Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1916, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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yjr i
J -'
Mote Than 2000 State Dele
gates Will Assemble in
How the Grange Will
Act on Big Questions
Will denounco tho proposed food
Will refiuo to support tho 550,000,
000 trood roads bill.
will ndvocnto "pny-as-you-Bo"
on koo1 roads.
II nsk for irood ronds from
I farms to rnllromis nnd consumers
instead of n boulevard system for
Will discuss tho shorloKo of labor
Will pass nn opinion on tho pro
posed credit loan bill advocated for
thin session of Congress.
Will support tho man and not tho
party In Stnto political sessions.
Will start an nccident insurance
company in connection with tho
TI19 IntelllRcnco nnd lirond rcniionlnK of
the farmer will tin applied to momtntoun
iUBtlon nffectlnK the economic, nodal nnd
political welfare of 1'ennsylvnnla durlnif
tho forty-fourth nnnunl convention of the
I'ennaylvanltvBtnto (IrnnKO which convnncn
In thin cltv tomorrow In the Academy of
More than 2000 delegate njid Hhelr
wives nro arriving here today from nil
parts of the Htnto. It Is thn flrtit time thnt
tho State Oraneo lmn convened here, nnd
tho, srnnKers have nsplrutloim to han the
first meetlnsr In Millndelphln (the birth
place of liberty) produce iiomethliix vltnl
In the Inttrentn of tho farmer.
Time men nnd women come from the
open pin cob In the State, tho client places
which nre productive of enrncet thoueht
and meditation. It la expected thnt the
Visitors will npply to such Important prob
lems an mnrkctlni; farm products, farm
credits, transportation of farm product!!
and hi Kb cost of llvlne thn fresh vigor of
titontatltlen nurtured on tho farm and In
tho small town of tho nirrlcultural district
It Is likely that they will handlo with
typical American honesty and directness
questions relating to leKMntlon affecting;
the farmer.
The convention Is considered important In
view of tho present excessive llvlnrt cost
Food economists look to the CJrmiRors to
evolve soma plan by which products of the
farm may bo broURht Into thn city and
old nt lower price than at present. In
deed, this subject will bo discussed at length
by competent experts.
Politicians throughout tho Htata are talc
ing a keen Interest lit tho convention. This
Interest has been accentuated because of the
epllt between the I'enroso-Mc.N'Ichol and
Brumbaugh-Vare-Hmltb factions of thn He
publican party. Iloth factions nro waiting
for cues to tho farmer vote of the Htnle.
It Is considered likely that resolutions
passed by the conwentlon dealing with mar
keting of farm products, transpoitntluu of
farm .products, etc., may be seized upon an
the basis for future legislation hy cither fnc
tlon. tn nn effort to win tho support of the
men who form the backbono nnd nlncw of
the State.
Allan D. Miller, of Susquehanna founty,
B. Republican, who taken thd place of
Clood Jloads" H. H- Jones In tho next
House, Is chairman of the (Jnuitto's IprIh
latlvo committee. Tho farmers' legislative
program win no in hin namit.
Tho first session of tho convention will
open tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock In
the Academy of Music. John A. Mc
Bpnrran, of Kumiss, Uincastur County,
master of tho Pennsylvania Stnto Ornpgo,
will deliver hla nnnunl address. Ills nil.
dress will ho a summing up nf grange ac
tivities, and he will ninlio recommenda
tions for furthering tho nlms of the or
ganisation. Tho afternoon nesslon will
begin at 1 o'clock, when resolution;) will
tie presented nnd olllccra will mako their
Augustus -S. Lynch
Augustus 8. Lynch, flfty-nve, ana of the
Sloneer residents of Yerulon Ilorotiogh, In
elawnre County, died this moriflm;, nt his
home In Church lane, after a long Illness.
Mr. Lynch was a dealer In nfunumeuts and
marble headpieces for more Hum thirty
years, nnd erected thousands of grave
atones In thu Catholic Cemeteries, notably
Holy Cross. Mr, Lynch Jield membership
In many Catholla societies nnd served on
the Do La Salla Council nf Jlin Knights of
Columbus. He Is survived by Mm. Lynch,
four sons and two daughters.
Rev. Thomas Kirkpatrlck
The Hev. Thomnn Kirkpatrlck, eighty
four yearn old. n member of the Philadel
phia. Annual Conference or the Methodist
Kpispnpal Church slncn 1858, died Satur
day night In his room In tho House of Cor
rection, of which Institution, he had been
chaplain nnd moral Instructor for thirty
two years. Only a week ngo Sunday Mr.
Kirkpatrlck preached a. sermon from the
Hous-j of Correction pulpit and he had been
about hla duties until virtually the Inst
moment. His death was duo to Infirmities
attending qld age,
Mr, Kirkpatrlck waa devoted to tha wel
fare) of tha Inmates of the Institution. It
his practice for years when nn Inmate
had relatives living In Philadelphia or vi
cinity to go to them nnd use his Influence
In having them help that unfortunate. Ha
was a native of Pennsylvania and waa
widely known throughout the State.
Amos niako
Amos Blake, nlity-flva yeara old, preal
4ent of the Hunting Tark Improvement As.
aociatlon and bookkeeper of the United Ons
Improvement 'Company died yesterday at
,Vi!s home, 4019 Old York road, following a
prolonged Illness, from a complication ,ot
Mr. Dlako waa bom Hi Montgomery
County, but spent rnt of his life In Phila
delphia, Ha was a member of St Paul's
Iteformed Kplscopal Church. Ha la sur
vived by a -vdqw and three children.
t i . " - . . . "
I". POLLY MwnitWI 1 Divorce 3 DWRCt-l lfiOM?Aji8uXi -vj WfifesWU) i MeMBtirii. j MownM 1
Ir a pals psSg, Mf mAiG&Zy J jisit mk rfiTpji
Waller W. Antrim
WaHtf W. Antrim, allr t'Mri old. train
master on thi Trnton Division of trn renrl
ayivnhln Itrtllrofti! elled ycxtrd' nt Wood
bury, nitd tha body vvas tkn to rember
tor, hid Into home for burls! Mr Antrim
hnd bn employed by the railroad com
tr.for mRnV J'nrs having nt ono llmo
held the odlce of illusion ntM?rator. fla la
survived by hi widow.
i.v MinirmtAM
iiJ2JU,2n;rnAn"''!' ""'.'As
ItUHi'AND A?D Cltlt.nilBN
i.,,"".If ll,Tlrf', $ f'tAni.HR husbsn.1 nf
!,o.is Albrltfll l Tons), a ted 3). lehti lei
and friends. Krytlnns .Cattle, No I. H. CI it .
touted to IuwmI service ru I p. m IMS
N Fawn .1 1I21H ami Oxford lot private,
tireenmmmt Cem, Itemalna my let viewed
Mon,, a p, rn.
. ANTIM-rlw. o, nt WotMbtiry, N. J.
WAivrisii .Nimji. huabiind of lpbn If An-
.Mil i wm i.uuur iirmuvM nnti fri'ml.
nine. AH xt Tie .!,. a .11 a. tl . .
p ?'l. . rniin uiv Penna, II 11, m
vited lo fiineral
Hirii it- IJIIirmi, (1
J, Int. If B Cem,
ww 2 11 in
I. '(
I'emwrtnn. N J Train
tty tar I'.rn rfnn I'J n
. AltClllllOl.l) tlp S JVIt.MAM M lm.
bend ef KllMth ArehlllY. ! 71 ll.lsl 1"",
an.1 friends I'lilM Cleritleal liurtaii Inv t'd
to funeral sarvleea Tuea , s n m , 7IJ h 1 Kid
"'iiftl-i.?".1 fl"d may call Jloo vi
f.!'.!'''?' -rl'onn'rlr. nf llrlainl, I'a , u.r. R
tAlir 1:.. widow of Willi, ml' Hal cr'siVj Tl
llllvm anil frlnd nvllc-d In runnrnl T...
. "ii 4 ic-MiHH-. 111 huii-iii law 1 rn
Heotl, N K. ror fllh and . fnn sl , ill
if m ... ..,.... - . ... t-" ; ". T
nil I
.-, M. ,1,1 I'llinin, lt iiriMini, ira
ma,. I.a iil.ui.il 11. . .u.
llAllltCrr lee ' 11 MAIldAlinr. dmithl-r
nf .,".'". I'ntrlek and. Mary. Ilnrrelt llrlntlv-a
and frl-n.li h, V 41. Umlaut,. Allnr Hoe Mv
and.T. A II, Hoc ty uf Kppnany t'hiirrh and
81 IJIImIh-IIi II-iliicUI H.iel-iy. Invf ",l i fV!
nc-ral, Ihura. Silo a in., fail M I nth it
holamn rciulMTl in Chunli of Ihe iJnlnhany
1U a in dm Holy C'rn-ii iin
. IIAHII llei H. Al!l:i,IA I ihushl-r of laU
r'harlca andJl-ry ilaan ll-lnlhc-a and friend.
He lef Aanne atlnn nf Htrawlirl.leH a. ti.,n.ij. ...
iit I.. rnn.,.i l.m -j it..,. r.i..i. '."..,. m
j.-i..:- - --.. i -". . ii.,,, niiin',11 m
H Stl a. m lllah Inlet nt r.rllll.ni M.
'1 tie-
IMward a
t'hUfrh tU a. Ill III! llnlv Henulrher
P , H fellltfl tnrlon lllnke nlid ami of lain
lloierl H. and Mnraarei Huyder lllnke. ared 11;
Iteiatlvea and frlenda, meinlM-ra of llunllrm
rark Attn, Inrltrd tn funeral aervlrea VVedT
J V:mu.Anl" !' v.nrk r'' " private
JlONNKIt --lw 10 MH'IIAI.I. Iiuahnnd nf
Isle llaty llnnner lielnllvea mul friend-,
Jamea II Hawley lien Hoc Popo IMua i
ilr,nl H5e',.n.v""1 ,0.u.n'r"1 wd " 3l a ni ,
.'.?" ." .2-'' " .Holamn maa of miuleni
( hureh nf m c'linrlra llurromcn in a 111 tut
Cathedral Oin
llllAbV Uee. . CATIinttlNK T llltADV
(n liisalna). wife, nf Kdward J llrndy Itela.
