5swPpra)!S?"i'S fBIhADELPttU MARKVTa iltf W a " ----- Who y?'ri f iirAlrlwj. 4ei western.wer, in "K,w"lfe1r ell? beer, knurKle ami Buis. soiosed. . !Iv.iVif.ii. avt. western beet, i HBt'sa'?!.": .S2W1. ."uKj wft ISlss' .WtfWflfMavSL: Ss GSlaWel , ?.- "H0' ..'Ynbrind and .. imip'-f.;- .MWhi wpiirni tuiru Vl... hi. in le.r .-, El".- i I. t.tria 1H y, rtSsrav " nvriNCn SlfCAIlS S2.olojc, DAIRY ruuuuuia atran Receipts were llsht and fables of SFESSi creamery further advanced "ic u n- I91M. " '-- "'"V..l- !L"'K,'nrVw ate. do onia- :o. ladle 'UAoWsej pacKlnir stock SVOnoe. nearby 2!2? eics avarake "Ira. 40tlo. nrete. FeiV, wnd.. 3503.1C, .wclal fancy ornnu. 5iS?TarVnted Oo per ran with rtemanrt BS5a. S&rtT & iifnie: western c.trns . c Pjr dox lfl. tfre Brits. 113 0" per cases uo. ursie ;" -I!7-.V. rtJrlrerator ee, stores and Insur EJe'JsTi fo January 1 e.irn. liutnwr case !rnia 110 20 per casei do. seconds IB 60 S. ?.. fancy selected candled fresh nn were . Srsts 110 20 per casei do. seconds IB 00 !r &?,, fancy selected candled f resh M were g'fraL VS..f'Sul.rt"'b2t,.tMd)r under mod 5. offtrlM.jb!ipjaeionai .N;w York, full ,K rs.ocxw.H2Ki.TY0:p.rt.v.In.: 44 w POULTRY tnrem In fair request and firm under mod- St nfrertnr. Quotations rowla. as to nuai Istflrei riot.ra. UOUc. aprlna- chickens. .orilnV to qualltr..lSITp Whlta. Ishorna. r.KSw WSuc. turkey, jnoc. ,. s? : naArin nrrmrintn nf rialrahle ntock wers yttuuvMi .,i. 1 .i.I4 luit traila waa SSri,55otir..n.V "ffwhSMAirrxSa? Vrn, 25027c. fair to anod, 220240. i-Moa. HO20C. tow a. 12 to box. dry-nlckfi rhWISr2iSc. do. w.lhln 4Hd I, itlfrt. i"l do. lt npleca 21c: do 3H "Ibi. H'?' l.?l 55i ,'" J,pi,"V,ViH,' "-KK'-'i ?el"ita. "and ovtr apleca, 20V4c: wjlahlnr d ' miltra. dry-plckrd. 10c: roaitlnr chickens, .,.., J,;.nfrv.,1. In boui. welahlnr H Ida. r ulevir. vf pair. 23c: foaatlnir chlrkena. wat rtm la bot. welxhlnir 7 Iba per pair, Ulc, . luitlni chickens, m atcrn. Ica-packrd, In bbla , IviUMitx 8 Iba and over, per pair, 20031c, 1 mnlrr chlckeni, weatern. In bbla , weigh- Iff I torn per rir, lire uroiiur cnicn Uu, Trtittrn, In boiea. welghln 3 9 Ibt per pair, 23024c.. chickens, vrelihtnc 1(1 Ibt. per pair, IHOlDc, do, mlaed !. kUSIOc: broilers. Jersey, fancy, 2fl03Oc: broil- ft, etbsr nearby, welihlnr 1H 02 lbs. apiece, r-.liS:k: broilers nearby, smaller sizes, 23W21c, exsa wssisrn. ibu.uoi recse weeiern lovifci ,uji. per dot., while welching- 11 to 12 Ins vrtoi. 10.7508: white, weighing 8 to 10 BLwr doi,M,85CS on; white, welchlnr H lhe prtea. 1404 33: do, do, 7 lbrf per dot , is 00 iUf.io dp, J0!4 lbs per dot.. J2.7S02 oj ih. 12,0092.00! small and No. 2. UOcOll.33, FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and aluea generally Jrtre well luitalnad follows: Apples, per lilJonitien. M SOUS 23, Grimes' Golden. tiWDi: tUldwln No. .. J3 7ri04 25. do. un- edid. ; B0Q3 50. Greening, No. 1, l4,oDU0: BlTadsd.l2.S0e4. Klnee. No 1. I4Ur. do. trceTBBeo. tf ouv.iiiy; niarmen, no . X.J krf nA . .,. .T "- . ' fxli'. 1. lies: J. pmra I, . u: URSTSdsd. 12 Rf)3 AO. Anntee. Mnrlh !. 1Z noira wineaan. Nti 1. isu ", per ban. tl.BOOi.BO. Imone, per box. KBt urangee, riorKin, per crate ungnt, M.IS3: Huasel. 'J.2.tS2 73. Tangerines, Mr stxan. lata4 (10. nranefrult. tils, per crate, I2V2.73. l'lneqpples. CriRbftrtles. rern rnA np hhl ' .Varifv !at Jtlslo00: Karly niack, ISfflO BO. Cran. twtles. Cape Cod, per crate. 22 4U: do, Jer lir. tUrx..cer crate. 2U2 40: do. do, light, per ma. II W62. l"ara New York, per bueh,- 'BUBter ueckel. 12 nous: Sheldon. II oOO2. (tut. Ktiiors. per bbl., 1203 VEGETABLES fte vnsrlrMr r-tlrf mtmA llti Hmran fat 03etSttfins. WlilfA nntfttnea. Mr .i.ahTann. UOtrtaU, choice. 11830170. New York, t'cblce. 115301 80; Wntto potatoes. New Nrrny. per psket, 83cOll, ffiveet potatoes. I . it's 8bore, per bbl. No. 1, 2 B0O2.70, No. i"C M01SO. Sweet potatoes, Delaware and rji,pj. per nainpar. iivi.sa. ciweet ooia- get, Ntw Israey, per Uiket No, 1, UOOOc; "i!.?i,i'?.i0c- Onions, per 100.b bag No. 1, 111904; No. 2, 1 B062rB0, Cabbage, Danish. r ton, HOCtilS: do, domestic, per Ion, 33 w-Jsaach, Norfolk, per bbl., 73oOl, Kale fvniM. per bbl ,80 0750. Cauliflower. Nor- J tii: !'..!, 'IOl'o0 lettuce, Florida, per ffflJfK I1.B0O1.7S: do, Virginia, per baaket, gplt: do. North Carolina, per basket. 4) Oil. Buns, Florida, per basket ll.Bn03, S't!tl,lor,'1v T. box. I2.V803 80. P.p. ' Rr,'.?,orl" per box. 12 B04. dquaih. Florl. rfelaOi.:"02--- " Vlmi'- P' FOREIGN EXCITANGE --" a.vj.e.tJb, s 4.-"ir(UI t(IQ H.OUIIIJT- tan of bualnoaa In foreign exchango today nr wtu continued decllno In tho classes t EtXChlRra thnff hl tiaan .nnanlnimnu fnr latatg recently. Itelchamark cables wero ITfiUotS,! R lt.li ..-.I .1 t. .4 fttr .. V- - "" aw aim vticv.HB a, ou7 iifl" I , Vienna, was also weak at a now low in " Ior caol" ona 10.36 for eneens. f I JV1"1'8 'n th' exchanne today, as -.ruiaiisni, was aitrmutea to me peace P niT" RubI" oro a shade easier. jr wneas was very moderate. Frenclt I t,8i ,nd B,ei"llneT wera fairly steady. DeYlBi ..!! t m m -.( HIJItTs """" ' iiOt eauiea "day bills nominally 4.71 H. maa cables 5.Si, checks 6.85. wichirnark cables 65 3.16. checks 65. tJr cables .91. checks' 6 92. Bla cables 6.04, checks e.O. wner cables 29.45, checks 29.30. nfi cables Jl . checks, 21.20 In Jul "" . cnecKH 23 26. atari . ri Bttenioon rubla cable! de. m 1. ".; "" "" owt ngura in some I tie .'," "change was wiik also L Sterling- and franca ffre un. rtaenZe -- uiicuinir. jieicnsmarus fi I,had.e flrme'' 6?.tf and . ,,uuiuiy a ti.iu, IlANir nr.PAmMPn lMi"! ,' "mpared with corra- EHlWS&Raflto 101.491 Via C33.g38.3l4 11,015 700 33:l.ji&3 RATES FOR MONEY Vj.t. Sl-MMU L 44 3 4H P Pan., ... . .. vszwirssssr Iz months, ItlU- UVE STOCK QUOTATIONS illM oj;1:, 9 B99l, TJb "int. 19 9 CAH,!.0.,M, bulk lOWetOOi f x atiCjT v.