1 m iiBtMnyhuiimi lMeIU0 Wetiger if PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY ' a- Wf W t CUimo, Pstawtn? af.ir,vB(Kw,!aiCr. " Treariret. Ph'!!P P- -Snin Jdm B. Williams, John J, flpurieori, P. V itjfroniAiliJOAtiiiBt . Cfat t. K. CctTII, Chairman. ft.?. ytHAUKT ''if .m Wilier n SPUHftMAIVHH,.. General IlualnenManiitar PeelMheit dallr lit PtmMO t.tiioM llulldlnr, T 'iv1fl,",n "lr, Philadelphia. .5 VWIIW Csjtail.. ....llroad and CnMlnut Mreeta i Jl.To"K",,',".t500 Matroiwlllan Timer MlOiaq,,,,,, 1202 TrttmM Ilulidln iHX!1? nq4B. ....... ..The rim.a ilulMIn M?.0?. "B Mirronl l!mi. Mranj raiillnuK i la nut Iula U Urand " ubsciuption tihimh rt!.7sIr'"ITa LMBn U aaryed la eutwcrlbere PBlIadriphl and utroun.llnt towna et the r'e ef fix B) cetile par week, pnaMe to thi carrier V man to palate eutalde ef Phittrtalrihta. in United Male. Canada or United Rtaua nee. EVENING IBDaBR-J?miuVDELPHIA, MOlSBAY, BE033MB13E U, lOiG Ha eelllona. rwataae yrr raomn , unfl I free. Ihlrlr-llirs 1.131 II) dollar for thrr montha ' rwr (II) Collars per rear, payable In AS J11 'erelen eeunlrlaa on (III doll.r nsentn rant it in ad- on (l) dolUr par Notios flubeerlbera wlshln addreaa ehanied eiuit ilea aid as wall a new aadreaa. Urtl, 190 WALNUT KCmO.NK, MAIN 00 uj Hf j ': i -r-3 .-: - - --:-ja KT .Iddrf nil rommimlefiltan M ftinln0 Z.gjT, fnifcprndVnce flijunr. PnlloiklpMo. tuftnro t Tim rmutetrnu rmiornci i cccffi run AVEnAau hi:t paid ihw.y cm- CUtATION OP TIIIJ HVKNINU I.KDOKJt fok .ovn.Miinit WAH 121,011 Philadelphia. ManJar. Ilfml,cr II, 1916. Wordt are thing; and a tmall drop af ink, Falling like dew upon a Ihouglil, product That which mahc thouiandt, ptrhapi mllllom think. Byron. Mr. "'ux linn begun to waiio. Wionovcr a limiRcwlfo bicnkn nn esff nowmlnya sho wlalioH tluit It oro tlici head or Mr. Wotz, of Chicago. Mr. Asaulth novcr did a more prttil otic thing thnn to cull upon lite friends to rUly to tho support of Lloyd acorco &rul tho new mlnlatry. Mr, Morgan la nuro tlio Allies will VPln. Ho liaa to nay It If ho uanta to lloat nny moro loans for tlictn. Nobody la anxious to buy tho bonds of a defeated Power. "No soft boiled cbbb for mo!" ex claimed tho fat man In tho restaurant. "I'm boycotting ougn. Clicgso for tnlno ohecso omelette" "Which i;oes to bIiow that It la very difficult to iiuscrnmblo tho complexities of food nltuatlorm. In theso dnyo of Teutonlo supar men It la tiomo rollof to lonrn that at least 371 IScrllncra mo human enough to break tho law ngalnst speculating In food, nnd stupid enough to got caught at It Tho latost report Is that T. It. Is to go lumtlni; ilovlltl.ili. It is Ukoly tu bo followed by tho announcement that ho Is contemplating n cnmpalgn to exter minate snuliea. Tho symbolism of theso activities will not ha lost upon fighters of commercial octopuses and tho liquor t runic Mr, Bryan opposed tho gold stand ard bicauso tho banks favored It, nnd ho Is now opposing Fcdoral regulation of railroads for tho reason that tho railroad mrmngora want It. To bo logical ho ought to opposo prohibition because many of tho, pcoplo moist Interested In national prosperity favor It. All that tulle about toailng down thoMadlaon Rtiunro Cm don In Now York r.eoma to liavo been prcmaturo. Tho build ing has boon bought by tho mortgngeo itt foreclosure sale for 3,000,000, or novernl hundred thousand dollars leas than tho Hops against it. Now Ymk la a pretty alow town If It can't mnUo suoli a great amUBcmont place pay nt this valuation. Tho sad fate, of fiorbla nnd Hii. mania makaa King Constantino think that his chances of salvation nrn batter with aermany than with tho i:ntento Allies. Unless I.loyd Goorgo can retrlovo tho failures in tho East and drlvo tho dor mans from tho Jlttlo kingdoms, Constan tino la Ukoly to find hli supporters at homo In tho ascoudaucy. to fcafe;uftrdln(t tho men nnd women em ployed In dangerous occupations nnd to tho care of tho aged. Tho lime Is coming when the right to hentlh