KM m. 1 StTfeS ,& &sm t events mmmvmjjADLvmx moctay, jjewmiwu u, n.u. iASEBALL FANS LOOK FOR MANY TRADES AT ANNUAL MEETINGS ' OF MAJOR LBAGU STRENGTHENING; WESTERN END OF CIRCUIT IS PROBLEM FOR NATIONAL LEAGUE MAGNATES i v& filing Off of Attendance and General Lack of to senior urganizamon ttTIIEN tho Nollonnl lingua starlit lta annual meeting In New Vorlc tomorrow i ti9 magnates will bo confronted by ninny problems. Homo linvo boon glvon quite a lot of publicity, but there nro n fow that probably lmvo been overlooked end which may prolong tho meeting. Ono of thn most linporlnnt will bo tho strengthening of the western oml of tho circuit, but tlio clinticcs mo that llttln publicity wJH bo given this subject, (in tho owners dlsllko nnytlilnic tlmt savors of yndlcato bal. Howovor. ns a business proposition It positively l necessary, an tho Weakness of the "Western teams caused a general falling off of icculpts and nabled tho American Losguo to forgo to tho front In Chicago and Ht. muh, two eltlfts ths,t had nuppoitod tho National League teams loyally In tho post. I'llts burgh and Cincinnati lmvo no Amcilrun Leaguo opposition, but tho futii of these Ivfo cities simply stay away from tho ball park when tho home team li playing poor ball. Nono of tho Western teams of the National League drew enough pcoplo Ht home to pay oxponM, npd If It had not been for tho unusual Intcicet In tlio Edst nnd tho closa rnco tlmt drew Immcnso crowds In HiIh city, Hoston. Mrooklyn ntl NowYork tho National Loitgua wptlld havo had n most disastrous season. Trades May Solve Problem JOHT what con bo dono lo remedy thin the Natlonul League inugnutes must work out, but It la nafo to predict that u full d.iy will bo glvon thn Miibjecl, though probably little publicity will bo given II. Hovcrnl rpluiiH lmvo been ills clliwed by the magnates durltii: tho lust tuu niuiillii, but tlio mily plituslblo urn; Is the 'trndlnd of dissatisfied stars by tho Hedn, Cubs nnd Ciirdlnaln. I'ltlnburHli (doea not need muoh help, as Jimmy Callulnui'M young team uhowed grnul promise in tl)o closing days of tho rncd, and may bu u pgniiant possibility If uno ur two Weak apqto uro plunged. Tho Cubs, Hods and Catdlnnls will need ull the help they nan set, nn tlteso three teams nio past thn developing ittugu mid probably will retrograde unless something Is dono, Thoro nru plnyur mi rnrh of tlieso loams trho are wantod hy Eastern ponnant conlrndiirs, nnil trades may solve tho prob lem, Tho ponnant contenders uro willing to part with two or three good men who nro not quite so proficient us tho star lo llll ono position, ami If the thmo weak lings nro willing to niako u fow trades they may strengthen four or llvo positions At the oxpenso of two. This at least would add hulnuco and hiiHllliig nplrlt, us u dissatisfied ntar has a harmful influence on lite rent of thu leiiin. Mitchell Would Make Ideal Manager IN OrtDElt to got buck some of tho old following, tho flubs' iiwneis uio said to bo considering Frank Clinncu as a successor to .loo Tinker. Chance Is Mill very popular In Chicago. IIi would bring tho proplo limit, but It is a iiucstlon whether lie cpuld hold thoin without a winning team, und thu material Is not at bund for the ponnont winning combination. Tho majority of baseball ciltle believe Chance haa eeon his best day ns a pilot. They contend that he fulled as a developer mill that bis success with the Cubs was duo largely to the wonderful ability of tho tnon developed by Krotik Halco, whoso health compelled him to resign as manager of tho Cubs. Solco constructed tho famous Cub mnrlilne and turned It over to Chftnco. It U truu that Cltanco won thu 1'aclflc Coast League pennant with IiIh Los Angeles team last season, but thoro Is u great dlfferenco between tho two leagues, and ho 'also had n, tenm of vetorim stars who wvio Just u tillle ubovu tho class lp which thoy woro playing. ried Mltehcll, coach of the Ilrnvcs pitching staff, Is favored by many of the directors (and theio nro many of them who are meddling), nnd ho looks like tho Ideal man for tho Job. Mitchell Is ono of thu emartost men In thu gnmu und lias proved himself a marvel lit developing f. , youngsters, particularly pitchers. Ho Is pitchers, and that Is what tho Cubs need most. Tinker's team made cihiukIi runs to win tho ponnant nnd Joe hnd u strong pitching stuff, but mismanaged It. Mitchell could tako tho sumo pltchors and llnlsh well up In the ince. Player-Limit Rule Man Go TUP playcr-llmit rule, which was the limit, also will lie placed on thu grill, and f It survival thu Natlonnl League will huvn nothing to boast nbout, Tlieru Is nothing particularly wrong with tho rulo If It Is