Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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"Mfc" "- -4a3
KViajsiN(i ianjLwi&-.iHtLAUiiJiiiiA, tuubday. mommmt n ioxo'
;) WMOO- co hum
jjer.flifT a
t President W. F. Baker Declares, However, That
I He Will Fight Seven Banded Moguls
Folwell and Yost; Have Systems That Are Worl
uDservmg-, ana riaying- igamsc rnem VvouldJ
? fHi
to Bitter End
rrove JtJenenciaJ to Tigers
Z64&5Z4&y9r7rv?'r'?ZiK CHWCK W!t M LI STCU' LHUCir- t82504l I LIKfi KGUUT ws
' -71 lu.i... . . If .- . - -... ... -.. VZV5V4Z0A . .. .. 1 !A.A. lAhfllff
f N,is a-weAHiy T' Ftve- tmrcc 'TlJA I always A MV3Terty) s"r,AMn.
' JJM . J' a W TM" T6W AHD -iw"l ABOUT Tfl' VlLtS r J V &' MllMf
WAWTJ A. C3AMB )$ eXHiSae )eM OtU- !T CHUCK T &S
h MWt
Irf QteVKN1 National Icngua magnates
JI 4 V aUlntf tho price of ndmlaslon nt
disclosed by a, magnate Just before
organization wnii called to order by president Toner today, 1'reslilent William
JP. linker, of tho riilllles, ndmltted before itolng Into tho exocutlvo chamber!
that hi wns aware of tho purpose of his fellow magnates nnd would do every
thing In his power to prevent the seven other rHilw from forcing nn Increased
rate of admission Upon tho Philadelphia, fane. Hut It Mr. Halter's general attltndo
la n, criterion, the fan of Philadelphia can expect straight fifty-cent ball next
" eeaaon,
Magnates of other National laguo clubs point out that while tho attendanrn
In Philadelphia In all that can bo nuked, tho largo number of twenty-live cent
bleacher neat, on which they net but a email percentage, ban roused the visiting
teamn' receipt to fall below the amount received from games played In cities
Where the attendance has been (lutappaliillng
-'-,.. Adieu Two-Bit Baseball Is the Cry
ACCQHDINO to tho plan suggoitcil by one mnRnAte at tho opening session thin
CLmornlnit, no twenty-llvo-ccnt seats nlinll be sold In Philadelphia next Hcannn,
excepting for ccntcr-Meld bleachern, which now seldom aro used. The magnates
'" Insist that tho ttventy.llvc-cont bleachorltu tu Philadelphia Is doner to tho field
of piny than tho upectMor who pays fifty tu eevenly-flvo centa In other cities.
, fend they contend that they nru entitled to lurner receipts from game played
- in Phltly,
' When asked about the proponed rhnuga In tho admission at tho games In
JPMIly, President Halter raid;
I j "Rational I.eaguo members have bocn after mo for two yrats to cut down
tho number of twenty-llvo cent seals, and while 1 linvo fought every move they
; lmvo mada, It ls'posstblo that tho Philadelphia club may be compelled to give
, in to the .Blhcr roven owners.
' , Have More Cheap Seals Than Other Clubs
TTTn HAVE BODO twonty-flvo-cent scats, which In far mnro than any other major
' ' loanua team Irr cither circuit, and when one consider how clone the patrons
'of the Ph'llly park are to the field of play, It Ih nut prising that the other mag
'. Bates have not mada a mora itrcnuoui HKlit.
"I often havo watched itamex from the bleachcrn nnd hoiiently believe that
oUr twentytU'D-cent etau aro superior to thoRu that other clubs charge fifty to
oventy'-flvo cents for. It Js true that they, nru not covered, but how many times
during tho courso of a season aro the fans iciiili-d to Hit In tho rain once u
, came haa been started?
' "I Intend to fight any movo made by the other magnates, but believe a stien-
nous objection will bo mndo to our present ndmlmlonn, and It may result In
, mlslng- the prices of our loft field bleucher seats. Wo do not Intend to do
- away with tho twonly-flve-cent bleacher entirely, regardless of what the other
1 magnates pay, but It probably will bo necessary to limit tho twenty-five cent
' Admissions to about 2000 ncals In tho center and lrt Held bleachers."
Bender Considered for Rochester Managership
PUESIDISNT CI I API N, of tho Rochester International League club, denies that
Larry Lajolo has been selected to manage tho Ilronehos next season. Ho uny.i
that ho seriously Is considering "Chief" liendor nnd Charley Dooln, with chances
favoring tho latter. Ono other club of tho liairow circuit H anxious to get
XJendor, who lias Mannger Moron's permission to dicker, providing hrv gets a
- managerial position. Newark was after another Philadelphia!), but having fulled
to land him, Jim Prlco signed tho veteran Tom Ncedham to guide tho Indians.