and to protection from accidents will ta regarded ns equally ftacred with ths right to life, liberty and the pursuit of liapptnes. Indeed, thcua nowly ndmlUcd righto nro hut elabora tions nnd extensions of thn old, MAKE THE INSURANCE CODE CROOK-PROOF TT7IIHN prncllcnlly nny hind of n "shy ' ' sier" Insurnnco company can get a foothold to do business under tho laws of tho Htnlo of Pennsylvania, It appears that something la radically wrong with our lusumnco luws. Tho Inst published report r the Hints Insurnnco Uepartmcnl hown that twelve domestic; companies (that In, com panlod operating tinder I'cnnsylvnnla rhartors) and suventy companies under the ulmiloia of other Hlutri.i uto operat ing here, whllo tho lepoit of tho Now York Hlato tiUtirnnce. lepnrtmint shows eleven domestlo and leas than thirty out side companion operating In that Htato. It la siifo tu say that uf tho suventy 'outside" compnnloH which mo permltiod to do business Jiir I'cniiHylviinlii, moro than onu-htilf of them could not do buiil nosa In Now York, borauso they could not comply with thu liinilnuioo laws of that tin to. Jtuforo tho Invi'stlgniloii by Clmrles Kwins Hughes, In Id05, of tho lorruptlon irnalllng In tho iidiululxtrntliiii of tho Ufa Insurnnco companies of Now York, thn Insurance laws of that Hlato woio about on a par with thu Inuuinnco laws now prevailing In I'cnnnylvnnla; but tho revclatlonn then mado forced tho over hauling of theso laws by tho Now York I.oglnlatura nnd the enactment of an en tirely now coilo when Mr. Hiighri bot-nmo flovornor of tho Htato. Ily somo Ktnloa theno laws were considered aa models on which they based n lovlslim of their in ouranco statutes. Thoy woro adopted bodily by othors. IVnnsylvauta una not ono of thoso mates, nnd tho looao laws now governing tho operation of Ilfo In surnnco companies and tho lack of pro tection for pollcyholdera liavo made this Btato tho rofugo and tho stamping giound of nnV and ovury "nhystor" com pany desirous of carrying on heio u crooked business and a byw'ord among nil who wl-di to sco llfo Insurnnco conducted on a decent, honest basis. This condition it tho moro remarkable, becauso, Incspca tlvo of tho law, thoro nro In Pennsylvania somo of tho best-munagod companies In tho world. Tho opportunity for crooks muat bo eliminated. Tho Insurnnco laws of Penn sylvania must ba mndo equal to. If not bolter than, thoso of any othor Hlato In tho Union, or, In fact, of any country In tho world. AbHolulo protection for pol icyholders and tiio highest dogrco of eincloncy nnd honesty In tho manage ment of tho companies, combined with otornal wntchfiilnraa on tho part of tho Insurnnco Department, nro tho goals which muat bo attained. And wlmtovor enn bo found in tho luwa of nny Htalo or country that will assist In tho ni.com pllshmont of thla end must bo searched out nnd embodied In tho fuluro Insur ance codo of Pennsylvania. Tom Daly's Column Tim HWAHl OP VKtfWH There flounced an otd titotmi through Venice A Uoht n rally In tennis, Xrvcr ccotlnp to prll, WhIUt he clattwnl a Ml "lie hoppvl Ho happp! He happul" tinon the tQiiarc nmt the altnJ uburljan Journal to trorthlp thl tngn In a turban, for profctnor "who Unrm" Knld hln ihclrlnr iean true "lie happy! tie Iwppvl Ha hnppur Thn Vouo nmt the Ten hnd ilitt knlohtcd, And tho doctor and arylfci4 tecro 1. lighted,' Though hi ururr uoiM aIov Utccpt mrrelit la nv "Ha hnpput lie hnppyt He hnppyl V.vcn the f urn ml urnl through the illV To M okhiI nnloto)jo-dl rtltlti Ai theg intng tu thi nooo Vamtiu roguri ttnitM sinAcf mj til "Ha hapiwl lie bnppgt He hnppgV Hut one nlaht on a gravmtona they found Mm I'ertotmlnti t reel, no iheg bound film And londmnntd Mm to jail With prrMUilon lo malt "llv hnppgl Ha hnppgl He happvl" TOM WAT.HH. -V.., , -k y "NEJFFER MIND AS FOR LIONS AND BEARS. VE ISS GREAT ON SMALL GAME, J A?" WsUkxji rs i'i-. fiA' fm f'oar T 1 -Vou nri on tho Job when It ronifs tu ninlilng dlsi-iitprlns rrgnrdlng lilgna. but Iium! mi nwir ijlvoi thin a thought? M.VMTI'II SKINS .No Hmokllir l)n rsol ilund lln llir l'litfnrin I,il I lllotu Ihf- I.nlriinrp t nmplrlr lllnnfr I nrntr-lln t rtita DeiKiilt Itutihltli IlriA IMMISDIATIIIaY lifter our city odltor oxplodml yeatciday wo found this in his hand: Willie trjlng to fix tlio rni Jot of his home. Mr. Motrin Mlnlr, of Kf.i Snydnr iiVpniK. It exploded Hi- wns not hurt. It unit milt My put out by tlio Knglno No. Hi of Kifleciilli nnil Hnnlor avenue. shot down nv r.iiitnit or m.( i: iiami .vty'.NT llrud In ii o. ,1 p 7 that an riror Into thn nlr; 7r came In earth, I know not wlicrc Dfnr Tom It miy lnti rest tho relnlern of tlio "colyum" to Imtn tnnt-tlin prliielp.-il (lenlfr In and nhlppor of live hihiUch In this country is W. A. SKAKI1KINU SnnkDVlllc, Tl-x.io. i i uo i i isr. ShoolnK the Wot (iliontf rouniiKiinpsii:. n. y.. ijoc. b An nttemiit was innili) rnrly today tu rob tlio iniinelon nf Vliieent Aitor, ut ItlilnecllfT Knur innnkeil men uorv drriuneil and filglil ciitd on by Peter lipeler, tlio itcnui night uatcliiii.in 1'iilted l'r,in ilf.iti.li t 'i S& miLrtw v.i y-f m. me tbp- ,fe. Br MMMmiM .M d,: ,lli..l SJra JtAUKT.T .b tent y n m j "wm&zmtirw mmmttaP8cr fwf rmti9 2'r& b m& '-v What Do You Know? TUB EASY WAY Our ConiWamnn Is workings It I wetklnrt with a wilt To ho he Isn't shlrkhut He will Introduce a bill AVs've had our llllle nurtl. flom Wire pmall and some wire crtT nn In a.ltU all n .. (retl He la BOlng to IrgOlate. Itetolutlena have lin prtilTartd Aii in vain to neip mnhkindt tJut each one of them has offered Much eatsemed relief of mind fii ins fuluro tmiAt Kem plenh. Ilrlght with Intellect and eklll, Kor our Congressman la present And Will lntrodu.ee a bill Wnahlnston filar, j WARS AUE WON BY MEN War are not won by parlies. they . i won by men If Idovd nore can uae "hi driving power which ho po.ne,,,, ,";. rreatir dc;8rs I inn any oilier man in Vi klmdom lo hasten nn alllM victorr. t peaple of RngUnd will not care whtihir ' la a convert 16 Totylam or hot. Por th? mnninnt ne peraonmea a national tnlrll ii,I delermlnailon to puh hoatltitlea throult every phaco of disappointment and fl.f.,f t.l.lll a Iftlalte triumph shall bo dnaiS, kttAlned llrnnk vn l-n.u miibijm VILLA'S VEltSATlLtTY iir, tins ix a manv-i mail man m.., ..; Wptlirea a elly like a military genius andl lhan ho loom It im a akllie.i I poliiici.JI ITrand naplds PrM. iomician-. JfAiti; .'iiriiiu isnit nuo. ai Mcnic, Jiution Holintu , (bl-IMuctlon.".: Ut""r N'" 2 Comadr, t Paramount I'rmram '" MARIE D0R0 lIOUArtT HOStVOItTII and TUM.T MAR8IUU "OLIVER TWIST" vii'S0 as" Thiir.. I rl . H.ii r.nit. K1UUKLX an.1 SESNIJI riiK vlnoiw ONrrlra nf uentrnt fiilcrral lulll l,e mmii. rrrd in (Ali ciliiioii 7m iji.fatfotM, for flimurrs to xihirh evrru p rll tnjorittitl itreun alioulil know. nrn fiaAfi tlnUv, Tho highest of highbrow Journals records that "it la an appointment made to usa the standard phraso on tho baitla of merit nnd fitness." Perish tho thought that it would use a "standard phraso" Hcrlotislyl It is commendable wqugli to turn mental somersaults to evold the commonplace) but it may bo BUggested that appointments made "on l?iB .the. basis of merit and fitness" nro so rare that thq phrase has nlmoat tho ilavor of dashing originality, i. .,.. UJll Thn HlumlBtited City Hall towor is shining' llko a good !eel In a naughty world, eprcadlnc; its Influence abroad. Mey learned of it in New York, nnd tho fjtutuq of Liberty in tho harbor has bean flooded In light and stands llko an angel of irlory brooding over the dark Wntors, An4 now they nro planning In tho national capital to make tho "Washington SKMUittnt raise lUelf ugiilimt tho sky as d oalujnn of white oftw" the sun has gone down. The I'.vcnino Uinaicn may be jarr fe4 tf It feels a Httle proud of its SHhlovemciitu. SOUIICES OF INSPIRATION 'rpiin herolo death of a bravo prince J-and typical soldier of jour lineage," wrlton tho Kaiser to tho King of