pjtrfiif!ifiiftW m k $& mm 'iJM &sm - r U : . T frab m & i "r $ 7 . '-iS,-l Whjiii-iiiHi' I I lmiililjBftEjr ..-..-.. r-'Jff'i?iiiriftJiii niit Tiif V..-!,,..1' j. i,1 i iinl.ii. ltAM AHB P)LAtMS OF . THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR NEXT WEEK NEW ATTRACTIONS OAlitttOK"llanbnnan QuarftntcciJ," 4 "A temperamental tnuslcni comedy," Jtnrrlunn, Clarence Ilntvey, Amalla and others. Opening, Monday night. CONTlNVtNO Pt,AVB tTTLB rilKATRK"'ai Nvr Can tit -i.t- ft, i .,a-i.-ti n..ii.u $& ""&&JW xbii, Willi nnnes jj iiucnrii, Anrowiy tSJ ' KhetmerJInp Maria Hner and Ihn Blaira " .', Society I'layero. AUmlrnbla revival, "t "" SxXiYitlO-"Clvllliatlon,rt Thomas If. Inco'n k ai' ". motlon-plcttira portraying the horror of ?, ' 'v" war amt the excitement of battle on Und r" " , nnd a and In the air. Huperb martial "S1 upectacte ami aentlmental ymlotlm. JnOkO "I.ltlla lAty In lllue." with 1 Frances fltarr CoetUme comedy nlmut '''"Si n Arable little mly and noma plc rSSghf' turesque perron. Diverting. Indoraed -""&. by the Drama League. HAf"Vf0linB8T--"CMn-Chn." with David Mont- gomery and Fred Htone. Iteturn engage ment of the popular munlcal extrnvaganta with the famoua comedian nppearlng In vartoua Impereonatlona. ADKM'Ilt "Kxporlcncfl." with Krneet Qlendlnnlng. A "modern morality play," with more humanenena than graced "Everywoman," There'a a largo ennt. Qlendlnnlng acta nuperbly. AT POPUt.Att riucna "WALNUT "Hull and Jert'a Wedding." In which Mutt and Jen" d.eport thomi"lves In d now gulie. Melodrama, farce, munlc and xtravaganta mixed In the entertain- , ment RTOCK tCNlCKBIWOOKtitt'Tha Dlrorce Que, lion," with Anna Dougherty, John I.oren and the elock company. A elngo atory of "every vtoman'a experlenco" iii ei-rn by tho author of thla modem tinrratlve MATUnn riuiH STANLEY "Oliver Twlet." Inky-I.tr-mount, with Mario Doro, Tully Mnrelmll nnd Ilobort Jloeworth. adapted from Dlckena'a novel. Ilret hulf of tho week. "Tlw Victoria Croea," Lasky-Paramount, with Lou Tellcgen, adapted from Paul Potter'a play, latter half of eek. Othere. 'AtlOADlA 'The Matrlnmnlac." I'lna Art Triangle, with Dougla1- KiilrlMtikn. nud The nink," Ine mar-Mutual, with Charles Chaplin, all week. Other. VjrcrofMT-"Tho Honorable Algy," Kay. IJee.Trlanglo. with Charlee Itny. and 'The Jtlnk." with Charles Chaplin, Mrr halt of week. "The l.lttlo Kunheam,' Ilolfe. Metro, with Mabel Taliaferro, later half of week. "The lllnk." Haturdny. TAtiAOE "Tho Plow CJIrl," Laaky-Para-mount. With Mae Murray, and "The lllnk," with Churlea Chaplin, flrat