; Mitchell Held bu Three-Year Contract
GEOHGK RTAL,I,INGH'9 three-year contract with Krcd Mitchell Is nil that stands
botwoen tho veteran coach nnd tho managerial post In Chicago. Mitchell
officially has been offered the position, notwithstanding reports to tho contrary,
"and U here watting for his unconditional release from tho Ilruvcs before signing
& contract to manage the Cubs. Frank Chance, formor manager of tho Cubs,
J will ect tho Job If mailings refuses to reloaso Mitchell. Otherwlso there Is no
chance for any ono but ths Doston coach.
MILLER HUOaiNS, manager of tho Cardinals, ndmlta that all of tils playors
nro on the markot excepting Hornsby, Hmllli. (lonzales nnd Meadows, but ho
Bays tho Phillies havo no chanco to get "DoIh" Miller or Frank Hnyder becuusa
j , Morun haa no tradable players wanted by the Cardinals.
KL ...
JOHN McGRAW Is n prominent figure at tho meeting, but no attempt Iiok been
made to quiz htm regarding tho Brooklyn CHants fiasco. McGraw Insists that
Tio has nof changed his views about ho Indifferent work. of his men and that bo
would, welcome nn Investigation. Needless to ay, It will not be made.
Proposed Changes In World's Series Plana Good
THE suggestion by Carry Herrmann nnd sovcral other National League mag
pates that tho world's scries be played under entlroly different conditions In tho
future Is not n bud. Idea, According to a statement mado by Herrmann before
."" the league went Into session today, he suggests that, Instead ot playing four out
ot seven gamys, the series be oxtended to live out of nlno. In this wuy, Herrmann
thinks, nnd very properly, many moro fans will bo ablo to seo thu games
4 than under tho present arrangement, when tho aeries rarely extends over
lx games and which has not exceeded flvo since tho famous Giants-Red
Box clash In 1913. Another good suggestion mado by Herrmann wus that the
'""W prices bo lowered. No doubt a j?reat deal of the scandal attending all world's
"; series games would be eliminated if tho number of games was extended and
- the prices lowered.
M Division With the Clubs Not In the Scries
HEIUlMANN'tf Idea of having the players of the winning teams In tho Amorlcnn
nnd National Leagues split up their -world's series money among the playera
of the Clubs finishing second, third and fourth Is not a particularly brilliant ono.
There would be a lot of dlisatlsfactlon rauscd among tho men belonging to tho
clubs In the second division If that wero the case, While It seems hard that only
tho winners of the two leagues should share In tho world's scries, there Is nn
-v ' more reason why tho second division players should be excluded than that the
first division clubs be Included.
Penn Rose in Basketball First
- ' " "ftTHAT Hob Folwell did or the Pennsylvania football team this year Lon
VV Jourdet did last season on tjie basketball court. For soma years the Red and
Blue was cm. lamentably weak at the Indoor game as she was at the gridiron
nastlme. Not only have these two men brought Penn to tha forn in t..,
li'?t 'branches of athtettcs, but Indications
''; .respectiva charges at the top Sn football and basketball. Last year Jourdet
A , van an experiment at coaching, Just as Folwell was this year, He proved him-
, self more than equal to the occasion by turning out n team that won the Inter-
. colteslate championship from material 'which was not at all Impressive for its
. excellence. Jourdet sent a team against Urelnus in the opening game last Bat.
UTday night which is just aa good as tha five that represented Penn In 1316-16.
This means that If I'enn does not repeat Its victory of last season, the reason
-. wilt ba due mora to tha Improvement of Yale and Princeton than to any deterlora-
"Uon l the ranks of the TVest Philadelphia collegians.
De Neri'a Poor Showing Hurts Basketball
il. 1 !T,HH Poor showing of the l5e Nerl. Eastern league, basketball team this season
-t-has unquestionably hurt the cage game. However, the Interest In this sport
$n Philadelphia Is so deeply rooted that its popularity will not be materially
iyientc4 in splto of the fallura of Bouthwark fans to stand by tho Musical Funders.
Followers of basketball In the vicinity of Eighth and Locust streets have been
us loyal an any one could reasonably expect. Hut a management cannot hope
that the tcam'd rooters will atana for
. j latently as He Neri has this year. Manager Amorose BUdley's team has won
but on same nnd the team. Is worse now than It was nt the beginning of the
tswuson. Therefore, If the rumor that the franchise haa been sold Is true, It
Wilt be a good thing for basketball in general and the Kastern League In par.
