poiltioni; man
Hrttlafi4 h')Usman. undrtanda httlnr and'
it n run car, wlf K"od ook. oxi refertnea,
uburlw iirwf. K I3H Arch at., 1'hlU.
MAN, nd.ipttttd, of 311 yrara. with "'lln. ofrtrw
hiuI ntiiujcUl eKp?rlcn.i, ihilrea poatltlunwhrr
Ire Hrf worth 133 iwr wrlc or more.
U fi'J. UMer Central.
MAN. with IU year"' experience tn machine
hualncas, la open for itoaUton n usiltnl
work mtuiuh-t-T or coat accountants A 31,
lifdctT Oftlcr.
SK1.I.INO KNtHNKKIl. mechanical draflaman
unn praciicni iiiaciiinisi waul position to
ell machinery, smull tools or mill surplus on
salary or oommlaalon for eastern l'eunsyl.
vanla. New Jersey and Delaware; avallabl
January 1. ddra.l" B14, ledger Ottlce.
YOUNO MAN, rxp7 In real eaiat ami minis,".
excellent Investigator and appraiser, knows
legal end, too. dsalreu connec. FJ1I3. Id C,
1 AM a auccessful salesman,
1 am g, practical ihemlst.
I have proved my ability In both lines.
I have a clean reoord.
1 am ,oung, ainbllluua and lull of "set
I want la connect permanently with a manu
facturer or hrm whoa pruduct must b aotil
by n technically trained man.
I expect to be paid what I am worth,
1 expert to earn what J am paid,
I ask an Interview
M HIS. ledger Oflice.
I am seeking a connection with a growing
manufacturing organisation which roallxe the
pne.slly uf a sale and advertlalrur director
and vvlahea lu ilvlop one within their own
orcanliatlon. , I am aggreaslve enough la
work. Intelligent enough lo plan. Arablilous
and enthusiastic enough lo carry that plan to
a auccessful loinplcllun. My ealsa and advert
rn-onl 1 proof nf my ab'ly F U4d, lend. Cent.
jms, KANn, 811 F. llllh St.. wishes Peslllone
for Amerton rook Irish Prm cnambermald
snd wsltrest, (V-rmsn Prot wsltreeees, eoa
ples, butlers, etc Phone Spruce 3101
WANTBD Cook. ehm)iermaids. chltdnureee
snd housework elrls, arst-claea help want
po tss nose Ivousheny. 1313 Olrard.
rr H.le
CADILLAC" 1011 fl-30 Tourlns Hne condition
all round. Plnted blue; .list tires Cneari
to operate. Only I2O0 IXK'OMOtllLn. 2314
Market t. .oeut l.lu F. M. HAI.LIOAN.
Msr. r-ichansa Car Dept.
CADILLAC 1014 tourlnir ear, nverhauM atyl
repainted, full euulpment. price J7BO AUTt)
HALHHjJoill'OllATION. 142 N Ilroad st
CIIALlinrtH iPId 0-30 Touring. mlee 23no
miles. Almost new Very economlcnl to op
erate, 3it4 tires Painted blue yellow wheel.
Dvery part of car In At condition. Iok.thl
over 'Wonderful CAr.. So. MjCOVtilllLB.
leicust 430. F. M. .HALLttlAN. tr. Bi
change Car Dept . 2.114 Market st
ilUDHONS Phaelnne roadstirs and cabriolets,
enulnped with electric lights snd starters.
OOMr.ltY-HCHWAItTZ, 28.1 N Ilroad et. .
MAXWnt.ti, special louring, 11)11, lights ami
alarleri goml condition, must sell: make offer.
v ma, looser venirai.
PArKAltD 4 cyl.. 30 h. n . J passenger,. ..
