EVENINO I.EDGBR-PfflLAD$kPlftA. SATURDAY, DEOESIREU B, 1910 t I THE WORLD'S A SCREEN-THEATRICAL FACT AND RUMOR . .... -...,.. . ...... , .. x ... .- t . . uylkiHi Women' rrtus Affectation. iibll A(!lphh. Jflsht. Itecltal by Marpret Ashmefld Mitchell, imprsno. Central Y. t. C A. Auditorium. NlBht. c"msrt by the Hun Quartet. Wlther rnwn nail Ninht. FKIUAY. DKlRMnZR It. Concert by the Philadelphia Orchestra. n .I-, i -i tuny ni i n(itjrinii I, n Tho hrpjrmmi Otista1 artrV,$4nvf tho IMrth" (flint ttme, with JMntitei . Sembaeh, tenor, and Tilly Xoenen, butch contralto i and Iliehard Strauss' tona poem, -"Don Junn." Academy of Music Aftr noon. sATVitnAv, ascKiitmn it. ltepetitlon of tt.o Orchestra' concert Academy of Music. Night i mfaiiiiin " ,iM UNCONVENTIONAL BITS OF STAGE LIFE mm T-ifWM .' -;.. j.-f S.4' " (ARPIPK SAMUEL 1 NIXON f!,f t I I X I V I w IT X, c, c, WAS'AMAKF.n. nolnt Msnsier tiiii.VY TOMOItT Hi lA?T TTlUiW HiT-THK-TKAlL IIOLI.II1AY .. , s LAtlOX JLHUJUiO Hllh I Itl'.ll Mlll.ll nntf r.ntlre N. Y. Cn.t TWOWKKKS MAMIIAV Vlrlllrtl nt MONDAY NIGHT mK ata 1IF.U1NNINO HIUiUAJ '""IU 1,1 THK KRARON'H MUST AM'KAMNtl MI'SKAf, MVttNT TTOTO7 U H H M JLIULIJL" ti -Mff3ks sc !f L" JiiW "filRra L T Vvivj! S m 4P -Mi s SVhcir. whoso oxperlimcos cn- 4 1 & JHifl' i?eBBlE8S;?iBHP MiyV&! -- i 4&"k II -,:MlBRP ''"''Ms hero seen us tho liklliP agfc< fiWPt " i RiPPw:B W? 'fflS0m m - v -.- - -ifcifci.- 1 N a IN A TnMI'KllAMKNTAt. SttstC'At. 1'l.AY HUSBANDS GUARANTEED" with JEFFERSON DE ANGELIS Hook and l.yrlio r J, wph Hrt r- Mii.li ,r Auut Klilnteke, Mnnnocin. nt f I'lirn. W Wlll,'t. Tin: rovi'wv I. Wlllltm ll.irfl-in. l-nc,' llnf'V. Jorh W. Itrl vllle, AH- ltrtomnn Ornvro Mr ,t. Allfn lll'ln Vlntlnln rnpfi.va wrtNf.'HAr jitinkks. ca- m ii.iio. Wi:,TH KI)U THR l.VST WF.I.U u-J KVt.l: rill'IISUAT. Tin: rovi'nw t rmifurU Knl. Willitm linrfl-,n. cl-nc,' llnf'V. Jorh V. tlrbrt. .1r., AmtlU Rummervllle, AH- ltrtomnn Ornvro Mr ,t. Allfn lll'ln Vlntlnln tttnunton. CIlniMTMAS I DitM llrln.rti tirrtrnl Itnl Coourr MritriiA' Siutrkllim I Orlnlmit P"t l'ro AMI a i"nl .luctlon Dlrwt Irota 'um''r1 SEVEN CHANCES IM'tiT T,,ftU Mal nn al fhmitity fur I'lir'utr.im nml N r Y'ur'ii Mtln ni Nlhl. BROAD ' WHt-rHi -nmip;p WI WfWPlWI llil.AIIU'. riISK MltDl.lNnr.H. Ilulni Unnut.r VTI: i: Ti)VY TtlVKUlT AT flilS ONLY ONE MORE WEEK JS1,(T,iTSn'T,,!JSHAT. DAVID BELASCO presents A FEMININE "PROKESSOU1 Nan Hnlpcrin polishes up hor tccl atiiBO nt Keith's. PHILADELPHIA r PHOTOPLAY PARAGRAPHS tjhtnevfr the toastmatcr at tlio M.iHt- dinner ot last Wednesday, evening K-md to Lewis J. Helznlck tlip uugntM id At Abe L. ninstein. for thcro is a xlng resemblance between them. Hut r Mr. Selmlcl: nimounceu tliu prospec- ue o( l.ubln'a studlim fur plcturu Sdcturlns, Abo had to llslit lit.