Philadelphia Always Ahead in Lawn Tennis .
OT even the meteorjq rUa of it ecortt
jpaciflo coast ljaa rocp4 Philadelphia
tMfpQ lawn tennis wen takn up seriously
akr City haa contributed her lull
."Vrank!nE committee of the United State
phLtm neyeral local men among the first ten. Thla year the placing of R. Norr
iWtUjams, flrt. wi Joe Armstrong, ninth, give Philadelphia the foremost plac
In r1 mao the clUwi of thla country. These mn are young and no doubt
trtll $m b ranking players. Another performer who U likely to be among the
mUet rst tm ta the ntar futuj u William T Tllden, 2d. Tlldtn Uj not only
r f sftttt na mmmmjl mm, out ne nas. wttn pam w. Gtbfeon.
su MiAdMfiiBwemaJWkiTrMvtftmM Hirv
NI5W YOIUC, Dec, 12,
ate ln
tho I'll
banded together for tho solo purpoio nf
hHllon' Park. Thin secret purpoeo ttas
tho forty-first annual meeting of tho senior
are that they will bo able to keep their
a. cnronio loser that has fallen as con.
pf crack lawn tennis players from tha
of high position In this sport. Ever
by the athletes of tha United States, the
quoia to tne game, in recent years the
4-wn xennui Asaoclat on has ulwavs
mvm mms our Jualer 1mm hv
JWMffOMMt H4 U .ftvtng
mmuigiftm u S0tti
I Mrs a 5MAHK S v -J ywlii' fc&SsS ,Ai Jv
work' it r-'-r fmili urn "X vw: Hi Js3p g? u t
i tl 7 rf I fi aSrf a wLr
Scandinavian Athletes Are
Devoting Time to All-
Round Competition
World llnlf Mllo rhunploii
The leal ilnvfloimioiit of ntliletei In
Hwidrn haii not liten bo much Hint ttir
men havo lioeonip liotlcr In tho individual
ovrnls hn It lias hern tlint lliti i-nachcs liav
developed groat men nnd iun who nro good
In nll-nrounil competition Tho Hwi-dcs nr
nut no much for tprclallslng as llioy nro
moil who show good remillH In novfrnl ovonts
nnd In dlfferout npiiila. Any of Hie mm
who liavriiinilc good nvrr llicre iitwiia lias
spent bin first two yrnrs ot competition
along tbn linen of Hie modern penlHthlon
nnd noiiio even try llio i-cathlon They
think that tills In tlio beat nnd moit coveted
ovont, ulilch In u nay nccountn for their
grent npprecl.itlon of Jim Thorpe In 10 12.
Hiicli man Hturts In tract. vrurK ultli n
Btandard Thin Is for n certnln nntiilier of
events, nnd when ho luitt reached this stiind.
ard he is given a badge. And Ihcomh'.i a
member of a rlub comprloed only of these
men. In this ny tlie coarlieB njso get a
line on the men nnd nee tlia event for which
they are bent fitted After tills la done Ihey
aro allowed to specialise, In tho event In
which they linvo slnmn tho grey tent apti
tude. Itolin A1I A round Athlete
They vvero very much Hurprlncd when,
nfter helng ciiiestloned, I nnawered that I
nover had tried liny other event than run
ning Unlln, for Inrtanco. uxed to lie nn
all-around mnn and wan fairly good In this
event, hut Ilia best cve.nts were tha middle
rikitnnces and tho hrond Jump.
Tho Swedes seem to luve nil good rec
ords on Iholr boohs, nnd. In fnct. In nenrly
overy event their marks lire an good no
thoso held by tho men In thla country. I
cannot nee how they can lie proficient In
numerous events from what I van- of their
men Of course, wp struck thero In tho
off se.inon and few of their men were In
real good shape, hut jtint the n.imo. In some
ranen I could not .ien a flash of champion
nhlp form
Toko their sprinters, for Inntnnre. The
Kwfldlth record fur tho 10 meters In 10 5
seconds, whllo the Olymplo time was the
nam, l.luilbcrg, the .Swede, who holds thin
limit ran In tho 100 meters when wa were
tlrro and the four Americans beat him In
lino style. Ai I say, they were not In
good shape nt tho time. I.lndberg having
just come back from military duty ; but he
did not look to mo like the man to do 10 4-S
High Class Jumpers
On tho other hand, they hsvn In other
events a host ot men nil of whom are doing
close lo record performances. Jn the high
Jump, brouil Jump and hop, step, Jump
lUerlbers can boast or nearly a doten men
who aro doing ss well as the boys In this
country In each event
Kulleratrand, nn of his best high Jump
ers, took the measure of Iioniln twice dur
ing our stay He does not have tho style
of n good high Jumper, but ho gets the
height, which Is Iho necessary Ihlnr The
inlddle-dlHtnuro and distance runners ur
the bent bunch that they can boast of, for
In Ilollu, Zander and Melen they have three
men who can show fine performances In
any distance from the half mile to 1500
meters, '
Both Itolin and Zander have done 1.S5 for
the half, under four minutes In the ID00
meter rncn and weie running nlane at tha
time. Helen Is Just a young and green
runner who, In my opinion, will be the best
ot the lot In another 5 ear or two. At
present he Is attending college and does not
get- the training that tho other two re
celve. '
No College Coaches
night here I would like to mention that
the college men do not pay very much atten
tion to track work, and none of the unl
versltlea has a coach to direct Its work.
