'yifflywg'ii'ftfa1"-''-1"''1''1,' 3,4 J3VJtafG I,EDGMlPHlLADELPilIA, WfflU&X. DtiCmE&B, 12, 19X0 Wwsjop " '"rrf rirrf in.ift etun FINANCIAL NEWS ANY'S PEACE POPOSALS faAKE -, STOCKS WEAK IN WALL STREET TRADING ,' iffi Igffiies of Pivo Points Arc Sustained in Issues Like Steel, r'iunerican Smelting, Utah and AnacondaLosses in Specialties Are Larger mi -; :ri, N'BW YOIIK, Dm. 12. ''fti street was made nervous twlny by tho curly announcement comlntt from 'J8rIil,",,t Qe""Bny In renrty Id conililer fence tirflposalii. Somehow tlio Street f ljfgfll lo ln conclualon that this meant concesBlon. by Germany Hint the Allien would tw) tjound by tlio laws of humanity to nccortl. V Wften the full text of von IJetlimnftn ifollnff' nddrcdn In the Itolclistnt; wnn ubUiheel there wn nothlnfc to bo found In It lo confirm thin njwiimtitlon, but the c i& gf ,ne B""et won auch that It wait willing to tako any statement tr develop S4nt nn nrf Incentlvo for BellltiR stock for holh loiijr nnd short nocoitnl. 'L- "iWcei, Bnvo way easily nil IhroiiRh tho list nnd declines of 6 points wero sjaeUfned In euch Issues ns United Stamen Steel Common, American Smolllnff, tlthlt Copper nnd Anaconda, -while many specialties, Includlntt Cruolblo Sleel nnd Hath tehim jEftof, dropped from B to 27 polnto. Most of tho felling on thee sovcrti decline came from wcslern houses thnt have for somo tlmo been carrying not only largo amountn of stocks, but lmvo been committed to the bull sldo of both wheat and cotton, nnd tho losses In those staples, durlncr tho last ten days seriously Impaired tho prott'ctlnc; mnrRlni. Tho condition of tho market was technically weak Ions; before the C.ermnn announce. inent waa mndo nnd liquidation had been forced at tlmoi by tho curtailment of I TrflriUlriM mnM ... l. 1, I ..I .in... ..,. M..i.IhI Alia. UBaaiilxlln.. t .illiiul aitj ...... vtfti,p.iii nvkuiiiiMuuuiivii miii-uh'm iiyiiiiini .ill; iiiuijuiiiiiuil ill )viiiroi nun i.i,.iu,i. Important Intercstn In tho copper stocks had dlspor.cd of a large proportion of their holdings nt tho high rnngo established iv few weeks w, leaving tho Blreet to carry n, load nt ntcadlly declining price. In today's market Importance wbb ngnln nttnehed to the money nltuatlon because of tho fact that call money again lonnori nt 0 prr cont, but when tho Chase National Dank sent In (5,000,000 nnd Kidder, I'cnbody & Co. Kont In 7)900,000 they found It lmoosslhlo to lend It oven at 4 per cont, TJilg disposed of ntrlnnrcncy In tho call money market as nn Incentlvo for further liquidation, but tho decline had gathered too much lmpctutt to bo checked by tho casing- off In tho call monoy market and tho Into trading1 was marked, in some stocks, by more urgent offer thnn bad been noted nt any preceding time d urine; the day, Xho war-order stocks. Including Industrial Alcohol nnd Cruclblo Bteol, wore at tnolr lowest lovel shortly before tho close, Tho railroad stocka noted In n splendid manner, whllo tho Industrlnln and miscellaneous Issues wcro under pressure. Union Pacific was In good demnnd nil through tho day and allowed only a moderate loss when the market closed, Heading, .took Island nnd Now York Central also woro well mnlntitlned, nlthough thoro wim enough aelllng of thoso stocka remitting from liquidation of apcculatlve accounta to force them down In order to reach n market. Tito foreign oxchange im.rl.ot was illroctly affected by florman ndvlccs. Earjy in the day crown chcclm on Vienna sold nt tho now low record of 10.05 and relchsmnrkH sold at C5?i, but later In tho foronoon Instructions wero received from 'Berlin by German banking Interesth to atop selling marks and kronen arid nt once rclchsmnrks rallied to 08 and kronen to 11.60. CURB ISSUES DROP ON MOVE FOR PEACE Speculators in Outside Market Fear Announcement Means fw """z NBW YOniC, Dec. 12. Tho Bpeculatlvn Situation on. the Urond Street Curb was acutely disturbed during tho cntlro day by 1 tho German announcement that tho Central l'o'8rs are willing to consider peace pro posals. Although tlio.o was nothing early to baso any opinion on as to the character of tho peace propositions' which may bo made or the manner In which they will be received, the Htrect nt onco Jumped to tho conclusion that the announcement roeaiifc a nearby nrmlatlco and a nuopon Won of war-order business. The