- way isrh a mob of actora and uctorctteu, ) xer iMklng position. h Ylon, bu&lncsa mnnairiir of "Clvlll- r nd Di-lbert Ii r'avenport. prtw rtWtlve Of tho Lyric and Airelplil (IBM, revived tho eeemlnely lost nrt of W drawn advertisements last week In r iajouneement of tho opanlpR of the vT- it was a novelty nuvertise. isd cawed much favorable comment. i JWL rccelva a warrant komo day Boon, wi m alarmed until you liavo read It Wlhly, for It may bi only nn advertise- i i ome photoplay at your neighbor- theatre. ITowover. Jav KmunUL'. nf iWt Avenua Theatre, was tha first p. Mark Wilson, of the Imperial. Ik tlio itdP flf tflit tilrf'iriu fkiltijl linri-nt ; n of AWat SMilluddphU homon. MlBIieiv woman hua rnlered tha motion. tn&nafferlnl Hull! In Ihn tmrttin nf - Vltft emun, oc tlio Uurctoi, at Fortieth Mwket itrsets. managtr pf the Slasterpleca Kllm ny his "IJlo Wlvea." and cannot 8t LCQ fOr them. M'liV nn) Irw nt h Where tha ailn rem). 'Itimli.turls eted"? JlB&.ya',l'5man of tl10 Wlueblrd, an- Wh. ual 01 lien." iu La on e.i- un aionuuy. viola Dana In fiwiet will ba lean at the Falr- 00 BatUrdav III "Tha Rlnrm n fiU&l nfrlitn, l,. ..- ...! .. f T"""1! and M,sa Bw" BPJioara i aothter of an absent-minded retired FCMUor. eha Is eurmimrf,! hv I Utthrhan. rAntiv i.n.ii. . . rt. itlchard Sttrllnc and Chand- t& Western tind man - ha- M bad as ho Is often Imagined by -!Vm . 4gj5TW-r - iquo back- jJjJOEaWBKj, JVx. Krcil, of that lB9lll?BliJESSftW!& rw. gomcry, as tltey VwHsKsBSKfe. i I -- ..- I .11 .1 -. I I ? THE STONEVSTAHE name, is Biving It to his partner, D. Mont- comUiiiD pictorial talents avIiIIo having u I-'orrost "Cliln-Chln." I'tow Olrl." and Charlie Chaplin In Ida lat est comedy. "The Jlln)c" Vtxy rineher will Lo seen In Tho Clllco Vamptro" an an nddad attraction nt tho Cedar on Wednesday. Mnry l'lchfonl will be scan In a rovlv.il of her picture Tho Haclo's Mate attho Klfty-aUth Street Theatro on Wednesday. "JHorence Itono'n Faahlons" ara shown In film form upon tho screen of tho Tlota overy Monday. A Metro comedy Is displayed at thu Fratifcurd on Mondays aa nn added attrac tion. ' ,. , A. It. I'. The Musical Glasses sATfi:tAY, ItHCKSltlSK 0. Uiitltinn of yesterday nftornoou'H con 'en by tho rhllmldlphlu Orclteatrn. Acad i my of .Music. Night. .wn.vi,tr, i)t;ci:)int:ii ti. , Third innrnlnt,- musale. with Jhtatiunlo m.ii.i. imrltone; I'ovla Krlseh, nanlsh ro- piati" .m.l hanlel Mnnuarrc. flutist. Ueile- ui'-Mralfor.l. l!e.Mlnl by I'crley Dm,,, Aldrtcll. New iVntur flub. Night. TfKniKiY. mtcEunnn it. 