wpMywatyj EVENING LEDGEBr-PRUiiUJKjjPUrA, AlONDAY, DlOi-Ml101l 11. 1910 "17 t- PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Anitv AND FLOUR r -.(a toftl l'li. Th market Se-" ?.Wfel ft alrsmer No - ! ! "?!' soon buah Trad was trrr rVM W ' yE "i trade. s to lection--iJGrlt'.L is Mtr western, twl ami nrTttfrS-L'.'oJ, mw southern, cool n.i fiiW',. ,.. buh. Demand .was y.TgBKiP".M-',,r hti' favor., -wots Ef.irmr.la A1' 'MVV-.r in.) lb. TVl-tr !?'..; yft. Kansas, fleer. T JS,. do. ..'!. at io, slrslht. ration SrjW "-'.t! e ad.iwin.r. ... V.- "&7r.lVki: ' '" "' "" . fair Johb n nVmand ""it " Ii, uuotatlona ntr ! " JJvVmImV.1, 3tc, wft"n,hef. In ML JT - - i -. i .mull PUMiy nnd BUfcJy. 'j2VTq"". it w M ' bl"" " ,0 provisions a !fVj , ifta"-. set. """J S?rs. amo-ed. "' vlw,f lS?mi tIW "L "f.Tn If. ISO-MIU-ll. nm. P H-fe "T.nVwn3VnaaVre. Ki.....u.jHi?: irk. US',. "' "" "" " In iitt, 18' if aKfcil I& sw ill" (.Tier mi-iNPI) SUOAHS .i .m uitf. ttfiirf"'. T".i"SftS)ntr;" A. 7.100 soft too I.03 tumv PKouucr mTfce market was Arm and prices V4 - - ,0id packed creamery nnu . ."s .r-iiir;: V6ir.- mwow rlei nrit STtcaT'i", nrsis. .nijn' ..--. 52S." llOM'ic. rrnotnte... "tr-i. Se. ' ?JSi.ll"s- uncial fnncy brn.l. of "ECTn, K0J oullft for tit llmlini tfBWJfrf Ii l.i.i p. nrir of which a"".!. .Sd 30a Tr hlnhcr. Nlori S,!!! JV.ir.5 e lr not . ilo. tm flrtn. Iwttun '" "S,1 u II-JSO per run". JI14 Pr . '..,1 inintinin tullj SHSl t'r IUii-0 wr r..o; .to. flrM.. ISSlVetScM-llVJ Xrh mm woro jobbli.K t'U.Wi? wi ut hut "K-H.ly unnr nind- PItSm isilMSS'i' ti-,ll Meh'r:. lo. 5?Sir M SiC toilSf. Uo. prt .klms. if1""- POUI-TRY BrvKtvilMtiI itotU w In. fnlr riuM rjj Vilo.1 wr w nwiniiiinwi unucr mnu- .M?.r-.S inll4D. nrlnu rhlrkcm, uZJii "u ouTlitfi law""". Wlillo leghorn.. - L.A I1UI.A lltriHT. a'J Vf X'L. fcrrnr. in if ".". -i. - n.ir "iii;.iim. tin. vuuni. iJ! frrsd(ic, . . .... .... ., 1aDftK3Slvl TD fflHi'.w-i mini Hiiw i-n.i itwSoyiri. with chlckrni ulut lr lowi-r. i txntiiiQiiB itiu" ' -i -t. j...:.. it- ... ih InrUT rimv. niarnv. fiiiiin. lv ( ftDTn fn Ip f i. triu-wf "'J tLfln . 2S2oTlOJOoi 7owU'. 12 to box. itry-plckri K55.ii5Srr5vc! do. woJehlns . f S lb.. She.. 134.' do. o 111- nplcc. illo. ilo. 3'j lh-. SSriTfiilKj'Io.a lb ww. UltfUc. fowl-. Efkffi- Ict-nack-a. fancy, dry-plck-il. wrliililnx rtljllbl. and over npirca, ;utc, wrmnini; I"V. . TaIIm. .mitt. !. lifllll.. ..1.1 BmL IPl"i iwtm ruv v.. .i Hrv t " rwitfrt. dnrPickfd, lOo. roaBtlnir chlrkrnn. iSSnl dryplcka. In Iwth. wriBhlnr H Ibn. tticvtr, pcrilr, J8o nmAiintf chicken", wrnt irt. to J-tM. weighing 7 lb. rr pair, 21c, ZJi(t rh!bn. wtntcrn. lrn-nacknl. In hbli . liiki- lha ml nfr. tuir vintr lUf! 1j..i. i-htrhona wjittrn. in l.lil wnlvh. St.. t tvi rr FAlr. lVo: brnlllntr rhtclc- ' ' "..- . :':. ia ipuurn, in i"o, lYuminnK .1 I p, par Pir. .w-ic ruioKrns. veiKnins ( Itj. pr pair. lC-Or-, do, mUcl kUm, -; lrolUr, Jtrar f.tnry, afitf-ltk:: broil- l!5 ,livu. uo, uo, ( iv. irr ioi.. 13.0 it. do. nB4 ib. txr 1I01., tZ.I&OZ.Vt); KM1DS.VU. mau anu .no .. uucutll.3. l.ii,'ttfr Dror. ,itninsr i;i u inn. -ripe... BS:r. trclltri. nearby, umillrr -lira. L'.'l (PJ.'.o; BdBrtLVUItrn. ISUL'Ul. Bcrau. wpatvni. Tanti KHOtl.(r dol.. wtllt. wclBhlnic II In 1'.' Ibn. Am. IVTftflll. whll.. Wfflchlni? II in in Kfc. uL. II Si r.fl Ufhll. u.ll.lnH U 1.. '. r ".-rv'.'."'." K5 con. FHESH I'HUITS .OaIta itork mft with fnlr ..1. .n.i Vp&nt Rurally wtr writ auiialned Knllnw- in id. nuoianons Appica pr bhl. i'liH 1 1 .fl II .1 . (trim..' 1-I.lH.n mi Iff : TorJt Imperial. I3M. Htn Davli. jL'.r.o ICSJ9J.50: qraunlnir. No. 1. tllKiCH.. .lo. un- nsm. i-suvi, Kin-. wo. I. Mva. lo. !m- tal. IsnflBft VI. Sirmn. N I lllll. .. JintMnH. 12 Rbll. W? "VliS.an. Mo9i' orl'trf" Jrr boa fta?.; ,;; fK W"-fcM-"d- T ""! ?"oL Ofap, l'eara. K.il.r.. p,r Mir$403. ""W vi:r.ET.nLEs only moO.ral.. Ouotat ona: Whll puaa p-r bii.fi I'.nnarlvanla rnolp, II nTl7ii .7iivr";LJ"r M'Ki- "trH .5w'" p'to" Ka.rn Sh-r., tr bbl No. I. IJ.sot, 1 Ts, No ;';tJ'v,, r namp.r JIBI5.V Hnt pot. 