Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    BVBarara 1iEdgbi&-3?hii;ajelphia; tussday, December 12, im
i . , , , . M
'Johnny Nelson Absorbs Lots of Knowledge in
Five Chapters, but Turns Tables on Willie Jack
son Louisiana Makes Good
BEB," mil "Willie Jacltson, ns lie
leaned hl loruf, raniry UK on Johnny
.'.Hon' Jaw. "tha' object of lh' Rm ain't
j,sisona j-". . ,. , ,K, ,h,P BUv on the
K'lor.1., busts yuh. If. a awful
Iianl ten mo to
lenrn y unor
n t n n il . but a
young fellsr like
you shouldn't
ought to havo no
trouble. After
yuh bunt th'
other Buy with
your left, yuh
look nroun' an If
yuh know Home
body In th' nu
illenco nn' turn
your heail Ilka
thlB anil wlinn
lie thtnkit yuh
ain't loo kin bunt
him with ur
rlcht llko tills.
Tuh see, It ain't
bo hard and I'm
awful oorry I
can't learn yuh
... ,lnn tnlln. Til
Time Bhort nn' I
W get back ta N'Yawk, y'sec. It's too
Ud a nice wlllln' guy like you shoutcl h.ifta
Uke such a bsalln when there's such a big
flsmand fer motormen an' fish Doiltaxs. If
I only had time. I'd learn yuh lota of stuff
what could be used agatmit th' simps over
litre. Dut th' ftte la almost over an'"
Pupil Wallops Ills Prof
BUT! Slaml Craaht Prof. VT. Jackson
momentarily forgot Ills lecture and arose
to his knoes. blinking at the dancing lights
store the ring at the Olympla A. A. last
rJjhL His oration on the nrt of aelf-de
ftnte, which had lasted flvo full chapters,
was rudely Interrupted by Johnny Nelion
In the sixth, when ho (meaning Nelson)
landed a wicked right smash on tho point
et his (meaning Professor Jackson's) Jaw.
It took Jawn a long tlmo to learn, but the
lesson left a lasting Impression. Jackson
had pounded Nolson nil over the ring, hit
ting him with everything except tho referee.
and the audience was beginning to feel
sorry for Johnny Uurns and Jim Kceney,
bo woro suffering In silence In Johnny's
Willie's exhibition was wonderful, but
Kelson could demonstrate nothing but the
proper way a boxer should not box. Jack
son would tie his foo up Into knots, then
punch him a couple of times ns If It were
an unpleasant duty to perform, dnnco nway,
tie him up again and slip uomo more stab
ting lefts and rights In Johnny's face.
Kelson Apt Pupil
But Nelson was an apt pupil. Ho smiled
as he absorbed lessons ono to five, and
when It came time for the sixth, something
-I was ready to happen. Willie Jabbed,
punched and danced, but Johnny kept close
to him. Jackson evidently thought It was
Try soft, for ho attempted some fancy
(tuff, and Nelson connected with a healthy
right to his Jaw. "Willie dropped to tho
bottom ropo and rebounded beforo "Pop"
O'Brien started to count, ready to take
another punch. Johnny couldn't como
through, howover, and the bell ended hos
tilities, y
Jackson won the bout because of the big
lead he piled up early In the fray. Nelson
almost, evened It up with that knockdown,
and, take It from us, Wllllo was tucky
to recover so quickly. According to Hoyle,
that wnllop should havo put him down
for keeps.
It was tho wind-up of ono of the bes,t
hows ever put together at tho Olympla,
and Matchmaker, Jack Hanlon deserved a
eeuple of pats on the back for his work.
From start to finish thero were fireworks
and excitement galore, and each bout
teemed to be better than tho other. It
was a swell evening's entertainment, and
probably will wait a long time be
fore we see another as good.
Strangers Make Good
Three strangers In our midst, a trio of
Boxers from Cleveland, aided considerably
to making the entertainment a success.