'II Trovatorc." with Claudia Muzlo. tho now Mot roiiol linn soprano; r,ouif llnmer. lloannl Martlnelll, Pnsriualo Amato, I.eon llothlcr and Marie Mattfold. Metropolitan. MRltt. ' WBDXRSDAY, DBCliilBKlt 13. Recital by Nlrhnlas Doirty, tenor. With, eropoon Hall Night. TltriMDAY. ):cv;jf ;;. j. Concert, under tho oiiBplccH of the IVnn- ALMOST "ANNE CHURCHILL" Francos Starr puts tho final touch to hor nuike-up in order- to look tho part of "Little Lady in JJlue" at the Iiroad. folks of the pronent generation. In virtually vrry irut. tighter of thu raiiie yeara ago there wn a at of good," aay William H. Hart, the notable lxirtrayer or western uhuracters, who will be seen In 'The Ite turn of 'Draw' KKan" at the cireat North ern next .Monday and Tuesday. Tho Imperial will offer next week the Thomas Plxop-Vletor Herbert spectacle. 'Tha fall of a Nation." Tho first bill of the approachlr.gr week ut the ltlalto la a Paramount nroduetlon en titled "Each Pearl a. Tear." featuring: Fan nie Ward and Jack Dean. Lovers of tUe unusual In the farm of vaudeville wlirflnd that the program pre pared for next week by Manager ArMwan, of tlw Alhanibra, U of quality u well m quantity- There will.be first showing of the latest offerlrsa of the photoplay world Greatest and Longest Run Ever Known in History of Philadelphia rglng and final day of the hiitory-malslmr run of th Most WqjmUt ful Hjy WwtttY&Jll t.Cty ot ItillaJtJpLU wtU U nltbnkd vrlth &ifttrm -J,T" "11 fVff, HTf ' m , u tfunsVlf . llWMri, atl f ??'. v',nlm, December 30th. the last and 150th conecutlv prfwmaiia UU rrarkWl ebUvtaot sUivd ferih ryr ta'ths meow? uf Wa pSSt iui rtiild.. fr1 iwen ..A""1" Proaranwiea, printed uiion silk and stamped with gojd. will U VI ".".,Yr Prm la the kikUiaee to nnnmtnU ts wisimbw, "''g'JJ' Ti.. ". jroko all reeoriu Is eibsr eitlu, au4 uew iuik tne eiunuc w o'" -M ta loosest ma" &ir ttnawn bar. "eio'iiilr"'.S..?!?ore iwrformancas can be given. The. ht tl :HSvi lt.ffi-iu ssraitfSi sari W root. bu' 'w " "- T- The. hut thrae wgrriu bgglo ant ti-msWtlw aa i tto. T?v. nut ye "Experience." you are mialn tb oBportratr of a IT Of ota ..Sev arJf iui4 tbasa you tave lo ieFtoe tat IS " " t m&, ttAV& It. you are certain to want to se it oaca mora before t F T-ltrrleoxe" blav ,in.wk.H i- i. .,.. ,t.ta .aAn avnnf THttabura-ii. Mail r. A wn,n Bia ui i'uuj vnuia. ihw ppwH, "' '' MEirf. 'C.T"V !""f- B9tm w iw ' l"""ri T.JT.r". T7ii-T -i r BO (tow to . tFbrUtma Blrttood Haturfay mSAu. M "5a5U WXLUAM KLUOTT. P. RAY COM8TOCK B1 .WWRbl OJWT. 1-roducers of 'ltaBSM.'' tPr HerrU Gt. AJIW Tkutn. ir t-le 4,Y TVufgla;.0aii!at :iiitr "KApric&M ' c'4i.. VtTfcHMk. 