- wa ana neiEera s sa ?,', n!1 der 14 BOOT S3. To. IwSf jl'lo? a4 vrtro- 60- lamba. Trtt & Williams Initial tlK!SC?' a J" .-ba Trtjaua L GRAIN AND FLOUR r ",rfl oo gen bushels The mar- f KAT W!1?. a i lower. owln to peara (WX'1. tSdi Ml" location-New ITO rR5l,W4l.h,l. Th. market ITU--B!l,,,.ii3 Jul! Quotation No 2 g? 47 feC- and !. PlVotm-ner. JJ. mill trading an th IS?n!l quotations Pr WE!' tSarlet " .n0.mIn.Je 17 3(lO?Sli do. stratum. fSWnlhi rjnlar trartVv nr. $gw W ijjgj qwyterty 41Mna f riLS?, Awsw ii to swte iiwM Paccaibor St, WHEAT IS HARD HIT BY PEACE PROPOSALS Market In Chicago Cloaca 6 to 10 Points Below Yesterday's End After Small Rally 'i!,..UV "KIlT WKATHKR CONDITIONS f.r JaChV.?.' Vtt' The weather fereea.t ne?ihfnirrJ' WM-4r.Prtly ,ly. der Ui:0?"'" TsrlaM w nda tiaiV l'dn" rartlr elendy MeSHTaT.-'i' .?noT 'M rl, tonlghli Wednesday partly elendy. CHtCAOO. Dee la Chancellor on ilethmann.llollweic'R announcement that Germany and her Allies, had proponed to enter forthwith Into peace nmotliUlon-. caused a big drUe ARalnet the wheat mar ket today and forced prices down 7 to 111 cents nt the cxlreme. with final quo. latlons oft 6O10 cnts Thero was a renerat rush to aell and enttment was pronouncedly bearish, owlwr to the falllnc off In the Inquiry for ex Irt nnd lack of outside Interest lteporta on the winter crop continued taorable. nlthouRh molaturn would bo welcomed In parts of Kanfas A report Issued by tho Kansas Depart ment of Aitrlculture placed tho condition of wheat In the State at 75 9 aualnst 8 a J ear bro. Tha area sown this fall was 8,887,000 ncren, an Increase of 2 8 per cent oyf that of last jear December, after seillnR at 11 59. fell to II 63H, finishing at II 54, against !1.6I. jcstcrday'j laat prlco, May, after movlnit up to $171. dropped to It 1. cloalnjr nt II 65 1 J6H. compared with It 75H. the final quotation of jesterday: July, nfter touching II 46 H. declined to 11 41, nnd ended nt II 43 to 1 42,. nRnlnst II 48. yesterday's laat price Leading futures ranged aa follows noat Tee'day'a Open High. low. Close close VV ! "A ". 1 ! ' 1 7 July I 4(1S 1 4I1S t 41 1 41 1.4H Corn tnew delivery! U ilir " R7, ?, tunt, Ma bi pis an tnll njij (La ' U "' MW "" "' Dec Al rtm 40 49 ,&j. May nH BBS BlH B2 n'i Ju S2H 8S( 4S 80 B3V4 tird pee IB 17 Id 73 111 17 MO 72 MS 17 Jyn 1BB3 in so is no 1021 M9 7n iflbs '57S ,827 ,:13" ,,,::3li,lo70 Jan 'l3 71 13 S7 11 "1187 1J On York 3 U" i"i ,M1T fee . . 127 in Jan . 2fl 113 2 7J 2 21 : 7 'in ni May 211111 2(122 25 IU 'JO 17 t.fl 13 Hid tAsked (NomlnaL Stock Values' Crumble on German Peace News Continued from Tage On dom of Great Britain and Ireland Gs also firmed up. Uuslncss In stocks wns on n very iorun scalo, mora than 1,000,000 shares havlns chanRed hands In tho first two hours, this belnif nt tha rate of 2,500,000 shares for tho full fli. o-hour session. The action of United States Steel common was watched with much Interest. That stock, nt tho low point, ns off 4 points as compared with tho closo of yesterday Tho low point of the wholo market was reached shortly bofora noon, nnd then sup porting orders nppenrcd, and there wns a rally all around. The rally did not by any moans wipe out all of tha declines, how oer. As la usually the case, a mass of bargain hunters put In their appearanco and, buying from this aourco, helped to steady the market. Impairment of mar gins was- ono reason for tha heavy selling of tho morning. Call money held fairly firm all through tho liquidation, getting to 6 per cent for new loans and renewals In tho nftornoon Lato In tho day there wan another down unrd movement which wlpd out tho ro coveries nnd tho earlier looses wero ox tended. United States Steel common, on tho lato movement, dropped to a, fraction abovo 118 for a loss of more than 5 points Losses ranged from 2 to mora than 6 points in tho net ho stocks Tho market closed weak at tho lowest of'the day, Dcforo tho German news had arrived the market had started lower. Traders at tributed thla to the fact that there was a sharp break In cotton nnd wheat yesterday and that tho market, therefore, woa due for a reaction, and when the German news came It only hastened matters. There was no throning over of stocks in the trading on tho Philadelphia Stock Ex change today as was tho case in New York when news waa received of tho German peaco proposals The widest loss was In Lake Superior At one tlmo that atock was off 4 points as compared with the final of yesterday It was by far the most ac tive Lehigh Coal and Navigation waa an exception to the downward turn, being strong, Wheat Drops on Peace News CHICAGO, Deo. 12 Slay wheat dropped from 11.74 to 81.71 in a swirl of excited Belling on the Chicago Hoard of Trade to day, following receipt of news that Ger many had made peace offers. Slay futures promptly rallied to 81.72. but excitement remained Intense, Cotton Rallies After Decline NEW YOItK, Dec 12, The cotton mar ket started weak, there being a continua tion of yesterday's selling. There was a rally from the low In the afternoon. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAll BTOCKH li Asked s A, i a ft' 2d .70 Jim Tlutlsr utonimin Midway 20 IMIipah Extension - 14 &?'5nA VS.VJ fs nuruivrii oii ..(t..e, . e. -,- Tonopah nlmont Jj 1 UllVfeeeass Tonopab IVlflJ-lflal n .Mtnln "i. iU 3 Rescue Kul West End GOLDF1ELD 8TOCKS A l.-., h .02 .01 ,08 04 .23 ,ft.1 ,01 . ,0 .0.1 .30 lllue Hull Hooth ! O D T. Combination Fraction ., niamondfleld 11 B Daisy , Florence v . tJuidMi! Consolidated ........ Goidfleid Msrger ... Jumbo Kxtenelon Kewanaa .,.,b. ..... Handstorm Kendall ,,.,.... 03 oJ 117 .07 .cm 04 ss .31 ,0d .82 suver r MISCELLANEOUS Arizona United ,, ,....,...!.. .? Nevada, lllll - i.1inim... Nevada IVonder .. .. .,.,... Vi Tecopa Jllnlnr .IS '.Jo Extra for American Brake Shoe NEW YOItK. Deo. IS. Th American Shoe and Foundry Company declared regu. lar dividend of 8 per cent on Its preferred stock, payable In four quarterly Instal ments of 2 Pr cent each, and regular dtvl dend of 7 per cent on Its common stock In four quarterly Installments of 1H per cent each. An extra dividend of 2 per cent was also declared on the preferred stock, payable December 10 to stock of record December 32 The first of said Install ments In case of each class of stock U payable December 0. 1918, to atock pf record December 28 i the second, March 31 191T, to stock of record March 28 ! third. Juno SO. to atock of record June 22. an4 the fourth, September 29. to stock of rec ord September 21 Retiring directors were re-elected. . DIVIDENDS DECLARED Comsaoy, regular gtml SWi Fiiie.r luilwur Com- aemunnusl at ti Mrafi Jao- a rtgjalWM 4Jca"T . wi If ?rankfard Trust SStiVSSlliflSSSiS CoIPW. regular , payaW January, X to 1 Banks do net close. gSftTSS3,J'J& KVEKlNa LEDaBR-pWliABBLPHIA; TXTESDAY, BE0EMBBR 12, MUSICAL COMEDY AND MIXED MATES AND MIXED METHODS IN NEW MUSICAL PLAY Farce and Operetta Blended in "Husbands Guaranteed," With Fritzi SchcfT THE COMPANY IS CAPITAL v Gnrrick's OfTorlnR V 11ns Hook With Good Tasto Bchlntl It, but Not Enough Mirth liysinVDl OUAnANTKBD Musleal plar In Fh.u a... II 1. .Mil Ivetea Kv JAItPh 1 llefhsrt Scoro by Auaust Klvelneck wisee, under the direction or Joeepn nerueri runees arrnl br Joph W. Ilerberi Jr Mansgemtnt Clarence W Wlllela Oarrlrk Theatre .'obn On.-ee Mrs (lesion Mr lleaton Charles Abbott Mra Htllgman Jyilllam iack Mrs Mack Joseph IV. .Herbert Jr .Alice liegeman Amelia Hurnmervllle Clarence Harvey I'raufurd Kent .... Alice lllllj .... , mill Pcherf .. . William llarrtean (trayce Pcott Vlrelnia Stannten C-ner , Jacob aellgman. iron a-nitmin. , jertereon u Acts I ami 111 ortlre of Kldellly. Inc Art It Print's Atelier, Time Now riae New York Jerrerson oe ,nieiie Hochester, or some such place, sent out the wonl that this was ery gav enter talnment Chorus ladles were. In the good, bygone phrnse 'scantily attired " it said A green amusement paper absurdly summed up the show thus "Panned by tho critics, hut popuinr with the public" Per haps Rochester la. more of nn Index to things theatrical than la usually supposed Ilut it was wrong on ono theory llus hands Guaranteed" la neer Improper The mild nnd pleasant dnncea by the ounxer Mr Herbert and Mis- Goldsmith that dot ted Its course last night wern quite ns harm-lea-, ns the gradunlly approached and not untastcful Intriguing that vent on between tho members of the cait. with Mint Heheff ns a Viennese artist continually forced Into rompromlalng but Innocent situations with nil tho men No tha question which "Husbands Guar anteed" nska nnd doesn't rfultn answer Is How much can jou mix our methods In musical pieces nnd continue to amuse nnd to charm tho ear? Kor Mr Herbert's hook Is frankly n patch quilt, with the patches probably sewed on by some ono eleo. There Is operetta In it, so that Mine Scheff can sing nnd look ltnclous or sad Thero Is farce of tho sort in which people dash In and out of doors. In tho Cohan fashion There Is the soxtet of show girls, nfter tho mnnncr of "Adele" and the I'rlncoss Thea tre And thero Is fox trotting nnd a "dnnso pastorale" done by a spry young lady In pink tarltan All this blend of styles makes tho situations seem a long tlmo between thinks, nnd when they nrrlvo they are not unronrlous enough The production needs either more violent humor or nn humor nt all For you can hnrdly split the difference between operetta nnd farce In thu. case tho absence of side-splitting momcntH Is often forgotten In appreciation of a. libretto that Is in capital taste, with a nicely pro fessional point of view behind It: some apt rhymes nnd a cast that is top-notch For ono, Mme Scheff Is singing well and looking ten times moro youthful than she did in her last audevllle ilslt Mr De Angel Is. n comedian too long a recluse, comes bnck successfully In n now sort of character a Jewish merchant, a sublimat ed Potash and the willowy Miss liegeman and quiet Mr. Harvey lend their ripe tal enta to other roles. William Harrlgan, with a hangover from his escapades In "llought and Paid For," Intones a charming lyrlo about a man who Mays on the wnter wagon by sticking to cologne nnd Peruna. Amelli Summervlllo. Craufurd Kent nnd Grnyce Scott assist deftly. It la really an organ! ration of musical comedy folk worth ncolng at all hazards. Of course, thero Is a lot of music, and how we dread going Into that part of the evening' Not that It Is bnd, but Just be cause It is old by this time and not particu larly notablo. Thero Is the