Thla Is a thing to which they have paid
little attention. The studants who enter
the universities try to finish in as short a
time as they can and thty alt try for special
scholastic honors and put sport In the back
ground until later years.
I think HJertberg has one of the best. If
not the best, pole vau Iters In the world,
Ollle, who finished third to nabcock tn
19 U, ha oo me along since then, and now
is a finished Jumper- While wa were In
Stockholm CI 111, competing alone and on
a very cold day, cleared twelve feet ten
Inches. This would be a wonderful per
formance under good weather conditions
and with lots of competition, but to clear
this height In the sold weather and with
out any Incentive was to me a great thing
He tried for the world' record that sane
day and Jut missed It by a fraction.
Strong In Javelin i ,
Another branch In which the Swedes ex
cell is the Javelin, and In this they have
It ail over our men. Our record la 191 feel.
while the SwedUh uurk around iH
feet, and they have several men who can
bitter our record, lemming, the winner of
this event la the games la I its, Ut still tn
eompetlthw. but kt not tery MM? At
gattjbvnr, st we DM comwWI, fc
&4 Hm m BU ud. in ft nvwjf,
jrifMpfc fcs tea ut ml i Ut mw a
Quadruple Tie May Result From Week's, Play.
Yale Quintet Strong Greystock
Bests Trenton
THU reanoii begins to wane, tho race
A for
r tho Industrial llasltelball League
liciiiiiiut Ih glowing hotter At present the
Ktnndard Holler nnd .1. A .1 Dobson ipilu
tits nro tied for tho leadership ultli live
victories nnd hut ono defeat Although
enjoying top ponltlBns, thla pair of teams
In by no means alone In the tunning for
the il.ig llrlll and I-'nlrlMiikn are clo-e
on the liecln of the league lemleis, with
four gnmes won aml'tuo lost
At the end (if thin weik the first round
wilt liavu been completed, nnd thero li
more than a ponnlhlllly that nevrr.il
changes In the standing of the dubs wilt
tnko place before Katiirday. .Should llrlll
and Fairbanks win their gaturn, while
.Standard Holler and Uobnon vvero losing,
there would ba a ipmdniple tin for Mret
place While this In not likely to happen,
thero Is alwnya u. ponslblllty that upsets
may occur In the forty inlmuea of sched
uled play
Falrbnnkn In not In the best condition lo
make n fight tbli week because of the In
jury to Whlley Wilson, who recently
strained his ankle He wnn only nhlo to
last five minutes In tho game with Halo &
Kllhurn last week, nnd It It not likely
that ho will bo ut his bent for hoiiio time.
Havo Not Signed
On the other band, Standard Holler Is In
fine trim Thero wan a lumur nrloat In
baskelbull circles that somn of Manager
Knno'H men had signed with clubi In tha
Kastern league, but thin he strenuously
denies, and insures thu followers nf the
Industrial organisation that I'lke, Wilson,
llrown. (Jraff and Kllpatrlck will lie theie
when tho whistle blows All of these play
ers are In form nnd ready to coutliiuo their
winning streak on Thursday night
Tho Dofison team, too, Is traveling at a
apid strldo and Manager C'nlhoiin Is con
fident Hint his men will be In the frtht to
the finish I.ees and Homowooil. the speedy
Dobson forwards, havo been scoring heavily
from tho field In every game they have
played, and It would not he surprising lo
nee them continue this two-point epidemic.
Morehcad and West, the two suanli. have
been doing excellent work. Tho former Is
purely n defensive player, but tho latter
has materially aided In Ills team's victories
by clever Held goal shooting.