They made their debut In the local ring
sad made good, despite tho fact that they
were stacked up ngalnst tho toughest oppo
nents that could be found. They were John
Karplnaltl, a welterweight, who boxes under
cit own name; Art Strawhacker, who also
JeMses to travel under nn allaB, and Artie
"'& John nnd Artie had hard luck, but
Anjwon his bout, and all three put up sen
aatSnal battles.
Artie Hoot, whose brother manages the
fan, was shaded by Louisiana In the
eml-wlndup. This does not mean that
Artie Is a ham, or a bum, or anything like
that, He looks like a regular boxer, and
1 good enough right now to wallop ninety
Per cent of the featherweights In the United
Btaus. lie met tt tough, boy In I-oulalana,
however, and lost out by a slender margin.
Loonle, or whatever his nickname may be,
tarted the brawl by rushing the Cleveland-
f V&efA TXNittfCH
Evenlng Ledger Decisions
of Ring ttouta Last Night
f P Y 1! r A Willie Jaeswrn elboif J
T,oh1n. Ween. I.ooliUn defeated Artie
ifi.rtl ItljSnnafker wen trmti Johnny
I'aahlli. j. tt'el.h Veal KM KsrvhwM,
Johnnr Mart. I oat to ount llilille. 1
Ahrrn, drew, nllh
r Adnlr defeated
aletel knjwketl out
Metel kneel
nrsl reanil.
mWHSr Johnnr ullb,M n,,,-
cr nil over the ring In the first round,
and ret such a furious pace that Artie
failed to net himself together until the
third staniA. Then he uncorked an assort
ment of hooka and Jabs that found a rest
ing place on Louisiana's facn and body,
Louisiana enmo back strong, thowoer, ami
managed to win out. After the third round
science wns thrown to tho winds, and the
bnttlo resembled a street fight, nut, no mat
ter what. It looked like, It was very good,
and will make a big hit If put on ngatn.
Art Strawhacker outpointed Johnny Cash
Ill In n aclentlflo bout which went the limit.
The boys fought fairly een, but Straw
hacker geti the verdict because of his
oggresalvenes.1. John Karplnskl lost to Joe
Welsh, but It was said that John was not
In the best of shape. It was his second
profosntonnl battlo and ha has all of the
earmarks of n comer. Ho Jumps around
like Johnny Dundee, Is fast and clever and
made such a hit at tho start that Dnva
Ncttcr, who wn sitting at the ringside,
nlmost swallowed his cigar. Welsh, how
ever, put up a wonderful fight and showed
great Improvement over his previous form.
Young Gotdlo. a visitor from Pittsburgh,
also miulo hla first nppearance here ngnlnst
Johnny Mayo In tho opener and performed
well. He outpointed Mnyo In a fait bout
and made such a hit that ho probably will
bo seen here again In tho near future.
NEW TOnif, Dec. 12 According to a
report from Cuba, recoiled here by the
Amateur Athletic Union otllclals. the next
Olympiad probably will be held In 1920
In Havana.
Negotiations have been going on be
tween the Cuban nthletlo authorities and
tho International Olympic Commlttea for
the staging of tho next world's champion
ship carnival.
Ponn Freshman Is tho Fcaturo ' Per
former In Biweekly Meet
llnnr creditable performance marked the
resular toliretklr nlmmtnc mm at t'tnn Mat
nlitht and out of vnta on the Droirnjn
there was not one which wu not hotly ronteittd
titionc the mmhr of the swimming iquad.