drum song for the star, with echoes of "Mile. Modiste," and the elaborate farewell to her lover, a la Victor Herbert, and pretty but worn numbers for the rest Considerable skill has gone Into tho orchestration of It nit. and tho tunes will be liked by many people Indeed, it Is not Improbable that the entire melange will make good Ilut the rewrite man should bo phoned for. II. D. Theatrical Baedeker OAItniCK "Hnsbands Guaranteed." with Frltsl rlcherc and Jerrerson Ie Annus Musta by August Klelnecke and book and lyrics by Jo seph Herbert In the cast are Craufurd Kent, William Harrlgan, Clarence Harvey Amelia Summervllle. Alice liegeman. Urayce rJcotl and others. See review. LITTI.E THEATItE "on eter Can Tell." with Charles D Mitchell. Dorothy Shelmer. dine, Maria User and the Stage Society Play ers Admirable revival I.TIHC "Clvllliatlon," Thomss II Ince's mo-tjon-plcture portraying the horrors of war and the excitement of battle on land and sea and In tha air Superb martial spectacle and sen. Omental symbolism OIIOAD "Utile Lady In lllue." with Frances Starr. Costume comedy about an adorable little missy and some picturesque pereons Di verting Indorsed by (he Drama League, FOItRKST "Chin-Chin." with David Montgom ery and Fred Stone, Itsturn engagement of the popular musical eitratagania with the famoua comedians appearing In various Im personations ADKI.T11I "Eiperlenee." with, ErnsatUllendln- nlna A 'modern morality piay . wiin rno humaneness than graced ' Kyerywoman, There'a a large cast perbiy. at roruLAK rmcHs WAI.Nl'T "Alnlt and Jeff's Htditlng," In which they disport thsmnlrcs In, new guise See review STOCK KNICKEnilOCKEn "Tha, pirorte question." with Anna Dougherty, John Lorens and tha stock company. FKATUnB FtLlta STANLEY "Oliver Twist." Lasky.raramount. with Marie Doro. Tully Marshall and Habart from Others. AltCADIA "The Mairlmanlae." Fine Arts-Trl-iwle. with Douglas Fairbanks and '-rn. Itlnk." Lone Star-Mutual, with Cbarlca Chap lin, all week Othere. Saturday, PALACE "Tha riser Gill." Laiky Paramount ' with f Maa Hurray, and "Tea Blnk." with Charles Chapl n. Bret lialf of week "The ellaw Pawn." Lesky-Psramount. with Wal I.Vs Belt and Clso Rldgely, Utter halt of week. "The Blak" Saturday, CHESTNUT PTnBET OPERA HOUSE "A tJauJCtei ttf Iba Gods." Fog. with Annette Rjuermann Last week of a feature with JSctacU and .beauty of the best, but some vrbat lacking In jlramstlc significance. V4IIJSrff,L.' KEITH'S Russian Dallel, with Kosleff and Msiovai Nn 1'alpeflu "The Call of Child hood '! Frank Crumlti Ulrana Brothers. Ade. Fetde BoOtnby. Kltner, Hawksley. and Mc Clay, Mailne Brothers, and news pictures. m-OBB "Tha Fashion Shop." with Tlerne poScilaurlee Samuel and company. Le Al Jirftlse. J"k bymonda. Chief fca.Ullorae. ttors ' SUnpeoo and company. May illlisaury. ind the taniamato Urotbsrs. nnAND "Pravarlcation," with Bert Baker, Nowlla C''' ' 8i.rrow Mile UlUea BW Lrt Oreeoo and Plait, sad etr-ere utter ball ot . PUOS3 KBT8 TaU's "llotorlajf" . "In Xfsx. "leV?" fr. Cta and Carr "Ethel Coetello, the FBiiupi r am It week. ..'. Harvest 2ht fSdK wtea- HVBLeSQVB fe"-Wat? mtiHa? rSat8"1 " WX3TH1SL3 vs&vars VICTOItIA "The, Honorable Airy." Kay-riee-Trlanale. w th Charles lur, and J'Toa. lllnk ,' il hChirlea Chaplin njei half of week. "Tha I title Sunbeam." Itolfe-Metro, with Mabel Taliaferro! T latter half of week.' "Th. UloP' IV1LLUM PENN "Hla Dream Olrla". nave KsbTnal' ,n1 "Jf ""J,1"-, '"lake'a plge. rlrst half of ,?ek "Th HMelsr Olrl". fiwla and Fslber. Farrell and.Tay on El tou and "The Honorable AUry." rhotopUy. VAUDEVILLE ACTORS THREATI3N STRIKE Members of the White lints1 Union of America. Awnlt Orders From LcatU era In ChlcnRd NRW YOItK, Dee 1J Telegraph orders for a nation-wide strike of vnudevllte actors nre being awaited here by mtny members of the White Hats Actors' Union of America, who expected the word to colnc out of the west from their national executives who nre on a trip to strengthen the organisation It M thought here that tho strike call for tho purpose of forcing belter working con ditions, will be Issued In Chicago ns soon as lhe lenders perfect their plina It nas slid Hint vaudeville hendi nnd booking agenclee have taken steps to meet the expected strike by "lining up more than 200 emergency acts to fill In brenchea in the western lime ' lhat may result from a walkout The publicity manager of the Wtilte lints, here, however, said there will soon be startling news which "will be In the nature of a bombshell to certnin managers " RUSSIAN DANCERS HtT OF SHOW AT KEITH'S Nan Halperin, Retained for Sec ond Week, Also Scores on Bill of Much Merit All the good things which one con scientiously sas about nnythlng of merit can be applied to Theodoro Kosloff nnd Vlasta Mnslova. the lUi-.ilrin dancing stars nt Keith's They are nccomp.inled by four artistically nimble assistants who mako II appear that gliding about on ones lees Is n very com fortable pastime after all The art Is staged with a lavish hand and an Imported llusslan orchestra adds to tho atmosphere While seemingly recklese abandon char acterises the various numbers. Kosloff and Mnslova are at all times abreast of tho rhythm of the haunting melodies What tho atidlenco seemed to like most was "Kcstasla d'Amour," n dance which lei's tho stor of a lover who. though repudiated, persisted nnd won his lady love, whom he inrrleH off In triumph The two stars also nppeared In two other numbers