8EGINNINf NEW Y E A RS, ii iift1i2Nfil' ?9M owY avrra i' i "----- f " . -- -.. which no other theatre In South Philadel phia can display. For the first thrco day Fannie Ward, In 'The Years of the I-otrutt." nnd Charlie Chaplin, In his latest corned, 'Tho Itluk," will be the chief attraction, o Another double bill at the Palaoe is scheduled for the first three days of next week and Saturday. The principal presen tations the first lml f of the week will be Mae Murray and Theodore Itoberts, in 'The MXU.VB GRAND iiitoxn axi jiiiNTfinjir.nv '. .11, Nlinn-Nlrdllnsrr , l'en; 5lr, HjIIj- 3lat.. for, live, Ull. tlic. 15c. U.lo ERT BAKEU & CO. Ill (lie tSrrrunilttK larr i PREVARICATION Ktmtun A- st. t Inlr; .ll l.isi Lillian's ,iilv Dns.i Jlirl Marni-M 'ireeni A I'ltltl PtrlnrMi i:ltt Jlnt. t. ferlililillM Spvdul: The llirilllni: mllTlnry film "THE PEACEMAKERS" .Slionu fir th Plrl Tine litre. I'liJer Hie Anmlrr. ef lli I S. Cuierniwiit. I.eilure Or ii ha-mniitt uf I iif M jrl.iu t vri.t, MM.ITAUY Ml.lil fill K.IIY kkk i.mtin ni-;'i.tY IT'S A HITlll 66 NEV CAN BMr TELL 99 BY i. iii:i:.v,iiii siiAw LITTLE THEATRE l,th unit Vf tinro Htrrl TRY TO BUY SEATS HI 3 i JIM m Hw&o3?&;'V "iAKEFBEiSniNGLY NEW COMEDY mmst mm in bui k I'OI" 6y brace Nodgeo and T.Wigney Barcyval auihoiij of "Grumpy. l.Mt WI.ON'KHDW MATINBT! tUc T. (I f.lt flintVMAs I ;'" Rjt-jr; CfCIn "n Jhf "S,lr ' nler and Klndoi. ;,,WkU,!'s ! i-e'iffin Vvb. ri bKc "Ekstvvhile susan" Hi ti oti UaU- Thurtvltty fur C.irlntmns nml N v V.nr'n Mtlne4 nnd HUhU. FORREST SAMUEL F. NIXON JlihJr'tl.? THOMAS ,M. I.IIVi:. llu.lne Manatrr MATINKK TODAY TOXIMIT AT Hits Only Two More Weeks t'HARt. !-..'! Illl.t.lNr.llA.M frernl NtOHTS AT 8llS , MATINKKH ' WI-.D. A NAT. Slid MONTGOMERY 'and STONE ' i-b,vauavuy- CHIN-CHIN lly Anne rWiMlt shil II. 'it, llurinl.tj i Jlusli' liir tnn On mi KliATM Toil TIIH LAST VYl-sfclv UMAI.K TIllirtSDAV (IIItl'.TM.lS AMI SUM VMMl'.S 1VI-.1'.TS' S. .ilu mi S i I '1 1)1 A.N A llAUlim I'rurlit I "lib tha Famous WlU T-.i,ry f,,r IVr'.'-l'ninl V. ,r Vvnra MiI1iit nllil NWtll. the COHAN REVUE img n-ii i'i";i;mii at thi rinin.r. it.ivi .so umiuick tubatukh. apply Tii KltlJU. . NISON NllUiM.Niir.lt. iNixoa-fflrJMuvi. r ft'il!. I rtai XVALNUT STftKWT ll.illj, 3:IS lurr,ienliiT, Ur. 31,. WM. PENN l..NtASTi:tt AVi:. Ilel. IIITII AMI 4 1ST ., - riMii'f.im; muihs vi:kki!v iiiiMiAv. -ithMni a n'i:iw.ii.Y Mi:SI.) Mtllllll: I'rr.eiit, Illfe HIIEA3I filUI.S .MllUrttu .. ,,,U4U,il I otntHly ll.ne Itulh. Itviinrlt A- Itlrlun!., Hen-lAkl'ii !!( ..., j. ki I lrt Mliowlna- In W. I'lillsileliiU Hil. S. IIAKT ' In TrliMt'n 1'ro.lu, ,, HKJiJVHiitirBi,it tniin.ifiH i ,.,r r i n-'ry.Tpgn' Evcntnus, 25e, SOc, 7Sc & 51 Sat. itliitinec. 25c, HOc & 75c rot-i i.it jiTini.s TifiwiiAY, Tilt ll.