half of week. "The Yellow Pawn," Lanky. Paramount, with Wallaco Held and Cleo Illilgely, latter half of eek "The lllnk," Saturday. cunbtnut nTtwr.T oi'iu.'A rir)vnr; "A Daughter of tho Ooda," Km. with An netto Kellermann. lint tlmea of n fen. turo with apcclaule nnd lienuly of the beat, but noma lint lucking In iliniuntlc algnlflcnnce. VAvnnvti.hr. KKITII'S ItuaRlnn IJallet. with Theodore Koslnff and Vlantn Maplovfi ; Nan tlnl perln (her accond week)i "Tim Cell of Childhood," n fnutaey of Ilallowrrn and ougenlca; Kmnk C'riimll, "tho oncninu glee club"; Mlrnun Ilro'hern, Adelnldn llonthby, romedlenue; Kltner, llawkaley and McClay, Mnxlne Ilruthera und uewa picturen. OtOlin- "Tho Knnhlon Shop," the Tlerney Kour, Maurice Hamuel und Company, Ih Atvereltnn. Jnck HviuoihIn. Chief Knicle Home, Cora Klmpxon and Comrnny. May I IHllnliury nnd tho Ynnminatn llrothcrx OKAA'i'- "Prevarication," with llerl llalcei , Prominent Photoplay Presentations iSiSuOisimzzmSasmvmsaaamwiipsswsii Sm&u BoSna Grwam 'J'lllC follnwlnr llieulre. i.lilnln llirlr lilcliur. llirnuih the rir.M,K llouU.ni AI(C'anipnnr. nlileh la n aiinritiilee of rarlr nhoivlni at Hie llnai production. , "II ,1'lellirea retlenril liefnra eiiilliltlnn, VUII I lie thealre III jour lurdlltr lilalnliK iilrturra throudi Ilia HTAM.l'.Y IIIIIIICINII CUUl'A.SY. ' A1UAMRDA Klh.MorrlaAI'aaiyunkAva. A.LniUTlDl Mat. Dally 3: F.n. 0:13.0 l'arTnount IMrturea Pouglaa Fnirbanli. '" "ACT. inni T n "SO AND TIIOMPSOS jOUIHK tILAUM nml IIOWAItH HirKMAN In "Bomewtiare In franca" Aluo nn AM-Hlar Key atone Comedy ami A Mutt and JerT C'nmly. ARCADIA rMHTHTMirr IIEIX5W IrtTII Wm. Desmond & Dorothy Dalton In "A OAMI1I.15 IN HOUI.H" BELMONT B2D AND MAllKRT Robert Warwick ..all'man" IN m r icniDn bhoad and VIVIAN MARTIN in "HEIl FATHKIfa BON" aTTaAT? OT" AND CEDAH AVE. CdtAlV PARAUOVST T1IEATIIE NORMA TALMADGE in THE SOCIAL 8UCItETAHY" FAIRMOUNT iniQo avenve Tticodore Roberts & Anita Kins in "ANTON THE TIHUIWLB" HeTU CT THKATItB DO In Q 1 ntlow Hnruca, MAT DAtt.T Kvga, TtoU. Thomas Meighan & Anita King in TUB HBlll TO TUB 1IOOIIAH" FRANKFORD " r"ANKXUB Tlieodoro Roberts 6c Anita King in "ANTON TUB TZHUtipt.8" GREATNORTHERN Sfi&. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "American Aristocracy" IMPCPTAI OOTU WALNUT 8TS. JmrctUVLi TiinvE mows duly MARY PICKFORD ?n "LEaa THAN THE ttVBT' JEFFERSON ftTn &E?aAVemu lra Ethel Clavton - CarlvIeBlackwell ."3art la 'TUB IMDNEHS OF HELEN" I' i, i i i i i ( IFAnPP rOBTT-KRST AND Ld4UJCtt. LANCA8TEK AVENUE Thomas Meighan oc Anita King in "THE jreill TO THE HOOKAH" WEST lUILAUKLPULi BESSIE LOVE in "A SISTER OF SIX" 80VTH rillLABKtl'UJ- dLYMPIA"0!, with KrlUl Bchcft nml Jcffrron Do Angclln. with munle by Auniiit Klelnpcko nnd flummervllle, Allco llcgcmnn, Ornyco flcott Nowlln and Kt !lnlr, Mario Hiarrow, Mlt. Lllllon. Kid Lewie, 'Che rating nut"i (Ireeno and Piatt, and other 1VIU.IAM I'K.V.V "III Dream tllrl," Dave Jlolh, llenndt and lllchnrd. Kre. lake' Plga, and "Tho Devlt'a Double," tihotonlay, flrt half of week. "The Hoonler Olrl." Lewi and Kellier. Karrell and Taylor, 1.1 Cota, nnd "Tim llonornblo Algy," photonlay, latter half of week CHORH UHYH Tate "Motoring," "In Mexico," Carr, Cain and Carr, Ktliel Co. tello, the Phllllpl Four. Howe nnd Hmlth. flrt half of tterk. "Ilnrveet Day." the Clover. Iaf Trio, the Vllot..Stearl lllch trio, "Dan Cupid," and Myera nnd Morgan, later half of week. TllAVKLOaVEa ACADEMY OP itltBlC"lA Uetle France," with motion picture and lecture 'by llur ton Holme. Frldny night nnd .Haturdny afternoon, next week. IIVIir.liRQUi: TllOOAnnilO "Tho French Frolic," with Harry Field and In.i Dally, atipporled by the "Twenty Fluttering Flapper," and ofTerlng now epeclaltle. iitNaruiii.a nUMONT'a"t'Mn Chin Chin," n burlempie on Montgomery nnd Htonn; "II Trovn lore" nnd other topical placen of bur letta by the rcaldent company. VOillNO ATTIl.lCTtOXH DP.cRitnr.u i KKITIPHUnrtntt Ilnllet, Jenn Adair. "Mllr' MeWnttcra nnd Tyaon, Jmk (lanliior nnd other. Where the Evening Ledger-Universal Weekly Can Be Seen MIIMIW ?or Tlirnlrr. Ulli unit MurWI i Juinlto Tlienlrr. hrnnt mill (llnril Ai homerfI llirnlrr. K'ntlmlun ,tr. Mini Son). rrtl Ml. Kfinlone Tlienler. I Oft, neil Mouth Sti Vrnll Hull. .Ill nml ( hrl-llin HI. ti i:m v Vlnn Tlienter. Ilroml uiU Tnrlfr it Vlilnr Tlienlnr, Frnnkllii .mil ( InirlUhl HI O ntiiry Tlirnlrr. Alnrel uli M. uthi l.rl Art. Kfj.lniif. lulu unil nuut.i Ml.. lrem..r. .,.,,,,. Tnlm Tlimter. tniii utrfcl lifter .llnminnlli Theater. 'In HI. and r,lrnril At. ( niiB Tlieuur. (llmUtniie. ,-,,M,,," TnrnMitY HUnlrr Thenler, tnih nml Jlnrlel flli Tmeiln Theeler rnnilre Tlieiiler. rrnnUforil. llnlornll.Tlpeiiler Met Alleflienr Tl'enler ritmw Klanler Theater leili unit Market "li Market HI llienter. 