fjuST GOSSIP feazaar at Horticultural society various .anecdotes of General Interest - - A IIim fAi'nfi nnil t m r OAt, WO luncncu iiiu ....". ."' ". toim yesterday, homo relief day, 5 UtS IMaCm-wiici"-. ....... w -- to havo ctilertnlnwt tho Bel- in-hiw-wdor and Madame- Hnvcnlth. fr . tb0 Ust moment tlioy were obliged feLllne owing to unwilled conditions In Lrhun. All till Is be'nK tlono ln ,h0 T7 j- Amh.iidcuni of Horticultural Sh by tho very. very aristocratic first U of Philadelphia. tho Imannr tia wonder, and they havo everything on rUi for ! I "'' thlnk u '' l,eccs' '" u go anywhere elso for Christmas P ... .! tttnnlflt n till trtWnW, wr rcany, inn,, .-...v.,., ...... Lr, they've got tho poods. 'And W many i...v. ..-..... r. L-iale. for Instance. Mrs. Otis Hklnner tot jlrin to tho Pollnli committee a hand Uf which ho herself mndo from a jileco ?-ihronn which wns worn liy Mmlatna, lfedleska when sho played Ophelia to Mirln Eootna nniiuui. iiu "" fer a moment -n bng made by Mrs. Skin, tt of a gown worn by Modjeskn when String with tho famous Hootli! That Is lotM souvenir. I think! S PEAKINO of lunchlnK tho Mayor and bU wife, what n clmrmltiB woman ijjn Smith is. She is Kooti-iooicinR nnu Kiu a very pretty innnnrr nnu uirMi-a L iuch good taste Tomorrow tho guesta ftflioaor nt tho cafo will be tho French IjtoJxuMdor nnd Madam'o .lussornnd and ijj,, lnd Mrs iKnace Pndorcwskl. Did fur ono fy tlint New Ynrk Bets ahead lef Phflidelphla' Down In front! I nliould remark ln answer to any such obscrvn. Slton. WEtU llko nil good Christians, wo all went to churrh on Sunday, but 1 am fr!ad I did not sec what Kinnll bird told ins the had soon where bIio went for her E-ieTOtlons. Time was when It n woman !-tooped o tho aid of cosmetics, even to i" potrder, whlrh uan simply applied to Keool tho skin after uaslilng anil was lm- jfinKllately ruhbed off nftcrwnrd. sho did lit In the prhacy of her boudoir. Now sihodoes It on tho street. In tho cars, in the itorcs, at tho dinner table, in tho ttillroom, at the opera and tlvoatro, but tK far has refrained from such doings Rla church. However, tho mnall bird tolls Peie ihc was attracted by tho motion of a I woman's hand in front of her durlnB tho jurmon on Sunday, and, lo and behold! Sent whom sho had considered always nti fwtrtmely attrartlvo woman and a I..ADY h tho accepted monnlns of tho word, eptned her ling, took out her mirror, h!ch sho carefully adjusted before her Ifoea In tho full view of tho entire con IjKgatlon, anil proceeded with great do llilxratencss to powder her nose, uso n SEp (tick and nrrnnBO various stray curls Iwhlch wero -.omouhat icfrnclory. What IrBl tho women of tho present day do gat? rri3 romnrliiihlc what habits wo nil get m ai how f are held by them. I ias liswd recently when tnlkinc to n littlo PM I know quite well who hml been IlWndlnff tho summer and Into fall out prat and had Intended staylnc' throuRh tt winter also, to hear her Hay, "I hnd to leeme on to see my dentist." Now. can Biou plcturo spendltiK thrco hundred clol. Ilws to return Iiist for n dentist when (there are reputable ones In a nearby stown (mcaninB a matter of slxtv tn nun glundred miles) but such creatines of rliblt aro we that wo prefer to spend all Ittat carfare rather than bo to a stranger, till because i-Vo always cono tn Himr ." I notlco it htiecinllv in nnr nwn Qty Of Drotherly Lovo mtlln limn nn. where else. Wo are certainly tied up ln . Idea of tho Klks. (Oh. my. will vn,. Tr forget them? Nancy! How can Tou Wo nro tho liest peojtlo on earth. f lUELL, If Marlon Shnrpless didn't stir ' PtlsB US nil! Yon kpo tnl,M,. n...i- ?TiP '" arce"""urfc. nnd thouKh ho "d been travelliiB tlown now nnd iiBaln rncoteway. even her most Intimate .Blends failed to account for ihn ,.ir t :wPiM,ed' 'lappy Ctetnont which per JMd tho atmosphere about her for tho itr weeks Shu is n. nti.. n,.i. t lirl, and deserves to live hnpplly'over 'ZT." "WY m? "'ore is no dato for a .'Mdlnsr yet, but somehow I "suspicion" th lalmy Jnnn .in... ..., .. . ' i t, ; "-v-i i.i nun uuoiuer a v. "r ln th0 "-eBlster. and. alas! STSl Wl" b tl,e rlc,,er- w" wo rhllodelnhia -ili i. . . WWOW; m.mmi.nU er ; Mr. and Mr qi,-.,i . finn .. ."- kuvq a ica on rZd. a"?rrnoon "0 8Ked all their K Mnrlon,a '" como In and meet r fiance. nn,l ,., ..... . . tin Ti. .orminiy nau greot J. They aro both terrifically happy. "Umiure it will last. NANCY WYNNE. Poi'sntinla BtTon r,.r re,lene. 202? Walnut B5Slwnop f her '"shier. Miss R5m toTL1!1, L'PP'H has lm.d In. b S soUVup,cjrn a"d ,)ri,,se nt hTS. N-9 -tahBa 1 . Ef dinn !. " orrwai9, win .