'FINANCIAL EDITION jjSTRA? NIGHT EXTRA &&0er vP V NIGHT EXTRA 1 ituenmg v vjs2 W- I IIS- IS VOL. III. NO. 76 PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBEll 11, 1916 CnrinianT. 1010. t in PcsLto LtMts Court!. PRICE ONE CENT T . BMPSk Sf. c at, G MARKET STREET I i hi i ilium ii nl m im iraifl "iiiiirr ii-,. BHf'" 3m- ; "Se vSmmImbb 4' jST Z qi W!S OOSPfi 5HJaH'fr H -, ; This week opens the rush period for the drivers nnd helpers of tho delivery wnjrons for the big stores. This wn3 a scene photographed in the heart of the shopping district today, where mountains of bundles wero piled up awaiting delivery to those who were thoughtful enough to do their shopping early. GREECE HOVERS ON WAR-BRINK 'Allies' Envoys Remove Be longings and Order Na tionals to Leave GERMANS PLAN DRIVE LONDON, Dec. 11. A report from Athens this afternoon states that the ultimatum which the Allied Governments will present to he ' Greek Government tomorrow will de 'raand: Virst Complete disarmament of the Creek army. Second Full control of the postal and telegraph services in Greece. Third That all railway lines .'and Jlllng stock be turned over to the Allied military authorities. LONDON, Dec. 11. A revolution has broken out in the crelades group of Greek island, says a dispatch from Salonlca. The Cyclades Islands lie near Delos, in the Aegean Set. MILAN, Dec. 11 Special dispatches to the Corrlere della Sera tell how In a publlo utterance telegraphed to the Cologne Volks Mltung, M Iladoslavofr, the Bulgarian Pre. nler, affirms that Field Marshal von Illn denburg has resolved to make a clean sweep of the situation In the Balkans straight "rby concentrating alt available German. Bulgsr and Turkish forces against General Strrsll at Salonlca, so as to link up the, firperlal armies with King Constantino's feris within a period, as Is hoped, of not more than six weeks. During this period tho Greeks reckon that passive resistance can opposed to the Allied blockade. The embarkation of tho numerous Ital- colony has now been completed it Piraeus. The Home Government, how wr, has ordered the Italian Minister to tick to his post. LONDON, Dec. 11. neuter's Athens cor 'WDondent says1 "It Is understood on reliable authority ait n Entente ultimatum will be pre M to Oreece tomorrow. "Tho British and Russian Ministers have "o an audience with the King nnd sub JtJjUy the King summoned the Amerl- Minister Tho personal baggage of tho teatt diplomatists haa been sent to ,,T! Mme correspondent, telegraphing ""?, afternoon, says: wane the dreek Government announces Cealhuua 00 raf.glght, Csliuan bl THE WEATHER FOItEOAST iuT PhUa4elphft and iMnltv Unset l, t1d Uaht,l' warmer tonight, idlh ejoalv rain; Tuesday partly cloudu. telth In the afternoon and night; mod- ..jLa,t t0 tou"t Vfndt Naming eest er'V Tuesday. ' LKM1TII OF IMY J IS m. I Moon rises. . 629 p.m. t3t SI m L&taan uulhi 1 la m m "? MIS u"JWiBE KrVKK TIDK CHANOKS m, . wt"TNUT STHKBT 2 'Mil? VSn ,.1Ub ' T!UPrnivimw ... .... fft - .avft tl CmIVII 1IUUU I IIOUU ailSHHSW LlL Don't Fail to Read "BEYOND THE GR.EAT OBL1YON,'? the Sequel BEGINS TO GROAN UNDER WEIGHT OF CHRISTMAS PACKAGES - J ...AcUikUiL(lJ WOULD GIVE JOB TO LEAGUE ISLAND Secretary Daniels Asks That Yard Be Equipped for Speedy Work BATTLE CRUISER PROBLEM ttu a Staff Correspendrnt WASHINaTO.V. Dec. 11. Socretarj of tho N'ay Daniels, testifying beforo tho House .N'mnI Affnlr) Committee today, de clared that the Philadelphia Navy Yard should bo equipped for tho construction of two llrat-clas.1 battleships at ono time He said that Government jnnla should he In n position to build art least half the naval program Mr Daniels said For a month wo have been sneatlng blood over the battlo cruisers Tho prhato yards aro so confident tint wo can't build them for ourselves that thoy say vie must como to their terms They are