Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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J ,
TCirxema Ptars,
' ero hor other celluloid drnmaa.
lallr Marshall Ii golns to lio llio Laaky
lit no a goon ono, inr
I Impersonations of rral
K'xilfftr IhUKU beforo this He maua his
WKimfAAnttarv b
i i s
fghine m Film
From Dickens
L Cera 6f La.ky
fetors in wnvcr
TViflt Sketched
rsst of Cliaraeiers r whvci
-..i ihs kasky-raramount feature.
Iwwlll be dliiplayetl at tho Stanley
TtW" wl". .... it.,.. .Inv. nf nest week.
F'ilva an all-ntar affair So noma nun
l& ef the" "tlou nolablya, nnd a bit o
prince to their screen 'careers, la not
IW! . .n ih.ro la llllle. lyrical" Maria
JjTBhe. A' courw, plays tho child of
,:.. .- imHir nni mi. nituu iei .mtwjts-
&.I hradlatts the book, llko n ray of Iltc'it
"Tiha other criminals Mint Doro. In
SLiSlr we Iho Oliver In tho Dlokons
KbSwn-produotlon of the play mndo by
?: ,um.ii In New York city yoara ftHO.
&.! memory la at fault. It waa -J.
5 Carr'a ndaptaUon which waa used.
7ctresi haa done a number pf pleasant
2i moitly fur Fnmoua riaytre, though
J,,u with Kino Arta lor a anon timo.
mu o the Orimth payroll mo appeared
M artistic Photoplay. 'The Wood
vnvbT 'l"c,", l'y ''"" Powo1 , w
tLmans MlM Horn rocroatcd her old Rtaco
T f-Vi,. Morals of Marcus." by Wll-
Srt J Locke and, with her husband, iZU
S Ik"', ho lent "V.crcst Bardou-a
lamacy' or "Dora," It la called
.wf "Tho Lash," by 1'aul West, u a
wi.t vehicle for her "Tho Whlto I'carl,"
rommoa uruu ... ,",:..;""-
tiaommt ansrmN
types or
worn tIEN
Kut Jon excellent Impersonations of crafty,
E'x-iri.r thura beforo this lie mado Ilia
KhMdiictorr bow to film spectatora In Kins
lj "The Bablo Lorchn," later enacttne
KMy divergent parts In tho samo enm-
Wsuir's '"Martha's vinuicucion- ami "j,ct
mw... n, ii
g; W B'" R",l, ' '" occasion la to bo
Fflwrt Bosworth, one of tho roal veterans
C4 ia Kt .iw.ih -... iitww ...n pv,,it--i
fir i, long lime, and then ho had hli own
A-mpiny, a part of rnraninunt.
' Baymond Hatton, whnao cimnlnir and
awl jP In "Tho Honorable b'rlend" will
'net he forgotten nonii, U cast for tho
'Artful Dodger. Ktaln Juno Wilson, who
;iwlth Karrar In "Temptation," la Nancy,
ui James Nclll tha Mr. llrownlow
Dickeas nral wroto tno story of "Oliver
fTsjifVi?- - .
yJ&W.Jm&M I ml, j i ii iflr r.
r. T-Ttsmsph- htm ?l i?y
. " , If 1 I ! , W
" I kX 1 I r J - 4Ti FTZ.T7T " I V W . . W l.'V 1 1 f
r .rf 7 r f -A vvsy ut
T ' vt r j
tho nocl for tho iilaBe. Shortly after ho
had completed the story ho called upon
a famous London theatrical mannuor, who
told him of tho utter Impracticability of
"OlUcr Twist" for nny dramatic purposes.
Ijuer It was prepared for tho Btane. nnd
tho lato Sir Henry Inlnc took tha part
of Hill Slltcs 'OUcr Twist wni soon
on tho upcaklne atnRa for a number of
cnra and was rclcd In 1912 by tho nil
star cast alluded to abovo and hcacloil hy
Mario Doro, with Nat Ooodwln aa ragln,
I,ynn Harding na Slkea nnd Constanco Col
llcr as Xancy.