HhloIdJ. th former Mercereours runner and
wlmrrer. who li now a frrehmen at the Unl
erelty and captain ot the. freenman awlmmlnc
team, wee one or the etellsr performers, win
ning the .OO.yard handicap race alao thlnl place
In the 100-foot event. well as fourth place
In the pluniro rontcat. llorkan with handicap
of 12 fret In the plunse, plunsed 81 feet, ami
with hla handicap brousbt the mark up to 73
Kancr dlrlnx Won by Klein. lO.polnts handi
cap: second, ltoat, acratchi third, Leopold. t
colnta handicap; fourth. Cluthe, IS points
SOO-yafd handicap Won hy Shlelda. 1 second;
second. Iluenell. acratch, third. J, Keller, S sec
onds; fourth. I. Keller. 9 aeconds. Time of
winner. 2.SS S-5. ....,.
200-foot race Won by Slmonton. 8 seconds!
aecond. ltoat. 8 aeconda; third, Hhlelda, acratch;
fourth. McQuoen. aeconda, Tim ot winner,
lt 2&.
100-yard handicap Won hy P. Kelaer. 7 aec
onda: second. Ilrlnsnurat.S sconda third. C. It.
Walts. 7 seronda; fourth, Itusttll. 2 aeconds.
Time of winner. 1:04 2-3.
100-foot scratch, novice Won by nrlnshurst;
second. (Jadd: third. Chalmera; fourth. Hafner.
Tim of wlnn- ill.
Duns Tor distance Won by Itorkan. 12 feet
handicap: second. Klderklnr, 2 feet handlcapl
third, Hctaoli. scratch; fourth. Hhlelds, 11 feet
Sandlrap. Olatanc of winner, 73 feet. Including
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Would Curtail List of Championships
NEW TOItK, Deo. 12, A movement to
abolish the multitude of minor champion
ships which otJate years have crowded the
schedule of the "United States National Lawn
Tennis Association has taken deflnlta form
In a proposed amendment to the constitution
which will be considered nt the annual meet
ing of the association here In February, The
amendment Is recommended by the execu
tive committee of tha association, which met
here last week. .......
The proposed change would provide only
for national, sectional. State and city cham
pionships. Other championship tourna
ments which are now annual futures
would be eliminated, as trophies la these
events were won outright.
Wearer Beats Buchanan, 100-79
In tb twelfth rams of the Clai II amateur
iket billiard tournament at Alllnser'a Acad
f list nUht Weaver defeated. Buchanan, toe-
emy last nui
to IB. Uucha
he faltered 1
lub- like a winner a.t nQ. but
in the final frames, while Weaver
'WwAj4fl 10 13 0 3 18 7 10 0 IO 2.
4 "j10 8 oTTotsl 79. Utah run Id. Scratch
- L : . . -" r-
SlSTEht lUToTtHlS YHAS J MAPRttP - "J TV,"' YML ViHAT 3 VrgTEN bgAV lACE- Fofc. MAEfil- J r W
Big Bill Hollenbnck Plans
Now Method of Develop
ing Football Team
Foolb.ill omelatlng will play art Im
portant part In the ceRchlng of the Syra
cuse University football team next fall..
William M. Hollenback, who has been re
tained to take charge lor one more year,
Is of the opinion that Ihe arbiters can help
him considerably and will nek their nld
from the start This does not mean that
Hollenback will corner the refereo and
umpire after each game to "gst the dope"
on the systems of the other teams. Instead,
ha will alt on the sidelines, watch the oin
clala during the game anil mnko a note of
each penalty Inflicted on his eteven, In
other words, he will bo on the lookout for
weaknesses on the part of his players and
will correct them between games, A football
official who Is strict and not afraid to cnll
foule early In the season will bo of Inesti
mable ntin later In the year. If he Inltlcts
many penalties for offsldo, holding and tin
nece'wary roughncw. tho players soon will
realise trjnt nil of that sort ot stuff must
be eliminated or the team will suffer. Pen
alties have won and lost many games In
the past, and will do so In the future. A
fifteen-yard toss for holding or flvo yards
for Vffslda at a critical Junction dbna more
to take the heart out of tha men than any
thing else, nig Illll realises this and his
Plan to stop Illegal piny from the start Is a
good one.
