Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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'wyr'iOjgp8! -WH
Foil-.n, Cnr Find Prize
Broken Skull
!. a boisterous rMa In R niKt
IHflwIn jr'h,er. Anna Burn. 2828
Sw'iwSE llSptal until llo last
".nrti did from ft tnclurt of
"ll Thi "". Cnrroll McCAb. of
i J. ..n.lnif nxtmie. van held with
"VWKwiTlt lh? notion of the Coroner.
t ' "w. reported to hnv recn mem
12. ' ...loib ride, which " Sl'
,, -..m fol owed nrlom treet In
SwLSelptln and ended ftl Second
l..n. .trect" whero the l-ollco Inter.
ttAJ Varn th cuio of the outburst
"rrf.h. ulwb"of which re-tdonts of tho
"ThSrhood wre complfllnltiu. Beer
oml wonr5a were heard, the police
M!k - ihK policemen nrrtved MtCnbo imjI.1
man wai hl wife and had been flitht
lM woman was hk m w ,
M with -Jim ", j injured Her head
"" Jw ordered to drive to the
TM drlr w " b , R Th()
U,10n hw Tent to tho hospital After
rom,llI!, hla fare the driver was allowed to
The " olhr" Wh Wer " '"
.!. om"lTent to the hospl
Wb .. ihouKht she was utiffcrlnK from
Wl 5 Efiart nWi Sho suffered a cerebral
Wnk,,hAi "ml two hour later she died.
S'Twore her death she regained con-
Trore iir obtained a state
"rZZn her thnt ihe was the wlfo of
'TJi'K.Tul tha they had not been living
&3h?r A tt Coral street luMrrt It wa?
"G.fc.'t sti" lived with her parents and
Si was not related to McCabo. Th. Police
ire ItiTestlpatlnif
Itobert Alcxnnilcr Edmonalon
tiabert Alexander lMinon-ton. to whom
,ki D,yUters of the Confederacy nrvoral
lh - ? nresented the Southern Cross
Honor Ued last Friday night at his
Jf ' iliBS Vernon street. He was
.,2 years old. Mr IMmonston,
T came " KrcderlcKnburir. Va..
!.vl with course In the Confederate
, dur iff he Civil War.
M'w member of the KJrst Navy
n.ttallon of the Oinfedrrate forces. Mr.
famonston s surMc.l by a widow. lira.
mtrl Klmonsion Kuneral services over
ieier .,. , ., - tinvl M'nilnradnv
in-moon at 1 "clock. Hev Pr. Quay Hos
t. f the Klfth Haptlst Church. IJlRh
tnth and SprlnK flanlen streets conduct
bij the ervlcei. Interment will bo made
at Hillside Cemetery.
Vtltnllne M Mesile. i:lon. Pa., and Ophtlla
' VMoibrc I'armel. N .J.
wiiiird ! Jncotn 2711 w. ix-msn ip nmi
An M. SteKsdJrn Wit Tllinn l.
Itorrta It&xlnakr Ailantlc City, N. J., nnd Lena
lh C Cooiwr CHI l-imlmrd t.. and Sarah
llcilllon I.Iod. I83J N. Ilanrock at . and Lena
cirl I'aJirhirh Jr Klshrr's Ian" urnl WomlnB
Urt jt- Howrjl nsin N.iau t , and Nelllo St.
mux Erb, m (.'a.tharlne t.. nd Irene Smith.
nArniohnon.' 13ll Illnhrldn t . nnd Mnry
Ilrrl 11MT naliurldiiF t
AnuiM Wrlnbmr, IS04 N. nth t . and Fannie
BllVfrman. io" .-. ..in p. -
luir Uctiltr n won N Mnrshslt it . nnd Orr-
TTIley It Thompion, 1201 lit Vernon t . nnd
ronitanr licpz. t2in Thnmraon at
Caruio Krancfaco. 82n IHrklpaon at., nnd Car
intla. de Macaio, 111! McKrnn at
I Vnur T Itohlm, Cimdcn, N. J., and Nellla V
r, Jmcl Hhlrlty, 331 J N. l'alfthnrp at., nnd Jan-
fCaarlta H Quay. Jri. ""flttman, N. ' J., and
r ia.K.1 ir !i.i... Tril u nntu
JIis3 IMnrion G. Lnbc Wns Born
on the 13th ; Became 13 on
n Friday, the 13th
fluperstltlon nltt be defied when J Soils
Cohen. Jr.. nnd Mis Marlon (Umbel tvbe
nro married at the Itlttenhotm Hotel
Wednesday afternoon, Iiecemter 13.