copper stocka. In which largo specu lative accounta had been created, -weio ureter pressure from tho opening, with MiiKi'im showing pronounced wealcnctis nnd falling In the first hnlf of tho day from HSM lo 3SV4. Mldyalo Steel dropped be fore jjon from l7"i to CW, und Sinclair Oil declined from S',4 to 03. Cerro de Pasco yielded nbout 3 points to 38H. nnd many of tho other mining 'stocks declined from 1 to -t jiolnta. Char coal Iron was exceptionally strong, Boiling from 8 to 8H. Tho motor stocks were among the weak est features, with Chevrolet falling from 113 to 165, INDUSTniAW New York Bond Sales Anurlran-llrHlJh Mig . . . . Amtrican Marconi ....... -Amerlcin Wtltlnr l'aper , C'AiutrtUin Cr Co Can Car ft Fdy pf(J Charcoal Iron ... ...... Cnavrolct .Motors ,,,.,, Cartlsa AeroDl&na ........ Kmtron rhonoiraph frai t I cicfterai Motora w Jf.ik.U & Uarlur Car J lunar mr .,...,.., Cuthodlfm Uronm pM Jlnxlnl Munition! .... Jlanht!n Tranalt . . .BHQYaiQ nivei fllta.EUyator gT'wt;;::;;::::::: pwiwin, eiutora ,.,,,,,,. Tftrtrm llotors mibmarln Uoat ,.,' TrianKla Mini ...,.,,...,..,.,., United Alloy 8(eet ...,.'..,,., TJilHwl itotora ................. 1,'niua front tiharlns . ., TI U It It com o , a, ij u pa ni.i ::::: t?H :::: J- , 8 ,.,.. H .,,..ina .;... si 10 .,...140 -I2 ::::: ai :::;: ::::: SS, 21 va 12 a il.i a't B.I sl! Aaknl 21) m 2H ini j mi 4S 20 H 2.1 DV t;i 1 8 i janoo Albany ft Bu HHi fiitiil) Amur Aar cv l)n diiuw un un na ,,. . . . 1011200 A nalo-Fr r. lH(Mii) Am Karrlitn He .1. 27nuo Am Hmflt Hno On... 2000 Amrr Til clt -in..., 4UIMI Amcr Writ l'ao Bn.. nafioo Armour C 4ft ., 1.1IUHI Alrhl.nn Bftl i , 1000 ilo nUJ 4 , '4000 ,jo Aril 4a , 2IIUOU do ct la iDllll .... 2000 Araonllno Oov (!..., 200(1 Atl'li t,'u I.I no lat 4a. BOOO ilo ell la iiiiiiii Unit Oltlo :H4a ,. 11 lino ,( 4 14000 iln ev 4Vta HKio llrook i.'lty lat r,... coon Can tlovt Sa 10J1. .. Iiioisi lo IW2H ,, noon ilo 1U31 noon Cnl n A uiro ,l . Bonn cent lathfr li Oa. lOnn CVnt Van ll Am. . . lOliitiil Clilll Coniwr 7a. 241100 Chra h Utilo 4.a oiir.no rfo ronv r,a. 20011 Chi Ot UVat la .... Tl lr.llllll Chic Un Hta 4Wb IIMlji IIH ltliili. Imvi 3 p.m. . H7J4 HT'4 h7W .lim Ki:i loa . 111 u2 n ii.i ;i UT? W link 1UU 111(4 HIS i.a IMH HI, null llllU 112 0.1 HI 01 ti 11:, ion; hiij ll!tt Oltj 10 1 M 112 U.lH & HIV !.-. 111174 IIUW Wll'4 iniji imW mill nits oa ni ....1.11, ia2; last; H2S 112S uaft niV' uls l'4 4II0IHI t'hl 11 71 Km'; A O Jnltil 4n . Iina 11114 -- w, . ... r. . - , -at iiimil no son 1 O.Ti lll'i l (ton Chill & Q III .Tin..., Kill mVi Sliion o M flt 1' rM,4V4a. iitt ii.i SHOnil iln iH 5 IIIIV, KM BIIOO iln 4a 102.1 0.1 11 vuiiii no cv 4a... liiOH noon Chi It I & 1" rfd -la... 7il noon iio na., 77W 41000 ilo Ba ct nn aln.... Tt.i limn Col Mlillnnil 4a. ...... 2(1 2(1011 Col 4 Houtli lat 4a ... K.lH fci,..'. (IU I 4a Hit; 13TIHHI Cltv of 1'arla lid 01JJ o a iiua nit 4a. .. . iihh iiii 711 774 77 20 IMS s 20(111 Iln noun tin Miuin mi ini iiimn Orn ft Illn Or 4a.... hoK niiuii no riu an,. ...... nt 1100(1 nia He Corp 0 72' 22000 urlo aim 4a lonoil ilo I'onv 4a Har D .. H HOOD tin lirlni 4a H.I 41100 Ft Worth & I lat Da.lo.lU lRiion ilrnnbv Co (la ,107U imnn Uen Uleo dab Ba 10.1H 80011 Tn.llnim Hlrrl Ba lilt", 20(i(i town Ontrnl rf 4 . .. no Soon I a C B I, 6 N O Ba.l(i2 1200(1 intern Mel 44 ..... 7.1 2,'iO(KI Interli It T rut Ba,,.. Iih4 moon Inter Mer lnr (la.,., ass iniiiu inierni i-aper oa ....inir 21H111 jap liw IHa .'iini ix A r. na (HJ .Iliad 7X00(1 larlio hlral Ba 10.1(1. . 111.1 iniiiiii l.ako Hiiora ifrn av,a.. HHU .. u.i.i ,,l, ..v T IWrf, ..,. Vd siiwi Iirlllnrd Oa novo uo la Kill ::::;i hW n t. on 10I- M)K 1,7 . 72',i 73 SJH WW KlBVi KIT 10.1U lll BU 103 I'S Inn ssi 4 1IMI ll'i U.I 71 10IIU urtS n.iT Kll'i o.i'J n.i lolU li.l loo 14. 7 7? 211 tl.Hi KUi 11.1 Oil Jill hllS 007 72Vi 7!l Hl'i m'J lo.iV 1117 10.1U 101? Bll 102 7.1 IINli 11.1 ion liwjf l"" i(i li.l u tltltf 'Woria Film Tlfrck rlnit com ,, 42 42U Jtoctt laland A pM ...., 01 o.l Itaelc taland II pM 7H 77ft Weattm J'aelOo w I 32W , in Weatcm I'actfla pfd mil ' auU, nvt"b-rittbureli cant 2214 savfc .., ! STANDAUD Oil, BTOCKH Ohio .....SN.1 HUndarrt Oil of California M standard Oil of Naif Jaraajr Oil., Standard Oil of NaW Tor 270 , ,. OTIIEU OIL STOCKfl CMdeaJ)!! ,,....., 14S Coadao Co 17 Tnstrnational Patrolautn lit; KetiatonOU , 33 Blnttarr 0.1 SapBlpA BallnlDa- 10 . . MININO STOCKS ihlta CopMr and Klnc UA MqttaHY...,, if, gyrru d Paaen ga grat. J.atlonl ,.,,,,,,,. 