-S9f. l"J----'-OTF''riBF--' 5 . v 1F,V.VRT'"' gflfpH rip"-."-.?- PBINTIKO STOBAQE jM-w r warehouses .. . ltrWARCIt RTORaOB I CO. ificn ,r nte. Olrard nv Me-g, ?,-""' "'" " r NO MACHINES, BECORDS ifeS--- .... i Mkitmr. larae ale talxln "rTiiirTiri I ",,l,."J."',J....v k. uMi coat e'' .--,! ronill""" !"-"'' -- Ki,JM Orntnlown ave , ,1100 "J . --. .aa.. nna 5fi, "ll'STh 25 OetnUnl-wn are. EgBITEBS AND SUPPLIES eVA. .- .1 t n it fin ?, I moe liental payment afind'!...nq I ifemlngton .Typewriter BtMrB"-'"""" j Co 1 inc., iiq h. tn at m$JK - . ., - ":...-i. ,iK.: ss 'rJIBT-OFr CI.OTH1NO fi?At need of men's pull-. jHKWTOIfflt HitSiemTllB. pianos, carpets, antiques! el ntlqu, nllf msiiir ' -.. IIIM eachr who pay, hlitheiit cunri lKtr JVii rV txii-cri. mttala, inoBaalnfi. KHKi "i -.-- r- nnio riiiii- at iUMlttl J. LOPI""' -" " BOOMSFOn KENT fcinlTJlOO Charmlni: outside rooms: ! P-a?!rr.rqttiAnr.t: nooiis. t'i:n- WHB'W'mi TnANHIKNT. frn SiwrtT J4 Oull'l.room wll ftirtlrTT ST.. 5031 -Ijiren furnlhel room. ig.i(?ili with or vrUhout bonril. finrr. nm.. lnli) or.fn buIIc. prlv. ffi'wVh7tiborilopTl '! i.17V. fiu'lot tool Attraetlvo third-floor room ti'PVtilh: lio iull of om?onrcon.JJlopr. FumUlif! , i.BrxL-rUR.MSlinD KOOM, for S ntlmn. e. ' faraattrfigv .t. - -- B0ABDINO ijtECf. 1740 Attractive aronJ-floor front t; neOL witn poaru. i-opiar muj. t ISlnUlI JIVE.. laiB neconii onii iiurii iiuur " rwim; board rraaon ablf. Tloaa H2'J ' miy i.i.vb. r. n. n. tlftTHUQlOOK lr room, aouthf rn Mpoaura, !? iSimaliidolt famlir, with loard for gentla- aiv..i. iin. l' on. utactr unicv. SANITABITJMS IIKiCTtFUt LOCATION; aprclal aclrntlfle cars; iSwrroca. IiJrTi try comfort; nurats: book. lEtVDr. Binail. City Una. Chtatnut lllll. ." IIACIIBIX3II ArAUTMHNTS et3J.33-.17 Ludlow at ffcJll room, private bathroom. I22.B0. 2 omt. pnraie oain. .iu. iurn.; oirc. nam. ...v.t.e b.at. tanltnr aerv.. eto. Annlv JiiScr, er phone Maloney. Walnut 008 ItStrs", S8IS 2 rma , prliato bath. 2d floor nnt. aqqiiwrn riwmiy, lurmeneu n ueairen OF.KMANTOW.V TOE NBW ADDITION TO PBMIAM COURT I a OrKN i RISAU COURT waa not built to make an isest a avary one -nui in you wno uemanu ftieldahd are accuitnmed to receive lt-ut ,a' which, conalderlna what you du fie Zeartud receive la moderate It will make tj&l t73Sf. rompelllnc appeal. m ttUIXu COUKT la located .V? wiAU wuiu la locaie.i i Kitiia. Oermantown, luat orf aeUa Prlre. on the 1'ennayU pveru tralna a day. aurely at Cnrpenter'a L uvouiiiui I. ill' tui anla Hatlrnad: r iranaDoriatinn &nous lor inr one 'fJtoilu of 2 rooma and 1 bath to ft rooma ilil z txuii; ine ane In ault your requlro- Btsii, rtuti are rrom 130 up. PUtAf CnitrtT U n nnlt. nmrtft fAmttlENT UOTBf.. and located In an ah. 3iiir Meat ami exciuaive auourDan location 'la a word, vnu mv comA f PIM.IIAM rtOCRT and And a perfect auburban location, alta tnsiportatlon unexcelled, an Ideally con- raetid bulMlnr. quiet, dlxnlfled. elecant. Yea Bin aeliwt an nnnrtment nt tn mIa Jpi Mit roar Individual needa; you will find E roar houiekecplnir probloma aolved and ituiaeue et for you ahaolutely without effort ta roar parti vou will rind a. tahle nf lh ivhactt excellence at a moat moderate price. Rttd the lama eotirteav. aerilm nn.t attention Eh aiiitorm thrcuthout the entlro eatabllah- int. , Staler nui information, arransements for In DCwctlon and reiervatlona, call, phone or iniaw XonsiAN r HimnwooD lltl U.