Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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,. , .....ia. ..... ........ h niifliirtHjjiiiffri n
J .;' JSfiJd Gcdrge, Prime Minister, Rose From Ranks, Became
;i jpopumr ldoiiionar Law Was unco iron Mer
i chant Others of "Close-to-People Type
t.iixntoort, vt. li. Dftid uoy cjor
jtftf4rtQunca' In Tory circles Just befora
Siwar began as the mart who waa "drag
(' the country lo Ihs i!or."
Jtfartlnt: Ufa bo an Inconspicuous Welsh
tfltkltor, h escaped notice until 1890, when,
at th tf of thirty-seven, ho anterrtl l'ar
'J1nt an member from Carnarvon, Wales.
five. years later he was appointed n mem
her , 6t Campbell'Bannerman'fl Cabinet as
prfhlJent of the Hoard of Trade. When
AmuHU bcm Premier In April, I90S. Mr.
ItWjrtl George took over the portfolio of
Chancellor of tho Kxehequer, where he noon
fcecame the best hated enemy of the Tories
pa n popular Idol of the people nt larire.
Andrew Donar Imw, who him been n mem
wrvot Parliament for sixteen 'yearn, wm
.n lrtn merchant nnd formerly n member of
thir firm of William KMstone A Horn and
William Jacks A Co.. both of Olasitow, He
Jrni born In Canada and la the first colonial
lo ttiad the Unionist party. Mr. Inw was
appointed Secretary of State for the Col
onies In tho coalition Cabinet formed last
yr after belnic trader of the opposition
. In Qommopa sinco ion.
Ird Curzon, who s fifty-seven years old,
had Jong1 experience In foreign affairs, his
moft Important post betna; Viceroy of India,
wher Tie served durlnn 1809-100B, Prior
to this he had been Under Secretary for
India rtnd for Forelun Affairs,
Arthur Henderson, leador of the Labor
party In Commons, resinned from the
Acrulth Cabinet, In which he held the post
t president of the JJoard of Education, In
August of this year. On November ho
.KM appointed Minister of Pensions, a
newly created post made necessary by tho
war. He started life an a molder.
Lord Mllner, wno was nmonir those men
tioned as successor to Uml Kitchener, has
,. long been Identified with Kitypt and Kotilh
Arrlcn. He has had n distinguished record
ajr.rt colonial administrator.
Of the less widely known men In the
hew Cabinet, the majority of them seem
ingly ore well qualified from practical ex
perience for their rcsnecllvo posts.
The new Lord Hlffh Chancellor Sir Robert
Bahnatyno Klnlny has tw.ro before held
positions In the aovernment, bavins; been
Solicitor Oeneral and Attorney (Iencr.il. Ha
ts a. Unionist member of Parliament,
Blr Georfta Cave In a well-known lawyer
rtd Unlonlnt member of Parliament for
the Kingston division of Surrey.
Ilsron Ilhondda before hi elevation to
the realm of noblemen In December, I91G,
Wan David A. Tliomas, head of the Cum
brian, coal c mblnatlou, and was known as
stti llrltlsh Coal lC.nir." He has sat twice
In Parliament as n Liberal member, lie
was one of the survivors of the sleumshlp
Ltitltanla when she was sunk In 131s. Later
lie was sent across the Atlautlo to repre
sent tho munition department of the llrlt
lsh Government In tho United States and
Canada. On his return to Kmcland he
Was crented a boron by KltiR Oeorsje.
Sir Albert Stanley Is icencral manager of
thi underground railway system of Lon
don', He wnn educated In American tech
nical schools and for a number of years
was the manager of the street railways In
Detroit and of tho Public Service railways
In New Jersey,
John Hodgo Is a Labor member of Parlia
ment. Ho Is secretary of the Steel Smelt
In Amalgamated Association.
Pr. Christopher Addlsnn has held the post
of Parliamentary Secretary of Munitions.