enforced, but let us hopa the 191$ season will not be repeated, m far mi tho nilo Is coneerncd. Uist heasou every club In tho Icaguo took ndvnntugo of tho disability clause and, asldo fiotu Cincinnati, they nil carried more than twnnty-ouo playeis throughout the season. At ono tmo the Craves had twenty.sovun nion In tho game within two weeks' tlmo. This wnn accomplished by cleverly Juggling tho disability list. Tho XJodgors considered twcnty-ilvo playeis us regulars nnd twenty-four slimed in tho world's series money, which really Is laughablo In u tweuty-oue-player-llmlt league. Tho dlnnts woro above thu player limit thinughuut tho season, und will fight to havo the limit rulsed to twenty-five, which Is mure leasonalile. Other clubs also took advantage of this rule, and It Is hoped that the American Leaguo limit ot twenty-five, suggested by tho (.Hunts, will bu adopted. If the Natlonul League Insists upon sticking to tho twcnty-nno-pliiyor limit It should do away With tho Ineligible list and oe that It Is enforced. Little Chance to Purchase Johnson TIF1 now owners of tho ISoNton Amorlcnn I.etiguo club, Harry Frnzee und Hugh Ward, nro thcutrlcnl men. It Is said that they offered thu Washington club f 00,000 for Walter Johnson. If so, thuy probubly did It because they reallzu thu valuo of a star attraction ar that they know tho valuo of publicity. Any way ono looks at It Frazco and Wnrd aro un tho snfu stdo, us there Is not a rliauro for them to get the wonderful Johnson. If they should succeed In buying Johnson, thoy probubly would get all tho best f tho deal, piovldlng his pros--encq on the Tied Sox had the uamo effect as tho addition of Trls Speaker did tor Cleveland. When, Jim Dunn paid IS5.000 ror Trls Speaker last spring It was said that Ilia now Cleveland owner made a serious mlstuke, but thu addi tion of tlio wonderful outfielder put Cleveland lu tho racu. Tho Indians, with Speaker in tho line-up, proved tho best drawing card In thp league, and Dunn paid for Speaker nnd cleared his season's expenses before July 4, Johnson's case) is somewhat different, however, us ho Is In tho gnuio only ouco In four days, on tho uverago, and, besides, his presence would not muuu so much to tho lied Sox. Tho world's champions havo enough star pitchers to win tho pennant In nny Icaguo If the rest of tho team holds up Its end. and Johnson would only be ono star hurler among many. As u member of thu Washington team, John con Is the whole show and a wonderful Individual attraction. Camp Overlooked Wray and Little WALTRR CAMP'S annual "honor list" Is out, and It cunnot bo Bald tlmt It oven compnres wltli thn "honor list" of olhor years, fticli your Camp picks out the twenty star performers at tho various positions and his selections usually mo taken ns ofllclal, but wo cannot see it this fall. For lustanco, Cump completely overlooks, Jud Wruy nnd haw Uttlo. of t'enn, if Mr. Cump can flud twenty centers better than Wrny, or tho sumo number pf tackles In I.tttle'sN.-luNs, ho ,muqt havo seen them on teams that did not meet I'enn, anil thn tackle mid confer material must bo far more plentiful than over before, Out-of-town critics propounce Wrajr ft better center than A Jnurueuy mid Krnlo Cozons, who wero All-American selections, und they claim that only tho unusual work of Peck und McjSwnn, who are head mid biouldcra above tho usual All-American pivot selections, prevented Wray from making this mythical oloyen, Uttlo completely outplayed every opponent this fall, This Includes ThornhUI, of rut, who occu pies, a prominent Place on tlio "lionor list," So far ns can bo learned, Mr. Capip did not see Penn play a single game,. Therefore his oversight ran bo excused, Western Officials Uelow Eastern Standard TJ!QOTBAI,,Ij funs wero surprised at the announcement (hut Tenn Insisted upon taking an ofllclal to Pasadena for tho gnme with Oregon on New Year's pay, bit Coach Fplwell Insists upon It. Andy Smith nnd Clus Zlegler, former Penii stars, coached the University of California olpvou ttiu fall, and both lmvo e.vlsed Kolwell to take a competent olllufnt along with him, Smith and iCIegler contend that tlie officials of tho Fur West nro below tho eastern Bland nr1 and that the Jled and Hluo would bu playing under a, great handicap If three Coast men handled the game. Manager I'PveM. .of tho i'enn team, wired tha authorities handling tha gutno that tho Ito.l and Illuo wunts an K&storn inan ta ofllclato. It Is likely that tho request will bo grunted. Gllroy and Georgetown Close Great Season GEOIIGBTOWN closed the most successful setmun In It football hlatpry when . It smothered Ifilane University at New Orlouus on Buturday. Tho