In which their their wonderful -.tylo nnd execution, not to mention dramatic expression nnd rare grnco, won an ovation from the house Mlis Vera I'rcilmva Nnlnshn Hombood nnd b'enla HiisaknlT guvo added chnrm to tho act li several ihnrncterlstlc dances Kvery motion of these gifted artiste, re ceived full value In tho authoritative violin of Kugcne lllermnn Nan Hnlperln. vnutlovllle'a well-warranted new headilner, made a living start on her second week In fact her net seemed nil the better for another look. Her llghtnlng-llkn changes. In addition to a. very worthy collection of exclusive songs, tlused much favorable comment A verj pretty story, nnd one which will tei tl to decrease domestic agonies, Is told III "Tho Call of Childhood " by Kmmct Dovi and compan) Although the plnylet wan well acted, It xcemc-d somowhat lengthy nnd could no doubt be cut down considerably wlthoiit Injuring the theme On the bill without nny special announce ment nppear tho names Kltner, ll'twksley and MiClay In 11 musical ntt called The Stowaway " It Is built around n novel Idea and tho lines am ixceptlonnllv clever The audience laughed and showed Its approval, but when the act finished gave onl stingy applause This nn evidently duo to tho fact that tho finish waa a trlllo unexpected A better exit song would help a great deal Others on tho bill Included Frank Cru mlt. who ' stopped" tho show by reaping wholesalo applause , Adelaide Iloothhy In a hrand-new act which went over lit solid form, Maxlne Ilrothrra and Hobby, agile nnd exceptional acrobats, and the Mirnno Ilroth ers, who by nil sorts of perilous feats on whirling airships, brought the bill to a thrilling finish J G C. "Prevarication" Nixon Grand "Prevarication." a sketch with action and a splendid vein of comedy Invoked continuous laughter last night at tl'u Grand It starts off with a fib told by nu erring husband, nnd then a Jealous wife and a chorus girl proceed to mix things up The company Is headed by llert linker Nowlln nnd St Clair furnished some funny Imitations, nnd the Irlnh Jokes of Marie Sparrow were new and Infectious l.llllnn's comedy dogs displayed nlmost hu man Intelligence. Introducing many new tricks Sid Lewis, known In the vaudeville world as 'The Having Nut," wns In his usual form as a "raver" last night, furnish. Ing new nnd lively entertainment. Greeno and Piatt appeared in a good Juggling act They did some splendid "wire work " The pictures were up to the Grand's usual standard ".Motoring" Cross Keys "Motoring," an automobile comedy, which has been the hit of two continents, la the headline attraction at the Crocs Kes The sketch deals with the troubles of un autolat and Is a series of laughs from beginning to end "In Mexico, ' an up-to-date tabloid, proved to be another delightful act on the bill It Is presented by a well-halunced cast, Including several pretty girls Good acts were also presented by Carr, Cain and Carr, Uthcl Cnstello, the Phillip Four and Howe and Smith "Harvest Das" will be the headline at traction for the last half of th week "Fashion Shop" Globe Tingling tunes sung by pretty girls and a number of good comedians help to make 'The Fashion Shop", the feature act nt the Olobo thla week The scenlo effects aro good, and tho gowns especially worthy of note. 'The Miracle," a dramatic comedy play let, offered by Maurice Samuels and com pany, drew many laughs The lines have the necessary "snap," and the members of the cast are seen to advantage in their re spectlve parts The remainder of the bill Included the Tlerney Four, rathskellar entertalnera, Les Alverettas, In a Kuropean comedy novelty; Jack Simonds, monologlsti Chief Eagle Horse, a full-blooded Sioux Indian, who pre sented tha songs and dances of his tribe j Cora Simpson and company In a dramatla sketch; May Olllsbury, singing comedienne, and Yammato llrpthers, Japanese acrobats. The pictures were new and Interesting "Dream Girls" William Penn The miniature musical comedy, "ills Dream Girls," Is the remarkable central number around which an attractive bill for the first three days of the week has been arranged The plot runs Its course In one act, and U profusely orchestrated by catchy songs. The cast, supported by a pretty and graceful chorus delighted the audience with a truly artistic exhibition of singing and dancing. The entire bill came In for enthusiastlo applause. KerUke's pigs, a unique vaudeville attraction, par ticularly drew rounds of applause. Among the other excellent entertainers on the pro gram were Dave Roth and the Bennett and Hlchards team The photoplay the first half of tha week, featuring William S Itarte, Is 'The Devil's Double" 'Chin Chin Chin" Dumont'a Not content with their burlesque on "11 Trovatore." Frank Dumont'a minstrel last mgoi aauea auuiner irave.iy 10 ineir rep ertory. It was "Chin Coin Chin." which. It may be easily imagined, 1 a parody on the famoua muaital comedy now playlse t wsauter theitro in thla city. Ail the fvorl Wiek-fic artuts take part In th MtftWUtt, Which la vr!d u aay tast PLAYS OF llsBeBSarEBa. .aeaaSaSMeaSaeaealaft rfaeaH "ifl JBt ' MaSaSaSaSH ISBTaTaTaTaTa ' - llaTrl-BelBTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTal IbsbsbH ps.e3saw 'Lii WRhk i 'Sut . 