Ho la a doctor of medicine and has writ
ten extensively on anatomy.
llnron Devonport, food controller, Is
chairman of the Port Authority of London
and has also held the post of Parliamentary
Secretary of tho Hoard of Trade. Ha Is
well known as a sportsman, his recreations
being shooting, boating and yachting.
Ill Itowlaml Edmund Prothero tho Min
istry has 11 practical man as president of
tho Board of Agriculture, he having studied
and written extensively on farming. Ha
bis been a member of tho rtoyal Commis
sion on Homo Production of Food since 191G.
Another Labor member of tho aovern
ment Is George N. Uarnr.i, from the Illack
friars' Division of Glasgow. He ban de
voted much time to tho promotion of old
ago pensions nr.d better allowances to sol
diers and sailors. Ha Is cm the Govern
ment's committee for sailors and soldiers'
penblons and allowances.
Herbert A. I. Fisher, president of the
Board of Education, la a well-known edu
cator. Ha has been vice, chancellor of Shef
field University since 1912, nnd Is a fellow
in roveral llrltlsh collrges. Sir. Fisher In
1909 delivered the Lowell Institute lectures
In Boston.
Sir Frederick Cawley Is Liberal member
cf Parliament from Iinrashlrn.
'Albert JUIngworth In a partner In the
firm of Daniel llllngworth .1 Sons, spin
ner. Ho also la a Liberal 31, P. from
Gordon Hownrt, tho Solicitor General, Is
a well-known barrister. He holds the Lib
eral aat In Parliament for Leicester,
Tho RL lion. Henry i:. Duke succeeded
Great Britain Roused
for War to Finish
. Gtfttlaued from Iase One
free peoples' answer to tho claim, repeatedly
made since August 1, that In a crisis their
democracy with Its scattered control and Its
divided authority cannot copo with the
fllclency nnd the force of centralized power
possible under an autocracy of the 'aer
na.n type,
i"rance went a long way toward contra
dicting the German argument so far as It
concerned the military, when the produced
ft J oft re, The llrltlsh believe that they
hove completed the contradiction, even
though It required twenty-eight months, by
a- process of elimination which has finally
placed In the hands of the one man who
has the confidence of an overwhelming 'ma
jority, the supreme power to mobilize and
direct, (be entire strength of the llrltlsh
It Is the British Idea that democracy has
Answered autocracy by showing that It
4oe not fear centralised power, but has
Ron 4 step further by selecting Its own
adrulnliftratlon of that power.
The, new order contains hi ultrlWng
JutncterUtlca that the old order lacked
lflitlattre, Innovation, expedition, national.
Urn. concentration and courage.
Apparently Lloyd George's rat determina
tion was that the administration, to be suc
cessful, must Institute an entirely new sys
tem In the conduct of the war and In Cab-
Buhr Stone
ujtd -vvholo-iTTain flours and cereals.
JUteln all tho rich, bona-fornilnjr,
revitalizing elements that nature
placed la the uraln which are re
svod in the ordinary process of
twilling. ... .
Buckwheat Jllfc "ft If.
8. Ill, sack, 11.00, Delivered
( br 1'arsal fast er JSxoreis
il.is yeiiuvr or wnite urn ileal
UBS Whole Wheat, GreJuun or
m Flour.
MKea tvoa uiu, nice, vaney,
. Buckwheat Flour, Natural Drown
i, natural urovn zrty. una.
VT jtoods Natural Brown Bar
lour Natural Brown Itlce flour.
Oat iiour.
'fcMkW lft,raj
-n---r i .E- i:'-.y-s.
'' lw
JiKaisTfjsaaea i I ... - ,. 3 BE. .' fc.
HlailslslsiK V '' 1BBPJy
Abnvo ia Lord Curzon, former Vice
roy of India, and now Lord Presi
dent of Council in Lloyd George's
now Wnr Cabinet of Ave. Delaw is
Arthur Henderson, lender of tho
Labor party in Commons, who will
bo without portfolio. Simultane
ously with tho announcement of
Lord Curzon'g appointment camu
tho nows from London of his en
gagement to Grace Klvitin DuRRttn,
oldest dnuirhtcr of the Into J, Mon
roe Hinds, ono-tlmo American
Minister to Iirazil.