A few of tho mnatcr figures of nim.lom who appeared at tho tlinner tenderotl the Stanley Inhibitor.' Association Wodncwlny niRht by Stanley V. Mnstbctum.
To tke Little Lady in Bl
tVvVMi. . -
UJ J "lw& 1UTr SA, Tpxt, CUlJ. ckaAt CWtJC-. $M
K $ Uxu venu to Wcw aJo$SL 3. 1u3Uv U Unuo - cuu.
,C ovo&- jm ioit (T nvui cpzM cJL QkMZ&&ktwu fe
. . h ; L ..
5(v4-lvM- T&AH. Irt Ovw i'-H M iva iJlotovJ
"WW sVttA Ksx. !) aJcl- J-f$- AslxvV TCr 'aaHju
, Otto k vvui f; fcltt uTWJhW OJluyuASjWw
DERE Is tho (juaint epistolary will addrcssod. by Anthony Addenbrooke,
Mon departing for tho war, to MIsb Anno Churchill, who has broujrht him
fln.ff0 chro,nic disaipation to honor and position, And hero is tho still
Winter form In which David IielaSco handles this "prop" every night at
.j m , Mo3t 8tEa directors aro contont to let tho player pretend to
uil. i ? mer1y ecrlbbled sheet of paper. Not Mr. Belasco. Ho has
w tno above, letter mimeographed In scores of copies, and each night Miss
0i!L:i-ai ? ,resh cjPy ' her hero'a ovn handwriting. So much for realism.
Wy-hd heroes of 1820 write a vertical hand?
iSSSn.i'J B81'1"" nown a BtnUey'a
Ijfif? PH'ared undtr the, tlila of
BSuu !Sta,S? flf ,lver Twlat," DUVena
hatSti T'0 U "sponsible- for tho 11
UJJ . h? ,el,"3a that h wna conatruo
SjlMiir ,lwn'op "Oliver Twst" by
"hr th plat whlch c)nveyed to
J W conception of (ha characters.
KekMr TOhd0 tt financial aucceaa and
Vred Slono. of "Chin fhln." Ih nn out-of-donra
man Had he not beiamn a comedian
no wnulu hao been nn explorer, a ooboy,
a .nut, a lilR-gamo Iniiu. r or tho prac
titioner of muno other proroyslon tho en
thusiastic adoption of which premnfpojii i
lovo of luhcnturo and a desire to 'Kt
tho air"
In sombrero and chaps, Stnne Is as much
In the plcturo on a westirn cattlo ranch as
hu la behind tlm fnnlllahis hs Ii-in tnUtm
levernl prUea In tho fhcjrnno "round-uptl."
In . which tho most oxiwrt riders, 'fnrlat
throwers and cattlo handlers of the country
compete nnd the trip which ho made to
tho enst coast of Oreenlind seorai years
nun, when ho nnd his party spent thrco
months In tho Ice, has Ke him no small
reputation as a penctrator of tho northern
1'oljr bear Imtitlnc la tho moat CTClttm:
sport of tho northland. To baif several
polar lienri woulu
satisfy most sports
men, but stone, llnd
IriK that tho thrill of
It lulled after a
While. Introduced n
new K.imc, no now
that It had never
befora been played
nny place no las
soed th monsters of
the Arctic.
Ono mornlnc about
C o'clock It vvau
during tho Arctic
da and never dark
tho lookout m a n
espied a mother bear
and her two children
they wcro more
than half tho slzo of
their parent croaa
Inc tho bow nf tho
ship The pundit
began Immediately.