4 aiiMM OoMfltld . . , , o "JtoldCaSd Wersar ,. T SiSSHV. ::::::::::::::::::: h 1tH ttltfa- . sa I ma Son .LIB S7S 70.1 A-lf All HS 10 11 1,, SUV 5 5 b alr- ..,..,, B8 L&o naiaoaion lilUr-Oarrub Cfipptr r 4 fa tit ltna.lp. tiM junea to , sj h ::::::::: U fei' r ST"rt"i. vi:z- Wiat Snk CanmAitWm'tmA '.''.'.".'"" " WWt Oaka , ...,.,, BONOS AawWilaliuw '... B8H (tkttttk & thtxmrn Sa ... :.... 11 mi4j mt ti ..:.,...:..:.: si ijf ujiUn BH flu UK h 17 85' U2 eH "., 200(1' r.nul, A Ma.l. 4 boihi Mo Kan ft T Ba 7000(1 Jio 1'uo ct 4a ... 12(10(1 do rt ata 4a ., 12S(it1 ita v I li ,,.. 12(100 rv rt ona ata fiiiiHl do mm lla .... Kino Vul Tube Aa ., fliion N V C ft llud da lmina do 4a .17000 Ui 4 ',4 a , ii.nn, ,i, .-UK VM ..ai.i. r i-itr la iusu...nn lo lUa 111(10 10.1 .1,1 4ii a inns lout ilo 4lfa J0V 1IIS7..J00H kii'4 nn; 127Hi J27M, 11.11 U jonn ff JIIIMI . . Bll ..till ::?5ft :: SH nnia 0000 niioii soon NTNll mifi limy IK!? !V.i t A It tla ..lltra 111 nil J Ba- ..... 404 411 Bn 44a ... Uril UH prior 4a .... H 114 trmn m HtllL ,1.1 "IIIHI N V Itwv "SOOO N V Tell lloim Nor I'no ur: Bon Nor Tan sen 3a BOW 300H Ontario Power Ba.,... 11.15 inoo Ore Ilwv ft N cn 4a.. HSU SHOOK Ore A W It & N 4a.. Ml 100(1 Or., ft Cal Aa. 102 noon l'ao (laa Ba U2H 110(10 l'ao Tel Sa JOiHi BOOO Pad ft 111 4Wa uuH BiiOl) 1'cnnii 4a 1U4H UUS, 10(1(1 do en 4!ja loil Bono PcCANt I, .i Ber t.lo.l lnno Iteadlnic gan 4a ..... 01U BOOO lllo Ur ft V lat 4a... 7tt!i iwh, ni u I it a n II fll 200(111 lit 1, ft H r' nja la... 71H11H1 no m a ISNiion do Hr A B300O do Her II snonst, I, wn it 4 8000 do Ba 1200(1 Seaboard A I, a J J Ba ouihi uo rii aa 8 R'JJ 7SV4 iiHt; win, nn 14AH0 South l'ao ov4i .. . . . H7U ao cv ret I p oe....iuiw soon lofMi do rM 4a.......... on Jfloixi South ltwr Kn 4a... 7B '4W10 v do con Ba lrtlS liuioil Term Aaan Ht t, rat 4a M.ll jnoOTeaaa ft l'ao lit IMiOO Teiaa Co cv Ha lira av ret no aui L Financial Briefs f Jit the stockholders' annual meeting of ; 4k Belmont Trtut Company Edgar if. IKspull was. electca to dl a vacancy on the TOairO- t director. KMvUr 8. Mona has been elected ' rtfeBj- o the Teatb National Bank tQ fill T; woanqy cautt by the retirement of 'Muiel B. Vrooman. T f0lll wre admitted to the re Bhtr Ut of the Phnadelohla, Stock Hx. chut todmy: 5,Q0O addittonal Wl h4t Company eoUateI trust 30-year $ mt-mml KId bends, due 1910, and 1100,009 iuUUUiEAi first mortgage S per nt It. amp 1M beadsi ot Ut KeyatonsfTolephone attWWIya PMImdelpbla, d Jf J5, & gmwtm itifm nw arn Huuireiis Lwtteidax i,IW. and ! lwt gy gmmm f iw,vj,vww. Jwdotj Stock Svehange will be ?jajl m 6f Saturday twere 0hrtst iwwl am tvm&tr J s1i4IW Jb aaj BBBWS(r i !OO0 Tbi IMKl I' (MXI Tokio Sa noil ir H H enoo it H Ilubber da., inn Vi .... inn .... JI.H Vf iM .. . ....i . . ,.. It nt i lo; Ba .?!Ht& na ltuu K Ba'J.'JlHli HKl Onion lao lat 4a Ot.OO dn'fw 4a 113 :iW8 4WHMI II S 8tI M 4S000 Un. K of Or. It ft auiiu union l'ao lOilOO do ' 4a lllklll do rfd 4a iOOO tin llwy H P 4a . . , anno v u limwn liroa flnno Va Car Chin lat Ba j man, oo u- K1HX1 va 4UW1 7000 af iafc tin'., 85 I'lH S8!i B IIOM im New York Stock Sales 1.1 at eloaa. Hlih. tiw. AcDleTM (V1W m Ofi Adr Ilamelr 18 13 17 AJk Itnbher HO 81M 7I). AhiVadM 12!, ?( 12t AlAtkaJait 7J( 7 7H .Mlrt-Chalmen Mf .13H 3l 2U Alte-Oul Mfj pf ffijH 8J!X W Alrl AKCtweaVal tfllf "01 OS Am At cmatpf.. .:.,.. 103 10! 101 Am llrtt tfneit UH II) I tiSH AM 03 Ml: ffl ATiK Atnl-Anrf 1MH 1HH 1M). 1HH II o ti m. Ol 17 RO mi WW 88)4 W iai 03X Ml 3. tSh A2 7dl mi 2IU 10 l f-l). ,ir.w 72H f!ffl4 SIH A3 IW 73 CI i 1BH 72 2H)i SIH 87 10 110)f Am Cur A V&r- Am tlllO! on Aln KM & Uilwr.... in Am llkti & l.pf 17 Am lee BreorlllM 30H Am Uiwrd ..., Wi Am l.lnecd ft ,.-VlH Am Loromotlre- ,., WI'I Am Malt Com'a 10H An Smtll A IW 11.1K llilli Am Smelt A It U llfl'i ItfM HUH MAf AmSimr Itarinlnr. 1MH MI'i lll'i HUi Am Stwl roumltw 71 VM'i COU 0H Am. Til & Tel ..1211 1351, ISMi 125U Am Woiln M' MH Wi Wi Am Willlnir V pt (Vtti K'l'f l'J 02 Am z i, as r( m mh mli AlilZI,A0rf 7H 7H,'a 8 78 AinoonOM.. Ill !KJl ffH f71j "tchWLH v pf Hint, iixi iou!