3JI M,irl.el HI. nhnrkelnk Tliralrr. U unil III iinnml Mia Itlrlimonil Tiirnter. Illrliniiiiiil unil Llearllelil, Fnlrninunl TI eater. Ontario, Theater. limit HA"tlern Tliet'er Win no Theater. MTl'llDW nlunler llieutrr, 101. i mid .Mmkrl Ma. Ilierlirook lliealer. HJd iiml llairrfnril An, I'urviiiiuch',, Thettter, (li unit Kara Mia ruini llrrrre Thriller, I'ulnl llrrrte Ale anil 3ti rrm HI ainr Thralrr, .11 ! anil Wlurlon Hli. Maje't'e Tlienlrr Tir-ll T'.eler, lllh Ht nml I alrmonnt Are. (.... I i.,,.r. LIBFRTY imoAD AN-n itoruniT WAttwtric k aii nyi MOM.li: K1MI In All lYlatl Mnth l.'ilmi.le- TIIU HIIIIU.DINll HIIADOW" LOCUST Bi'l) AMI Lort'HT Mala. I '30 und .1:30, Wo ,,, ' ,u, n i i.iw, ipc. I'lXKIV IIVr.ANI) A ANTONIO MOIICNO In TUB IIOHi: Of Till! HOtnll" Markpt St. Theatre 33.1 MAHKirr HTIIEKT IIDHHIh' HAIimHCAI.1-! I !,., i cm..' Kx. Atlraillnn Trlinxla Keyatnne tnine.ly l.vtry Wed - Maria Walramp In "MIIKHTV" OVERBROOK S2 " inroiiD Blanche Sweet n IN THE STORM' PALACE ,SM "&!!:. aTUEET MARGUERITE CLARK in "illHH tlEQIItlU WAHIIlNtlTON" PARK ,,,l'nK AVE. ft DAUPHIN ST. HENRY KING in 'tiik rowr.it ov i:vii," PRINCES"s ""S" llltVANT WABIMUIIN Mfl D I II NEt.t. chaici in ine Drcakcr Every Tue. Earla Wllllama, "rJearltt Jtunner" REGENT ,M, WAItKET STREET MABEL TALIAFERRO in "MTTLR MUNIIKAM" R I A I TO OKKMANTOWN AVB. R1AL' U AT TL'M'UIIOCKKN ST CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 'TUB DAttK aiLENCK" I T R V "AKKKT STItEKT 7 U D UUI.UW TTH STHEIST Plga Petrova ..J, SAVOY Emily Stevens 1111 MAIIKLT BTnEBT "The Wager" TIOGA ,TT" AND VEKAo Fannie Ward ,wac,raft. VICTORIA "AIIKET ST. V A l I WflVlaH. AUOVB NINTH Audrey Munson npuRiTY" STANI FY VA.nKET above nu LENORE ULRICH in 'THE IIOAD TO LOVB" NOBTH rillLADEXSIIlA RIDGE AVENUE "" "w . Wm. fiuncan dc Mary Anderson in "THE LAST MAN" JVnta IB waul t koaw vbtr t M cmw.'n.wnnm'ffiiMBajja'Ea H.C00a,thatilj, r4 tlila lly Mwt.jUx EVENING MDO;33R-fB:jLADELPHIA, ilTtUDAY, MtTlBtMIt 0, li - ' " .f.Hr.T, . .. f .- . . . . UJi-tf..,! . ...I- r.... Ilf - I I llMll i imti.ir I k.1. i mm i ... ,i, ,. ,,,,., , I'urt'ti ntil THE AMUSEMENT W0&LD From Odessa to Broadway CnnllnnH from I'aie feten Ihn hit of the olher dhow. Toor, qtilet llltl in illiln'l rven pet nmntlonnl when llloiwetrt wni! Mlftcotrrifl' by Home ono nml ilrnRKMl to nn Kr nml Interrntril Hunt ".My iinw, imnrrvtr, ilhl come. It a In the) Rrcnt Hoiittnrrat, or tlirratioiitn. 1 Iiml heen to flilcnifo (thnt fnr Kant) nlnl n mnitnit hail ilt me out In the thrtr-n-ilny. While 1 wna Ihree-n-ilaylnc, Vnlfrln HrrKore (aha'a well known In I'lillflilelphtn, Inn t nhe7) enme Into the thelra nml wn't much Inken with my Myle nml nenernl mnterlnl. Mio urceil m to no to Now York, hut 1 n hit tlmorniia I wnn nwfillly nfrnhl my aiilnlunl aluff wouldn't net iicrom Mien IlerRcrc trelmilfl We In the contrnry, nml the result e thnt I upeneil In Ilmoklyn Por enrno reaenn they llkeil me. Hcfliill ' Vnliiletlle nml vorilenlincnt, nt lenet n fnlr nmntint nt II "Kor nhiwilule rnhn In linpoi.'