Tho vessel was ma
neuvered to keep the
bears from ronchlns
tho nearest .Ico doe,
nnd presently Stono
Kot an opportunity
for a fair shot A
rlflo bullet through
tho back of tho
mother bear's neck
ended her earthly
A dead baar floati,
and the two youiut
stcri. unutlo to un
derstand what fato
had overtakou their
mother, swam wildly
around tho body.
whale boat vvau lowered and the hunter
look his place In the stern At a tllrtanco
of front twenty to twenty-tlve fet from the
threa animals ho lassoed one of tha cubs
A second later ha throw tho other ropo
and mndo another perfect cast Then, nt
tachtni; tho two lopea to the stern, ho or
dered tho anrstuan tq pull back toho ship
With alx husky NorweKlan satlora at thn
oars pulllnR in ono direction, anil tho two
jounu bears pulllnR In tho other, tho boat
rennlned virtually atntlnnary for an hour
Tho strength of the animal appeared pro
dlRlaua Finally, when It looked nt It tho
tuK-of-wnr mlRht. with Justice to all con
corned, bo declared a drawn battle, Stono
slltnnlcd tha steamer to rorao closer Ho
throw another rope to tho ship nnd once
this was attached the bears wero pulllnic
nKalust six men and thn vessol Itself They
soon crew tired nnd vuro Imtijcil aboard '
When welnhed each ono tipped tho bcnni at
between 310 nnd 3S0 pounds; their mother
scaled TSD
N'trwYO! I IC . Pcier,,1916
Tins Mutual Dank
i.ai v,rsr oa" mm i.t
;"l'C'Fa'TJro,rt """ -"- 4,768.t5
' tntmitorr:
Piir thonasnd, n.ren nunaro4sixty.flve, 'n'L9l00th-3-----.--.)(),-UW,s
mjm-A-, -.- j?
h 7Z i rVl V
cabin and emerged
with two lariats, A
"Georgle," Mother llubatt u.d to say. "hero'rt our nllownnco tills
week. Don't buy candy witn your dimes anil aomu day you'll bo a
rich man." But that wasn't tho way Gcorgo V. Ilolmrt, author of
"Experience" now playing at tho Adelpht and in two other citien,
camo to got this nice llttlu toyalty check.
IP "r..Ti:niK.'CB" oor.tlnuea tho ro
matkablo suoceaa It has already achieved
In t'lilladelplila nnd elsewhere. Cleorxu V.
Ilobarl will soon bo America i richest play
wright "Ilxperlenco" Is now In tho third
ear of Ita success, and tills c.i- It Is
bointr presented by thieo dlrfcrcn' com
panies Originally It was given by only ono
compmy, and then Mr Hobart'a rnvnttlea
a erased about J1-0U u wiel: Un season
two lompanlcs piesented It on tour, and
aa each did an enormous business his
roynltlcj Jumped Into tho nulghborhrod of
;:500 a week This season, with threo
companies In different parts of tho L'nltei!
States, hit royalties have nvoraicc.l innr
Stono dived Into liW.I'ttian 13800 a week. This princely Income.
however, vvaa nxceedetl tlurlnv ThauksglvliiK
week, when tho thrco companies, one In
riilladolphln, ono In Minneapolis: nnd an
other dividing Id tlmo between Madison
and suveral Wisconsin townt. played to the
KToss rccelptn of morn than J17.000. thM
Liiormmm llgure being posslblo through tho
f.nt tint extra performunc -b and holiday
matinees on Thanksgiving Day wtro given
by nil thrco compaulis
Mr. Hobari, under his contrnct, receives
ten per rent of tho gross rccclptii, nnd, nc
corillugl ha was paid the biggest royalt)
check ever maila out by Messis. ruii)stock
and (Jest This check Is icproduccd here
with iu facsimile, Just toimnko all who
see It feel good at knowing thcro Is so much
money In the world Only a f rars ago
Mr Hobart worked as a newspaper re
porter In Ilaltlmoro for tl" a no.U and
bfore that he W04 a telegraphir In the em
ploy of the old United Tress
There was not vn much makn-helhivti as
one might Imnglnn when Thomas II I lire
was prwlttelnK his diotopHy spcrtaulo,
' ('Ivlllutlan, ' now at tho l.rli- As a mat
ter of fait, thrre was m inueli eamestnesH
In thu work that a iipit'lnl hopltul had t
bo provided In o.iro fur tho uitnis and
supernumeraries who sustained Injuries In
tho cnunw of I'lueiwv events Arcoidlng to
tha carefully Kpt rceurds nf the ph)HUtnii
In charge of this huspltal, them weie u
artly 211 persons treated medlull) as a
direct result of ptrtlclpallug ill this mnv
Ing picture. At no tlmo during tho actuil
"shooting' of the plctuto w.ia this huspltal
empty and Kenernlly litem vven from
tvveiit-tlvo to forty patients there Tiir
tunatoly no fatalities marred thn progress
nf the ambitious undertaking, but two
"supers ' call but mi nrm. nun lost a foot
and another had nn ujc destiioisl as a re
ault of being too near ono of tho numerous
explosions In thu bat
tle scenes There
wero numerous frac
tures, bums a a d
Interntlons, several
of which left marks
that will bo life-long
Jean KreUe. an av.
