-? - ijjCmii si m IflVlSKlNCI LEDGER-rHUADELPHIA, AfONDAY. DECEarBlSU It 101G J D'ARllGLRMA SULFRONTEDELCARSO 1 t Ferae Kumeno Altaccnno gll few L mMiMI,hi ii Nord- Eat dl Bucarcat CHI AMATA DI RISBRV1STI t fit PfU dt Vn Ultimatum the Snrcbbo Coltnntlno dogll Attcntl K hnM.. U rcmbra .. t,v rspporto del Ken""'" t'adoivv Un breve rppri ., jilnhtcro della iW Vl e VntHVIto' dell'nrtlllerln ' ,itiatft ne-,u.,J,.":.,"i. , V JLlI Wf nil "'I "' ," le nrt" ,n,rW'.;.fcii a nclla r-Mtonl ill mtintittjl-i Inrrce neii ii. J..llno e quells austrlacho . , r itato pubbllcatn un n i oo wmiu Ji ehlar.nl Mlo mini I mllllrtrl In con K2 dMt clawa dt 1871 npparteri.ntl alle teas a" " ,.. .... , nnihrt stall gMl Srl V.nt ill , . Tail nimerie che bI wnrf Hi rule dill Lni ISitt tuionlch rl aono termite per KSrrt tMllna ! est i Moet'hl ed BE I.JEJ rnlMnla aullA StMdn da Kill cltta "" rlcncclando IndlMro SS Vtrt..iethl. nun, frohtft delta I Ii.!tla ravaniato delle tarta ruses eml ft". ?ili vlll a dlspello dolla dstlnnta ' tetlrtensa degll austro-ledcchl :' ' iMiiMl woenll lft la Ironld rufiHila ill. two che le forie rumeno hI sono ciedic-t itlUrdaM II I'W P-msIoH con niluni ll itttcruirdle rav.innta del.e srmnlo tell Jnlche nellt plahUrn. che offre poclil mi 'nil per una forturntn dlfcs-i Sembra ehee'stati abbandonala I'lden ill dlfendeni V. ,,.. .11 hiit.it. .lnMmll.1 ii lrnth mldltt ' rr d t ill Uticiwit n causa del ra : Kit iiilnfiiH delta maiioiM ill miii Kall.011. Wvn a mml o ad c ilvtla cnultalp ra ioti mnrt3rt che ha reart Imillla l dlfi-na Si nulla Hnea nuvlale I crltlcl mllltarl hissl tllrronn elm cin la rKiluta ilellk Vatichla I'oblatth-o italto Hlatp MinRlnra (.dttco 'tale otteimin cIik cmto non finllnnera to operaxlonl offenaho nella Mol. h dove l illfncollt del lrreno Bono" kiitjlorl e do t rumenl. rlnfurzatl con MefeYOlment' rt"l ru',,', I"""11 oplwrra ... i-iii.iii ilifcun Ad oenl niHn la idlblllti' ill uiia of. fimlva crntro la Ilusrla dalla alnch'a, jtM non del tulto rllinlnnta i" rltenutit toil lontaua dni rrHlcl mtlltari rnaal II Womlli Hhumskl ta rllfvaf.- t Innii-iiHo 5nlnrxlo fittmito ilal teilcaclil ran I ac edrclAJntnlo delta front ill liatlnstla ril It corneguente rlRinrmlo dl uomlnl e dl futfrlile e d'eo ill c-edero oh I tedenohl tn vormnno rlachlnrr II iucew3 ottt'imto jn oplntlonl dl dUbldn rlfiultiln vpeclal Btste In una ulaglone Hfavorevolo IULTIMATUM AM.A anttClA X'otltlf d Londra tllcevano lerl cha In rlcrnila arcblie atato present-no al o rco irecn un ultimatum da ptrlo iletle i:me dell'intcsa. Sabato I rapprescntantl Jill nunli a deiriiihltterra nd Atcna btnS un colloiiulo col ro Cotantlno II tiulo tublto dopn chlnino n bo II rnp. frfjfntanto denll htatl Unltl I rapprcsen ttntl dell' Intcsa hanno Kla' inandato al itcro I Ipro baKRBtl CI dies olio I aiicMlll dl potenzo delrlnlexa ren'donti ad Atcna Ions itatl Invltatl a partlre II Corrlero della Sera lia un dlspacclo pclale net quale e' ilatto che II prral tefHe del ConnlRllo bulrarn ha dlchlarntu the von Hlndcnburx a ilcclso a llberaro la fenlwla balcantca ilallo forxo ilell'Intcua e c'' attacchcra' preeto le forxo del Ken- f iil Sarrall anclia alio vcopn dl euadn- :iimo contalto con le forxo uella Orecla ffrtaa che questo nwoiiua It reitl Clrocla fl proporrebbo dl npporra una rfslstcnxa ; ulva at blocro della Oreala da pnrto ivit gquartre alleato l.i colonla Itatlana Sir Atene ' cla' pirtlta ma II mlnlatm jjiill Katcrl nallanu. IMrona Rnnnlno, ha f'tnloato al mlnlatro d Italia atl Alenn ill Mlainero a auu poato lino. a nuoo ordlno. CHAUFFEUIt WALKS INTO CELL r-Helps In Arrest of Alleged Wife De- icrtcr nnd la Locked Up Himself ATLANTIC OITV. Ore 11 When Ton. lUhle MeDei Itt pet out with a warrant for Uu trreet of Martli Jenson, a Noruefclnn trtellnr lIcinnn, accuaeil of wife drner llsn, h tmplajml OenrKo Whltely n nxl fb driver, to drhe him to n house on Mn plUn ci)iio, where Jrnson was found IlYlnf w(h n jounu woman Ai Whltely entered police lieadqunrters Ciptaln of Detrcttea Mulnocd. RlnnclnR Veenly at him aalil, "We hae been looklnu for )ou aho on a charRo of wife desertion " A wrrant leiuod at the Instance nf Mrs. ! Wlttl, of 1831 IIIMworth street, I'hlHdel ' Jhla, was qulctd ptmtuccd and Whlloly U locked up with Joii'nn. Lancaster's New Patrol Wrecked LAN'CWKTr.ll Pn 11. o in ti, ,. tity DOlIca IHltrnl IllilnmnhlU uftti wt!iil ' bll resnond'm: to a (.all It vni stiucli 7 Joxenn Inntn automobile, which ran W ef a crdaa street Tol-iiGirincioal CiKesResoils cS Qwnr' Direct route to COLUMBIA, ASnEVILLE, AIKEN, AUGUSTA. MACON, MOBJLE, MEMPHIS, ATLAMTA crt a ovn a Mnnn a r Nashville; Birmingham', MONTGOMERY, NEW ORLEANS Operating tha followlntr wait known - tralnj daily from Wvt York. wYork&NewOtleana Limited via Atlanta Memphis Special Birmingham Special Washimjton and Chattanooga , Limited ' ustaSpedal U.B.FaatMail omueh Dining and Sleeping Car Service. ASHEVILLE TbaLujdoftUaBky ,nMi.ii.i.... .... vac nicai uinra iieiiBtiA -... . . HwitrSii moiStttiM Western """ ivjvu ueaariB-iiii S2Eff4.d V0,ABnd all Sports Scenic Piovai M0Oeet,8S amoua Hesorta. "AUGUSTA SPECIALfor SfAPJJ. Wintering in this mid Nornfii' " "twme'y popular with Eicrh Aourllts Enuabfe climate. llent Hotels Golf and fine Sport, Smillifrji Railway S. E. 8URGE88 H Chttta, a J.01dJpll -ww u Vmm Wimp1 U-UNER ENDS SECOND VOYAGE TOGEUMANY Deutachlnnd Makes Trip From New London to the Wcscr in 10 Days .',.' """"I" r)utp(,lAftd. rtmptellng lulth (Up ham, ,rom tho Unl(w, nrrlvmi i ..... u..i.. .. .. , ,: ", ""' ye'ierniy on; the irmuti of the Weser NRW ftONOO.V. Deo. II -official, of the Eastern Forwardlnit Compan wer hlahly tinted when the news renclit.1 tlm of the Delitschland's irrual hi Herman waters In View of fwetit storm-., the foyase was fAMer than had ,e,n eteated Tho official wer, noniwnmlttiil as to whether the submersible would make, an other trip to Nw lndon thuj yor lie port liae bfrii current that Ml'ier tlm DeutachUnd or another submenu, wou ,1 dock here within the net few weall S'et, lores hate, bun cul.le, t rep..rl' at the deck earl In Jinuary The arrK.il of tha tie.ilschhnd nt a """". ",''"" "'. the succesaMI rompl.. l.ll.l " ,"'OTn ro"""l 'MP Of thl com m 1' i Vm1,rsM l"a 'he L'nllsd Ntiitrg On her voyaittj iii-t nnlshed she made the Passage n ninetien dajs havlni; left vow Umdun on Notemlier 31 This bettered tonsiderabli the re)td of her previous ensiwir.1 trip whuh auninj from Haiti, more, took her tneritj-lh-ee diya. llr two westward voyngen rrcupin ripectlly slxtein day, am) tn-cnt-.jn dnys Tho Deutxiihlstid on both of lmr trlni biouRht valuable caritoes chiefly of dyes and ch-hllcaN On her present voyimo sho took, a inriiu rstlmileil st 11.000 000 In value nhd olllctnl iitull for iernmny Clalpm I'rlxe for Kitting Kabblts i:imr Miller nf i.ulf Mills rinlma tho prise for liiritlm; the Inrnpsi number of r-UibiiH in bin section this Mmn 10 killed flft) -live of the nnlmalt nnd did all of hi, Ktiimlns In liln owh nemlibhrhnod DIES TAKING DRESSES TO GIRL FOR HOLIDAY Train Overtakes Farmer, Who Wanted Stepdaughter to Have Pretty Clothes NBWTO.S. X J. lire 11 ttartman Ut ter. whi Ue near Wlnatrd. t'ann. m klllnl iy n train nt Hprtrtn Junrtlon, nnd the rhuiis and other apparel that ho was taklim In his altpdauRhter In Xtllfotd, ra m thai slie enilM rr home for OhMstmaa, are In th Cflroner'a oltlco. Torn, Mnlned and arlln.M with the Krlt nf tho roadbed, they were found altewn hlonpt tha tnuk near Utters tiwly nnd rent suitcase There wai aim a letter from filer's step. 'ai'Kliitr who Is about fltleen yeors old ii tl lives with relatives In Mllfard .She wiide that slid would tm Klad tit ro hscli tor a Nc KtiKland -Christinas, as he wished, but lhat she "needed the necessities" to make the trip Kln enumarnted the "nnt. s'ties rtml tli remnants of every article on her list were found nliiowc the tlilnu t tier wn, tutting In the alrl t tter lived at llench lllll I'oltbronk. nvr Winsted w Hi tiM wife and son lie was fUtV'tlirrt' i'rtr old nn I a farmer, with llttie cipertrmi. in trnvellutt III' ooiisuni. !iik dislTv wn, t lave til stepdaughter nt limni. fur I'hrl Vim, He hud tent her monev fur the trip, nnd when thi loiter wne received tellliiK of her need, he rpsolvi'd tn siend his Chrlstmns nivlnits on the clothes and take them to her himself lie brok-. the trip b npendlne n nlitht nt the farmhouse of n frlsnd. Frederick Htnley, of Oermnni Klnt, lie set nut on fool for the station early In tho mnrnlnit It in thntiKlit he fell In trlni? to board the train Hftsr It sot In motion ClileaRo (lro:cra Threaten Iloycott I'lIU'VUii tin 11 Means of dlsclplln Hie epiculatnrs. It any nf found In current IntpitlKntloii, tn have innsplred to ral,e food prl.e,. will lie cntislilered today at n mrctlrtt "f the cxeeutlvo board of the Nn tlonal ltrtnll arurets Xssoclatlon Thn discipline It Is aald is llkel to take the frrtn of a tocot( India and Ceylon T'pB Q Words Are Merely Words Try This Tempting Tea aiSiSaAui lt-uli t.ts.jxas e zl !AUJtJA,AjAJJJLJlxJu - JL"Jli!i.' w A Key West cigar of unusual merit. 4 for 25c $6.00 a hundred Two ahapes, "Londres Fino" (Blunts) and Rothschilds. E. Bradford Clarke Co, Imporlrri Cirocf rn 1520 Chestnut Street Hare 11.17 vfmifnrtwffirmrnimimiimmmtirfrftfttTT iiAnwr r f tdf 1i VA , TK Lxpect r ancy "N CHILDISH glee this Utile girl will hang up her stocking on Lhnsiinas Lve, never susDectine that Santa Claus may forget to fill it. Will her stocking be empty on Christmas morning? Not if we can avoid it. That's why we are appealing to Ledger read ers. We don't want this little girl forgotten on Christmas morning. Many readers, both young and old, have already sent contributions of money, new clothing, toys, etc., to the Santa Claus Club's storehouse, 608 Chestnut street. Will you do your share toward bringing Christmas happiness to unfortunate boys and girls in Philadelphia? Send your contribution today. If you notify us, our autos will call for con tributions within the city limits. Santa Claus Club I PUBLIC I LEDGER Miiii iifin iiitt iji im mrtin i "Everybody ia giving this sensible present this year; I shan't have enough to go 'round" The History of a Great Work Showing tho Wonderful Prog ress of 150 Vcars A hundred and fifty yenrs atjo, wtien the stngp-conch horn still echoed through England, and a young, unknown planter named George Washington was hunting foxes or surveying Innd in His Majesty's colony of Virginia, there appeared in three modest volumes n book which was destined to exercise a great influence throughout the world a greater influence than any other one work in the range of English letters. It was called "The Encyclo paedia Britannica" and was prepared, according to its title page, "by a Society of Gentle men" who were, incidentally, eminent scholars in their time. The Origin of Encyclopaedias Theso men not only origi nated the plan on which the Encyclopaedia Britannica was built, but the very idea of an encyclopaedia, so familiar to us today, is the result of their work. What they planned was essentially an educational work a new mothod of bringing the knowledge of specialists in cor rect and scholarly form to the general public. Tho idea was revolutionary in its day, and its success has Deen an important means of diffusing education for 150 years. Up through the decades this book has advanced, always ahead of the times, always en tertaining, always absolutely correct in Us statements. How successful both the idea and the book have been Is shown by the fact that tho reputation of the, Encyclopaedia Britannica has steadily grown through 15Q years and is greater today than ever; that the sale of each edw tion and there have now been no less than eleven has been greater than that of its prede cessor, and that the total sale has been larger than of all other encyclopaedias in English, French, German, Italian, Rus sian and Spanish combined. Features of ihc Britannica The Britannica nan lived and succeeded as a result of the Tmnnrtanf- Tn0 Proscnt prices of the xuiyuA La., Encycioprtodjn. Britannica ("Handy Volume" Issue) hold good only on orders sent to us at once. We are sorry to state that on account of the higher cost of all materials for the making of books, tho Pub lishers nro obliged to increase the price to us, and we to the general public. Tho present low prices will, therefore, be advanced by from one to three monthly payments (from $3 to $9), according to the binding, on or before December 20th. How long it will be possible to maintain these new prices without another increaso is uncertain. In any case, if you wish to purchase the Encyclo paedia Britannica ("Handy Volume" Issue) at tho present low prices, act at once. Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Chicago. way it has always been made: (1) because it was written by the highest authorities, each in his own branch of knowledge; (2) because it appealed alike to the scholar and the general public, to thoeducated and those who wanted to be educated; and (3) because its publishers, editors andcontnbutors have always considered it an educa tional institution, not simply or solely a money-making produc tion. In fact, it is only because scholars and writers every where think of the Britannica as an educational work that it is possible to secure ascontribu tors the leaders of thought the world over. From the time of tho First Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1708) down to tho present, each edition has been larger than its predecessor. This has naturally been so, for the increase in knowledge dur ing the past one hundred and fifty years has been unprece dented. As the work grew larger and larger, with the in clusion of more and more ma terial about every topic under the sun, not only did the num ber of volumes increase from 3 to 29, but each volume naturally became bulkier and heavier un til it became so large and cum bersome that it required some exertion to lift and open it. The Use of India Paper Then it was that the pub lishers of theBritannica hit upon the invention of a thin India paper which should transform the heavy books into light and wisjly-houlled one. India