Tho llrlll team has been weakened by tha
loss of Weavur However, tho carmakers
expert to win from Halo & Kllhurn this
evening. This should not bo a difficult
piece of work, as tho latter five has not
scored a victory yet out of six ntartB
In splto of tho fnct that the members ot
tho n.irreU team aro very jounc. they have
lieen playing sound basketball and hold the
top rung of th second division Although
Mldvale. Barrett's opponent this evening
has been strengthened by tho addition of
Dennis, tho Cray's Kerry flvo Is confident of
Herman nactxel will referee tho games
w. t. i'.
tV. I,
Hlnnd.rd K.. B 1 . Hl"V
3 .see
4 .5.U
a .liii
a .000
llrlll. ..... 4 I .SOT III. -non
Isle Ktlburn y Drill,
ilarrett va MUrsl.
Greys' Great Finish
In Trenton last night tha Qreyetock five
forged ahead of the enemy In the cloalng
minutes of play and nosed out the home
club, ST to SI, It was due largely to the
fine work of Ray Cross, who Is getting to be
a perennial star at field and goal shooting,
The Greystock guard held Doc Newman to
a pair of field gouls while he hlmeelt came
through with six. It must bo said, how
ever, that Newman played en excellent
floor game, and Cross had all he could at
tend to In keeping up with the former Da
Nerl forward
Klnkalde. who declared some time ago
that he would never don a basketball uni
form, was In the Trenton line-up, Although
he has not been playing In the Kastern
league this season, Dudley's old guard did
very well and showed that It will not take
long to get back to the form which made
htm In times gone by one of the moat de
pendable men that ever played on the De
Nerl five '
Manager Joe patley stood pat on his regu
lar II no. up. Since last Friday night, when
Trenton defeated the dreys at Cooper Hall
because Mike AVItson was substituted for
Jack Lawrence, It has apparently become
evident to the Orey management that the
shift should not be repeated. In their ef
forts to stave off defeat in their home cage,
the Trenton team used seven players.
w.ir.Vi . . vv
. r lit "rwsws
! -J3 5. f
Yale I Strong
Never In the history of the sport at New
Haven haa basketball so nearly approached
the center ot the spotlight as it is today
The line chance for the Vale team to make
a hot tight for the iateraqUegiate u, L.
htereated t& tfcvtfMtt it) tUe wrt tame to
Greys "Cross-ed" Them!
t'lirlflle. fnrwnrJ
Neitman. farwMril 1
t'nitt. ftir-wHrd O
n (i.
innie, renirr .
I.elr, cimnl . . .
Klnknlite. cimrd
I oinrtr. furwurd o
htiRurinun. forward 'J
l.tiurenre. renter .. I
fjHti-jusru . , it
letVllllanm, sunru
1 outs romtit
d Trenton, Ifli flremtofk, 17
k. 17
llelrrte lau
Time of lmlre to in
car. This man Is Welner, who was gradu
ated lust June In 1916-16 Vale finished
fourth In tho race for tho colleglato Hag,
but there Is likelihood that tho lllue will
iiiako a far better showing this year than
last. Willi four regulars back nnd several
star performers to make n ntrong bid for
positions tha team should bo the bent that
ever represented tho Hulldog.
Kinney, who is u veteran of two years'
exporieiico and who led the Intercollegiate
League in points scored last year, will again
be in the line-up nt forward. Last season
ho annexed i:x points Ha madu thirty
one field gnnlH In his len games and shot
slxt)-slx fouls out uf 11? chances from
the tirtvoii-fout line. Tho other forward
position will bo tilled by one of the follow
ing' Holten, llaker, I.u (lore. Mallott and
Ithett. (iarfleld. who In a grandson of the
late President of the fulled States, prob
ably will Jump center, while Captain
Charley Tuft and It Mallon will do tho
defennlvo work. Chester La Iloche, quarter
back nn the football tesm. Is a fast basket
ball player ami sure to ba nn tho squad,
although ho Is not likely to ba among the
first llvo chosen to bear the brunt ot battle
In tho Intercollegiate Leaguo games.
NinV lOKK UMVKIthlTY will open Us
basketball season tomorrow night with the
1'rlncoton Tigers Now York Is not a mem
ber of the Intercolleglnla Ilankethnll
League On Saturday night tho Tigers
open tho league season with Cornell In
IT WOULD lK A- II LOW to the basket
ball fans of Philadelphia if tho Do Neil
franchise were sold to Ilurlingtnu. Prob
ably llurlirtgton ii able to support n Kast
ern League elub, nevertheless that Is no
reason why the franchise should not re
main hero under n different management.