1 -tafq"' h W ; ' fa iaiMwarrv.v-i f? -M&H. Meet M THE NKW "DOLLY" The flippant youiiRcr Minn Clnmlon In Hcrnnrd Shaw's "You Never Cnn Tell," now in the second week of Iti rovivnl nt the Littlo Thcntrc, Is belnp enacted by Mnrio liner, ono of tho Slnfjo Society's plnyort MUTT AND JEFF ARE MARRIED AT WALNUT The Famous Cartoon Characters Please at Popular-Priced Playhouse Mutt and Jeff, those two popuinr cartoon characters, came to the Walnut this week In a new guise Amid much uproarious comedy, the shedding of ininy crocodile tears and numerous songs thev bade n fond farewell tn their bachelor days I.Ike tlielr other presentations there Is little plot The curtain rises upon the porch of a magnificent summer mansion, nnd Mutt and Jeff nro supposed to be Illng nbove It In their airship Unfortunately for all pirtles concerned, the hnvo a mlshiip nnd down they come, right In tho middle of n lawn party, scattering pretty mnldnns and sending them Indoors shrieking nnd screaming In terror Thero nre several oung men In the vhlnlty nnd they nudtlenly decldo tint any amount of fun can l had with the elongated Mult and his abbreviated friend. Mr. Jeff And their decision Is not tn bo scoffed at, for they Immediately set out to hnvo some fun, and mnny amusing situations develop around Mutt nnd Jeff Among the new songs were "I Seo Byery thlng lleautlful," 'The Isle nf ilan" nnd "It Wns Only nn Irishman's Orenin " tho lat ter receiving a warm reception Miss Illla Abbot. In tho rolo of the sonpmaker's daughter, delighted tho audi eince with her sweet Nlnglng though the young lady seemed to he suffering from a cold llnrdy 11 Kny ns Mutt nnd Gun Alexander ns Jeff furnished most of the humor Mr Alexander did a "laughing Song" which threw the nudlence Into some thing approaching hysteric Miss llugcno Oilmen, who represented tho aunt nf Sadie Cnstllo, nnd n rabid suffragette, became tho stage wife of Mutt, and delighted the audi ence by her many denunciations of tho unfortunate side partner of Jeff A bevy of pretty chorui girls furnished the back ground of the production "Divorce Question" Knickerbocker vfThe Divorce Question," a play dealing with one of our greatest problems, was successfully presented at the Knlcuerbockrr last night "lho play was well written and ndmlrubly presented It deals with the posi tion of the Catholic Church on tho divorce problem The drama is in reality 11 good object lesson nnd teaches that wn should try to save others from the mUtnltes which we sometimes make ourselves Members of the Knickerbocker Stock Compan) wero well chosen for their re spective parts, njid the piny was well re celved "French Frolics" Trocndcro Harry Fields and Lena Dalley are two of the principal performers with tho "French Frolics." which began a week's engagement at the Trocadero Theatre yesterda). Twen ty "Fluttering Flappers" are numbered among the supporting company, which of fers dance, song and burlesque III great vurlety Fads of the day nro travestied, and there Is a wealth of rough and-tumble comedy Interspersed with popular vocal and instrumental hits THK ALDKICII RECITAL Metier Slnuor Gives Somo Novel Num bers In Fine Fashion Perley Dunn Aldrlch. the lleder singer, gave a program of variety ond distinction, with variety of dramatic accent and ills tlnctlon of "bel canto," last ovenlng in the hall of tho Now Century Club A large audience waa present, mainly made up of appreciative music-lovers, for Mr Aid rich's) art has a following nnd his annual exhibitions of it are cordially welcomed The recital was In charge of Arthur U Judaon, manager of lhe Philadelphia Or chestra Itecltal Is perhaps Just tho word to use In connection with lleder program, since the drama of the song Is as Important as the singing Yet this h not to Imply lhat a genuine artist, such as Mr Aldrlch, does not sing with melody In the tones. Is not to say, Indeed, that the effects are merely elocutionary. To be sure, the "plot," tho characterising, tho psychology, the emo tlonal appeal of tha lied are all conveyed by the changing -color and character of the olce But It Is not pure recitative, or even recitation on a melody The lied Is a drama condensed to the essence, a ballad that rise above narrative, a melo. drama In which the artist Is actor, stage manager, scene painter and oostunler all through vocallsm Mr Aldrlch ha the dramatic faculty; also he has the art of "beautiful-singing" The combination U essential for the suc cessful intepretatlon of the art-form known a the lied; possession of It make the In terpreter almost Irresistible. Some lleder singers. uch a Dr Ludwlg Wullner, who created a furore In thla country some sea sons ago. had absolutely no singing voice and relied on tha theatrical appeal , others, (Ike Julia Culp and Tilly Koenen, have cultivated the old "bel can to" to perfec tion Mr Aldrlch I of thla class; h does not Ignore the art of "beautiful , singing. ' but has It as a complement to hi histrionic expression M voice Is not a great one, but how well b use It ' U gave three lengthy groups la Fre.nch. la Herman and In English. Many of the number novel, others were tolerably unfamiliar or, at Jeast, unhackneyed D. lE-Prat' "Deaorejtoo," Hhene.Baloa'a "U nieut ! PataUa d meur,'' d'Altert w$l5Biltt,, Hittb&'p Ttf$g' awl mi PA T BMim1 Hftffsmamg & W. B. . 