-AT.MI1T. tt-T kETRBCB Mil 'RAPB3023 ; w wi repreaentntive on tno premlaea at 11 ham Cmirl Olw!Btinnta mny b mtiflt (or nutomoblln ttf CaUl tit vntip rptjMn(A r riiialnotKi nlaua nni UJayoiieflreclly to I'BI.HAM COURT at your MtttiJraca and pleaaurc. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SISHED 3. outaldo rooma and bath. Weat poaitMion Jan, 1 130. Alio furnianeti poilt. lllttenhouae Hq. Telephone Wul- bit 2 rXr.l " Beautifully furnlahed aulte m.le tathi: excellent location, gentlemen. SSOTBEKEEPTNa APARTMENTS N. E. Cor. 17th & Walnut una uccx from Rlttenhouaa Square) IFil25.r?uief Pn "ultea are perfect In ISrL1"! ? '' bedrooma. each hav. lifctJ?7 wtadowa, fine Urge tlvlnr room. illSH.roM. kitchen: mald'a room and 3 S?7SS " .V"l winter and-aum. 5Sk.HrtJn,,,,' Alio aulte of 3 rooma . YlV.'r" V If. '""?. 0" !?P floor. a.--. -kfn.tiuu corujy laviuu. liUrty bIaU, nrod ft Cbtnut. MERTON GREIMS Ptone Walnut 6029, Race 2270. TIIERB ARE SEVERAL tStRiMoar'le". ".'h'.".A. Iiint .. --v7.-?.?' fna- ail or tneae maSBiSMssi ute.t?j&.&wWtf. Ppi.: XU rturtinVai; ln iS,',",. itt.,-J""l. -."4 i ft.-.L7";w,r c"nf? you may iffit,. in. j.""""n( in I'hllad.lnhl. -fc,XC""t."T riHuvd. Gorman '" rtea. , your exarl ijr"" """' Mtl WALNUT BT itTWkiSSP00 Uc802a. NEWCORONADO fTAiieoiv'aa. . w m&S'ssgEite V!? " KMMlW-r "Phon "" JrU-HENDERSON EPrwr.:'?:. "UILDWrj wsarlT,.a'K ElBL htSoW .c.".' Phone or writi . ' EST s & " Lheatnut at. &JL2R, 84TJ apart: m AND RACE; "a unpi'hm M01 V 101 V ... -aumiauije. furil.kL. !". HT aoriT iT.. S?n watsaSKiifn- ma. 8. LWESr PHILADELPHIA HT lCi!S,i1?ft. S4tt7al5 iPABTluNTHOTEiLS ' I5NTLR ,,y EVERTOiuTfT S LM2A-JFeL & bk6d1cl HOTa 3-SH WAtNUT wm u iBBM. If IjP, KBrir i t. x mm MO WWI9 SfP WANTED . ' !S.nMtTinr feather bede- "liver. St.nJK mRViilM llh. dlamnnda St VntftoSl" 02S Uh.etnut. Phone 3?!... ,""...; eiioea etc we are aiao nr-irnu-Jrii'Vji;i" street and evening nm "Liiiirne, maeatlnee, rage, iron. m WBZPKShar' feathers. inmhlni ttm. jeiirjjffl Rell. roplur 4.1IS: Kay. Park I A"jlf'.1, ., r.lf.til. dealrra In cltr. SONS;. 2Uth at. bel. Jefferson. W- APABTMENTS APARTMENT HOTEXS CMirniiM rote. PrntrHno Column ALDINE HOTEL Chtnot n4 nitwieentn THE BEST ROOMS ANn sitrrrc With the best tabic, h Philadelphia Day. Wcclc, Month. Season. Year I'AKKSIDE APARTMENTS . VJT ,"X it Culelne of .lMrlleie. Telephone llarlng 2 .. p7ryff,KS,,IJ,1ffA,-" SS-."ouK: w eludi chuUNVlirmlK?l- "''""or rtl. mll 1 non Orerbrivilc an HOTEL COLONIAL " THE GLADSTONE tlTII AND MNE 8T8. Absolutely Fireproof BKVU1AL VBIIV, B9IIATII.B SUITF.S CAN THE CLINTON TBNIU"''l;ow' rno notuiR. Kvnrtv ro.NvnNif:.Voi nirnlih.t or unfum!h.l. Uh(!r br ' or trnlnllr lullet of on or four room with loth DKLMAIl-MOIIIUS JVmt Chltn .. nrrnintnwni in mlnulM from llroa 8trt Rtatlon: frnlhKl or un furiilatiM oprtmfnt. 1 ronm n.1 bath or motti la houifkrpln( upartmtnU. BEAtt ESTATE FOR 8ALE CITY KXORI.T.KNT INVBNTMF.NTM S. t.. cor. Mmphl an.l lluntlnnlon ata . ttcuplr) by Incline cut-prlco arorrr ator on lour laa. monthly rental Wi Prfco. 50X) o W Norrla at atora and rtwalllna, oc. cunlnl by good tanant. rrnt. 120 1'rlca. 12500, N h ctir 7th ami tlran ata.. ators and dnalllne, rrnt. 70 IVIc. I751W li.'tt Melon at dwallln: rant. 150 frlca. tSSO'i l.ltt'e ra.h requlrad .