As long ns we havo with us Houthwark
and West Philadelphia n hunlnesn-llke man
agement can make a success nf an Kastern
League team In either of thoso sections.
ALl.Tlin CAOl'.H In the lUstern League
will be dark tonight, as usual, Tomorrow
night De Nerl meets Henry's five In the
Camden Armory at 0 o'clock.
VI VI! MKMliKHft of the varsity football
team of Ohio State will try for the basket
ball team. These men are Otterbeln, Nor
ton. MacDonald, llolen and Courtney. All
of them are rated as high-grade performers
on the court.
In in approved by tha athletic board of
atreciors or tne university or Michigan.
However, It was advised that no schedule
be attempted this year. Next season, how.
ever, the Maiie and lllue will have a five
competing against the other college quin
tets of the Middle West.
Columbia Drops Stevens Eleven
NKW YORK. pc, IS Stavani Tech has
been droppad from Columbia's foollail aehad
ula It was stated at Columbia thai no au I labia
uaia wum urn a.rranau wnn ciiaana. ana tha
It. had Uaaa davUlad. to eliminate tha annua
etaetlon day contaal. In which
Mlevcna had baen
Columbla a opponent during the last two a
aona. Till a .year Stavana bald ColumtU to
acorelete (la David Austin Cochran, of llrut
lyn, haa been etactad captain of the Columbia
Uurnside Soccer Referees Secretary
NEIVJORKIm IS At a maello of tha
ITllllkd Blalea Hoocar Hafaraaa' Ilnlan A Hum.
alda waa Jjelad aacratarr to auceeed A. Nadai.
raalgnad. Tha. following organUatlona GOoiprTu
tha union:
Wnr J4'
aoa llllnt
lion: uaiusroia. i-aiiaoaipma. unio. ilkh-
t tonal Amarlcan,
, N'orthattrn New
England. Cunuactlaut
Guiuiaarn niw
Jloro Cyclists Teamed for Long Grind
NKW TOBK. Dc is Bddlj Jloot baa Uto
taamed with 1WJI uadOvu for the six day
raca. tod liana Ojirt. ax amateur cbauiston.
traa booaad up. wltb Jimmy Uoian,
flftaaa t.attms already completed
piataa ii
nuta aft
or tba ldnir
grind which atarta one
la tuinuta ariai
nuta after midnight
neat ownuajr iw
DUM iMIfl- Utll lt ta-.t
iOra laaina will ba
during (ha week malting aavtntaea taaras in ail
to face tha starter
Lstutln flakes Huge Profit
NEW TOIIE BttL It -Jouik t T.n.l.
former owtwr uf tha KntsaAjurSaM, was
hiul la h
waS'!St ,S.ia. i
r., mm 3ii
T)WNCKTON football, having fallen Into
rut of late years, might help to start
a revival by n new schedule arrangement.
The addition of Michigan or Pennsylvania
to the Tiger schedule next fall might help
moro than a mere mite
Ilolh Penn and Michigan, even when their
material In not of tho highest order, havo
systems that are wortli observing. And
the beil way to profit from nny football
pyntom Is to play ngnlnnt It, nnd so gather
Information first hand, or first foot, as the
cane might be.
Itusli has made on advance, despllo the
Tlgor showing, but Princeton hasn't yet
been soaked heavily enough In tho right
sort of football knowledge. A Penn or a
Michigan game would help In this direc
tion. Colgate Had .Sjamltia
"The most wonderful mri r (-..I.-..-..
showing for ISIS lias not et been printed "
comments A. M C. ,, her four big games
-Illinois, Syracuse. Yaln nnd Hrown ten
of olgiite'K eleven regulars played straight
through without tho necessity nrlBlng for
them to bo rented An the flvo linemen
were outweighed fifteen pounds to tho man
I'V Mile, IwelltV imun.ln m II,. ., I...
- "- - anv lllilll UJ
Hvrnciiso nnd twelvo poundi to tho man
by Drown, this showing In violl beyond tho
ordinary, showing tho exceptionally fine
nber and stamina of tho Colgate team
We fall to follow tho logic of ono football
critic who In one article savn the TVent
mado a poor football showing the past nea
sou ami In another nrtlclo. dlicusslng dif
ferent teaun, says Pittsburgh University
wnn n, western and not nn eastern team.
There s a kink In this dope nt some snot
along tho route.
The I'Wh Iiubnlynl
".Voir tn fi ll'fnfcr I.eaauti of iltronfent"
At taut I know what Avon U'fWnm mrnnf;
Wiere mopnalri meet to fill the battle
Tho while I sulk within mp uifttd-atcriif
CoW in the gleam upon the fallen .motet;
CoM is tho u-fnd that whimpers as it
Cold ft tho chill that cuti one to the soul;
Hut colder still the winter gossip grows.