( lrxiu All CoilTl.ln(! M. 120 12f)S 120 120 AtlCIiilf&WI llllf 11.1 i:b 133 All tl & W t pf 7IJ, 71f TOIf -)U iiiid i)i vic4 7st( 7nja n 7fl llaltAiOtih W,y. MH HIU K1H Rtit ft OliU pf 7t 71', 7-llf 7I llirrdt Co. 1015, 1C3U 1W lfi'J ll'lhlctiem Reel 02(1 Oil) fi'J!) WU liothlcnem fliwl nf Ilfookljn Itap Tr. . , llrooklrn Union (lis. Ilultn A Dup C'l Petroleum C.il I'elioleiim pf can.iui.in I'sclNc. loo IM in i iw) ftV 8J 8.1 83 lltlH MtH li' VMl o'i os ajJi or.ii 2fi 23t, V31S 23 rS fi7H 17 o7 in;,'! im liitu louj ni.i Ceati.il leather 111).'' 11W 10.1 Chandler Motor 112 110'i 10 OIim.VOI.Io ntlW (MUi MU Clil Orr.it Went 15 11 11 Chi tlre.it Went pf 12 il MM ChlMII&8t P JU H-' Oil C UU ti SI I, Chi ft Northwrtlera Tot tin x i:iec.... Chi R I A pc Ciillo Copper C.ilno Coprr Col I'iicI A. lion... . Compt T Hoc Co . . Ccnwlldalfd (in... Coin Products Itcf. , Cera Prod Itcf pf Ill) cruclMo Hteil N3 Cruclblo Htcel nf. Cuba Caiiu Humr. .. . Ciili.i C.mo linear pf. IJrcro 4. Co or .... Den & Itlo Itr pf.... Dlitll Hvf Corp'o.... Donio MlncJ Krle Kilo 1st pf. CO Mf W,if 12tv; 121 121 .iss isi; ir 37,'S :wi 20H 2.1 (U'a W"i ri r,2 18(i -IS l.'H 1B2W 132 20 2I B-Ui 111'. 107 107 82 r, 7.1 120K 120), 120H am fi..)j wij XV. t 2r Ofi .1IH '111 VM'i W.i im 0.1 it 10J) r.uf 121 v, 2SM r,i IK .rjiji . oo. . Ds'i . P'JI'i . 10. . -12H . 2li . .'10U r.u; osu 10,'j 12 i i 12 2() :!()!.- 38 OS ll'J tl 10! J '.'OH 3.15 j ) us omion w a w :i8i; HencMl Klcctrlc liHH 17fJf lMJi Ooodrlch II K flSIf 07ii 1.7 Granbjr Consol luW 1U1), IHI flrc.it Norlhcr.1 pf nr) 110.', O N rf.4 for oro prop. .. . -11)5 illi Orocnp-Caiijne.1 :,0U W) -11) (lulf Stale, Kleul 10) I.K) 111 Hoinnataka Mlnlns 133 lilt 13t Illlnnli Cent 100H 10-111 10.1 Imp Con Cop. Int Agricultural Int Con Cor v t c sh Int Con Corp'n pf. . . . Int Paper Int I'awr Pf Int Nick v t cfj. (17 (Kljf 2l!f 21H . 17J. 173, . 72)f 7.'Ji . 0.1!, 03), .M7H 107 10!i 47 IntI.IcrM.ir UH -Uf Int Mr: Mar pf . Jewel Toa Kan City Southern. Kelly bpTIw Kciinccott Cop h... Uck Steel Co Lain Ilrlo X West. . Leo Ilubber Tiro. ... I-cIiIeIi Valley 1o;o-WI1o3 llLicult. Maicll Moton ..ur,;. .. Kl .. -0)i .. 72) j .. Cfi . .103Si .. 2SH .. 32 .. i); ... 2-lH 7UJ, 021 21 i7ir 72)i 01 ' 10.1 tllf tOJ, !!" now Mat Molon 1st pf J W May Dopt Storca.. Mm Petroleum Miami Copper. ...... Minn & St I, new.... Minn Ht I' & 8 8 M. Mo I'ac w I Missouri Pacific Mo I'ac tr rfs Mo Kan .t Tolas Mo Kan A- Texas pf. Montana Power Nat Cloak A. fiult.... Nat Knam & 8 Co... Nat Lead Co Nov Con Cop. . Ml. .107 ..4SH 30).' 81 20H 70 Mt 10.'! 251, 32 80Ji 20)i 70)5 iWi CI lOllli Uii 30 .usK us?; us . 3.1 : 33'. . 17 17JJ . 18 18 . i)4 ll'i . J0)i 20 .lOfllf 100 . Kl b2)S . 3UJ 3Hi . 00 KH Mi 'Mi 08 1-0 12'i 41 20), 3.1! f.0 :i8 171K 117 m 110!f lll'.U 30'' 3I1J' JO Ml 131 10.1 0.1 21 17)f 7J), 01 111.1 Ui( m 11 Oh bO MH 70 r,Wi oo; 2) 32 E0!f 2.1), 07 70 0.1 102 UU 30 118 31 17 171, 0 20 100 82 30 01 20H 81 2.1)j 70 fiOVJ DON 23 32 80!f .2.1VS P7 Til 05 102 41)X 30 17 17K 0 20 105 82 30 05 20 New York Air llrak....l(SSU 10.1 ir.7 lfiU New Yoik Central N VK II . II NY 0 a West , Norfolk Southern.... Nuffolk tc Western.. North American Northern Pacific OhloCltleid Oni'lU llottlu Mach.. Pacl.'ld Moll l'cnn Ilallroad PJillaCo PltM Coal e. of dp. .. I'lttsuumu Stnlpf.. 1'rcued bleil Car,... ItySleel tipiji Hay Con Cop , lto.vll.ic Itenubllc Iron & 8. .. Saion Motor Bcalioard Air Line fteari, Itoo & Co Khat Aril Cod Kloss-Sl.ef 8 X I Southern Pacific bouthero Ity. .10(l)j 100) j 105), 10.1), ... sai wwi oui oSH ... 31 30)i 2Wi 20Ji ... 30), 30) i SOU 30), ...137)S 137 135JJ 135)( ..71 l 70), 70),' ...110H 110)5 100)t lO'J'i! ...HUi 112 110 UO ...102) 102 102 103 .. 27 10)5 .25 1-5 .. M',i mt CO 50 .. 41 v.41)4 41 -im ... KM 62 Wi 47i ...101 1033f 10i' 103i .. 81H KI 7M 7)j .. f.7)5 C7 Slli A3)j .. 3IJ 31H. 20 20 ..108)i lUS'a 105 105 .. 85J, 85. M) 80 ... 77 70 .70 70 .. lOJf 10 10 10 ..2.10 2;(0 230 230 . 32), 32 30 30 .. 80 7!) 7-Uf 73 IKS) 5 0S)5 !)) 07H 3(1 20). 