11 1LSH-KILBANE Pbe ARRANGED FAILS TU lYUUJBJT JJUSS WlliLAKD lattle Between Featherweight and Lightweight Champions JjOoks .Better man neavyweignt Fuss xciCKaro. r aces many uostacies By KODEItT W. MAXWELL it -w.rt n not ba at all surprising If I IT . .1 !, tim of France. r.rnantlcr. tha hare of Kranc, iJeor Uddtnir ucciiirs to rtmaln among t h a homo folks and win n, faw mora medal for bravery Instead of taklnc cbanco with Willing Wll lard for Ilia h eavywolght championship, De velopment In the last f e w d n y prove that nn op ponent for the Frenchman h a n not yt been se lected, and unless Tex Wckaril digs down deep In his Jeans for and Z tnvwELTi nulls out a o m o assfJ-rM-!?! lC-Mf v.tit.,1 Les Darcy, Mr IllCKnru musk IM. . Z or Wlllarrfmnnagsra also hir. HS.i!ii-n on tho Australian's nervines In S?. iiunirV Thus It ran ha seen mat SeiiS. rough sledding ah.aU If h. iusiulous to iBti " b"1 ,dr?.wJnt KitKetrick Has Tart in Piny & nan McKelrlck has given himself a speak- W tart In h act nnd aPI'" vr"" '"" iffriBng state metit that he s tha on y real .sl.to-gooJness manager or air. larpsn- iXtEm. Mr McK&trlcIt would ho gla.l to ? inttrvlevr n may be having tu little Joke, or his stuff may be on 'S Muara. but It complicates matters and Erther balls up the proceedings. In SWI. nick.nl will consider Hints. BUS. yor ,,oe,n.t ik full credit for the schema to bring JKL:; 1, a this country. Those guys iv."" -..,.,. .!. IStSt to expert dope, the wrench 2.1 thrown Into the machinery when tho Eg. o? the proposed match leaked out f.rt .k It was premature and sup JSrtTE bi considered sub roja until the Srsw.ro signed In France. Ulckard was JZ the lease on the Garden, which ha. tMn sold at auction and wanted to close & dl before any or his future plans ii- .nnounced Xniv that his cards in I on the table, ha Is tho unanimous Section for the "goaf nnd tho lilmiiwra ere ready to put the work on him. I'er aui Tag will go through with the match a ...- -... n1ialnlla 111 111 tad 0Trcoma mo m" """" "sath, but b ha ,iarJ roa1 ,0 travcl liilbane-Welsh Dout la Good KFAt that, a Carpentler-wiuara maun hrottM not be so Important, after all. There ib one contest that would put It In the ri&ade bout between Johnny Kllbane and Sfttdtr Welsh This looks llko tho biggest felteb In the country at present, and would fSrlir a capacity house, no mnttcr where EltUtUied. A bamo Detweon two wunu Stiuaplens Is not to bo sneezed at, espe EcUllTwhsn two of tho cleverest men In tho jtUimtJJ Bra pilteu ngmriat eara uinci IKGUfis. It must ho remembered, Is otic ot !tt."fc hours who has n chance to flatten ft narathon tltl.liower. ami many inou- guwli of natlc rans wouiu pay real money tsrW Freddy blta tho dust. Therefore. It JUdard Is anxious to put across something 'Kr ujJ deal with managers who will not ttoM en taking his right eye, here Is a ,.Etc!( that will draw an enormous gate. gotten ATlllard and his managers can go jit(4 and arrange the bout with Fred Puitoa, which was rudely Interrupted last : la, JiHm JgEr jOsss NEWS OP THE BOWLERS ?XiU vatk'e contetta In th bowling tourna ata In firncrcaa throuKhout tha city ana vl- ItirJlr promltt In keep up the Intereit In the leewUr tport Ilarely, If over, hav compall liter found ao many ot th leadlnr leama to IctOMlj buuhtd at at'thla time. With only tv axcepiiona me leauinr trnni una i.mi lo lamea ahaad of th arcond team. Uie laterclub lacu Union Lescu niu IB" Iiui it do limn in aotanco ot juariuu roan. Th lllua experta hav won aevtntftn f-M I loai MTtn ramaa, in aianuiaciurcra sai' IWv aalnut ara tla for hlrd place, h&vlnr won CCftAjn rn. anA In., nlna H:-'"--" V" '"? .".'"7 r.- .'7-7 .. ana or ieta toon .a. Jitt-funa tents benina tna leaoera, i trr wc th Uasun alnsle-ism scor ot 10SU Ms4 their three eonarcullra came mark laat n tallied 1650 Hirt. of lb Wayne Man' Club, la hlsh ln: :iliml Main l.tua Ixasua bowlar, llh 100 trarue. k'.Tee rhlciso Bowling Aaaoclatlon's annual ' csimpioBjhira attracted -iuu ne-mtn icame, tT SmiMea and 2043 alnslaa. and tha prlte Mwsey wU reach about luuoo. JU. recant Mlddl Wett bowllnr tourney In EL Litala was narllltuitit In liv 171 Aire. man uac ad a proporllonat number ot alnslea twa.tnen leama, tha antrane money Staniucr to roor than llu.000. Itie lattat league la an Iron and Hteel Corn. nnoiaition wblrn will roll weesiy camea uo Alleya, ttartlng next Wedneaday ce rulUm la leading tha Quaker City League ni.n r:,nnimi. vrmi, Ntftlt ! twn .. back of th ex-cham- IS""' !P.h,u,?iui!r,,t" ,,k a repeater In A " Ki'iAlf11 Isa-UB rac Is one of th cloeeat m vj in orsanuauon. f rj?"""'1 la pick in winner oi in wsrUn Clothier Leasua atrussl. thero ' Uet Ut first, third and rtftti poaltlons, two te;srsttns th nrtt sU teams. tta&twa Council haa aacurad first place In IKJf. .V Columhua farje. half a arae Uf of Ban Oomlnso Council. RiJ?'