Washing tat collegians played consistent football throughput tho season, the most nofablo eplilovement being 'tho unexpected victory over Dartmouth. Tho team was ,-ty coached by Exendlno, the foriner Indian cajnsio iq try mi grin uie inqiaps ua,og ipio uio front rng. xpdie turned oy( a tmdoth-wgrtflng machlno that pfTordwl wonderful lntrferenco and pro tection for Gllroy, one of the leading backs of the ISus,t. On Saturday Cljroy tallied three touchdowns, giving him a total of twenty-three, fur the season, which la one better than th iRodern reward held by Jerry do Prato, of Mjehl KPji Aggies. It is still far behind Jleston's famous record, however. Philadelphia High In Tennis Ranking , milfi pJaq of thre V"JlaaeJphan In the first twenty by the ranking commit-4- teo qt the United States National I-awn Tennis Association is additional proof thut this elty U rapidly forging to the front as the tennis center. Tennis. Bnd mit nro. growing fast In thin city and In a few years Philadelphia will lead, the sentry at both sport It was a foregone conclusion that Norrt Williams -KfvW kAd tbt Ut. but tb rh of Jowph J. Armstrong and W- T- THden, Sd, -m enUrdy unwoeaiB Thg JatiBC M.lHsWV4 ffltfS. .UWb U t Vr p y -othw U?M JlTTLJffliittMif ' '" &tfrrNsWiTssMifsniTNssis rated second to noun ns a developer of end, who, it Is said, will return to EVENING MDaEB-PHIfiABELPniA; MDKDAY, DEOBAIBEB It mm EASTERN LEAGUE Trades and Injuries Stir Up Fans Camden Makes Advances INTERCOLLEGIATE NEWS lasTr.nN i.r.Atitu: WTANDINCl rf, .SIS W. ! IVt. Jmnrr U 1 ,SIS (lirmtork.. S ? .11? r'nmclrn..,. V f .JO') Itrntnn... A s .3si Itfodinr ... 7 5 .ts.1 UrSrri.... I 11 .OSJ Miii'.iM'i.ii nut Tin: vi:i'.i; TAnlhlv4lrvfMl( nl fl, Trtfnlnn ArmArt. Wrdnr'ilar nltlil ! tt ill l)i mticlrn riiKrilr nlnlil Itniilliit in Jsuptr, nt Non- Irliliir nlihl JaMr . tlrrralwli. st I'wiiwr Uitttnllon Hail, nalurilur nuhl lrnlait n, Itn Nrrl.,,t Mmlrnl I'linil Hall, mid Ciiimlrii m tlio Itrnillns Armorr. y SPICK IIAI.I, Tlio Inst wck In tli 1'iisteni llnskftliiill I.eAKUa wait fnalurrd liy Die uilvnlice of thn CHniJcii team to wltlilii n half khiiio of the leiiillng Jasper live, thn temporary loss of Hoy Hleoln, or thn Hlteateis. i tho hlg trails hctwofti tlio Do Nerl and Trenton iiulntnt.i mid tho ailinlssloti of the ouners of lie Nerl that tho eluh frnnelilso wus oil the imitkcl for siO" After tho giinio wltli Ilenilliig on Wed nesday iilulit Hoy Steele, onn of 'liulen's star forwards, wns taken to the hnniilliil. Ihrenlened with imciiiiiiilila. He Is still In a W'ry rrrloun iiiiidllliiu. mid II may ho thnl ho Mill he nut of the Kiuno fur sev eral wenlts t renie. I'uiiiden did not feel Hlcrli.' nliBciieo un Saturday nlKht, It only hud He Nerl to contend with In (lie rune Tim result of thill ullegKil enn test, In which Munnger Iiiidley, nf Ur Neil, nsi-il it iiunihvr of nuliHtllutes In mi effort to net toKclher a cooil roiiililiiatlnii, uiis a complete overthrow of the Hnulliwarl. team Camden won the ciune by the count of Bz to 21. scaring 21 (toiils from tile Held und establishing u hoiisoii's record with H assists. Thli week fiimden will feel Krenlly Hi"' nbseucn of Htceln, III spite of the fact thai both Cri'eley and llaney showed up well HKiilust Do Nerl. Cumdcii Mill have an other easy than on Wednesday with He Norl, but en Saturday In thn Heading Ar iiiorx thn iiiiHluterM will have an excellent chance to win fioni thu .Hltcttcrs. Hard fur Jasper .,..nv. Although hiilng won the only game seheiluleil last week, tho fiay with Oic -slock, llni form illsplayed In that cinitett wns not up to thai which Ihuy hawi bn-n nlipwlng lu former Kmnns. Thin weslt Juspi-r will he host to Heading nil ThurMlay evening at Nonpareil Hall Heading haa been playing llushy basketball, mid thu Jowuls will hao lo ko at a fast paco eun lu their own small i-ugo to get awuy with the Kiime. Following tlmt contest Munnger Kennedy's: Irani will incnt llrej-stoek at I'oopur Hall. If the Kensington llvo talu-i Hint game It will be extremely fortunate, for Joe llaltuy's hoyn uro playing lino b.iHliclhull lu spite of their defeat In tho last few minutes of piny last Friday nlglil In thn Trenton mlx-up. As both t'amden and Jusper have a tnoro or loss hard week ahead of them, It Is not likely that there will bu nay chaiiga in the I ulatlvo standing of the two teams on Sat urday nlKht However. If Ciniileu docs drop tho game Saturday to iteming mm Jusper siiccecdH lii winning from Heading and Rrejslfiek, It Is virtually certain thnl they will capture Hie pennant, iih tlmy urn oil" iramo b-lilnd Camdcii In the inmiber or gamei played. Jasper bus been fortunata tluiM far In liavlne her