1&U 2SH 20 JU Va Itwy Ba 1111 il off W.at lilMlrlc Ba ...lftJ ,1M jne LONDON STOCK JIAJ1KET Small ' Selling Outbalances Support nnd Weakness Results T.0NPON, Dec. IS. Small aaiiini- out balanced support on the gtojdc Bschange to day and the market aa a ruU wero Inclined to sE- ISusinww was quiet. The gllt-edifed aeetlon was maintained. A general financial KUUcient on the, In troduction oC tho pendlne veto of credit In Parliament was awaited with Interest. Americana receded and wera unstable, followlntf New York. Disappointing earn ing caused dullness In Canadian l'aclllcs. Jloniij rails wera quiet and mlxJ. Maxloan wer hvy. Ferlmrs wero slow SUadlaesa was noted t4 ItDMiaas. A rurtliw tt(Mt of Rus elaii eredH bll ivaa aawed lre. Mine fre ttu, HMttjOW Vu' aod W Wt aoitsfiw uatn. UiJiw- 'fflnaipets tkA(.l4avv atgMJa W3 111 it I SI L & 8 T w 1 27)4 20)4 Sttnlebaler Co 120)( U0!( IU'( 1UM StutZ Motor ,h tti.'j &'t 02 02 TelM Co... 200)f 200 100)4 100)1 Tciu Pacific. 18 18)' 18 18 Third AVenue 0?, COtj .10W 50H Toharco Product fid 65)i KM KM TolSJ I, & Wrat... 12W 10 10 10 Union has & Parer 11)4 11)4 13)4 13)4 Union Dai; l'nc'...,llt 111 108 las United CljarStorJ..,.. 08)f 00 US)4 08)5 United Fruit ISS)' l&SM 16.1)5 155)5 Union IMciflc lUSi 111)4 H'l). 113)4 UHQIl'&P 25)5 25)' 2254 22JJ USInd Alcohol ,130 135 121 121 United HyJlnY..., 12 111, 1U4 11)4 United Ityi lar pf 25 23J4 25;; 251, UHltubber (1814 OSW (15 05 UBS It AM 73M 7J)4 72JJ 7JJ4 IF 8 Kteel Corp'a 123H 123 110.'i 110JJ US Steel Corp'n Pf.... 12114 12I)i 121), 121), Utan Copper 120U UWi 115)4 110 Utah Becurltlai , 2i( 25), 2.DJ 21 Va-Caro C'htm ,,,,47 40)4 45 43)J Va Iroa Coal & 0 01 UO 68 5S Wabub l&U 15)4 15), 15)4 WabasapfA ,.,.,.. 67JJ 57)4 &0f CU)t wawun pi u at .11 uu West Union Td 101H lOllj 101 WtatU&M 60)4 CO 0)4 Wcstero Maryland...... 2SJ4 23 27 W i I, K l 1 2215 22 W&LKwlpf ,63 62H White Motor 63 v 63 WUIysOrerland MIC 37K wmyi gteriana pr uuh do 6214 63 37)5 VJ 30 10114 80)5 28 224 62J1 A3 37J4 00 ,VQOlttKV 13714 J37 1371' 1371f Jlarine Insurance Rates Easier NEW YORK Dec IS. Marine Insurance rates eased oft slightly today on the lack of definite news regarding tlio German commerce raldtra that are supposed to be iti mld-AtlaptUi. However, the rates are etllt high, and In some oases almost prohibitive. Shipments tp the United Kingdom are now quoted at a Rat 8 per cent rate, while those to the Mediterranean are 10 per Cfitt. These compare with 10 And IS per cent respectively.' Hates to .South America, and Soutt Africa, have also declined. jnjRggnmjr. or aycgpNTANTa CfrfjlCrJ I'ubljo AyfiiunUula PEACE PROPOSALS IMPROVE COTTON Market Is Nervous and Unaet- tlcd Liverpool's SelHng Not Favornble , NKW TOltttT, Dee. 12. -The announce ment that tlertnany proiwwd lo enter Into pence hmothttlons wan fallowed by quite ft rdmrp rally In the cotton market soon nfter the npenlnir. January eold up from 17.70c lo 31.07c and May from ls.Uo to 18.S2c on covering nnd noma freh tmylnit, but there feemed to'be a Rood deal ot skepticism over the jioaslblllty of pence resulting from any negotiations llcrmany might start at preeent; and the market soon allowed re newed nervousness After buylnir r-nrly Liverpool turned a seller on tho btiljc, suaRcMIng no hope of nn tmmedlatn shrinkage In differences b tween Kuropenn and American markets, and January eased "to l.62o during the recond hour, or back to about a point under Inst night's clone. The market wit very nervous and un settled Into In the morning. Th fact that Liverpool ncllliirf orders appeared here on tho buliro caused rltcptlclsm n to the proba bility of pen,co growing out of Clertnnny's proposals, but tho stronger technical poil tlnn gate tho market rather n stcndlcr undertone. ' Mnrrh contracts sold off to 18.08 after an ndt-nnco to 18.31, nnd then milled to 18.18. with active months ruling nbout 6 to 7 points net higher nfler midday, llunlnrsn was nctlvo nt tlio start, with tho tonn rather rosy, due to further heavy liquidation December wns down 25 point on the call, while October advanced I! pnluts, the. nctlvo piftltlons showing louses of 11 to It points. After tho call tliero wna some readjust ment of prices, December rallying nbout 12 points, whllo October declined 8 polnt'J beforo tho end of the llrnt fifteen minutes. In tho iitlicr positions thero wero small ad vances, ranging from 1 to H points. Dullish spot advices from nearly nil sec tions ot the belt, persistent demand from n number nf lending ripot firms and n pro nounced decrtnsn In tho volume of lone Hduldntlun led tii a sharp advance In tho early afternoon. March selling up to 18.40c, o'r "0 points net higher ('ommlnslon-hdtiHo business wns smaller, nnd Ihern wns n disposition In mnny quar ters to cuimlder tlio advancing tendency a reflection nf thn Improved technical po sition nnd n natural reaction rather than life development of n new bull movement. Mxportft of cotton for thn day nggregntcd 1 2 T, I bulos. Including HOI bales to Orcnt Ilrlliiln. and 27S3 lintcs to the Continent. Sales In Philadelphia so Acme Tea lo Am Cnn.. 10. Am Doco i 20 Cru Bteel art Cam fiteel Itlah. SB B Md SO no IIW. sn A 814 80 Un & A8 88 8& 27 81 8 iik SflVi 80 20 Brt 88 D8 20W 40 1.111. 