Ilnvarln and ono would naturally expect tho hoii tenco to end with somo mich phraso as "Is n noureo of grief to us" but it does not. Thin death, mij-h tho mossugo, "linn boon a saurca of Inspiration to us." In an Knellah illustrated weekly nppoar In a row tho pictures of three lino looking young mon, tho aims of nn English cleric. Thoy have all boon killed, but thero la no publlq lamentation. Tho portraits nro under tho heading "Tho Itoll of Honor." Casualties liavo rnino to bo tnhen ns statistics. "Klghteon thousnnd HiieIIhIi deud In November" movoB tho world less than "Twenty Americans dead at Vera Crux" moved Amurlca, it would bp con soling to liellovo that nil thoso dend were "sources of Inspiration" to whole nations, nut thoy nro not. It la only In the pri vate hpmo, In tho empty roomi of unre coverable fioit:i and fathers, (hat tradi tions of valor nnd nourco.s of Inspiration are passed on to posterity, In tho "uulomn prtdo" of porbonul BaerUlcos. In u window on .Spring (Jimleii ptrtot bo tncon Hevantli and CIkIUIi In u algni (I1HI.S VVANTHIi i O.N I'APMIt iioxi:s OVUIt HIXTKUN YlIAIt.S OI.I C. II. IC. Llfc-HnvcrH tinv srrns that uikiii iir.ttniti AcntiNs Thu ClioMtntil street holliliiy iiuielntrotn nwept along In thn ultnl An iivcrcnntuil one of tho "ueoafiil biiHlnraa iimii" Ijpu stopped heforo a Knlvntloii Army lfici'ln jlni;lliig a tninlinrlne and glum lug nt tin, wlied bennp'it imleil nt her hide Tho ovei coateil onn Hiiki'KiI In eiral irnuscrs pnrkets, nunii rolii veil pncliitH initl a rout pncKnt. Ono m two and flnnlly ninny of tho ituulHtroin p.iumd tu m the i aiiMu nf ilolny. Thu uulil hu giver's fneo shohii iudi1il and It daw tied on him lio Inil noth ing but u .'. hill. Thu iniielHtium tltli'ieil tlio nvino.ited nun thrust fortvnrd hl ehln nnd ihoppcd In the live' JUHItY. QUIZ 1 I'lnre 4I.orlilniurM In lltrrnlure. - Tin- 'nniinui;lit tiiiiiii-l. Ilio luineeat nioiiutfiln ilnublr-truiU iiillmtr ImuiM In Amrrlr.i. baa hrrn uiitfiril Where U II? .1. Wlint l llin nrlclii of Urn rtrlanuitton "Ur Jlinlit)"? I Tninal itf- "Ciitiillrrln Itiiallriini'' Into l.nc- llxli. II. "it tin wrro the Kninorul? n Wlml l u frrn pnrtf k It VI hut l the mrnnlMc nf "nirn m-aimi"? H. Uhut U the nlirnlllrmirn thrn n jrlloit flue In dliluril h it liliC II Uhat nrn the tilun crude uf iiimaUY 111 Whii'U lluilil 1' HoiiHtnn? AftcrinntlilcrH UOLDHillTIf When lovely u-nnutn itnrti In Jolly. And find that hn ian mahr it pay, Xa art can niic tha men from folly Except a pccdy gctauny. .17.01'HtS. IJ. V. W. preuonta ono Ilonorn do llnlr.no to contribute hla hit for tho colyum: (From "A Ilirlnlnr'n naluMlalimtnt "1 "Joseph w lulled to cnutrlhuto to hi r net of fcncilllc; ho went nbnut ill eased llko a hum bulllrf, wearing thick nhoes nnd bluo wjckii, ho oro no gloven; )m (jiiriinl cnnl Oulpdil 0 wood; hu lived on bread, milk and ihenp rheesn ' Thn italics oio Bitpplled by IJ. V. W who may liavo unthlng but nnhi-s In bin rollnr. l. Annucrn In Vettcrdny's (ui. MJiKirum" U ful.ru from u l.iittn ehrun iin in hitniiniui mon tu uietiili1y. it "." uere lo he kiiimutimI tlio aiininiuii, itimld rrml "iitinriiiii iiiiuui A iiniiin ee wilti-niii"- -'of hum up ulnti one V tu he our" that la, imc uf tlio uaeiuhh. !. Hlil-thitiH (urrrNiHiiulliiir tu iiiuntlia hi other Miitt", urn itillul iitirlNboH In ImiInIuiiii H. 'I lip iirnule nf Sorlli Ciirullnu ore Jornlnrli iillnl "fur IlieU." 4. Ihp "Ithlle lndv or llrrtlil" Ii i-he lm U hillil In unurur lit ll- inlufe hf" ." mriutifr uf thn (irriutii nunl fuiullv It uhuut fj ilia. n. "I. II M " u moht prulmhlv nn iibhreiluttnn uf thn fireek iminn of .Ip-,iihIpu the frrunil Irlier of uhlfh. ililln rnrreaiMind Inc In our letlir "e." Im iu i raiiltiilj (tin utineiiriiiiin uf uur iiipltnl letter "11 fl. Tuhlll U Ihr lurxest of the Moiiety loliimU. In 1'ulioolu. 