!' and frlenda Married Women's dihlalliy uf
:iiureh uf the (leau Invited In funeral Tuea ,
R a. in., huaband a rraldenre, ISI.'I N. 17th at
Hulemn reiiul-m maaa Church of Urn lleau. u 30
a. m lot llaly I'ruas Cem
lAMI;jli:i,l. -llee II MAIIV. widow nf John
I'amutiell. . llalatlNra and frlenda Invited to
funeral, Wed , 311 m . reidrnr ni brother
Inlaw, fsllahen MeCnrthy aniN I'llliert at,
V Will. Molcmn meaa nf requiem Hi Jnmra a
I liurrh 111 a. 111 Int HI Il.nla a Cem
CAIII.HO.S' Dec l, al Ml Alio, l'n MAII-
'iniiii. iiiiiiBnter or laia Alnciltl nnd Huna
( arlaon. nurd SI. Ilelatl.ea and friends Invited
In runernl aervlrea Wed , p m realdenen
nr Herman Mittaoti IS.-, Hynuln nve , llmli
ledsa, Mnntsnniery Co , aliova I'm Clinae Int
Lawn View Cem
CAHHIDV )er p, ASNIll, wlfa of Wl.
Mam I nastily rnrmerly nf I'ontalrs, 1 hnrlra
town, County Mayn. Ireland llelnllvra 11 ml
MSI1'!. InOtwl to funeral. Wed, H .10 11 in.
2.:,1...""yM"m ' . ilermanlnwn Hnlemn mnaa
Ht. Vlnrrnt do I'nul'a Ohurrli 10 11 111 lilt oy
Hepulehep I'etn
CAHHiriY Dee 10. MAUV U. lfn nf
Tlininaii I' Ca.aldy ine- Dnuaherlyl llelntlea
S?!'.. 't,r'" !" Invited In funeral, Wed. n m.
Jlin Mmhard at lllah maaa of rejiulem Ht
Anthony's Church y 3d a. m int 'cnthedral
1 em
CAHTOIt Dee 0 JAMI.R son nf .Inhn nnd
r'"."i.-S.,0.t' "f."1 "". jlel'itliea and frlenda,
retonka Trlt.. Nn .'IJ 0 , It M einnlnjea
S.r0I"" H'n" l r'l. Invited to funeral
ft. Int North Cedar Hill Cent Iti-nuilna imiy
l,Vlwed luea . la III p ill,
WM,'?.l.','.-',:r. " ,."'.,."'l'l:.V. "Oil of lata
r-iV-.ri.ii-i."' r.,r,u,B" .' erit ml pr ntt
Cf.Orilintl Dec H KATIR K wlfa of
frVelTif. ..!-"."!,"!, '""') "' ntlall.es nnd
irlciida Invited lo runernl ...vm. m,,.. 1 ..
tn.. son Irj.law'a realdeurn William l.tdrh, 'j.luj
1? ,'rrl "' . ""1 Private Monuiiitnt Cem
llemiilna may lie, viewed Hnn, e.t.
CIIAH Dee 11. IIOHCANNA wlfn nf I.ewla
II rat aswl n.1. Itrlull.ra und frlenda Invited
ju funeral, luea L' in re.iiine f sn-ln-law.
Jamta J I.yneh. 211a '! .1. in m,
Jdnrlah Ctin rrlenda may .,w rrinalnn Mun .
niter 7pm
w!.,iI'Hl'r.-7.Dr.r' .'!w!.,A,,v A diuahter of
,..".'""1" emnlovea of Carey 1'upar Co, In-
retldtnee. 2157 .V tlarnet at Hnlemn requiem
tilth maaa I.ady uf Merry Church lu a 111. Jut
Holy i ron cm
t..".AiY1h V.'CJ0' ."' tvyland, Tn KMII.V
DAVIH. nsed (Id llalntlvia and frlenda In
.ited iq funeral aervlrea lirnthir'a rraldone.
J.?i,on'rr iJ?!1" "rth day, .1 p m lm prt
vnt Trnrrr lenvs lleud nir T.nnlnnl t ci ,
Ill for lvvland
xtiiL"'t!HY iT1"' 8I 'ANK K . ton of late
M?R1.V. l'!,lty- ":;' S" Helnlt.es and frlenda
ll-iiT'l "a..W1""' r""" '. - v m retldenco uf
"rn.l.'!Sr...5(".n.lteiiu at. Int prl.nte
' :I"iVW, ",'' HMZAllKIlt J , widow
nf Mat pethlora. aed r.7 Itelati.ia und friends
iiu,,,- ..vr' i'!"'," en. 1 .in p m resiiienrt-
..11, .j iii m 101 t't'rnwiiiHi
Crni I'rlenda
mil, "i rriunina lirt eve
III II CltAIIIIIN'.l 11... 1
11M, wue or iienr.
....- .-;" -!:.' .v
1 ... ,., .. ..... ............
' 01 iirnri ii 111 ruruino mm iiauuhler
Ine and fain llrrnard I'lilllius llebi
friends In. lied tn runernl, 'fuea HID
mther'a realdenre aim N. Uth at
01 LHlIierilV
lives and fr
a in mother1
Boiemti requiem mats Ht Hlephen's Churrh 1(1
mill iimaa ni Ptepneirs I liurrh III
private, Westminster Cem. Auto
,0 .0Sl'V.AfV.rI''c'. 7'..nt '"r ,nl reald.nee.
1214 N. I'n ethorp at MA till VHUT A wlfn of
Ucnrir J. Donrsiin mil diualitnr of 'lliiophlle
!''.',iiS,i"r.''1 ." Aillrechy Itelnll.ea and frVnda
In.llcd lo funerul Tuea. N 311 n in Hulmnn
reniiiem maaa Hi Mlchiiel'a Church Hi a. in Int.
Holy Croat Cem -
DHIiniH ; Dec 0. I'f.AUA O.. wife of Pal
o.??en.i ' ""r f; utcf "', '"lH'.s "d rrlAn.li.
imi,C.i ,Sn'r"i'i t",F" , rctl.lenii, 4111 H
nower. ' "- "' ,n'' "'',ul "nut
UUDUry Dee 0 ANNIi: II H widow of
?SZ'ff.:.mf,,r .'Way" and friends In'
W.i !'.' funtra aer.lces 'luea. 2 p m nn-7
Cem " ' nuikf"r'1 '"' William Venn
UUKI-T Dee 7. I'll H.I ! A iniahaml nf
Anna T DiaTy (nee Ward! used r.7 liftaii.Si
".5,.l..,,lr.1"11! "i.ltnl lo funernl 'luet Sao u m .
41110 Merlon n.e Hnlemn requlini II1HS4
Cl't'bedral !'"n ""r "' Horruw " "' Int.
Di:it. husluind of llelenf IMiiiontlon Itilntl.ea
and frlenUa Ml Airy l.odse Nu " 11 11
0 '..'.,.ni!i",.., funeral re r. In a VVed,, I p.
mi.i!RWi!L Vernon.tt 11,1 nil de ('.in
i..HUiVV.UV T '"" ." "AVID W. hualmiVd of
l:ltelith A l-.li. 1. r,1a 1...A -a,. u. .. . .'
Itelatltea and frltmla Wnahlnslon Cinnn Su
20." ! O H of A United to funerul Tut
Seltl P. m . ilonlsimiery b.o . Hutburu 1'4 Int"
private ""
r.i.yiiiur.. iier ill, tllililen y. JOHN
TIIUMAN, huaband nl Hlltall Klvldse, atnl hj
Iteiatlvea und Irienda In.ltrd to funeral arrv
ieer. Tliura. 2 p. m, Uil VV Hhnrpniiik at .
(lermiintown Inl private. Ivy Hill Cem l(o
mniii nny tie .lowid Wed 'e.e
liV'll.NH Dei. II), WIMTTON HV l!.VH Ktl
neral prl.atH, Tu
l'IT(ll:itAI.I Her 11, TIIITt.Dnnn KIT7.
OUItAI.D realdemr Sllli N Mil , , rVlber
of Ihomaa.Kltiserald Itelutl.ra and friend;
in.lteil tn funeral Tuea 7 111 ?' I, '"''
parlors A J Donnelly. 714 W York at 111,11
limit HI, Kdward a Church II n in lm n'Jly
H-PUlrhtr Cem . Helnalua Ilia, ho neive.l Mnn
Auto ruuerul '
KiflCllRIt Dee T . JOHN. nusban.l
Thtreala I licher (nea Hchaferl aireil .14
II. ea und frlenda Invited tn funeral Tue
... jn ii.i ,. -. u..r. -".. .....
' f l,l,:S."'."rt ,?r"A. "in. "? W.J.W"!
Int llnly Redeiantr C.ni
Fl iin:itAi.ii n...
1-: ;j;ir..T .-"..:.
.u..1,.".:,,"oiih nr.
ORItALD, rrlldencei 27n(l N Ah at
Thomaa rllsstrabl Ilelatl.ea and
r of
si rather
and .frlands In.
Vlted to funeral, Tuea . 7 111 a m funeral nir
iora A j. uonneiiy, ju vv York it lllih
mats Ht Kdward'a Church V a. m lul o3
Cathedral Cem, Itemalna may be .lawn Mon
afiee 7 n. m Autn funeral "..
rfsANAriAN ler. s at Htmburt. Ia ion
.C t. vlil I .,,.1 l.i. kl..u L.-I ....-' . -.-11
Kuntrai Wad . N.3H a. m . rrtldenca of father!
elan Klnstettlnt av, illsh muss at Ht. Cl.mt
ant's Church 10 a ni. Int. Cathedral Cem nil.
t... ...i. ..I...I. Ih.Ii.., -'
l. J" i"l ! ,," ,,, c
t in. lieu
i.tjiiinr.ii..icev. iii. autiiieniv. at.iim
wlft of Albert 14. Further and daushtrr or
vyilllani H. and Rllsa I Wolfe, sted a" li.ljf
II. va and frltndt Intlted to funeral aertlcia
Wed.. 2 P. in., reildencn of husband. "VA
Ht.vens it , Camden. N J Int. prl.ati ,' liar,
letsh Cm, Frlenda may call Tuis" Y lo tl
p, in ...on
"KIIKTZ, Dec JO JOHN D , huaband of Han.
nab it. Illy k'tau jtelallv.. and frieudt Ji!Sna
K. llyalt Council. No. UJ3, O. I. A . Invliii R
funtrat services. Tues . a p. in 27M v. irjih
at bervliw and lot Korett Oro.;. V. . VV'.."