-IIAV. ritlllAY. S9e nml Cue TOIIAY t.MT TWO TI5IK4 "THU 1.ITTI.K (Illtl, (1011 l-OUIIIIT'' .uii'.-idnx Monil.iy in .MiMuutelv Niyv Mhuiv nnd tlte 1-utlllat uf the r 'Mii-'ii Mutt tuiil JUT Nerle MUTT and JEFF'S WEDDING SO riCOl'U; and Tlir Van All Nine. Dmre nml Ac I fiirJs? Yes! Giris! Many Girls! Tl I.ltvIiYkl l.lnu vt lsrUiwm Tlut llcr i.rarrd n Muif, LAST DAY OF "PURITY" i VICTORIA $JS$T NKXT WRKK Mi IN. TI'KH. U'CII CHAH, HAY In JIOVUIIAHI.K AUIY" ADPCU ATTHAfTION CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN KJIIHT WIIOWINU OF "TIIK ItlNK" i LYRIC THEATRE ?K& MATINEES 2:20, EVENING? 8:20 PRICES, 25c to S1.00 . THE GREATEST BATTLE-DRAMA OF ALL TIME HAS ALL PHILADELPHIA THRILLED, APPALLED AND THOUGHTFUL. aWJ g.J III wpmrnB-Tms 1 1 M fc -JSi ' -- 1 1 jjj! ftiij 'MM- - jess - r THBATKIS CllU-ai-.i I-1 TWELFTH STREETS NEXT WEEK FIRST APPEARANCE IN VAUDEVILLE! THE WORLD'S SUPREME DANCING STARS! KOSLOFFS ' BALLET RUSSE FstteollM THSODONB KOSLOFK. I'r.ml.r OajiMur. with VrjtSTA MA8U3V4. Nine Incomparable Numbers to the IMubIc of the Masters ! uEcuL IIOLDOVKK ygUTt'KB U TBlUall'UANT WKK OV VAUDHVlLLSal HIGdEST SKN8ATION NAN HALPERIN TUH BRIOIITKST STAR MN IN A YKAK FRAN CRUMIT A VKBSATH.t; IUMKI'1AJ MIRANO UROS. TUB PI.YINO TnKl-l.IHiK.-l Baothhy &. Everdean I Kitner. HawkiiUy & lUCloy I ilaxine nroa. A Bobby fXTBA pOED tATC EMMET DEVOY ITSnUsc Mis Ucijuru! !'.. 1. 1 MB OAiJ. (Ut I itlLUHlMJll' AMI 1113 K. r Yw ftMl-ANr jjy.'-1" "H'll-ty1"" ,?JWUU-g' f -'-r.'ir'- --r - " " ' -- " -.-a- ".:.. -.-.. f .." ,'-...-.- . : j1 J THE S1AAIMOT1I PHOTOPLAY S0HLIME iU.lKHJ fKOi-I.B ?i-'::r J9JH BATTLMWIM iiuiJAuiuinia ur uiiijmhi.- iluiii.ijh ur AEKiiri. UNTl (RLBJ NX S T rtYl BKOIN'MKQ Xmu Nleht. Dec. T ' lia? SURPASSES THE IMAGINATION COMPELS ADMIRATION 17 "It Aa4s asuloU'd taot har: Is a tupsiuluus natuplu ut tjtruoriiiia- m-i,umt.-iii' " fhtls4alplita (wjulrar. YOUE LAST FEW HANCES TO SEE IT buy a tickat (ur tvry una anj vm4U la t'laimlautiUi Ut m -oivilkMitloa,' so it uitsM toh Urn treat AfieMKKT V8RV I.IMtTe-ll MmtWY ! gjr -J wish I h. kiwi l aU."Judxa bad thu iiowim- ,bwi a. r ia bui Onjjun. Muakliutl 25 " i Tea WRSaB. SIIIUBBKT t,rsat ta. Uust Cwlcciakl. ut All Vtesaaa Ofentlas w CbWUrC nrrrr? et ttt? t a t a rTC?r i Bf n niiij i'v r i. r r u l. ri, ?i n- - ttvcftuai. "i22&i!s m'jMjszL?z t?.vm&jLmimjst WAKXlsmt mm rggr bat uwmtim uw ta Ainwa 4ijipaistfa Ijyaglw tf 4titBP, f!'Ls .p1- -wu ' '," ' ri Li '-.i-ji.,11 .ipnf ,i issjiipjpaasierMiiKPHBjpjpsp f 4i !; J : I' .!lj J t VJ n 11 T-iy : -ai 4 . il 11 V i' JBEfr 'its rswe auaji'iiaeu u , TBIE."1 ! "" aui'M--fVTtF'ST-gr' --iri(i ' '
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