.tllile In the aliiRle ncl In the nrletlen Why? Well, In Mock or nnylhlnx where thern nrn n numlier of people cmployeil you feel nlwnyR thnt you ran Irnu on emtio one mentally, If jou'rn iieriou. llreil or npprehpnelve. In nuileU!le, not There you nre, one illmlnuthn prraon on n trememlntin eliiRe, nml penplo out front. Ilhlnir. perhn,'. noine of the atunlit you do, hill retnenitierliKt fur iniirn rlently Ihn eliintn they illiln'l like The Inferno never hnil nnythlnit on Momlny iiflernnon. C'rlllcnl thentri'Koeri, rrltle.il newnpnper rr.llce, he they rooiI or Iiml It In nn onlenl." II, I). iiAnKrrT ah icnt CONTINL'OUM II If. A M to 11 IS . M. HTASI.HY rO.WMIT OttrilKHTIU LENORE ULRICH in i innr I'lu-HL.vrAiiiiN or "THE ROAD TO LOVE" D A X ' K ft? "iSlT MAIIKlTFivfllKKT I'ALALL Mnrgucrito Clnrk in "Miss Gcorrjc WnsliinRton" ARCADIA"7":r,r,f.Ti",,. T liritlllTIIV DAMON , WIM.IAM IIIIHMONO In "A GAMBLE IN SOULS" AM. NKT wi:i:k Douglas Fairbanks In itie Matrlmanlnc Charlie Chaplin Th,: Rink KNICKERBOCKER '' ""'',!:-!'?'", Tcss "f Storm Country Mnta Tnea th, Tlllire. Hat TnnPAnFRO iiaiiiiy Bn:iM'i: nn.l the l uuwvLcmj iir.i.iAi tiiitut Dumont's Minstrels ' ',;,!: DANC1NO You'll be an ARTISTIC DANCER if you learn at the studios of C. Ellwood Carpenter 1123 Chestnut Street I'Iiivati: i.i:hniih (' i, a h b i.iihmin.h day ami i:w:mmi Quick Results by Our Method The Cost A Trifle Wagner 17.VI Dancing Sim i II IIIIIIAII (I -ImkIi- "r f", Tnr I) I'rliule iKnanne fpr I'-' Nonrl m:i ttllKK SCHOLAR NIGHTS Jlll.S . TI i:h iiiciih A lllellnrt Nineltv Nirjht in Honolulu Neil Weil V.K , Deo IT llawilliin Muelt A Hoilifnlra JUI.I.V Dnnce '' l:ul I hi ai invi i: mat i:ii llrnail Phone Dliunonl H3H 17.V) N cm MM RICHARD CARLE HAS NO BARBER'S LICENSE lllchnnl CatU had n flow ehnve the other evenlne In I'hlmco. when he wne wnlleil Appearing in Scenario -Willi PEAtHL tH wl'JI WHITE Y W-Wma W ' i The beautiful, winsome, NSSiiign, .-r2" wMlfflWj$ m fcar,css ro'c of the "Perils IWwWjf m.i (w f MJMH 1 Ml lim oi rauiine tic Exploits cf I'.laine i ' 13 II lllllffft. sro so7 M MmH'm !M nc' iho ''iron Cl?tv" ha surpassed )l ViitllHlWi& ' ' all'' I I ItfMi rntl,'ir in motion picture? hj her p II mjy lMfW Wb Iff iiariin teats ir. iiil juptcmc pnotopiay . i i n R Wf HaItVJMY J wwli patiie-s pj m W Wm wsamsm P 7 F-Al I ti rjhi vhpvxxiSzZ&Kh iZfe) I oikl, - "yyj S The first, rreal preparedness serial Tm2l(5bSki(h. ?J I H