reimlar team In the llnu-up every night or an l'listcm I.eaKiia gauio. Ilousli and Sedrnn lmvo becomo thoroughly iieciistoiued lo each other's playing, while the other members of tlio team. Kerr, Fox and Friedman, lit In perfectly. Iteadlnn hail also been lucky In Ihu nutter o' In juries mid Hlckuess. Not mice has It been foiced to put ill a substitute becnuso of tho Inability uf any of Its players to lie In tho cage, at the appointed hour, (ircystock was bandlcuppeil several kiiii hy the absence of Alllo .MuWIIIInms. Cam den Is now without tho services of Steele, while Trenton and Do Nerl havo inuilo ex changes which will foi co thulr tenuis to hci;lii on a new basis. InlcrcollcHintv I. ensile This week marks tho opening of thn In tercollegiate Haskethall f.e.icue. Cornell mid Princeton meet lu tha first clash. I'enn, last year's champion, Vale and 1'rlnrelon nppenr on paper lo have the best chance of rapturing thn l'Jlfl-17 title Although I.ihi Martin Is lost to thn Hed and lllue en ac count of a faculty ruling, f.oil Jonrdet seems to have Just as jfood material this year as he had last. Aguln this season Jonrdet will have to depend on speed lather than weight. All of tho rnmllilatis for tho Penn tram nro HkIiI, but they havo been grounded In thn fundamentals nf the game. Saturday night tho Penn team had Its first Kama nf thn season. As I'rrlnus was mi easy lctltn, the work nf Jourdet's men on that occasion cannot bo taken ton seri ously. At times they played well: that Is, they did so during the first half, when they tlioiiKlit they hud a buttle on their hands to win. but In thu second period they were not extended lu tha least and loafed along until Jourdet tried out four of his substi tutes. I'enn begnu the name with Connolly nnd Uum, forwards! Ji fiord, center, and Cap tain lMdln MoNlchol und l.'iimry ut tha guutd positions. The substitutes who went lu woro Htcmucr. forward; Park, forward; Clarke, center, nnd ltoblu. on guard. Tho Haul count at tho cud of forty minutes was 21 In 9. I'enn shot ten field goals, against three for the Collcgovlllo boys. American League Unities The filruril team of the American League will meet the team of Ht. Columbu this evanlug. (llrurd's play Is rapidly Improv ing and hope Is expressed hy Manager Khlers for a victory over tho Kalnls. cilruid. With Fowler nt center, looks like a con tender for tha second pqrlml of the schedule. HI, Coluuiba, on the other hand. Is phi) lug good basketball, but seems In lark tha teamwork essentia) to a winning team The addition of Alex Davidson at center should help the Kalnls, however In tha other games tonight West Ilraneh with three new men In the line-up wtl en deavor to trip XavUr. Xavler Is playing a consistent game, due largely to the exoep tlonnl woik of Mvlngstope nnd Kllputrlvk. Kllpatrlck Is one of the most powerful do. fenslve guards In minor league clruls. lip Is In e,very play and Is un expert dribbler, with a good eye for the basket. The standing uf Hie team to date follows: lUnrark .,,....'$' '? YV,l,h i 'J' ' St. .Columbia... J fiJrsW. . I ,Ur 3 I St. KdwarUV.. I g hlnuwaa t t Writ Hruh. . 1 3 WlllUms tfolltss will have a professional basketball conch for the first time. Tho servloei of Bd Wachter, of Troy, N. V., who Is a memher of tliu Troy Hudson Hlvcr League club, have besu secured. llsrrjr .rsrt, Vals's great ogek. Is going to try tar tU basketball team thu year. H U petd by thos whj have (t the gNdlron star In aetlen that H will be uue at the inaHwtays of tha (He tills jwr- I IWclto Is also a candidate fur the uourt Ave. Dae Newniuu will undoubtedly ba a big help U the Trenton five, but In his game h? was unfortunats enough lo be pitied Sgatnst Allie MeWIIIUms. Ureysteck. The result was that Voo only bad one field goal to his credit and was followed so closely by tho Ury guard that hi fumblwl esustantly la gsturday nUI't saw wltb Usslnus lildle MeMtchol awl JokiUUf Lmvau utastui Uit?t iM goals well for Vmu Jyd jlPf. 1r s wP"WWI,(." SpsiUjpi ,sj WHEN A FELLER I ' -A 7) To es To LAJ0IE THROUGH AS MAJOR STAR Mack Veteran, After 21 Years in Big Tent, to Be Minor Leader STARTED HERE IN 18i)(5 ".N'up" Lajoln Is through as a major league lull player. Next enr will find the luuu who slnrled his big-league c.uenr Willi tlio Phillies lu I Hint hi thu minors an a liiuiiuger. The Frenchman suvered his snrv lecs Willi thu Athletics last October. IiurliiK his perlud in the hlg lent a term of ivventy-onu yearn Uijolo hit under .SOU only live jcuih lu 1901 ho Hammed the ball ut a .122 clip, lu all. l.njulu made 3213 base hits Forty-one years old last September, Iijolu lusted many ears after tha usual playing life of the cndluary tosst-r. Duly Adrian Anson and Hans WuKiicr can up pioucli his record for long, ultlclent service lu thu major Icukucs. From Full Itivcr I.njole came to I'lilladclphla from Fall Itivcr. of tlio New KiikIuihI I.iuikiio, In the mouth of August. 