1910 V THE SCREEN ON VIEW SPIRIT OF DICKENS CAPTURED BY FILM "Oliver Twist," at Stanley, Re nmrkably Acted, Fairbanks and Chaplin in Comedies lly the Photoplay LMItor RTANI.RT "Oliver TwlM," I,aekr-Paramount. with Mf lri, Titlly Marshall and Hobart Nosivwttrt Stnry adarted from the novel by t harlea. Dickens, d, reeled by James Tount. In many respects the (lint "Oliver Twist" H ntl that hns been promleed for It The spirit of pity nnd terror that animates the atory In book form has been prererved with remarkable faithfulness Some nf tho grue pome incidents nre handled with breath taking realism nnd beauty Tho acting Is on n plane which can rhtllenge comparison with the l.leblers' nll-slnr revival of sev eral eara ago It li only In the collection and neaortment of the eplsodrs that somo faulty work has been done Changes, not nt nit wnrrnnted, have been matin, such ns the rllmlnstlon of Mra. Humble. Harry and Charlie Hates, nnd trloka hnve been missed now nnd then All) one who recalls tho hldroualy Impressive scene In the river haunt, where Monks throws the Incriminat ing loekot Into lho boiling torrent beneath, would think that a fine bit of stuff for the movie. Instend. Humble and Monks have their interview in a prosnlc Inn In his at tempt to simplify iinttcra, the adnplcr has In moat cases reduced the romance to n somewhat rambling series of Incidents On tho other hand, tho murder of Nancy the attempted night and denth of Slkes. the abduction of Oliver nnd kindred moments are realised with superb effectiveness Miss Doro pla)s tho Impossible, but touching mid gentle tittles 1) well Fngln nnd Slkes nre vlsunllted with nstonlshlng truth Nancy becomes human, w union nnd kind Umwnlovv Is a Dlckonn character In every faclnl line Perhnps the two most slgnirt ennt pieces of acting nro tho Artful Dodger nnd Monks Thry would h-vve charmed tho soul of Artist Crulkshank The Stnnle) nlro showed jesterdny "Tho I'pper Nile." n travelogue, educational nnd current events pictures, "Ills Ivory Dome," a coined), and Mews of the Maslbnum din ner given last Wednesday ARCADIA "Thn Vlstrlmanlar," Fine Arts. Trlnnsle. with. Tvouirtae Fairbanks and Con stance Talmsdse story adapted from the noislette by (Mavlus nny Cohen nnd J V (llesy. directed by Paul Powell The more pictures Mr Fnlrbntiks mnkrs lhe fewer stunts there are left for him to whlx through Ills Inventiveness, however, Is keeping pneo with hla releases 'The Matrlmnnlnc" Is n farce with a single thin Idea behind It nnd he turns It Into n dlisy, ludlcrou.H, cavorting clrcua, with his person ality as the ringmaster nnd hit nthletlc prowess ns tho bnrobnek rider ttecllulng on the bumpers of a train Is but ono of the new things he does, nnd when ho murmurs to his fiancee, ns they lleo from forbidding father, "t lovo )ou no much I feel rotten," )ou know It Is going to be a bully plioto comedv it Is Tho photography It nde quntc for 11 fnst-nctlou play, though not as limpid aa 0110 expectn from I'nul Powell or dlnnrll) "American Game Trails," shot In Canada, orfers educational Interest to tho spectator The pictures are so remarkable as studies of wild nnlmal llfo thnt it In unfortunnte a few of them such as a bear lugging nt his trap-torn paw should leavo tho Impression of needless cruelty ItnriK.NT "The lllsek llutlcrflr. Metro with olga IMrova story by Wallace C CIKton. Directed by llurton Kin. Mme Petrovn, mngnet of men, Is tho cen tral figure In "Tho Black Butterfly." At leant thnt title might bo conferred upon her In this production, which Is abovo tho nverngo released through thla company. Wnllnco C Clifton nnd Mme Pclrovn nre the authors nnd they hnve evolved n story not entirely orlRlnal, but allowing tho lat ter full scopo for her restrained emotlonni acting Presenting both thu chiructcra nf mother and dnughter, she relies mainly upon the arrangement of her hnlr to Indi cate tho changes of years Hoy Pllchcr gives a character study of youth nnd Liter an old man, hut when close-up lews of tho head nre made, ns In this play, It would irWHrAf.'..iiHiiHiaiift.fli.rrffilrrtM " ' ' '" rr 1 r r-i- Prominent Photoplay Presentations aamaaas'iai.TO JawM SoSm Corijmy TI1K fi-llonlns theaters nbtsln their Compwiiy, width Is a suarantee of All Pictures reviewed before einioiiien. sbtalolns pictures thrnusb tha UTAAUtt 11UUK1.MI COUI'AMX. ALHMlBRAJl,r'K,?,,,S'v'..?noK(' Paramount Pictures. FNNIK WAItn In "The Yeare of the Locust'1 CIIAItLIB CHAPLIN In "TIIH IllNK" AtOl-sI I r MB AND THOMPSON ArULJ-W MATINKK DA1LT Antonio Moreno & Peggy Hyland in -'nosr. of THK HOimr A r r A r t A chkstnut RCAUIA iiulow iotii Douglas Fairbanks in 'Malrimaniac' CHARLIB CHAPLIN In 'TUB BINK' BLUEBIRD UU0SQIIANNA AVE VIOLA DANA in THE OATEH OF EDENJ' "etvTad kth and CCDAH AVE. CEUAK P.1JMMOLW THEATRE THEODORE ROBERTS in "ANTON THE TEnnillLE'' , FAIRMOUNT VkIhd avenue Marie Doro "THE LASH" rreTTJ CT THEATItB. , m"at DAILY 5b 1 tl O 1 pel Ppruce Kits. T to II. Se38ue Hayakawa myhtlh medman In 'THE. SOUL Or" KUHA-SAN" FRANKFORD f"ankae BILhlB WIJlKtsln Ol,OIUA'H IlOltAJifiB GREAT NORTHERN iU';.. JUNE CAPRICE in THE MIBCIIlEFJMAKESr IsfDPDl A I tWTIlANn WALNUT STS. iMPEKlAL. TUHEU TU1X3 DAILY VIRGINIA PEARSON in TIIH JWATt HB I DB- L gBR WT " iPAnCD FOBTY-FinaT AND UiALtilt LANCAaTKH AVENUE SESSUE HAYAKAWA in TUB BOUL OF K1JKA BAN LIBERTY BR0ADAN,COLUMB!A DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in AMERICAN ARISTOCKACY ' WEST rillLABELrillA EUREKAWIU4lul,KArt8- Norma Talmadgo in ,'F.fty.F.V, Keyatone "Tug Boat Romeo" ' SOUTH PUirADELlr-IUJ THE EU,OW MENACE1 1 be well to take a little more palnu In ap-1 dying crepe hair to the face Edward llrennan Is agreeably suited to the rol of a lord, carrying It through with natural easo Plating opposite Mme. Petrovn 1 )outhful