Best OHlcialu in East
nut In order to get the best results, em
clent and exnertenrrd officials must bo
used Theso men nro hard to get for the
early games, as tho compensation la too
small to attract them. It must bo remem
bered that football olllcl.il s are drawn from
business and professional men men who
are not dependent on the gnmo na a means
of livelihood. They are doctors, lawyers,
cottrge professors and some nro heads of
big business concerns. They sometimes find
It more profitable to remain nt homo than
to make a long trip for n small fee. As an
example. Hill Langford Is head of tho pen
sion department of tho New York CentrnI
Ilallronit and has several hundred men un
der him. Nate Tufts Is prosecuting attor
ney near Honton; Billy Morlca Is heart of n
big paper bag mill In Philadelphia ; Charley
McCarty. Jim Moffatt and Bddlo llennla nre
In business here; Krcd Olllemlcr Is a lawyer
and Ilult Tyler Is professor of mntnemnticn
at Haerford School. There are many
others, but tho list la too long to bo taken
up here It Just goes to show that tho foot
bnll ottlclnl Is not an ordinary Individual,
but ono who stands high In tho community
nnd cannot be classed with other officials In
sportdom. Hollenbnck also realises this, and
In order to attract these men the fees In
the early games will bo materially In
creased, Three Men Enough
William the Illg says three capable men
nre enough to run n football game, and
the fourth man will be dtsponsed with. In
that way the salary of tho fourth man can
be divided nmong tho other threo and the
fees Increased. However, Hollenback wants
It made clear that ho la In no way work
ing against tho Central Hoard of Officials
He still will be under Its Jurisdiction and
expects Us hearty support "Tho olllclatlng
In most of my big games could not bo Im
proved upon," snya 11111, "and the Central
Hoard selected tho best men available. It
was In tho early games that I did not get
entire satisfaction, and I am trying to
nllovlato this. 1 bellovo tho colleges send In
too many names of olllclals to bo selected
from, and I shall first cut down this list.
Instead ot having fifty names, I shall have
not moro than a doien, and I shall Insist
that these men be appointed. And to malts
sura of It, I shall have tho fees placed so
high that they cannot refuse. I want men
to point out the weaknesses ot my team at
tho start of the year and not overlook off
side and holding as has been done In the
past. If the players are penalized strictly
early In October they will not repeat their
offenses In November."
Unanimous Vote
After tho disastrous season many of thai
wise ones predicted that Hollenback would
not be retained by Syracuse next year.
However, at tho meeting recently, the foot
ball commlttea and tho board of directors
voted unanimously to re-engago tha coach.
This mark of tribute was well deserved, as
BUI tolled very hard to turn out ft cham
pionship eleven. He was handicapped, how
ever, as he had a veteran team and tkera
waa little tlmo to Install a new-system this
year. Next fall he will show results. Hol
lenback Is qulto popular In Syracuse and
has the entire college behind htm. After the
first reverse In the Pittsburgh game the
followers of the team were broken-hearted.
They did not express much grief for tho
team, but felt sorry for Hollenback. They
knew Hill had been working from early
morning until late at night and wanted to
see his efforts rewarded. They expect big
things next year, and the chances are that
they will not be disappointed. Hollenback's
contract shows how they feel about "It Hill
has signed up for one year and at the end ot
the season. If both sides aro satisfied, he
will sign for two mora years,
A great Injustice has been dona Albright
After looking over the season's scores, the
college waa awarded tha championship ot
tha steerage class; but It Is not true. The
WOItST team In tha country halls from
Lebanon, Tenn, and playa under tha name
of Cumberland University. Cumberland
played two notable games last fall, Georgia
Tech won the first by tha score of 223 to
0 and Sewanee trimmed them 107 to 0. This
record may bo Ued soma time, but you
cannot beat It
Ralph Creenleaf Cue Victor
.Umt the nor racket Mil
.boy Pocket .nllllardlst.
cMitpiayea buwera i. xwupn, or
ilplayed Edward I, ltalph.