nlwavg opposed to any ihango In tho tpe of shipt and Just now. with so much private work, they are not at nil anxious to tackle these big battle cruisers However, I haven't the least doubt that we could place tho other two In private jurds at once When Chairman Padgett inked the Sec retary which of tho Government yards ho would equip for blK ship construction, and he said Philadelphia, Inquiry was made as to whether there would not lie trouble In getting the labor necessary there The Secretary said that recently some of the men had left the Government yards to enter private employment, because tho Government has an eight-hour day, while the private yards are paying lime and a halt and working twelve hours NEGROES MAKE BRUTAL ATTACK ON DEAF MUTE Dash Acid Into His Eyes, Beat and Rob Him and Throw Him Into Creek A deaf mute was attacked early today by two negro bandits, who dashed carbolic acid Into his. face, beat him severely, robbed him of 1100 and threw him Into Pennypack Creek from the lonely Welsh road bridge, Ilolmesburg. He probably will lose the sight of one eve. The victim, believed to be named Ostro wlU, was dragged from the water shortly after midnight by Detective Fesmler. of the Tacony station, who a attracted by splashing. After having his wounds and burns treated at the Fran-ford Hospital, he told his story to Lieutenant of Detectives Wood at City Hall, through an Interpreter, Policeman William Itobb He was under stood with difficulty, as he Is Illiterate and Is not a master of the sign language.' Detectives learned through the Interpreter that as he was crossing the bridge he was held up by two negroes armed with a pis tol and a bottle When he showed fight they threw acid Into bis face, rifled his pockets and, nflef beating hjm, threw hlra Into the creek. He U a Brooklyn tinsmith with a wife and three children and came here to look for work. The Detective Bureau communicated with the Brooklyn police and put men on the, trail of the bandits An empty bottle that contained acid was found pn the bridge. Dr John WanamaVer. d. police surgeon, said that the fall Into the water saved the victim from being blinded instantly A" It U one eye was bo badly burned that It Is believed It will ecome blind RUMANIANS HIT BACK; RETAKE LOST DEFENSES Recapture Ploesci - Mizilu Positions in Vigorous Counter-Attacks BERLIN CLAIMS CAINS PlTrnOGIlAl). Dec. II lty vlRornus enuntrr-nttneks Rumanian forces ihivp won Imck positions along the high' mad from Ploesctl to Mlsllii, which they lost to the enemy on Hilurday, today's omclat stntement asserted tTh Teutonic nltacks of Saturday pressed the Rumanians back, but early Sunday the numanlans restored them selves after vigorous offensives The battle along this line Is still In progress. In Dobmdji the statement, detailed ,rj clprocnl tiring along the Danube Southeast of the Pomorjana region and around tho village of Jtscpchovka, an enemy &ffenslvo was repulsed by fire, the rlatement said' detailing operations along the Carpathian front In the region of Vnleputna and also In the vnlle) of the Trotush the cnemj offered stubborn re- rls'ance to the Russian offensive, meeting the Ilusslan ndvailco with a violent flreMnd frequent counter-attacks, which were un successful The mountains along the whole front aro deep In snow nnd the frost Is heavi LONDON, Dec 11 Tho resistance of the retreating Itu manlins has stiffened nnd violent fighting Is In progress between Ploesci and Iitueu Dispatches from the Uumanlan front today Indlcited that the Itumanlins have again been re-enforced l)J Russians Two Austro-tSerman squidrons have been annihilated by the Rumanians In battles east of t'loesetl, according to a wireless dis patch from Potrograd today It adds that the Teutonic forces In eastern "U'allachla have been driven back several kilometers Detachments of