Mnhlon Hamilton who make An atlractlva lover Rvelyn Dumo, In n, maid's) part, takes advantage of the little oppor tunity presented nnd gives a study that Is different from th usual servant extra. llurton King waa tho director nnd with tho aid of his unnamed photographer, pra rented several studies nf pastoral scene and elaborately furnished set The double exposure throughout nre capital ntinr"Tha i-.., Vllaaraph-niae. IUb- Peeev ltvlsnd and -v---. ai ai- s'tee V I "B e"""' wn. witn Kvari Mverinn, reaxy iijrannwim t'harle e Kent stMev i.e tleneee lle.ndalr.ri and Lillian Chester. Directed by Paul Bear oy den 'The Knemy" Is nn animated preachment ngalnst liquor. It would be much stronger In putting the message across If It wero shortened lo about three or four reels. As It now stands In seven reels It 14 a little drngg) Aside from the message It car ries it serves to Introduce many well-known pin) en of the Vltngraph Company, each of whom has been featured In recent pic ture pln)s. Among them nro Bernard Mega!. Ulltle Billings, James Morrison, Julia Swa)ne Gordon Kdward Klkas and Paul Kelly The leading characters were capably handled by Uvart Overton, Charles Kent and dainty Peggy Hyland, It was th ex cellent character study of Mr. Kent that showetl the careful realisation of a type, for It ranged from a man of social dl tlnctlon to that of the lowest outcast. The little touches of realism which can b aeen dally upon the streets of any city wero big factors In the building up of this part. An unusunlly good vision scene In a de canter wns n credit to the photographer, aa were tho careful bits of lighting, Briefly, the story concerns the reformation of once-fnmous architect nnd the winning of n prise, his reunion with hi family nnd ultimate downfall due to the craving for drink. Charles Chaplin, nlwa) versatile as far as feet tiro concerned, may now share with leoii Tellegen tho title of 'The Gifted " Not only have Mr Chaplin's excessively nglle nnd seedy nlio"s not loit the power of kicking, they hnve learned to rollor skate, and to do It with nmaslng expert ness In 'The Blnk," which the Arcadia, Pnlnco. Victoria and Urgent showed yes terday. wan unreeled one of tho funniest bits of nonsense which hnve como from the Lone Stnr studios. The action begin In nn ntmnsphcro of dough nnd deviltry and. ends 11 la 'The Count." with Charles clud lng the law on skntes. Tho story la not especially new, hut tho "business" Is fre quently amusing. And beautiful Kdna Purvlatico Ih losing flesh. Sho Is prelty nnd slim enough now- to form her own com pany. Business of pra)lng that she, won'L The Uisky production ot 'The Plow Girl," vvllh Mno Murray nnd Theodora Hobcrts, was the feature at the Palace yes terday, while tho Victoria exhibited us Its chief nltrnctlon tho Koy-Beo drama, "The Honornblo Algy," with Charles nay nnd Mnrjorlo Wilson. Police Court Chronicle Never hesltnto In tho face of ftlanger. Dick Wilson say. t.e hns followed thla rule nil Ills life. The police call him the champion hero It appears that Dick make n practice of saving persons whether they want to bo saved or not. Ho dragged sev eral men from tho Btreet while they wero waiting for cars, but Instead of thanking Dick they showed fight. The hero tried to explain that they might have been knocked down and killed It ha had not happened along nhd pulled them to safety Dick wns engaged In a fierce fight with ono of the men ho had rescued when a policeman happened along nnd look the rescuer beforo Mnglstrnte lmber. This man might linvo been struck by nn automobile If I hadn't scooped him up and placed him on tho sidewalk," aald Dick But tho man who appeared against Dick said tho nearest nuto was fully half n block away "I adinlro your Interest in trying to save persons from danger." said the Judge, "but in tho futuro I wouldn't save any one when they are nlrendy out of harm's way." On promising to repress his herolo ten dencies Dick was discharged. t pictures throoth the STANLEY Beoklnf early showlns of the finest predoctloea. .vsa tor ins tnenier 10 yeur ie yeur leeallty I "" TCTP 63I AND LOCUST L1UUUOI Mats. 11.10 and SiSR, 10a Etrs., 0:30 a, 0:30. 150. fllanT.IB CIIAPI.IN In "THE niNK1' JANH OKET In 'TUB FLOWER OF FAITH'' Market St Theatre "S Brynnt Washburn in "Tho Breaker" Tomorrow SIAniK WALCAMP In "LIIIEnTT" UVCUDKUUN We,-,V0M. Unit OreA, CAIU.YLE nj,ACKWEI.L ETHEL CLAYTON In 'THE MADNEHS or HELEN" AND OTHElta PALACE iai ,,AnKETBTKBCT MAE MURRAY in 'THE PLOW ailtL" CHAltLlB CHAPLIN In 'THE RINK" PRINCESS r,88TMi:RF!T,s? Olga Pebrova in "Extravagance" 0th Epl , Karl William, "Bcarlst Runner RFHFNT ilARKET BTREET lLUU1I IIVMAN tQWJf O ohqav Mmo Plens In 'TUB BLACK Tlln-rvrttet.vw TSIIIW, a I.UUVH CHARLIE CHAPLIN In 'THE J11NK R I A I TO OER4IANTOWN AVE. U 1 rt L, I U AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. Alice Brady ..'5 D II R V MARKET "aTBEET rV - BELOW ttir HTRBMSJ- MARGUERITE CLAYTON in 'THE PRINCE OF QBAUaTAItK' i3 rt. V J I STREET NELL SHIPMAN in I'OOp'H COUNTRY AND THE WOMAN" TIOGA ,TT" x" VENANa era OWEN MOORB and TI, V! f IfAROUEItlTK COURTOT In e iUSS B; Add Att THE SHIKl.DlNcl SHADOW VirfflRIA MA1UCET BT, V 1 w, s. WIA ABOVK NINTtt Charles Ray ir 'Honorable Algy CIJARLU3 CHAPLIN In "THE RIfJIC J -lTANl FY MARKET ABOVE 16TK Marie Doro oUVERTWIST NORTH PHILADELPHIA RIDGE AVENUE ,fM WDa AV LEW FIELDS in "ThMftn Who Stood StflP Whea W was a Iway wA t m t t)o tfmmtm vkst-iiw .11