Yankees' Pitching Stall
With Shawkey. Hunnell, Shocker. Cul
lop, Mogrldgn and Klsher ns n pitching
nucleus for next season, plus the possi
bility of Hay Caldwell's return, Hill Dono
van's Yankees should bo good enough to
disperse uven tho blight and tho hoodoo
which have hung ncr this ball club for
moro than twelvo yenr. Thoio arranging
their IH17 wagers yet haven't forgotten that
tho Yunks were three games abend In July
when the big explosion arrived, leaving
about thrco uhlo-bodled men on tho scetio,
with these partly daxed.
Hrown released Mnthewnon shifted
Walsh through even tho greatest oneii seem
Bowling Notes
WoAdnrkrM wnn flip- -ipl-t.
from Itoblna
mora eiima
last ntili
on VVrili
,"1 .'!'" mnrmrteii a ruuplo
le IIum
who dropped two to Ham
Rparrowra kept pace with tho leaders by wln
nlns the last two from Ksslra.
Wetrn Klectrlc won Its series from Toon
Company, while Huiulurd tnllr llrarlna- Com
pany were loalna two to Ketierllnua Thy
nqw hava a threo-suin lead over Mlundard for
first honors.
D 1. VV'Aril Cnmnanw'a Ih... l--lt.l u.l
from Keen Kutter ouaud the lattr from third
i.C', i ..ri' Jfoinimnv look much stronger
Jack itai.hall In the line-up.
Oroaamann's 2IH. rarahatra
: and Hall's
kml like good
2?A each In h. rilrf-rpnl iraniM liutkiul
tiam work and landed Hires victories.
ui and cracked out a B57 total.
. I.elbrrt'a
6 Hinllh.
!'J1 won tho lint cams for Ktokes
. Walnut, of Kern Kutter, toppled over 522 pins
tn Ida aacond attempt.
Main Ofnre mad another sain In the lradf-r-ahlp
of tha Anitrlisn Ira t.esaua with three
atralght wins from Hlallon Z-.
Tha rhamplon Matlon S learn kept
on !!
soon worL vy lakinx tore niraiani rrn
1U. and la now at Main Offlca'a heels
slralalit ffnm Slallun
The Colli from Klatlnn S had a lad nlahl
and loat three in Htatlon 7. Mtatlon wss
awainpd by Ih" Colta from tn. who were ill
lowed Idl plna handkap each same
Ktallnn N had high team total with -'l plna
In thB firat ixaiiia Oulrk. Iti-nahar unit In. V.
aon rotia.i wen ior ina nn
-....-..--,.- -...-...,-..-. .. .. n
for the rhunipiuni.
Tha Hilton llaaketfcall Club haa a number nf
opan dates and would Ilka in boo gamts wlih
arrondilaaa taama. Adtraaa Lewis Klaanaltan
::: Chrlatlan si.
Tha A II II. Pore' Club of Ktarr (lartfrn la
aniloua to book camaa with fifth and alath rlaae
boma taenia. VVrpe At Utrnattln. care Marr
CJardfn, Sixth and Lombard afreets,
Fourth and fifth elsaa teams wlahlng gatnea
should rll Chrlatophtr Ilctllnnla. PUT York
atraat, tnana.tr of llllbert 11. C
VictrU C. C. Elects Oniccrs
Vtctrlx Catholic Club tl-ctad I ha following
Rcera Praaldenl. John J OrlfAn, a arntur
laraman. of Vearwr float Club, vice prraldcnt,
William J
siMisnamnii. m uruuuals or rlt
lineal recording aacretary, J Joaaph
Joaaph's Colli
nanclal af;rlary. Ilarrr Conway.
Tha fullnwlna" war I(C1mI dalrgalta In ma
Cal hollo Youns Stan's Arehdtocaaan Union
Thomaa llurhca. Jojinv Colllna, John Orlfltn,
a. John
and Y'
Martin Oannoa
lllam Mcilaaamln,
Golfers Announce Meeting for Jan. 12
NEW YORK. IDac. K.The. United Statea
Clolf Aaaoelatlon Mas annuunrad II a annual meat
iiia will ba haldl on January 1: at iha Hotel
1 038
i K.
I Tradantark
p -
to piune ror only n breath on thtlr !!l
aeroM the narrow strip known as FsUI
Hi figuring on Its player limit h...S"l
another Item for National l!e?.. X?3
linn World series chanmlonshln. 1 r2
1909 - American League,' t &IM?