German allies tint Continued on 1'sse I'lrM. Column rife HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS RUN AWAY AND WED Effort at Secrecy Fails at Boy's Mother's Quizzing Called From Classes Tho runaw ay marriage of two h gh school, students was discovered today tnrougn woru from Baltimore John c llallev. twenty years old. of SMJ North Thlrty-thlrd street, and Gladvs II Griffiths, eighteen, of 3718 North Nineteenth street, are tne newiy. weds Bailey is a senior at Northeast High School; his wife Is a Junior at Wil liam Penn High School Some time on Saturday they ran away to Baltimore, got a marriage license and were married They stayed In Baltimore only long enough to be marrled.Vjind then came quietly back to Philadelphia without saving a word to any one. Sunday and this morning they spent as usual, and both went oft to their schools, their parents suspecting noth ng Bailey was called from school this afternoon by his mother, Mrs J. Iteese Ilalley, who had learned through the news papers of the marriage. She had heangnothng of It. and refused at first to believe It was true The son. called from class, hurried home He de nled for a long time that he had been mar ried, but Mrs- Bailey persisted, and at last h admitted It He refused to tell any de tails, however The pew Mrs, Bailey Is said to be a daughter of James A Griffiths, a manu. facturer of boiler appliances, at 1117 But tonvvood street This was the statement by a Mrs. Katherlne O'Brien, of T-i North Nineteenth street, where the girl and her CootlaoeJ ea Past Twe. Celsius Tb-n LLOYD GEORGE STIRSENGLAND WITH NEW LIFE Democracy's Reply to Autoc racy's Challenge Seen in Present Regime MEANS FIGHT TO FINISH LONDON Dec It The energizing forio of "Mod George- maglo touch has wllhtn tlw ilas elec trified tho Urltlsh untlon While the war dictator was todty forced to his bed with n chill brought on l iv fortnight of twenty-hour working diir. Ijndou was In a fever of enthuslism for new ordM- That the most cursed and most respected t!gurr In the last lulf cen tury of Urltlsh p itltlcM Is to have tho full force of the lirltjth nation behind him In whatever he does became evident today Not only tho press of tho nation, but tho faces of every man, woman and street urchin lellected the fact The sccmlngl) Impossible has been nc ompllshml the hard shell of Urltlsh con servatism has been cracked Veneration for precedent and tho thing which 'In done" has gone Into the dlncnrd. h'or tho first time since August I, 1911. John Hull Is looking forward not stumbling along with his glance back over his shoulder. While the German ir-s Is referring with contempt to the new llrltlah "dictators," I Englishmen even staunch conservatives of the Nor.hcllffe tvpe nre visualizing the I ew development as ilcniocrac) h greatest triumph of the centur) Moreover, It Is apparent that I.loyd George Is no man s man but his own Chatgo of newspapers antagonistic to the Wejshmnn that he was the mere tool of I.ord Northcllffe hive been effectually dis sipated by l.lovd George's chnlco of two men In his ministry who have been par ticularly under the flru of the Northcllffe newspapers Arthur J Ilalfour and lAinl Robert Cecil In the rise of l.lovd George to the supremo command the Urltlsh people see n t onllnued on I'ase Hlcht, Column Una SIX INJURED IN PANIC AS FIRE SWEEPS CAR Women Shoppers Jump From Windows of Blazing Train Near Gloucester Six persons were Injured and panic fol lowed when Are started on the Glassboro CxpreiK of the Pennsylvania Railroad's electric line today as It sped Into the sta tion at Gloucester ut 9 3S o'clock The blaze was discovered In the lava tory when the train, which consisted of three coaches and an express car, ap proached Gloucester Women Jumped to their feet and broke windows with their fjsts Their first thoughts were of the children, and they passed them through the broken windows as the car reached the station The women followed, leaving all their belonging' behind. The Injured are; JlltS MAIIY TYJ.EIt, Pltmsn Orove, cuts on una ana nuuiuer HUB JOSh-I'l! SMITH. VVmHIII.. cuts snd bruls on arm. . 