-. l.-,Li:J"ll' fO..7th nnd Orn aja 302 MAIIKKT HT AT J'HHI.IC SAI.i: ON DnCBlltlKH IP. 11(1(1 AT IIAltNKH IXJF1.AND !78 iTlt 8T KllONT AND NUIlTHKAsf IIOfLKVAJll) l'rlro J'.'OM. alua 13300. 1300 caah. varr at. trartha. 2 atory R rooma, hardwood rioora, front lawna. porrhra. etc Taka No. 30 or No 02 car on Oth at to operation MONEY FOR MORTGAGES" llulldlna Aaaortntton and Trut Fundi. TAUI.ANU. WOO Walnut at. 007 H.20TIt ST 0 room'nlt conva Vlot liir.n'j corner, alda yard, cement cellar, ault any bual- ne: room to enlarta rented at llu a jr. i'AllllELU 710 8. 20th. 182? OAKPAI.K HT . near IBth and ItiUh ava 2 atory. 7 rooma. good condition, aell tor llttla caah KKNNnnv A ItAMIlO 3710 (lermantnwn . ui:ai. kktatb foii ham: on uent UAItlinil IIAHT1IAN & CO. 1201 fheatnut. WAIID'H bTITsT. HOMBH. north nf" ltuntlnii Park avo . ara rnmplete In eery detail Bee thrm ntonce IlKTZKI. A HON. Agenla 28 IIANK'ST I a'tory tiulldlnr. in t!1 ft. to a courtyard: well liahted HA.MUKI. W LBVI8, Ileal Kalale Truit Ilutl1lnir 15TH BT.. luat aboe. Montr nv.. 12ra .'brown- atona realdeno. chap Olenn. 13IT Columbia. llnlldlnx Ita.Kartory Ueajelc CHOtCR IlUn.DINO 1JDT8 and larr" trarta ii. i all rround In parta ( V a 11 it nv "fin mf aura. MaMn. 1MS-Itt Ural Bat Truat llld. HIVBIt-FltONT I'HOI'KIITIBH It 11 MrfOM.UM 1314 Walnut atreet VKST rillL.DBLI'IIU $6300 Corner property, near 48th and Cheater aye.: 3 atory, aun parlor, larre rooma. eleclrlo IlKhta, nowly papered and painted: rnrate prl1tee. wai. ii. w. uick ft lino , inc. 40th at J4HO0 S-HTOIIV reildence. 0 rooma, porch, near Clark I'ark. below coat. EUGENE L T0WNSEND 8.E.cor. 4th A Hallo ave. I'h Wood B2nn UAlTnAIN for colored home areker. 780 N. 4(lth. a aemldetached 2 atory porch-front dwalllnr. every modern convenience. 8 rooma; larre lot. 20x103 feet; ran be bought for amount of aa- aeaament. 124001 term! to ault. WHITESIDE A McLANAlIAN. 13th and rine. KXCL.OHIVB TWO-HTOItr IIOMEd 44th Ilelow Spruce Street Only 2 left. 3-atory conventencee. hlah-rlaia 3 atory neighborhood, breakfaat rooma. butler'a pantry, etc.; price IttSOO. J300 caah. TUB CIHI.TON AITS . 310-321 N. 83d at. run oi lenania: terma rleht Hi Full of tenanta; paytna- Invratment. price and itarria j. unuion. owner, 3033 iKx-unt at . D to 11 SEE TUB NBW SAMPLE IIOUBU 332U Walton ave . Uin ft. lota ENIIURO. Dullder. r "SEMISUIlL'ltnAN HOMES"" On Cot.b'a Creek Iloulevard. 3d at below I'lne J330WII.l)W8 AVK S7th to 5Sth. furnlahert aample hoiiae open dally to 0 n m KKIl SHAW A CIIOWL, Ownera R21S Cheetnutet OEIIJIANTOWN DETACHED STONE HOUSE ONLY 13000 OLTNDON PRIBSTMAN. USUI Otn. LAROE LIST OF OERMANTOWN HOMES .SMULLBN A HARRY Llbertyllulldlm.- llroad and Cheatnut. OUR REAL ESTATE UULLETIN will be lent to ou by mall on application. Oermantown Truat Co . i neiten anil oermantown avea OUR NT:W RENT and aale Hat of Oermantown and Cheatnut Hill propertlea eenl.on appllra- ton1ll H1L!,lr A Hon. 3012 tlerman'n ave IP YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOMR In Oer mantown. Mt Airy or Cheatnut Hill, conault me. A R. Meehan 0747 Oermantown ale. NEW DWELI.IN03 and bulldlna: altea In 'beat location. MAilKAN. DOWtAN A CO. N. K. cor. Itroad and Cheatnut. CHESTNUT HILL SEVERAL DESIRARLB PROPERTIES illNTURN T WRIOIITCO.' AIUllKin lil.lt. Oak Lane SWEENEY BROS. BARGAINS 14130 Twin brick dwelling-. 