'iOn:;i.10?,,me;, iV'.nna i..r im.b bin-No 1 ..iftnffi. Nn 2 $1 Ana), ao c'ahMr". I)anlh ST.r JP ?". do. dom.allr. pr ton 1ff S-.fVj,,h- Norfolk, r-r bbl. t!Wll ?." Nntfolk. r-r bM. M;. -ulllliiwr, Nor- lS"5.!l .,.' B,'' .Jo. Mrnlnla. pr batk.t. '' i !'& . f '"'Ma . r baakrl. II sfi't3 pra. riarlda. p.r l-ij. 13 4o4 Snuaah, florl- aakat. I2U3.75. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Nt:V YOIUC, Pro It The fnrtMgn rhanRn mnrttct In thn pnrly ilallnu" tmlny hnw'tl n modern! volumo of liu-lnr-xn and nn IrrtRitlar ronrro of rnlM Toulonlc cliiinRc wan vrtak. Vl-iina -corcil a 'till lower rccont of 1107 for cnhlr-.n anil 11.05 for rliccttx. ltflchmnarka wrro a aharlo raslfr, nl Cfi 3-l for cahlrx and Gi for chrck" Kr-nch pxchanRo nliownl Improve, incnt. nlth cubic- BS-Ti anil clurk- r..X4T. Italian cxolinngp continued heavy, rnte touchlnK C.S6 for cable.- nnit 6 64 for rhrrks Donianil stertlntr 4 "5 5.16, cnblo-. I7 7-IG. SUty-ilay bill- nominally i 7IH. Xlnety-ilay lilll.i i 6S. l'rnno aililes B.83T,, rherku S8;4. . Helclmmurk cable- 66 3-16, cheokn 66 It. I.lro cables 6 86, cheeks 6 86 ', Hwla cablea E 06, check- n 07, Ihc hlRh cnt flRiircB for Swlsa cxchnnKo In moro than n year. Vienna cable. 1 1.07. checks It 05. Kroner cableH 2J.I0, cheeks 2D 25 I'esetns cables 21 50, checks 21.25. riulMer cables -to 13-16 plus 1-16, checks 10-1, plus t-16. Hubles cables 29.43, -checks 2J35. RIO DROP IN DEPOSITS Frill 711,106,000 in Week Loans In crease Reserve, and Surplus Smnllcr Tho stlrfenlnR of tho monny market In Phllailelphla last week In sympathy with tho upward turn In New York made the bank statement of tho local Clearing Hnime particularly Interesting thla week Tho most strlklnc thlnic was n rtccrcnas In Inill. vtdunl deposits of 111.196,000. which brlnss that Item down to t462.764.000, which Is tho lowest since tho week ending October 30. Despite this heavy falling off there was nn Increaso of (5.299.000 In lonns. Hcserc." held wero tC.299.000 smaller, nml tho required reservo showed a decline of J 109.000. Tho surplus Item nlso declined, tho railing orf being J5.890.000. This Is tho fourth succcjslo week that surplus has fallen off. and It brings tho surplus down to 113,016,000. Ie 11. mill. Jwr... Irfians ISM. 872,001) IS.MB.OOO Ilepoalta (IndUlduall . 4H'.'.7lll.Olil ll.lliil mill Clrculntlon ii.iiin.niic) "HOtum Duo from bnnka ... . 7i.'Jl)il IIOII R Oiltl nfMI Dapnlta of tMinks . .. 172,747,000 fi,. 1.11. OIIO Kl Clearlnr Itnuaa .. . 21.7OD.00lJ 4.8.13,00(1 Ileaerva h-ld u.l hm.iiihi ii.i'uu.imiii HeaarMt recjulreil Mi.3.T,oilil iiin.nnn Hurplu' 13.U1U.000 C800.UOU Incrohse. Surulu" I)er.mlmr 13. Inir. 132.337 IW0: r. eoltllxT I I. 1014, 122.0(15,1100. Deefmbtr 15. 1013. I4.1S3.00O. Der.mher . 1012. 3,4U4,00tl; December II. tail, IS.02H.uoO BANK CLEARINGS llivik el.nrlnca today compared with corre aponnlne day Uat two yenra: 1010. 1013. 1MI. Philadelphia. J41. 114.000 J37.S14.721 121.037,122 lloaton . ... 27.MI.VI71 2S.nS4.7d2 lH,7Sl.n7S New York... 308.700.1 45 310,731.301 217.3N4.3.1U RATES FOR MONEY rr.11. .Sew York .nifl i'hlladolphln ft I'hlCHIjfO 4 llnntim 4. CommereUl rapcr. 3 lo 0 month,, Phllada pma. -i'i it a pi-r rni. Tim-, i 044 ,1- WHEAT ENDS LOWER AFTER FIRM START Support Lacking Due to Export Situation, Marine R rites nntl nnd Crop Reports CIIICAon. lic. II .Stren-th In the Initial trading In the wheat market today was of short duration and throughout the remainder of the session the tone of the market was weak, although last cjuotallons were above the bottom on coveting and decrease of I.S15.000 bushels In the visible -upply for the week to 59.159,000 bushela The first show of firmness was due to hardness nt I.Uerpoel. where business was belter Oatslde .support was lacking here because of discouragement oxer the esport situation, favorable crop advices from the "Inter belt and rising marine war risks Tecemhrr. after selling as high as tl 67. fell to t and ended at II 6l,. Vc be low Saturday's last price: May, after rlslna; to H7Mi. dropped to ll.74St!S. com pared with 1 774 at tho end of Saturday : July, after touching II 50. receded to II I7, nnd finished nt II ISffl.lTTs, com pared with 11 19 , nt tho close of Satur day Owing In the recent developments In Oreeco some traders expected reselling of what recently purchased on this side for that internment I'omml.-slon houres were fie -nil- ,H ,1 ,v Thp nenlhor In Argentina wan unsettled with showers In parts I'rhnle estimates put tho crop of Australia nt U2.000.000 bushels. About 60 per cent of tho oreu hail been seeded In tireat Ilrllatn. Corn also weakened arter starting higher. Oats dropped also. Leadlrc- futures ranccd as follows Whl Open. Illih. I,nw flone clnae. rvr-mler .. I nr t.ilj t (li, l.nl. II rttv, W '7? 1 7SJ4 I 7tS 1 731 I 77-, July I.BOU i SOVj 1.47'. 141 I 4t. lent (nw Uallreryi lecenib-r .. 02) p:U nrt'4 .poii HI", .May pat, pit, pj t.ji; p.ilj July . U3't H3i HIS Ul'a l3'a rc.mb.r .. 52'. 53U SIS ISIS r.llt May MS StW 35, tS RJ. July ...... SI'i MV 0.H t33 JI tiK-'mbr ..1032 1033 10 17 M 17 lit 4 January .. in 27 in 3J in .VS MS 70 Mil 17 .May 10 23 11127 13 7ll 1S ill Id. IS llltm January ...1407 1110 13 Ml 13 SO til on May 14 Kl ) 33 1112 M1 17 1127 Pork December ..27.00 27.00 27 10 127.40 "27.73 January .. 27 13 2..13 2d US 2il n 127 mi Jtay 2d 40 2S.40 20.IO t2rt IS 12(120 IUd. tAaked. SNomlnal. LOCAL -MINING STOCKS TONOl'AH KTOCKS Hid. Asked Jim Holler sn u MarNamara, 05 .07 Mldnrny t .21 Mltpnli lUtrnalon II .IS Mnntnna .11' .22 North Htar II .15 Tnnopah llelmnnt T. S' Tonopnh i:xtenlon 4S Tonopah Mining illi OS ll.vue lIuU 21 .23 Weat End 05 .70 OOl.riKIUI.I) BTOCKH Atlanta 10 .11 Hiu-null 2 , .us llooth 13 .11 con .02 .in Combination Fraction 115 .07 niamondilcM II II .0d .07 Daisy 0 .us Klorenc 23 .2" (loldO.ld C'unaolMatad ns .70 nnldflebl Memer Od .iw Jumbo Katenabm' 32 .33 Kewanaa 21 .23 nro .M .117 Pandatorm Kendall 05 .1 .Silver rick !V 31 Misci:t,t.ANnoua Arliona. Cnlted 70 73 Nevada lllll 2 Nevada, Wonder 2.10 2.13 Tefopu Mining 17 .lu LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIllrAOO. Dec. It HCKIS Itecelpla. Ol.llOO Market steady. Silted and butrhera II) 20 W 11)10: good heavy. .10 noMIO 13: rouah henw III M)0 KS; llahl. IS.S3G0.U0, pla, )7.23tt 1.031 bulk. lOnlo. CATTLK Hecelpt. 27.000, Market atesdy lo i Iron lleetea. 10812.40 ly',1ilfra. I3S3O10 2S. alocker, and feeder" 13 40W7 .3, Tetnn., 17 23tf "5: caltea 1'.V("t",.S . HltBlll" Itecelpla. IH 000 Market atrona Native snd iveatern. I4.30W13 50, lamba 18 30 CI2.K0. BAR SILVER Commercial bar sliver was quoted In New York today at 75 He, up Uc In Imt!on tho price was 3G4d, a gain of i,d. -s New York Shipbuilding Corporation CAPITALIZATION Authorized First Mortgage) Sce Sinkinjr Fund Bonds duo November 1, 1946 $25,000,000 Capital Slock (No Par Value) 200,000 shares To lie presently issued $7,500,000 200,000 share gBgBBBSSB3BSBBBESOB0EBO9 I For information concerning the New York Shipbuilding Corporation and the present New York Shipbuilding? Company of New Jersey, the entire assets of which are to be acquired by the Corporation, wc refer to a letter dated November 29, 1916, from Mr. George J. Baldwin, Vice-President of the American International Corporation, copies of which majr be obtained from the undersigned. The following information has been gathered from this letter and other sources which we consider reliable: The New York Shipbuilding Corporation will be controlled by the American International Corporation, the International Mercantile Marine Company, W. K. Grace & Company, and the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. The New York Shipbuilding Company is engaged in the construction of both merchant and naval vessels. Its plant is one of the largest, most modern and most economically operated In this country. The costs of the New York Shipbuilding Company, are, in general, lower than those of any other American shipbuilding concern on the Atlantic Coast. Cash to the extent of 53,000,000 will be forthwith invested In the property. $1,800,000 of which will be available for new construction needed to take care of the government work and the Increased demand for merchant vessels. It is intended to increase the capacity of the yards for these purposes from 25 to 50, The plant, on account of its modern equipment, excellent situation as to water ways, lar market, etc., is exceptionally fitted to take advantage of the great expansion in the shipping business. The present naval program of the United States Government calls for tho expenditure of about $588,000,000, contracts in .connection tf wWeh are a" be let before Tulv 1 1919. The amount of this business obtainable by the New YorkShifbuildhlg Coloration should be limited only by its capacity to accept It The demand for both foreign and domestic merchant marine, the naval con .traction lb? the United States3 Government, i'W Coiforatfon panics controlled or affiliated with the American Interna lonalCorpo ration should assure the New York Shipbuilding Coloration all the bus ness U c an handle for at least the next five years at remune ratlve figure. ?n nossible. better utilization of the facilities of the plant than has hitherto been posstme. Net income available for dividends and mterett etarg ..reported by the New The uncompleted contacts on the boolu .oft the New York SWpUd'ng Com- ssJStssSS made by the unlted States Government, aggregate about $23,000,000 aoomona.. Tba statement printed above ar not guaranteed, but w. Mlsv th,m to be correct. 'hallgarten & CO. New York P CHAS. D. BARNEY & CO, New York & Philadelphia MONTGOMERY, CLOTHIER & TYLER New York & Philadelphia Hoing ,olJ all cf IA. ... ok Wilfred I oy-f. thU adv.ttU,m,nt appear, a matt.r of rordy F. P.-LASKY CONTROLS PARAMOUiNT PICTURES Big Corporation Taken Over by Producing; Firm for Uclcas- inp; Advantages Photoplay reviewed in those columns on Tuesday nnd Friday will nppcnr nt neiRhborhood theatres in tho future. By the Photoplay Editor Another mote In the cheas game of photo ploy corporations is responslblo for tho announcement that the t-'nmous Players. ljsky combination has acquired control of the Paramount Pictures Corporation The merger Is regarded as one of the most Im portant of months. Among the subsidiaries of Famous Play, ers-ttsky nre the Knmnun Players Film t omnnny, the Jesse, u Isky t'eaturo Play t ompany, the Ollter Mortwo l'holoplny fomimny and the Pallas Pictures: Corpora tion. Tho film products of thee concerns are distributed through the Paramount t'or IHiratloii. Ily means of the new coalition all the start of Famous Plnyers-taky. the Now ntk nnd California studios, and the clialri of Pnrnmount dlslrllnumg olllce-t nre welded together In n glgatitio motto orgnnliallon. It Is reported that Mary Plckfnrd will abandon for the time being original scripts, using for her Artcritt featurea well-known plays and Hotels "Tho Poor l.lltle Ulch Clrl." played on tho stage by Viola Dana, now a picture star; tlarrle's "I'eter Pan" and "Peg o' My Heart" are under consid eration for this purpose, according to rumor. "Variety" prints n story that Uernldlne larnir. tho opera singer, while being burned at the stake for tho forthcoming I.nskv feature. "Joan, the Woman." n version of the French militant maids life, lost some of her hair, which It.imci i-nsumi in the stake, seene ft. dummy was frt tried, rml Miss Fatrar. with ft crltknt eye. relected It on the ground that It was not deceptive enough Finally she decided to don an asbestos suit and permit the fire lo play around her while tho camera was shooting Mbt Under, the French comedian, who came over to these Slates to do funny things before the tSssanay lens, tost his pink pajamas while crossing the Attatttlo. He suspecta n souvenir hunter of having ap propriated them Mr Under has begun work on his first American-made comedy, which will take about thirty-three minutes to dis play on the screen. Mb works tvllh two Interpreters, one his secretary and the other acting as assistant director Mot hopes to get a working knowledge of Kngllsh In three months. The International language of pastry Is already well known to him. A strong company. Keeanay announces, lias been formed to support their Imported farceur. Under has stipulated that all the lU'lressrs be blondes, as