11118 NBT.L1E FLINT. South flloueeater, cuts on srms and . MRS HI.JZAUtmi VEACJEH, OUstboro. outs on left Ir HUH JANK CAHTKH. Tborafsre. outs bead. legs and arms. LlIHH HAIinr ELI NO-It Wtstvljle. cuts on arma ana otsa The blazing tsar, which was next 'o the baggage coach, was filled with men. women and children, many of whom were on, the way to Philadelphia to dcr Christinas shop ping. The train crew trje4 to quiet them, but their efforts were In vain. While some endeavored to be calm, the first crash of glass around them to action as the flames crept nearer Policemen Harvey and Blackburn carried several wpmen from the car after they had fainted from fright The Injured passengers were attended by Dr U p Haley and Dr U D Lapp, of Gloucester QUICK SHORT CIRCUIT CAUSES P. R. T. EXPLOSION Short circuit of n IiIkIi tentlon cable of tlie P. H. T. system nt Twelfth nntl Spring Garden streets thli nfternoon caused nn cxptoMoii tltnt Mtot n towet of flnme nnd wntcr Into the nlr for twenty minutes, IjIcw the top off n ttolley pole nnd btoke sevetal windows lit the vicinity. LONDON ADVANCES WAR RISK INSURANCE NEW YOllK, Dec. 1 1. London hits ndvanced mtcn on war llslt liumnnee ftolu five to ten per cent foi transatlantic nnd dood Hope imnlncsB. X'Ltccn per cent wns naked on n sltlpmcnt to Havre. COTTON BREAKS BADLY ON GOVERNMENT'S CROP ESTIMATE NKW YOHK, Dec. 11. A sfnsntlonnl hrcnlt accuiteu In tus pliers tut . Cticu today following tho nitbllcntlon of the Qovcinhtcut's citlmnlo of the ciop for the Inst Benson. Active positions went oft more than $5 n bale. AUAMSON ACT TEST IN SUPREME COURT JANUARY 8 WASHINGTON", Dec. It In roipon'e to dcninmls for early decision In tho rail road rnie brought to tct the Ailnmaon eight hour dnv law. tho Huprcmo Court to ilav advanced the enso for argument on .Inumirv S Tho (.Juvcrnmunt null ngnllint tho Missouri. Oklahoma nnd tlttlf Itnllvvnv t'ampnny. tho case selected o tet tho law. will govern nil rnv brought li tho railroad i nil over tho country to prevent tho enforcement of tho law. Tho Tcilem! District Courts In Mlwourl held that tho law was uncnitMltutlmml nml enjoined Itt enforcement. Itepresontntlvc of the railroad have stipulated that no effort shall be matte to enforce the penal provisions of the law or to force further teiti In the couits. petidliiK tho decision In thin case. FRENCH DESTROYER WRECKED IN COLLISION IlKHMN, Dec it German newspapers say that the Trench dostrover Yntngnn. sunk bv collision with n Itrltlih trnnoport. Is the tlfth Trench ilcMrnver lost In this way during the win RECKLESS AUTO DRIVING MUST END, WILSON SAYS Dlicctor vVllson.f tho Department of Tubllo H.ifoty. inaila clear his position regarding violators of tho cIIj'h niilomolillo regulations T.heugjia drclnreil todaj' that ho lnl nsked tho Magistrates to eooperato with the Dopnrtment of rnbllc Safely In enforcing tho rerttllatlons "I am Just ns busy ns any mnn In Philadelphia and mv ntitnmohllo can get mo ntivvvhcrc without cnd-yigcrlng tho lives of jiodcs trltns Automobile owners who nro laboring under tho Impression that tho ordinary pedestrians have no right to the use of tho streets will find ho Is mnlilng n big mistake In tho futurn This reckless driving has got to bo Htopped." FRENCH BRING DOWN FOUR TEUTON PLANES 1'AItIH, Dec. II Tour German ncioplunes wore brought down Sunday south of the Homme There was Intermittent cannonading esterda' In this Section, tho olllclnl statement announced today. 2D CIVILIANS KILLED DY ALLIED PLANES, BERLIN SAYS UUItLlN'. Dec. 11 .