81 I 82 ! 30 108 20 CIo. 88 Met chs. SH S 3H 8814 80 3 ISO 1)114 -tW R8 1 88 1 SOiKi 214 178 21 . 8M4 S',4 88 1 22 '.ft i?4 884 H SO ta SB 114 88 8814 SS 14 2ii 14 404 IW 2054 81 1 as 214 30 li ion 8 29 "A Yra. flore. Oiwn. 11 n.m. 12 in, 2 p.m. noremlier l".M IT.(.0 .. .. 17. SH .Innuiiry 17.H1 17.72 17.7R 18.(11 I7.H.1 Mnrch IK.tl is.nn I8.nl im.'jh ihim May IN 8(1 IHINI lH.SS 18.6(1 lH.4r. July is 41 IM.-.'I ... tu-inber 10 7.1 10 4H 111.33) 10 71 Knot IHWI Liverpool Cotton UVIIfll'OOI.. Dec. 12. Spot colton to day wan In inodcrnto demnnd and 67 points lower on tho hauls of ll.Odd for mlduplnnd. Tho sales nggregntcd 7000 bales. Includ ing COOO bales American. Tho Imports woro 10,000 bales, Including COOO bales American. Tlio market for futures closed barely steady at a decline of 414M7 points. Allis-ClinlmcrH Pays Hack Dividends NI31V YOH1C, Uecembor 13. The Allls Chnlmcra mnniifncturliig company has do 114 per cent nnd nn extra US per cent on nccount of back dividends on pre ferred Block, pnyablo January 15 to stock of record December 30. These divi dends, which nro from tho earnings of tho Inst quarter, nro paynblo January 15 to holders of reconl December 30. Ilegln nlng with January 1 next, tho preferred 'stock will be 7 per cent cumulative, and the rcgulur dividend to bo declared to bo payatilo in April will be 1 per cent quarterly. Protecting the Safety of Bonds Conservative invest ment houses not only use the greatest care in , the original purchases of bonds (hey ofTcr custom ers, but also make a point of seeing that the security back of the bonds is maintained, and, whenever possible, strengthened up to the time of maturity. WilIiamP..Bonbriglit&Co.,Inc. MORRIS WI8TAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia StW York Ileaton .. Detroit lHindon l'nrla William P. Ilonbrlsbt & Co, IlonbrUht L Co. il) Chlno Cop 8J14 lias Kleo Stor. 8914 3JS Brio .... 88 iaolt Sen ..4114 10 Oen Klec..l78y 11 Ins Co N' A 27 225 Kenne Cop fl9i Key Tel pf 88 4MI4t I.k Hop C sn'4 880 Ili Nov. 8814 4 I-eh Val.. 81 2788 Nv Cons. S04 J N T N II. M 781 l'enna It II soy. Pn Halt M OS OSS T'hlla Klec S0t4 100 I'ltts Cool. 404 8012 ntT tr cfs 28. 80 1'hlla Trac 81 210 Itep Ir A S 88 ito Hay Cons. 31 120 Heading... 108 M.t Hn T!w- . . 2011 nnn Ton He!.. 3 4 15-18 4 18-1814 SH Ton Mln . 0 6-18 fltt 5-10 3-10 BI5 Un Trac. 48 4514 43 40 tl ft Hub.. 8814 884 413 U 0 I .... 01 0014 23180 V H Hteel.123 117 200 West Mil.. 2714 2714 880 W Cramp. 0814 niVi ilo York lly tf 30 38 IIO.M) 1 1 lib. . Cloae, 11(100 A CAVA Bs 07 07 07 1000 llUlt KM OSS l'A..lOi 103 103 8000 Int Hy.i 4s 03 83 S3 4000 Ih V cons 41Ssl!)33.10O 100 100 3000 doConlCn.100 100 loo 1000 do cons Es reg ....100 100 109 looo I'll I la Co cons Es.. 92 02 02 'i ..... 7000 Head gn 4n 03 IS 0814 0314 14 1000 Span-Am tr Cs.,.102 102 102 0000 Vn Ilwys t c 4s... 72 71 71 I 0814 2 01 117 0 S714 -rlMi 0114 -H no :.... Net cheo. 11 RAILROAD EARNINGS OHKHAPfJAKi: AND OHIO 1010. Inrren Klrt wek December. . .IK".Mn rrom July 1 ... nilNVKIl 21.Ha.30D AND mo OltAN'DR 1111.37)1 l,4S5.'.'ta Klrt wffk Wfcember.. . l.-.SI.ipo t Krom July 1 12.3S,lllli 4 BT. I.OUIH SOUTIlWKSTKnN Klrt wrek December.. J33I.0OO 108.000 WK.HTRItN MAItTLANO 2288,330 b.U'l.SJH COLORADO MIDLAND Nnvembor aron SlUl.l'ta Fle mnntba Rrnmi .... so.",, 401 MIHROUHI. KANSAK AND THXA8 rimt witik December.. IR02.22II I100,R72 From July 1 17,V30,0a 3,543,307 Klrit wpfk Peeernbtr j rom juiy i . . 