1(1 .in n. f
--....;....' .
I n. in. T "
rilii;i.r. -r i
Her in Wlt.lllllt u i?n. .,.-,..
son of John K and HlU ti r-fck. Due lioilSi
of funeral will ba alien ""ii"
'irttii, i'r. . in.iv.ji
01 i-amrii. uantsinea Btelnl formerly of a
I;, w u inrfl nieinr tormerir or 210
llelatlves nnd frlendt lnlted tn fn.
nral, Wed T 30
. "'. 2.. ' : -'.."i " "on in-iaw:a reeicien,
,.,,,. ..inn.., t. out r, .cat I
lliah reeiulem
ma piir Milr of llely
Hmila pun Int.
.-w ftiimnfli irm
..nuilBTr te n PATntriC J., husband nf
Mary Oerlly (ne ,KHnraon. lUlalivea and
friends. I)lr No S A O. H. Inrlted la fu
neral. Wed S.SO a m , S221 Frank lard nte.
lelc-mn,rfini!m maaa church of Aaeenifon 10
n m int Holy t mas rm
qif Dee 9, MA TIKI. dsnuhler.of.Jftaeph
S dorrs ta-land M
ret. Wed , .2 p
nt. CWKIand t'en
rirei , 7 10 10 o
nil wnr-i iinnm iiefnureii nnn irieno", em
lorn l-land fc Sens, ,11 lied tn funeral aerv-
m 2IS1 K Clem-ntlna at.
em Itemalna may be Mewed
lIOItllArt Dee. 10. JnltM hnahand nf tile
Anna llormnB, lteafye and frl-nda loTlte,)
lo funeral. Thiira , S .1(1 a m .1011 Harper
el. Illsh fiiiulem.rnaaa HI. Honela XnMr'
I'hureli 10 n m Int. Old l-othc-.lral Cem i
IIOt't.DKT -! n r.MVIBt.tNK V. wlfa of
Jnhn (loiildey ned ft". Iteiatlvea and frlenda
Inriteil lo funeral aervlrea, Tuea., 2 p tn .
re.ldenea ef nn, (Ifnrje II, (Inuldey lino
Itemi l , W t'hlla Inl rernwood Cem Ktlemla
liny ran .vcn t
tn 11 p. m
OltAHAM Dee .0. BAnAtI .1.. wife nf WIN
lam urnnani. aaeu n iieianvea and
n. VJI17
N t.hfldwlck at Int. Jtlllalde Cem Alitn fil
ninci 111 luirini e-rire . lien a
neral lltmalna may le viewed Mun , H to HI
P m
HltATTAN Dee n, suddenly r.DWAUD "V" .
huaband nf rnnnle K (Jrattan tnea- Aunerl
llelatlvei and frlenda Invited to funeral eerv
(eca, Wei. '.' p m 2VZI W Ihlth ave
Int private Krlenda Itmy rail Tuea , T In 11
P. m
(imitlRMAN Dee. ,, UA7.I1I. It. dnliehler
rf Webster c, and Mniy (Iroh-mnn. asrd 12
ltelatl.es and frlenda Invited to luneral aervlrea
Tuea 2 p. m at parenta reatdenee, nsd )u
l-.nl at , Itiithnrniith Int private I'rlrnda
may isll Mon 7 tn 11 p in
HACK DTT Dee 7. I'ATIIAniNr:, alater nf
late Mary llurroiva Iteiatlvea nnd frlenda In
vited tu funernl, 'luea , H .1(1 a m , 2407 N lith
at Iteqiilam lilsh maaa churrh nr tiur lidy of
Merry, 111 a ni Int Holy Croat Cem.
HAMMOND -Tier III, suddenly HAt.f.li:.
dnuuhter of late Capt Philip and Matsnret
llaiiiniond Uelntl.es nnd frlenda. tissue nf
Heered Heart. II V M HndillllV nf Churrh
nf Haered Heart, Invlt.d to funernl. I'rl s
a in 214 K il a' H i-mn maaa nr requiem
hunli of the Haered Heart ti .10 a. in. Auto
IIAIITMAN- Dee 7 JONAS II. hualitnd nr
Jennie I, llartmnn. Ilelatl.ea and frlenda
Waalilnrtnn Camp No I'Jll I' O B. of A.
Iival Order ol Mno"et No M 1 numiiiv 1'
Phtla llntlallon. H of V Camp No IS B nf
v , (Ipneral D It Hlrney I'oat and emrloyea of
y. It T 'n . In. Ited tn funeral aervlrea, Tuea
1pm. ,1ir,n Maratnn al Int. Hlllalde Cm ,
.Is funeral ear Itemitns may lie vluwrd Man ,
after 7 p
IAyi:f. --A nr-fmn flrnv NT .i ni in
K!.l.AHi:ri! HAt:t. In ntir of run-rnl.
irnm riHMiro nr nruuipr uit!ii imsi-i. mn n
lllli nt
III:aHHT T)cr II TMOMAH f 4Hi of flfnrrfl
nn I In in Anrtl" llfitrnt ItftrMUfH nn1 frlrnili
tnvltM In funernl Hfrirrnt Tn , J1H p rn
ttr(ntrtii of Kirk A Nlf ml tJennnntiiwn
n frmnntown Int tr1vtt
IKirKNKII lci Hi, AtAHV A.VM", iluith(r
of Inln John M nn-l Ktlsti llolTn"r. mtM 7U t)th
linllrr- of ftiMTnl
IirillHIlV Iri (I (HIOlUli; V, liimbnmt nf
HtU llorufy fttrr,! rtl lltntltii find frlrptln
WfinhlnKfon inmp So tl. V ( H of A
WiiihliiKion ( nmp N lt'i I' of A MmJ m
CoiuinnrHlT firnp No ,10 V H of A, In
vltrd lo Hfrvkci Turn i in . ouMfncr- '-'7
H r.flth nf lot tirltfilft Ml Mnrlnh l?rt.
Ifrlrnlri mny lew rrrnalnn, Mun . from H to 10
P ni
JOH.VHOV TwHfih month lOlh. IM.IUU.I.r
V tiii-ihnntl or Ida NIT Jo)innon, mftd till
lUlnthfM ii nd frlrntU Irnltnt in funernl mrv
ripi mirth dny, J i m , WnihlnKtuii
Kfuldnntl'-hl N J Int ,rlntr
jro.MO.V-H'iddenlv, Drr 0, HA1IAI! WOK
IIAI.I wir of Or rhnrln I Judioii. H'Mltcfi
and Int nrlviln I 'I "( nnill llotvrr
KKi;V rr 11 I.HTIIl.lt T, IC, widow of
Jnrntt l Kfii iikM 7d Itrlntlvn mid frlrntln
Imltftt to fti lit rn I fifrvlrii Wed . Ii 30 p in .
lltlM Muntlpic 1'nrk hvk Tloitii Int prlvnt.
I. n ii re I Mill ( tux Itrmntnn mny 1m vlmved
UM;NVY -Der 0 !li:U.VAItO. hu.mml of
Intii Ann Knnv (rn" Tunorf nluthfn nnd
frlniln Ht t'hirlfi Holy Nniiw H-rl"!)'. Intltrd
to funprnl Turn 1) it in , I'.tlMi IVficrn, l
Holonm htiih iit.in of rniulrm Ml Anthony'
Clnin h I o.Ht n m Int JMv Crnmi iVm
KlllKI'A'lIUCi; Orn t, llV lllflMAH
KIIIUf'A'Iltl'lv. B4fd fu Hftntlfn nnd friend
tnlnliiiri t'hlM ConfeTcn' it M, U. I'liurili Mi
VdUl'n liitnr. No Sl. J nnI A M . n,"riiirn
llounn of t'orrrrtlon. Invllct to funernl K'-rv
vrn Wrd , llclinltolli M II I'hurt h rniiiUfunl
Inl nrlv.iti
KIT J. Ufp 10, midd-Mily riHOIinn W
hiiMhnnd of Hnllndi Kull HKd 01 HpUlh-
nnd frl' mln Mlnirn l.otlKr .No 0 I. (
I. ,jltlllrt I'n. I.kfnri ItOdirf No 0i
K of ! Isykteim In . Huutltwritirn Anftftii
bly No N O M P Hnttfil tn furnr.il
t"Tlirn Writ J it in .110 N Wilton nl
W I'hlln Int Miiittroi" IVm
LAIaleKY lr . I (ANN All wit of Inti.
.Inmcri l.ntlfv ItrlrttHfsi nnti frlmdN lnltt)
In funprnl, 'I urn 7 AO n rn daughter h ri
ilcnrn', ivao V VVfttmir"lnnd nt 'llnffn Hoi
cinn rpfinlem nnwi Ht HtPpVn'n t'tmrrh 0 n in.
Int llnly Srpnliiur ('fin Auto funtrnl
I.nAll Hfr JAMLM V MlAlt dk-iI M.
nt lili Int nHtdemt I "J". Mnln nt Darby Pa.