0 rooma. bath nd laundry, near York road. lot 78 ft. deep issoo rilnale atone hums with varace. 13 room., hot-water heat, electricity, parquetry rlnora rt.ar.ia alnllnn fG03O New detached dwelling. 11 roomi, lateat Improvvmenta white vnainel nnuh; re duction for quick aaie SWEENEY BROS. 0828 York road Lor an REAL KSTAT mortjaojdonveyancln.. . 41)33 N. llroad at. Hoxbo rough TUB ELEVATED la coming- to Roxborouvh. Select your houae or lot now. For Hat write CALVERLEY. dloo Ridge ave. PENNSYLVANIA S UIIUKRAN UROOKLINE tlungalow. brand new, white Stucco, DUXleo; uilunwAi uwv.e Hie cam water heat frull freaa: conveniently located: I49UU. J. Elmer Watte. Ardmore. 101 U OTH Corner; cheap to cloae nlilii I large rooma, all conve.i "I lot. -3x130. HWOPBA BON. Darby , BLK1N8 I'ARK New Colonial dwalllnr. 1? LK1NS IWRh- raw loiomai i uneiuiia. i" rooma. B batba. hot water. W ; barjalni S fnlnutea from atallon ilct'ORMICK A Mc CORMICK. 1011 Cheatnut and Elklna Park. OLENSIDE HOMES and building altea. every eecrlptlon. UENNLNQER A ItENWNOBR. Olenalde. Pa. SUliURHAN TOWN COUNTRY Send foreatalorue , . IluyvvNja i;iAjuu.j)DniiiuHii. e. . laltllttlinAN IIKAf. ESTATE MimXafW,X'T. K ' uniiii lum imi nf itnriani..a Any price. All locatlona. Bale or rent. ClfHLEiJN.iip0" A CO.t Morrla Uldf. COUNTRY BEATS. Tarma. auburban bomee and bulldlna- elite In northern eviburbe of Phlla, Phone or write 11 Jager Inc.. AmblerP; tUj5UnAN "KSiDENCES KOI SA1B .OR J T. JACKSON A. CO. Cheatnut and 13th. . ljCrOE LIST Op'SUHURIIAN HOMBS, aale or rent, oo the Mata Line or Reading R It. wiilL WILSON A CO.. Morrli tlulMlor. liJifunBAN RESIDENCES for aale or rent; attractive location, prloea rlaht Maurice J. Hoover. Rial Eatate Truat llulWIng COUNTRr HOMES AND FARMS A Mil from which the tnoet exactlns may be aulted. J. M FRONEFIBLP Wayne. PeBnaylvaoU. MAIN I.1NJE. P. B;J- . ltJ57.l A IUAV,ilF " "-"".".- OaSIRABLE RESIPBNCEel For Sale or Rent ... WARNOCK A BVILBN ConaJavrclul Truat BuRdliiy. NEW JKKSBV syni'BllAN XaPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES llADDON HBIOHTS.JN. J. W1LLBT LIPPINCOTT 'E1V JEBSEY SEASIIOBE VIWTNOR J490. bulldlBKlots. 60iJOO (Li ran- - a . . ..a.-., an I.AlUV veue w v-v -. -- , I W late at Trenton, t J. FABIJS vim th wa atrial add ttx , ft w?;m9" v-xMhh. J3vli.ia.tNa LllJDaEl-PHlLADELPHlA MONDAY, DmxMnhii u, JlfeAl, ESTATE FOB. SALE rontfimnl trtm rrrcHllie l"ofm rn.NNSVt.VA.MA KAIIM1 1 Mai0?."? .,1,ht f MT '-,M r- n n. lion, tyh l.rm In mwJ rMr I. 11 TllOrsti.'CWMtntr. V. Mnv jr.usi:v rMtwt KAilMS IN SOt Tit JEHSriV " " VBJ!iStV,r,,,j BEAL ESTATE SALE OB RENT CITT AND Rt-ttrrulAtt rroptrllM for ! or . Tltl llulltltnc rKlIillphi. !. IIAt.A-('VNU Vl I nr lltl hou.. l or rrnl at all prirra Samufl t Waaiver It,. i.ommatrui 'rruat lllda . isth and .MarkM. XIAI.V LtNB lltit Una of Main l.ln. r!lJ','?r .'