-Ten men, twclvo women und aoveu children, nil civilians. In Kronch und llelglnu territory occupied by tho Germans were killed by Allied aero plan flro. durlngKovembor, tho I'ress liurcnu nnnounced today. J-"ortyjnen nnd thirty two children wero wounded Tho number of Trench anil 'Ilclglnn clvillnns thus killed Is ilbw 2173 slnco September. 10IS EGG PRICES RISE HERE AS THEY FALL IN NEW YORK Whllo New York egg prices mo fulling, Thllndolphlaeggs nro going higher and higher. Thcro wero advances of two cents n dozen on wholos.ilo storage eggs and ono cent on fresh egga today, and dcnlcra opcct anothor ndvanco tomorrow. Scarcity of eggs npil big demnnd mo given as tho cause for tho advanco. Cold storago eggs sold wholesale at thlrtj threo cents today, us against thirty-one cents on Sij.turd.ty. Iresh eggH brought forty-two cents, compared with forty ono centH on Saturdny. llutter has risen from thirty seven cents on Saturday to thirty eight and cinehnlf cents tndav. U. S. TO DECIDE U-UOAT STAND THIS WEEK WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 The last of tho evldento upon which tho Tidied, Staled will base Its futurn nttltude toward Germany In IhoT suhmmlno Issue Is ex pected hero bv midweek. After that, It was Indicated todny, tho Statu Department would Bturt framing a nolo nsUtug Germnny for a nharp dcllnltlon of what her submarine pledges nro worth. PAY INCREASE FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Tho first definite and oltlclal stop by Congress as a result of the high cost of living wuh taken today, when tho Appropriations Com mlttco recommended sliding Inci eases of from llvo to ten per cent for nil Govern ment department emplojos, tho Incronsea to remain In effect nt least ono enr. Tho increases were urged In the annual legislative, executive nnd judicinl appropriation bill carrying J0.479.66S 70 BILL PROPOSES 12 1-2 PER CENT MUNITIONS TAX WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. Twelve nnd a half per cent tnx nn yearly profits cm munition contracts Is sought for tho Government in a bill introduced In the Sennto by Senator Curtis, of Kansas, today Tho bill provides for excise tax on luoflts beginning January 1, tho tax to be lifted ono junr after the end of the present Imropeau war, ( , NEW BANK FOR WEST PHILADELPHIA Another bank has been organized In West Philadelphia, It was learned today that the organization of tho Drovers nnd Merchants' Hank has been completed and the opening at 3016 Market street will take place shortly. Tho capital of tho new bank will be J100.000 The ofllcers aie Joseph J. Martin, of D. It. Martin & Co, president: Frank T. Clark nnd Charles W. Ilaldeman, vice presidents; Hrnest II Tattoo, cashier. FOUR FIREMEN KILLED IN 175,000 TOLEDO BLAZE TOI.KDO, O, Dec. II. Tour firemen were killed nnd property loss of 1175,000 was the result today of a fire which swept "wholesale row." The business blocks occupied by the Paddock Merchandise Company nnd the Wlcltmjer Harness store were destroyed JONES & LAUGIILIN MEN TO GET 10 PER CENT MORE riTTSHUItGII. Deo. H, Approximately 13,000 emploes of tho Jones & Laughlln Steel Company will receive a ten per cent wage Increase December 15. Men working by the day and tonnuge employes are affected. NOVEMBER TAX COLLECTIONS SHOW A SLIGHT DECREASE Tax collections during November, according tq the statement of Iteceher of Taxes W. Treeland Kendrlok, amounted to (399.716 OS, as compared with Jl.035,057 received during the corresponding month last year. The total receipts of the de partment during the first eleven months of the year aggregate 132,616,757, Including 114,788,011 Pa'd lit olty taxes and $8,186,121 In school taxes. The collections during the same period In 1816 amounted to (31,440,918, of which sum 114,314,503 was on account of city txe and 17,410,6(7 school taxes. BREAD RIOT IN DETROIT DETROIT, Mich , Dec. 11 Because Itlchard Plocento, proprietor of a, restau rant, and his wtfe bought three loaves of bread in defiance of a neighborhood boy cott they -were attacked by an Infuriated mob of 2000 men and women and wero rescued by policemen with difficult). Police arrived at the scene of the riot Just after the mob had brokeu down the barred door and kicked in a plate-glass window of an electrical shop, where Plocento and his wife had sought safety.. to "The Vac&nt NEWS World," on Page HUGE SWINDLE ' EXPOSED HERE; THREE ARRESTS $2,500,000 Fraud Alleged as One" of Three Schemes LEADERS IN PLAN -TO BE SURRENDERED Gas and Electric Company Said to Have Widows and Poor as Victims MANY CITIES AFFECTED Three Already Indicted in Al leged Typicnl "J. Rufus" Plnn of Finnncing bT-ZZS&i CLAWSQN BACHMAN Former president of the Bay Stntd Mutual Life Insurnnco Company, snld to bo tho "Wnlllncford" of tho. nllcgcd $2,500,000 International Gas , swindle. United States postal Inspectors today un earthed three alleRed swindles In Phils. delphlai ono of which Ii said to Involve :, 500, 000, and to be ono of tho bltcest and most flagrant of Its kind over de tected In Pennsylvania ' In 'two minor nlleired swindles three nrrest:i bnva been made Those arrested wcie nmnon puuttvjian iNCASTisn. of oti Pulaikt avenue. mnilr of thn Lancsstsr llealty Company -too c'nettnut street. AI.IIKItT KANUAHTMI of 'JUT North Tftlf trench slrerc. his liruther Timer IC IUHi:CKi:il commtulon merchant. ut tOT Vine strett. United Htutes deputy marshals are searching for Claw son Ilachman, of 803 I'att Johnson street, Oermnntown,a for whom u warrant has been Issued In con. nectlon with the alleged JI. 600, 000 swindle. A search was made of his home today, and It was learned that he was In Htvr York Ills counsel promised to surrender him The !". 600,000 scheme, according to Fed oral offlclils. Is similar In many respects to the fur-famed International , Lumber and Development Company swindle, and Involves the operations of the International Cas and Klectrlc Company, and underlying concerns, for a period of several years The company went Into the hands of a receiver In Decern her. 10 IB In automobiles, and escorted by City Hall detectives, I'ostal Inspector Frank Wllbus Hmlth started out to round up the allege' swindlers, who already have been Indlc.t' by the Federal Grand Jury, The round, promises to be tho most sensational ' spectacular ever undertaken by postal , spectors In this city It will take several days to get all the men into custody, It was said. 4 CALLED "J RUFUS " The first stop made by the Federal of fleers was at the home of Clawson llach man, at 602 Uast Johnson street, Oerman town. Ilachman, a former president of the Day .State Mutual Life Insurance Company, Is said by inspectors to have been the Ttufua AValllngford" or the alleged 3,S(C 000 Internationa) (lag swindle ' r AltltKSTS MADU After leaving the Pachman home the Inspectors arrested Ueorge I'rettymart Lan caster, at 4SI1 I'ulaskl avenue, who. with his father, A Ml I wood Lancaster, and AU bert Ianeaster. a brother has been Indicted for using the malls to defraud In an alleged real estate swindle said to involve llOO.vOd, The brother. Albert, also was arretted. The Lancastera operate the Lancaster Itvalty Company at 400 Chestnut street. The Federal officers then arrested Mf K Klsecker, a wholesale commission me chant, at 107 Vine street, accused of opera In a fraud Mheme la riot less than ts States. The International das and K1mjM scheme, according to postal Inspectors, -assumed gigantic proportions The Investigations of the affairs al th company lasted more than a year It WW conducted by Postal Inspector Smith, a signed to the case by Chief 1'osta.l IrwpeaMW James T Cortelyou Mr Smith said that the alleged buIikU-; ' 'JIM Conlluunl ea ! Six. l.'slawa tte 13 of tW$ lmu&