Hentifn nnd IntrrniPtit nl ronfnlrttcr nf fninllv
t.KUIfl At ritllnliuKm i'n tut dny, 1'th
Mo 1l)th. TIIOMAH U.K. II. im-.l 7.1 Urinthrx
nnd rtlcndu lnitd to fitiipml without further
notl(i rnlHIimlon rrlcndn Martini; llnum tth
dn 12tti Mo 1 Uth 'J i rn nrrlaBr will wtt
(ruin nt Mnrrlnvtl!t lenxlnir Hrond Ht Stn
1'. M l itnd trntlfy ut Miirrtu Ur-tK'Hn nt 1 l'i
IJ'NIO Ore II AI.MIIIA widow nf ltnry
W Lrnnlir niH hd IttdiUUrH (itil frl nl In
Uld to funernl mrifn 'I ti a t in mJ
I. llrlnHtuirnt nl . (Irrmantown lm tnatia
U tllll iVm
iai:ovHi Dpi o tiiomah . I i.i:ovttn
IMittht n itnd frtfodi tnvltrd in funernl Tun
h ,10 n m -Ml? V l'7th nt High tnnnt rimn h
ut Prttluua Hlood 10 n in Int t'nthpdra
I.OHII Dp.' I' nuddpnlv RMV HI n.SS.
wlft of i; Inn I.oob lid iiUrn nnd frlrndn In
ltrtl to funprnl Turn In u ni . 'J'.'ld N l.lih
ni mi primio .in ci'ibi '"ni mini nnwrn
.MitillUIOi; 1)- H UV..ir,, ilumthipr of
lntn MhIIiow nnil Mnrtbn Mtirltrldp Itf-lnllvc-i
mul frpnd A M olllnn Horlptv tuid Ainrrlrnn
IMMilou No inl 1' T liiMt.-.l to Mn.-rul
nrlf 'lurn 2 p m 113H Oirnrd oc.
)nt (irpfimnod IU nf I ) iVm
MAItlllon Huddpnly, Die. u, nt I.n An
(.Pirn i '.i I l.I.t.AIIUIl! It uldow of William
II Mnrrlott Dik iiuLIio utll ! Klvpn of n-r-lm
nt inn'ri renldinip, IVaiilt II Mirrlott (1J.10
Carpptitti nl
K2 ItPtiilHi'Ki nod frlpntH lnpl U funprnl
nprvliprf Vd J p m yilft Hrninl whir m
KrnmliiH mny lo ilfWfd Turn e,
H7 llPliitUfn anil frlrxi.li imltr.l to funprnl
iurvln Wrd, 1! U in. residence L'OI N
Hrond nt Int prlntP
MrllltlOi; Dp II AMCI2 WAI.I. wf- of
Win- MrUrM , P.pbitlvi'n un.l frpnln Imlt-il
to ffiprl Wnl h to H m . Itl.Mi Orthodm lit
rrunUrord Hnlemn rpuulpin muni Si Ioih him n
Churrh 10 h tu Inl Hr Doinlnb m iVr
Mi ('Alii: Hiuldcnly Opc H PATItirK i
MtCAHU KpIhUv. nnd rrlPit'ln, Ht Pntrlrk
llenpfiilal MnflPt. N Ml! I r It ir . Invlli-d
tn funprnl Wrd j 10 . in r-nldftii.. i.r non,
1nipli Mtfnbp VI S t.ld nt . W--t I'nlla
Holt-inn IUrIi inann of ri uulrm Our Mnthir if
Hnrmfti Church 10 u in. Int Nvr CnlhrUral
c'eM.ctmi.i:N-Dp. K,,MAitrnm;r ucvi..
t.V.S inr Hultlviini wlfo of lln nh MiCnii...
Ilplnthpn onl frlendn, Allnr horlet nnd lnsun
r the Haired Heart or Church or Our l.iiiv ,.r
(be liosiry. Invited to funeral Tuea H ,1u i, m
i.lllft Caliowlilll at . VVett I'hlU lllh must if
reiiulem Chnrih of Our l.udy of thu notary In
a in Inl. Holy i'ruas Cem
M.KADDIj.N-Drc ,. Jill IN J buabind of
lato Hrai" M. I'm den (nen lllbbona) Itc-tatlira
and friends In.llcd In funeral, Wrd . 8 .111 a in
1HJ1 ti Hnmepiet nt Kolelnn reoutem masa
Churrh nl lh Vlaltilliin. II V Jl ', 111 i, ",'
Int New Cnthedrnl Cem
Helfl'.RV'KII Hep II. ri:ilH4V('IT .
or tale Mury McKirier Itelalliet and frlen
liulted lo f liners I Wed . n 3H a in llreemtn
a.e. lid, Hill. I'a Hoiemn huh nqulem m
HI l.uks'a i nurc.li. (llenildd. Hi a in Int ii,
brpublier Cem
ot tale Mury McKir.rr Itelalliea and friends
Mrlienna (neo linriev) Itelalliea nnd friends
lamie o( Hafrnl Heart of Catbe.lrui in.lted
to funeral Wed. 7 3d a m 7U p,.r',,
Ms Cathedral Ii it ni lot Holy Crota Vm.
MHH-Dep Hi JOHIU'll V ton f j.Tne.
J and Helena Vice live Deeinnri llelatlirs
and frlendt, Nativity T A II Hoclety ' Court
Vim I'enn, K uf A Inv ted In funeral, Thuri
K .in n in. I men It' residence 2.144 II i leer'
Held at. HoUmii reaulem moat Church of N.
Ilvlty in a, m Inl Holy Itednmer I'em
.Vlfri'lllll.t. Dec. 8. KHNCKS A. wlfo of
Dalld Mltcliell formerly Mr. Joku lliler.
llelatlirs and frlenda Invited In lunerul aerv
liea Tuel J p in. parlora of H I" Crank.
tnfleld Bom, 031)0 Vina st Int Jilt Jlurluli
'S(K)nK Dec . KIIANK A ion of 1st.
Joshua, N and Mary A, Moore, In 45th j.,r
Ilelatl.ea and frlenda Invited to funeral services
Tuea,, 111 a. in , residence of Mra II c Moors'
Mrici.TniA iier i.. Anns ivinitw ,,r ir.....
1,1.1 tiunen si . ..uuaii 101 iiannor I em
ii i i
1 . ftulC. .
IVIIIIuiu O'l'onnor und daushler of John F and
LIB I'fttu lm Duaan llelatltes nud frlendt In
.lled louttend funerul. Wed 8.30 a in real
d.nie. f-'rt I'm. .1 lllalj rmiiitcm mutt Hi.
Mary'a chtirbh 10 a in Int Holy Crota Cem
IHlDn.V Dec HI, ItOlil'.IiT U aon of John
and Mary J Osden. 0JU I'lna at pus nolle!
of funeral tv li bo slvan
O'NEILI. Dec u, at N'ewhursh, N. V
HANNAH, wilt of John 1" O Nelll and duuthter
lain aonn una r.ncn nannuan Duo noilm
lunscai win la. eivvu, paciur. tvillium lift
A rumor e. I'd,
ft. PAiwtB, c!iishtf ef lata
ltten ttrltls fr''id
Toea, 20 p. m 8(101 Ham-
Thnmai and Jana
Inrlled lo nervleea
limn al Inl private.
Plltf.I.ITS Dee S CATHAltlNi: rilll.t. IP.1.
runefal Tuea s n m . reaidenra of awn-ln law
reward Mrf'arron 2IM WaahlnttBn are liiiii
fnatt SI. Anthnnr l'adna ( htirrn 0,10 a m.
nl .Cathedral Cem. Ittlatlvet and frlenda in
vited PITTBHAM . Dee In. Aftlllnr tirT-ra.ciM
aae I SI ItelatjVea and frlenda Invited tn fnl
neral aervleea. Tuea, 2.p, m , son's retldenee,
lib-hard Piiiaman 1026 ti. Sotn si. Int. North
vroml Cem
ssed HOT llelatlvei and friends Invited to
aervlrea Tuft inn i m , Indltent Widows
nnd Slnsle Women a Asylum, aoiti Chestnut at
Int. Monument Cem .
I'nfiHH -Dee. Hi .JOHN T! . husband of Ma.
tllda A l'rrae Hehllvea and friends Invited
to funeral a-rvlrea, Tluirs ,2b m . aiinO Hlrel
at Int Amerlean Mechanlcar fem. llemalm
may lev viewed Wed In in p m.
I'lllSUHCII Dw 9l'HAIll.BH W .on nf
William and Christina I'reuerh (pee Kesel) axed
(17 llelatltes and friends, emrijoy.a of IMward
Htern.A Cn . nt I'hlla.. nnd all eocletlea nf
whir hhn waa a memler. Invited tn funeral,
Tufs.2 n m .nil lloiden al , Camden, N J
Int Harlelsh Cem I rlenda may call Mon ,
lfl.i:P WHIR IIAI.PH IH'f.U, pas-e, away
at tils hnme pent I'ulonvltle, c hesfer Cn . Pa
on 7lh day. lath Mu nth Funeral nn .Id day,
12lh Mn lilli. from hla hnm at lo a. m Int.
t'prier Dublin Friends' Hum In Oround a p in.
. null i;n 1 h Dm. in. haHaii uoiu.itrs (ne
unnnsnyi wue or nniry iinnerts, Hr itaiativea
end friends Invlied tn funernl, Weil 2pm
lIMUolfal Inl private Auto funeral I'rltnda
may 1 all Tuea between S nnd lo p m
. itOIIINHON Dee. S. HUHANNA wlt nf
Jamea Itnblhaon and daushter nf late Jsrnb and
llnnnah Itl.tl Helatlvea and frlenda invlt-d to
innerai terviiea 1 uea , a p m , 2()r,o 1; nuni
int'inn si mi private ah
njniiin st mi privab
l-eare I'em
itiiiiiiiiiii nee 11
IK, wife nf William
lln-lerlcr ye, 4H Itflatlvea and.frlends Invlied tn
runerni .veu n ;iu n m, I4 N lath at
IIIrIi iiim of rviutftn nl Ht
Johna Cliureti, lu
IllVril D;r H I.HWIH 11 IIOTIf. e,l 74.
flelall.es and friends, I'erklnt Ixvlse Nn 402
.ml . X T .11 Ireennn Chanter No 211
I" anl A M . Metnnlr Veterans' Aasortatlrn
?.' V" '..' ""' '1 .'7i " A. It Hurvlvors 2!d
Itegt ivnna Volunirera, Volunirer Klreuien a
Alan nf I'liltn . Veteran Mr-men's Aaao
renns Htnle I'lremen a Aaeo , Vnlunleer Kile
mens llellef Attn , I' It T llenenrlal Aaao
ofnis-ra and dlrei tnra nf Jhlali lll.ln Aaao of
Oreri and ctlraetota of Hirrlllor Trust I o sur
il.nra of llhlled Hlatra lli.se Co. Nn II, of
I'lills I'eituod Trlli" Nn IS, I .ci It M .