.1"" raca-aatter In tha Curtla ils'5. " !ord of elshtten vletorles and iL..u.u " revere ot th Eiixuo Imjo's record to date. PlrCtaStOVn Ka. ft tam ! maI wnn Ha SiK?f '?. lb "oyal Arcanum League In CUltTIB I.EAQUE . W L. P.O. ill" 1. ,, JgJ & VV. U. f.Kl, :osjavlns.. 18 li .481 ouniry'6e'n.j3 IB .'44' i Irs 1. it ..d sNn.:...z.' . i"e m ,uou vuuiiirr utii rmas.WH.48l Enn'f Ul g W:- ! K.r:p - "WOW-- H HBrHb" - x. ir-.il.7.iL - nff t&rtTrbofttf Brvslr7 1 ,, ,. sraai3Busg3ir i j v -v.. -., .Ajte. ii, i Mi..i.bssiSiiHVBmaiiarriaBBailllssSTIaWBBBlMiMalaB ' i it j BBfMjpBHMJMBHJg&afaigM O T . TBMsHaasasWiwlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaB I :g;'"''"i' " . BIsM-ljIgBfBltgH-itjWWB- TslsTaangSSwnSSBBBBTSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW i BOUT - SHOULD IF CARPENTIER vrttlc. Krul and Jm will fool th publlo some place In these United States, It Is time, on the cards and will occur some sooner or later. It was the end of ths first round ot the second preliminary at the National A. C. last Saturday night. It also was tha end of tha right. Over In one corner sat a blond pompadoured heavyweight who listened to tha singing of the little birdies white his seconds explained that the celling did not fall, nor did the door come and hit him In the other corner sat another heavyweight, listening to the same little birdies, while a gang of admirers showered him with con gratulations nnd the contents ot the water bucket. In the center of the ring stood Jack MoGulgan, the referee. It was a beautiful ptoture. Suddenly from one ot the corners came one of the gladiators Ha was swaying and listing heavily to port as he steered a course toward Mcbulgan. "Is the fight over. Jack?" ha asked anxiously. "Certainly," replied McOulgan. "It has been over for five minutes." "Please don't think I am getting per sonal," said the gladiator alter a long pause, "but my curiosity In getting the bet ter of me Would you mind telling me who won?" "Vou won by a knockout TJan." answered Jack. "It was a great battle Don't you remember stopping Urewer with that right to tha Jaw!" Unn Gets Good News Dan Miller didn't remember, but his sec onds did. They rushed him out of the ring, slipped him some mora congratula tions without tha water and In a short tlma made tha boxer feel like a man who had just received news that he had ben elected clieer lesder of his favorite lodge. Tha bout was one of tho most extraordinary ever staged In this ulty. It was between Dan Miller, of 1'hllailolphla, and Itay Drawer, of Incater Urewer swatted Miller alongside of tho ear In the first minute and Dan hit the canvas. He got up, stopped another terrlfla swing with his Jaw, and dived to the floor again. Then he staggered around the ring, wildly waving his arms, while Urewer attempted to put him out for keeps.. Ilut Itay was not protecting his own Jaw, and one ot Miller's swings connected. Down went tho athlete from Lancaster, nnd ho hit thu lloor as If he meant It At (lie count of nine he was staggering around, while Miller, also staggering, reeled after him. Until were hazy, each was in shnpu to receive a wallop that would ring down the curtain, and It was only u question nn to who would land tha llr.it blow. Ktldenlly tho men believed they were In a battlu royal or something, for each was seeing double. The Supreme Moment Miller stumbled forward and Urewer, also stumbling, tried to meet him. It was tlm supremo moment The same thought ran through tho mind of each man A knock out punch must ho delivered and ho would do tha delivering. Two sturdy arms were drawn back and two right-h.ind swings were started from the afloor. Two gloves swished through tho nlr.'but Miller's conncoted first. Urewer then lost all fur thor Interest In the proceedings, as he was knocked through tha rones and almost landed In Sammy Vogel'n lap. Hammy pushed him back In the ring, hut Itay didn't -are Ho was comfortable and did not wish to bo disturbed. It tool; Mlljer as long to recover as Brewer and neither knew who had been tho vlotor. The battle made such a. hit, however, that Jack McOulgan Blgned them up for next week and thoy will appear next Saturday night to sea which one made tho mistake. QUAKBIt CITY 1.EAOU15 w. i i :. w. i.. r.v. tVyndham.. I'l II .77H Majettlo... 1.1 14 .ml W.KIeph.nls 20 7.741 (itanta.. .. u l ,IJJ Manelo 10 8 .701 Wynd. Colta T 20 ,'.'9a Ultra 14 lft .S1V Dalmont 5 2S .165 riIIL,ADBf.PIIIA I.RAQUK W. L. IM. W. T 1. C. Liberty Bell 'JO 4 .73 Jenklntnwn. 10 14 .417 llota 14 10 .nss I'enna. It. 11. D I.'