he deems a, con trast with his omii dark hair and moustache necessary. In the first episode of 'The Oreat Secret." the new fourteeti-eptsndo Metro serial, Di rector Cabnnhe supplied "punch" by blowing up a cabin under which he had placed 500 imunds of powder It had to be done oter again because a block of wood had struck the camera, damaging the negative. The well-known Uushman Is the star of the stories The Urgent Theatre's added ntlractlon throughout the week will be Charlie Chaplin In the first showing of "Tho Hltik." Tho Tlngn sends nut the following notice of Its extra attractions' Monday, Florence Itostt fashion pictures: Friday, U. .t It, Jungle picture and a Metro comedy: Satur day; Mult and Jeff cartoon and n Metro comedy t 'hnraleeln Hecttnls nt each per-fnriiinn-e bv Stanley W. Hhnadw. speolnll.t engaged At the Locust today there will bo Charlie Chaplin. In "The ttlnk." nud Lew Fields. In "The Man Who Stood Still." Tho latter served I.ouls Mann lis n starring vehicle for several seasons. i: It Sothern nnd Kdlth Story. In Mr. Snthern's stage success, "An llnemy to the Itlng." will be the attraction nil week nt tin Itelinimt The feature ranks ttllh the hrit of the Vltocraph progiam release Theatrical Baedeker OAnntL'K Vlln.bsnna Ill1sranlee(.' with 1rtl rteheff and Jenrsn lea Antpltfl Mosle by Anau.l Klctnecke arid book and lyric by Jo seen llerbart In I he esai are Cratifurd Kent, tvllllam llsrrltan. Clat-oc llsrvey. Amelia Pummerrllle. Alli-e llreman Hrsyee leett and ethers Opening tontiht I.ITTI.i: T1tKATIIB-"tii Neter fan Tell." with Charles I Mitchell Dorothy helnier dine. Marie Paer and the 8ia Soelety Mar era Admirable retivsl t.Yltti' "rlilllintlfln," Thomas It tnee's mo tlon picture iKirtrailnir the herrois or war and the etcllement of battle en land and sea and In the sir "uperh martial spectacle ami sen timental snibollsm llllOAll "t.ltlle l.mtr In llhie." with Franeea !tarr reetome comedy abnul an adorahle IllUe mlaae shd some ptrturesnue persona. Dl tertlns Indjreed by (he Drama l.cue roilllKBT "(Mn-l'Mn." with Datld Montwm. ery and Kred stone. H.iurn enaaRement of the popular mitalesl ettravacanaa with the famous romedlana appesrieg In tarloua lm personal tons ADKI.PIII 'f.tperlfnee." with Krneal (llendln. filna A "modern ntorslllv tday," with mora iiimaneneas than srart.1 l:erjwoman." There'a a larse (aat. (Uenalnnlng acta su 1-erbtT. .vr vnirt..in ftticKH WAt-NPT "Mull nml Jft'a IVedillnt." In which they dlaport Ibemselts In s hew sut-e. Melo drama, fare, muali nnd etlrat asanas tinted In the entrrtaloinent STOCK UNirKt'.lllincKKII "The. Dltorre Oiie.llon." wlih Anna Douthertv, John l.orena sod the atoek etimpany. A staao story of "etery soman's etpeflence' sa seen by the author of till modern narratlte rir.iTCKK m.vs BTANI.IIV -"Ollter Tnl.t." Ijtaky. Paramount, with Marie Horn, Tully Marshall and llobsrt lio.nnrlh ad.ipted from IMi kena a novel, first half of Hie week "The t If terln fro.'' t.aakv Paramount ivlth l.eu 'leiirKrn adaptml from Paul Poller a pla, latter h.ilf of week Others , AIICAI'IA "The Mnlrlnixnliir." fine Arts Trb onale with Duslis Tnirbanka nnd "Tho ltltik ' lone Star Mutual, xltlt ( hnrtea I'haii lln nil week oilier. Mi-TiUllt "The Honorable ,ls." Knv llee. Baturday. rAt.Actt "The riorr tllrl," 7aky-r'aramotint, with. Mae Murray, and "Ths nlnk." with Charles rhaplln. rlrat half 0 week "the 3el!oir Pawn." IJiaky Taramounl with .wal ler Held and l.'ko Itl.lrelr utter halt or wk "The nink1' "sturdily CHBSTflHT RTItBET OPHHA IfOt'flB "A Dtathter et the llml." FVx. with Anneti Kellermann. l.iat times of a feature Willi epedaeld and beauty of the beat but toma nhat tacking In dramatic aftmncanc. YMrOBYII.lK . KKlTlfS IHiaalsn .Wallet, with Koslorf ana Maalova: Nan llatperln- "The Call of Child hood": FYank Crumlli Mlrano llrotherai Ada lalile tloothbrjL Kltner, llankalay an. I Mo Clay. Matin firothert. and news pictures, OI.OHH Tho Fashion Hhop." with Tlerney rt)iir, Maurice Hamuel and eompanyi la AI ferelta. Jack Hymonda, Chief Hade Itoraei Cera Slinpeon nnd cpmpanyi May