I hfiien I'rlends Ignite No lull I II ( I' .
In.lteil to funeral ter.lcra Tuea, 2pm ann'a
realdenie John H Until '.'I III N tlin at Int
I,r!".',?. .Hr""1.1"" "'"r " viewed Mnn . 7 p. m
llllHl.t:V llac II ANNII. widow of John
lloijley BKed SI Itelmi.ra and frlenda Invited
l funeral Wed. 7 HI a m, 2d(l N llth at
Hnlemn renulem hlsh limes ilur Lady nl Merry
!.hu.r,'.'! .'! " '.n. ,nl I'rl. ate. Ht John the
Haptbu Cem Mannymik
liriHII.I'll Dec in IIKNJAMIN 13 hue.
bind of late Jloraaret A lludolpb nsed K1
Itelalliea and frlenda Hur.l.nra II4IH Itrst .
.New Vork Infantry, ii. (I 2ilih Urst Veteran
llraer.e i orpa lii.lleil tn runernl eer.hei.
Yi'fl . '' '.. '" '. Keyalonn ave. I'pie-r Darby
Pel (o I'a Int prlvnm llontnue ( em Itn.
malna mav be viewed Tuea e.e
Hi IIMIDrf-er 11 I lll'.DIHtll.'K HCIIMIDT.
huaband of late Annual Hehmldt (nen ll-ekl,
as-ifsiirars Itelaii.ea and frlendt alau m-m-"ra
nf Hermann IjidKe. No 12.1. V. an.l A. M .
Hulled lo funeral '1 u-a 2 p m , 1313 Allo
llhenv n.e Int w'eatinlnaler i em
Mi lllltll-Dl.lt Dec II. I.I'.NA M . widow nf
i hrlaiian HrhriH-der, naed 71 Iteiatlvea and
rrlenda Invlied to funeral aervliea. Tnurs .
" . e.iMr,n in Rim III j
Ilnllpy, itol Walton nr tiUMli
tnr prUnir W l.mirp. 1 1 til t pii
nsldenro nf ton In law. 1'ranK II
an.l ( athfttlnel
ein I rlwiula in.v
' .:;.:..'.,",,M, "e'l nuer , ti m aiho s, r.ire
Hit HV le 7. nt Wailwilosa Wis HI'llll
son nr Into Philip nnd Mnrsiiret Hkey twirn In
i ounty Tlnne. Ireliind Nuiire nl luneral Ironi
linilh. r-ln ll'a realdenre, John MrCuusland.
WIJ N 2llth al
u H.MJ r,!.T"" "' HACIIKI. wife of llenlamlll
Hmlih lteliiti.ra nnd friends Invlied to tun-ral
eer.lrra ruea , 2 i m.. lato teilllence. JJKI
Wood al Inl prt. ate
HI'Ari.DIVI -I),..- s, MAMIli :. wife of
Albert A Hpnulilllli- lisrd .1-' Ilelatl.ea and
rrlenda Invited to a-r.lrea Tuel . 2 p m , real
deuce Ml." N llllh si int alonlroa4 Cem
1 '.'.".".',".."", .'"w remains Mnn e.e
HlM.ir.H Die II IHAAC ion of Matinla an.l
ltiinmill HtHler, aued 11(1 lli.lnll.ie and
friends Nnrrnituntrtt Trllie No 13 I fl It
M tierinaii Amerlrnii Itcpublltan LeiiKuu and
fither aoileilea nl which lie .ns a member
tinned u i film r Wed, 2 P m. parents' real.
ileme .1234 .V I rnnl l lot Vtl I'nrinel I em
llemnlns mny be .luwed Tnrs H lo 1U p m
is mill II Der n IIVIIIIAHV HrOltril
nldmy of Adam Hturch nued 7S llelauves
nnd rrlenda ialai In-Iilhrrs or Trinity Lutheran
Ihurih In.lled to runernl, 'luea,, Ip m, Mia
irsldeiue '.'111 H 211th at ber.lrea at Irlnlty
Lutheran Churrh. lniti and Wolf Ha , 2 p tn
lot rnnll. I.utln run ClitinhMird I rlends may
,-.. ,.,,,,, tl,,,, o 111 III p III
. .i.r.,.l"!'l'v" A' I'e.erl. N J Dec II
JAMI'M MIMllli: HIItADI.INll lined 7.1 Itelu
ll.es and frlenda ill. inbera nf llllltiiry Urd-r
nl lual IKlon I'Miiid-ii Post So n, U A It
tn.tted to funeral eervbes resldenm of daurh
ler Mrs A II Vlni I'liereon lleverly. N, J
Mun . J ! .10 p in lm Tura , Arlliuitun Niitionnl
l em . iVaahlnuton. Ii ('
IIIOMAH lire III ANNII! Jl widow' of
Henry I. Thotnja (nre Vlur) llilntliea and
frlenda i onsresallaii or lluuroi k M i: Cbun h
Invited lo runernl services. Wed. 1 p m, llti7
Leonard al tluih VVardi Int O.ll I ellowi
c m
lOOI.i; Der s MAIIV. widow nf Ctirltln
pher Toole Itelatl.ra and rrlenda invited to
luneral Wed . K .III ,i in .'li lam at
Ho emu hUli mnaa of rmulem Church ot tha
t nlpliiiny III n in tut I'ntliedrul Cem
WALUO Den H ut Itose Tree. Medli Del
'.," . '. ' Jt'H-S liuahnnd uf Jlnry Wnlko (net
llirltj iB. ct r.ll lle'nlliia and frlenda Na
llnnal Odl.nr. No 47. HI. IVIer'a llenellrlnl Ho
elety Intlted In fiinerill Wed M III u in .
.,"?"'". I'"lr Hulldlnr- 1N2D Cheatnut at .Mnaa
Holy Irlnlty Chutcii Dili nnd Hpruio ata . Ill
a m I rli'iida nny vim. n mains all day JIou
ilar. fit Into reabieme Hnd Tiles 7 to HI p iu .
t IM2II I'liealnul at. I'lilluib'lphlll
VVAltD Der II JIIHl:i". aon nf Thomas
(1 nnd late Mary A Wnnl nsed 27 Itelu.
Hies nnd friends in.lUd to funerul. Tura Hill
a m ni.1.1 Wolf at Hob inn hlsh mast ol re.
iiiilein Hi Mnnliu's ( hjln.li, Ju n. in, int
Holy Criisa Cem
. Wl'll.l'lt Hilddeiilv Der B. JACOII bus.
and ( lato lllliu WVIIer tnee Timlin) lttla-
iiii" nun irienus i.enrte n ..irriellilll ltenetlil.ll
Aasil , Independent Yearly Hrnellilnl Attn and
emplii.ca of llhlilrr Ai Co In.lteil to funernl
ner.liea. Tuea. 2 p 111. I Ail W Norrla at Inl
prltllte Oiklaud Ci 111 lteliullis may be tlewcd
Mon N tn lu p. m
U i;iHH !)., II JACOII H liuslmnd nf Tllll
C Weiss tn (lebluirt). need 42 Helntlira
and frlenda ull eocletlea of itlikll he una u
iiiemlier. Inittcd tu funernl Wed, 8 til a m.
f.ii'i w 'lliomtisoti it Holemn reiiulem rntss
Hi Cetera Churrh Hi n in Int Most Holy
III tleemer Cem
VtHH'lHNKIt. iited N7 llelitliea mil frlenda
hulled to funerul lirtlua. Wed, 2 311 p m.
Via hit a Church, Itlue Hell, I'll Int. udjolnlnis
VV i:.S1 CI) IT At Del tlin Tej on Der .1
HVVHi: N eon of 111- bile Caplaln II N West
i ell C H N nurd 27 Cum ml nervbea 'lues
III II II 111. Oilier II III r II ib.-. INL'II I'he.t.
mti st I1' lln, Inl prliat- Otnll II, mere
WHAI.KN Dec N 'jltll N lsib ti .w.
DHKW A hnabiNI of Mur. 17 Wlnil, n (Ilea
la-ttzell Itrlntliea nnd frlendt I'hllu f. Itenit
lot It. V'eteriina, In.lteil Ip funernl aer.lirs
llethlelieut llilitltt Churrli, N' )! tor Ihtll and
York sis Mon u.e T 30 Int bihu.lklll
Ha. en. I'a . 'luea I 3d p in
Ultmill' Huddenly Dt S ritClinitlt'K
II son ot lunua II nnd (lerlrilde n VV'rlBhl
used 27 Helali.en nnil Irienda In.llcd to lu
in rl I ilea . I i in., parents' rialib'nie. I.'jn
VV 'I Iota. at. .l'hlla nnd llei-rhnml Cem
I'hnpel Hulmevlllo i'n . nt 3 3u p ni Int
Hen lilvnod Ci 111
'inill.Ult Dec- 0 ItlCHAHD II .IIMLHIt
lined II" llrlallira und friends hull,. I f.
neral Tlies . 7 3t a in. ihupU nf Andrew J
Hair A boll Arch mid Hlth ala Mnaa HI I hurt l
of (lean lrilh mid Hllliyi ata II u in Int prl
lutr Itemuliis may (w vlencd Mon 7 tu II
p m.
Dllil Lost, Hunday. Ht. Martini, Chestnut HIM
blink rreiirh bull puppy, retiurd Notify or
return In Hubert MiOoodwln. Lincoln Jrl.o
und Crrthelin rimd. Cheatnut Hill
PIN lent fraternity pin. list it , Mini alter
lite, Iluuta HI, to 2lat tt Itcinurd if rrturned
to M Junes, la'dger Ceturul, llroud und
PtlllBR Will rarly who picked up purse lost
on Chestnut Hill train Thursday communl
cato .villi owner of railroad ticket liicloa.d
In pun. and recel.e liberal reward, no que
lioua liskiil 1 Mime Cheatnut Hill 703
MUl'K laiit, uliout 4pm Hunday, seal muff
Weat llorlier al , 1'elhalii road, (Ireeno at. or
Weat View Phunn Hermantuwn 4SB7 J
ACKDItS need etperltnced choeolata
contert. salitwomen, candy pucker, and
wrappers Apply .Confectionery Depart
ment, 2t N. atri al.