Hlsotstown. N. J-. "" "?? , "n'5
yeatrrday at
!, ., .... , ."
the erst same,
1UU 10 tu p-i.u it iu wvemn; ne
Al Shnrpe'fl stnr quarterback has
boon elected captain of tho 1017
Cornell football team. Shlverlck is
n Junior. His homo is in Chicnco.
Ho has played two years on tho
varsity cloven.
Mathews, Hcnning and L.
Wray Elected to Uphold
Requests of Students
Neltson Mathews, Penn football enptntit;
Charles Henntng, who waa picked by some
critics for a berth on tha All-Amerlcnn. and
James "l.ud" "Wray, are tho three gridiron
men who have been elected to serve on tto
board of directors of tho Athletla Associa
tion. Tho men will serve during the next two
years. It Is understood that they will light
for tho recognition of the demands of the
students, who wish a different allotment of
the tlcketa to tho big football games.
For some time the Penn students have
thought that It waa their right to havo the
cheering section In the center ot the south
stand. Theso requests are sure to como
up at tho next meeting ot tho board.
The three athletes will servo with flvo
other well-known men from around tho
campus as the undergrnduato members of
tho board. The other no to bo selected
by the atudents and members ot the
Athletic Association Include John M unlock
Clarke, president of the senior class.
Wllbor Newsletter, the star polc-vaulter
who entered the UnUorslty from the Head
ing High School, got n largo number of
votes. Two other track mon were rewarded,
they being Spike Shnnnon, tho manager of
tho track team, nnd Frank Horse)', tho cap
tain of the same team. Tho other newly
elected member Is Francis It. Drayton, who
stroked tha crew last season.
Five graduate members were nlso elected,
Including 11. I-aussnt CJoyelln, I'nul Thomp
son, Sydney Thayer nnd John Townsetul, all
of whom have been members ot the board
of directors nnd who wcro re-elected. Gor
don Hardwlck, who played on last year's
basketball team and was president of tho
senior class last year, was tho fifth man
to bo olected to the senior board. Kydnoy
Thayer received the highest number of
votes for tho graduate board, he having a
Jotal ot 481. Captain Mathews received the
most votes on tho undergrnduato board.
HONOLULU, T. H Doo. 12. Vernon
Ayau. which visits the mainland annually,
has been signed to play shortstop for the
Seattle (Northwestern Icaguo) team,
Ayau Is snld to bo tho first Chinese ball
playor to enter organlzod baseball circles,
South Bethlehem Eleven Replaces Pan
ther for Yalo Eloven
nETlII.KlIKM. Ta., Deo. IS. Lehlrh will
take on the University of ritUbursh football
team next aeason Instead of Yale, according to
welt authenticated Information. The two Inetl
tutlons hava or are about to slsn a two-year
contract, th first same to be played at ritta.
Th tentatlv schedule calls for nine rnnteets,
knA It la mfllt
UKeir dial tjratr
Ikelr that Urelnus. Atbrlsht
Uatholto University,
Lebanon valley. Muhlan
ters. t'enn Biaie.
nn elate. HDKiueiianna. ana
u 4.ninyeue
strain appear on tne schedule,
neon, Hwarthmore
are belnr oicsereu wim. ah tn tna except
tho.. with Itttsburxh and I'enn Stat will tnk
Pisco at nome.
Princeton Finds Smaller College Too
Strong for Early Season
NEW BRUNSWICK. Dec. 12. Football
relations between Rutgers nnd Princeton
havo been broken oft owing to tho strength
ot the Ilutgers team. Princeton has notified
tho local college that the Tlgera do not
want such a hard gamo beforo tho big
games of the season.