-, UWnU. . T."-. - , m . uii inuruuay. K?TdlnMr5i,I?n'r h3 llu'uea Ihvltatlons ilnBt in nce at her home. 215 West U S""! " ta ftM" Vlrirlnla: ifuest of honor. 15 (SjlJi1 " ." enUrlalnsd sixty P or7.w wrh.n':Vlf W,U lvo a " fe nml hn ther wl he twenty- SS' JtoWan ,V"fh Ua'a', "1. HIM Rw V-?011 HodlS. W ill ba at horn, nn ' iiQ West Walnut ten. ,,w.aJ.nwL,8H'. wif, of luu. 1& K, o7 thi , .rf"ai' wain Wright. " w her home after a visit ta liar " ruaa, urmaalowu. itaftf1 Frudertck BaUard. of ChMt Lff' aae returnxi ,. .., . m, JT -"-bird m Wjw ITaui3 JttkHli Hklkb. TM .e xr ABOUT PEOPLE Hall Holds Attention of n. Walter Itounaavnll. of Lexington, Ky.. as her guest. Itll enhoi., gtretl. huve left for Hot SpMn. where I hey are spending some lime. MilVi'rii,,,J'." !i,"t,lMl nn1 her sister, ?niri 11 M"r' have eloetd thel oniintry home si Itlxerton. .V J.. nn4 aro tl'iTrd ! ntret, W'nlr " "3 8Ulh Twen, Mr. and Mm. cj. Henry Stetson, of JunL a.'?,",?,ll'" r,"rk- hBV" MIM rah rampheii of I'lttsburRh. ns their KUest for i.,., """ -Mrs. Mieiwin enlertalnpit rtl week r ' Xt""' c"mPbeU la,t r..M.'? n.mll' Kleanor Owens, daughter of rnpialn Arthur II Owens. If. 8. M. C, and Mrs Owens, of 2.1H South Twenty-first uT 'th? B', "n'1 a her Kuests MIm tVi.. ,!'rtv",0'l- "(!hter of Mr. nnd Mrs. mi.L ii?er n?J'n- of Auieusta. na.. nnd Miss Mortens Hodnes, of Portsmouth. Vn.. mi R?,nP .' v1"" M,M "vloit In AtiRtKtn. .l.rr.,.aV .'"!' an(1 M"MI lB- ma'lo their debut In this city win, MM Owens, and .m,,n.le,' !""" ,n" WP,k "' '" " teas, suppers dances and lialls Riven for this errnSM,,'.l,i"n:"W'' Mta" """ " " OlSS anil m t" ,Aut,l:,lft " tea Riven by Mr. l il .VJl,n ,tftr,,,r "'"on. Sho will unninfiiJ"" ro,ur" " J'hlladelphla until after the rhrlstmns Imlidays. par "?T T.,",1onn.of ,hB "lv""f January! 'lherlne Putnam's tea In Inu-'af0","''' (r,'lrk- of ncvon- '" "Pen.l. rTen?I, T ???" ""3,w;" I" the BUest of ," Ardniore. before comlnR to town -,v ., icniUrnro ror tll0 Wntcr inminvP n"lnnS wln '"' Klvcn nl the Hunt InRdnn Valley Country Club on Saturday" Mr. John rsilbert. of TJed Top. Itydal. hni returned from West Virginia, where h spent several days. Mr. an,l rrs. CralR Middle, of this elty have p-eti spemllnR several days at the Hotel Van.lcrbllt, Now York. Lieutenant OenrRo l'ibKer. of Port Slo. cum. N. St., Is sneiulhiB several days this week In Philadelphia as tho Riicat of his sister, MUvt Kvclyn PeblRcr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore V. Heath nnd their family havo rloied their rountry lionio at St. Havlila and nro oecupyloK their town house, 163S Pino street, for tho winter. Tho tnemliem nf tho Twentieth Century Club of Iinsdnwne are Invited to como and stay till after tea and enjoy an "After noon In New KnRland" program this aft ernoon Xlrs Henry T. Kent has nr ranced tlin pruBrnin. which Includes a talk on Plvnvmtli liy Mrs N'nthanlct H Keay and Maine l.v Mr-. Kitn Ilnlcy OjroocI. .Mrs. J. Million Pemi'ii k nnd Mrs Henry i:. John son will road kpIpi ilons from tho wrltliiRs of Wlilrtter iin-l l.onKfpllinv At this mcot InB thn lnditi-ilni -i of tho club will ba reduced by the r. iiiiiib of tnclvo bonds. Photo by IlJ.hrarh. MHS. GEORGE W. URQUHAKT Mrs. Urquhnrt is busily promoting the "FliKht of Knncy," which will bo Riven nt tho Bellevue-Strntfonl on tho cvoniiiKs of December 1!) and 20 for tho benefit of tho North ern Home for Friendless Children. Mrs. Urquhnrt is also prominently connected with many other char itable organizations Tho first of tho Tuesday series of dances will be held this evcnlne nt tho I'hllomusian tllub, 3UH Walnut street. Theso dances havo been transferred from Haverford Court, Haverford, and the dnueo of the re. inalnlnir live dances aro December 26, Jan uary 9 nnd 23, February 13 and 27. Sirs. John C, J'erry. of Ashbourne, will bo nt home on tho llrst Tuesday of each month throughout tho winter. No cards havo been ttnt out. Mrs. William II. Holes nnd her son, Master I.alrd Holes, of Itlchmond. Va.. have been tho quests of Mrs. Frank K. Hland, of Logan, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood I'luoker. of 153 l?ast Herman street, tlermantown. an nounce the encasement of their daughter. Miss KlUabeth IonsstreUl Plucker. to Mr. Itussell C. Hlood. sou of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ulood, Wyoming avenue, uiney. Mlsa Marearet Iimorelle, of 3510 Baring Btreet. lias Miss Sarah Head, of Oreensburir. uu her guest for veral weeks. Mr J I. S. Walker, of Washington lane, Clulten Hills, upent several days last week In Chicago, III. Mr. Walker returned to his home on Saturday. Mrs fieotee W. Urquhart has called a m-uttlng of the directors of the Urquhart Chapter of tho Women's Division for .Va. tlonal Preparednew next Friday at tho headquarters. 