. ..171 u i a .am U 13 .373 creacent. Keyaton. IS 11 .mi Meirote.,., 13 12 .SOU liudd AIIT1SANS' I.EAaUB Bectlon A W. U V.O. W. I.. P.C. n 12 3S 3 IX .278 3 19 .107 W. U P.C. 0 a .boo 8 10 .444 1 17 .030 N'wettern.. IS 8 ,BS3 I'rosretti ilnderdowri 14 4 .77S 1'enni Adalphl. 11 7 .ait Uerro'ntown Bectlon II w, v. r.c. IS a M Oak Lane., 12 il Ml Ilartram... B 0 .900 Undtrdown. Section C W. V. PC. , It) 2 .8SS Harmony... 14 14 .7T8 Ht. l'aul... 8 IS .444 Mrchwood. KETSTONB CI.UD Bectlon A IV. L. P.C 15 0 ,023 Agaaalt ... 14 lu .DH3 llellevu.... B'wttttrn. . K'weJlern. bpartan... W. I.. P C. O 12 .StJ C IS .27S S IS .275 Fidelity.. Ivehlsh... Union.... w. i.. r.c, It IS .438 11 IS .4SS 11 13 .430 9 13 .370 rirstea. llllllken. Terminal. , IS 11 ,042 Kdouard. Itaxslll us... 12 12 .SOU wumoi. .900 Bectlon II r.c. W. I P.C, m.M -! "O 7 .741 Keull... Ter Vts. 18 .MJ Actives.... IS 13 .390 ltangera. , ., Hod. Uav la, U IB ,OS1 0 21 ,223 1IUCKO I.KAQU1S W. U p.p, W.Mn'liarl IS It .001 f'.VJ, . ,". iVi W. I P.O. is tf .007 lloblni..,.. II 10 .401 wnil tiaa.. . .-y- "- ..rrr..T" n tn v.n i. !9.??S Jfifi" k 53 '.?A Bcarrows.. 14 13 ,31V (to V ff rillUADELTJIIA DUCKPIN LKAOUB W. U- P-C. Wi I- P.O. Zulua ?1 1 .77 Tetter.... 13 14 ,481 It.d:::: II u :i AwrneV.". t o .ss French Cycle Champion Killed Emit Frlol. th famous Preach cyclltt. who twle? won th. world's short-dietanc. cham. pTontblp and was thre. timet sprint cycling rhamalen of Francs, ba been killed In action on the Somiri: Ha had dona eplanOld sarvjca as a dispatch rldtr on bis motorcycle. A bomb cauatd hi death. Yanderbllt Duys the Elena NEW LOMN, Conn.. Dec. 11. Commodor Iforton VT Plant has announoedthat he had ld 13a rptwlSnlng yscht. Ih. Blens. to Cor neltua VanOerbllt. ETONINe EBBGBR-PHIKABBEPmA; MOKDAT DECEMBER 3tt SWEDISH ATHLETES IMPROVING FAST Engaging of Hjortbcrg to Coach Has Made That Country Contender NOW ARE WORTHY RIVALS Ily J. E. (TED) MEREDITH World's Itslt-Mtls Chmpton. The United States still Is at the top In trsck- alhletlca and will be for some yeara to come, although they can expect a wormy rival In Sweden, It will be remembered that In tIJ tha Swedes were the ones to finish next to this country In the track and field competition at Stockholm, and while they were not a close second, they did very fine work and outstripped other rivals by as much as they were by us At that time Sweden only had taken this branch of sport up seriously two years be fora, 1910, whon they came to this country and engaged Hrnest HJertberg as trainer of tha country's athletes Uefore this they had no system and had no real governing body, at least It never had taken any united Interest or effort to put a team out such as they did two years later In tha stadium at Btockholm When HJertberg took this Job on his shoulders ha took a big one, hut he accomplished great things with his men In 1911. and since then he has dune even greater things. Engage HJertberg HJertberg went to 8wedsn without being able to speak a word of the language, which la a great handicap at the start. Ha had to teach men things and point out their mis takes, and couldn't talk tha language, but he soon picked up enough to get going ; then his hands were a great help In speak ing Ills July was to couch a whole nation, and when you think that each college, schuol snd club has n separate coach over here oil can seo what he was up against Well, he managed to como through In gpod shape In the Olympics In spllo of nil this, and since those games tho Swedish A A. L' has becomo mora Interested and things are now In vary good shape It Is only n matter of tlma and a little more ex perience, when we will have to start to fear them In International contests Tho authorltl have given HJertberg several assistants to help him with his work. These assistants are stationed In the large cities and have charge ot nil tha men In those districts. HJertberg makes several trips a year to see the work these men are doing and to look over their best proteges. When he finds nny man who looks real good he gives that man some personal attention, and when the big meets are held he tuke them nil tmUrr his wing. To Have Ten AsslstnnLs ICveti now he Is too crowded with work re j Ily to give his best to the furthering of the sport, ho next year he Is to hate u total of ten assistants and the natltes have subscribed about tCO.000 for sport, most of It to be used for track. Uesldes this. HJert berg Is running a school for coachrn when tha season Is over, and In this way they are' going to have plenty ot men to tench the sport and not only that but good and competent ones. They ore very niivloun to get things going and to bring thumeelvenXjp to our standard, which they are bound to do under such work uml organisation as they now have There u ro many things, howivr, that they will have to get