HOOKKm.Pl.R Lady, rxp, in D B bookkeep
ing Apply Tuesday mornlnir. H 3d Jamerson
Clothes Hhopa, .3 chealnul. 2d floor
Coallanrd from PrcCrdlnt tTelseni
IMXiKKKRPpn and slennirrt)rir, wanttd In
whoiraala lumber buslneM F 4. lrd Cent.
nt-nt-rn" .wanted on men's wears fancy
warmer! Apply Hhsekamaton Mini, Jinetneny
a. - and Haneorlc al
CLKHKH. flllnr, trained, itwars In demand,
aeenea a, ejCHilllen IhiMith mir roursa of In-
almitinn Philadelphia School ef Klllnt. I0
Cheatnut t third floor. ,
COMPANION Ylsltlnr or iMTrn for S-year.
nld laiy (1 or n houra dally cheerful dlapoal
lion, some knnwleds of muile and French.
Hot (11. Iladnor, rn.
DBMONSTItATOni Can.THrs. S, tn trav.l
tnrether, out nf town, house-to bouaei tuar
nteed salary, with transportation allowed!
Permanent Mr Cross, 214 Chancellor it.M
C1II1I.H over III years of are
marline new machinery .
flood waaet paid while l-arnlnt .
Apply (Iritwold Worsted Co . Darby
(Hltl.S over Id Apply Internallonal Art J"ub.
Ilihlnr Co, 12th and Callowhlll, second floor,
(Yint.H to tetrn tha bualnesai t5,40 per week to
tart l'hlla Paper llos Co 17th rjnd Illdse.
OOVKH.VI5HH Competent Herman nurtery toy-
efneia to tske eomplete charts of boy rt yeart,
who attends school it" N II Lever, 312
W Norwetlan nt. PottsTlllt. I'a
IIOHIKIIV Toppers and kntttera nn Hcoll A Wlf.
llama and Htandard K mtehlneti hlsheat
wasea. tteaity work, best working conditions
Iiatienir Kieereii unoerwear to . Hosiery De
partment. 2115 N Howard
flOI'HKKRnPKII, anltlanl. wanted Imrnedlata-
ir, 10 manaaa iirsn eiawr cnueae inn. nryn
Mawr I'n competent well-bred woman best
business and aortal refertneea, application by
letter alvlns full Information, salary III)
a month and Hunt ejpenaet
KNITTW1H liiperlenced nn Tlarh aV Kppler
machine! Itental Rllk Co, 1011 Diamond tl.
(,N KAHV HIH. I.Kit. Ill(. MONKV COtli.Jl
It'tffLLIt HTftVIIV ft)SlTI(I.V iiKKIJIl
ini i: (iii hik ciiitV itr.uciiiKii kauk
iil i ii" tiiiH.nri r nn iraiji A Tilt
ir i: (
rn co
( iinitnr
HUH and typewriter
al 1.140 per
eon t'rankroril
enittintt nai
e Is tn 22: citizen Apply
rentilre the services (or eiperleneed aatet-
wouieti In .nrtout department! Apply tlu
renu of Kmployment. 4'J Poor, belor 11
TTI'IHT "wanted (n Insurance oftlce state ej-
trlence. ass, ailary desired a 101. Ledger
WAItl'r.ltlt, einerlenred on arllnrlal slik warps
ilensel Hllk ilfar Co. loll iXamond at
WOMHN while. 2. who will apprerlate stesdr
employment and tool wasenl one for rook and
E-neral hou-awnr. one for inoihrr't helper,
with 2 children steel S snd 7, watea 10 IS
per. week depending on work you mil aire
to dn Apply .11.1 I.landrlllo road. Cynwyd.
one aiiunre from Cynwxl Htatlon.
ACKI.HH npfd hnrd mndy hpn"rn Apn.y
Confrcllonpry Irtartment, 121 U. 8th nt
ATTOrAIt nnrAIItsMK wnntp.l. nlfndy.
pimdoyinput r,mt wngrn for mpii rnp
oblP of riimlrlnir nnd nvprtmultnu Auto
mr Apd PinpIomnnt inirrnu .11
Hoor from i tn 10 In morning nnd 'l
! .1 In nftnrnoon, Autornr HaIph nnd
HrtcM Co. .'3d nnd Mnrkrt.
ilOtlVIA'CIaltH tor wnton nnd nuto top IradUn"
II V Mh nt JL'ninnVti. N J
IIOV opf 10, for oftlce work munt be nit nnd
nml Itloun. ricpllent opportunity to nccur n
itojtl buflnfn) trnlntns Apply Ovrrbrook Car
,m, 4'onii)Mfiy. r.flih nnl l.nncnuter nv
HOY wnntpfl hi th of fit i of it t ri Innurniipp
rwntp.ih ntnlp nun nnd anlnry wnnttrd, A
HO I lcpr flfnYP
HOVll wnntrtl for box hop; ktrnily work, chanco
for HUVnnceinr-IiI. Anufv at th niirlhtrril
cornrr Hiti nml Jlrown.
IUIVH for fk'lltvry dppnrtinpnt. Apply 50'J ri
loth nt
IlI'TMlIt ntid hotmnnnn Knallnh wimtnl. flrpt-rlnn-i
married man rrrfprrcd: mut have
nond r.rertMicin, kooI wntp:fl I'.iono ItUprtuu
linn H(.iurlpfj for
i:xpcrUnti)i ruLbcrn,
Doubl h4ud moulder iiiriitori,
I.rirhrimn innihlut rrpm
I rnlKht rlrvntui- opvrator (wltte)
Jltirhltilptif fnmltlnr with woodw'k'K mnchlnpf.
loiinj dkii 20 to !'." yrnrn
of nt' in iriro rubldnir,
IHdtour-rpk nrhodulp.
rhlrii Ptnnilnatlon npcrninrs Apply
It-tor 1..llctmr Mnrlilnr C Applbntlon Offlcp.
U CoKr rt t nmdpn .V .1
CAIt 1U;PIUMI:N' nhop hnndn Mild nhott Ifttynr
Itallrond Apply 1021 rilbert at. bPiwt-n u
,ii in ii ml .fail p tu
lfllAKTMMAN llip-rlenced lalout draft.man
jvimliH : nl once Valdt Plant at I'enn Hea
bonrd Hleel Corp.. New Castla Del
i:t.i:( TltlC Cll.VNH OPIJItATOIl evoerlenic.l
one who can do own repalrln "rarann t
I.udasher Lumber Co Wesimoreland and Del
Rwnro Itlier
HXRCLTIVl; Health retort Tor tilberculotls
under Hint license. Increasing Its plant by
erntlou of 12 new rottacca serka iiii-cullii)
ol i duration rrnnemenl and aomo capital
Aildrraa M IIJ4, laidutr (Ifflce
ruiiiiiHi' i:i. i:atoh oii:hatok white. -
perlenie reiiulred IH.hour week schedule
phtalrnl emimlnallnn nereatnr Apply Victor
Talliliiit Mai bine Co Application orrlce. .13
I ooper al , Camden. V j
rillllllllT HAND! HUH Men wanted lo truck
V'''ln,..". 'F.'.'.f"1 aiailon ivhlvajeor colored
Apply lllj.1 rille-rt
HioNiiiiH on .s'd:i,iiii;i)
KNITTKIt. 1111. ,1,1,
f lioiiilllnii Tlsrh . Hpplrr
mirhtnet lienael
Ull Diamond si
M k
iitnuractunnc Co
lMIOIti:ilH. .killed Isnldrrrrn), 2 21 per
dn or 1 houra dny rale, mora on piece,
.tork. rltlicnt Apply In person, I'rankford
LA IIO.lt nilH wanted for Penna It ft steady
Hnrk, li mi iK-r di. can lioard .tltli cum
pany If drHlrrd Vpplv 43 V 17th it
IMIIDItKISS for ouiible ronalrucllon work ilia.
jslns;. etc , 12 HI per day of H hour.: cltlien.
Vpplv In person. Krunkford Araenal
Mi: IIANICAI. HNOINKHH. one esperlenred on
atilii trucka preferrrd, state i.ee reference!
and'aalary wullted 1' n3s. IIcr Central
MHN exiierlentrd wanted lo work on eleclrlo
rara. Iruckmun win-man nnd helper,, ,,
C.001I canienteri nted tu car bull, Una. steady
ticrk and good wanes Apply ('neater Car
burr, llth und Kdsemonl hi Clinter Pa
MUN, 2, brlBht cnrrtrilo who have suod
nurualntamo and undirstand the worklna ut
bulbllnB neaix lutloiis nanlrd. un unusual
rhutie In make money, udtnncemsnt A 2t.
I.edker Ofncr
.Mi..- it ..ni rii iioiierninKera locomotive mi.
clilniala car repair men laborera loiomollta
cleaner. Penna It II 1711 Filbert it
MK.V 10, wanted to learn the tauiatt and iork
parkliia bualneit, 22c per hour. Apply 3013
ll-rinsntown int
Mll.l.MAN. ona arcuttnmed lo kettlnt mil mate
tlaia for watona und nutotruck hodh-a pre
ferred 31 N th tt , Camden. N J
OFFICII HOY Hmall salary and court, (n book
keeplnsr In br ght ofrlc-e ly with prmlt. Ad
(Iresa P 423. Ledger Office.
OPTICIAN Yount man for optical ahop, ona
r.wTi.iiTy in ini,'. mi itnae. preierrtd.
J K. l.lmeburn.r. 17.'0 Chmnut si
I'.ll'Llt iioxkh Kiperirnced youtu;
llobhs endlny machlnea. P1III.A.
1IOX CO. I7lh nnd Illdse a.e.
man nn
KAt.KHMKN Wa .need li live men for larta
manufacturing bouts, opportunity fnr Ihoaa
vrllllny lo work, talary If, you qualify. Aik
"r Mr Moor, hrunts Premier Dltl. Co.,
78(1 Market .t.