7. lloll) Miiillinn mm llnrntliea 1'nsne Tmld. oily wli H 111 Will ne To Milill. Mhu hrimon tltn wltt of Jnruri Vliiilloii, fourth I'realdent uf llin lliillrij mir nrie lu-etuiie a rniituriiuua imiirn in n.i liielmi urlrlv una miik eaimlurly kituuii it- lhtlly MmlUoii. H Tho l.iirl uf lleiiriinillrlil uui Ilrurll. I), The illluorlln iinU luiiiluuni nrn fornix nf trrpe ii'luulril hy rrrnrh. l.nalUh imit Anirrlruu nrltrm fruni Itullun urnl Amble TiiniiM. fhn lime re- rom Aew .11101. uf II torroud, 10. lln ii illrrrt telr-fruuhlr elrcnll the llin mlreil fnr a rurrrnl Ivuiuun from Vurl. lo Mm rmnilain l nhout .ill -&" Wa li&va. foriunafelv Anniivh ma,..! tffr'" t make constitullonal questlona tha oir v uissusaion, ana are turning ,--jir attention mora and mora to tliow - tfctaf wWcn uffeot thu dally Ufa and ftuna of the rank and nje of to fat nations. President WlUon to tha J,(srruitlonal Association of Industrial Awtian poarda and Commlwtona. We do not suppose the Preoident Swtwilt'd to belittle the constitutional stiirntlons. They were important In their jj jmMmr, That wa when the nations Were wylag to evolve a satisfactory form of pr jovw-aroont which would protect the peo- p H tft thtlr llv nml their property in pnuw8. '4.noy were nta the clearing of h w04rae In the early days of this '- fjMi7. Thi wiWerimii is now eleartii iu. vh Imvii a. """ """"" TUFA' DO T1IESK THINGS HITTER' NEW YOItK seems surprised nt what it terms a new form of graft as oxposed In the examination of thq Janitors of apartment houses, who confessed to hav. Ing received n "rnlto off' from (ho milkman ami tho Iceman and all down tho lino for every customer thoy tocured among tho tenants, Kreo bread from tho bakor nnd groceries from tho grocer wero among soma of tho remunerations received. Now York Is provincial, otherwise she would not bo surpilsed. Does she have to bo told that this In pot "graft," but simply an Impoited custom? This cus tom U tho Inalienable right of the l"url- Jan apartment house concierge. ITqm a lime when tho memory of man knuwoth not, the French concierge has levied tribute on every bakr, butcher, giooer and milkman who nerved any tenant In his apartment house. Ills living costs him nothing. He has a birthday which must ba observed, and then tho birthday of Madame la Concierge, mid there uto various holidays that offer excuses to pass the bat. As for a funeral from an apartment, that Is a harvest Perhaps thla imported, custom has not quite permeated New York to the extent of reaching tha servant In the house. The time wiU come! no doubt, .when the cook will get her "mkeort" from every article i MA $pl SBWK tola tUa apartment. from tm mur- t(lrj(a iiitt- Today'H Mnitl JIJANNHTTn IJAMIWIN, giddily whirl ing In tho modern inur.o of dunces, lisped to her Ulster yesterilny Hint nho ovei hoard her father say ho "often wont Into tho pool at tho nlllcu," and wasn't It like Hint men could rntilblun luminous with tho ploasuro of bathing? jnitltY. The bridegroom was Into nrrlvlng nt tho Methodist Kplsvopal Clmicli lin'ntipo of u slight neelilent lie fell on Ills fiont slips on tho way to the wedding which produced no very aerlouu icsults except It gavu him u bad wench. !am-aatar Co eontemp. Acro:m (ho Squuro Tha llghta nro g.iy across the wiunro. Dim II cures cmno and go, With hurried step, or lagging gnlt Tho city's ebb nnd (low. Solemn, or and, or guy, or bright, Whence eomo their steps, or where Into what homes of gloom or light They go, ncrunu (ho wiunro? The lights ure few across tha square, The city's nolio and fret liavo hushed tlicmsolvan, and In the air Htrungu quletudtm niu sat Strange slluneea that hold no balm Vor one who lingers there. Or one who walks at dead of night Alone, across the square. HUU5N MOitK. Inwutnu'iit nutl Prollt W I. M--U a man buja threo doiinii eggH fur fl, sella them fnr II IB. and Uhob llio dollar to lipent the operation 10U tlmea In n c.ir, hla prolU unulil ha about thirteen per cent. Thla la obtained by dividing thn totnl ninount of profit (fit) by tho total nninunt of nulea tltlB) Dull ruilimtlon nf prollt la not luiacd