League. 1. ' "stiop
How About the West?
"National League has much IrorwtilS
business to transact " In iim -1,11... 75S
or thereafter, what Is Iho National LmISI
to do about the western end of Us ifrcutl
where Cubs. Heds. Cardinal, ana p.SSl
look to bo far below the et.iiil
stiengtli of tllants. Dodgers. 1'hllllM i2
llraven' When nn entire section " drhSI
deep into
llln mm,I .II..I.I . .""a!
f vfi I d linn, ., .. ....ii , . . " ".
-. i uiiii uiimmn wilt,
7 ' " " ""'"ii mo ocean on riaJl
fur somellilni- n i-nl ... ..." PiHl
l.rt.. . t-- - II A
- , mil io reran mo data of Itil
" ""'""irenura iriUIIipil.
The niTrctncss of Prosperity
To nrrango the bent poslh0 battle CT
sight, boxing lAomnlers nrc being forcedl
... ..... ..H . vu.imni-.i m a war thifl
t draining tho nntlonn.
itenrges unrpentier from Trance and Ltil
Dnrcy from Australia now look to be tJi.l
. ........""'" "' l" worm, bsrrlntl
only Wlllard's mighty bulk J
The I'nlted States with tha n.itlen im.
and Its full qunt.1 to draw uion, has nai
great heavyweight fighter except WllUrdJ
whose chief aim to greatness In bxttla lil
' ,r1 " uii-iiei, weigmng 2o pounaia
Wlllnrd. Ihercforo. Is moro of an Imnrtrl
iiiitile fortress than a storming party oni
attack. "j
Ono of the things exceeding proaperltyl
jiuern i cirvciop is oiignness of fiber aodl
Kvii-.i. i uiiiiiiiuuu, ineso rnreiy coma, aavti
wiiii uticraiiy.
ino main wonder no far Is thu TI
Itlcknrd hnnn't signed up the German arm?!
iw. uim ui nn rmciniOT n m DOUl thO
only grft fighting machine that Tex hat
ovcruioHcu in mo lasi ten years.
Revised Maxim
Many are called to the clover,
With high hopes soaring.
Hut moif of them merely turn over,
And keep on snoring.
Many aro called by fate,
Called with a roar,
Hut they had been up too late
The night before.
King Colcinp; Again
Old King 'Colo was a merry old soul,
A incrru old soul teat he.
Till he sliced Ms drftr from the very holt "
i rum mo top of a frosen tee.
And when the ball swerved in its rrootcj
Uc saut some words that t never ual
Brown Date Moved Up Indians!
May Be Added to Crim
son's List
CAMHItllxii:, Mass. Dec. 12 Ryreaiosi
of having been beaten nt football byDroirnj
last year nnd having retrieved Jts Jijl
gridiron defeat at tho hands of CoraellS
Harvnrd's football schedule for next flUi
villi be materially revised
Tho most Important change Is the ell
nation of tho Cornell game, which has UM
a fixture for several ears, and tho plxdsgl
or tho Hiown game on tho last playing ear
In October and two weeks before Harvard!
goes into its nnnusl engagement with UaJ
(-miction Tigers.
The f'ornell game doubtless would lie rf-i
tnlned were It not for the fact that Harvard!
.wants to play Its first team against Brown,!
which, hOMever. Is counted too strong taj
Play between tha Crlmion's games wltaj
nle and Princeton Hrown Is sure to luvej
another strong team next fall, and wWl
tome to tne stad urn on October "T
rutting the Drown game forward on thai
nrrFiiulo leaves the dote between the rrlnceVl
ton and Yale games open No opponent hJ
in-rii eeiecicu ns yet. nut the Carlisle HI3J
dlans havo mado annllcatlnn fnr n. eameJ
and It now seems probable that the team
win come to Cambridge on November IT.
Comment No. 2 Billy Moran
The beat comment 1 ran (lia aa
la. Ibe fntt that I nitUm U '
Mr... "lau fll Hie bard te.Rt."
That's, mel loo protfd It,!,
me end I'm allll vrrarlag fllur.
Jlorsn 3lutlg.to-or.lrr oarnoei
'11.80 '14.SU
Billy Moran, 1103 ArcK
TIII3 TAII.OIt ftpen Kirnlno
Itrdured from (30, Hi and t0
ie Our 7 Big Windows
H, I'.. Car. Olh and Arch HU.
Six Gift
Are full to overflowing vrith
everything a man needs and
usesfrom Ties to Gloves and
Silk Shirts to Gloves.
This Xmas wo are especially
prepared for quick and courte
ous service.
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