away from, but these are only little details which will work them selves out as they go along on the lines already planned. Outlines System HJertberg outlined the whole system to mo while In Stockholm, and I think they are working along the right path Tha teaching of athletics Is to ma olio of the best things that they have taken up In their campaign. In HJertberg they hae a man who knows track athletics about us well us any man In the game. He wan for many years a very successful coach anil trainer around New York, and had under his wing many world'n record holders He has the right dope on nil tha events and Is a man who can Impart his knowledge with clearness. Scholastic News Th baeketball teaaon le under way snd acholattlo teamt ara playlna- their opening con teata. At Mwarthmor Preparatory Rrhool Dave Harry, captain of tha ohamplonehlp learn at Hwarthmort Colleaa latl year. It atatetlng Coach Anthony In handling th prepa who hav turnad out for lha quintet, Rirarthmora's season opena with tha Frank ford Hlsh Hchool same on tha (letnela floor nut Friday afternoon. Thla It tht only gams before New Year, but It will xni to keep lha playara In ehape and will sir th coachaa and alao Captain Hill Utotv a chance to get a lln on hla teimmatea. Th tlrat same In th new year for Hwarthmnr Preparatory Is with tb toilet acruba on January 12. llunnln snd Mondroee. of Bnulh Philadelphia Hlsh. war la tb lineup of th D Nerl lie. aervee which on Haturday nlsht elated an Ml) to 7 Jambore with a team repreeenitn th llrown Inetrument l.'ompany. llunnln, wllh ten Held soale. ami Mondroaa, with nln. aharp. ened their optica for th coining acholattlo campaign lfav.rford School will have nine of Ih lettar Fien for tha football team neil aeatou. Oeont luhn, leetd captain for ntit season. It one of lha moat depndabl warrlora on tha alsln Una aquad. Ilobert Avrea, Allen Calrnt. Col. wyn llumphrtyt. "wen llumpbreys. -uen Ken dall. Oeorg. llellen. K hret Howell and Alan Young will form th nucleua for tha 1K17 team, Hsverford School baa a big tocj.r 'game on th roster for thla aflernoon. Ih Main Una athletes meellns th Oarmantown Frlenda School eleven In lha contest to decld th Irian Hilar League tocctr champlent, Tha erott-eonntry tasson, which closed on ThankartvlnV Day with th. annual American chamolontblu rac. was a lean on for Cjn. tral II sb. once I suwem at thla sport. or Ih. flrat tlma' al" , .rHB,",:Vi,Di,to?',fyrirUn HUb. waa krtspta of them all Due tor f "run ha railed lo turn out a aqutd. of hi l-cllinbera SoasetslPg iuBUUnt, spd and ttamlna to at featt dltpoa of th Deal conllngtnt. Th..dent at Jimmy Curr.n with ".". Kl'leVso low .Vto b.',b.".t.a coo.T.t.ntly by the local school tssmt, Wttt rhllad.lphls.lllsh Behool Is wsll repr. now ire wiarlog 'the brtni and lllu. .?!!?; 8'm,.!nh",r.i,.?'".orhh.,,,wp.h;: ss?; I urn. ROYAL ARCANUM UP AND DOING Readjustment of Rates Trans forms Order to Complete Solv ency nnd Durable Basts It Is n matter ot satisfaction to (ha rank nnd file who nra loyal to the real Interests of tha Iloynl Arcanum to support the work of tha management who have most wisely and fearlessly faced a serious problem and carried It out to Its proper solution. In nil crises, especially In crucial ono In volving general readjustment of rates of a strong Insurance beneficial order, the bur den of responsibility and pressuro falls upon the executive nead The duly of lending the optional hosts In rennsylvantn ot vary ing rentlmsnts In this critical situation devolves upon the Ornnd llegent. U It. Oels enberger. whoae courage nnd optimism mark his whole conduct In the adminis tration of his office. As to tha present condition of affairs, the nrnmt llegent makes ths following stntement . There It nothing th mtler wilh th Itojal Aresnum sivt lhrt hr wee. It It true thst v h rmtuIM otir rt no to romplr with the lews r-ard In thlrtr-n Btsttt end r new mmnurttsltr snd ctntrllr olvnt. This ehsnr lue.esutut oms ulxnmlon ami has siren thn old-line Iniursnc saent a ensnee to illuyiiirsn eom ot our members br rolnt In oat to thm thst oar new rstti art nearly nn a paruy llh lhlr an.t lite thll t-aim Xtry outnt to larae their membrrahti) and tsks olhrr Insurant In Hi clare. To lh man who ttifntt this It a rlJteulnue srsumtnt on Its face, fur tha reseen that rrlcr noiuh and now that rtiwat loslalttlon ! plaotHl tha oraanliatlon en an adtuuat 100 per c ft?.1 cam. torrent eaait may lay w sr cnara- iwo mucn. u -mt to ma inni our m-ni ouaht to taaltaa that aa ki vtpra aula to pay rry dh elalm aa It maturl In tha laat forty yaara ot uur tliirnct and fur tilahail protection at a luw rati, now with n mar adiuatt rat tha onl-r tt Urttor and alroneer than tr. and 1 am happr to any that inia Tl fw