on thu luveetinem, hut on total imlou; nnd time la not a luctnr Tho answer ns furnished by Prof. 1M wnrd H Moxoy, Jr, of tho Wlnrton .School of Klnniuv, Untvernlty of Pcnnejlvnnlii. If tho noise of a name counts for any. thing In baobttlthIa. U the moat premie Ing thing we've hoard In noma days: Allanllc lllstiUwla team. -Nana I lew ur. us V, o. al. suggests, poeslbly there's an omen In this cognomen. Phenomena Anything can happen. For instance, I Just oamo up In the elevator with a dla trjot msesenger lijy. The elevator op erater turned to him nnd said, "What floorT" and the kid answered, "lileventh, please, lrl" nnd It waan't any Josh either. I had to support the operator for the rest pf the trip. KHAB. Dar Tom In statibu qulbu of tho statuum variorum would yun prefer tbe war tu end, that of JvUy. I9M. or those of September, ms. or OteMjiber. twt if ju tevn m vnttmm, w teajt Mfw aw K y Lattjj u W,S . turner, inn r mmf ba:ti tarn wm tm fttc School Civic Centers Mra W. It C Tho schuolhouaa aeenia dustlncd to V'como more and mora tho center of community life, na the modern tendency In to add to Its function of In striicting children another function, thnr nf nrov Idliur iv clvlo hendiiiinrteni fnr tho In stitution, rucrentlon and entertainment of parents In Philadelphia this movement llrat utwumed nn Important trend lifter an experiment nt tho new Horace, llimard Furncaa ilementary school, wliero the chil dren gave ii piny, using the proceeds to buy pictures und a phonograph, After Miird lectures by edueatlor.nl olllclula on toplim of bencllt to parents crodeil tho big auditorium. Homo and ijekuol league lectures now are provided for many nchoola, mid n new bchool to bo opened, In addition to a large auditorium, will provide spare for cooking, sewing, ahopwork. eta, and a gymnasium William I1- Lewis, one of tho atanchost advocntea of bringing the school Into closer relationship with the home, favors making ''thentrea" nnd "clubs" out of schoolhouaea, where eduaa tluiut lectures, low-prlre concerts nnd wholesome dramatic performances would be Klvan nnd the parents, aa well aa the chll dren, would be attracted by reading rooms, games, debate, gymnasiums and the op. porluuity to meet nelghbora In a social way, nnd for the dUcu.luu of civic matters In general, Money Circulation SCHOOLBOVV-rhe Treasury Department aiuwera your question as roiiows- "Money gets Into circulation through the coinage of geld presented to the United Statea mints and astwy oflkes, through the pay inant by the floVeriiment of Its obligations In eash. and through the Usue of notes by national banks and Federal Ileaerva banki New money and dUTerent kinds of money gat Into circulation thfough the exchange of old for new, or et one kind for another, with the Treasurer of the United States." Business Etiquette I. A. S To settle jour arguments the Pelrce SUiool decides that It 1 not pabusN nesullke to send rafereaties with a letter of avpliGaUen la answer to an anenymeu ad vertlMMMt that 4s not isenUea refar. w. On ttw M.iff y. U. la bwltmiilk, Mlt aavea t,bmp 4lf BiiHyfh & refeeas Ur win to wm 9 mm J 1mi1VW uto ttw HfiteM l TPIE VOICE OF TPIE PEOPLE Effects of PcnroHoism The In itiative in Cnliforniu Drug Importations PENROSEISM TO HLAJIE 7r the 1'dllor of the Kvrntnp l.tdger, Hlr I tnko occasion to ay that my first piralilentl.il vote wan cnat In I HOO for that lirriiieKi of all llcpubllcnn leaders, Abra- niin i. mi nm. nnil that I liavo voted for nir Iti-piibllcnu candidate for President fourtn'ii of them elnco then, but only once III nil Hint long peilod of flfty-nlx yenra h.ivn I men thn Itepulillc.ui inndld ito twtco auccesilvely ilefentiil In 1312 and ncnln tu I1C nnd umaldt-rlng It a duty to my country, my party nnd nn self to do wb.it I can to prevent a thlid Hiic.ec.xaho dofent. In 1020. for the ItriHihllcnu cnntlldnle for I'rrsldnnt, nnd (oiiyclenlloualy belloilng that the Kepubllcan defenta of 191U nnd 1UIC were due to Hon Hole: Prnrnae. Heutiiur from Pcnnayliunli, moro thnn to nnyothei political leader In tho United Stntea. I nm lieglnnliiK a inoM-menl hnvlng for Its ohjiet tin, elluilnntlon of that inuau which brlnga onlj ripr.itid defeat and dla nator to tho Itepiihllcuii part, nnd tho llret etop In that dlrii'tlmi la to uuhmlt by evi dence tlmt c.iiinot ho eontrnijlcted the de plorable uciihncss uiul fnlhue of Mr Pcn ion na n lender, in the hapo that he will voluntmily irtlru from aueh lenderahlp, but fnlllng tn do tin to pliico the reitionihlllt where It beloiiK.i ltb tho Hepiilillcaii party of tho Mliolo lountry and enpeol.illy Willi thut portion of It located in I'enn sjlvaiila JOHN W KIIARIKR Phll.idelplilu, neccmber 0. SECRETARY DIX KXPLAIN8 7'o the Editor of the Rvrntng ticdiier- Sir Tho letter written by Wllll.im I.. Itnaa. In refeienve to a ronipnrnthe Klnglo Tn x vol In California nnd I'ennavlvnnl.i. recently appearing In our paper, has been lnniiKlit t my attention Mr Ilnaa cull oil attention to tho fact that the vote of .150 000 lii f.ivor of the amnio tax umnndment to thn California constitution una mado ponslhle bv thn Initiative and referendum which the California people have. lie Mated that "Tho Single Tax pnrty of Pennsyl vania has u group of uhlo, UKKrexalve nnd peraun'ilve speakcis. but It la difficult to get many voters to leuo their partita," and he cnueludis by uuylug that If tha voters of I'eniiHjhnnln bud nil opportunity to oto un the nlntlc tax without leaving their pnrtlra, ,i, la probable thai n Inrge vote vuiuiil uo recorded in Ita favor Permit mo to sny that tho very fact that California hna tho Initiative nnd referendum mid reiiiitiylvnnla Iwih not ahons the ad vance In political thought In fnvr of tha western Klate, which progreasivo spirit would no doubt roll up In California a largo vote fnr the single lax, oven though It was In tho form of a party Instead of In the form of a constitutional amendment ub at the recent election. Wo have Just Htartcd the Hlnglo Tax party In Pennsyl vania, probably tho moat comervatlve Htate In tho nation, but when we have told (be story so as to reach aa large a percentage of tho people na have been reached In Cali fornia, and Peunaylvalilani become aa pro greasivo as the Catlfornlans, vi here they do not healtata to leave their partl.es. aa xhovin by the fact that they carried the Htato for one party's candidate for Ureal dent and then elected another pnrty'H can didate for United State Senator by a large majority, the people of Pennsylvania will poll a, big vote for the single tax whether It be In the form of Single Tax party or through Initiative or referendum measures. JAMHS H. DIX, Htate secretary, Philadelphia, December S. STOP IMPORTATION QF DOPE To the Editor of the livtuing ledgir; Sir Ilefcrrlng to a statement In your pajier a day or two ego about mofe strin gent tans ooverlng heroin. It eeeina audi a Waste of legislative energy aim money wnen the. solution Is so very simple Prohibit the Importation of heron and tha manufacture of the substance lu our country and the deed Is done. All that would have to be watched then would be the Canadian frontier ami the malls. We do not have to depend on heroin; we can do very well without It For some reason, perhaps becauae of Its more ready solubility over the other mor phln derivatives, heroin has been selected by the greater number of dope users. It Id a dangerous substance, and could and should be suppressed. Ilefore the advent of heroin we had morphia for many generations, but Its victims have been few compared to the great number that have fallen under the baneful Influence of heroin I believe this uoum nna lavor ivlth most druggists and doctors. DRUaaiST. Germantown, December 7 olea nra eminently Jilat Your general Knowledge nnd my curiosity, together with your recent nn.tllbj on dual nnd throats. Im pel me to Inquire nfhnther Philadelphia has a atrert-rleanlug department. Scraps of newspaper, nondescript aali boxea nnd other cerm-breedlng, unsightly objects III erally line many nf your streets These mny ho reiqionelhlo for your numerous oeullnta null rhlimloglata nnd nt the same time explain why o many of the medical profession Und these specialties eo profit able HUlHI HOIiUIIOOIC Philadelphia, December 8 ACADEMY OF MUSIC A H L E R LIED VON DER ERDE ..