MIm Ijabe, who Is. considered one of
Philadelphia's iiiotI beautiful Klrls, wns
born on a thirteenth day and became thir
teen years old on a Krldiy, the 13th
For that reason she iclecled the "unlucky"
day for her wedding, which will bo an Im
portant cxrnt In Jelh social circles She
Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob
Utbe, of Z2: (Irecn street, and la known
as a r'rench scholar Mr. Soils-Cohen, sou
of I)r J. Soils-Cohen, the throat specialist
la In the real estate buxlnesa
The ceremony will be performed by the
tlev. Joseph KrnusVtopf, agisted b the
Itev. Leon It Klmnleh. Mlw Kdlth Soils
Cohen, sister of (he brldeitroom. will le
maid of honor, and Mr J M I-miR'dorf
matron of honrr The best man will be
lr Myer Soils Cohen, the brldeerooin s
brother. Th bridesmaids will be Mlsa
Vllan Wallar of New Vork ; Miss Itiith
Ulmbel, of Crm-aso, Mlsa lllnnche lllrah
nnd Mlsa Olnls Stern, nnd the ushers
lternanl I. Llchten. J M LnnRndnrf. Ilur
nett Illnsuancer. Jr . tr AUIn U SelRel
1 It Soils-Cohen, IMwtn It. Well. Jack
libe nnd Leu la J Stern
Mr. Soils Cohen la n former newspaper
mnn and a dramatic critic. He la prealdent
of a H'Nnl Ilrlth lodge, nnd a member of
the Phllmont Country Club nnd the Natal
Order of the United State After a honey
moon In Florida ami llavnnn. the couple
will llvo at 1529 Spruce street for the
TN the afternoon at din
id) ner after the theatre .
three times a day there's
dancing in the Mirror Room.
Colonnade Hotel
Chestnut at 15th
Householders to Ho Protected During
Holiday Hush
A crusndo ngnlnst short weights nnd
measures wns started today by the lltireau
of Weights nnd Mensurci In a further
effort to protect householders ng.ilrjit fraud
during the holiday season The commis
sioners have Issued orders that etery In
spector must be on duty In his district
from 8 n. m. to 10 p m , beginning today
The Increased cost of the necessaries of life,
tho commissioners say. makes It more Im
perative than eer that purchasers should
get every ounco of Roods for which they
Tho omce of the bureau In the Parkway
Ilulldlne will be open every night up to
Christmas until 10 for the purposo of re
ceiving complaints.
Ambler Gets Motor Fire Engine
AMHLint, 1M, Dec. 11 Tho Wlaan
hlckon Klre Company, of this borough
has recotxed a motor dro engine "when
tested It exceeded tho specifications Thi
flro compnny has recommended tho ac
ccptnnco of the machine
In !
Hundreds of tho
noucst designs
to hIiow oii at
nt tractive prices
I I I u s t r a t I on
shows a hnnd
iohio ndjiiatnhlo
Limn, finished In
Hngllsh brush!
copper, w I t h f
shade to match i
Suitable f o rfl
desk or piano J
A gift that would
bo appreciated f
AaU for our new Illustrated ratalor
rail nnd ttr our nhlbll o rtrclnctil
1 toy din oiarr lAlnQJ for i"ruirsif
J Frank II. Stewart Electric Co. ,
37 & 39 N. 7th (Old Mint Hide.) A
Ready Money--
United States Loan Society
117 North Broad St. I
411 fl. Bth at. 3I8 Cfrroanlonn are.
to iiouv!2iiShdoMndni'hti
k g- &;. " "" r rVX5 .ra-i :vs
9 &tasQnaw&uQ$t$wn$ tnj iiicitoDie mtvctiants
He Will Appreciate
More if It Cornea From
fc W faxffltcntixnvcn j3
113 So. 13th St.
Below Chestnut Street
Th Larceit lll.lrlbutor of
MAMIATTAJf Bhlrt. la Phll.d.lphl.
pta lir-nlni. Until Xmii) .