HllOHa Hoy oter Id. In llndln room, chanc. of
jidtanremenl, Hevepth floor 313 N. 12h.
UTKNOOIIAPHKIl and tspewrtter. at 1800 per
nniium'. ata la to 24, cltlien Apply In person
Frankfnrd Araenal.
bTKNOOHAI'HEH Tounr mans "ttl.ry. iui
good oppor. for adym.ntjr 4.1. Lcdttr Off.
VYKAYKIIH wanted on mtn'a wear, fa
ated. Apply Hhasamaxon Mills, i
ncy wor.
l,bll,.,ll ...' 111,1,1,.
YODNO MAN for ttneral oflfra woFkintuVt htvt
aood tducallotii atata ata and reftrtnect.
1" 427. lifdirvr Ofrlce. .
tisiv ,MKTEDJilI.E
CosHssetf from Precedlarf Cttmmn
TOt'NO MAM t siiltt In rmdln room, hnj
factory sood position for rltht party Hnth
rooii81 N ISIli . .
rODNO MAN esperlenred for soda fountain
rennet's t)ru Store, Itroad and Colombia
W hsvs peilllons In many departments for
romnslenl ymine mtn for stock and oijea
work. Apply lloresu ef HmpUymenr. 4H
floor, before 11 s m.
BTnAwnntDOB cLoritinn
JIKOIANirAf. ByOIJ'rlK't verril
..,in.i.. t.Asi.1 lann. iisnn rlt-!
T.u,.(n a. a.m. ...I .1.m lle.w. M,
manenti liooVkeepert. e erkt snd stenoirrs.
phera" ele III'HI.NH83 8KHVH II CO. f.1tft
ljind Tltlw Hide
bnEHi.VIAKr,n. hlth clan, formerlr of New
York, wlihea enaetnnta. evenlnc towni
peclally I'lione Walnut (HIS .
HTr.NOfinAI'lIKH, tfPllt nnd bookkeeper .d
tlret half time position In or near ramdrn
M f(14, ldter Offlce
BTKNtHHlAIMIMI detirea potitlnn. thorouaniy
eiperteneed, rapabla nf taktnt etiarso of offlea
or departmenl F 64, ldser Central
aTRNOflTlAPllRR. eipert. can furnish licit ref
erence desires position A in. I-dter office
TOt'NO I.ADT ambitious In learn deilsnlnt.
would ba tlad to work tn enchant for In-
ttrurtlon A Hid l-dter Otflc".
TOt'NO Ur, with HV years' evperlence with
nne rirm desires position at Imokkeeper II.
Ledscr Hranrh Cntli and Mirket
IlOOKKntaPKU ttp ofrtc man, drlrp foalllvn
a onr, Iumi rpfprncpn y fAo, T,dfr Cent
HITI-Klt. hoiiRpman. whltp, wllltnir and obit.
In, ctty rfffrfnc W It. 2imn luinbrl trn
rilAl'KFJCrn whttr. wllllnu to iriTHoulh. ri
t-prlfnrpdi, rpfprpncp A H, IfdRpr Of Hre.
CUHT ACCOUNTANT with ft yrara' rtpprlpnrr.
wanta prrnanpnt tmaUtnn with rellnhln ron-
iprn. can fornlnh rpferpnc A 20 ledger Of
KMCrTllICAIe Trchnlcal aradunto ITnlVfrnlty
of Inna , 13 yparn' pprtrlra rprrlpncp ran
rlv hla Mrvko to anothpr tnmpnny for 2
t1nN rpk A I"?, fsPdvpr Of tire
aAnDKNKI.. ynun-r flrtt rlann In all hrnnrhn,
known how to handle hlp to full ndantajtp.
atl not only In tnk tuy thprk. but nlao to
rptuni full valu for It In rptmlta nbtnlnpd.
frf tn tako ihara on lamp prlvnt pslntn
on Januar 1. 1017 rin- ntatf rondltlom
and wiiifi In letter A HI Ledger Offlc.
MAN'AND WIFK. whll. wlih pontllon. man
Drat r la m boumnn. undrntnnd hrntr nnd
tan run cnr. wlfp irood rook, good rrfcrenfe
nuburbn pref K 15U Arch at . Phlln
MAN, with 10 yparn fperlnro In rnarblnp
bulnpni. It open for" poult Ion nn naalatnnt
work's minaicer or coit muiunUnt. A 31.
I-rUitr Oftlce
PANTHVMAN Tounir cnlor-tl man wlibea ponl
Mnn an pantryman, ood rrferriK. Junie.
Itlcharda 202.1 Hltnwnrth nt
HAM.HMAN, employpd nl prenpnt. would llk
poaltlou ai rijtnr naleninan afUr January li
reference. I Cil. Ietltr Central.
SRCIlIaTAIlY Vounit rnnit of r-rinpmnt punt
flO, with koi4J rdurntlon nnd a ahorthiint ex
port, rtpatrea poaltlon of rrnjiontibUlty ntol
truat V HIS Ledpr c-ntrnl
TO UNO MAN pip In rnl niif nml inn
pjtroHvnt Inspitbfitor nnd nppralnpr, known
lal end too dcalrp ronnec 1 tll.1, Uil i
NICIIOLI.n III 2 II Iliilnbrldte St.. Iiaa romp but
Irra, aecnnd men loutdrn cooks 9,1 1 f I ll
chnmlermnlds est client lufint nuraea etc
Wanted- ( ooKs S7 IS kit. lien mnbla fnr city.
Herman nnd other i bnmbrrmnlds ivultrra-rs
French nurao with rer l'hnui' Lo nit .'lln
i'lltHT-CLAHH colored mok pllbllr or private.
IN rolorrd chanile-rmiilil und -iv iltrtta 17.
ttlah poe,.lons Hprure 2777
I or Sale
CADILLAC Hill II 3D Tourlnt fine condition
nil iiround Pilntt-il blue Slxl Hr e i it
lo oncrnte only 2(l'l UlCliMOIIII.i:. 2311
.Market at I.cust 4.MI C M. ii.i.i.h,....
Mar. HtclinnKc Car Dept
LADILI.At lull luurltlK cur. u.rrllaued anil
rrv.tntrd: lull equipment, price 571u. A1'J0
H.U.I.'H CnilPOItA'lllN 112 N. Ilload t
CILVLMEItH 11)111 (1 30 Tourlnv mlleniie -jinn
miles Almost new er eronnmlcar lo op
eralr ,1.'ic4 ores Palnteil l,ti ilb,w tt nea
K.ery rnrt of inr In Al condition. Look this
o.er Wonderful nir J7.",ii l i'COi (lull I'.
l.orut bin 1' M HA1.LIO.VN. Msr. L'
rlante Car Dept. 2311 Mnret at
lll'DHOSH Phaetons roadsters nnd rnbrlnlets.
e'Ulpp.d with electric lights nnd st.i-tera
llOMHItT-HCHWAItT, J 13 N llroid St.
IIHI'MOIHLH 3." Itmrimr ein tr'r atartrr ier
irrt mecnaiucni conilllinn la7.1 Tlios H
Prltrhard 331 N Uro.id
KHIT. IIH4 tourlnt Just pnlnled. Pi,, ro"d -Hon
cheap to ujlck buier r lirj. Ledger
I'ACICAnn 4 cyl .10 b i
HmnuMlnp and tnurlnr Imdle'
7 pinsomrrr.
Is II O MUL 2i N Itroad
CHi:0 TllCCKS M.t-riil I ln .
rnnalnaf from 1 ton tin tu 1 tun.
Without botllra Oarfnrd Cillhi
0 ni t lea
tilth nod
Co , V.I 11
31311.311.1 MAHlvKT
POPLAIt )r,17- To hire tnp-n day nnd nlshtl
Park 14r2 brand neii 1 pnaa. viurlns cars
SI .'"i hr nlso brand new 7 pas- llmnuslntt
II nn hr tied lints ruuerola I7t", oir.ird
T(l lllltl' Limousines tuxbnba, loirnc rnr
$t 21 per hour nnd up eperlal rates for wed
dints Poplnr 213 Alivn. open Ilace 2211
Hlty MOIHTnil imrtnble saranra eteel or stucco
Oi display 311 H N fllh Tlota 2M14
1.115 vv siwuiwi vi;
LIMlll HN'Ki" TAMCAHHei nilHIN'c! I' VHS
Diamond illim Never closed Park 73
bee HILLY at hla new location.
New Departure Hervlc St.. The Uiiilllam Cn
, 13H Arrh at I'h. Vi'alnut 31117 ltai Slifl2
tn build or retialr anv ear
Phll Auio Porta Cn HJ3 N 13th ParktllS
IF YOU WANT to Bell lour old car or uanl any
parti to repair, call, wrila nr phone V It
Autu Parta Co . HI,-.-l7 N 12lh Park U4i)
Ouaranteed 400 inllra
n'? A . . . fliln
11.1 uv
in ui
S3 23
an x 3
3 ilh
33 X 4 .
il 30 7 3d I 31 x 4
112 HI
. 7 DI H,01 3d x 4H 17 II
.18 41 18 R0 I 37 x 3 20 2
1112-014 N. Ilroad at.
. lUIIJellAN TlltES
atlirantred 31(H) miles. Compart prices.
OIlHl'H. 230 N, Uro.d it. """''
Sllxatt NONKKID TI11KH .,
303V lied Tulie. tuaranteed
tUDOI.l'lt T1UH CO. I23'3 Arch" st.
JOSEPH H. CAHLIT7! CO. consulting ana.
Ivtlcttl and research chemltis. I8U N. 2ct .1
No telephone. Aimly.es. examinations, tistt
at)i, Intexlaxilons, food expera leatlmuny
,,IF?T39ur. f?.ur h,0,' " 'ree How lo
9i'in Pattnta." Victor J K.ans I ci
142A Chelnul at. Philadelphia '
OPPOltTUNITr for In.t.tmenl In mining .n.
0, lcitr Office
fntfasf from frttnUni Cl.s
i,r iimiB in-Krowins rnneem ritlflltj.,!
IVO nOO tnaVniaMnrlne .i.I"F"aBttf
national reputation Wttett mm.rJ!2?il
proportion for Inveatment "rer oS-sB"1l
iiwii-r win mm mc nivmrtio. in ahew. .ta
w sell a llmlled amount of tlnctij"
or preferred si tin, per .nar."yeu eS5
ehasa spy amount of shares iVimi a2".wa
snort lima only, Immedlsta Inveitor ieifi lrtll
jrnc money i oim ittirer OfSee "-
D..VS. 'et m frea
tit hetn Mil ri.relen ..... fi" 0:(tl '-.
vlca. free tteieonabla fees.
......... ,w-....v.-...jr inTpnilM, rm
nenie r... n ' r. si
erenmss until sn
-- umu
foster & Webster wnnM
iuii vneainu. ei. lieu Jinone, Walnut Itsi
Manufaelurera of wonderful palrnled .-S
of national reputstlon leek Ifittiti if2?l
,Mlh. ftemen.l Ihl. .-.,Jl rFi1-! fO Rsm.
cspltsl t '
wUnd'erfuiu?.0, HKrffil"lnJe!f H'41
loiter ornce
atenry in l'hlla
la of oldeirt mnmifaftunM iSl
.Itn in ii Y riiS;VVfVni9Jn
n etnrv. I n i-trvnn' vl
Poratinn tn us
finn lirndstreet'
Whlrh Will nrAflitrat insrmnn. r-.V lM.fl
tnrr.ted l?ore May nest r (IS4 i3
! TOt" ItAVU HKAt, MONI5T and yM.
lo take an active Interest In a mine I?5J
pest aa in treasurer or If you want in ..tvlS
.ntir ton on
proniabl buslnesi careie: uii
irstlssle this
I,cdter Office
staple proptiltion, Jtr
TWO HTOIti: mialnet. property.
city of llethlehem. I'a , prlc'e ikow SmRB
ttreel or thrl.ine city of BO.Ocin,
On Srlaele,
near b,K
Kl't.I, tJllllPH AND Tt'XF.DO Ht'lTn Tolitaal
tlaleal ilylct1 al-o I butlon braided rnl.LXYJI
ror morn nt iveilil nsa --its
('(KiPI'.tl I in Hlrird a.e
r.. r.i.-Mi ii.uiiikh TO 1 1 ) tt n C
I.nte-1 styles phnnr Poplar 531, open tv.Tj
J.niDNi:ll'H loth and Olrar.1 ave a. ?r?t
le'LIOCH HAIlt removed by elecltal.si,?
onlv permanent wiy Hyebrows i IhH'i
4 HVII7H 1(12 Keith Theatre IlSllSESa
ine o
eatra II-jlMtrSy
iiavd i:Miiiioim:it:n
Wl." H bill HT
Bvnnr RTTtceB
ron salts
HII.LIAIID I'OOL .omblnatlon lecond t.ai.,1
buns ht soil rented enchanted, rsnal.iee.a
a ippllea I afe tteat
lure- to oirard
...,-.... inenqitM.
. ,iuii. irns .aia.'
Inj alle.s phonotrapha. eaae payments Braiiill
...... ...... ........... .v ...... ..iwil SI
1I1LLIAIID pool labile new second hart ba.
U.1.U II.1IU. I',.,, .Ii.l.i .. 1,11 ft ...1. - - -
i, ik i mir e,
' ..."'? Jajrinenla llosaito Darry
22.' H. bth st 1'hon, VVal, JSli. .
Hlreel l'o
CAHI1 IIL'JIHTKIIH boutht eichanted rtptlirMS
rrpiiiirn euppiira new nnt ractory r.talit
nni total adders na low ns 1,11 call teal iiel
our rrw mojeia Hrtlstrra sold by ui ca tur
istmenis and rnlli .unp.niMH t
lllli NA I ION Al. ( ASH II) OHtTCrt CW.
7.111 CI I LHT.S CT HTIIBirr
llt-UKM clAVieu t. ri-
New nnd e.rond-h.ind Diillnir Central Feeead?
bund I urnl'ure Co II H iml.i I Callowhin irjl
PIANOH. illthtly use.i uprlsM and erand. Hit
i iilllt I li IIAViir t. !' ... nth ..a i-i...1
... ... . .- .- . .... ,,,,, ,,,, .ineva
r,ii,i i , , .-i. ..... u ,, ,. .... . ... .f.i
. .-,, rill, ft",-. HI, erne. I'llll, .U Ani
IMPi: HUI'IM.Y Ifloi N Tth noth phone.
Iti;ntl(li:riA'roltH nnd nxturea for meat marTl
in t i it'rir.r i 1 oii,st'r, nnu lOOis, moT TJll
tnarkptn fitted up co nplrtp niuntnly raiTnn4l
II tettnntfi nrr nntlafartuM It T ItA.H9
iiAi.ii is: ii ..j i .- .u ar rnuaueipnia.
SACKS Plrrnroof iif nnd nilnhtlr tifledt nitl
nlitpn bnrpnlun rtpAltiriv openlnz alt tnafcvstl
iiitv iiritv-n i i ii i ruiitw?jr,i d
SAI'CH, llrcnn f iinmu mi' i nikhtly wm
ill ciH iitui mm rr oil itnrrnini Z9 K,
rourth nt (httwp n Itn and Vine)
HIIOUCAHI.S Hifhlnj wntl rnn lefrfxtriK
mm fnr mV.i up 1M M .rket at
Chance to Housekeepers
Oo i I Luv ioir furilturi until iou ee cmf V
bwlntnn we h.in r-rrt nc to furmaii your j
i o tip. ita-urnnma, uininr rrxtnin purinra anil li
brin Iurnlti.r fr?p nuto dpli.pry. rtty vt&
cimniry i'n tMninvn uniii t in
Edwards Storage House
imixc: M vink t
t si:i ni :i.'r t-i iiviti nn
liierytliltiei I mint liable in t h ta linn and Dltsri
if ti In n' nunnrlnit'iit und Iwaf aluea lal
i'imim irtr hum iiftnrn tnwnnra
III rtllKS 1Mb an.t Huttonnronl.
1I7 AOVr liTIMiNr; CAT.r.VDAUS krntaril
tv ni Ikirr'n ir(r'rn W nupoly lh rrloti
msr irttip i-pnn rippr o .'ii nm,
HKVTI'ltH boilers
r "., , rn- the
v-lll Instill rhetp
rartes new and rtbullttj
ai inn ueis v neann o.tui
ini'. eiiiiert it
H,tNiii:nH nnd PILLOW IU.OCKH, wltB fls-9
Inhed ball nnd tucket brnrlmtn are th bestl
inr all allium.; putlKfs H1IAI flNll ANBJ
ji.ti iiiiM. tiiiuiiic i la florin rirconu. i
Dinnmoa. motors toilers atcain and oil tVI
nil"-, i.i-mpe air comprctsora
l-IIAM. IOOMDY. Ilic 1.'7 N 3d tl.
DYNV1K.8 motor, nnd machinery boutht. s.fcti
nnu rinirii, urinacurro rcpaireu aitia St.
.'iiii'i mi,, iroreier i o ..I ,i i tl,
N'HWION rnlnry Planer. Illllea h Jnnel llllttiujl
s-icdru iwiiiermuKcrn punnet nnu antars.
N 1 I ALL. 174H X .llh at
HOC1II Ili.Ml I.ATHPH IJ, 1(1 111 HI la. lij
nioci., man iiseti iiiiii titinuuril IlllkCI. I., t&
..ijiori a nous -co. .111 al
MANT11H of plnln nnd niitomatlo machiserr.l
H. lid for Imoklet A Nncke Hon. 21U 8 ItKj
oti. i.i. niiAi uiii Ail tixea in licxi.
i ii tin, is riiNii iii.ipiNV 520 Arch it
PIANOH IS lilnli-urid- pianot by Ilrppe. Utr-l
rcllui Jules Hr om irUer etc reiurnr-ct fretai
.uiiimir rental nreoun'a kooii na new, laura
uuaninle, d for Hi lenra and rontiin)st
llenoe'a luilenltl t arninillno- iMianla tiTleeta
Irom J.10 lo Slit) below the regular ntw prlejt.fi
em in pamenia accepirii call or writ, raj
tumpielH list uml l lustrnteii rainiotues.
I or. hih und T to npaon tit
Tin ; nroau upen eveninsa tpritnii, .i
Jiil.iill. Plaera. I10 to 112.1(1
Pl.A Vli-lt PIAVn Aenllen 11'l.V tisvaltte 1311
weekly, this piano made by the treat AeoIlaaS
coiiipun) baa la-tter i-aiue in in many Piasa
tn.it in roue" stor-s fwr f.vuo and even ledojl
II i u I'rrf. 1 1 player pi-ino fii!,y tuariatislj
for n.e enla
Cor Uln and Thompauii tit.
S10O Otallty lliiiranteed
PlftATEn-PIAN'fi mahojian I23, S note wlijl
20 rolla of music, cost S430 new, only 111
nionlhi. Write fur full information rest
this special Instrument nt II It eicep. vahta.1
Cor nth Bnd Ihi.mpaon su
?K3 CillCKUHlNd t'l'ltlOHT PIANO
I'l.AVPIt-Pl V(1 uuln manual I.V7St IS Bet.r:
2U rollt of mutlo fre. cost l30 ntw. ttrwl
only K mnntnly Writ for full descrlpuaa.
lltll'I'li'H C1TUVVN HTUIIK3
Cor. iHh and Thompson sit.
OLD GOLD, tiller, platinum, pitted wtrt, a!4.j
til. lewtlrt. teeth plate. Luutht for nea,)
l-.r 1UTI1 1 T. C-I..-L. r.fln.e BHT tliBafl&l-.
I mil rim ri ,i..K ,..ia e.. nl,e e,.l,l allitr, -7ri
. ............. .... ,... ... ..-. .-.---.,..
Mnilnn.M el., pba Men, I TWlsiai Will CM1-
Itoaers. ;7 H J7th at. f
WK DO Idsh a-radii paperbanxlni. reatoaaWa,-
vny pay mora? W. no every wl
here ilarrtfjl
Leihnrr. 6417 Market at
U.lmonl BOS.