221 South Eighteenth street. Among the director- i, Urt. Aie?n,dt,r PS. MM. David Illsley. Mrs. Nathaniel S. Keair, Mrs. Henry H. Tracey, Mrs. Henry Tarter. Mrs. AUrrf flW. M . Ctarta- J. lien-leu, Mrs. iisw -Ilaluh C. Stewart . v,- of vaunir women have been asked to oomu and pack ChrUtmas boisn to bVmt to tli men vn the border. Among th. glrta are Mta- Uuolle Morrto. Mtai Cath arln Mllfcr, MUs Kslbw Mulford, Miss Isabl Stwuers and others. Th marriag of Miss JennI Goldstein, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harry QoWslein. olM North Twenty-fourth strt, to Mr llarry Bolny wUl UWe place at l-ew Oar rtck Hall 607 South KIghth street, on Sun Say eveaVng. Dumber 17. at S P'clock. Th. brUU will ba attended by her .lster. MUw Rom OoldsUin. as maid of honor. vrhUe Mr luTliarrU wUl attend Mr Boiny as best Sin Tto cereaoay wUl be fuJkwI by - .niina at the ball, alter wok Mr. Hu aW nw.sww-ww f;,f!?.?5hS :T!i. ,.1,-ica- iriB. TUy 1U ak tholr ---- .m. uAMMHH..BKaav -. . - j BVEmy JLl3DGaSRPHIIIADlBin?HIA TUESDAY, BECEarBER !I2, LIFE'S GREATEST MOMENTS (yjTetf v mix 1.1 t- atriKHjiiwiitf , .weu- -a 4MaBm&BKm awviviiipret jr? ri fc----i-v,saiWi-w' nazimri w.V'ti s -" -say .? cs .-ywfrvp rprlitht I.lf I'ulUuhlnir I'lmp-nr Iti prlnml hr p-rii nrr.incrmrnt. The way his first touchdown felt to Willie. PALM BEACH TO GREET ALL WITH HIGH PRICES Winter Visitors Will Find Living Rates Way Up, but They Don't Care BUNGALOWS BREAKING. IN I'AI.M nnACH, Kla. Dec. 12 norldans. nrronllng to late reports from tht rnm monial men now returning north, havo been consuming ret'orts of the "high cost of living" In tho nuwsiiaiiers this fall with a riving pulse, havo licked their chops, nnd an now standing nt attention readv to gubble up all the gold the vanguard of tho newly rich Is expected to bring along about tho llrst of the new vear. If prosperity Is greater than ever so will prices bo higher than over The southern temperament has given place to Vnnkeo shrewdncsi, and rents bavn doubled, as have the cost of many edibles Notwithstanding this, there Is no doubting that tho Htalu will sen this season Ihe greatest Influx of pleasure seekers that probably ever strayed so far awny from homo before. In this resort, frequented by wealthy people, the cost of a good time makes very littlo difference, and conse quently tho hotels aro already booked prac tically full. Tho season starts two days beforo Christ mas with tho opening of the Ilrenkers. Tho I'olnclana. tho other Flagler house, will not open until about Ihreo weeks later. Sidney Mnddnck will open tho l'ahn Ileacli Hotel, next to the I'olnclana. shortly after the llreakers opens. This Is a houso the fol lowing of which has been building up rap idly tho past few seasons. A change Is coming over the character of Palm Heach. owing to the commercial de velopment that marled two years ago lifter tho Htyx, the badlands north of tho Klngler hotels, was cleared up and sold In smnll lots. It was then that til" serpent untered the Garden of Kdon. Ilefore that thu rich had tha placa all to themselves, but now It has to be shared with thoie vvlnt will pay a bungalow rental for tho winter of only from J200 to $300. Another crop of such structures has gono up slaro last sea son. Palm Dcach has grown big enough not to be exclusive any longer. Therefor, a club, the Palm Heach Country Club, has been organized, und i( very pretty little club house nut up. It Is near the ocean, about a mllo north of the hotels, and stands at tho southeast corner of tho now golf links, nine holes of which havo been completes. An Immenso amount of small entertain ing Is In progress nt Palm Ilcach every hour of every day. Tho big entertainments planned aro tho children's party In tho Cocoanut Orova on I.ak Worth, Wednes day, February 14; thu Washington Hlrth day ball at tho I'olnclana on the night of that holiday; a charity ball nt the same hotel, Wednesday, February 28, for tha benefit of the American Ambulance Corps In Paris, and the annual ball nt tho llreakers Hotel, Monday night. March 6. This will bo known ns tho Inaugural ball on account of the fact that such a functloh. in honor of tho President, will be held In Washington at about tho samo time. Ilecont bookings for the coming season Include Mr- and Mrs. Clarenco It. (Jelst, Konator and Mrs. Philander Chasa Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Wentworth, Mrs. Frederick Fletcher, Mr. ana Sirs, 8. U Sohoonmaker. Mrs. Joseph Duveen. Adolph Lowlsohn. W. Karl Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. J. U Luke. Mrs. William Lowe Rice, Mr. Stanley Mortimer, Jr.. Mrs. David Wagataff. Henry M. Tllford, Mrs. Fredertok E. Lewis. 