1V!I0. The l'lilllles. (Hon manaKed by Hilly Hheltsllne. paid tliluu for I'hll I Icier. Lajoln was thrown In for good measure. I'nheruldcd, I.ujuio wns placed lu rlKht Held mid made good at onco. The next year ho was acknowledged stnr. Kujola remained Willi tho Phillies until 11101. when he Jumped to Connie Mack's Ath letics. I.arry played wonderful ball for the Athletics, but tha next your John I. HoKarn won a court decision nnd I.ujolo had to stay out of tho Jurisdiction nf Penn sylvania courts until tha trouble between tha National und American Leagues wus sattlcd. Mack sent him to Cleveland, and ho was tho star player of the Naps for a long term of yeurs. When Mack sold llddlo Col lins to thn Wlllto Hex lu December, IHU. lie fetched l.ajolo back to I'lilladclphla. Larry played good ball hum In IMS and 11I1C, ulthough ho ivim not us agile an he used to bo. Hcullzlug that he was slowing up. ho asked Connie Mack nt thn close nf tlio last season for permission to m-Kotl-ato with a minor Iokuo club as manager. A Free Acent Mack did not stand In his way. lis told Lnjnla ho was a free agent, and Ijirry soon began to receive offers from American Association and International League clubs. 1'reuldent Harrow, of tha International Leugue, wus especially Interested In Larry and declared not later than n week ago thut lJirry would accept an offer from one of hln clubs. I.ajnlu Is also negotiating with un American Association team. There Is much speculation, but nothing definite, a lio lit his exact fill me. but In side of a week It will be announced nlll dally that he has slitited to manage either an American Association or International Leaguo club. "BRONCHO BILL" OWNER OF RED SOX, IS N. Y. RUMOR NKW YORK, Pec It Haseball men say Hint the real owner of the Champion Hfd Sox la "Broncho Hill" Anderson, of molo fume. This Information cpmes from sev eral Amerloan Leaguo men' who have been Investigating tho sals of the Hed Hox by Joseph J. tannin to II. H- FrHxee, Hugh Ward and Willie Collier, the actor. Fraiea and Ward ulreudy hae seen Han Johnson In Chicago, and. It Is said, they have ad mitted AnderPn'u part In the big ilea) When tho American Leaguo meets on Thursday tho sule of the Tied Sox will prob ably bo conllmied and tho new owners will bo formally admitted. TAMIAN, FAMOUS KICKER, TO LEAVE FOR THE FRONT Parker Tahnan, the famous Hutyers kicker, who was expected lo be the bulwark of the University of Chattanooga football loam next ear, has secured an oppulnt meat to the 'ambulant corps of (he French army and will leave for I'aris early In Jan- usry. InhantUesAYIn Vrom AH-Stars mais fontUil tfm feMtsTiW Aft far ! 1 ' ef t M. ' Scrub Player Chosen Miami Varsity Captain OXFORD, 0 Dec 11. MEMBERS of tho football team of Miami University have estab lished what U believed to be a pro i?nt by selecting for leader of next year's team a substitute of this sea han't clave. lwrU 0. MeVuy, fjjlU WJffJHS1ryW,ggi.wwwb WM is? e ipuwHf. NEEDS A FRIEND J"n SIMPSON CLEANEST HITTER SEEN HERE Austral inn Punches Hard With Both Hands, and He Doesn't Hold NO MATCH FOR K1LBANE Ily I.OUIS H. JAFFE Local fnns twice havo been tiented with exhibitions of the cleanest hitting In the Zt-foot ring soon In I'ldladolphlu for many iiiooii Charley Hlmpseii. of Austrullii, ie pcaled his wonderful demonstration of Thanksgiving Pay afternoon nKalust Fiunklo White when he outpuiicheil Lew Htlngur Haturday night at the National Club. Until White and StliiKrr uro two or tho Quaker City's best at thulr weight In neither mutest did the Antipodean clinch nor hold for the fraction nf a second ; he didn't oven try. .Simpson evidently has been brought tip In the school where clinch ing, which really Is Illegal. Is unknown. When at clopo quarters Himpson lowers his head below that of his opponent and keeps pegging away with his right hand; he bents a steady und terrlflo tuttoo to tho body, switching occasionally with un uppercut to the chin. At tho saina tluio Charley rests his loft arm on his chest From the distance Simpson excels with his left band, delivering lone hooks. Whllo ha seldom uses his light punch from tha distance, tho Australian changes his (no tice at closo uuurtors and continues work ing his rlKht. Simpson punches hurd with both hands. Furthermore, ha Is iiKgrrtslvo. and In both his bouts here Charles did not step back an inch lfiivvevor, In challenging Champion Johilny Kllbann Simpson Ib going Just a lit tle too far. It wus apparent that tho lad from tho Kangaroo rountry hud u poor de fense for a straight rlglit-liuiid punch KII buno'a most affective attack Charley stands up well under hard wallops, but It Is probabla that Kllhuno could lay tho Aus tralian low In a fow rounds. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Willie Jackson, boxer, and Johnny Nol son, fishier, aro principals lu tha lust bout on the Olympiads program tnnlKht. Jack son's Cleverness should enable him to re turn a victor, but Nelson's bulldog tenaolly may keep tho New Yorker stepping fust throughout. The feature bout, really. Is that In which Louisiana tackles Artlo Hoot, a Cleveland boy. At the present time much Interest Is being centered In a I-nulal-Kld Williams match, und tho Philadelphia!! must make n good showing to keep In the llmcKlure Two other Cleveland boxers, Kid Karplnskl und Artie Htrawhacker, also will mako their first uppearanca here, re spectively opposed to Joe Welsh nnd Johnny Cuihtll. of St. J'aul- Young Uoldle. n Pitts burgh foutherwelght, Is In the opener with Johnny Mayo. Hrcxivi t.Kpntn t-llon of rlnir bouts at th Nullonsl Club HalurJuy ulsht follow: Mill Hour dtreulrd Indian Itiuwll. lUn Mlllrr knofkru out liar llrenrr, brfond, t'lmrlry hlmpion vvon from Iw hlbxer. . , , ., ... I'sl .vluAr khnuisl Harry ( oniloit. .Murty 1'wrrrll heal Iii Itunlaudi, While I.lttle llfar'n victory over lluixll was vtvliient illioMt douhi. tno luttar.i'reved a nlS's llrad si tha .finish. Tha Jlllf-li fraea was mora than luUrtillns vvhll U Uslttt. 'i'lvar msir ba matched lor Ihla wn-k. ItawWiids waa isax for Kurrrll Mtar lhr rouadi. and It vvaa aurprlalns that Marty did IU V V ?W - -...w. ..,...- 1I..L... k f-l Im la !. ...t suns lu thn Nnrtnwcat. lie baa not mat an on-, twaent who wna abla to sain even a draw In' four rouuaa. fnau i"i toihmi wu n onr alJa.1 victory uvar lrnk Kurm.r, llui latter nnnlus tdeaa tu M0 "car the end ut tha fourth froma, . Muala whlla tralalns fa tha lattat fad in Philadelphia, and enlsr? ")' onlr two l- twxvra. All laat w lulsLaiva and. Tommy lluvk workxl out at lit (Airse A. (.. Hljhlh iij Clweliiul alrcala, aev;rlt aomio .belns anignir th audieuca. . 1. M. VmI. wliu us Youns Wllay waa a hwvitweUIH tuifr 5 ear a ko. haa tha pyiimsetum for bla own personal uao, and that uf his amuloyaa. Aktso Q-. aUlma . flsbtar who ryaUy will Tsauoy Ballly will bay I'rMton Ilrowrt at tha OUiuHa tanUbt ' bwk over Wlllla Jackson flftwh wants Jo vmijtckiha, n4 Raliiv ,ay h bis laoit uutrahaukar who wwkj pair thaw off. Ilfowij. who wevad blal a elvr buxur. 1JA at ahevad bars fur iUuJi a year ss m vi m - I,co Uouck Loses in Tame Bout PHTTOUMlli Pee. U.--la IIwc4t. at Xn- --fc.' i.Jek a rnxLajam mur s arri-iaia- lu inia Mil . SSSMI . JIB... J p-aTf"' J.."'- . -? "T ' .J Uohby UaynoMi twiaa In Clavalaad Tlturaday Sitrid off wltb Paul PUkC, "f fallfojiila. In tha mala Un-ruundr at UJ twunda. Thla will lit ltwnolda'a Ural, tout fur afveral mwlha. lta bs bii manaslna- audawwlllaiiini( luiara 'fba lura ut tu slevva vlJnlV sat u uflp on llolerl- &10 . THE PRESENT ARRANGEMENT OF BASEBALL WEAKEST FEATURE OF GA - Expert Suggests Dividing Season Into Two Per nant Chases or Kaces tnouia se anortened and Inter Big League Series Held Ily GRANT When Die lelmls romp Inrosflh vth a nip that Wet, . . , lml the proMSil Is ren fl hard os roefcj When the roW yu'e come tefla on Aretle .ln.l the httnl rrcell from the maaile ihock While othtn man follow the oouudlso tphrre, .... Jrplnp fAc cMlf icllh n- eheerful alt, I'd rnlhcr ilrenin on bu il bl(f log fire Ami pfiy fio eoiinc in u CD. When ohl John ienru Tiermotnrler drogs H'ffn it aiiifuVii alsmp timfrr fieenlg-nlse; HVirti lie tee ore Aoid us u rniicrelc iciil, ll'Arre n fiotcn grip ntvor 7ioli the Use Tha olliert imiy allow the nlrteap's cull, Iml take the xcau where the icoottt are bruieu; Hut I'll take mine by mi open fira Anil mttt t'Altfc Wciint utoul l doton. l-'or Keener Ilneeball YOll can talk to nny club owner or to nny ball player and ho will admit to you that upon tho uverago baseball Inter est wanes heavily In six cities out of olght uftcr August 1. Kan Interest li centered upon tho pennant race, thu Hag compel lllon. moro thuu It Is upon Ihu gauio Itself. This Is proved by tho fact thut tho averagn club, hopelessly out of tho nice after July, Is lucky to draw 100U paid admissions n day vvhero the lead ers uio drawing 10,000, The present schedule or championship nrraiigciucut is the weakest feature of huso bull. Any competition extending over six mouths Is suio to grow fugged and stalo and heuwv latere It Is nearly over. Tho club owner will