.' peEflOESERTKU; Ifacinglove TEST &. Florence W I Erring Aviator, May I Toko Him Back Iays hbTaTrefobmbd P Uns AUernativo ot If He Asks n M'LISS I ,. and ood to look upon. Ranlth four ""lorot a happy mnrrlcJ JJfn. nf " f u of the " W9re &", wMehtt; wd'0"orolot her domicile, &J!SrriridX t.paltI into the tttt b"". "J1.I.J wife. lotion oi "" M 0f nn hour, between Ha tl ort "?.- j,g, of her husband WiV0 ,? of two women, .he rumorpnoJed from a Doctor 55 mv,r .s; Tho vu of uiu. pn nu" -. itydn The veil 01 mu- '? 'n' 'S and the Rood man whoso at U torn Mine . for her nnd 'rtIV .Tn Mlde and the Rood mnn wmo ijai U torn M'u" " ,y for her nnd ,;nmbwmrr8u.?dnlJr the dopo ."Jf.rthta? of many women. tea -'-'... xviATon .. .....rlanrn which Mrs B tM "" B44 unltlmoro avenue, was Bwiw M ". wcck8 ngo when her rX:Jt Harvey "Wilbur Kays, nn aviator. F2nhl climax of her disillusionment by SSm oft U I. b.lled. with a man.. M'': .. MI nha was facing the l.,.fln brought about by thla "perlenco P5 "..0f.ML cIMdVen from !etl!il.t the errant husband Injected a &W-n. call To 7.ure .,., w.fo that la Mi not i"f"t '" , ,,, ,.,. 1,-""' han-t beVn 'w,Vh that .? " . . v and I can"t et Si. .a ih. kids ko without a Christmas. Ira uhmed to come back after what .has ISd. tut r.l look, after you Take Hi BSilltr apnruiium. - -- fitand I'll 'end you money every week." Rf PEni'LBXITY B Wit li a wlfo to do In n case llko this 7 Will she tans mm one i UL .... m uuflnnit thnt Immediately ijom In the minds of those Interested In IKrt.Kv.'s Pllfht ,. $ A rtUin WuUlU Ilcver IUHO 1 ivuiiiuii uuvn, b tt matter-of-fact way In which she 'miMm the case, "but Mr. Kays has not tatked me to take him back I think he Bolt M Mhamcu to anu bo i cannoi say k ... 111 .In 1 feltntlt.l hqvn Irt halA n .mil "' uw .w...M ..w,u (..v .. folk with him beforo I made up my mind. Iuacenain mm uu vua iiul iiihibbu whuii It vent away from me. i mi hid btn lhini: with this woman for ti months beforo I knew It. Ho mih nl- js Kina ana gvneruus, unu u wuuimi cuuiu ftotlulp llklnir him Whenever ho stayed frrJLjr from mo at nlsht ho said It was iweejsarj for him to bo down at the navy ijiri, whtre there was a valuable airship ;0f course. I believed him. Tien these two women cnllcd on mo one iEornlnr. They told mo how ho smoked t5' nd how ho was plnnnlnff to rdn away tli a mtnlcurlst who worked In tho eamo puce inai iney uiu inex ioiu mo now no liu vmi iiviiift n net uuniuunn u- fniUntcd and found that It was true J LOVES HIM STILIj "I lore him still. But I do not love the oa that those other women loved. They fondly the devil In him they did not get let rttl man. I aid ' &i mauled her younsest child. Kenu. tyd two months, up to her, and the other itm, OlUtta, Zelda and Veral, clustered suiM htr knee. They are beautiful blond fttiJrin. with no -particular feeling of af- StrtV.n for their father. Tooat like him at all." said seven-rear- bii OUeeta emphatically. J nt mother Immediately came to the de- hctt ot the absent man rDon't say that." she said, renmvlne-lv. LTtSa TO Rood to you. Last Chrlstmaa." 11 conUnoed. "ho went out and spent bov- Ew nunarea uoiiarn on them. Ho R-ave iliPSJIW?1! P .s,v i u iiuru praciicniuy nnoui ain Ktyi totally Irreconcllablo with the things lihtuyi When sho declares that she loves 1W husband It Is as though sho said 'Tiring i nan ot ice water." Whero another kVOOUn WntlM h rnH.air.it nn.l .IIuImII ifeota Indulgence In teara and recriminations. I heraelf excoedlngly pretty and IWra. Apparently sho fs nil that man could Miin oi woman, and yet the fact that she 1W Mn deserted does not rankle. OP cunmtis tvpr -li ktQ llkfl thnt." Hhn Hnlil 1lnmnltnnnllt. a. -. -..w ... Hlt.lllU.IUIWUj . float know how tn Rrri,m nnrl rrv T JtaUruted chlelly In getting a position P wife and mother who Is dependent on LBV tor tvty cont ,a In an unenviable Wton. That's whero I am now. I hve never been to a cabaret. Mr XK7i WOUld Tint Ut friM rn In . !. . Uffi' Dul ,f m voleo H