Wrlgley Adds to Club Holdings
riltCAOO. Deo. II. William WrlxleV. Jr..
added to his holdlnes of Chicago National
lesuo baseball club slock by th purchase of
th holding rf another slockhnlder. It has
been announced. , The name of th former
a" er of th stock was not divulged.
ssr We Are
Bonded to the
Walter's Pawn Shop
French Heavyweight Boxer
Cables Rickard. Asking
Changes in Contract
NKW TOItlC, Deo. IS. Tha rather alarm
trg silence maintained by Ocorge Carpen
tier, heavyweight champion ot Kurope, m
reference lo boxing In this city In thy near
future has been broken. Messrs. Itlckanl
and McCracken received a cablegram that
seems to gtvo nsauranco of his nppeatanoa
In tho ring In this city. ..... u..i-
Carpentlefs message Indicated clearly
that ho had received tho contract sent to
him by Mlcknrd nnd carefully had not
Its contents. He objected to two clauses)
In Vie document, howover, ono pertaining
to training expenses nnd the other to i lite
mot In plctttro receipts. In the contract
tho sum of 5000 francs was set down for
the Frenchman's training expenses nnu lie
suggested that this amount be Incrensea
to 16.000 francs. He nlso asked for it cer
tnln percentage of tho moving plcturo
P7llckard nnd McCracken mndo hasle to
reply by cable thnt the changes asked b
Carpctttler In tho contract would readily
bo acceded to and that thoy could bo In-
aoaA.l V. u (ha linvarl
It therefore remains only for Carpentler
to nlgn tho contract and return It to tho
promoters In order to make certain of ono
of tho most spectacular boxing matches
ever held In Amerlcn.
U la hinted thnt Carpentler will arrlte
very hhortly aftor his contract reaches tho
promoters, na he will need considerable
training In this cllmato previous to a hard
ring battle.
Fifteen Varsity Plnycrs Rccclvo Insig
nia for Ser'lcn on Eloven
sT.iTii rnt.T.rati" ln.. Dec. 13. Fifteen
football men nt l'onn Stnto were awarded
their varsity letters for playing tne, re.
quired tlmo In either tho Pennsylvania or
Pittsburgh gnmca. Tho football executive
committee recommended "3'a" for the fol
lowing: Captain Clark. Dealt, Itobb. Hess.
Parrlsh, Jones. Hwlng. Hlgglns. Swain.
Conover. Krushank, Cubbnge, Cxarneckle,
O'Donnell nml Manager Hoffman.
Hy special Vote. lettera woro git en to
Morris and Hge. both ends, who were kopt
on tha sldellnea through Injuries In the
Intler hnlf of the season. Ilob lMgerton, a
halfback, nnd Joo Oborlo, lineman, who will
be graduated this year, wcro voted their In
slgnla for faithful Bervlco on tho scrubs for
four years.
Tho minor sports Insignia, "S 2d," was
awarded to lloblnson, Wilson, Tnvcnner,
Thorpe, Ilortx. Gross, Kraft, It. Clarke.
Pond and Unger.
Of tha twenty-nine plnyera honored by
tho football executive committee, all but
four ara residents of Pennsylvania.
Ponn Btato will tosely only four men
from itn entire football sqund by gradu
ation this spring. Thoy nro Captain Clark,
Morris, Rdgerttm nnd Oberlo. Of these
Captain Clark was tho only regular. Morris
was substitute and IMgorton played In
tho backflsld In six games and won the
Lehigh match with hla dropklck, and Joe
Oberlo was n substitute contor.
Ideal climate and surround
ings. Splendid modern hotels.
Hone racing at Oriental
Park. Sailings from New
York Thursdays ficSaturdays.
Rxcellent passenger nccommo
dntlona on fast twin screw
steamers sailing under the
American nsg.
Polo, tennis, golf, surf bathing.
!.argo capacity hotels and a de
lightful social Ufa. Sailings
from Now York Thursdays.
Ntv, ftelce-o-ioMJ
bfoinnlno Jan, S,
ft j.f.