A Treatund Gift
The New
and Rtf-creatlona
I The tint chotc. of
thoio who apprecUt real
, ".V.thlnt but KdUon."
11001102 AYalnut St.
You Can Save
By Buying From
Expert Diamond Appraiser
B . 37 North Hth St.
Between Filbert and Arch
vm ana mutonwood
wrWiwna 4g letfl
Garf & Electric
1318 Arch St.
For Her
Thl dainty litlta ealfakln
tuudolr fPP"f -" . '.h
thlmr h wit. PPrcll
Lined with lamh'a wmI All
iiiei Watt dr. SI .08
niitd -.
For Men or Women, $1 to $25
Children. 50c to $3.50
Walking SUcki, $1 to $10
ETerytUlo la Uai XUado Hfnaooabl
HARMAN'S, US S. 13th St.
Brass Craft Work
P. WEBER & CO,, U25 gffg&f
IF" Hi
Who will ho miirncd to .1. Solit
Cohen, Jr., at the Rittcnhoune Hotel
Wcdnchilny. Miss Lnbc's life his
tory is tilled with tho ditto 13,
nnd she is k"wb to defy supersti
tion now by beiiifr mnrricd on tho
Joseph W. O'Brien, Though
Frnil, Offers Unexpected Re
sistance to Current
ItOCKVIKW m, Vtc 11 Junius ru
tus Alston, of Chwtcr County, nflt snfely
In his cell toifsy. wlillf Jiv-fpli V. O'ltrlcn.
of Montgomery an ivilJolnlnR county, went
to his ile.nth on tho day orlRlnnlly nmiolnteil
for both to die (Vllrlen wns nut to death
curly today nt Hie penltentlnry Alitton.
n negro from Houlh Onrollnsi. Imil heen In
t'ennvyhnnta only n few months when ho
killed Wllllnm ltronn, another neuro, In
t'hester I'ounlj durlnit a qusrrel lust enr
He nil refused n rwiflon Inst month, hut
i iietltion ns flleil with tho Hoard of l'nr
dons for a rehearlnu i that the xlews of
tho trlnl Judge. Wllllatn nutler. Jr, mlRht
bo r.itisldrred hy the lionrd. This led to a
ci linen wns put to death for the murder
of eeen rnr-ohl Israel tloldman. of t'lilla
delplxn three eari nito Hn took the lad
nero's the Montgomery County lino and
killed him without propcntlon, so far as
rvutenre shown lloth O'llrlen and tho hov
he slew were I'hllndelphlnns Itrnel Hold
man ied nl 1730 I'nllowhlll street
n linen had to lie assisted to the chair hy
tho keepers Knun the time he entered tho
death rhnintier until the llmt contact was
KUcn hlni tie rnntlnunlly mullered, "Please
pra for me ' I'lenne pray for mo'"
Although O llrlen wbs frnll, ho olterod
mora resistance to the electrical current
than nm one heretofore put to death In
tho penitentiary here O'llrlen entered tho
dentil chimher nt 7 nl o clock nnd was
pronounced death tv Hr 1L J Campbell,
the prison pln-lelan. at 7 It
Wills Admitted, to Probate
Among the wills probated tod.iy were those
of t'eter ICnulTnimi, 2731 Ann street, which
In private liemiestn disposes of property
alued nt JIO00O: Charles It Th.irkr.ty.
1M0 North Twenty-eighth street, JCtOn,
nnd i:ieannr V Sajrc. 2.1J3 North I'ark
ntenue, :t0 The persntinl effects of the
estato of Clinrles Wilson luxe been np
pralsed nt 1 1 2 S03 si . Illlinbclli Charles
J7218 40, nnd Anna M Appcl, $3053 85.