Auguatlnu Illrrall nu Secretary for Ireland
after tho Dublin revolt, lip Is the Unionist
member of Inrllament for Kxoter.
Ignatius J. O'Urlfi has held the post of
Lord Clinnoellor of Ireland slnca 1913. He
Is a well-known Irish lawyer.
Inet procedure regardless of precedents
and traditions.
The rupldlty with which lie not. only cor
ralled the support of tho Labor party, and
made, up the personnel of the Cabinet, but
actually got bin new war council work
ing before tho members wore sworn In,
demonstrates not only tha ginger of the
man who la now Kngland'a Prlmo MlnUter,
but his appreciation of tho vital urgently of
the situation Britain now faces.
The new Governmotn embodies In nn un
precedented degro all England's national
olemsnta. It Is noteworthy In that busi
ness men eliminate ns much as possible the
purely professional polltlclniiH heretofore
bulking largely In Cabinets.
A striking Illustration of the wide range
shown In Lloyd George's selections Is in
the Luborltes, who wore called upon among
his twenty-eight repartmetn heads. One,
Arthur Henderson, becomes a member of
the War Council. Ho started life as an
Iron moulder, John Hodge, Minister of
Labor, ts the head of the Steel Smelters'
Association, The Hon, Nell Primrose, son
of Lord Iloaebury, Is his undersecretary.
The making of the actual Cabinet Into
a working body of only ve members assures
Twice the
A lady remarked that she
had twice as much Christ
mas shopping to do this
year as she did in 19l5f
Fortunately she solved the
problem and did the shop
ping with
Half the Trouble
She used the advertise
ments in the Ledgers aa h'er
shopping guide. If you are
wise you'll follow her ex
ample. Read the Ads
I ' -, .
mmmm -i ' .tmm,w.-r .-: ?
..n ...... i.n rr n -, i .......ft. , ..,,. . .... r' . .. .,... .... L ...... -t4. ... .-.. '- I ' ...-'
Dictator of History
PRICLES-Ula rule raised Athens
to Its -.onllh of powor nnd glory.
from tho Persians.
CINCINNATUS Called from his
plow to save Rome from the bur
Imrinn hosts
rO.MI'EV Savior of Rome from
Hannibal nnd tho Cnrthatrinlnn.
CAIUS GRACCHUS Lender of tho
plebeians of Rome to attainment of
democratic rights.
FAIIIUS Roman general who led In
second I'unic war,
SULLA Roman goncrnl created for
establishment of tha republic.
JULIUS CAESAR Inaugurated lm
pcrinl Rome out of chaotic condi
tion of decadent republic.
HIKNZI Rescued modlovnl Italy
from domination of tyrnnnicnl rul
ing houses.
CROMWELL Londor of tho Puritan
regime in England, which had Us
political climax In tha common
wealth. ROIIESIMERRE Chieftain of tho
"Terror" In tho French Revolution.
Bcvcrnl of tho South American
SANTA ANA Virtual sovereign of
Mexico nt time of wnr with United
DIAZ For many years nutocrnt of
OAMHETTA Holpcd restore Frnncc
to normnl nfter Commune.
promptness of decision and execution which
would otherwise he unobtainable under the
present mlnlsirrlal system. Further con
centration nnd ro-npnrnllon have provided
In a scheme for rummlsilonn or commit
tees In Parliament similar to those In the
Congress of the United Htalrs.
Ilecausn of Ills cold, the Premier Is con
ned lo Ills borne. In a teller, which hft
hns written to Parliament, he Indicated his
belief that be would be unable to nttend
tomorrow's session of Parliament, at which
tho now Cabinet will formally lako ortlce.
'The ono predominant tank before the
(lovernment Is a vigorous prosecution of
the wnr to a triumphant conclusion," Lloyd
(Jonrgo declared In this letter. "I am con
fident I can rely on your support and that
you will long devote your energies effec
tively to that end."