still good " hope It Is I would go on tho stage If ftK'.J0'" t0 ,ve tho children the Bitn they need." Asdio. Snlnrl f t tm&11 mnMa I. . -m .. . . ... ri . i,lom of ah place half an olive IWiik 5 ' Pers. then pour In about ISC? chicken asplo Jelly, a layer of IRffSOB Inftat ml...l ...i.l . ' .l whk i ,iMu wun cram, men an ISiarl)r'r.Cf chlcken asplo Jelly. When VukiL, . "" " "tuco lear wun a tea li!j1f.,in!ir!nllLa,dr"aJn' . . IJWsudwk to threo pints clear stock add mJ vwt,"ulun "oivea in com water. SSI trn kit. ... - . ""'" "nq sneiia or two eggs ana Jolt. mAA l .. ..,. ...... E1W.4. . . " "" biock, i-ui inio a. ETviVJ lth 0"e tablespoonful of catsup, 5 tttletpoonful of vinegar, ono table- in .i,i """rjr, uiyiiio. marjoram SWiriy, a jeaf of mace, two cloves. aii""'" " "ait. aei over a slow nre, K""tll It bolls. Set aside to settle: - -v-j,i a coarse ciotn ana coou " M n m n s n n n $5Boots$ 7ree Da jalc. <), TtttUj & VUdattiay AWONUKKFUI. tbree Uy sale gf tbv Kt .,, .. 'a note, basts lo hT,"?. combination "Udla, ta and white, " brown and white, my ,ui4 wblu, THa and h, bUtk Vad white, ?'T ".id. ctuunpague, W-M ltd H buck. Kry -' ' staadard U U. n n M D M IK boot shop if A $.50iJ I In Is Q.50 FAMILY TO WHICH vawMiiMtgatB, . 7. HHl .aaaSjBjBj.. nflBS53B I lru, jW nf&iaL. rjja-.-fflr'J' .tVL-! n d i r -- -9BjtisisjHsisjBjsBbK3susinF -f rf rj-MKi. .TEWBEKa Mm. Hnrvoy W. Knys HOUSEHOLD HELPS .Veic and Delicious Uses LEOTILS as a "meat substitute" used to J be considered an economical food, and, perhaps, were somewhat despised for that season This small legume, however, has now come to be quite a luxury, for It has more than trebled In prlrti since the out break of tho war. Most of the lenllli which wo consume In this country are raised In Kgypt, nnd naturally Imparts from that section of the globo have been considerably reduced Consequently, the supply of lentils Is slowly diminishing, and unless wo can succeed In growing lentils In the warmer sections of the United States this food may come to bo In tho same class as mushrooms and truffles For tho present, however. It Is still possi ble to buy tho same nutritious lentils. Kven at tho higher price they aro worth buying lentils contain about thirty per cent of pro tein, fifty per cent of starch and very llttlo waste, which mokes them oven more nutri tious than dried beans, which contain 22 H per cent of protein. Lentils can be cooked llko beans for puree, or they may bo baked a-j tho central dish for a substantial lunch eon or supper. I1AKKD LENTILS Pour cupfuls of lentils, four cupfuls of water, one-half cupful of diced salt pork, ono small onion, one heaping teaapoonfut of salt, ono-half teaspoontul of pepper I'lck nnd wash lentils nnd soak them In cold writer over night. In tho morning pour off the water nnd put the lentils In a sauce pan, covering with eight cupfuls of cold water When the water bolls the lentils will rise to the top. Then romovo them with a skimmer nnd add diced pork and onion and placo In a baking dish. Add pepper and salt to a quart of boiling water and pour over tho lentils. Uake In a moderate oven for nbout four and a half hours. This Is n dish which can bo mado excellently In tho tireless cooker, nn It can be started In the morning nnd left In the cooker until eve ning. If preferred, start lato In the after noon, leave In tho flroless cooker all night and servo as a luncheon dish. COOKINO BEANS Boll the beans for half an hour, then re move tho sklti and mash tho benns with n wooden Bpoon until thoroughly smooth I'laco In a saucepan with enough butter to bring to n creamy consistency, and add n dash of sugar, pepper and salt. Then put In a buttered mold and keep tho mold hot Just a look at tho Meridale Croam ory and you'd easily understand why MERIDALE BUTTER is so"uncommonly good." Everything is clean and sani tary tho cows are healthy the air is pure the pas turage is excellent the creamery is spotless the whole country vibrates with the freshness, sweet ness and purity that aro found in evory pound of Meridalo Butter. AYER&McKINNEY (nierldS.0 rhlUdelpbU nU rhone.Mirkit 37(1 Key.tono Phone, Main 17U Look for the "Mtrlfoll" vrasperair-ttzht. doit- and eitor-procf-at year xrocert. Perfectly Protected Deerfoot Farm ft coma to you nausaye ht.h hom th. farm in pound parehmtnt pachag. Farm nt Southborough, Maf trd Cards t rsirQiin BrlTln.HIiinipla M Kmbrold'rlijT 1mi to Ordsr . Art NdJork THE NEEDLE LOVERS SHOP II. C. ntEKMAN IS1 S. llh St. MUSI nn- w-nnn.' ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL IVIALTED MILK Cheap ubtitutc cot YOU nine prlco Isf, Urn m I"" m0mT AnoronrUU mail .Cnnto. I -. .ft. ni.'niM No'tltla. I IrciS50 for Christmas fl.,,I1l fn.n Xr n-Unllrul IUnd-lll.ml- W EVENING- LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA MONBAY, DECEMBER IT, AVIATOR RETURNS kOS!j T-' KiJX. nnd her children for Beans and Lentils until serving, then turn out on platter and garnish with parsley. Mere Is another method of creaming beans I.lmas or any other variety of beans (except string benns) can bo used Two cupful of beam, ono cupful of white sauce, two eggs, popper, salt, breadcrumbs Soak tho beans In cold water overnight, tn (he morning boll them In n smalt quan tity of salted water and simmer until beans nro completely broken If the water bolls away add more About one hour beforo serving prepare tho dish Hub tho beans through n colander, mix with the whlto sauce and then add well-beaten eggs and seasoning Ileut thoroughly for one minute, then pour Into a buttered baking dish. sprinkle with breadcrumbs nnd bake hot oven till a golden brown (Copyright I In a Brand-New Babies The l.Tfnlnc Lrdtrr will print, firo ot rliaiso, nntlrss of rfrent Nrlhs nl In tnrouth proper rhunnels Aildrs "llntna New llaMes," Kirnlnr I.iMrr, (10 Chestnut street. Nim and address nnd. when possi ble, telephone number of sender must o companx each notlro so sent VltKUNIl, XIr and Mrs Henry M Jr, 928 Wynnewood road, Overbrook. a son MIM.r.It, Mr nnd Mrs Jacob, 311 Cnntrell street, a son, 8 lbs G nn HCIINimnt, Mr and Mrs Abraham, 934 North Franklin street n son VVISMNOIU, Mr and Mrs. Albert 1839 West Montgomery nvenue. a daughter RWKSROBINSON & CRAWFORDSKni AT ALL OUR STORES G WHERE QUALITY COUNTS I GOLD SEAL BUTTER lb. When you buy "Gold Seal" you tet the purest, freshest, sweetest utter made from the richest golden cream. HY-LO BUTTER 40 lb. Fancy Creamery Butter, exceedingly good value at price. and this CA-RO BUTTER 38' ib, Absolutely Pure Butter of good quality. GOLD SEAL $Q.75 FLOUR bbI 12-lb. bag 62c Do your baking with "Gold Seal" Flour and you will get the best results. "Gold Seat" Flour will please you and our prices will save you money. There are many other money saving specials to be had at "Our Stores." It will pay you to pay us a visit. ROBINSON & CRAWFORD Th Starts for particular pmopl: Throughout tho city and tuburb: 1 Barred by your Complexion! Does a pimply, unattractive itcln shut you out from the full enjoy ment of the summer's pleasures? Then think of this: To use Reiinol Soap means that each time )ou cleanse your face you give it a "beauty treatment" with the soothing, healing Reslnol medication. If aided, in severe cases, by a little Resinol Ointment, this uwaliy leaves the complexion naturally clear and fresh. It is equally effective In" protecting deli cate skins from the effects of sum mer" sun, heat and dust. All druggists set! Reinol Ointment and Ifasinol t jJBgSajiJH 46c BRITTLE FINGER NAILS AND THEIR CURE By LUCREZIA BOM rrlma Donna ef lbs Msttorolltsn Opera Company TIIK hands are atwnys very much In evi dence. Tho woman of culture and re finement strives to Veep them In a perfect condition by applying lotion, to make th skin soft nnd white nnd by giving the nalli ino caro necessary to keep them well uroomed And shapely Small wonder then that she becomes an noyed and discouraged when the nails become brittle and break ofr A