vrvi.,U with ih trat bulk of cur intmb-irthtu, It U to bl trtfd thsVt It to to Mixtttsl thftt nnr rttJJuntmr.t mi. of rlu wll. emit- bum friction, tut uur loan will l vtry much tmnltfr ihn w tirJlrtrl t hftv ln In ntorly --ry tnrt of tho Hut pine lb chfcnaw w 'tnnouncJ, rihI wbrrr th nw rt vrr iplMn! to lh mtmbvr nnd thr ffr hown tho nfcnuHr for th thane th cr.it majority r hoMln fait to thvlr protfclton. Ilurlnr th month of No mUr lxun council 1 rnltlattj n mmbra n.. In r number uf uthfra thtra bnv t-4n rlni.i.t'inhU of mmbra who UrifJ wltlva. blnsf fully Infonna-.t t Am wry optlmlatio unit ft that tft iloxM Arcanum ta nurf nn a. trtnanent bail I h rant faith In th loyalty and IntrlllcentM of our lutnoarahlp ami that th obanca that la now taklnc filac ta for tha bfttermtnt uf.th order. Thra la rtiwrI activity all alone th lin, anl In a wry ihort whlla wa will b-a aattlnjr ai many natv tnmbra aa iw TU naw faaturaa of our tnnt cvrtlflcatfa ar of a moat aitratttv. tharacttr f H (lalaanbarrar. the grand resent of I'nn- .aliraftter. P.i . wher II atvanla, rcaltltt In I,aiiraatr, waa born and wher he te ia member of the law film of Oeleenbrrr A Kotenthal II wat recent of Coneeluta Council, of Lanraeier. In 1PM. nnd waa .lerlrd In the Oram! Council aeeelon at Hrl In IVOf. wher he was nppotnte.1 n iiteintr nt ttte mlleate and per dletn rom mltlee uf thnt body At Philadelphia In luon fa waa elected auprrme reiireeentattvp from 'enneylianla. nnd haa served In th Supretn loumii continuoufir to iwid. At the I'lita t'tirsh -eelun In 1U13 he was iinnnlmouely elected srand vie resent, liurlna the four months prendlns Ih 1013 rjratid Council see. alon the council to whlrh Mr tletaenhererr belonca Initiated more than 1J3 now tneinoera, whtoh wat Increased to mora than 200 ehnrlly after hi Installation aa arnnd regent In May, 1PI3 llrother (lelaenberarr'a preeenc la often ouaht In Philadelphia, emlal and fraternal af fairs II haa contributed to th aurreae of many functions in every part or this hla lurlad'r. lion, beins a lorai iratemaiiet gei anlal friend ana a good innsr . At a meeting of th Associated Couni lie of Philadelphia and vlrlnlly. under President Htok Inter, the principal dltcueslon related to ths various options and th readlustment uf ratea which want Into effwet on Dombr 1 A Iher ar nv option from which th member ahlp mav select on known aa regular A H. C and l. many of Ih certincal holder ate undecided In making their choice, pendlhir addi tional luformattun which 1 hourly nstiecte.l from th eurreme ofrlcere. In lieu of thle. It la ripected that th tlm filed ror elaltlfylng their Intsntlous will b eatended. Uultabl reso lutions were nilootml upon th death of Past (Irapd Iteaent Wlllard F Thompaon of Carlisle Pa. An appropriate memorial adtlreea by I. 1) (1. It Tlieo W. Wallace ot lonlo I'ounrll foltowad Meaire war aleo adopted by which th resular monthly meetings uf th Associated Councils will ba Increased by ellendlm Invito tlona to all memhera of the order In this lurls diction to attend thet meetings and to request th committees as wsu sa in auprem repre sentatives lu a mors regular aiienuancr. PhlladelphU Council, 203. had a well-attended meeting, nominated officers to eerie fur 1U17 and received several upptlratlona for mem bership. A general awakening In procuring new rscrulta waa manifested, Hsverford Council. 2015, nominated th reuu lar lln of officer for the coming year. Ther" will b u donation parly siven by tha council on Friday. December IS, at lllltenhout Hall. District Deputy Daniel I.. Rtrwart. who Is alao preelJent of th II. A. Hospital Associa tion, finds tlm lo visit th council under hie chars snd saalst In clearing th. mist caused by th numerous options In Ih recent read- iustmsnt to th tnsmbrs of Lenap Council, In loyteitown, which he visited nnd wat creeled with an attendance or nearly Cllr per rent of Its membership, llrother Miewnrt reported the tuccaa. of an annlvsrsary ot ths N.wark Hos pital Aasociatlon, at which b wee an Invited guest. Chestsr Council laat week elected th. follow tnc offlera Itesent. Walter 11 Jonra, vie regent, Harry 1. Woodrow. orator Cheater F. Dakar; ptat resent, Charles It r-s ewrelary, William U ltrawator. rolliwtnr Charlra Palmer, Esq.: treasurer, J. Kngle llaker chaplain, Al bert W. Jeffreys: guld. Joseph V Krs, war den. William T. Mullen: eentry, Kdgar .. Palmer; trutlta for thre years t)r red It. Bmltht medical etamlner, Walter B. tgl-irt. If. D lleprssenlatWs to th tlrsnd Council ot Pennsylvania. Walton II. Joneti alttrnat rp reeentatlve to tha Urand Council of Pennayl- RCIIOOr-S AND C0LI.E0F.1 STRAYER'S Th Best Duslnesa Scoool. Slh and Cbsstnut Blreela. otlon vutrnnl5. ALESMANSHIP tenter now. utr or nisnc Another