ntor, broke a leg and
both of his arms In a
inliiilo aeiial battle
In which his iiiarhinn
fell 200 feel to the
earth, while Prank I,
Krone, a well-known
I'allfurnla motor
racer. aufTired a ills
Punted shoulder and
Kuvero brulscti when
on armored imitnn.ir
hu was driving col
lided with a jro3
whlih was hidden
froui his vNnu by
u dense iloud of
smoke arising from
a iioinh explosion
"At tlniCH l feured
being f.ilnllv real
Is tlo." Mr Iuro to
m nrkeil rcrcnllj .
' but, aa nil my gal
lant a h s I h t a n t a
agreed. It w.ih well
worth taking a
chance, hoc.mso wu
felt Insplieil by thu
great cause of hu
inanity to ln some
tiling whleh would
cmctively help to
show tliij people juHt
h i w terribly ful
i.iclous vvarfaro is.
All of the explosions
pl tared vvero gen-
nine and they entailed a lot or precarious
work on tho pnit of tho thousands of men
and women In tho plcturo. tti n supreme
effort to speed up the action It w.ia not al
ways possible to got ivorjbody nut of tho
real danger aonc In time and us a cnnq.
qurnco many were hurt, I am sorry to iuj "
As iflmarksble .iu It mnv i.eeiii sumo of
the dirliiK feats, apparently tint most dan
Kerous ,.f all vmio accomplished with
out Indicting the slightest lujiliy to any
one Por Instance, the none In which n
tmuiutid mildlir. hoise aiul all crash
tlmiugh a bililgo into a treacherous stieani
btlnvv did ant scrate'i olthei nun or beast
From Odessa
to Broadway
Her Itinerary
" i
Nnntchek Glialpcrm'a Cur
ious CarccrWkicK Brings
Her to KcitiVa
FItOM Odessa, llussia, to llrondway, Is a
pretty Involved and unusual trip, whan
stardom, fame and dollars are the objects,
and the subject prett Mvacloua and am
bitious jouiig woman Tho White Queen,
of Iiwla Carroll s fancy, tnluht havo na.
KotlatiHl the Journev in a short tlm nmt so
mlRht httvn (letett llurgess'n "Ijdy M
chante" ltut jolt would hardly suspect
Nanlchek Ohalperln of being ablo to do It
Nantchek. b tho way in the headllner at
Keith's Thsntre Jul now Hut sha hai
adnptml her name so that It la Nan Hat
iverlti. "Vea, t was born In that homo of fa
niotiB people, sueh as Nailmova and Al
Jolson," she told thn theatrlonl reporter ono
day last week It wna In her exceedingly
clnvated dressing room, and Mlsi lUlpertn,
nemnr, was eutinic on nnother chair nearby,
llaggy stmliis floated up tho statra now'
and then from tho vaudeville stags below.
"Hut I loft there when 1 wna n year old.
Our family camo straight to Minneapolis,
Minn , nnd there It was thnt I had tho birth,
of a notion or going nn tho stage. It alt
began with recitations, and finally, nt tho
mature m nf fourteen, I did really and
truly go mi the singe My elocution teacher
t mk hits' of chnrnt'torlajtion und welded
thtm together I did tha rest. They wero
Impression of girls That vvaa during tha
summer and I was only permitted to da It
on condition that I stopped In winter tlmo
and resumed a 'normal' life. Well, tho
iii'.xt summer t was genuinely stntrostruck.