-Tif"' Performance In Amsrlcn) JOHANNKS SEMDAOH on T1M.V KQENEN rrl.. Doe IB. at .1) Hal, Dm Kl, al a. 13 PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD HTOKOW8KV. Conductor Btata nl lleppn'a, 1119 Cheatnut StrcH n K SKASOVI RMMKtlR yr iji j I "J.v sB-vaATo.vf lleitn S Kosloff a Dal'et ninATitK NAN 1iaij,i:hw ,! OKVOV CO; KIIANK UHUMIT- OTIlfCnH. Tndnyat 2. 58o A ROc. Tonttit at a. S5o to f 1. ACADEMY OP MUSIC rilII.AllKI.I'IIIA tllt.VMl OPRIIA COVII'S-r Monday. IK c IS s in nnd Thuradiy n.i u.n. pro il. "1.1101 ' Vdnoa.y itml Tnurailay fwilnii , !)-, ill end 81, -HUY IIIjV:)." hj 'ir. ifii'i ' nuj wen np pre ii "ii, "V.vfflIr,,!K LV, "'. ai iito I'tiMinut i . Tba fAUAjllj MAE MUnHAY and THKOpoim HUHmiTa n "P.oW aiM." I Addtd Allracllon llrat filioulni 4 Charlie Chaplin ih "Tho Rink' Thura . Krl . t.. "TBMjOW PAWN" A RP.ATiTA C'KSTNUT Il.low lli 1 AI.I, Tlllfl Vtf.'Rlt -4 UUUGLAS FAIRBANKS P?ig5 "THE MATRIMANIAC" AUI1CI) ATTRACTION Chai'llo Chaplin i"h0 "The Rink" P rnnTTlNTT1 AlKKT llelow lTlh n,ijUljrNX ALL THIS WEEK nount.i: nit.r. Sn, MME. PETROVA IN KI118T PI1KHBNTATION "THE BLACK BUTTERFLY" AND PinBT BHOWINtl OP Charlie Chaplin in "The Rink" Amnhltheatrt, JOn VICTORIA ""gjfJlJgf 'i in "THE HONORABLE ALGY" ADDKD ATTIIACTIUN l-lllBT H1IOWIM1 Charlie Chaplin in "Tho Rink" Tliura.. Prl . Hot Puijiin In nuek Imtlerlly. T,,M0';1TOHVodu,UT IL TR0VAT0RE rt inn Martlnelll. Amuto ltelhltr Mama, linn rnealnut it I, Cnnl . Mr l..rn...v Walnut U'U, llac. uf. TOtJNOKJlT ACTItnSH, VVlf.I. appi:ah iv At'tIi: tii,h ArrK,iN00-N JVN' loNiaiw LYRIC THEATRE w,,K"..T!iJlWrpA?T..tnEAT CIVILIZATION ta H11W ni.Aflvrl Tturi-in rmti.v Don't mH.i tide treat, alio la n marvai 6a the " cicon, onn a wonmrnn noy in reaiuy. ADELPHI Toniuht at 6:151 rvrUliAll II JIATINKB TIIUIIHDAT The Moat Mnrtoloua l-y In Anmrlce "EXPERIENCE"; rOHlTIVKt.Y 1..VDT PICIll-OllMANCE WO. I' fiAnDTPIT TONHIHT AT H 1.1 uinmiuiv Mmineen Ue.1 ami Bat. PRITZI SCHEFF In a Trrnp-ramintnl Mualrui Mny "HUSBANDS GUARANTEED" With JKKl'KIIHON lin AN'OKl.lt) Topulnr VV.inmd4y ilallnefr. noi to USD, RT?f)Ar A''' " NUIUTH AT fl!l3. KiJtU i.llp Wed Mat . 60o tp (t.EX FRANCES STARR V,,,,,,.; PnPTJIPCjn lJil !! Weoka EvKa Sit). r wiuiuui .MMInrt Weil K Hit MONTGOMERY STONE III CIIIN-OIIIN1 GLOBE Theatre ijij!i!lg2 1 lin-. inc. jiir, sm II A M In II P M CATHERINE CRAWFORD'S "FASHION SHOP" ' ' , Cross Keys MAU!,,,,S.11 i:vs . 1 b tt 10. 20, 2U HARRY TATE'S MOTORING LITTLE THRATm: 17th & Do Lancoy I'hont, Ijx:. ii'ill "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" Uy II. Iiam.rJ Hlmw MVT itATtllllUv, a,so Dumont's Minstrola "i AJ5- t ToJay, lee i jo. mr A T XTTlm s VY VLJ-N U 1 VT-c ia iri nnl Bit. Mile. Tuts Thura. yrl , siiuf !' " r Mutt and Jeff's Wedding IlUtUllUlU und IllumlnalM llunw Chestnut Street Opera House' HOME OP REAL FILM SUCCESSES TWICU DAILY a nn a He 9th AND Kvcnlnra anil fUlurdajr Wallnr-, ;& to II j iruiKii mats., zje, ew, 1M FINAL WEEK OK A MQST SUCOES3KUli IlUN WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS A Daughter nj& Gods A STRANGER WANTS TO KNOW Ta tfcf JMlfer 91 1 fK t&dsm tknft WMM smi atave aaaii txWfJ Ssui,nKnr ul mr tww Tom aaf , JLu iItl .ilnw nuWi, but julii- yubtks gluual- THE PICTURE BEAUTIFUL WITH ANNETTE KELLERMANN. rdlale4 lo AU Wbo Una Uty, Jor. Uw Ijnnhler et Chlldrea. tae Love ot Urav Mm sd4 Fair Women "COME, LET-US GO WITH THE CHILDREN" i.-5teUf?? tli8,tstor at Umes, to the point of real cMlcM iheer realUm enirancea ana grip thu spectator with Ita COMING mmm smm THUimpAIr NIQHT DECEMBER 21st TWlCil OMht THEaBAfTgR 3), W. GRIFFITH'S tw-w tc mmMmmw?m am