claaa now form ing, Com la at one. Tfae Berlitz School of Languages lGth and Chestnut Streets tml.r Hide. Over Hiker's 1'hfcraias Terms mar b beau at any tlma WINTER ItESOHTS miiTB hulpiiur urntNO. t. va. White Sulphur Springs West Virginia OPEN ALL THE YEAR TM GREENBRIER EUROPEAN PLAN Finest Bath Establishment in America, s Connected Directly With the Hotel fiauhilm and all principal bath of European lltalth RetortM art glvtn In thu Bath tlouu by ihllUd atltndnnti rnED HTKURY tlanaslng Dlracter Ci ' V B I mumammulmm s., , HH ii i ' i ii f , rVjunJlA fTanHa v ' VTfl'H :"(!!JBPPl?!lrf Wim i L. It. GEI3ENUEUGEU Grand recent of Pennsylvania. vanln, Jamta V llaktr. The ntttalnmant rommlltr will nrranaa fer tha annual hanqutt In January. A apatlal ralnataltmant data cam; paltn will thortly t alarlad fur Jha banetlt of mtmlxra raoautly autpaniltd, AiMretsts war inaj. by Ur. t'. l. Minllh, truate. and by Charlas faliutr, rolltctur. AHTISANS' OKDEIt FJnnncinl ltcpott Shows Immense In crcaso for Nino Months This Yonr The riort of the most excellent recorder for the nlno months ending tteptember SO shows tho largest Inerensi ot any similar period In tho history of the organisation. The death benefit fund, un January 1, 131". amounting to J'Jtl.lU SJ. Is now J1.039. 53 n, showing sn luorcann for tho nine months or 111S.J14 16 Tho claims paid have amounted to JIB3.164 sO, wlill sick benefits In tha sum of 121.700 liae been distributed during the tame petlod a......I.. Hun,.).. lmnlf Hlnrh , rurdtr ifhue made eftrctli temark. The Met lor iter weippoini.,1 mm in ge,iii.i ,"--brehli humiliated at the nbsenc uf catidldaiea for Initiation, the tlrat time thla aeembly haa er been guilty ot this uinltalun at this tlm of year. Oriental Assembl..No 17. entertained their Isdlrs st Kraiernliy 1111 n Ioiidy evnln. Thet was n large attendance nnd u sood en tertainment llrother Philip N. Arnold, or Aoeipm Jissem. blv. dropped In at Kureka Aaiiibly Wednesday evening and endeavored In hi. chsrsctertstlo way to ttart an erturt for a clnss of candldatee mother Philip N, Arnold, of Adelphl Aeeenv .. .w. ..-.. m.iii.. 11a w.i ulven ft cordial .l,n and th lneml"re reepondeil III Ml appreilath manner. Deputy llrother 1 h. jilineuii offered n prlf to . th man Jnlroduoln; th nret candidate, and llrother Arnold made I, U offer to lha second man Adelphl and Pas unk embllce will visit nurekn nt Ihe next meeting Fidelity Assembly will hold a pnsl masters' lliuminairu with living jf"""" it.".. .'"..:",'...,.. v.; '.v.rvidv. fni. v "-",, .- -,-" -.-.,.; ',:,- ,,..f,,i neryiK speclil Kin iiii '" "''"' V" "- -- members to b decided by vote. Frart A Chalmers metr arllstn of Wll. Ham I'atton As.embly and deputy over Utr inantown Assembly, ha aiilhurlgrd th an. nownrement uf his cndHi-y for ii. K : Inspector for elettlon at Ihu next session of tha M. K. Assembly- . Apollo Assembly bring th ladljs snd chit, dren to th meet In loom In the Parkway llulldtnc nest Ihura.lav nloht and prornleea a Christmas aurprls fur them In addition to some good thins lo eat. there will Le n mus. calo and dancing. KureUa Assembly eh-CJed th fnllowtne of. flrer Master rilsn, William II. If. Macrsdy; .uperlntendent. Waltsr A Nlewea, nsN-cinr. Dr, William A. Hwalm. recorder, P. at. Oordon liitMrwnrlh, corresponoent. J Norman llruner. llrother P. J Arnold, at Adelphl Aesvmbly. was urasent. There will b dr egatlona from Pas. syunk and Adelphl Assemblies at Ih January Hireling. Th Vootlta-hte Club of Routliweatern Asem. My hld a invetln In th Parkway Ilull.l ng urpoa of makina t a permanent on-nuliaUon entertainment at the mtl in provioa nca of th assembly. The following offlrsrs wars nlerted "tiaii.il th affatra of the club: Preald.nt, luvmnr Ahbroik: lc president. Carl Vost; secretary. llss lleha Nswcomb; trssurr II. Penrose Dr.ri muslaal dlrclor. George Mo Henry Th following constitute the board of directors' Joseph Cnrmlchssl, Hn F. liuson, rdwurd Crnlg. Sir Carl, vogt and llrother Klrkpntrlck. ilrelincs win iw uai, month. once a WINTER RES0RTS ATMSTJo'ciTV. N J. " Lnimcan Opatv, at cjUacosoivi A rvcctfpisid, filandLarA. orzxcellcivcc, Ciuiorrv60Q. hWZRJ.BV2BA "THE liAOINO BESORTHOTILOF THE VQUU Mlarllioroiwii-Skiificiiii . Atlantic crrv.isr.dr. OWNtSSHIle HiMOtMSMT. .IOBIAH WHITE. gONB COMtUKV Westminster lor water is uo wkly.. avs. esar Beach. Kites. to at. Pflr. bstht. run'g 13 up dally. Cbas. Iluar. lai.KWOOI) N. J. Laktwood. N. J. Noted tor Hi Homelike atraoipaere. O. It privilege. C. t. SPANUUNDEnO. Ifgr, minis suLriiUK gruiNoa. iV. va. ?, t, II. BLOCIJM Itetldriit Maoster tdo 1916 KNIOIITS OOLDEN EAGLE Preparnilons for1 Elaborftlo Annlvof Bury of Ortler's lllrth In This Stale AH tha rasttes of i'hlltdelphla and vicin ity are making