While the Premier remained Indoors his
now Ministers wern formally received at
Ilucklnghnm Paine by King Ueorgo and
klnsrd his Mn.esty'H hand. A meeting of tho
Privy Council, called nt noon,' brought seals
of tlin retiring M nlstcrs and later delivered
theso to tho newly accredited 1'nbtuvt mem
bers. Lt:xKiui:.s MtrsT on
Hnglnnd's every resource Is to b turned
Into the war. Kvcry luxury Is to be cut
off, every activity turned Into the serious
business of fighting.
, Nothing could be clearer than this de
cision after nnnniiiicetnpnt jf Lloyd llrorge'n
now cabinet and consideration of prelim
inary measures to lm enacted.
'The little Welshman" becoinrn virtually
dictator of Kngl.ind.
Associated with him In the War Council
aro 1 arl Curzon. who will bn Government
leader In tho House of Lords; Andrew
llonnr Law. who will be leader In the
House of Commons; Arthur Henderson nnd
Lord Mllner, ministers without portfolio.
Ilecausn Curzon and Law will bo largely
occupied with their duties In the two hounes,
tho War Council really narrows down to
a permanent membership of threo men
and two of these, Mllnrr nnd Henderson,
urn without other tasks than that of mem
bers of the War Council.
Thus tho flo eminent forces aro aligned
for efficiency.
This new (lovernment also plans efllclcncy
through reforms ns In public economy.
It Is believed virtually certain that Lloyd
C!eorge's.reglme will Institute absolute pro
hibition of spirits throughout Ureat lirltiiln,
with severe restrictions on beer nnd wine.
Further manufacture of spirituous liquors
will be forbidden
One ot Lloyd fleorgo's now "department
Please Everyone
Let your gift to wife or mother be one which
will add to her pride in the home and at the same
time bring pleasure to the whole family circle. Let
it be
A Gas Reading Lamp
You will find nowhere a lamp value to equal the No. 800,
which we are offering for the Holiday time at the reduced price
of $9.25.
Including 6 fct of beat tubing and Standard Welsbach light and mantle de
livered and connected to an existing gas outlet, ready for use. f
The No. 800 Gas Reading Lamp is guaranteed Mahogany base with
18-inch old rose or old gold silk poplin shade, cretonne lined, with heavy
gimp trimming. It was a bargain at our campaign price of $10.75 and
at this special Holiday price of $9.25 is an unusually attractive gift.
At any "U. G. I," store or from representatives. Convenient term
payments arranged if you desire.
We also have many handsome Floor Lamps for your selection at prices
lower than you would nave to pay for the same quality elsewhere.
The United
lilllf Ilf I1IIII11 II1IIII tllllllllll
beads' Is it food controller Lord Devon
bo't. Ills appointment- It Is ft neif post
Vas taken to presage Issuance and Institu
tion of nil the Internal economies In con
nection with the nation's food supply neces
sary to reduce waste1.
Meatless days each week are expected.
Forecast also In the new (lovernment's
Ideas of unremitting, relntlgorated conduct
of the war are the cutting off of all un
necessary luxuries In private life and con
centration upon necessary work only.
All the nation's vigor Is to be directed nt
preparing for the spring drive nnd the
pushing of this winter's operations.
PAItlfl, Dec II.
It was reported In political circle.! to
day that the resignation of the French
Cabinet Is Imminent.
The Matin Is authority for tho state
ment that the reorganization of tha higher
command of the army will not be settled
until after the reorgnnlzed Onvernment
taken Its seat and !s Indorsed by a vote
of confidence In the Chamber of Deputies.
Oovernrnenlal authority will b concen
trated. The Matin predicts that "old ad
mlntstrntlvs machinery will be thrown Into
the melting ot" and that n small war
council will bo formed, similar to that In
More and more Kngland'a limited war
council Idea In gaining support In France.
More and more Is Lloyd (leorge being re
garded as Kngtand's man of the hour.