. f rnt. at ait prlc houaaa, ;fa ....oi Mnic3iui.iiri, waai koo r run nidi C1TV lyjAJ. KIITATK TUB t.ANt Tl ITATK roi SAt.K On UBN Nt TITI.fc ANl TIli'ST CO. road and Cheitnut ata UBNT Itroad and rheitnut CKNTIIAI. ritOI'KltTIKfl JAMBH . xffiir'lJJfl.Kh.TS"ind Ban am ala BEAl, XSrATE WANTED We Hnvc Sold lfiO.OOO WOIITII or ItBAI. BMTATK THIS YBA1 AND WK CAN SF.I.l. VOL'lt.t. FARRELL, 710 S. 20TII nVA!' KSTATK Iwuthl aold rented, renla col leete.i. mortcaae loana for a term of yeara or '".Wi'l'T? aoelation plan. AHTHUIt IIOIWBI.l.. 2S3 N lSlh ll. WANTKU TO llfV. with railroad aldln or """. eiaina can tv, mitalletl. a pleca ftl around I acre or lia In city llmlli . Irfdfer Office I' dlJ. Wll.t. IIUTchea if. HOY chean tail aib anw .hii.h rt.H& uiipnia, immi CIIKMrRIl t 'v."ie, immeuiaia ininrr broker protected. HOTTNKIt lli'ii cneimui. CONVBTANCINO - Kr.rt charaea. K. F BKM.BItP work. mo.erato 1201 Chratnut. REAL ESTATE FOB RENT city BTi?.'in3ANn JEI.I.IN(m ln all actlon of city. See our Mat In the Itaer Saturday. SAJICEI. T. COX CO. P. K. cor. Oth and Callowhlll. IMt.W I.EIIIOIC AVE. .1-atnry brick dwelllna tHirch front. 11 rooma' conienlenoe. tow rent Wm. I.. Craven's Sona, 13411 N 7th at and 2010 Columbia axe 3111 H l.VTll ST. It ROOMS ANIl 2 llATII1? JIBARS A llltOWN 20.' S 13T1I ST. 123 I)E LANCET fl.CK I2'room" "andT battia. rental Mr annum 11000. Edaar O. J;I"L. !4llWamut at. lluilnen I'ropertlra and SUiree ,. .. u V.A,lK,rr RT" Ml I.ntlra hUIlillns thrnueh t. i'nmM.M. . . ault retail or wholeaala builneaa, Immediate poiicialon. . Apply l'ENNA. CO., S17 Cheitnut at. PA1IKWAT CORNER Arch A 13T1I Stora A baaement. 21x100. near Cltv Hall. Ilroad Ht. Stallun. ery dealrabla location F II. . Schrenk. Att'y. 12IS Cheitnut Filbert 30KJ OLDESTAULISIIBH COAL TAIID American at. corner, with aldln. otflco and italli. now occupied but rosaeaiton (.an li nrranaed. MORRIS t CO . Itldie at llroad Fartorlea. Warrhouiei. Jlfc. Fleera Coiock2k ?."l!8 '"- r,ooir. iVnIMRt." .tS- ssjKrn- 27 N 7TII ST A xery dciirable aecond floor." rontalnlnc 3230 a.) ft , auttable fur electrical buHlneaa. etc . ttoaaiion January 1 MTERH A IIARTII. Rldeaveand10th. FACTORIES and floor apaceof rvrr iteicrtp. U"n' ..thl1 tni vicinity. FACTORY EN CIIANOB. Stephen Olrard Hide. Filbert 4700 rACTORIES. altea warehouiea, floor apace ex cluilrl J Alan MMdlrton. Factory Special lt und Bnalneer Una 11 Wtdrner Iil.U HAVE PARTY who w ill erei-t bull. lint lenlrnl or other location, for aallifactory tenant. DIETERIl'll 737 Walnut at Oarncra 0223 (IIRARD llrlik bulldlnx. room r.O .in. at llou'nnril dwetlinr attached, reaaonable orru'KS. iii'sim:ss rimims ktv, DREXEI. III.1X1 OFFICES, annual rentali Slnale rma . I10O. 1120. tins. Iiari. 1230. ijnn Sllltra 2r . 1144, 1130, tills, I20O, 2j3 1230. Hultra 3r IJ73, 1400. 1(111, 30U, n;3. 1730 End aulln. I 1-17. 2730 ft.. 20 rma , 1.1373. Corner aullea I to H rooma. 1030 to Il."i0. eli.is i Williams, sho Drex.t iiuiidm-. I12.BO HEED IHTII.DINO 113.80 lentrally located: all convenience!; rent attractively low. aervlca rontlnuoua. tin 00 12.1-17 Filbert at 139.00 WAI.NI'T ST. 4.10 (Penn Ilull.tlnarl I.are otflrra: low renta. for Insurance brokera and acenta, LEA ESTATES. 70u Bamom at. FARMER SMITH'S THE COWARD My Dear Children Onco upon n timo thero was n boy, nnd ho was con sidered n coward-by the other boys. Ono day this boy whom wo will call Clarence, was being chased by exactly seventeen other boys, when it woman saw his plight Sho ran out of her houso and called for him to stop, "Clarence," sho shouted, "stop whoro you nrol" Tho boy was so surprised that ho stood still. "Now," said tho woman, "you turn around and lick thoso boyg, ono at n time, nnd if YOU can't lick them, I WILL' Tho funny part of it was, nono of tho boys camo