(lame I'lniiies . . ST.fW up
(inns in sn to sian.oo
ItrtrolTers I-.S04.1 J50.00
INIilnic TnrUle,
Tool Cabinet A ('bests,
3.00 tn 1.10.00
Kmpt.r Tool
chests . ss.nnto s.i.sn
Mnrhlnlsts Tnnl Chests.
(7.00, Slo.on nnd llt.00
Itotlicers' New Hrroll
&nv wllh Kmery
Wheel . f.l.nn
Str Hrrotl Hnws 7.r,0
Wood Cartlnc Hets,
f t.00 tn3.00
Maniinl Training
llenrhes . S0.75 to fin.50
Carting Unites.
f:.".l In S 1.1.00 Set
U'ntrhes ... fJ.notoai.OO
llnlnrs 1. 00 li 15.00
Unbbersrt Minting
llrilslirs .... :,1f In S.1.00
Itninr Mtrnps . 0c to 51.00
Hnfrtr Itniors, nil
llinkes . . . 1. 00 tn 5(1.30
Hrlsiars SOrlo SI. 00
Nrlstnra Mrts. .,50 In 5.00
I'orket Knives, .tie In S0.00
Ire hknles ... 73e tu 5.nn
Slriil.tlrnn Sets, SOe to $1.00
l'lexlble Kler Meils.
f.3U tnio.ao
Kreclar To,
;huistimas !
rery rholrt rrfum Amrtrnn unti
fori(n whlih ilHcrlmlnttlnn folk
VtrttT l on nut MtrUfii Owlnir to
ftrnrrity of mtt fAor) klti'ls "
nitvtN furlj tilr!lon I'rlrfw rnnpt
from S.V tn !.,'. n tx-ttlr- (lift ,mr
i tiMBf nil! ),m hi lil f.r iinv ilre1
ilflhrrr nr nhlpninf nnvwhtf
rhlliiitrlnlilii's stnnilsnl lirue --Inrr
1318 Chestnut Street
lipn r tnlnit III! I.'
Mnke tho Mnlcs "Helpless," Wnshlng
ton Pastor Tells Meeting Com
posed Principally of Girls
WARIUNOTON, Dec 11. Women's
clothes of toilay make men "helpless" In
guarding their morals, l)r James I, (lor
don, a Congregational clergyman, told n
large meeting, iHimiosei principally of
young women. In a sermon here.
"If the young men of this generation hao
not gone hellwnrd head tlrst It has not been
the fault of the young women." Doctor Oor
dou said Doctor (lorden declared present
day women "will gamble away Ihelr honor,
womanhood, reputation nnd even their ills.
tiny "
"No stake Is too high for n woman," ho
W GTiw
"How Is it," testily niked
the Now Yorker of wait
er at n PliiUdelpliin ho
tel, "that I can't set nn
order of tnnilt in thli
Said the dumb waller)
"They move too fait for
ut here w can't catch
If you like snails wo
serve them I
QTTjc t. 3nmcs
Wntnut at 13th Street
0A.Vrt.V0 .V Till! KVKXISO
" - -r-f-'i'-T-n
::modesm refining co.::
lq4.'WiiwHWnUMi . rfJ
ids a. inn oifooi msuvi
rhon.l tVnln,ul (K39
Mechanical Toys
niectric Tralni and
Toys; Clock - Spring
Toys From S3c tip to
SI o.oo.
We hae added two new
dolltery cara to our licet to
take i Tin. of th Imlldny
prompt npd correct sertlce
SHANNON, 816 Chestnut
hToiti: ci.osns i r. m.
Thoroughly experienced in mod
ern methods, corporation account
ing-, costs, credits, collections.
Capable of acting- a secretary
and treasurer. Has produced ex
cellent results. Available at an
Mrlv data.
I- jilt), Ledger v-enirai
Clawsons 25c Vanilla
U the rttult of an earntil Jttira and
the ability to produce the belt.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut Juniper South, Pcnn Squaro
especially invite n comparison
of their prices
Jewels - Goldvfare - Silverware
Watches - Clocks - Stationery
2 Open Hfiliinlill"
s fntll fire irfcl
- -i i
Lamps ior Xmas Gifts
livery one needs and appre
ciates a pretty lamp. We have
an exclusive selection of styl
ish designs not found in
other shops.