France Isn't watting lime In pessimistic
reflections over ftumanla and Oreece. On
the contrary, the nation Is setting Its Jaws
tha more firmly nnd demanding action that
will be immediate nnd daring,
With tho slow-down of activity along the
west front, forced by clilltlng and Unceasing
rain, clammy fogs nnd seas of mud. events
In England, Oreece and Rumania loom all
the more prominently hero.
HOMi:. Dee II
Itnlv. no less than her allies, In prepsrlng
to make 191" a year of Its most vigorous
prosfc.it Ion of the war.
Two events today so Indicated the new
determination of the nntlon.
One wan the calling to the colors o
the ctnss of 1S58, one year In ndvnnrn of
the time at which men of that ngn ordi
narily would be called upon for military
The other wns the vote, of confidence ac
corded the present flovernment by Parlia
ment The session was n secret one. The
vote wss 36 to IS. Details of the division
on this vo'p were not made public, but it
Is r.tipposed those, who opposed the tavern
menl's plan- were the Socialist wing nnd
Borne adherents of Olollttl.
IMJonts Sink 10 Munition Ships
IlCItl.i:.'. Dec. II. According to rei.irt
from .Stockholm, nays the Overseas Newi
Agenry today, Ornnnn submarines In th
Arctic havo during the last few weeks sunV
sltteen ammunition stenmers bound fin
Gift Suggestions
Breakfast Sets
Tea Sets
Sets of Glass
iMalioj-any Novelties
Wright, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc.
1212 Chestnut Street
Gas Improvement
llllllllllllf lltltlllll Iltlltlilflt J IIIII1III1IMI111II J1I11
llumaniam Regain
'Lost Positions
CVmllseed freei Tare One
crossed the Danube between Hlllslrln nnd
Cernavoda are advancing Upon KJfhJ
to selxe the short spur of railway line run
ning south from the flueharrst-reteehtl
Itallrosd to the Danube, .....,. ,nrf
The object of the Herman, nds'! """
Turkish forces that crossed the ,JJfl1n,
east of Rlllstrla. was evidently to get In be
hind the Ittimanlan column that fled east
wsrd from llueharest along the railway
toward Feteshtl. ..u.
On the front of the Carpathians and the
eastern part of the Transylvanlan Alps the
itnlsns ar again exerting strong pres
sure against the Austro-Oerman front new
by Archiluke joser nnn ircmi ""
been scored In that sector.
HKT1LI.V. Dec. II.
The resistance of Ihe Jtumnnlani In east
em Wsllachla has been broken by Held
Marshal -.on Mockensen. according to the
offlclnl report of the War Office today
Tho Herman Allies nre fighting their way
forward despite heavy ralnstoni and the
absence of bridges which were destroyed
by the Ilu-o-tlutnnnlon forces during their
On the Carpathlsn 'front the Itusslnns
kept up their attacks on Sunday over n
wide front, but gained no edvnntago, the
War Office says. ....
There have been no Important actions
nn the eastern front the War Office stated.
SOFIA. Dec 11.
Itecapturs of the west bridgehead nt
Cernavoda. was announced In today's offi
cial report.
Forcing bark nf the enemy for several
hundred feel by Teuton-Ilulgnr forces west
of Huhodol was also announced.
A Ilulgarlnn force crossed 'the Danube
Into ttumsnla near Slllstrla and captured
Ihe city of Knlnrmsl
In Macedonia, the statement said, several
enemy attacks had been repulsed.
IIKHLIN. Dec II. Kmperor William
hns sent to Field Marshnl von lllndenburg
the following autograph letter:
"My Dear Field Marshall The Itu
msnlan campaign, which with God's as
sistance already has led to such brilliant
wi-ces-es. will be valued III the war history
of all times ns a bright example of the
strategic art of genius You taxc again
eonducled neat operations with rare pm
lerc ns regards ep-endld arrangements,
with the greatest energy In carrying them
ut. and you proposed to me with farseelng
'houghlfulnrHa measures which directed Ihe
ny to separately marching columns for
i united blow.