lllllabury. and the Yamamato llruthers. OHANP "l'retarleatlon.'' with Pert HaVart Nowlln and Ht. VMt. Marie Pparrowi Mil. I.llllon H l.ewtaj Oreeno and l'lalt. and others. WII.UAM rCNN' "Ills Dream nirla"i TJatrs lioin. iienneii ami iiienarua. nreiio,ae a iriaa. nhatrtnlai. "The Ilooaler . olr m ml "The D-tlPa. Double." -.. t,.lf nf Mr.Mtf T)1M ljwla nnd telberi Fsrrell and .Tarlort, HI Cola, shd "The Honorable Atay. iiholoplay, latter half e( wetk. "Metering".! ."In Mex lior. liain mi( a iwnmrin 1 . in u.x Ice". Car. Cain and Carr, r.thel Coatellot the I'hllllpl Four- How ami Smith, nrit half of week "ltarve.t tra-'i tlie Clover J-eaf Trio, the Wllaon-Hlewerf Ulch trim "Dan. Cu bid.'1 nnd Mltra and Morgan, latter halt of week, TlinCtiKnit- m-Kf.;sotf: The rreneh rrollea." with lam Kiel la and Ina Dally, aupportM by lb "Twenty Fluttering 1 tappers." )ll.8TKHl.H DVMi'NT'H "Chin I'hln Chin," a burteeq.ua on MoniKumery and Htnne, "II Trovatore.0 ami oilier topical plrfea of burlella by tho real dent 1 ompany. D I'lvIXli the p:ist week Pctiiisyhiini.i I'milc al atlvancccl to ..i per iiarrci. tin iiigncst price in years, i ikui Iictna Oil nilvatK'cti 10c per barrel. A1111rntnec111e.1t nf increase in price of a.suliiic was made by the 1arie producers and also advances in the price of s-oft coal, thereby creating a large demand for natural gas for fuel purpohcs. On the New York. Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Stock Kxch.iugcs k:is .and gasoline stocks hate made enormous advances in price. Ohio Cities tins, which two months ao sold on the New York Curb at $65. sold last ttcck on the New York Stock UacIi.uikc at $124; Columbia (.las has ailv.uicrd from $16 per share in May to $5.1 in December; while Philadelphia Company, one of the largest natural pas producers, lus also shown a substantial increase in market price. These companies nil produce natural gas and manufacture gasoline and benefit by each advance hi the price nt their products The nbovc facts arc important nnd justify immedinte consideration of the position of the Pennsylvania Gnwlino Company, the stock of which is now being actively traded in on the New York Curb around $1 per share. This young, live, ticnroiis corporation is now on a producing basis and growing rapidly. Its November output was more than 75,000 gallons of gasoline and 15,IM0,(!X) cubic feet of natural ga it controls 25 square miles of natural gas lands in Pennsylvania, on which .12 wells bate been drilled lo date all drilling resulting in producers. Thus far the property is less than one-twentieth devel oped. There arc drilling locations for S00 additional wells. During the past month a new gas well was brought in, and U is expected two more producing wells will come in during' this month. Two gasoline plants arc now in operation anil a third plant will be ready within the next two weeks, which will materially increase gasoline production. The properly is equipped with large pumping .station, loading racks, tank cars and over 50 miles of pipe lines. All equip ment is of most modern kind. Active development work is golnj on and it considerable increase in monthly output of gas and gasoline can be expected from now on. Net earning are now at rote of G'c on capital stock, with property less than 5 developed, li'c Invite commission orders in this security at the prcvailino market price on the New York Curb. Descriptive circular will be mailed on request WILLIAM J, &EHEW Established 1V0H STOCKS AND BONDS 35 Broad Street New Yorlt- Long Distance Telephones 23!)7-8-'J llroad jmiVLUjasttSKsammmMtmmMEa Prominent Photoplay Presentations imki SoSno Gmpamu j ,1 Till: foltonlnr llientrr. obtain tlielr plrlurea Ihrmuli the hTAM.r.V Hooklns C ' tomtmny. t.hlrh la n cnarinlee of early ahnolns of the lineal productlona. -f I. All plrlurea retlrwrd before rthlhltlnu. 1.LII th theatre In jour locality 'J All plrlurea retlrwrd before rthlhltlnu. 