'Fred erick T. Frellnghuysen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hudson Pope Und Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bonaparte. At 07 Drives Seven Miles lo Funeral I.I2WISTOWN, Pa-. Dec. 12. Mrs. Mary Stlne, ninety-seven years old, drove seven miles to attend tho funeral of her son, Michael Stlne. What's Doing Tonight Mad-la-Amr! taissr. IfertUultursI 1IH wsiKgs!ri2:.''CTsrft:B",r' atif 1013 fjorm xjruau eirwai, 13 o'l TitE nd?llarliui tr.l. 8 o'eleck. runbte 19 jouhi ihhuio, itaiiwii wuiyier. SB sad llarliui .U..I.. 8 o'eleelc. ifiw Normal Scbuel fur OlrU. Swing aardta S"ft r" l'ts. 8 e'lWk. ai IJtlmnst lw nro t Auoclatleo. niilrJ aveou. o o'lluck re. r-ohackJlslc Ueard of. Trade. Siith DUnionJ atreeis. o'ewtic. Te. Thirty-fourth and Fort fourth Wards Dual uuUft'i AnocUtlon. 0312 Uaytrfurd avenue, g cl.. Free. Uarmaqtowo Bualnea Mau's Association. Ver doiT UullaW ECU tiermanloarn avauut, 8 S-eTeck. Jtee. Qaone's IUU Improvement. AatoolaUos. 1SS8 KaBkfvfd BUJintM Ma. uarsbail ScEwjJ. eelek. Tree. 4IJ-SOS Jteaar," 99 iHocsaaiff swage o fTwwr". i i-iwn "? ? f, W C .' WHITE HOUSE SOCIAL SEASON OPENS TONIGHT President and flrs. Wilson Will Entertain Cabinet Members nnd Wives EVENTS SET FOR TUESDAYS -WASHINGTON. Dee. 12 Tho doors of tho nircutlve Mansion will open tnntght for tho llrst event of tho Whltu Houso social season. President nnd Mrs. Wilson will entertain members of tho Cabinet and their wives nt dinner. There will bo two new Cabinet faces about the tnblo when all are seated In thu inngulflceiit stalo dining room Secretnry Hakcr will bo at Mrs. Wilson's left this year Instead of former Secretary of War Garrison, and Mrs linker will havo the position nt President Wilson's left, which .Mrs. Garrison occupied nt previous Cabinet dinners during this Administration. .Secretary of State and .Mrs Lansing will bo nt tht right of Mrs. Wilson and the President respectively. With nddltlon of 11 few specially Invited guests thero will lia prcsont. Secretary and .Mrs Daniels. Attorney-General und Mrs. Gregory, Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo, Post master General and Mrs. Hurlesnn. Seo rotary nnd .Mrs. Itedlluld. Secretary and Mrs. lovne. Secretary and Mrs. Houston, Secretary and Mrs. Wilson. All of tho Whlto Houso social events during tho winter aro to be held on Tuesday. thn rntiay engagements or j.iBt season being eliminated that the President nnd Mrs. Wilson may leave for regular week end trips whenovcr they desire. The season boglna unusually early, thn custom having been to open It lifter tho holidays, or with the Now Year's reception, nn event which never has been held under tha Wilson Administration. Thero also H one less event this year than last, as tho Pan-American reception Is eliminated, and tho first reception will bo that tendered to.Jimtlces of the Supremo Court onn week from tunlght. Thereafter there will bo an Interim of threa weeks during tho holidays In which no Boclal events nro scheduled, giving rise to tho belief that tint President und Mrs. Wilson will spend their Christmas uway from Washington. Confer on IlenutifyinK Capitol Orounds HAIUU.Hlil'lUi. Dec. 12. Tho llrst con ference on thn development and beaut Idea tion of tho Capitol Park oxtenslou lone wns held hero by A. W. Hrunner. land scapa architect and designer of Now York, and Warren II, Manning, selnted by tho State to plan thu new Capitol grounds. SPEAKING OF HOLDUPS cZ-2 , ft.i.n.t Ufa fithaWtln-rlniT A mmsmmmmmmtmtzm Tr nmmS wan if t Tfr"" II '"I "IfititM nn' XiWelW ' . I law Li j rjL-iiif "" i '4i' "I .nti ft ,1 TBMlmtYA jcM'laKL I ami 'iBir.i c ife ix.1 -.. W II u. A3l8nmxlr S.