forward. "Clarence, lick that boy hiding behind that tree, nnd if you can't, I CAN!" To make a long story short, Clarenco DID lick that boy nnd also presented him with a black oyc. After that the boys looked up to Clarenco nnd THEY LET HIM ALONE I I do not wish to encourage fighting, neither do I want to encourage COW ARDICE. When I went to school in tho dear old Southland, if two boys had an "argumont," thoso boys were sent outdoors nnd school was dismissed until those boys FOUGHT IT OUT. I want to tell you thoro were few arguments nnd few fights. Insido of each of us thero is n little spring called "self-pro3crvation," and it is THE FII.ST LAW OF NATURE. Don't forget thnti If you wnnt folks to respect you, you MUST earn that respect. Lovingly, FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor. WILI.IK ANTIIK TAUUES Hy Farmer Smith "Oh, dear! I wUh tho Onoil nrcam Kalry woulJ come." alKlicd Wlllla Wlde awako one nlKhL He turneil over, nnil whom do you think ho Bixw Hlltlnc un the foot of his bed They Oood Dream Knlry. of ooume. "Whero illil the fairies como from?" uskeil Willie no quickly that It ma.li the GooJ Dream Fairy start. "Have you never heard how fairies started?" asked the little person Blttltif on the foot of Willie's bed. Ilefore Willie could say "Jack Sprat" he wm uhlsked out of bed and Into I ho fairy's airship. Up. up they went, until finally they name to ClouUland, and there Willie saw the largest bulldlnc he had ever seen. It a so large that It looked like a huge mountain all covered witn snow. "That Is Santa Claus'a toy factory." shouted the Oood Dream I-'alry. although her voice sounded to Wlllla as If It came from miles and miles away. "We are not; going to stop there, for I want to take you to the place the very house where fairies were first made." "Made!" exclaimed Willie In great sur- "Why, of oourse. fairies are not mortals, like you. There are well, they are Just like me." ..... At that moment the airship slowed up nnd descended upon a soft bank of snow right In front of a queer looking door all set with diamonds. The Oood Dream Fairy touched a button all covered with emeralds and an old man with a kindly face oama to the door. "Why good Princess, delighted to sea y"And I am glad to see you too, Hanna. coo godfather to the fairies. This Is Willi Wideawake, who wishes you to tell him how there same to be fairies." "Welcome., Willie; come Into the throne room and you shall hear all about the fairies You are the first mortal who has ever heard about the wonderful little crea ture Ilka the Oood Dream Fairy," The tlir entered the throne room, the Good Dream Kalry taking her seat on one side of the throne and Uanna-cco on the other side, while Wlllla sat on the throne. To Willie's utter amazement, the throne began slipping, slipping and tie felt himself going down, down ! "Why. WliHe.' said a voice. "Vou have fulUa out of bed." Sum 0taugtt, Willi W-4wa- bad f&Uee t-f eMd and hi saetBet waa stand" jay evf We. ' " ' REAL ESTATE FOB RENT" Conflnnm" rem rrera CflrHm i vr,sT rititMtr.t.rniA 8lort anil Dwrlllnta SMAt.I, eonNKIt STtiltB A IIWKt.LINrt. hot watar beat, newly papered and painted; new hath, aultable for nol.n arecertei or ny amatl butlneia llent 123 TAVI.HII A HON 41 and S "S 40th at. MOBTQAQES $100,000-42 FLAT OI'KCtAI. Tltl'ST FUND FOR noon rtiiT MiirtTnAOr.s HORACE H FIIIT7. 713 WALNUT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terma of yeara or on tmtallment plan. Northern Truat Company BIXTII AND 8PRINO GARDEN TO SKI-CRE A MORTOAIIr. ,. , , lie It rtret or aecond If (rou ilealre efficient aervlce quick and tatlifactorr reaulta and moderato cheraea CALL I'llONk On WRITE TO US . "Your morttaa,' will he aa rood aa plaied" Norman s mikrwood. til 1 Walnut at ito NOTE OR MOIVnlACIE Immedtata Bettlemenle. TO tlnietlled Kittle Inana. llulldlna Aiasclatjon Funda. 11000 PF.MFSKt A CO. 21 South intn at. MONEY FOR MOnTriAOF.fi VIUIK AND SUAI.I, AM0UNT9 LARUE AND SUAI.I, AV QC1CK ANSWER." W H. HOOD. 913 W NOII NORRIflJ 1100 000 TO INVEST In flret morlaaara In auma from 1100 up, alio bultdlni aaioclatlon hioney for aecond mnrtaaaea tl. C. SBIDEI. A CO 4th and Callowhlll ata. WORRELL FVNIt FOR FIRST AND Ht:i'l)N! XlllttTOAOES. f.3 NORTH I7TII ST 1100. KOO TO 13000 TO LOAN LEWIS A CO 1227 Weal Olrard -,e. $50 At.l AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOEs' Oniric intwaf MAURICE II -MATSINOBR It. Bit. Tr. lll.tr. TRUST Ft'NDS 11lt FIRHT MORTOAfjB" lVND TITLE ilt'lLIMNO FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MOItTOAOF.S FOR SALE T1IEO E NICKLES 2313 Oermanlown are. rUNDS FOR 11T AND 5D MORTUAOKD ANY AJHUJNT .OTTH A THOMSON. 23. i Frankford are. MONEY FOR 1RT AND 2D MOllTOAOES i. a nr:Dii;( pun J03JlVAI.NlJT ST 0203 SPRUCfl ST; TRUST FUNDS For Any Oood Martgasei J EDWARD I.fTZ 210 N 17th It. JIO.NET for mnrlraiei! ttucka County property. AltTHl It P TOWNSEND Lincoln nulldlnc. Phlladilphla. """MONET Ftlll MnHTY. IIIKH Rl'It.DINO ASSOCIATION Ft'NDI HENRY H. REED 1420 Chutnut at. W1AN3 ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reaaonable I'baraea JOHN A HARRY 307 Land Title Hide. '"ADVANCES TO Itrll.DEMM A SPECIALTY IIAt.RTT A MOSS SIS WALNIT ST. FiniT MORTOAOE FUNDS In amounta' of t soon to Jin oiio. CHAS I. IIROWN A CO. 217 8 llroad at. MONEY for firat and aecond mortraaea. bultillna' aao)Utlon nnd Initalment mortaaara Wlllla Wlncheller Co IDOt Cheitnut it ANY" HUM, ANY AMOUNT. PLACED AT ONCE I OU EST II NTES V. X. DEIANEY 1112 LINCOLN III.DO "$30 To l.'ooo to loan on real eata"le aeciirltyt Immediate aettleiuent payable aa de-lred. " EDW M MOLL. 133 S 12th at FUNDS for nrat and aecond mortaic- any amount nulik nmwer. CHAS. W. MILLER. 401-107 Commonwealth Rutldtnf. MONEY f'r Aril and aecond mortaarea prlvnte funda an.l bulldlna aaioclallona WM FRIBDRIClt CO Srtt N I2lh at FUNDS' FOR FIRST and aecond or aplll morl- aaaea i tllnteral and ahort term Innna AIIERNBTHY 13.1 S 12th 2721 N llh PRIVATE FUNDS for flrat mortitaeea ll nod I. inonev fnr aeconil mortraaea. no pri'tuluini jO.S ALLEN PorTH, (B03 llaltlmnre ae HAVE SOME atlt edaed flrit tnortcaaea f.ir aale ilennmlnalloni 12300 In 12001) E II APSI.BY 3.th and Sprlniifleld w ALL AMOUNTS to loan on lit nnd 2d mil. Chaa. 7. Do Younr. 4(10 W. End Truit IIMaT. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN IIOIUIOW MONET ON DIAMONDB, JEWELS. E1C. 123 AND UP J" (73 AND UP IS, ISOO AND til' 1-4 IHEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. RIDGE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 2ID AND SOUTH 8TB MONEY LOANED to helra of "unsettled eetatee! Intereita bouaht FRANK P MARTIN. 