preparations to observe the forly-Drst anniversary of the Introduction of the order Into Pennsylvania, This la be ing Arranged by the prominent committee which was organised two years ago for the purpose of celebrating the anniversary each year. DUtrlot Orahd Chief John E. Dor mer Is chairman of this committee and Colonel ChsrU U. lluhn Is secretary. They have appointed n subcommittee on recep tion and dance, which will be given In Mer cantile Hall on Wednesday evening, Janu ary II. Taut Supreme Chief John M. Snap. pell, who Is chairman of this committee, was chairman ot tha same committee last year which was so successful in tha recep tion and dance given nt that time. Th Philadelphia Caatlre have alto rnmraeneed rrararatlpna tor a bis data Initiation In Jan uary or Kahruarr at raft ot tha relahrallon. Tha chairman of thla nnaral cemmltte la John K, nermer. Urolhar Uormer It the. srsnd keipor rf icriur-lart of th tlrand Cat tl. havlnc batn tltettd laat Waek that that offlc without epnltlon Orand Chief John F. Hrounley, ac-comranled by a number of the tlrand Castle officers, stilted tiler Castle last Monday evening. Th stand chief waa rojallr received and treats! to Ihe sen of th conferring of th thre degree! on eighteen candidate. In addition to. tiles'. they hav tuenty-nv mot that will tw ad milled on next Monday a week. Th work wat beautifully rendered by th desrea IMDI of that raatla, after whloh all aat down to a turkey supper. Thla was one of tho big nights In Harks County, ami there war mora than 170 members ot Ih order present. On Tuesday evening th grand chief, accom panied oy urand vie unier iiarry a. llsrbst Urand Hlr Herald A. O Htemme. tlrnnd lteepr reception. On of the pleasing features waa the presentation of a handsom silk American Hag. Tho presentation was mail by th eight-year- oki uauanier, iiuin, oi jreu iiinis, wuv -lured tb audience with her splendid delivery. Il was accepted on twhalf of th esstl by Past Chief Dsnlsl II. llfch. Th program callsd for apwchsa by ths grand chief, vice grand thief, grand Blr Herald, grand keepr of the teho.uer snd grand msster of records. After th flag coremony all Joined In the npproprlal one. "Th Mar Hpangled llaiitwr." A Iwunll- 1 J- .-.- iV..' ..." . '...- .. ...- fill supper wsa served to mora thnn;lK mem. ners inner noianies present were isi r notables present were Fast tlrand Chief Howard t. tloas, lienerni lirurs Ii. iiiv- ind Chief Jol V. Keik. ury and I'sit Ursnd Hlrlus Cattle, No. to. of neadlnr. conferred th thre degrees on ten candidates last mouth, and will confer the degree on twenty tnor on Decembir IS, Th llerks County caslles ar enjoying a aeJson of prosperity at this time. Mount IVnn Castl having received fives pioio sltlons last Tuesday ovtning. tlrand Chief ernl Oeora It iirnutilsv. arcomoanled by tltn Oeora II. Urf nry. Major, J and Captain William. II. How our Caslle. No, I8U. laat Mon grand chief held a special se -.:- ' .. -."-. . , . UtllM irks tnwman. visited r re.isr; Montour londay evening. in ri Qrand eeition nt in Caalla to confer th patt chief, ilegne snd was stalattd by th brothers who louin- psnled him He conferred tn aetre on a number of ptst chlsf of Montour Cattle. No. IHd; Tht CatO. No. atoi.Catawlssa , Casll. No, 128. Whll tu Dauvlll th grand chief was entettalntd by Mm or A. C. Araesbury. Vtory Castl. No. -tSJ. of Heading, .lias ar ranged for a patriotic service tonight. All msm Wrs hsvs Uen urged tu sttsnd and prominent member of Ih order will be pressnt lo parllcl pat In th eterclsss IrOYAL ORDER OK MOOSE Preparations for Gigantic Cnrnlvnl nntl Hnxnar to Ecllpao I'rcvlous Event Tho homo ot Philadelphia Lodge, No, 64. Is a scene of remarkable uctlvlty nt this time .Not only nr large rlnssea uf new candidates being received and obligated, but preparations for the lodge's baxaar and carnival aro assuming tangible shape. This gigantic event will start on Saturday, De cember IB. and It bids fair to eclipse any thing of tho sort ever held by a lodge of a fraternal order. An Idea of Its probable) magnitude may be gathered when It Is stated that through a similar funatlon held n year ago fully J30.000 waa realized, about two-thirds of which wns profit; and tho E ALWAYS ("3 L Mr- Perkins JH?7 Is a Real Man w charge of LEDGER CENTRAL! He is there to serve YOU and he loves Ids job. If you don't know just how to-word that rather important want ad; if you-want to know the right books to read to get posted on any subject; if you are undecided what route to take the next time you go on the road, or are unfamiliar with the hotels in the cities you "make," put it up to Mr. Perkins. He will solve the problem and do it smilingly. Ledger Central is the Friendly Place LEDGER CENTRAL CHESTNUT AT BROAD S T.R E E T Walnut 3000 Main 3000 si st-wsii wmi i nun ii i p 'ii ' ii ' il ill m inn II il I llii III Till IT',MtTl.BMBsBlMTslittstBfw1WJiiMiy -gl.....lH -aTT aaaaaaastssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHJsaaVssaa.saaVasaaaaaaaaaaaameaaaW Baaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaal W6 es-jUtota event this year la expected to tut surpsjsi that bt 1U. Tba tnttlsl rotating at tha general kutw eommrtte wat heM at the Moot item on Tutadar evenipr. Hun than oo parson wore prranm. incmoior niir maniD ec in wmim- Aualllary, th two cempanlas m ef tha Hoi podr.er iitlsrt 00 ot Its 141 buetness .stat nmt, . 