single broken nail spoils the appenrance of the entire hand You may be sure mm nriuie nails Is n certain sign that the nail structure requires nourishment Ileum Immediately to fe,l i.i'citt:ztA noiu the nails with vaseline, almond oil. ollvo oil or cold cream Use (crease all the time, and cleanse the (Inner tips with It Instead of uslna; eosp it win Rivo the nails that pink, satiny nppearnnco which la so desir able. livery nluht soak tho nails In almost oil which lias been slightly heated with great care that it does not ratcti tiro The llnuld should bo put Into a cup to a depth sufficient to cover the finger tips Soak them In tho oil for at least ten minutes, then thp lingers should be wiped, hut not washed After washing the hands, alwavs rub a small portion of cold cream about the nails. then carefully remove every particle of the superfluous grrnso In extreme cases of brltllo nails. It Is 3 t am rXUlUI.XXtJ.ULUU.llllllUllll.LUlllJUIJ Our Store Will Not Open Until 11 A.M. Tuesday In order to hnvo cvrry thinir in efficient rcmlini'ss for this wonderful stilo. MAIL We Have Bought the Entire B&WM Stock a great Sacrifice Thousands of Ultra-Fashionable Garments Will Be Placed on Sale Tuesday Morning at 1 1 o'Clock B- At y2 A Timely and Fortunate Purchae Which Will Save Thousands of Dollars for Our Customers and Crowd Our Store as Never Before! The Emporium, one of the largest nnd most exclusive stores located in the henrt of tho Metropolis, 35th nnd Broadway, meeting with reverses, shortly after opening, wns forced to close its doors, and,- recognizing our financial strength and enormous outlet, have turned over to us their magnificent stock nt n grent sucrificc. Cntcrinc to Now York's most fashionnhlo women, tho Emporium's I impossibility to handlo nil of the stock bought at onco; hence, every tiny stock of coats, suits, dresses, blouses, skirts and millinery represents nil fresh supplies will replenish the racks nnd tables that each days selllnff that is elegant, exclusive nnd authentic. Not only have wo bought their entire stock on tho floor, but have nlso included scores of now shipments from tho hnnds of tho cleverest designers and tailors of Now York, which tho Emporium had not oven unpacked. So vnst is the quantity of morchandiso involved that it is n physical The Emporium's Stoclc of s Skirts Worth $8.50 $i tO $Z.5lU ai Dress Sklrtw, of velour nlaiils, broad cloths, velvets, satin tafTetns, fancies and velours In plain colors. Fine ChltTon Velvet, velour plaid, chlfTon broadcloth, silk, satin nnd other dress skirts in tho smartest models Em porium's prices 15 and t7 Cf $20 our prico P - Dress Skirts, of sorgo, poplin, wool plaid and satin: pockets and belt, nnd tai lored models; all sizes; Emporium's prices $5.98 and $0.08 rto rr our prico iDA.IO FltANIv & BBDKK TIllltD I'l.OOIt The Emporium' Stock of $5 & $6 WAISTS 3.85 fit Georgette crepes nnd cropo do chine waists in white, flesh, mais, rose and peach. A beautiful assortment of ex quisite styles. KiiANic & si:duii i'irst floor 200 Garments Crowded Info Omit Subway Compelled to Transfer Them From Our Second and Third Floor stoeMs and ssacrsoce Our Own $7.98 to $10.98 Dresses Illsh-clastt tergos and silks ot all kinds In numerous pretty styles and colors. Frank & sder Bargain Subway well to tla the finger tips In oil tor th night. Take small plecea of absorbent cotton, saturate them with almond oil and bind them over the nails with strips ot muslin or antiseptics gauie. After two weeks of this treatment you will notlca a marked Improvement In the nails. When the surface, of the nails, shows ridges, and there Is a general appearance of coarseness, I advise soaking the fingers every night In almond otl. The eamo bath may be used over and over again. After you have bathed your finger tips with the almond oil, take an orange stick, dip It Into vaseline, and apply It under the cuticle rim about the nails and at the comers. He generous In the use of the