724 23 Stephen Olrard liulldlnr, 21 H. 12th at. RAINBOW CLUB Christmas Happiness Ry HATTIE JENNE. Sloore. Pa. I lore to gather holly At dear old Chrlitmaa time They aak ma how I like ll And I aay. "1 think ICa line " Of courae. you have to go and ace The grand old Chrlitmaa Joy. There you will aee the Chrlitinae tree. Every kiddle haa at lean one toyl Lfmm 1 m " Little Hoy's Song Dy CHARLES HURLEY. Danville. Pa. I am Just a tiny Hit la boy. And haven't mueh to do. But I'm working for the Rainbow Club: I think that's enough, doa't ouT I'm gelng to work for the Rainbow Club Every Ingle day of my life. Trylnc la make same one bapey. Out wbn I'm married 1 11 tielp ray wife. 111 m FABUER SMITH, I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A I4TTUS KINDNES3 EACH AND EVERY DATf, BPREADAUTTLB 8UN8HINB Aid. ALONQ THE WAY. Nam tttt Addreu , .' .........,,,, ! l(l,l.ll)l)(l,,,...MM..i,, t " . j i m i. n i ii i . ' '' " ' "' ' -ii ii i ll ii un n, - 10177,-. -w-. -a. .VTJSI fejgg CJ RAP P LJDfl I II ! . ll.l I .!., .1 """" ' ......... ..in" The Young Lady Across the War THE I'ADDEI) CELL ) John -unch THE ArAATUUR IR J HUMORIST "ICKS LET Mr N W-NO. dOGl ( Av4 DOrtV GB1 ) The young Imly mn.as tho way says ;t --l ---TSnS5(rI3e- " f a woman with naliirnl ttyle looks well 'SSml' . f f In nn) thing nnd sho knows women .- ssFVwBlgsew Z&l I who buy nil their clotlict right here I "-Ss. & I In this country ntul ou could never I ""SiVfc-.- sfi" I tell them from lurualtri "" &5 As He Sees Her ",:;i!5.IEi5 p sfrl I Sim's ory, very protty. y sSB'. C. i- I 8ho has it lovely face: . ".--.aEE? 2 " I'd try my best to kiss hor, f5S55---: ' Iz Z " If alio wcrn mily Oraco. 1":? -Kii-t M "' As Sho Sees Him 1-. -iV- 'SS?' 0 "SCie I Tho man In ulnio-t linnilsomo, -Jr" - 7 I IIo cortttlnlv enn flirt: ' "J E !s HAYWARrj I'd try to mitko hltn kiss mo , - " - -$5 . .t If ho uero only lUrt. " " N. "v S" "" Vrtith. I K V ( LinilT OCCUPATIONS AMATEUR DAY tySSS J'Vm? ft fl igii m l tJypjrfb' '- U?MZ eVlf WaMfflK VtVrf9,',vJ' M , ,1 A? ' &CZZi-- PSLTiS-ilT rTLQ i''1'1 ' uu cutting AurALiT,, Ti J- c& "&&" L ttcATUR e5Hs "aaaa 1 J SS4J g!sd-- o A New Wrinkle J FILE HIS HOOFS Sirs. McCnrtfr) aion't ynti atny In , tho room when your (tauKhtor him ' 1 company nny moral y-j S. , .Mrs. Murphy No. I'm trying the "V s' 1 QL J j honor system. fJargoylo. Z&rZ i .ti..i.-r J" ifT AfiST" . J i!fr;-- Y'JK (I nlw) When n Man's In Lovo Jr ."'-"' -7 . VW I I (Bk i Mh ffJti m m i1' I I -L Cornell Widow. n telegram from Janice I.ola got lllll yesterday. John What did It myT Janice It reads. "Nose broken football. Would you rather lmo set Greek or Human. Wire." THAT CHIP OF THE OLD HLOCK luo !$) Servant (formerly stable hand) I'vo flns else yer wants ter doT Happy Ending IIo So you've read my new novel. How illil you like It? Sho I laid down tho volume with Intense pleasure. P- FATHER USED TO nOAST ABOUT The Tatlir. cleaned yer 'arness, sir I ther an All Hope Gone Her Fiance (hi first appearance) In a swimming costume) What' tho matter, dear? Don't you know m7 His Fiancee Oh, Jack, I wm afraid It was you. I aaaaa aa a. Reducing the Stable JTtag rkttea, Clareno to the blaokamlth, who U paring the hoofs of the ShttUnd) Oh, I aay. W dtjn't want our pony mad any smaller I Sweet Lamp Mary had a little lamp. It waa well trained, bo dbt. For ,yry fans -V feUftliy iU4 "Sr UlUj Uz wt 1 .J