71.4nO 70.078 SI. .103 0I2,'.'UI 115,081 148.312 IJAR SILVER Har sliver wns quoted In Iondon today at 30id, up lid. In Now York commercial bar silver wnr quoted at 75c, an upturn of ISc. 150 Gain K.mlnc. ot Tuolumne Corper for No Ttmbtr thawed an IncreM of 1509. orrr earnlnKs of Ibt prtrloaa month. Tli.D, lo hi Orit feir dij of Decembtr TiaoBiamsieps Rich Ore Strike acatn dr.w the allentlon ot Ibt MIdId world lo Ihlo prom.loc.eopper prcxlufer. Wrtlr for our detailed report outlloloz tbe ascrnilre ilrvelopmeot work aoj narkat poMtMlltlea ot Tuolnmce. JOSKS 4 HAKIM, irWescr flMir., r,(l(wlrM, p, Pltu&f i rd su ceey year report o Tuolumne. Ktnu ,ifri 121-T. U. iOLES & BAICESi STOCIC IlltOKHH3 Widencr bldg., 1'hilidclphi. n.ll. Walout 1000-t. Urj-aloot, Uaca 230O. Dlrerl rrtwle tVtrcs t'min.rKaj Krw YorU lloston Chlcnco I'lttaliuraxh ".VoChlno to Sell Hut aerulce" New Issuo City of Edmonton (Albprta) 5s 1934 Price to net 5 410 StiU for clrcutur Morris Brothers Co. 1421 Chestnut St. Interest on Idle Funds Money awaiting investment may be deposited with this Company in a checkingvaccount on which interest. will be allowed ; or it may he placed on a Time Certifi cate of Deposit which will command a better rate. f Your investment funds will then be earning a def inite income even though not permanently employed. Telephone Spruce 1480, or ,,, . personal interview invited. 1 , Commercial Trust Company . . City Hall Square To prevent any possible confusion of this firm with one which has recently been the sub ject of newspaper notoriety, we wish to state that we have no connection of any character, personal, business or otherwise, with such other firm, or any members thereof. H. F. BACHMAN & CO. Members of New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Philadelphia Stock Exchange New York Produce Exchange New York Cotton Bxdiimge E8tMishd 18f im. STOCKS IN PHILADELPHIA FOLLOW NEW YOKK, BUT LOSSES ARE SMALL . -.,,,. ... 4 ,m mi, - 'Lake Superior CorpQrntion Is Most Active and Also Weak est, Shoeing Loss of Four Points at One Time. " Lehigh Navigittio'n Is Higher While Mock on tho rhllndclliU Stock Hxchnnco Rcnernllr follmvtet tho turn In Kew York, downward, Irt rpnM to the newi that Oerman)' wan klne nce. the loww In the loonl mitrket were not fta Iflrgo n thou In Wall tret. Neither wan tliero tiny large nmounl nf throwlns over of ntockfi (o cut Iomm cliort The nnireat npprwieh to am heavy lt Inp wan In ljlko Huperlor Coniratlon. Thnt Imtio wns the miMt netlva throughout the wholo dny'a uriwlon nnd at one tlmo' It nhnrred n Iom of 4T4 point ai compared with the flnnl (lRiiro of lnt night The Blocks of a illstlnclly local charncter held firm, and when they did decline the loie.i were email. Next to Lake Hiirlor, Phllft' detphla Itnpld Tranilt was mont nctlvo nt a rm.-vll decline. Lehigh Coal nnd N'avlRatlon acted Jutt the reverse of the majority of istbck". throughout the day. It ttnrted nearly 2 points higher and while nil of this sain wan not held. It ended the day with a fractional advance. The Street In wnlllne for aomo NEW YOKK COFFEE MAKKET NKW YOItKT, Dec. II. The market for coflcn futurea opened nt declines of 3 to C points today. Trndlni? on the cntl wns finite active, sales amounting to BOOO hags, Today nnnlna jVal, do, icfmir t.mivt.kv January 7.K, K'bruar j- Marrh R.tong.13 Aurii H.men.'.'o May g.-j.i Julr s.iiCSS Auru.i H..VI Hii'mlr n.r.dfjs.r.n ncioir .... H.ro Novmhr 8. CD un 1t3.TU T.SJWJ.MJ 7,oni7.n R.O.-,tfS.OT K.infts.m a.sas V3 n.siiir s iti H.37WH.R1 n itts.tn B.naws.rii K..lne.nn a.'i.-ifts.iin K.;tOti.72 NEW YOIUC DUTfER AND EGRS NHW TOtllC. Vi-r. IS ItUTTCn Hectlpla. 10.I2S tuba. Hllahlly hihr rn.l market Arm. Kilra creainorr. .IHHc In.l.It; hlhfr worlne. a W.T'Hi flmta. .1014 (f.iae; Hlata dairy. aNO.IH'ir. KnilK llerelpla, 73In caara Klrm on frrah icnih'Md' In fncg of llehl aupplr. I'rlra fnvnr MIr. BtornB" aleailr n,l firm Klrt, 4IU tii aiwdal marked rcfrlcrator, .13H C3lc; while eitlja, OSWOOC. West Point Mfg. Increases Dividend HOSTO.V. Dec 1!, Tho West Point Manufacturing Company has Increased the dividend from nn 8 per cent to 10 per cent hasls by tho declaration o fa Hcmlannual dividend of S per cent, payable December 30 to stock of record December IE, news on the negotiations between the com. pany'a officials nnd the Pennsylvania mil. road over the 1-ehlnh and New England Ttallroad, In which Pennsylvania wants n Interest, nnd while nothing1 new was heard todny, It was said In rome quarters of th fUrcct that the deal Is expected to g0 throuch. Tho November earnlnra, statement of tho Keystone Telephone Company waa given out. It showed continued Improvement The Rrom for the month roue 15480 to tl2S.61l while tho net mounted to $Hi,S73, a ram of J5491. For eleven months the gross waa 11,337,162, nn Increase of 191,732, nnd the net for the same period was H81.63S, a Bnln of $38. fill. The net surplus for the eleven months was I3S9.410, compared with 1223,168, a ealn of 130,243. Investment Statistics We have in our posses sion information we con sider "reliable, regarding practically every invest ment stock and bond having a market in the United States, We shall be glad to have the public use our serv ices, and ask for data re garding any security, or group of securities. .KJ.0IarH$go. n.XNKKHS (Catabtlahed 183?) 