"To you nnd your well-tried assl-tnnts
'I Ihs Oeneral Ktnff the thnnks of tho
''atherlund are again due. With proud
i,y and satisfaction It hns learned the
news of victory, and with sura certainty,
full of confidence In such leaders, looks
Desk Sets
Book Jiiids
Smoker's Articles
M Mltlll Illlllf II III J ttf III 11111
lirinn ftu. tiDtin, tint I .IMlre 10 KIVO
especial eipressldn of rny deejet thank
by rnhfetrlnK upon you tho first of rny
g-enerals the llrand Cross of the Iron cross.
Tour arateful and always very affee
tlonato kin. WII.HRI.M.
Greece Hovers on Brink
of Conflict With Entent
Cenllnixd frem I'sre One
that the situation has Improved, the diplo
matic hody Is reserved.
"Accordlna- to Orrek statements, a friendly
spirit prevailed at the audience Klnit Con
tanttne Rave the llrltlsh and and Itusslan
Ministers The Kins;, as a slun that he en
tertains no hostile Intentions, offered to
withdraw two replments from Thessaly nnd
Intrust the icuardlnir of tho Corinth Canal
and the Chalcls Hrlde lo French torpedo
boat destroyer "
Dispatcher from Ilollerdsm Indicate that
Oreece Is on the hrlnk of war Theso
ndvlees iiuote the Iludspest correspondent
of the Frankfurter Zdtunir. ns saying thst
any further pressure from tho linlente
will he regarded by the Orcclt Government
as cause for war.
The same newspaper rays that the Al
lies nre prepared to dethrone Constantino
and proclaim eight-year-old Prince Peter
kin, with former Premier Venlielos ns
Telegrams lo the Weekly Dispatch from
Hmyrna Island, dated Friday, say that
troops are reported arriving at Athens con
tinuously nmt that 20.000 havo gathered In
and around tha capital
ATHBNS, Her. II. King Constnntlne's
Onvernment made formal protest to the
nlllled Powers todsy against continuance
of the Allies' blockade.
ATHBNS. Dec. 9 (delayed). The situa
tion hero Is believed to be approaching a
critical moment.
Onrrctt Droppers, the American Minister,
was In conference with King Constantlns
more than a hour today. The Spanish Min
ister hns left for Valencia, ostensibly on
leae, of absence, plarlng the legation In tho
hands of the Charge d'Affnlrcs.
All the Kntente nationals havo been or
dered by their legations to quit Athens
Snow Hampers Itnllnn (inns
ItO.Mi:. Dec. II. "Artillery oitlUty hns
been hampered In the mountain regions by
heavy snowfalls," says last night's War Of
fice statement, "but It hns been very violent
In the region east of (iorltz and on the
'or 29
havo been build
ing our busino3.s
SC. Jf inc our business I HI MB H
on the principle
-rs 'wv-
ioiuto stiunre dealing
und small nrollts. Our
patrons have full confldoncc
in us, nnd when vc toll
them we are olTerinfc an
article that is worthy and de
sirable a icood valuo at tho
nrice nuotcri thov Imnw font
tho merchandise, when seen,, will mal:c j;ood our statement and theso nre
tho thinp that count. So that when wo offer you diamond Hnps at ?125 a
carat, rinjrs that aro absolutely perfect and frco from (laws, you may rely
upon it that when you come in you will see them exactly as represented. And
you will see them in such variety as to make n selection nn easy matter.
i r . m
it Carat Rings. . .S75.G3
Va Carat Rings. . .$93.73
7a Carat Rings. .$109.38
1 Carat Rings. .5125.00
s-,n Carat Rings,
Vt Carat Rings. .
'3 Carat Rings. .
i Carat Rings. .
Yi Carat Rings. .