Mister and I saw nn ad for n noubretta In
tho Clipper Wo answered It, nnd landed
tho Job. Prom Minnesota we went to Knn
wis for the position, nnd then toured s .
one tilRht stands through Toxus, Arizona
and both Muxlcos -
"After a recess 1 went back with tha
same eompany, which did what we call
toiluy tabloids lint I was dissatisfied J
wanted new worlds to subdue. So It was
it-icl. for me And I got a" fairly gopd
tcilarv loo ICO a week Then to I.QS
Armeies Tim fflit that I had my own
wardrobe with mo and that I didn't claim
to bo 'tho greatest souhretlo In tho wprd'
seemod to surprise the in winger to whom I
.ippllnl I to thought tnv iiumand for nlxty
live rather sleep 'Well,' I told Ulm, 'lot
me go mi feu ono week w llhotitpliy, and
When Screen Endows Stage
YEAR hko tho movies wero "Icilliiifj tho drama." Today such
isBr -S!alMBBW5al
iB trHsfe uBBiiiiaiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiHsBk-s4
sB 'b- .mKL
t .slslSilHsSslalf
'""fsW (
-- aaj!!
Tho Patho Company, Is out to stimulate
tha scenario writers of tho country, Not
only aro they offerlne their new aerial,
"Pearl of tho Army." to Hvbnixo I.edouh
readers In serial form: they have also fur
nished this, paper with a number of short
articles dealing with the need of tin big
companies (or more) scripts and furnish
Ins adv ice to the amateur The first sounds
a note of general encouragement;
A nreater opportunity Is offered to the
public today to write starUw for motion
pictures than ever before, aecordlmr to
officials of come of the largest motion pic
ture producing companies. ,Tho demand
far original Ideas for motion lUeture.
stories ia greater than the supply. The
staff scenario writers of the artou mo
tion picture oopipanles are unable to pro
duce aufllalent material to meet the con
stantly growing demand I.lttle hope Is
expected by the, producers from the literary
and dramatlo authors, because up to the
nras.ni lima they have failed to recognize
the Importance of the motion picture Indus
try and have net mastered the art of writ
lug for the kercen
Prom whom are the stories of tho future
coming' ThU U the Question the producers
ara aaklns Naturally, they turn to the
nubile or the. twenty mlUtena of imple
who go to the motton-ploture theatres of
the United. States every dy, P4lt4y oe
ralf luve tried or have aspired to write
for the metkwi picture With an occa
sional acceptance these amateur photo
playwrights have failed because they have
neglected to master the art of scenario
According to a majority of the producers
it U preferable not to bae a fclury sue.
milted in (senarlo fvrm Most of the com
panics prefer to ve the idea cuUlued m
.c wt4or
f-Arry-sa'tt 's
til form of a
ut tiua U tt I
Hut taey
i yjWf
of Use OftBKJBsBMm
ftsMsT'' nffarnTFWiMsEglg 4S OiiBbiss'JVfsw'KsiasP 1
Wksffiw Kir f -
MsBMsslet . . 4iAtM' - 4 slfcVrBfc3,lK ' "VSR
' I ! '
W .14swk tWtm
AX EAR ago the mo
jfj panicky pifflo is at a discount. Tho drama is still alive,
and Hie movies aro doinp all sorl3 of ffood thinpa for it.
Tiio movies are tcachinjr the stago technical lessons in tho
art of production. They are showing it how to una that most
powerful of all single elemonts in a atage picture light.
The movies aro educating an audience educating an audi
ence to want ood theatrical entortainmentn ; educating it to
want reasonable theatre prices, and educating it into tho habit
of forming a definite wcek-after-weok cliontolc something that
will count mightily whon the local "repertory thoatro begins to
rule in America,.