1.LII th theatre In llDtallilnc Plrllirra ttirntlSh III Sr.VM.Ul limiKIMl COMIWKY. Alhambra mI'd"": APOLLO Pane) unk Ate. Hvia 0:41A0 fnramoiint rirmrea FANS'ir WAHIi In The V.nra of the Ir-uet" to, i en tin. n: I'li.ti'i.is in thi: hink" BSD AND THOMPSON MATINTK DAILY MME. PETROVA in i:tiia Mi.xvi'i:" CIIHHTNUT nt:i mv ioth ARCADIA rlrttlrrlna r-nienr.L In 'Till -u.. . .... u.....w MAT,unNIA, And Cll.tlll.in Clltl'I.IN In "Till! HINK" BELMONT 'i.i-ct E. H. Sothcm nnd Edith Storey in ' N KM'MV TO THIS KINO" Rl IIFRIRF) '""JAD AND DLULD1KU HIMJI'CHANNA AVlt FANNIE WARD in W ITl'HCHAFT" C0TII AND CHDAtt AVH. I'M! I WOffVT TIIItATIttS HAIL KA'i: In SCAtll.irr OATH" Ad.le.1 Allro. lion MHII'l.tllMI KIIADnW" With HAI.I'H KHI.I till) ,t IIIIACI: DAHMOND :CTII AND (llltAHD AVRN'UR IIAII, KAMI and MllS'TAIH! I OVt! In Tin: mi:n miii: mhiiii:i" tnih i:iit.n.t -Tiir. siiici.dim) shadow" THHATIti: MAT. DAILY Ilrlow t.prur KtRa. 7 to 11. Scssuc Hnvnhawa Hupiairled by jtasut. i-iaynitawa MV1TI ,. ST.i,MiAn In 'Till' Win, (IV Kl'llt RAN" 4711 rilANKFOIlD AVRN'UB MAItlll Df'ltO In 'Tlln LAPII" Adled Cme.U r..t..r OV' in." Till: HANH AMI CHIT. MIVriKl rOMIUHKS GREAT NORTHERN 'iX.8!,, CEDAR FAIRMOUNT 56TH ST. FRANKFORD WILLIAM S. tiik Hirrt'iiN or HART in DIIAW IKIA.V" IMPFRIAI ,,0T" AN,) WALNUT 8T3. llVirctMi"Tlw tiiuv tm":s m;;.v VIRGINIA PEARSON in Tin: waii iihiiu"m Hnoitirr" I FADFR lOIITV-l-lItHT AND L.CiuVi-' 1-.I. 1 AN'('ATi:it avi:.vui: SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "Tim HOI'l. OK KCItX HAN" I I R F R T Y '"l0AlJ and 1.. 1 t . A 1 I COLl'MtllA 11UVANT WAHIIIICHN nn,l MAIUII'KltlTi: CI.AVTON In ' Th.. Prlnr of lirnueturk" l'KAIIL wiiiti: In PHAIII. OF THU AltMY" WKST I'IIII.III.I.I'1IIA EUREKA i0Tl1 ANI MA,,KBX STS' ALICE BRADY in "Miss Petticoats" LOCUST iiAiti.ii: I'IKI.llH l.i:w Market St. Theatre WD AND LOCUST Mata. 1 1.1(1 and 3:30, i:tga. n:30. s, 11:30, CHAPLIN In "Tin: HINK" In "Tho Man Who Mood mill 10O. ISO. 333 MAIHCET BTIIKET Edna Mnyo in "The Chaperon" Her Wednesday Marl Walcnmp In "Llbarty" 031) 4k llAVnilFOHD Hop Jonra Unit Ores. T"w,n'i:" Annette Kellermann In "Neptune's Daughter" s Heela, S000 Scene OVERBROOK PALACE .U1 llili MAHKICT STIIKKT 10e20). MCIUIAY nnd THKOIHIItli llOlll:ilT3 la thi: plow tiiin." Men rllAHLIi: CHAPLIN In 'Tlln HINlt" PRINCESS REGENT 1018 MAHKKT BTIIKET DOUHLAS CA1HHANKH In "Amerlean Arlatno. rocy." Tomorrow IMIi Hplsntle "The ticarlct Itunner" l-Vnturlng CAHI.i: WILLIAMri. 1C34 MAHKRT BTIIHET 11U1IAS VOICR OKOAy MME. PETROVA s Clltl'LIN lu "TUB HINK" UUItMANTOWN AVE. AT TCT.l'RIIOCICEN ST. FANNIE WARD in "C.ACII rililtl. A TRAIt" MAItKirr HTHEET 1IRIX1W 7T1I I'IMtlY 1IYI.AND. HVAHT OVHIITON CIIAIILIIS KHNT In 1S11 MAniCET BTltni-T HOIIKRT WAltWICK. MOl.l.li: KI.VH Jl'NK i:i.VIDUI. In . 17TII AND VU.VANGO BIS. RIALTO RUBY SAVOY STnEBT nni "The Enemy" "AH Man" TIOGA OWC.N MOOIli: nnd MAHIH'CHlTi: COIJltTOT In "Till: KIHH" Kxtru Ad leil Noveltv Feature FLlUtl-Nfi: HOHIJ I'AHIIION IMCTIIHKa MAHKKT BT. AIIOVK NINTH VICTORIA r-UATJl F; RAY in 'Tiir; rilAl'I.IN In STANLEY IIOS'OUAIII.I: AI1Y" Tin: hink" MAHKKT ADOVH 10TII 11:1.1 A. M to 11113 I. Ji Marie Doro "Oliver Twist" bdUTII lllll-Mim.I'lllA 6LYMPIA,,,WA,,A&nn.MB .so i'f.7fnii.iv': rnfi.tr TMCCrtAV WILLIAM 1 UWio a im tl'HHHLL til TOUCH ntiAHI.Il" THU YCLI.HW miinaci:" NORTH PIIILADKLPIHA RIDGE AVENUE 1734 ,,,DaB AVa VALESKA SURATT in N "Jealousy" Whtn you vrnnl lo know where' to COOI) rttotopIjXM, rrml thU dully l'hotoploj' (Juldo In tli 1.1 mine I.cJsrr. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR i:VI!llY JIONDAV HtJIUnCT TO CHAMli: "KTO uW'V'lli U MONDAY TUKSDAY WEUNESUAY Ull ttlltD.t Tha Yeara of Iho lcuat Th Yenra of tho lKUit Tho Years of tho Locust jllilJllHUl Tho lllnk The lllnk Tho lllnk i mil r rt M,n.8' I'alrova. In Anlouln Moreno. In Jim riilmalu p Hoy (VlUlilitl Balrntasania jtuao of tlw Houlh The Xiarlei Itunner AliCADlA t'Ty.lftllni;,"0 tVJ'Ki'SS'"" '"'" T'ft'S"""' KELMONT An!KnlmyaV,'.bnoKl!. A.V E&nJftttSt l& A,VRnemyH0.'.."lhQ- lAnw ill IILMIIlin fnnnl Ward, In Viol Dana, In Itobort W arwlclt. In lSliUhlllul) Witchcraft 1li lUlea nt liden A! la" .,.. , Hcarlat tuili Thwxloro Hobarla la aTl!VL,ii?n"va,II.knir CEDAR MhMdlna- Hlmdow Anton Iho Tarrlbla Tna Calico aiuplre FlTilPirt ?.'