Platinum, 134.00
(Vrilt Gold. :i.30
: Ulsmondi
Ift-K. Sl.ll
K-K, M.33
lo-K. lo.iat
K-K. 1Jtf
lUflOO. 11.35
111397 S3.40
Ituliy or
I'luln Hhlnk
l'lv baiiphlrra
rillsrto tibuiik
I'Uin KUt
hi l i
- tin
12 Size ffilSi
lt-K flolld Gold
Ellin er Waltliam
AdJuttMl Watthta
Open Fan
Gala nil.d
Mlbbao Xtb
jo.k Hoita iioid li. ts
H-IC Hoi I J Uold H.7S
Jj-Y.r Killed . .M
O-Ytar Ktllid . .Si
17Jowl Ad
jutlni llllooU
1IIH7 SO Tear OoM Klll.d
An opporlunlty to obtain, UilJi a rellabla and
sesurat tlmlio at actual wtiolcaal prlc.
a Una cold Sll.d Klbbon Fob,
T-Jwel KUla or Waltham ... ., .13,10
lojawci Kiia ar
17-Jawa liu.ttr Uraad,
It-Jaw. k a. lUrtl.ti
fl-JtwoS Uuan Upaclal
I liuolicr Uraad,
ta-Jawtl llllnola
wl llllBola
wl llllnola
1T-Jurl itairal Waltbam
1Q-K Holm tloU S7.75
li-K Solid Hold 10.&0
OoU Vtlled . S.00
lli-J.wtl nivaralda
Sl-Jtwcf llllnola
:ijiii i.
iji n
17 Jaw. I O,
Jswal Crtaauit W.
Also 800-8U Chestnut.
T m aan )a JaVakvi '' V9 H. J Mf
JLJT JXfif" a
"Victory for Our Cause," Dr,
Tope Cnlls Plan to Check
Kngland'a contemplated control of all
liquor trade In Ihe British Isles was greeted
today ns n great victory for tho drys hi .
the Itev. Homer W. Tone. Philadelphia su
perintendent of the Anil-Saloon leagut He
hailed tho action of tho new novernmtnt
under l.loyd Ueorgo another step toward
a "llfinorless world." Kngland will prohibit
the distillation of whisky and gin tn
greatly restrict tho sale ot beer. Virtually
all alcoholic drinks aro to bo used only foe
medicinal purposes.
"Hngland's action Is something we ex.
peeled," Doctor Topa said, "particularly
since l.loyd Cloorge hoa come Into power
He has always been favorable to our cause
England's action, like Itussla's, Is not taktri
upon grounds of morality, but In recocni. '
lion that n tlauorless nation la an emclent
nation. Commanders of armies and tht
heads of flovernment reallto this truth.
I0C6 Chestnut St.
yenrs wo
of nb-
Absolutely Perfect
S'ir ppp
134 Carat Rings. $2 18.75
2 Carat Rings. $250.00
2'A Carat Rings. $281.25
2'A Carat Rings. $312.50
l'J Carat Rings. $15fi.25 I 23 Carat Rings. $343.75
l'j Carot Rings. $187.50 13 Carat Rings. $375.00
mio!, 3naa
Diamond SIMM
Sapphlrr is.3
13 Diamonds
b'ullil I'lutluum
H-C. 1U.O0
Tlt Lsrrtit Stock ia
PtiliJtlplis, Lowcit Prices
S Diamonds
ltllsrna Hhank
SI 1.13
S lilamonds
Klllsrea Sliank
20-Year Gold Filled Cases
(laarsnlred hx The Ker.tone Watch Cae Co.
New, ricluilie detlsna lu the famoua Crown and lloral !0.Yur
Cold rilled. Tliln Modtl (', 1'oaltlteljr auuranlerd. A nw cat
lUfii to etchanie If one tbows aliaa at wear before eiplrallon sf
time ixclntd.
rioo Uold
waitroiiu ..... . iu.3
Hlaln or Waltbam 13. tu
Ulaln or Waltbam
It 13
IS. 43
it. i3
XI. ill
17 S3
Waltbam. .
opu wrwiwns
r.w: cox?
Stand 900 Market St
ft .tusk wy. Tki
L-JR-JVl( T5rw.. rob
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