vaseline, nnd then put on a pair of old gloves, slashed hero and there to permit n. free circulation of air. The greatest rare should be taken when bathing the hands. Use only such sonp ns does not dry the skin, and after each wash Ing a little grease must be rubbed over the baso of the nails After wiping the. nails with n soft towel. Uso the burnisher: It will help smooth out the ridges In the nails while they are pliable If your balls are flecked with white spots they should be nibbed at night with a mix ture of cquat parts of turpentine nnd myrrh This can be removed the next morning with olive otl relishing powders should be little used on nails that are brittle, as they nre exces sively drying A tinted cream Is better. Wear old gloves when doing housework, for this Is one of the best precautions against drvlng the skin nnd causing the nails to become brlttlo If It la necessary to plunge the hands into strong soap water, rub them generously with grease afterward Vollow this by cleansing them thoroughly with a bland soap and warm water Pry tho hands and rub them with a mixture of one-third glvcerln nnd two-thirds rose water, and apply cold cream or vaseline to the base of tho nails An etcellent nourishing cream for the nails contnlns the following Ingredients: Otl nf srft almomls Table salt . . . U mines Id Kralns SHOP HERE DRESS SMARTLY SAVE MONEY OHOUltS PIIOMPTL.T FILLED WIIK.V FOlt FULL AMOUNT SATISFACTION ELEVENTH AND Additional Entrance from and Less the The Emporium's Stock of Highest Grade Suits, Coats Emporium's S 19.50 Suits Emporium's $55.00 Suits Emporium's $59.50 Suits Emporium's $G5.00 Suits Inxliutlnir Knullilll nml Hllk vnlvets. rlntliH veluur ln lalno , mnKiilflcently fur trimmed nml tallleur mciilols Emporium's $15.00 Coats Emporium's $19.50 Coats Emporium's $55.00 Coats Uoix-poualy fur-trlmmeit coals ami vvrnpH, Including mole-trimmed n.il pluuli, veli.um in pastel nnd dark colorliiK. Kenulno lJo IIvI.ih. velour de nord, etc Emporium's $19.50 Dresses Emporium's S57.50 Dresses Emporium's $69.50 Dresses Oeorgettea. velvctn, sat(n, finest orBii, etc.. In elaborato nnd plain model for street, afternoon nnd evening wear. Coats, Suits Sold by the Emporium at $150, $125, $100 and $85, will be marked at Garments of the most elegant and only by exclusive metropolitan shops. Coats that were Hundreds of beautiful Frank & prices that we would not have named until tho season's end, if tho J Emrjorium stock didn't compel us to close out a blj pa.rt of our regular stock. Included are luxurious fur and plushes, two-tone corduroys. Scores of Our Own Fine Worth to $25 Stunnlne fur-trimmed and plain-tailored models in fine wool poplins and some K UARUAIN SUBWAV ttMtJ iwAsreJ rtn alum 18 tretna t (rains :owdsren iVhH wa grama grain rmtno The wag and resin should be put Into a china cup nnd Immersed In hot water until they are melted 1 do not allow thtm to be come hot As the mixture softens, add the nil, alum and salt The carmine Is put In last. Itemove from the heat and bent unlit creamy. Rub this cream Into the nails fre quently, and before long you will cense to be troubled by brittle nails. (CoprrUht.) Grandma's Cake Work one-half cupful of butter until creamy and add ono cupful of sugar grad ually, while beating constantly; then add the yolks ot five eggs nnd one whole egg well-beaten Mix nnd sift ono nnd three fourths cupfuls of flour, threo nnd three fourths tenspoonful of baking powder nnd one-fourth of n tcaspoonful of salt Add alternately with one-half cupful of milk to first mixture Turn Into a buttered nnd floured cnko tin nnd bake In a moderate oven fifty minutes llemove from pan to rake cooler, cover with mocha frosting, and sprinkle with Jordan nlmoniK Fish Soup l'ut a tablespoon of butter In a stew pan over the firo nnd then fry In It threo chopped onions. When a golden brown add n cup ot tomatoes, n carrot, throe or four wholo cloves, salt nnd pepper to season l'ut In a dessertspoon sugar, n bay