uduilt this. Ho will the player. Yot no move Is mado to correct a known nnd proved weakness. Cither tho season should bo divided Into two ponnant races ot three months lath or there should ba n shutter peiiuuiit race und then un InterleuKUe series, with the eight NutlonalLeuguo clubs Ihiown ugnlust tlio eight American Lcukuo entries lu a competi tion that would boom baiehall Interest to Its highest point at tlio time when it now is deadest In threu cities out or four. Tlio Harrier You can talk to nny club owner about tho point und bo will admit Uj until. Vet ou can't get one of them to make any move lu this direction. Thoy nil know bow quickly Interest fades out III second division cities and some first division cities ufter August. Yet none of them has shown tho nerve or the foresight t" remidy this weak fca turo of tho game! Ilecauso It ulvwiys has been n. they nre willing to keep It as It has been, even though it all may be wrong Tlio two big leagues havo" a wonderful chance tills enr tu urrungo i 1317 compe tition capable of adding fifty per cent addi tional Intercut to the game. Hut It's twenty to ono that you won't find a club owner with sufllclcnt foresight or ntilllclent keenness even to suggest u DUNN SUGGESTS MAKING TWELVE-CLUB CIRCUIT Wnnts Tliinl Major Lcnpuo Formed I-'rom A. A. ami Interna tional Teams NKW YOItlf. Dec. 11. When the Inter Mitlonal Le.iKiin Koes Into sesilon hero this afternoon Jack Dunn, tho nnltlmoro maK nate. will Introduce n plan which Is nn en largement of Die third major .league Idea recently Indorsed by Ilnn Johnson. Tho proposition of tho Orlolo leader will bo to tube tho six best cities of both tho International League and tlio Ameilcun Association and form a third lenguu of twelve clubs. The draft will bo removed from this clicult. making It nominally a major, hut not asking for representation lu the world's series until such time as tho baby major has grown so strong nnd lusty thut popular sentiment calls for a three cornered classic. LONE STAR MAY BE COACH AT COLGATE NEXT SEASON Word comes from the IMciflo coast thut Wllllnm II. I Lone Htar) Dlatz will not re turn to coach the Washington Stato elovmi in taiT. Iiletz sava ba has several offers to coach ut eastern Institutions und also. western unlvrisltles next bonson. Although It tu not definitely known what Institutions nre inaMiiK overtures to hltn. It Is believed thut t'olguto Is making the strongest bid for his services. PENN TO OI'EN NAVY MAT SCHEDULE FOR 1917 SEASON ANN-APOI.IB. lid Dec. 11 Th Naval Af.ji.1mv ureftlllnir tram vv vltl nn itif loiiauliiK dates, all inalclies lu ba'i rvninulluin! cuuteaUd la thu February lu. 1'iilverallr or Pcnnajrlvanla; 17, Prlncolnn. 21, Y.ilo. Marcu VS. Pennsylvania state: 10. Cornell. COLGATE MAY PLAY CORNELL Harvard Drops Ithucahs From Foot ball Schedule for NpjU Year ITIIAt'A. Hoc. 1 1. Harvard and Cornell will not meet on the football grhllion next fall, uccordlng to conilrmmlon nf a, report tu thut effect whch has been Klvon nut by the Cornell I'lllvvrslty Athletic Association. In place nf the Harvard game tho ath letic authorities have opened negotiations for a contest w ItUf olgalo to ba played in Ithaca. , ' HILL JAMES COMING nACK - . Coast Curvcr to Re Given Another Chnnco by Stallinga OKKVII.LB. t'al.. IUc. II His lull Jamea heru of lh I9H erWa aarl.a, will l, fTv Vi Lancsslcr II, Hi Monqgrama l..?.lJABTn. t-a . IMC it Th aiatlitTM n"a4 laaaaaaaas aaajiii . a , I. In brail. li llllu Itcesc to Tako Heating's I'lacc SCBANTOM. Pa . Dae llTo raplsc Wal- Kaiw u( tha tkrantou baakatball tim 1 Kane u wi.uwa uaeaetwii team of lhi I'.nnMUanla SlaU Leattw, fuu aSnid SI Btaal.y ut Waat SowBteaTwh; LaVtoS g.1. 1, jgj. SI, IISSJSSBg fTAfttltlatM H BILLY MORAN l"'JS..factVinH. ha. i5FWM fJMBrp ! uuh tha hi..-.,. WaH.SQ a Bd tut SlfTKl, BHIv RTn tin ii. . lhll !uwl has Htywi tmetM vasfT sassjMfir, LHUUty I ilMTMl Elected caila la tor naxt asaaoa. "" U M lailOlS u HJjSUa.K WHW"3r WKTWW, Ovwfe SCHEDULE IS- LAND RICE chance, u-hlrh. If II fnll.t -.... . worso than tho prcsont six month,' arM. mnnf. cs Hall Players to RlrlL Thru iclll on thn same tlou Blr J. Will pap a lillHon tor a time ffl 7jott the sums ilny Anitrttc O. irm pti tiatcn to in final din,,. , H HrlnRinrr AVIIIard Hack Ilrlnirlntr Willnril tmrlr lia.ttj.nit. .l tlffht l nil very well enough-nroiS ... . ., ....,, b....u M inner Itqgu Krnntf Mnmn .nnttt ntA n ut.T ' ngnlnsf the Kausan, nml .Moran wJt -f- husky aliovo 300 iiountln. WilIaM" c iritt.ntlil IvnlimV. it m. "'" ..aaj v.K.. .-V-....VJ., ,i-:.n.i liliin aMOrttO, , Vnii rnti ItninFlnA will Attnuk ..