1 oriel" tr mlanlfht wr .AV4HHH.I Hf iHrtnders. tb entire offlclsi pedr f PWaflm. rhlt, lJr ana mors than loo ot Its lesdtag workers. Atlar a tpfrtted buelness tt(in, toaia were rautlo. antartslnmimt. a, Joneheen and dancing, and It was alter midnight whsa in aaintrinar nurartaa. Tiie rertonnel ot tnie J0!!?1 Mmm'"ee sateres th trpr nanailea ot this Wg rent, and about th coir eeuros ff worry In Its conneetloa Is tb apse foe in arcommeoaiioo or molt who will aielhlt. The loeal lalit ofjunler Meet, known as Quaker Cllr Ixlfa. Vn ii rr.u.r. ....n.n with th. Ieemtr iu ef Its monthly r-ubll- ration the Uuaker.Cliy Moose Advocate. This JSIt "edltsbl little paper has bn Incfenwd from four to eight pages, and throush Its enter prls n.f prosrstivn.ss I certsln ta boom Mi,,ur ioo auairs in ID1 aectlon. nlor IfOflee .".-''Jl.'JiJJf"'. Ju,t beginning lo be pfeparlr Sirt.VL.'St iebT. ,hf memberthtn of tha senior ?J? iii!l"L'iJ,-.,,I,r,n1. r frebabl that matters l?.lSU.eiIn,.M"5B ""' materially flrurs In liS.. iii e, ' ,.Z"mT "oiore. ijosker uity Tii'eJ' ? ' ,h? Isrgett and wta hle.t .ribnui VnJ.".nJ,r eej'er. bavlng a mtmbershlp f about i0 and atieta at mora than I1S0O. THE MACCADEES Work of Itovlows nnd Dcprco SUffa of Woman's UenolU Association Miss Mary MaoKacliern. ot Port Uuron. alien., tlie editor of tha Ladles' Itavlew. Ui omolal at gan ut the Woraan'g nanefltAMo ciatlon ot tha Maccabees, and MIm Oa trander. who ha charge, of tha iwwly created 'Welfare League of tha association. o.ILln ,b4 ' na In oonstiltatlon with Sirpretna Chaplain Uurgln. They appro. elated yery much tha auto tours by Mr. nnd Mrs. hngland nnd were astonished at th else and beauty of the Quaker City. I'enn Treaty ltevlew lie d an nUrtalnmsnt. or "house warming," at lu nrstmeeilnc "n Uchuiler; Hall, sixth and Diamond atr.et." u.,t Friday avenlna. Many ef ths uniform rang hI,lr.dood,,..m,:h,rJ, '"""' na I.SW .llh.,.-TlhVir,f)..farn?tJng and did most creditable work, Th charter wa draped In mtmory ot Mr. Itallahan. Mora than n fly members wer present. Including Doe tor. Tresler, of Dusker Cily ltevlew, They es wot tu ItiltUt a larger claaa at th nut meet ing, on December 11. Hettr Host ltavl.w. !Ivr. Mh. SIS T.lnrmln tfslT Prankford and Allegheny avenuea. received on nptdlcatlon for membership and raporta Pleasant meeting- It will Initiate at Its next Hireling, on December to. GRAND LODGE OF MASONS Growth of tho Largest Sccrot Social Ortjrnnlzution in tho World The Inst quarterly communication nt tha drand I.odgo ot Masons at the Uroad Street Temple brought a rand Master Wat res and 1000 representatives from tha Blue Lodges, being thu largest attendance for many years. The mombersblp In Pennsylvania Is about 130,000, Th report ot the Commute on thn Home for Aged Members at . ICIIsabethtowli atattd that ther wer about :so guests In th home, con fining of members and their wives, and also children ot dcsd members. Th 11(10.000 Iiuimorlal being conetrucled by Allegheny County ndaea la under way. th Uerka County bom Is nearly nnieneu and in nospuai nss pn dcdli cate.i i: during Ih laat year, Aa additional Inoom at tnoom Is nesarv fne th maintenance uf th home. It was. decided tn recommend air Increase; In in, initiation fees and thn setting apart of a' portion of thla sum fur th dlreil ue ot the initltutlon. it waa thla proposition that rauatd discussion In tha newspapers of Hi mat to tha affect that the Masons Intended ta Incrost their annual dues because of th hlsh cost of living. It 'Till afreet all who enter th order after Dp Vr 2T nt. Tb ordtr has shown a arc In membership averaging mora than 5000 r. has a cheery smile nnd -a pleasant The Ant rehearsal of tha beantlfnl dedicator ceremony was held laat we "at K. O i iKJt ESdiS H'!5!i?rm ".nB"" th dedloa org stiff, under direction of ftunrem Chaplain Burs In "I Cpjin Crouch. 1. elatt ana iusrd will strlr lo do good work st Lu I.u Temolt on ?v,ttf.3i...V!l..8.u,.?ln Commat.5?rBISnis .n,Vh.n,r..'V,nlhth,!Vv.r.V " " itKmt word for every one, and his handclasp makes his "Glad to serve you," ring true, He is in UsssssssMasssssB