Iiitwira JacMoavlile. rla.
nnd Nation.
Mexican cruise 24 days, Includ
ing Havana, Cuba, Frogreso
and Vera Crux, Mexico. Ball
ings fortnightly on Thursdays.
..tire! Officei. feel ef Well St.. ti. Y,
Branch TJeketpnic.
701 Cbeitnat tit., rhllsdelphU,
"BT 8BA"
rnrutDEU'uu to
(Cellln at Hannnab)
rin Btssmers. Low -Vans. Meat BenrtM.
Ideal and J)rtU Included,
Flan Tour Trip to Jnclud
The 1nel Cstwle Trip Jo th WmU"
lllutratd booklet oa Request.
Merchants & Miners Trans. Co.
OBte. IM fteuta th HI.. Pblla.. r.
ltemer ftmlth stopped Bandy rruen here
Friday nlsht, Jumred to New Vork and repeated
In hla flret appearand lhM aaalnst a hfTy
wttshl by .the name nt Klnlty Saturday nlsht.
and now h I booked for a mis with Tors
Cowler tn (letham tenlatit. This bout appar
ently Is Homer's atlReet teat of hts carvr.
Ferocious Fred Fulton must meet Frank
Meran and make good before Jeeit Wlllard will
meet th plasterer. Tlile ts tha latest dope from
rhlcaco. Fulton recently ran out of a bout with
Xtoran, statins that it would Jeopardise a tenia
tire routine: with th champion. It probably
would! Ferocloue Frederick waa Wlllanl'a awn
selection for Ms nsst contest. Tom Jones, how
ertr, nsurea that such a fraea rould not be
put over on the Dear Old Public.
. Friday nlsht. at Ihe Ityan Plutt. Henry !!!
Itr will hook up with Jack Toland. Th latter
has been holdinr down a Jolt with th rlty
water department, but want to ml Ihese
dtnle with his trior ability. Joe Daller and
Touns Morphew ar In th semt. Thomas Hud
son ve, Joe Ormsn. Toun Artt vs. Al lUuer
ami Tommy Austin vs. IM.ll Hates are otlrer
Dn McKetrlck Is a very much rvd youns
man th.ee day. It doesn't understand why
foms sport writer rerocnli Jack Ilrltton a
the wetter champion. lMnmack says If ther Is
a real wetterwetsht king Soldier Hartneld Is the
bird. He write that HartfleM ilefeatrd an.l
knocked down Ilrltton. Ted Lewis and Silks
Olbbons tn respective battles.
While It ha btn nrreed by Johnny Kllban
and Fred Welsh to meet In a no-decision conteet
before th New York rlub lrln the beet i
It will not b surrrlilns If a Philadelphia
;irin tn vest oner,
a Philadelphia pro-
noicr cuncnes tn pout
Thls city lut stared
i wouldn
to go there if
BUT when, on thnt eventful
day in 1519, old Ponce do
Leon first gazed on the shimmering
palm trees and gorgeous wondcra
of thnt beautiful
he verily discovered a
Land of Golden Sunshine
the Real Source of Perpetual Youth.
Follow In tho footsteps of tho wlso old Don, and cross over tho
borders Into tho sunny Flower State. 600 miles oi varied de
lights nro yours to choose Irom. You can colt on tho best links in
the country, motor on the finest roads and speed up your SO on the
hardest beach speedways in the world. You can enjoy wonderiul
bathing, perfect tennis, yachting, fishing, hunting all in con
genial company and with tho Best Resort Hotels In the world.