.,ce !!r"'.'y- '" No""" TalmiAw. In '' A;,"?";.'" hllllKKA Ml. I'eltUoata Klfiy-Plfty 1h l-aat Man r...ii"7tiivm Th Men Hh. Married Marl Doro. In t'n'if" '',h,,rJ,n '" lAIUJIOllNT Tlw Whleldlua- Hhaduw Tho Man Tb lllnk rnifirst. "" Tiyui'sr, :Tjmv?i-z WrSfflnt FHANKFOKU liana n7,"W.r."'ro,ndle. H,"1an,!'a."uoi;il!. K. A iTJ.SSTf-l.yr. ml trn vnll'PIII.'DV' William B Hart. In William 8 Hart. In Klhtl Ctailen. In fiHEAT AOUllllilWl Tlw Ittluru of Draw Utun Tl) lUlurn of Draw Hn llrokan Chalna rVlIiL'll III Vlrylnla I'aarson. In. VlrHlnU I'wraon. In .,, ".'' ft'l'fr.'JJii UU'r-UIAlj The War Hrlda'a ntertt Tlw War HrlJ-'a ttecret Th. Mn 8k Marrled IL tllL'I) Saui HarakuwH, In Haaaua llayakawa. In Ann.. Pannlngion. In jhrtllr.ll Ttw Haul of Kura Wan Tlw fvui of Kura Han Tin) Halnlww t'rlncaaa I IIIIMI'PV The l'rlw of HrauaUrk Douslaa ralrUnka, In .,'''' ".ra,' ,',". lilllKllll l'tarl of I ha Army Am.rl.an Arlalrocracy Itwiwu an. Jultat LOCtiST The Man'hT HUH Tlw yggsr"!? F.I.I. ""tiiir WSSS '" 'MAllKET stiieet" &&" unLvr&tSss-'" ,n tba "fey16 "" oLvMi'iA 0 " '?&?" "ftrarg" "&?!$?& ovKltimooK Axy,',t;0s?.s:uTl' Ql1&J2!?Xrtt& targfflafcMr" PALACE Tb.,hif.akUlr fhTbl,titui",' ru1 PRINCESS A'rt'a.r'Ar'rVeP rJSSftZ mJJti&t? niALTo W?i& tfraSBteA T2S.my&J? 1UDGE AVE. y-U.T- '. TUlifffcA'Ull Ttr ?yfeva.r RUBY ' l'"ft."ii& ,a A"iV'oti?i ,Tt!Mfw?rlua, STANLEY ' "ortarUt0 " y.Ut" etrtat" TIOGA rMT& 3U ti to.itih..w tgfa&ttjJL TIIt!KSl)Y miDAY SATUIIDAY i ii Ma Murray. In M" Murray. In Mao Murray. In Tlw Plow Olrl The Plow tllrl Tlw I'low QUI Tb Ourat of X.I fas Theodore llobert". In Douvlaa Fjlrbanka, In TrlaiiKlo 7teton Comedy Anton tlw Torrlbl American Arlalocraey 1 ' I ! I i. I Tho Mulrlmanlao The Matrlmanlao The MatrlmanUa Tho lllnk Tho lllnk The lllnk 17. II. Sothern. In K. II. Hoth-rn. In I. H. Hothern. lo An Hiwmy to tha Kln( An Knemy to the Mot An Knemy le the Kln William Courtney, In Paulino Frederick. In Tho Ktaa rivaled l.lpa Zuia A Ohoat of a Chanca ' i. (latea of VAn Hlanha Kwret. In Diana, of tha Colltea Th Crimson Htaln Mtary Tho atorni Ilia llualed Truat Hlh.l elation. In Clortnee I. lladle. In A Vafationd I'rlnro Tlw Madness of Hewn Balm, 1'evll and Woman Ha Did and Ha Dldu't Theda Ham, In lllj Tremaliw Illanah Sweat, la Tho Vlten Pearl of Hw Army Tlw Bte William Duncan. In 1k)uIiw Huff. In liulaa Hurt. In Tlw I al Man Wetentean H.ttnleon Kthal cuylon. In uWl.?term . lltanotoe Hwt. Iq ilr-keii Chains Tlw Shielding Shadow Tlia Btorm llaarla Adrift Clara, Kimball Youns, In CUr Kimball Young-, la I'.ahlon Plttuiva Tlw Deap 1'urpla Tba Dp Purplo i i a Tlw r"!' t B Tlw Hall of u Th. wall of a Nation Nation Nation 11 ' "" ' Ann IVnnln;ion. la Iulu Huff, In Leulaa llulf. In Trw Italnbuw I'rlnooaa Srtenlt.n Sattntaaa -----m-------------------.------. m , if Frank Keeiian. In KmUjr Sl.ana, la The Hrokan Chain Jim drlinavy'a Hoy Tlw Water Tb Sbleldln Ptwdow Harold l.i-kwix)d, In I'ey Hrland. In l'y Hyland. la IIU Trenulne An Bneoiy An Boimy .. ' i . . i , ii '"I llotwrt Henley Pi O.ll Kaiw, la Donslas Fairbanks, la Tlw BUn of pw l'Qfrpy The Men Blw Xlarrlad Manhattan Madneaa The ShUWImrIMi-u-w TtwW'traknaM of Utreiujth Oeorw Walah. la. A Murvrkw Ka-lur Tba Olrl Prom 'Prison Tte MadStor Th Wok WaUl TaLferro la VIUn Martin. In Tba IluaUrr of AlaUra Tha ttawa at Ijva) aj rather' a Boa Wallace IUI4. la Wallace Held. La 'iTbaC Ytllow Pawn The Y-How Pawn Thai Yellow riawn Tna IHak Alice Brady. I Huiwrt JutUo. la VW Dan. In Itoiwhl and raM For T4 lluitUr of AWUra The Caclt WtUo a sfear Ttu"" T&kl.0iu'r,,y Ill III. p I - OU Fttron. la ii" WacDarmolt. !u .Faraum. la tntravataac Ttw Price of Fame TM Flhl-a Paraoo Tlw Yellow Manac Flora Oca Read, la AalaoU llonra la tK Crimson Wb Now YorV TTbe Devil's Wtp in , -----. ii --, in i i . -SJ Dou-L-t Fairbanks, la Alary Plckford, la Enillr stavona. la Arkan Arli&oTa-V In xlw bubog Carrlsto Ttw Wo.er Dorothy Glad, la MMloy-ai Otwat lUroU Lsckwood. lo tliiblrao of Uw Feud The Cpuat JHt Tronwlne , i , hi iii i i ui TliUVrtSrCio Ttw VtotartCr.M Taw VWwlncul , " n ' il -'-4