The Horn & Branncn Mfp;. Co.
Kctail Display Rooms
427-433 North Broad Street
A short nail; ttlona Automobile Haw
Diamonds for Christmas Gifts
Our stock offer's probably the widest
assortment for selection in this city, yet every
diamond is of a uniformly fine quality. We
are direct importers and make our own
mountings. Qur prices are as low as is con
sistent with high standards.
Diamond Rings, ?10 to $3000
piamond Brooches, 10 to 2000
Diam. La Vallieres, 10 to 2300
Diamond Bar Pins, 15 to , 800
Diamond Bracelets, $20 to $2100
Diam. Necklaces, 2100 to 16000
Diamond Scarf Pins, 6 to 400
Diam. Link Buttons, 10 to 500
Our new catalogue.contains thousands of pho
tographic illustrations of the best in Jewels, Gold
ware and Silverwarc-conveniently classified and
accurately described aijd priced,
Call or write for copy.
S. Kind & Sons, 1110 Chestnut Street
The Final Perry
Intensified Value Sale
of this Season
started off this morning witli
900 Winter Suits
800 Winter Overcoats
at $15
of fabrics of a quality to be
found selling everywhere in
Suits and Overcoats at $25,
322.50 and 320, and that we our
selves could sell at those prices
as easiljr as rolling off a log!
1$ This is the last opportunity of its kind this year
---and because it is the last, it is also the greatest!
The advances in the prices of woolens xat the
mills are so great as to be almost prohibitive,
and they are hanging up new high quotations
daily ! We could easily hold these Suits and Over
coats to speculate with, for we have plenty of
others to sell at $15. But these Intensified Values
at $15 arc separate and apart from our regular $15
Suits and Overcoats, and are not to be compared
with anything we or anybody else can sell in the
regular way at $15!
J The values in these Suits and Overcoats are
even more pronounced than were those in our
October and November sales, and getting $25,
$22.50 and $20 for them would be the easiest
thing in the world, for they are worth every cent
of those prices! We're selling them for this One
Week Only at the
Uniform Price
simply because we are sticking to schedule we
went after them, and prepared them with this one
end in view of making a $15 sale that would be
long remembered by Philadelphians!
J The Overcoats are single-breasted and double
breasted Ulsters and Ulsterettes; single-breasted
and double-breasted box-back coats; single
breasted and double-breasted kimono-sleeve coats;
button-through fronts; fly fronts; velvet collars
or cloth collars, presenting a wide range of pat
terns, in Oxfords, in bluish, greenish and grayish
mixtures, plaid effects, and color combinations
that combine life and good taste. n,l.,l,-.,i..rfTifrtff'j
The Suits are of dark-mixed worsteds, cassi
meres, cheviots, dark grays and heavyweight blue
serges, a few full lined with silk, a few lined with
silk only in shoulders and sleeves, balance lined
with mohair; In plain backs and in Norfolk backs
with new touches of style in lapels, pockets,'
cuffs and waistlines.
CJ Every day the buying is bound to increase until
Saturday, when men will throng our aisles! The
wise thing to do is to come early and make sure
of yours under the most favorable circumstances!
PERRY & CO., "M. B. t
16th & Chestnut Sts.
31H H
I wvo PEN-PJUM1NQ tWIW MW IW w wruww. .,-- I 'i9f
: 1 Car. 9 h and Buttonwood 1 ptawebER & CO,, 1125 fl 1 .-.:. ..-.,, i, . , , . . '.y.jfflW it. .mm tJLrJMy . J - 2
.1IK fo'-Htnil 78 Vj r Wr.l'K'fV Pfc Wt " SJJUCliT lin JL..- - -- " , -- M - - , , i m , H I ill II - nimiiiijnnniiii.il I mill mill 11 illmminii I I I n I n ' i ..MiSPIIBF-""-'- " - - 593d
.abiik- , .... ,r. ... , -feaaad&iiag. -OS. - -. imtemmiMewMMSniKiBSeWlWMsEWKKIBttMiSkefsiht Ym. e&i. ii JK ft tf&&$!isr
S01BlBiaHllllllHlllHliillPaH Bb --! hB- "r