- lard will look against C'nrpentler, with M pounds. t To Klvn nwnv fifteen nr tu-niv 'i onn tiling Hut when tha dlcrepaS iiuqr-f niAij, i!,mi ur ninety pounos, (L iiuiwnniwu in .in iukivui US It WOUld hk I MHMi. ta...... iiii,-- .-... Z... i iii.ii;ii uuiuiii jviiuuiiii unu JOCK Ullloa, (Jcttlnc Hy In anlla uf tlin hatirltv nr -I...I ,.. Wlllnrd still Is mnitnglng to eko out n r5l tstencc. ' "3 He hnB done vvetl tHiiiifb n,hM ..... k?9 rf ........ uue nrv tlri4 that lis benvv rlmmtilnn l.A i... m'm voted but thirty minutes of time to t(lt7 competition In nearly two years. BlnrA January, 1010. tho big fellow has draws! au.uuu iroin me circus, ot Which aI3.Mll remained nftcr a twenty ner cent ttMmi.ii tohls syndlcato. Tho one battls nlif4l aiu.euu. iohs twenty per centwhich roil vviiiarun total suiary cnecK for tna suincthlnir nhovo 1100. Onn. When a ohamplon can enter one ten-rourjl iioainK cxniouion wiuiin tvvoive months mil Julian wnn a imio miovo iuu,uuu iroa xns no is uomg wen enough In a modest wr.l Haseball has six months; football twin muiiths. Ilpt you can play' golf twltI momiis n year, ir you pick your location unit iuik it ror uttren momiis Biinuallr. Mnxlms or the Nineteenth Hole There nro times when the driver worsen not and tlio inashln.ln nn nhnmlniiflnn tfn when tlio puller lllvverotli then Is anfuUh oeyonu un wnrus lie tliat totmctll tltren sltnfH In a vaw without losing bis tctnpar hath a soul com ,M.r.v.. ... .u..,. ...(nt ,,,1,1 IIUI. IUr IIITIS li? no human trait nbout him -m It Isn't nny harder for the Armv In wlS good football dutea than It Is for tli av-r- ago ciuzcn to step out and -pick up In a back alley. All of tho leading euUra' elevens nio willing to play nt West Foist ror extienses. except Vale. Harvard, Prlnca ii. iirowu, coigaie. l'ltisourgn, uartmoutl nnd eight or ten others. In the snmo wny we hope no schedule maucrs tuts winter will break their rllHI in iv-ik iirn in , uiuu i unu vu get 1 IUK outkii nooheu up ior next inn, GOULLET-GRENDA TEAil FAVORITE IN LONG RACi Australinns Apparently Betus Fixed Physicnlly for Six-Day Grind in Now York NIIW YOP.K, Dee. 11 - With most of thi blcycla riders signed nnd coupled far it six-day -raco nt Madison Square, GardtBM December 17-23, It Is moro than likely thlw .vurcu uoiiuer, aim jMircu urcnua wiu sv to tha post ns the favorita team In thJM raco. This Is the stromccst pair over till gUKCd in tlio annual event, combining Ijw enuuranco nnu ncnuvvorK vv-itu tearoirorx that makes them nlmost invincible. Ooullet and Grcnila won the recent rnolj fled rnco nt Iloston, nnd have won roaw! fithpr lnni? i-rlnila bnth brriv nnd abroaO. Itnvlni? nlivnvit rlitdpn nn n innm thpv Vfjfal together vv-ltli inachluo precision, which U big nsset In n six-day race. Ilec&UM eti this they never lose any dlstnnca In tp' pick-ups when rclluWn? each otqer- Itldlng m a tenm. this pair have vXM lost ono racje. that being In Paris atamj Ilourlier and C'omos, who woro both UtiM rccontly In the war. The teaoi flnlfbed fpm ond lu tha i nco. When paired with oth(S men tho Australians havo Invariably vtSm Last year at the Garden, (Ircnda won wu Hill.. Tha previous year Goullat won )Uj Koirter. - v Last year Orenda and Qoullet. bolh tern Champion Kramer In the series of TMJJ for tho American tlllo until the last " of tho season. Men who can Mt i- ... .A.!.- .ii... mA lvtef races uro rare, indeed, -9I wn unusual fenturo of their sw-oj racing Is that they go throuch thesa MJ contests without un ache or a pain. lw, being In tho best of condition and birl3 for tha week s grind. FEDS' SUIT AGAINST 0. B, WILL PAIL, SAYS GAIlin Herrmann Claims Haltlmoro Club M ttequcst to Join so-uanea Hiiaqball Trust NKW VOIllC. Dec, tl. When tha BsJ mora reds' uamags smi ti"j trial, we inten'i to mane ono i Viwir, .miu iieiiiiimiii iuntj. i "Wo van nrove that tho Baltimore Ve at Jho time we were arranging p the federal League last winter, maa??.1 League. They wanted to take th pw.! lite bi. ioiiis t-uruinnis in uui v"vr ntner worus, tnoy were caxur iu . . .un . rt..iid,t TiuAhall iiiciiiucro u " i-uu" . "--- ,: which hey pow urs trying f disjoin. Itvianviuii. iL , , "We have evidence to prove this W attornays bellsve that these fscts vm (est the reas," legui prpceeutnfc. --WuL-hmiii nml nilmore will tie snwsf ' kIiii- ivItnA&Has." .. The attorneys for Organised Ra'1 5 OwrKO Wharton Pepper and John u son, uoin pi i-nuauBiiui. Smith to Lead Dartmouth HbwI 1918, ( Kana. N 11 baa l;' Ula al tha eta-untry leafa M "" SUIT OR OVERCOAT TU OU11KK aJHJK Utluct4 fmm flO, Hi po4 ' See Out 7 Big Window PETER MORAN & CO. B. u. Cw- tl sol Arh Broas4b uiympia a. uiin l r tM. TUNI(liT-SW DMAr Aim. Utt," iLS.Ht.MX h. 'tit- 4i J ii (,-muii Jin tmr mm