leaf, sprig of thvme nnd n, aunrt of water Cook until the carrot Is quite soft, then add any cold fish, bones nnd nil, or thin slices of raw fish and simmer twenty minutes Toast smalt pieces of brr.id. enough to cover the bottom of tho soup tureen Add ono-half glass of whlto wlno lo the soup, strain over the toast and serve. ACCOMPANIED HT TOSTAL-MONBT OIlDHIt GUARANTEED OH MONHY ItEFUNDED m MARKET STREETS Elevsoth Bt. Subway Station Emporium will ilenletr. Every garment bears tho originnl Emporium label nnd prico tag you pay one-half or less. As this nil is written, n host of receiving clerks aro working doublo speed on the first big shipments that will bo ready for the snle which starts Tuesday morning tit 11 o'clock. & Dresses Our Price 10 broitil - CO Unrestricted Choice & Dresses $mg luxurious qualities In styles shown rnem jpor jr&iapMa tuneBiraiiice $15 to $25) $ Seder standard quality coats at plush trimmed styles in velour, models ami colors. 33) EVEN SANTA CLAUS HIT BYHIGHC0ST0FLW1NG Christmns Trees Costlier Be- cnuao of Smaller Product nnd Freight Congestion The high cost of living Is now tAklnft" ft whack at Santa Claus. Or, In other words, Christmas trees hara gone Alplnlng. Parents could organise Into societies nnd no doubt reduce tho prices by a boycott, but what father ot small children would have tho nerve to do this? Like everything else, Christmas tr have a perfectly good nllbl. And It Is not the war. Scarcity of trees, the high price of labor, the scarcity of freight cars and, the embargoes Imirased by various rails roads, causing difficulty to get shipments through, aro reawns given for the advance. Trees this year will be twenty-five ta ntty per cent higher than last season. At present they aro selling at I OS to $120 ft hundred, wholesale, whereas this time-last j ear they brought 65 to $100. The wholesalo prices wilt bring the retail price tn 12 25, $2.(0 and $3 a tree of the same grade sold nt $1.2E to $1 last season. Thero are only ninety-four cars of Christ mas trees nt the Nineteenth street and Indiana nvenue freight jnrds of the Phila delphia nnd Heading Hallway, where moat of Philadelphia's trees come In. This tlma Inst venr there vvero 160 cars, making; a shortnge of sixty-five cars. Many denlera In Malno and other north eru .Slates cut thousands of trees, but are tumble to obtain cars to ship thorn to th markets Another reason for the scarcity Is the Kgyptlnu moth, which has done (treat ilnm.vge to the trees In Malno nnd New Hampshire, devastating miles ot them. Hau!Bum!M 200 EXTRA SALESWOMEN Hnvo been cnRnRrxl nntl properly trained so that 1 u i c k, intelligent nnd courteous service is as sured to nil. Prices -55 aneous From tho Emporium Stock 30 Ilollvin Coats with Seal Collars; Em porium's price JG9.50 our tQK price ipOu Imported Velour Coats with largo fur collars; pnstel shade:; Emporl-, urn's price $39.50 (t 1 Q EY our price pli.sJt? Velvet and Velour Suits; gorgeously price $75 our price POJ 15 Skunk and Hudson Seal Trimmed Vel vet Suits; Emporium's rt" Q ftZ price $15 our price.. P 7 J 22 Hudson Seal Trimmed Velvet and Velour Suits; pcau do cygne and Skinner's satin lined; Emporium's ftS .-.Z $17,50 Pay Just y2 for Emporium Millinery A brilliant array nf exclusive models. In trimmed mid untrlmmed hats. Kacli bear InK the original prico tickets from 120 on down to SI 00 You pay Just U Hie marked prices. The Emporium had already reduced rites on many of these hats, so you will e buylnc at Usu than H value In many cases. We are including in this sale 500 of our own Trimmed Hats, J f Q pj worth up to SG.95, at. . P JL esCD 98 and $12.98 BL Jp broadcloths, roatelumbs, zibelines, silk. wits isp? m J 1 broadcloths. Beautiful Slw8 of Pearh 5 and 10 Dollars IRA D.GARMAN Z&5bqQi i h Lot At in a sj-wpswppsy jyinM. Broken iia tSSStt& mm FR4WK.J& SEDER m rfWfiinriirfffiispffft C"AHfe, h S.lTOSlIA. w aTti n fffrtTftinrj f III II I II) M J'l''jgJlPMfflfF"fP,'''HF'W"""",''' ' S ffl