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia ritlatmrsh Uaaton Chlcars Wllkea.Darra neatllnt $350,000 YHHHSP0iiTfl?0gf COMPANY First Moritrngo Sorial 6 Gold Bonds Dated November 1, 1010 Slaiurlns SI7.000 Mar 1. 1317) f 18.000 Not. 1. 1017i etc. 'to Not. 1, 1010. Inc. Authorized and Outstanding $350,000' Interest paynblo May 1 nnd November 1 , Coupon bonds, in denomination of $1000. Regiaterable at to principal. Company pays Normal Federal Income Tax insofar as may be lawful. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, BALTIMORE, TRUSTEE From ti letter o Mr. I. U. t'elly, JVealdcnr o tho Company, vie eummariie as follows: Tho bonds aro a Firt Mortgaga on an ocean-going fleet of modem design and construction, valued conservatively at $750,000, or more than twice the amount of these bonds. Full cargoes are assured by contract one way, during the life of the Mortgage. Net earnings for 1915 were $70,223,58,' and for 1010 (three months estimated) $180,000, which amounts to over eight times the interest charges, and about four times tho annual interest and serial maturity charges. In addition to the serial payments, there It a sinking fund of 10 of the net earnings annually, which retires bonds at 101 and interest, in inverse ratio to maturity. Company's fleet must always be insured for an amount in excess of the par value of the bonds issued and outstanding. Legality has been pasted upon by Messrs. Ropes, Gray, Boydan & Perkins, of Boston and Messrs. Venable, Daetjer & Howard, of Baltimore. -PRICE 1917 maturities to yield 4.50 1018 maturities to yield 5.00 1913 maturities to yield 5.50 thereafter to yield 6.00 Over $200,000 of thete bands having been sold, ule offer thet re' mainder, subject to prior tale or change in price, NSELlOfl & PORY Members, of tho' New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 336 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 16 SOUTH BROAD ST. t i1r"lllfl1T'f","" Personal Trusts THIS company's Trust Department is equipped to undertake nny work o a fiduciary nature, and its officers nro always ready to consult with such as miiy contemplate the creation of a Trust. Since its organization in 18G9, this company has always made a particular effort to perfect its service to the individual, and it is prepared to relieve its clients of every-detail connected with the manage ment of their financial affairs . Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street :: U15 Chestnut Street Philadelphia B -n4' miuimmmmuiiiumuiiiuuuuiiiiitiiiumiiiui WANTED By Established New York Bond House Two salesmen with large established clientele in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Ultimate intention Is to establish Phlkdel. phla fflee. Address W. & care Guenther Advertising Agency, 25 Broad street. New York, ?X !. Uftt is- mmmmwmmm.-MmmmaeWmmm33Mf'iTt gmr -g-t'i &. Tii n mi.rarfflT aMirTfrsmn . i irrnTnThT re..-. . &.. i.; jut iMW1BBilTsgl4gBsa"wawrt thai tiu. Ouv. 1 - .,, . I W SilsslBsliiBliLsHSHksllWiHtlM sunuM auM ntl "--'" -WfcOt-Affl5hM'"'" "" I uS -r I "' His III M '1MB m'laisj imiSsWljSjSjSjSjMiisstiajSjSjSssMiSjSjtaiisM f I fsisM , , mil pi I iln i I in r ' -, - , awt f lUkvai'Min' sswsb ISS gC 4 I i l It 1 In lU llWIITIIIItiMiSSfjSJjl , III ! I III J! III !! I IJi as, I I I JI l laMI I I III lit I naa X J SJJ -.aiiB -mt 9ff m - iiii fi iln la I iiiiH .rfi ii.Ta TirrfTilaTMrgWaaniiiTlTlirlTlIagri-BTftif nTlf-jil i-iin nrr t t ..i.. ...... . t-i- -num. in a.ranl mill I.iMii ia.1 ailaltlil in In mTFiiriiii.nli il ,.n a if 1 BL . i i i. -'i gi.". . i ... . - a 'MiMMMHIiyiiilpiliMsWslP J1 -- wii$wiitxi KmmtnnmwmtmiWmmiiiwmvkm hsrowmtt 'I fa Tj WKm f'r'f I ' -BJHppjp