More than that, tho movies are going out of their way to
bridgo tho financial gap that lies between the present long-run-touring
system and tho future. Experimentation in tho theatre
costs money. Losses aro the natural thing when stars and man
agers try to introduce the resident repertory 'company, or any
other forward-looking enterprise to a public unused to it. Now
pioneers in this transitional period arc learning that tho movies
stand ready to aid them. Stars like Fiiverahnm, Nazimova,
Arnold Daly, Pavlowa have mado small fortunes on tho screen
to spend in new artistic endeavors upon tho stage.
The movies stand ready to endow tho thoatro.
Every day brings co-operation of screen and rftago closer.
About a year ago, Arthur Hopkins, tho brilliant young producer
responsible for "On Trial" and "Tho Poor Little Rich Girl," told
me that when he has his repertory theatre in Now York, Ills plays
and his players, translated to the screen, will bring him a yearly
income which will alone guarantoo him against initial deficits,
Now Mr. Hopkins has associated himself with tho theatrical firm
of the Sohvyns in a new photoplay organization, called from the
part played in it by Samuol Goldish, of Laaky fumo, the Goldwyn
Pictures Corporation.
Here is something big not alone in the plays and the players
which this exceptionally successful group of managora will bring
to the screen. The big thing i3 the co-operation of the two arts-
artistic and financial. It means a solictor money basis for each,
More than that, it means tho interchanjro of talont and of Ideas,
of the material upon which each art thrives.
Watch these new pictures. And watch Hopkins and tljo
Solwyns whon thoy make their first now theatrical productions
next season. K. M.
. msig,w.g- MW.j'wneP'. - -
-tic- U ro, Ijky star, inspects her Oliver Twist and decides that patron of tfe Stanley yitl Jhaw h
j, fotxj tfcu? e.s.t. wort a ik Jtrt.cv4- vt t Jtwuiwi alia (top Ejf m uil w fa&turai jpfcytr.
The ImlMtlPhM Musical UureAU an
nounces the first nubllp recital of Hascha
Jaoobtnoff, Ilia pew violinist, ftt Wlther-
hjhmju Ia, Tliirsduy evetiluif. Iciiibr SI
Jacobluorf's. pularlly U grow In Kauh
concert lias iwrvmIk Kreater success than
the one precedlpK;, and the orltliM of llar
rlsburtt. WllwlnK'on and evep l'illHdouh
have vied with each other In praising the
)uuns violinist's, art
T y. II . la the WHwInaHen Kvery Kve
nliiic called Jacoblnoff a "nw violin star,"
who "proves a dJ(h.tful surprise aa it, Hval
of Muwha Jlmaii.M "He luo a divine touch,"
T c , C4n!lnwe4 aiyl a44d 'Ills work;
was refdetu with brilliancy as momen
tartly to dw. nnd t, wittMi, be aupi.i)td
a depth of understanding and true i.n v.,
cdife. uf lv effeet tkat were astuiiUhmtf "
The MwrnlBcT Xewe eritle said Mr
Jacobinesrs MfKram was uhaseti -with d 3
crimlnatlou," and added, 1 is safe t -1 tuv
tost his tittr4rettleu ( Uunnarian mus a
will alone no teUU l a tnoat cmuiio
position hiwhhs tie vtallHlsts of the tune
Quotations from tileliriii4 tapers
bow the (aUwlg itepces and lOirases
Of JacqWoAlTs tUtlailon as a vioiiout
there can soaroely b queettun Jaeoh
uicfT baa developed extraordinary diu
of tone upon Ms chosen liumumcnl
to prove titaMtMf MM ut the glial
n f aaasiM vMiiUalj.sj'' "fatatia jauub
tuotAkJ "hiit Mt to hftpari intf tail'
It I make Bood, take ma at tny figure.' J la
did. 1 dj. Our jilayhmiso was tho Trln
cess Not far away was the Olympic, where
the same sort of entertainment was on.
tap save fur the fact that the, latter
place made a bh for masoullno. amusement.
We catered to women iJtossom Heeey waa
fontliiueil on 1'ate Utit, Column Throe,
P- ui David BcUV JtrSaWtK