Ilmoualn" snd touring bodies , 13.10
L. II. O'NF.AL. 213 N. Ilroad at.
pHKD TIll'CKH Several well-known makes,
ranslng from I Ion up to 3 ton. with and
without bodies. Oarrord I'hlia. Co.. 23ut
.I.1.1n-I3 Market
1313 W. HCHOttnitANNA AVR ,
Dlsmnnd (HdO Never closed. Park 73.
ItiPLAII .1117 To "hire (oiien day and nlsht)".
Park I4S2 1ifandnew 3-tiass inuring car
I 2.i hr. . also brnntl.new 7-pass, limousines,
I An hr . weddings, funernl. ITIS Olrard
To Illlltv- Limousines, lanlrnha. tourloe rare.
II 23 t-r hour and up. special ratea for we,.
dings Poplar 213 Alwnia open llnce 2211.
3 1 in
iltJY MOIHTLIl pnrlahla garasea aee or sturcn.
On display 3li.ll N 3th Tlnnn 2xl.
ttte HILLY at hla new location.
New Departure Here ce Ht. The Owllllam Co.,
ISIS Archat. J'h. Walnut 3107. Itace 3nr,2.
"" " " PAHTH ""
In build nr repair any cue
I"lla. Aulo Paris Co . S2,1 N 13th Park HIS.
IF YOH WANT Iii sill jour old lar or win! nny
pirts lo repair, call, write or phone p. tt. It.
Autn Parte Co.. HI3-I7 N. 12th. Park 11 to.
Guaranteed I0U miles
Plain N.H. I Plain. N H.
31)1.1 ...HI Ml 17.311 I 31 x I ..112.(11 tl.l.ni
311 x 3'. .. . 7 111 H (II 3H x Vi . I7.H.1 HI II",
33 x 4 ...12.41 13.3(1 I 37 x T. 211.23 23 23
Dl'.'.lllt N Ilroad al.
Guaranteed 3.100 miles. Compare prices.
OIllM'H. 2.1U N. Ilroad st.
30x314 NONKKID TtltKH 17.30
3IIX.T4 lied Tillies, guaranteed 1.73
11FDOLPI! THti: CO.. 1231 Arch St.
INVEST $10 ' "
Or mnre In Hrnwlnv ronrrrn rnnltatlzM at
ln.dOrt manuru'aturln(r wnndnrfiil nrtlcli nf
fifit.onnt renutntlon, blcrnt mnnfy-ninklntr
proronltlon for lnrsintfnt r nffrrd, our
miny will corn hlir dtvldrml In ahort time,
wf ill n llmllpd n mount of rlnck, common
nr prifrrrril, nt ltd pr ahnre. u can pur
chP any amount of nhnrfi, thin nlTr for a
ahnrt tlm ontv. Immdlati lnrtor wilt itntkn
hlg mnny. V Mill, lerdgfr Ofne.
j. x i i-iirs j ., Iatrnt and Trait-s-Marki "
Wn will heln you dnvelon sour lnviifitt A.I.
1c free. nrnnnnahU frta Open Monday
frnlnr until R an,
FOSTER & WEBSTER """.to cai
1011 Cheatnut at llell phone. Walnut ISM.
Manufnrtunra of wonderful patented artlfl
nf nfttlonal rpmitatlnn ntole t nnltnl tn mssi
xrowlntr ilrmand. thla artlclfi on lx aold in
eniirn vorMi, no runipriuion. in it prom nnn
wonderful future. Mate how much rtady cah
ou can Indent In a nood orowlnc concern. !
WH. leedfffr Ofnre
nKencv In rhlla. of oMet minufacturlnff cor
poration In lia line In N V. cltv, ristfil Jt.OdO,.
unn llnidatrt-ot'a nuencyt I need .0U0 at once,
which will produco enormou proflta on mjney
inveated boforo May next. K 1131. led. Cent.
ts'ilMMl TO INVtIHT with aervtcea In k promtalnv
mtnufnrturlmt bualnena already In opprntlon,
that with additional capital nnd bualnna ox
pcrlcni n run tie made profit a hie. aprflildr-H
preferred Addreaa. ,Hh partlruUm, V 031.
lA'dtfer Central
IF YOI- HAVirnKAle MONKY and you wnnt
to lakf nn artlxe Intercut In a train huel
iifna, aa Ita trfaaurer, or If ou want to start
our aon on it profitable hualneaa career. In
rntlKatr thla ataple proecltlon. M 71'.',
TWO HTOKK bunlnm property, on prlnclcal
atrect of thrUli.c city of nu,0(jn, n.ir boom in
rlly of Hethlchem. I'a.. price S10.0UU to uutek
bujer; a baraaln Itoom 1. Woo I worth Itutld
ln. llethlehem. Pa.
PATKNTH Our four Isooka aent free, 'IIqw to
Obtain Patenta " Vh'tor J 11. un ft Co,
142A Clfatnut at . Philadelphia.
OPPOrtTU.NITY for lnetment In mlnlncan
thrnrltn coal A 3. Ledger Office.
KVLNINO l LO.IIKM ill ll.llej
Laleat slvle. phonu 1'upl.ir 233. open evgs.
LrHDNKH'tt llllti ami tllrurii ve.n v , r
HltPnitFLUOl's HAIIt reliuiveTriiyViit-iiuiviir,
tne iiiuv la-riliiueni vvay. i:sbrima ariltcl,
.IM.M HMITII 411' Kilti T'eatre Lulldlng
HAtrhii.itoiDi,iii;ii i.-"i;vj:hy ctyli:.
iv.vi, l.ll 111,111
efl2 H. UTII HT
. niii nr i-iiij.Nl. vv vi.r, 'i iMiu
llateat style), also Ihuttun braided cuUua
for morning weddhius
COOPKIl 1 III Hlrord ave.
"an . refenmi-ea Anuraisem. nt, I per cent
HAIlltV W SMITH, TU Hansom I.
173114 olumbla avo. Day and evening classes.
L'p-tu-daio twentieth venlury aiciii.
combination, aeronddiand
iMiusui, soil, runteii. axniangtd! repairing;
auppllea Lafe Leaier, .Ainerb n manufac
turer, 320 Olrard sve. Phone Kens. 2315.
lug Ji s; phontgrapha; easy pamnt. Brunt.
wick-llalk-Collnilcr Co . luuj Arch st.
blLLIAHD. pool lablesi new. second-hand LowiT
Ll!.?1,1!"ll!,,i' Jt'ni,),.i. Hoeatto-IUrry
Hireet Co. 222 &. tjtti at. Ph.-ve Wal, 22SI
CASH KtUITt:ilS bouaht, .ich.tn.d. repaired,
rcplatedi suppllra new and factory rebuilt
new total adders as low aa 33. . Coll and ass
our new moists. Ittglsttra sold by ua on easy
payment ami fully guaranteed.
73(1 CIIKSTNUT 8TltKr t
New and second-hand. Holing Central Hecond-
hand Furniture Co.. UD1-VMI-U14 Callowhlll si.
PIPK 8UPPLV. 1003 N. Tth- Iloth phone"
HKKIIIOKHATOHH and fixtures for meat mar-
Keta flria't rlis ifintilara un.t Irvnlat .
market fitted up complete, nwnthly iMymeuta
lAerncwa are a-itUdictory. H. T. HAN
lAM ft CO.. 331 N. 24 at-, PhHadetpliU.
ronllmie trpm fVeerl.e '!,,
civrr.ci rireprooi. new ami siigntly nv4..nns
atcea tmrgalne: rerMtrlnc. nnenin, eii VLita
low price 1 131 Frankfort! ve " "S
aAFf-:t. (lreoroof eloslnff out An alt-.kit. SI
all ais" and makes hie bargalne 21s vfl
Fourth at. tbetvreert ttae nnd vinei. !
tcitiKil. DKftKS II -,n RAcll
aine'e sojl double am sue
CIIAirt ISXCIIARtin corner r,lh sr-l ypis.
alIOWCABl, shelvlne; wall ra- rrfrleS
lor for Mle rheap. 210 Market el ""
Chance to Housekecnera
. Dont buy your furniture until ,oj .. j
hualnes, we have, everything to liirmsn 22I1
viYT.?: n.Tjn.rT.m:' ,r"T,n, m
brsry fi
u, i, ,,r ,,r num unnin tils ee,3
. Open evenings until a lo. ' ii
Edwards Storage House
HflnD ftPFICR FftlNfTIWln
niriiiiiiiiK iiiteeiiiaiMn in inis line g!
Vj ...... i
of it: best assortment snd best vslnea 114
Phlla.-. freo auto ilellverr aerew. T""S US
HCOHK8. Illh snd lluttnnwoej 1
ety, nl Intrcaln prices. We supnly the trlsfTi
imr irane. i-enn caper Co.. 20 N flth.
HtlATntlS, boilers, ranges new and rebiiiiti
remnwd .for the Makin-Keisey health kJ'.!!
ejSFIII iniltll ntl 1R7I ITIIK. t .
Ion IIANtlRIIH, all alsea, 30c up, tirwheeta tram
rt-tn to f. ft . wire cable, goml a new ie?
saw, cemplete. 3; shafllng nnd pullev-. lono
fl Linen pip 3c ir It , sism radlatifi.
nil N. 7TII HT
M. .4.--P
repulallon and eterllng merits nf YOCOltS
I.:..:-'" mViiw "i,'i"J!i.,;,l,.",Vi,5.'naenia
'.r"' i. .-.. " . "'" i.ioo r ut.?lJ!lT!!-
I4A rnrin Heennn '1
t,llV-IMI.i. V VTT lllltll,ilt-v-e
Dynamo motor, boilera steam an-1 nil enH
glnes pump, air compressors "1
FltANK TiMlMIlY, Inr 127 N 3d si J
All! CilMPItHHUtiitH I "Hnnif 2l2lx3t) n,.l
Meyferl's. I3T N. 3d st ' "r "'""rFV
DiNAMO.t, niotoia n.ii i.uchlncry liuhl ni
tattel Atxfgt I urinuliiraa tanalee.1 i-I .lmA
"in -!- a. iiTiiiiiiiii n n innru SlUiri 111 i
Market 3HH1 Venrsley Co . 221 N 3d si f'
WOOD PI'LLHYH tniltierlV thousands In slnekr
all dlameler. ('HAHI.KH POND COStpANY
320 Anil al.
S'OH I AND 2 Pralt ft Whitney arrew michlnes
vvllb wire feed, C.leveland w2-lnch nutnmxtle
e,-,,v niuriiiMrn. ..niLnii I. in n ,,n
MANTHS or plain and automatic machinery?
Send fnr booklet A. Nneke A So 2111 H 8ta,'
Special Player-Piano
MaiIa hv u cMnrnniPft tv un ami nh k
il to the hnnv (llrft nt n. piwlny lht rrpr
firntn ''. nr cnt I
tt .m mt fcni KTUni to ln-
trumnl itrnIrK nk tdif) for
y t
' ...,.iii...., ... ....... ...... .....
1.11.1 I I'leAsl-ill It'll illli HU3IK
KlfttTii mil f piipulnr rnuiilc h brnrh n
urnrf i ! Ineulfi.
rifi inn inrvirumnt will .
I drllvf-red without coat
nlo alxrn fn-e
fnc ipftr'n lunlnt
You nm,ihonrt our own termi of payment
wi: wn.r, acci:it on thi inhtuumknt
ti:Mh v.vr.s ah low am
If mi have on old piano or orpan we will b
r-lirt tn nprnnt It im n.irt nnvnisnl nn IKia la
etniment or any piano or player you may j
NfVl'H !.t to obr rtumroua aalea
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