ALCAZAR St. Aosuitm. THE BREAKERS . . Pslo Beadi
rONCK DE LEON . . St. Annuls ROYAL PALM . . . Hiatal
0RM0ND Ormood C0L0HIAL Hums, BaKasus
Aak your ticket agent for detailed
8unhln Dooklet, a delluhtfully 'Illustrated to
Winter I'aradlie free. I'or Information of othei
shin Dooklet. a dellnhttoliy 'Illustrated story of the wondcra oi tma
Coast, at Nassau, Dahamae, or on tho
243 Filth At. ISS W. Madieou 3U
im new york oFncE ciiicAco ormcE v?Ssa a
Wikf. 2 GENERAL OFFICES t SU AtwueUn. Ftm "jMfifill S
White Sulphur Springs
Wast Virginia
Finest Bath Establishment in America.
Connected Directly With the Hotel
Nauhalm and all principal bathl of Euroaian Iltalth
Rttorti ara fifn in thm Bath
npn TKttllY
Manadns Ulreelor
J rccfvmiwd ..atanaaio.
Westminster t- tV
water. ua wklx.. tz
ar. near, Deaoh. Elera.
at. .rfir. nam, runs
us aauir. Cbs. IluJu.
THjttADlfWBtSCHiriUltLur iMtwuHLU
some nt th Wst battle In recent ytarsi ther
may b a chance also nt galling th later
ctamplonshlp contrit. (
Cnarlsy, Rlmpson. th Australian feather
welsht, who has bosed In rhllly twice., denle
that ho earn over a stowaway. Ito dselare
that h and his manager. Italt lalr. cam
aeroea with their passports and In nsalar
r,viilfr mir
Pn rtcKetrlck,
MctfetrlfV. who msnaces Botdlei
"'."."OL t. Albeit Dadond. Wlro
ed.by ban MeKetrlek, .bnt for ft
IcKetrtck imios Uan XlcKetrlfk
ha msnaces. Soldier
,1m l
jn McKetrlck iinicas Uan MeKetrlek.poats a
forfeit with himself. Bo that match la off.
nennr tonard hook hands with lh Olympla
spectator last nlsht, .Thrjr .were glad, to tnrt
Mr. lonard asaln. II anloyed th bouts as
welt as any on !! Just llko a regular spec
tator, Flttsbursti's renrentntlT .on last hlsht'a
pros-ram. 1
sood rwier,
around his
touns ueni'i snspea up na a coral
shaped up aa a corklna-
-riea eniireir too mupn weieni
ntl hi midsection. Tht in
mtdseetlon. This appratly slowed
th Bmoketowner. althoush h was fast
enoush to keep out of rarurs ot Johnny Slayo'a
Moha Matched to Box Dillon
r.r. iti. . Lrv, ta, mod Atona. new
I to meet Jack Dlllon.af Indian-ntteen-round
bout, at Dayton. p
loon of New Year's Day.
Wis . Pee, 13, -nob Moha has
been matches
ntvtlle. In a I
on th afternoon
Football Star Enters Syracuse
HYIlACttan, K. T., Pee, 13. t riant Who
played end at Williams a year aim and w
elected captain and .who waa ato honorra en
aeverAl.all-Baatern teams, is now at Byracus
and will be arallabl nest year.
t want
ho had.
CAMP, Long Key
Information, or writ for the beautiful
I'or information of other hotel on tht Florid Bast
Island of Cuba Address
AtuueUna, FU.
wiiitis sui.rnurt srurNos. w. ta.
outs by ihllled attendant
uiaeo( ais
M. W. I'AllTltinqH A. p. CUS;
I Ell
of. r
Htem heated, (icctrlo lvator,
rannaa, un vsnor on roar, n
bafha. Notad for ho
Two ls.hol solf course
luiiAi. ivi.mi:h iu
Train fer a Good roeltloa
YQuntf men and woman taueht tn
pay ami Uveotns wslona. Boon
hand. Tyvswrttlns-. UookkssplB.
Bpanlsb. Becretarlal Work.
US5 Chestnut streeL
iaaiHlarji nuara.nt4,
Th I)st Uuslaeas Uiuoot.
tth and Cticstnut Btntt.
fcntiir now. Day er bltfht-
Another cliu oov fsna
Isa. Com la u m.