iWatu ' unmaskino; America's secret foes yirSBfiyWWiHferMS' Hljl 1 E&&b)K S a tr ai '''E p'aj Wlt'' a vlta' mcssaEl rifi?finVMVfleA I I i iivWfi S lo ) ou !1f fe ki A vBl?a raC3 jkl wr At the Better Bw r 1 'as theatres 1! (AT k&ppeBecl to them might .lajppem to you tor m eveiy rreat citv there are a hundred housand wrongs a clay; V. FRANCIS X. iirh Written by Fred de Gressac Adapted and Directed by W.Christy Cabanne F all motion picture serial dramas the most - intense, of all mysteries the deepest. Soon to be showv by te METRO Pictures Corpokation at the leading theatres m i if r i r , wlilla a lm, i i n a 1 ' I ' ntlilliwin . ' ' ' ' La.jsl.L4 iyL- 2 . L .'-' -.... " llL" AS -THE? APPEAR IN NEWS AND STOR Upon by I'eler U front, of 109 Jforth rmrk etree'. repreientlnic the Blnte Board of Dnrbcru' License, nnd renueted to ahotr hlii Slate llrenee for worklnif In the "Iop ' Cnrle In -The fohnn Itcvue 11," due fhrlnlma time nt tho !'orrrt hna to ehnve I'hnrlea Wlnnlneer. while plajlnn the trateety on "The lloomeranff" nnd noma ofllclouj member of the nlllnnce made Ihe protect that Cnrle wnn nitrating without (i licence Form Every Saturday in 1010 Mr Front displayed Ms card, bearim? No. 8880, and formally commanded Carle to dlecfose hla. Carle remarked 'I am not n barber, have no ue for barber and don't elve a rap nbout your barber'n biielneae. Home yenra nso I went Into one of your ehopa and very tnodMtly nuked the operator If I could hnie n nhnve without removing my collar; the Imperti nent Miaver replied- Tea. Mr Cnrle. and I ran cul your hair without you taking oft the EVENING LEDGER your haf Thai rttort ha cort you MraiJ ..,..,,j itiiv iiitinjr ,v uuimr oi raniont iRB SST?f .,, ,. n-.n .,, m nnorpini District IIAR6A1N MATINEE DAILY RbSS-1 -" --.oo. its t tt. ir...J .. . L . . IU71tVVIK'fl UliVIWK ...."" .iT;"::!""f.','.7" iijvnrf fr "" ",i,iWA,XB?;,T,nSp " Catherine Craivford's n uiti,i.iirii, ii MVif Uthmiii IUTII HHVIl -MlllTIt ANH Mitj.'.'.ffl i;Ni;i'ti;i i. n iw.vfn ottt Ik r llalUn l,..t ... ' ilj.mjnuim .",i. i I rinr ,i,evm iniiaitijeTii AN HIM IIIO rOMl'ANT l." DSa a fi)n:iir iiiiAMATic BPNHA-rmv OTIIl:it ACTH MOUTH HIIim" p$gtttif!?aUi&;M mtiGMSRfflm mtkm ir " i - in TlirATIlR )larVt Iteluir Olllh Kir... Mat Datlv ' an fttlv t n i tu., Heal Peala 10c iX "- ' "" ,-. .if. s.ia ,t eAlll(h. ll.M lllll MIIUKIIN AUTO TlirilNII.W, TOID.W nml SATU11HAY A Mimical ComeJy wltH I'retty Olrl mrnr .