&ii)WMs. BEYOND THE GREAT OBLIVION (Sequel to Tho Vftcnnt World") Hy GEOIIOE CorirrteM. l$tt. tnl Bvutunr op rRKrpi,vo htoku ..Iftin fftfr. it Mfffconicul rnainrtr, nnd Mt Jlrsearnrr. Itfttttier Krartrk. oieo it a vomit trorUI orer si J IrfOf Vt ftf04rt41M. fltmt IfffOt CS lilfro rone cvtr Ci MfU and ilrMrow all mnnHlnrf. Thtvutk " 7rill If leer (nt-M fliM Mfv 4 tfh' Is nrim ft Vxrlr .V for osef. TAtlr risn oJenltirfi Is the asclesf riry rowi lo n ellmojr (i a ffrtnt haiitt iHlS a herit (if btnu-tnxtietf, H wls (s two el f H-or o ISf Aktnftn roee or Hclorlowt, rAv. Ifntf thi tees o Mrlr Ixillttt. o.l r if nfe oavir, poille to n pels! t tse eoskt 0 IS" HutlnA Hlvrr. T1IK STimV TltU!! PAH Rtern stul Ui-slrlc. srrlve.t t Ihe eM mnlAn of Vsn Aml-unc, ulsrt lo wiK,ln fSrriMi, to iiMki. ilw hnm hb tsbt. l)urln th ttivki of "Mtlin lown" Ihtr in- li-e on the IHh thru AtUn cntches with h iwtr" ro.1 nl Rurni Ht VV'hn Ihrlr nr homo l mm1 romfnrt- Sble n-1 nil nrrhrmnp for their tuturn llfn rrrrio,l sirrn sn.l Heslrlro return lo ineir nw home in lh jieiropoinsn nm.r, New York to it n eupply of eanne.1 fool. irU nn.l ollxr Vlwy sr on thel wa Ivick to b folnl wht their cno U moored when Inn euinnie, wniunK cry conirn i.u.u the north. CIIAI' V (Continued) STKII.V stood rooted. In spite of all his aplomb nml matter-of-fact practicability ho felt a strange thrill curdle through his blood, while on tho back of his neck the hair drew taut and stiff. "What Is lit" asked lleatrlce again. 'That? Oh, some bird or other, 1 guess. It's nothing Como on!" Again ho started forward, trying to mako light of tho cry ; but In hit heart ho know It well. A (hoii-eiml years beforo, far In the wllrti near I'ngava Hay, In lvbrador. ho hod heard thn same plaintive, starving call nnd ho remembered still tho deadly peril, tho long light, tho horror that had fol lowed. Ho knew thn cry: and bis soul quivered with tho fear of It; fear not for hlnnclf. but for tho life of this girl whoso keeping Iny within tho hollow of his hand. For tho long wall that had trembled nrris tho vngiln spaces of tho forest, af fronting the majesty nnd dignity of night and tho coming stnrs with Its blood-lusting plaint of famine, bad been none other than ihe summons to tho hunt, tho news of quarrv, the signal of a gathering wolf-pack nil their trail. cii.M'Tr.ii vi Trapped! urnltATS not the truth you're tcttlng me, -L Allan." said lleatrlce very gravely. "And If wo dnn't tell each other the vvholo truth always hnw can wo lovo each other perfectly and do tho work wo have to do7 I don't want Milt to spare mo nnvthlng, even the most tcrrlblu things. Thai's not the cry of a bird It's wolves!" "Yes, that's what It Is," tho man ad mitted "1 was In the wrong Hut, you see - It startled 1110 nt first. Don't bo alarmed, littlo girl I We're well nrmed, you see, and -" "Aro we going to stay hero In tho tower If they attack?" "No. They might hold un prisoners for a week. There's no telling how mnny thero may be. Hundreds, perhaps thoiKnnd. i)nro they get tho .ccnt of game, they'll gather for miles nnd miles around ; from all over tho Island. So you see " "Our best plan, then, will bo to mako for tho banca?" "Assuredly 1 It's only n matter of com paratively few minutes to reach It. nnd unco wo'ro aboard wo're safe. Wo can laugh nt them and bo 011 our homeward way at the samo time. Tho quicker we start tho better. Como on !" "Come!" bIio repented. And they made their second start after Stern hnd assured himself his automatic hung easily In reach and Unit tho guns wero loaded. Together they took their way along tho shadowy depths of tho forest whore onco Twenty-third street luul lain Hrnvely nnd strongly tho girl bore her half of tho load as they broke through thn undergrowth, clambered over fallen anil rotten logi or sank nnklo-decp In mossy swales. Hven though they felt tho danger, per haps nt 'that very moment slinking, sneak Ing. crawling nearer off thero In tho vaguo, darkling depthi nf Ilia forest, they still sensed the splendid comradeship of tho ad venture. No longer ns n toy, a chattel, nn Instrument of plcnsuro or umtiicmeiit did thu Idea of woman now exist In tho world. It had altered, grown higher, nobler, purer It hnd become that of mato and equal, comrade, friend, the Indissoluble other half of man. lleatrlco spoke. "You mustn't tnko moro of tho weight than I do. Allan," she Insisted, us they struggled onward with tholr burden. "Your wounded nnu Isn't strong enough yet to" "S-h-h-h 1" ho cautioned. "Wo'vo got to keep n.i quiet as possible. Como on tho quicker wo gel these things aboard and push oft tho littler! Hverythlng depends on speed 1" Hut speed was hard to make. Tho way seemed terribly long, now that evening had closml In, and they could no longer bu ix actly sure of their path. The cumbcrsumu burden Impeded them ut every step. In the gloom they stumbled, tripped over -Anos and creepers and becamu Involved umong thu closo-crowdlng boles. Suddenly once again the wolf cry burst out. this time re-echoed from another and another euvnge throat, walling and plaln tlvii and full of frightful portent. So much nearer now It seemed that Heutrlcu und Allan both stopped short. Panting with their labors, they stood still, fear-smlttcn. Thoy can't bo much further off now thnn Thlrty-llfth street," tho man exclaimed un. dor his breath. "And wo'rn hardly past Second avenue yet and look at tho In fernal thickets and brush we've got tn beat through to reach the river! Here, I'd better get my ruvulver ready nnd bold it In my - tztta.nw. RMAritalti ttv setta Mrranf.-na-i ;Hws 1910 ALLAN ENGLAND FnX A. Jfu4tu Cenranti freo hand. Will you ehanRo over? I can ink the bR ln Iny left. P-o got lo havo tho right to shoot with!" "Why not drop everything and run for Ihe bane?" "And desert the Job? Leave nil wo came for? And may bo not bo nble to Kt any of tho thliiRs for heaven knows how long I guess not!' "Hut. Allan " "No, no' Whal? Abandon all our plans beeaueo of a few wolves? I,t 'em como! We'll show 'em a thin or twor "(Jive mo lite revolver, then you can havo tho rifle"' "That's rlalit here!" Koch now with n firearm ln tho freo hand, they started forward nRaln. On nnd on they hiiiRed, they wallowed throiiRh ino loresi. nair earryuiR, unit tlinRRliiR tho sack which now seemed to have m-nwti ten times heavier and which at every moment cnuRhl on buehes, on lliub-t and nnionR tho ileii-ni underRnmth. "Oh. look look iberor cried lleatrlce, Sho stopped short again, polntliiB tho re volver, her fliiRcr on Iho.trlRRer. Allan saw a lean. Rrny form, furllvo nnd snealtlnR, dido across a dim open epneo off toward tho left, n simi'o where onco First avenue had cut through the oily from eolith to north. "Them's nnothcrP ho whlipered. a straiiRe. rhokrd feelliiR nil nround his heart. "And look three morol They're worklnir In abend of us. Here, I'll havo a shot at 'em for luck!" A howl followed thn second spurt of flame In tho dusk. One of' tho gray, gaunt por tents of death licked, yapping, nt I1I.1 llnnk. ' "Clot you, all right! gibed Stern. "The kind o' gnmo ynu'ro after Isn't ni easy as )ou think, you devllsf Hut now from tho other side, nnd from bohlnd them, tho slinking creature.t gath ered. Their eyes glowed, gleamed, burned softly yellow through thn du-k nf tho great wlldcrnrH that onco had been tho city's heart. Tho two last humnns In tho world could even catch tho flick of Ivory fangs, tho lolling wet redness nf tongues could hear tho soughing breath through thoso In fernal Jaws. Stern raised the rlflo again, then low ered It. "No use." said ho calmly. "Clod knows how many thero nre, 1 might uso up all our ammunition nnd still leave enough of 'em to pick our bones. They'll bo nil around us In n minute; they'll bo worrying nt u, dragging us down Como on como on. tho boat!" "Mght a torch, Allan. They'ro afraid of tire" "(Irand Idea. Ilttln girl!'' liven ns ho answered ho wns scrabbling up dry-hyo. Came the rnsp of his Hint. "Olvo 'em a few with the automatic, whllo I get this going!" he commanded. Tho gun spat twice, thrice. Then toho a snapping, snnrlliig wrnnglc. Off thero In tho gloom n hideous turmoil grew. It ended In scream, of pain ami rage, suddenly throttled, choked and torn tn nothing A worrying, rending, gnashing told th" story nf tho wounded wolf's last moment. Stern sprang up, a dry (laming branch of resinous llr In his hand. Tho rifle ho thrust bark Into the bag. -A to him. still wnrm. oh?" ho cried. "Kino! And live shot. left In tho gun. You won't miss, Uetn! You can't!" Korwafd they struggled onco more. "(lad. we'll hang to this liag iiom. what ever happens!" panted Stern, Jerking It savngel olt a Jagged stub. "Klve minutes morn nnd we'll nrrlil leuiiM you"!" Thu llarlng' torch ho dashed full nt n grisly inuzzto that snapped and slavered at liH legs. To their nostrils the slngo of burned hair wafted. Yelping, the beast swerved back. Hut others ran In nnd In nt them; and now tho torch was falling. Ilolh of them hhouled and struck; nnd tho revolver stab bed the night with (Ire. l'niiileiiinnluni roso III tho forest. Cries, liuwls. lonir wnlls nnd suuflllng barks blent with the clicking of Ivories, tho pnd-pnd-pad of feet, tho crackling of tho under briihh. All nround. wolves.. On either sldo, be hind. In front, the sliding, bristling, sneak lug. suddenly bold horrors of tho wild. And tho ring was tightening; tho attack wan coming, now. morn and moro con cortedly. Tho swinging torch could not now drive them back so fast, so far. Strange gleams shot against tho tree, trunks, wavered through tho dusk, lighted tho harsh, rugo-contniLted face of tho man. fell on tho laboring, skin-clad Jlguro of tho woman as thoy still fought miyuid on with their precious burden, hoping for n gllmpso of water, for the river, and salvation. 'Take a true?" gasped lleatrlce. "And malo stay thero u week? And uso up all our ammunition? Not yet no no I Tho boat I" On, even on, they struggled. A htrange, unnatural exhilaration filled tho girl, banishing thuughlH of peril, send ing tho blood aglow through overy vela und llbur of her wonderful young body. Stern realized the peril moro keenly. At any moment now lm understood that ono of thn devils III gray might hurl Itself ut tho full throat of lleatrlco or ut his own. And onco the tnstu of blood lay on thoso crimson tongues good-by '. 'Tho boat tho boat!" lm shouted, strik ing right and left llko mad with the smoky, liair-oxtlngulshfd Hare. There tho river!" suddenly cried Hcnt rice. Through the columns of the forest she had seen nt last tha welcomo gleam of water, starlit, beautiful und calm. Stern saw It, too. A demon now, ba charged the snarling ring. Hack hu drove them; he turned,, seized the bug und again plunged desperately ahead. Together ho and lleatrlce crashed out among thu willows and the alders on the sedgy shore, with tho vague, shifting, lirls tllng horror of tho wolfpack at their heels. "Here, ht-nt 'em oil whllo 1 cm the cord whllo I get tho bag In and shove oftl" panted Stern. Sho seized Hie torch from his hand Up he snatched tha rlflu again, and with n polntblank volley Hung three of the grays writhing nnd yelling ull In the mud and weeds and trampled cattails on thu river verge, Down ho threw the gun. lis turned and swept tho dark shore, thero between the ruins of the wharves, with a keen recou. nolterlng glance. What? What was this? There stood the aged willow to whloh the banca had been tied. Hut the boat where was It? With a cry Stern leaped to the tree, Ills ' t FOUNDED 1858 1 DewbeS Quality and Standard Famous Over Half Century Many Women Buy Petticoats as Gifts S2.05 to S10.50 Why not cive a prclty silk petticoat as a Christmas gift? Many V wqinen do. Iwquisite livening Shades and Materials. Handsome street and dress colors. Smart style. Well made, A large cot leatlQii that is sure to please. Note the prices aid qualities. Crepe de Chine Negligees Special S8.75 r IMa,Je,epeeia,,y for us fron steeled materials. In dainty shades ot I'tnk, Uluc, Rose, Copenhagen and Dark Amethyst. Prettily trimmed with dainty ruffles around neck and sleeves. An unusual value at this special price, which any woman will appreciate. Oive your best mend a negligee for Christmas. She will be deJighted. B.F.Bewees, ! ClutchlnsT bunds fumbled nl tho trunk..-. "My Oodt Horo' here,' tho cordr stammered. "Due ft's beeii cutl "Xli boat Ihe boat's Konut"' t , s"y. cnAPir-n vn A Mght of Tell A"? HOUn later, from the gnarlett branched Jt. of tho willow-up Into which Stern bad fairly flung her, and where ho) had himself clambered: "with lh beasts- ravening at his legs the two solo survivors o h human race watched the. glowering y that dotted tho velvet gloom. "I estimate aoounle of hundred, alt told, Judged Allan. "Odd wo never ran acrols any of them before tonight. Must b( nom kind of migration under iTa maybo (soma big shift of game, of deer, or buffaio, or what-not. Hut then. In that case, they wouldn't Iw so starved, so dead-set-oivehJte meat as they seem to be."' Heta shifted ier placa -on -ft. "horizontal Umh "Il's awfully bant for-n soft ivoo5,,'!ti remarked. "Do you think wo'llliavo touts y here long, uearz 'That depends. I don't seo that iha, flf. teen wo'vo killed since roosting hero har served ns any terrible examples to thn others. And we're about twenty cartridges to tho bad. They'ro not worth It, these devils. Wo'vo got to save our ammunition for something edible till I can get my shop to running nnd begin making my own pow der, No ; must bo there's some other And better way." "Hut what?" asked the-girt, TVore-et enough here, but we'ro not getting any nearer home nnd I'm so hungry I" "Same here." Stern coincided. "And th lunch wns all In the boat! worse luck) Who tho deuce could have cut her loose? I thought we'd pretty effectually cleared out those Hlnkmntlnks or whatover tho Ilortl consisted of. Hut evidently something, or somebody, Is still left alive with a terrtflo grudge ngnlnst us or au awful longing for navigation." "Wns thn cord broken or cut?" "I'll see." Stern clambered to a lower branch. With the trigger-guard of his rlflo he wns ahta ta catch tho cord. All about tho trunk, mean while, tho wolves leaped snarling. Tho fetid animal smell of them wns strong upon the nlr that, and tho scent of blood and raw meat, whero they had feasted on tho slain With tho severed conIwAltnnllmbetl back to whero lleatrlco sat. "Hold Iho ride, will you?" asked ha. A moment, nnd by the quick showern of spark mar issueii irnm his nine nna steel ho was examining the leather thong. "Cut !" "Cut? Hut then, then " "."o tide or wind to hlame. Home Intent, grnce. even though rudimentary, has been at work her Is at work opposed to Us." "Hut what?" "So telling. Thero may bo mors things In this world yet than either ot us dream. Perhaps wo committed a very grnvo error to leave thu apparently penreful little nook we've got. up there on the Hudson, nnd tarkln this place agnln. Hilt who could ever have thuught of anything llko thin after that terrlblo slaughter?" They kept silence a terr mlnute-i. Tho wolvos now had sunk to a plana of com parative Insignificance. At tho very worst Stern could annihilate, them ono by ono with n lavish expondlluro of hla ammunition. Un noticed now they yelped nnd scratched and howled about tho tree, sat on their haunches, waiting In tho gloom, or sneaked vague shadows among tho deeper duska of tho forest. And onco again the. east began to glow, even as when ho nnd sho hnd watched tho moon rlso over the hills beyond the Hud son; nnd tholr hearts bent with Joy tor even that relief from tho dark mystery of Kolltudn and night. After a whllo tho man spoke. "it's this way," said he. "Whoever cut that cord and olthcr lot tho banca. float away or elso stolo It, evidently doesn't want to como to close quarters for the present, so long as theso wolves are mak ing thomaolvca friendly. "Perhaps, In a way. tho wolves nro a factor In our favor; perhaps, without them, wo might havo hud n. poisoned arrow stick Ing Into us. or a spear or two. beforo now. My guess l.i that we'll get a wido berth so long as tho wolvea otny In the neighbor hood. I think thn nnthropolds, or who ever they wore, must have- been calculating on ambushing us na wo camo back, and ex-' pectod to 'gel' us whllo wo wero hunting for tho boat. 'They didn't reckon on this little diver sion. When they heard It they probably departed for other regions. They won't bo coming nround just yet, that's a safo wager. Mighty lucky, eh? Think what Al targets we'd make, up hero In this willow, by moonlight !" "You're right, Allan. But when It cornea daylight we'll mnko better ones. And I don't know that I enjoy sitting up hero and starving to death, with a body-guard of wolvea to keep away tho Horde, very much morn than I would taking n chance with thu arrows. It'll two sixes, either way, and not a hit nice, Is It?" "Hang tho whole business I Thero must bo somti other way somo way out of this Infernal plcklol Hold on---walt I I al- most sen It now!" "What's your plan, dear?" "Wall ! lal mo think u minute!" Sho kept silence. Together they sat among tho spreading branches In the grow ing moonlight. A bat reeled overhead, chlpperlng weakly far away a whlpppor will hegun Its lluty. Insistent strain. A distant cry of somo hunting beast echoed, unspeakably weird, among tho dead, de serted streets burled In oblivion. Tho brush crackled nnd sunppeil with the movements of tho wolf-pack; tho continued snarling, whining, yapping, stilled tho chorus of tha iroga along thu sedgy banks. "If I could only anara n rood, llinlv nna, I" suddenly broko out Stern. 1 "What for?" "Why. don't you seo?" And with sud den Inspiration ho expounded. Together, eager nil children, they planned. Heatrto clapped hor hands with sheer delight "Hut." she added pensively, "it'll be A littlo hard on tho wolf, won't It?" Stern hnd to laugh. "Yes,'! ha assented ; "but think how much he'll learn about tho new kind of gamo he tried to hunt! Half an hour later a grim old warrior of Ihe pack, deftly and securely caught by ono hind leg with tho sllp-noosed leather cord, dangled Inverted from a limb, high out of reach of the others. (CONTI.MTRD TOMOItnOW) Hryn Mawr lo Have Communlty'Tree Tho Hryn Mawr community center plans to erect a "community Chrjitmaa tree," In. tha Hryn Mawr Park, A program of Christ mas carols, aung by church choirs when tho trea U lighted, la Included In tho plan. v 1122 QigtjSt. ts 4S&1F S?Jt?OtrCUtS't "WB N'WRJi nav-a-i-a-i-vw ..T7- ' J" "." I