pa per revolutionized tho making of these books. Its thin, tough sheets reduced the thickness of the volumes by two-thirds and the weight from 8 pounds to almost that of tho ordinary magazine. At tho same time the opaque quality of tho papor throws the typo up, distinctly, yet prevents it fr6m showing through on the other side. In short, India paper was, as a prominent clergyman described it, "an inspiration of genius," and its use revolutionized the making of books. There remained but one step ilioro to bring the Encyclopae dia Britannica, with its wealth of information, within the reach of every one. That was a re duction in the price, so that the average man or woman, with the average income, the young man just starting in life, tho wife and the daughter in the home, each might possess this work, Published In Two Forms This marvelous work i3 pub lished in two forms the high priced Cambridge Issue and the popular "Handy Volume" Issue. The Cambridge Issue (which has been called the "rich roan's book") is printed in Yery large type, on large pages, with extra wide margins. This is substan tially the same form in which the Britannipa has been pub lished since "768148 years. The pages are 8 Inches wide by 1 1 finches deep. This issue makes a splendid appearance in any one's library, fh Cam bridge Issue sells for $5 down and monthly payments of the same, amount for a limited period. Of tho 75,000 seta printed in this magnificent form, less than 1500 sots aro left. Making It Available ta All Tho original object in pub lishing tho "Handy Volume" Issue was to produce this great library ot knowlcdgo at a pop ular price, making it available to every person who has need of it. But its convenient form and case of handling, oven more than its low price, have been' responsible .for its tre mendous sale. InJ six months, 75.000 sets have bcon sold. This "Handy Volume" Iasue is identical with tho Cambridge Issue, except in the size of page and type. The pages aro slightly smaller and the margins nar rower. But in its contents it ia precisely the same page for page, line for line, word for word as the high-priced Cam bridge Issue. Every plate in colors, overy Illustration, every mpp, is identically the same, It is also printed on genuine India paper. Tho "Handy Volume" Issue is sold exclusively by Sears, Roebuck and Co., of Chicago. The Scarcity ot India Paper India paper is made from A kind of flax grown in Germany, Belgium and Ireland. Tho war ended tho getting of any flax from Belgium and Germany two years ago, and tho embargo of the British government has cut off all supplies from Ireland. The result is that no more India paper can be procured for years to come, for even should the war end tomorrow, there are other and more Important crops to be grown than flay. Every set of the Encycloj paedia Britannica that couldjrie made on India paper has now been made; when those on hand are taken, as they will be In the very near future, the work can no longer be purchased. We strongly advise, therefore, all who wish a set of this greatest of all reference works, in either the high priced Cambridge Issue or the popujar 'Handy Volume" form.ata savingof 60 in price, to order a set at once, The Manager, Encyclopaedia Britannica, u vy a i 44u Bu&w, jpjew rri? TiTirrmTi rrnjrrrr'i r1" '" -"" ii ii ' ii r t t mi ttiii mil urn irtnTrnwrniTiiTTii inTnm pi.ijiimiiiiiii .nim Tfgr Wl "IW iffl. Ii (rl TrnjSTTlimLi,,TJWl'W Ii IffLfl.mili lif.niVn rm nfMMBMi I ill jsagba. 'Tzvm m"-! ,-n 1 r h w v v 1 S B ,fc rsrfm an