-tonga v mailing .Melone IHIII.K ACTH HOKT1I UIIII.K ' CHESTNUT ST. TWICR OPERA HOUSE s.n8ni HOJIB OP IT1.M BUOCESSC.I Evjs. & Snt. Mat., 25c to $1 Other Mats., 25c, 50c, 75c ONLY 7 MORE DAYS DON'T MISS IT! WILLIAM FOX TOESHNTB ii Daughters of the Gods" With ANNETTE Kell ermann the ricTunn beautiful Dedicated to nil who love benuty, joy, the lauRhter of children, tho lovo of brnvo men nnd fair women. HBAtiKn ny JOHN L0RENZ and ANNA D0HERTY IN jeillBT I'ltESKNTATION ON ANV HTAUi: OK "The Divorce Question" V.VKKVM OMAN'S r.XI'KlttKMT." Jlnta. rura., Ilmra.. hut.. tOr, lAr. 'j.la ui'.r.K or iikii. ii "niK ii.wot" M M9 lS.irM 1 Bj Ty iti.i '. n - in Vv I MONDAY. TIT-Sinr nnd IVICHNMUVV mmmmm L'nmi'wriy of l.n In i t ninr-iliin in ti:f!ffuR'ufS!lWimSilJBm 7 TffVHVgrP5rT'i'PTys?W3ilg HHBB 1 AMATO I rOTU 1-KlhCII nAN'Ii .MAQUAnitl! .Id Monday Morning Musicalo 1 IiM.l.ltliOM nr.i.i.u iitrii.ii imu ItKd. II. ll.-OO A. M. I'KIIMI'TI.i . Tlckcta, ti, at llruue'a, ltrun'a and at doora Illustrated Musical Talks Vt prominent muilrlana on lnlrrratlnc tapir WITHERSP00N HALL Tea Altrrnata Tliuradar Aftrrnoana. ItrglnBlay Jamiiirjr a, lull, nt S n'rlotk Beaton Tlfkel. at llrpjwi'a, IIIU' L'tiratnot SU S10.0U, S.(JU, S3.0U. Ktlulcota SJ.DU niTIIKRSI'ODN II.I.r. Tuetdar KirnhiK. Ilrcr""" 1U. at S.1S SONG HECITAL REINAU) DK FRITZ WARLICH-KREISLER llarltona At thn I'ljna TlfktUOO c.nla la S3, llrpna'a. bialnwa llao WITllKRSI'OON HAM,. Thura, Kl.. Dm. l JAC0BIN0FF a xkiv vinr.iv siyVHATinv Ticket. 50c to 11.50. on ml t IIPP' Uaiustiueul t'nudiiiii4 luU1 Jii g ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHIIDELPHIA QIIAND OPERA C011PANT Uonday, Dec, 18. 8 15, and Thuraday nut Inaa. Dte. SI, "LUCIa!" Wadiwadi ad Thuraday vanlnaa, Xiao. 20 and SI. u 11UA8.'' by MarchaKl bv Murrhltl Vil,.v vnlna'. IMC tld: rtli TltOVATORK." Hata at 111K CbmUU at. las 10 i.uy. Ampnimeaira, sue NEW CENTURY CLUB Monday Evening, December 11, 8:1$ XM Perley Dunn Aldricb f vara, or Aqmiaaian at t"rtr . i.vn WTIIERSrOON HALL THE RICH QUARTET FIRST CONCERT, TIICTlJ. EVE.. nKC,.l lltktla paw at llcppa'a. 0, 1U, l. I. METROPOLITAN OPKRA HOVJ3B UETROPOLITAN OPKRA. COUPANT N T "Z&rgSV" ILTROVATORE Uium. Muito lOxat pparaaca narc. iiomar MH beau, tlOS Ctmlaut at WaUtul Ut Hat t ACADIOMY 4l al lliw'). Ill Ji"tl DJHj.AttEI.etm I Tonlzht at a:l 1 GLAUYS KUgK.WB04in I SJ-S CNF HMMtJU i - ' ... - - - " " c ' JllolttaiJhal,3.iWrf i ggHaBBBaBnaaaHaaaaaHaiaaaaavwaBaaKa:aaalmHa(HIMMBBaia aWJiW"'" awunaaa.Va8(j ,I(.L i i m- .41 JliiiqA'allJjiajfctIJiljS3twwlli m "Br JlHl- JJt"lJi'Hpi-ffW'il llylWBW'llllW'Wii'lW4lltli!lgly - i 1 H J ;f III
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers