wppww;ip;jyy'wWHm:'l r-iSm ft&2rM ,jrSS gM s r c- K -"glBfTi-i fcVENINO L'ElDGEB-PHILADBtPHIA. SATO1IDAY, DBCBMBJ5B $ MM .r,ainrti 'liin'i iii; ' y1.! jrjSi WM.afa-,,, (ti Jon,,.,,, ... , i ,,,,, .i, -....., ,,,,.( .1. -i. IU...1J...I1-II n i i i i ... IT-.li n n In,' i ... . ...J... -"i.Wf lUUl i4.iil n T , ' J-4.J.J AU.U LETTERS FROM READERS REVELATIONS OP A WIFE FASHIONS ARE WEDDINGS AS "FUNCTIONS" . BECOMING FEWER THESE DAYS? e - I A -f -i Maily Modern Girls Very Sensibly Dispense With All the Fripperies Incidental to Large Wed dings Which So Tax the Strength of the Bride ,, .-.- . NB ia Mnick by Iho comparatively 'Vte'A Mno" weddings glvon rreenltyi MY MARRIED LIFE By ADBLE OAARlSON 1: pmo of tlio most tmttbrtnht nltianceii , fcave been fnndo very quietly and Unosten tatiously. There ecms to be n Browing sentiment fcgttfnsS show weddings; time was whoti M 'girl considered herself a real britto unless, iilio could walk up tlio ttlslo olnd in tho conventional wlilto notm and orange blossoms, attended by nt lenst six brlticemnlda. Arid to satisfy her" wishes, tlio Ktrl'n father often strained Jil credit to tlio limit td provide tho necessary rcgnlin, besldoa; onlerlalnment for tlio guests. And nil for tho saks of hnvlnir nnvnnil hundred peoplo vcrnnlng their neols to see tho brldo, and later at tho house cunt, ing npnrnlslng ey over tho presents. Whllo the bride, pale nnd wan nfter weeK of hustlo and bustle In prepara Uon for tho (treat event, Ktood for bourn and greeted tho nuestri ns thoy arrived Tvlth a fixed, ghostly smile, praying for the end of the ordeal. If tho kIH In question Is a husky spool, wien, well oblo to enduro tho round of irayotles, nnd her parents nro woll pro. Vldeil with this World'rl Roods, thoro Is WW reason for the nplurge, Uut too often this Is not tho case, and tho nurns spent on this uno day would, If given to tho young couple ns a wedding THE CHEERFUL CilERUEr Life rY&3 unnaca35-a.rv UOO.3 From mv aroitM point of vioxj. n . 1 Dvrt thcres z. rcwon, I suppose, Andl so I'll see. it throOfjk H.T"" How Madge Escaped From Harm Underwood ' ' J f-j-'Vl . lf gift, tide them over Very comfortably for tho expenses Incidental to "going to housekeeping." Hut I suppose each girl mint carry out hor own particular notion on tho subject for, after nil, It Is her Wedding and sho who has bail u very, very (pilot wedding nlwaya declnros she ban never regretted It, while tho girl who trips Up the nlnlo with nil tho accoutre tnunts of the conventional wedding de clares that hor choice was tho hnpplor THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Letter and quettiant eubmlttcd to thin departpient ntu$l b written nn one tUlt o the paptr and tlsntd with the name of (A lortter. Hptclttt quirlta Uh thoso etvn ttlow art Invllrif. It ti xmdtntood that tht editor loai not (lecnniirllj tndorte ti ""I"!' exptied. All cominunteciiians lor thl dtpartmunt should bo addrettcd ei lalloxoi) Tin: WOll.v'H KXCilASMK, Evening Ledger. I'hllatMphlii, Va. Xli winner of Uanr' vtlit I. Mrs. H. P. Jonn, nf 31S rocpr flrvel, Camilm, .V. .1,, wlio teller miiwHrml In )rrtiStr' purer, ' TODAY'S INQUIRIES r I. How rsrt mothii In enrtett t etermlntilT 9, What rnn In done wild n thatibr umbrella It mko It louh belter? 3. How- eon wnltr bust be.iireTf.nlMl from tefullnt tho kitchen link at nlihlT 1. Wlifn onlklnt with two women wlmt poll tloti elianlit the man Inker 3, When onlerlns n rntnl In u rrljurni limilil ii wonmn ilro her own anlrr r ulioulil the nmn do lh orJerhis? H. Ilotv rnn Urn linlr be Prolerlnl ulirn nwreit Ins or ilmllncT J. Cofo Bilk. ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S INQUIRIES lall ti rogeo mlied vrttti boiled 2, Curt aim will lun more eienlr If Iho Solrssii l cut Win Iho iwl beluro hrmmlnr. tbo trlmse, belnr more lljhllr noren Ibnn tha reil of lha fabrle, hunio more flrmlr than the rest. 3. A roumt pier of cnrdboaril nllh a hole tunto enomli to (It arrr tho Ion of mi electric L'sht bulb'nlll InM fmier ollk thnrfe In plnre. Space Savers' In Apartments Ify Ih Sdlter o Tl'omaii1 Pane' ttur iUilmil- In nn nparlmcnt. whrro It la nefMMry to ullilti every Inch at hpco, e. kltctun ouiitinonl cn b romlj to nolil nearly doi)W tho iimiiiiiit by piscine, nnoiher he( ha twotn lioeo nlmnly thtre. It rconomy I" on tlm, taooden toxin wilt do nnd cult ( nudii Ilka B.bontn. two for u hir. each one bilne on inch snorter than ualt tno icnmn or the nil, 0 tbt they eon easily be removed to clean, , l&lro.J It. II. U, I. A circular nklrt In the mnklllt nbnuld bo hunt up by the wnlatband fur n day or twn brorei belnx rlnUlicd IT at the linn. Tide nl lawa tho blna cnm la tlrelcli. 2, TIiob ho ilellre to reloln pleilan tbotild avoid tailed and A road ronw pickled fond. raw or atnoked meat, rich and ireaay com. pounda, elieh at tnueare. mirk, aernnitln up naf do foto srar and loo much aurcla. .1. Hmip thould ninny In frum tho ldo of the"ai)oon. Inkrn mil. firmly 'Ui , UUIIzlnff KcICfcr I'oars lh i'ddor of 1foman' Vast) r Msdarn Hsvlns a aunersbundanc of Iter iHjarn. and economy and common aenaa unrin tna utilization os tnem, otter canninv, rKklnr Pear honey, to.. In the uaual manner, trted tomi uauiual waya of mini them with Unix. ..lr Frlttars. On bowl of peara allced vtrr In! n i one cup aweat milk, on ecx beaten Hunt nd added after part of the elite' I Dour han been put, tin flour enoutrh for thick batter, lrry in atop hot lard. A thin cuatard of nillK and en a est may be poured aver theee, then It la (titter toaatl but uaually ausar or ayrup ia urtlolent. Pear Durnpltniee. fillce peara thin and cOak with auaar I and nutmeg m plenty of water, Later maka dumpllnsa, an for blaoutti roll mid cut in diamond and Place over tha bnltlntf Ifiim. Cover and cook for at Uaat nttetn tntuuUi. , Xbera muat bo plenty nt water to ahjorU tin ' doush. that It may cook around Uietn. ana form a. aauca. a war can oi aauea to potato aaiau. or pear imi un pa inane, wun celery ana matron- iIa Bklet, Xonr4 .Urepls Keltfer pear a, u. c. I Use, for tho Casserolo f4 tht Bdlord IV'omon' Paoti Dear. Madam When on poaaeaaee a, caa ro! ea many tpoiheom a)hea can be pre. uttio trouDit. i am eenaina up rnpetiy of t if.nl.1 panbiti lilflnava twn imrK uaaces, two allce of lean bacon or ham. a w aticaa or macaroni, a tomato, onion, carrot pepper ana aait. vut up tna meat inio nic Elece. halve tha kldneya. roll jjsnpi with very mu airecuona ic ftoyei: Una pound inia: una pound of atew meal icoid cooked oat win not, two aneep lttla troubfa man maaa a tomato, onion, Cut uu the meat Into nice kidney, roll them with the aueas in flour, alt and iwpper. , flare all In caeeeroie. aaa ma vea-etableM ailcaa ana me Macaroni brokeu up. cover with etock or hot fateri aeaaon to taat. vover cioeeiy aTui cook owiy tor tire noura. . uniy two noura are . it in meat naa n vriouiy cooae r.ut(,v a, s; ritulr4 Gift for nn Engaged Olrl To the Killlor 0 H'oninii'e fooef .hl5"!t Madam Hpeakliin- nt eniasement sift, the old Idea oi r pretty cup and eaucer to tha orlde-lo-ba la about aa nh n any. Nobivly !I,r-',? ,l,l0 enoush pretty cup nnd aaucara tOr till nt.rMHl.ltlR II... I .u rt I ., h...... n ... cprfeo. bouillon, ohocoiale and lh vnrloua ndi :l'."I? ."?akS.". ",e,l,.v "' Individual fnnclea to bo Hi.'?."?": T'" vi''.t rnn" S've" aa to price la hjlprul, too. maklnc It eaay for an) body to ohnp' n diilnly cup and eaucer. at leaat. lha thliiit a alrl may put In her cneet nro all lovely, at couree. but till aualnt old cup and eauctr ideaaecnia to ma lo be a partlcu- .any nico one, on old friend roia even further, and aeea that hi varlau youue frlenda havo a. chocolato pnt nnd alx cupa. Thea mako a pretty act. raiwcliilly for tha llltl afternoon pJ.ri'!!i " ,,,,!.0 u,ya '" " both before nnd utter tho wedding. .-b.ouY,nlr..,,I,Kin, """ particularly nttlnc, too, to match tha abovo Idea, or Junl apart (rum It, Dyeing Gray Hair To tht HJttor o U'omoa'a 'ope; iDir MailamPlaaoa tall me, throuth your in."1w.,r" J" ""'wndent. how lo darken bnlr J.1f ,rl?,l.mr.V"lr.w.,,,, '' ani whether It will Injur tho Imlr, a, SI. neclpq for Hnge Tea. Two ounces of garden rngo. two ounces of greon tea, two ounce of cau tie cologne. Htecp the sago and the tea nounrataly, each In eight ounces of water. Allow them to idmmer on the stove for SdMirnl hours, until reduced to two-thlrda of tho original quantity, Strain nnd combine the liquids, and wlton coo I ml apply to tho hair. Tim sngu tea will not mjuro tna nair. Refractory Child Ta the Kdltor of ll'omntt' Paget Dear Madam In thla enllshtened art It Kfi!?i"r """d. plauelbUto thlnlc of .any one eo blind a to allow child to have, ta own war without any reproof whatever, almpiv b.cau.e It .n .vu nvHHuuv ainve uirin. put aucn a ina "ITrilUN I raw Harry Underwood lutrry. 'Vlng fowsrij the dbor of Hie omnibus In the top of whloh I wa ndlnk. 1 half row from my ih1 In n wild liten of night. 1 knew that he Intended to Join me t fell that I could not rld tip nf h nventit cOnsplcumjub stated upon the lop of a bus with this men by my aid!, lint it second thought msde me slay where I war. I could not resell the street and get away unobserved, He wnuld meet in comlrg down, t hod expfrlenetd enough of liln perslatenoy to know that he httld turn and talk with me wherever 1 went. I wan nfinld he would urge m to hao lunch talfll. ItlMrt Unreasoning nnd silly as I felt the feelir.g to ds, yet i really relt rsifir with him on the top of an omnibus than I would walk big with him on tho street I reeolved to slay where I was, to treat bin appearance In the most matter-of-fact way, and to In vent nn errand In some part of the uptown rout of the bus which would enable me to leave blm suddenly. ho when I heard his deep voice a moment Inter 1 was able to return his greet'nn coolly, "Inspecting Iho street of tho Big flluITT How do 4-011 like ItT" He bowed mockingly. "Very much Indeed. Why do you call It that?" ,.." 1 could only keep tho converimllun at this pitch I need not fear any utiplensant-. ne-ss other than the dislike 1 nlwaya bad of his presence, "Oh, simply Jieontisn It holds more bluffs to the squnrc foot than any other stroet In Iho world." "DUAIl MI8S ICKURIta" Ho stood expectantly by my ent. I had hoped he would take either Iho seat op. poalte to mo or the one behind me, nnd J had not mado room for him. Hut he laid bin hand on the back of the seat as If he were going to sit down, nnd, willy nllly, I hail to move over. Tho seats on top of the busses are nnrrow enough when two slenderly built persons share them, I nm slender, but Harry Underwood Is a big man, tall and maKnlvn framed. I shrank over ns cltmo tn tho side of tho sent nn I could get, but I could not escape being crowded uncomfortably "nouini imiii. ".Vow wo are nice and cosy," he said, audaciously slipping bin arm across tho mux oi tno sent, I had made many trlpn on Iho omnibus In tho old cousinly days with Jack. Ilcforo wo wore married Dicky nnd I had tnkon two or three lilleaful rides upon this sent, or one Just like It. j- The memory of those rides, the peaceful iii-i mo niinniiu ones, mniio tills enforced one, taken In the company of n mnn I do tented, oven inoro hateful than It would have beu ordinarily. "How Is Mrs. Undorwnod this morning?" I resolved to take tho conversation Into my own hands nnd keep It there. "Very well, I tlunk you." He put his flngor In his mouth and mimicked n small girl repenting n nrst lesaon In courteous answer. t nm so glad," 1 said, Ignoring his buf. foonery, "I was so afraid alia would bo 111 nfler her hard work last night. "She was a bit upset after wo got home, but alio wan all right this morning whon she left for tho studio. I wonder what business or profession this man could havo to cnablo him to stroll Idly down l.'lfth avenue In tho Into afternoon, Whllo Ills wife was busy at the studio. I meant lo ask Dicky nbout It. "Hut I didn't como up hero to tnlk nbout Lll, my dear Miss Iceberg," I Interrupted lilm hastily. I had no In tcntlao of letting our tnlk get away from mo. "Do you know I experienced a most em bat rnsHlng, annoying sequel to our adven ture or last night?" Tho spppch showed my desperation. Ten minutes earlier I could have Imagined no emergency which would lend mo to retail my experience of tho mornlmr. Hut I wn determined not to lot this man begin hla embarrassing personalities. "You don't nayl" Ho was all pretended Interest, I saw that ho Imagined I had dropped my unfriendly attitude toward him, WELL-DRESSED GIRL'S DIARY "Pearl of the Atmy" they were probably no Upset they ilM not think f ponvKntiohalltles" That's just like old Dlehy. He always has an excuse fer everybody." "Ye, I know. Hut wheri I tejl him what happened I think ne will admit my nrn! Judgment of Ihem was right." Tell me I am nun yim art always Hsht " , "When t started for my walk, t thoueht It would be only deeent to top at the door ty. An Old India Shawl the Nucleus ot a Frock and .Innulrs about the tm "Did you get the door slammed In your faesr "Sot oulte. Hut the mnfd left me stand ing outside nhlle she went In and told her m!etre I was there. Then I hesrd the) babys mother say In a low tone: 'Oh, that woman from across the hnll. 1 sup iwse I shall have to see her.' " "Well, I'll lie ." h caught himself up abruptly. "What did you du?" "Turned away and walked out of the building before any one pamo lo the door " He slapped hla knee with his open palm "lly tleorge. that spice of the cle II that breaks out In yon oncn In a whllo Is the moi attractive tning iinont you, tlot a nlco Mile temper ot your own, haven't you ?" How I longed to glva this unpleasant man a tntte of the temper be wan com menting on A primitive childish Impulse to slap his face stirred In me. I locked my gloiod fingers Unfitly together. I was afraid 1 might yield lo Iho Impulse. TIIU WAY OUT "t was Very much nshnmed of myself after I had unlkcd nwny," t said sedately. Ignoring his last speech. 'That woman's discourtesy, which, of course, sho did not Intend me to hear. Whs no cscuao for my being so childish, but 1 was rcnlly try nnsry." Whllo I was talking I wan raking my brain for an excuse to get down from the bus without his following me, The sight of a modiste's sign gavo mo a clue. We wero passing through one of the side streets boforo turning on Hlverslde drive. "Hero Is wher I stop," I said quickly. "Don't bother to come with mo. My errand Is with a dressmaker, and you ought to know whaLa long tlmo that means, Oood fir fcJm cCr P ft W'i Y Wf$mkt i n msu m By GUY W McCONNELL Scenario by GEORGE DRACKETT SEITZ, Author of ' The Iron CJSw. - "The BMeMIn Shadow.' PRODUCED BY PATHE etc. Episode II'-Found GuUty." 5 ifli r rk A ntw Affmi rs558ffi,:SfweSrf,in eee how I he Un and derei "np, tjia. eeeni enowine "re! rlua If IKala. atery f ' resri or in mmria fort In tnl A nw aeenarlo wttl w au in atnry is-n- invn ntrrmt out is inarrtH-- nmlon preiure uram motioa-ptetur htm rmr."i CAUT Ireewr. h ei iari l the ri of the Af (Japla n rt ph,l'lne, tb hero. Ilalph KfVU IWl I)ra, the heroine . 1U fBlt USJenef far. ber lather tr. f. Cafllon -viajfir nreni. tna Hfrlha.lMnn. as i TJlte), tny rha The silent ilenar iieteaiue. Ihn villain an anveniureea. .., rhanffeur X by," ".VICW MTTMJ TBMI'KU" "Yes, Indoed The maid brought back Iho liut-watcr bottle early this morning before we ero up, and told Kntlo tlio baby was better." "Hathcr ungracious way to return It." Tint Is what I told Dicky. Hut he said I stood up to pass htm, but ha arose with mo. "You rnn't not rid of me like this, llttlo girl," he stld with hla cynical smile. "I'll lake you to your dressmaker's door nt leant" His manner showed that ho saw through my ruse, and was determined to make mo admit I had no errand, t made up my mind that ho should not beat mo nt thin game of wlta 1 bad boon compelled to play wllh hint, "Very well," I said demurely. Ho helped mo from tho bus nnd wo start ed toward the sign I had seen. An we camo to Ilia door nf It I ununcd and extended my hand, although 1 hated tho thought of touching his. 'Thank you so much," I murmured con ventionally "You have been most kind I will not keep you longer." Ho grinned sardonically. "I havo to slip It to you. You'to cer tainly handed me a lemon this time. Of course I don't betlove you have nny moro Idea, of going to it dressmaker than I havo. A brldo nf a few wcelts doesn't usually nerd it dressmaker, you know: too many trous seau clothes to wear out. Hut you know I llko nervo and deviltry wherever I Bro It, so I'm going to give you n llttlo rowan! of msrll- I nm going away from here." llo siititexetl my hniiil tightly, then bent over and kissed It. to the Inllnlto delight of eoino street urobilin who saw him. As ho lifted bin lint, ho grinned. "I think I scored one anyway," ho said aa ho wnlked awny. With tho street boys capering up and down nnd calling derisively nftor mo, I hurried Into tho dressmaking establishment, mado a tow conventional inquiries nbout prices and mntcrlals, then camo out again, and, going tn nn opposite direction to the ono ne nan inKeti, camo finally to a street car, In whoso shelter 1 safely rodo to a corner near my homo. Not until I cloood my own door did I feel snfo from tho possibility Hint I might meet hint again, I M.ink down n my easy chair, angry nnd humiliated. Harry Underwood was becoming nn un spoakubln annoyance to me. Yet I felt helpless to alter the situation. (Copyright) (CONTINUED MONDAY) HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR SKIN By LUCREZIA BORI Prima Donna of tho Metropolitan Opera Company. 0 Three Delicious Recipes fa Is Siltar el Wcmmm' fatrej pe.r Jladam Ifnd herewith a very eay and 4tllolaudirt and two nut salad! 1)11 Peert. scoop out lha topa ot small ponao cakes and nil with ellced banana. eh9?4 walnut and racosnutt aarnieh eruund tha di with slices of banana, lop wltn half walnut and eprlnkla With rocoanut. uincn peanuts, put in Mid chop coaraaly, Tu ath cupful of nut add and brown, with a, bit ot butter and aa! two up ot flnely cut . celary and when add equal amount or apple. . jjli tnorotwniy and aerv on liltuee are, wun mayvimaia. with tnavtthnala. jrurne Nut Baisd. Ttemov rind and all lniir akla from oranna and cut la aectlonji drain wall and mix with hair thalr built at nut eatery and rcan. Cut In email place, arransa a lettuce luiyaa and aerv wllh French dr Jttf. to which onus Julca has been a4ded. f H J Y JRemovIng Grcaso Spotu Rujt Stnlna to lf Xdlttir ol Woota' Page; Dr ottdafrt Comtrcti. If applied to rreu ewt on eiathlag, will rtmov tb pot. Huh inn or it a it on taa aouea puce ana it -vll) ahaorb the trrcaa. Bnub art cartuly In aiwat tvcie hour, and If ncary repat until $l ta tataa dUapptar, Tis imev Itiin. Itut etalna. no itt Ih warm MM & -Jam iIkj m&Htr turn two rnV b eaally minoit by ru- fiBftsMlrss3 m m th sum ana pttftnvil auiiabins. nt&v4t llepvat thla, until tb iwr,i.i a. v. L .."-.."'"'r.' iu " irvi,iijr ur tna moiner .ZVlfi Tl"'. 0.,', ,)rnp. "l-ov, la blind." aiima lo hold tool In this balance: 1 do not in.rm IS vv? .'" l"!Prealon that tha child I really fll.ut.iut whiiilnr and frtful. Tb pnyJlclan Mini A III IlM l.riK.t nf I, t.ArtH,,. ,1... .kl,,l ., : z:'z..jz.iri -::-..,;'. -rL"."T. v "hi ! ,.i ,,.1-utvuiv pivavriueu anu.on not improv. for. the reaaou that It t. a lowed lo cat rich f.io.l and Induli in other lndlcnt pureult. 't1!!?."'! otmn your, aye, and think ut your child' future as well ! present happln. KDNA II., Coaleayllle. Lovo for Parent To the Editor ol IVoma' Page: pear. Madam I ahould like to till the bor and alrl to how reepact toward their parente. eepeelajly to thalr mother. My inulher died when I waa slxteom 1 remember many time 1 y .crf aniJ sauoyand talked back ta her when slndneea waa tha beat thine to five. I am married now and hato three children ami how often I wtali I hail mother lo to toT Van can't believe how hearteora I feel aoma tune when I aa young peopl walking the treats, their mother with tuein, wnni t hava norii any more. Young; Mori may aave many a heartacho In the future by ahowlng reipect aud love for tbilr psrsnla. MBMOniEH. PJana for Christmas Patty To. ke Editor of the IVomun'e i'twe; Dear MadamI will be eliteen year old on Defember SS and would like very mush to slva i snow many noy and rie. airi ara. too youaw Know ftpout nn,n ana if i far th woul.l a. to hAii I. o. a. paper Valunlib in the Household pjr foi" af Vtvmatk'i Pose; v MaB-.rftpL a Bl. r two of rsush Wf hitadr m tha kltchut, and whan th pan s sniranw euo toeia wta tt; M dry, and It will do to.ua many i tep niece ilia la the bedrewn, aad i Mtpra umj a Leosi ru y tnrpiMlT too of th scalp, O, if. fe. "" Mean. r. Reliable Bj-ead Heelpe f 4ir Wowos's Ptwu IM&ie fBi-rhr irould b Aioes hai . . r r:tr: i ----- c . .r--" t,,t fat uaiets ut uiay iase ir rmuaawivoa tr it la lh brc lid JClnf J. It dM not tu ti ouuuea u nil wcea start tunJtfl m oil yo atartlur it la uwrniiiff. Iters I rtci wbich nevyr tvvu itsil cskM In see aufl warm water. ter uon iw up ihuu, liiuf tDM- salil J Ut i caxsir Hjft iftf ( J&t m! ""if smontli Stand wnsm pv&om .! imn siura. itmo-.ttx l $sj$ xufl eii wi vftwt ewai-u mutt mnu ft tn.i uiire water kb4 ene up iiillk, . Wd 'wjxsr. tsstte wtifc mm m far a tessss sH nd oi Mtsr. i' !- 04 zour n M mm mt tfe: (sax JHiet . iia i.1 a mm m htamam nm iota it mw-i ' It M M r4y tar few 4 fiJt( VM PtttA water iiom souea pots. J1 I 'IK rl.1iYilsa.tiMt mtm birthday party hut moat of tb firl bm. lltAnlbir. 1 k: voll advlia my ivlnir & nirtv. In th attarnoon or volol it, would be try nice to give a little party In tha evening and Invito your friends, he fnct tbat the boys you know are older than the girls should not make a difference Indeed, It t rather better so. Send them Invitational written on whit paper and In tho third person that Is ttls i - C . 8 - requests tbo pleasure of JUI (or Mr.) - company on Monday evening, De cember th twenty-flfth, from until 10:39 o'sioek, Spend the evening datio)ng or playing games, and aerv light refreahnjenls, tmh as sandwiches, salad, ooffet, ehocoHte,, loo erwru and cake. The derations; ,houl4 u vf nujimyrwin u tu Miruiruai aeason, as you wero bora on that day. Fur 'ffiiieh Shed J the Editor el f tytmos' Paget Dar lliuje "11 have w win year, lu-i v .te cai sat aa mir about Itt AlUntlu (Sty. row frequsnuy hed a little, but if mueh of the hair oumes out I am a f rata tho fault u In tha eurln, nd if this Is the casa oothto musb. mn bf dam with tfctm. Ifou utr if t ""ft t ii una a; bU ten a ty I nmong beauty seekers la n dry. coarse- looking skin, Hvery woman realizes that her complexion should bo smooth and fine of texture. "When It becomes scaly and shriveled, llko n wlth ored leaf, she begins to worry for foar that It will never regain I la velvety softness, nnd buys every prepara tion she hears about In Un effort to correct this defect. Scarcely ever does she discontinue the use of water whan bathing hor face. She fosters the old-fashioned Idea that nothing cleanses lilm snnn mid water. MK'HBZIA. tioiiP and would not think of blaming them for tho coarse texture of her skin, Vet, In most Instances, If tho com plexion Is to be restored to Its natural smoothness and elasticity, a simple skin wash must bo substituted for water. Tho benefit of such a lotion lies tn the fact that It cleanses without drying or hardening tha skin, Water, n most localities. Is "hard," and Its alkaline propettles rob the skin of tho natural oils, You will find that If a cleans, Ing Jotlon I used generously instead of water to bathe the face that your skin will soon show signs of Improvement, VAMMHM5 CfiEANSlNa LOTION Frh lemon lult t tabieanoonful Itosewater ff.Wnt Baoe of ro , , 9 drop The lotion la vigorously shaken and ap. ijlled to the face with ft piece of antlseptlo gauxe or old Jlnen, Constantly turn the cloth and mop tho faco and neck so that the dust will not be rubbed Into the pores. When you are satisfied that the skin 'Is cleansed then rub It in the usual manner. Clycerln lotions are also excellent cleans e,r. The existing prejudice against the use of glyeerlpf la without p. legitimate basis. When It la' combined with other Ingredients It Is a most soothing, refining and nourish ing lotion. Th following glycerin lotion Is excellent; ...nijcerlh , a ounce (Koaawater j) ounce olrWio aifdH'. '.'.'.'. ' ' ' '. ".'.'." 0 drop every half-pint of tho lotion. Use In the same way as tho lemon Julco preparation. It Is not to.bo expected that any of these lotions will make tha complexion smooth nnd soft overnight. Their effect may not, bo perceptible for several weeks, Doth sweot milk and buttermilk are splendid for cleansing and softening the skin. Honey and almond cream are also excellent for the same purpose. Delow Is tho formula: USP.f strained) White eon i tpowdared).. Oil of wet almond,,., q of bitter 'almond.,... ' of beraamot Oil nf clnvee ,' llaleam of Peru...,,,,., I.tquor of potaasa,,,,.,, ounce ouno ounce dram dram drnn H dram H dram A cleansing cream should always be kept on the dressing table. Hub It well Into the skin before retiring and after oxposuro to the dust of outdoors, The following Is the formula of n, good clenstng cream: Whlta wax Spermaceti Htt almond oil. Plitllled water .. tllirerln Ballcrllo acid .... 3 ounces 3 ounce 11; ounce '4 ounce 2 ounce 00 train Chnrmlnff frock of pinin dark bluo chllTon voivct nnd pnisloy silk, TJi:itH'8 something Hint you ought to JUL find n Use for, Itoblrt." With this re mark Aunt ICnthryn tossed an old paisley shawl Into my lap. Then sho continued "When the moths raided the carved oak chest where I had foolishly left some thfngs that should have been packed nwey In tho cedar rlosot they had no respect wbalrter tor grnniimotners shawl. Toil see it is prolty badly riddled, but I thought that you might usn It to trim n frock or cover a hat, now that they ask n fortune for any thing of an Indian or Persian shawl. I unfolded the shawl and held It up to tho light to sea Just where tho holes were. Tha moths hail been partial to ono side, for only a few IioIcb were nprlnklrd over the other. Jly hopes '.toured, bpcauso I had n, vision of velvet frock (rimmed with the paisley. (Irandmother hnd tho good taste to choose a shawl with soft red and dark blue tones with touches of black and golden brown. Aunt Kathryn was on her way downtown to do somo shoniitno-. so I went with her nnd bought tho velvet for my dresa. After irying oiacit anil nark bluo with the shawl we concluded that the latter was, by far, tho more effective. There waa a remnant of chiffon velvet nf an exceptionally good quality that I could buy for n half dollar less per yard than tho original price, but I had lo take n chnnco that It would bo enough for the frock. Trusting to luck I bought It. Then I look tho materials homo nnd started tho frock. I nrst cut nut tho moth eaten places npd then pinned tho bodlco pattern to what waa left of the ahawl. Ily cutting tho sleeves In ono wllh tho bodice I discovered that tho large piece would Be Just enough to make It. I arranged the sections of tho pattern in such a manner that tho moth holos came near the waist line In front. It was a disappointment to find that thero wasn't enough material to warrant long sleeves, Thon I basted tho scamn of th hndi together nnd mado n lining of whlto China silk. Mother fitted the lattnr in mn nmi after It was machlne-stltchcd I slipped It and tho paisley oerblouso on tho dresa form nnd "built" tho frock, Tho velvet was very wide wide enough to reach from tho base of tho neckline to my ankleii Including a four-Inch hem. z liked the effect of this lone, untirnkrm tin. so I cut the skirt In two pieces with t)io jruiu cxienuing up into tile bodice In a narrow point. IJoth back and front nro qulto full, and the former Is gathered about the normal waistline, forming a frill abovo tho narrow belt. Mother nald that I ought to introduce a touch of tho paisley trimming on tho skirt, so J mado two triangular insets over the hips, gathering them nt tho waistline. I used dotiblo ruffles ot trivet tb outline the aldo scams and made two slashes through which to slip the belt In front. Mother sowed the velvet bullet buttons In a straight line down tho front. wMIa t made double nifties wllh which to finish the short sleeves and nn oddly shaped col lar of velvet. Thero Is one feature In particular nbout this frock that I like: It fastens under tha velvet point In front. The moths did mo it "good turn" when they are holes In grandmother's paisley shawl: otherwise Aunts Kathryn never would nave allowed me to cut It up for a frock. Thero are enough "scraps" left to use for trimming a hat. T. rleharf lsrr Wayne 'iamsmoto ueel) 'butler. Vetrant. valet, etc. Subline cBl!n Ilalph rtnh hn. eemj dernrwd to llfs tmprleanment for the alleted ! ot the Oefffne plan of the Panama canal In ll urenaaian UoT.rnn)ent. firene t Paine- quarter In barraok. fata id, hd bowed in srm. IVarl Osre.enters siHt to hl unbounded sladne aeaure him ot ber belief lfl hi Innocence Hubtltle ralne'a Tilth! maMrUllr aids Major llrent pie n uf tnarrilns reiirl liare and twr fortune. . . ... Hcii 2 llrent" room In hotel llertha llonn, nested on cmidi III a llrent enter, llrent eurprie-'l nd illNerd Hubtltle llertha. llonn. I the mysterious R-ornin who linn dunned llrent tor mnny and rmlr Inelel on setllnir It, Uliiw foreground nf the tno nrsuine. llrent laushe, Hpeak. , Hpoken title "I nm elene broke nnd on th Vers ot ruin." Continue, previous foreground, Tf-nt -ia!.- mil la.ii lt-rlh mntvemtm Mpoken title "If you don't set the money I went I ehsil M forced tie dlvulxe th content of thla lorkel " llertha flnlehea epek!ns and pull luikct from boaom. It I un a chain, llrer.l i tsM starts off. She Jump Into lh elk . Hmm l9.Tial.f ! tl.A.1 .- . . rotered bisnaet-the iKS S. SS At n turn nit t forfi-arA"iT "" T .' ' iiovrirua iniTraaa anil smu i J'aretfmitid hand et lh Silent J'enae TiVB. ov-h bar nmo receipt and nailaVkel "Sa out ehln Info hjndb-, Thn hands tkfM packet foal by tiptaln Paine Into in. 52? ljtya note In enreiop on top of eke itSJF. flIMPwar . ruti t-Tha ttltent jSKJca " cit ot. VS." V room, a iiertaa eniere, Ucrtha eS.; lead clow foreground not en screm n aereeni T'Clusr.l tha parkit in VSJi r cas. and fly to.Vo del N'et. lakes eriMAWock.0 I ifiS woo4N einre at locset . .... Suttllle llrent reeonlellertha' locket, s n dupllcal of the one In whfrti ralne'a chemleiil wafera r.er hidden, Korenrouml Hrent and llertha atarlnc at locket, llrent epeana, Hpoken title "And what 1 In In locket that 1 need feorf" llertha opens locket, dleplaylns email photusraph of llrent .on which la Inscrip tion In llrent's handwrlllnr I'loeo furesround Inecrlptlon m iihotonrnph "Tu My Dprlln Wife, Thornton llrent " llrent te at locket ta dlemay. Fad Into. in rn doinc up llrent' laundry. Uhtlt Hcene 3 ItOOJ army tie heir nael nm in luim, nr iirin: rather seated emoklnc. Perth laundry Hrnn 4 Ilrent'a llrent. .younsrr and iiome nf llertha" father In smosinv. iiertna -alt sinlltnr wltn quarter In army poet nlml miialaeh. Bnlmti. itesra knock at door. Adnilta llertha llertha puis away isunnry n xirent watcne ner sninir iney exenens not Jnly, llrent ni approach, eppr yield ians not unfriendly alance. I her. fond e her. and aha nelly yield her lip f'lo dlaphrasm, ruuiitie Jionme laier. tna outrnei. guarier, uertna rown and rarrylns noor llrent's ounrters, tiame a 4, llrent Head aim ttn tratmllnr Orensdlan lrdr. ami im p your life , llertha inejy .. "ei Own roxerd eote it In Inatn tflllB eoi IS -lorn t Inn nrby, Dd.he ete. I'erl fat ewln faoiorlA """'" -Anntner loeation. Hid of emithk. -inci inaiviuuai laiRinr is hii... k la tn ...,., .r. r' 'i, '' nmpty let In .Wshlnton sotsirh. dlephraam of Pearl on eroi nd i ViSt d lth handkerchief. thbnlornw1 'ftt? r conciounf slowly. Jll, Nut,, tilT I in mud at tier fM,. It .!,!.,. ATVC . ,, ,,..ra ,u lemv rot Inent. Kvll-fACetl Menace, wlioe bac Hcetm W ficallon (terlnr Ibrouah tiuahe Met Itectivte , Apiwremlir w fJ,J 'orearound In hi cirec. hii'ir. Bl IS. through S'rViraffiOT., "Wif UlJicovfT nnrrow ntrflnr tn " V.w' tuifwny. !lUttN (hen jtnfi In, "" " nnc. MuvLri oul of fun inn . Htvn IS leorfitlnn. Sm MnM nml t onunl ttlnr ntlt inlmnr) to cnv'Mki raistfl HubntteWnm Fornln AltUnctt Hn IP Ham bi lfl Hiilt of mUftltmenl. 'tuf-l mmi Into tilr-tiir. rto... ZiJlHV' HIMllll, HPfina) U(lHuhlairriit1ain tnauttln ; ; ii..::"',"-:;-" '.i",i rirrin aniline-, iiaainvr nix uiniomsairi larra iiiul. AR nlcturi WDAtln i al firtr. Pceno J Meelina- room. , Bam aa 30. Show foresround of th Mliont JtenacV back as hi upoKen tu e 'TTM world's sreateel triini... TW.-..0?!". '. nirle.-.eXtVd Wfl 01 lOTflKtl eon .-. viva llltarillliT I. BIM n at ict on In eav.tk tn""wy. dder nearby, lenda tn anm r.1.- 17.71 m. Pearl." enlera Vaiif nV,.l" ""r.12" ' iluommv leadlnr fa hlH.lan rAM. ,1.171? houee, America, became of her unpreparedne! ta totterint to her, downrail. Th CTrnbiriJi navies of our countries far outnumber Fer. in r Horn wesrlna stei llrenl'i irnveuns t Uut.lde tmot trnvelln imwn ah ullce enur stealthllr, Approechc Hr.nn a- aealed st deek ealed st deek. Hears knock, .Much nno)e-1 dm t l!rth, locklnc door nerouly alter her, lertha weepe llrent trie lo comfort, her, Finally plcka up photograph. lertha. . ttpk "rnt will It In llnrlha Hnoken lllle "Thai will nrnve marry you. ilut I can't set a furloush. and. for fart her. wrltte 011 It, hand I Intend .to Dim tiroaent mil muat talcn earn nt yotir1r llertha ssree. llrent slvea her money, llertha exits, c!on dlaphraem Hul.Utl, lint llrent did not marry Tlerlha and now year later eh haa reappeared with the Bsstlly alsned photozrsph which places him In er power. Scene J llrent's room In hotel. Same a S. llrent. desperate, makee a crab for th locket. Htrue-le follows. It I Interrupted by a knock tn uoor. iicrina run into next room, 11 ar e.B ... .. - ,". . , ...v. m,v in. ,TI,,vr -a "! paegway location gam l'earl I atenln. Amtto.l i-i.....,' allre.,1 " 'iiaew Hreno II Jicetlnr room. Sams as 22. Slhrat Jtenaco talking. . uu Hpoken title "The kejnnl. to tn wtiet country I the canal. Tho dfene plan aioSa from Captain l'aln ar on thlr wy to our companion " r We.n asl'jusateway location. Bamo at ;j. I'arl overwhelmed by what ho hear. Hcn Jo iteotlna room. ,8m a si, silent Menace Anlahe spetch. Take seat. On dlolo mt rlee. Hpeaxe - ni-uHaii 1111 -7 iy . i.mpernr acre, to vaue country ronquered in ir eoutnweetern r,uiait--a pcasinC. pronoeltlon. When the 1 we are to havo California males aa our trarllon " na ne like seal. Another ''ly Klnr ateo arraes. Hers Hand paper to flllent ilen.ee. on tn uoor. llertha run. Into neat room admits knocker, nn army orderlv. Orderly eum- llrent 11m- lltenl heeltate, thin mans Itrant In Wai- time. nllnwa. Mublllle llertha decides to put tho locket In safo Keeping. Hren B Lobby of hotel Clerk' dek. llertha, at itck. OPtalii. eafo depiielt envelope from clerk, puts locket In It. Clerk put envelop in sole. Ueta tecolpt. 1'uta ic-celpt In handbag and clt. , Hublllle America's enemy, tho Silent Menace, nppear In even tho Iara home. Mcen 10 lisre library. Sltent Menace, matked, xolng thrnush desk, Pearl enters, iloea not notlco him for a moment, then as sho etarla In surprise, tho Silent Menses lespa to the window and Jumr out. I'enrt folfnw. . Hceno II OutBld l'earl' houae. Two tnxla In plcturn. l'earl come runnlnir Into plcturo from aid entrance lo house na one of th uthcra nod naeent diplomat rleca, Hpeak Hpoken title -'xiy K are our idea.- iiano tun,r tn niunt !... Hrjeno af l'saKoay. 8m ... J.l. iijl filled with . wonder, turna to leave, Bieev cntches on latch. r rmj iij.Meetlnr room. Sam 28. Miri V.' "i.-'f!1-11 Alliance) hear ratll Jt door (Vr,11, y.?'l"-'..rovr ?c wl,h handkrcn:erf. l'ollnw HI cnt. Menace In haat to door. "-"" Seen ihi hnm as ST, Penrl nnally trees nrir anil lnna nn la.Ma n.aw 1. .- dleapprara out of plcturo Bllent. Menace and Alliance nppenr. They follow up after her, nvTiw. 07 iinoiii ,11 in-rK 10 wnicn entera wilenl and land Ihroush trap- .i Menace, who apparently leads, l'earl uoor. ronowci py tno ailxea her. Hatchway f bolle It with her foot, l'earl. and Hllent Menaci iriqu trusio lymca ah nnally wlna t In fu hftllns rloilsi atrilsTBlA wmrh r mm ovr hrnrt with ennd tnWn ani F?irl nulettlr for ulnilow nnd Itara nut ah Alllanc brtikt iicj laiiOiT ml orutri who rrcovr rfincloiniis. main ihroush hfttchwAr iril. aPlVlinVj !! f f nceno ai ifocation eatlck Uuahci t ordcri frcm Ukt into hldlnir. rrl 8AXQB nfttr A hlrllnr nto Tl A III... -. ""1 VllieJIlii n IIIVIIIIsarB run VW, thfin niled with detcrmtn 01 vrnni ann tn salve iho nuzilA nf whn do Into a ctdHupof the rnindow- of Ui flllent Mennco. mark. Dlmolvo Into this a 1t lift i4nr inrrn quratton MOVIE CENSORS PASSED -15,129 REELS IN YEAR String Authorized by Stnto Officials Would Reach From Now York to Snn Francisco, Figured Show IIATintSnUna, Deo, 9. If It would ho nostlhla to mako a strlnjr of all tho moving picture flltns exnmlncil by tho Stnto Iloanl ot Censors In l'cnnaylvonla durlne tho Ureal year emllne November SO, tho lino would extend from Now York to San Kranclsco, according tq the figures compiled nt tho hoard's olflrca here and announced tcrlny. jurliiR the year the hoard examined 17,017 reels, which uyernRo 1000 feet each. The number of duplicate roela certified to reached 28,412 or 28,412,000 feet Out of tho number of reels Inspected, clghty-nlne subjects vsoro condemned and they cov ered 244 reels, df tho 45,420 reels, originals and duplicates, 11,014 eliminations of parts were ordered by tha hoard. Fifty per cont of tho reels which camo before tha board throughout tho year wero classified ns dramas, forty per cent com edies and ten per cent educational or travel pictures. A chargo of II la mado for overy reel, original or duplicate, which Is re leased tn the State, so that tho revenue for tho year from this source was ? 15,4 30, SOUVENIRS EXCHANGED AT CASTLE KIDS' DANCE THEATRE PANIC AVERTED Prcscnco of Mind of Orchestra Keeps Patrons in Seats While Dlnio Is Extinguished Presence of mind ot the Ilrondwny The atre orchestra last night probably stopped n panic. "When tho thc.it ro was comfortably filled with patrons of tho first show lire started In barrels of wasto at tho north entrance to tho theatre. The orchestra started to play a trifle ahoad of schedule and the audlenco was not awaro of the blaze, which was extinguished with little difficulty. The fire Is belloved to have been started from a cigarette thrown In the waste. i The Night Tho night has a thousand eyes, And the day but onei Y'Uy.' l,nht ot tho "f'sht world dies With tho dying sun. Tho mind has a thousand eyci. And the heart but one : YJl,e .1,Bht qf a whoI "fa dies When love ia done. Francis 'William DoUrdllton. (Copyright) Brand-New Babies .The Ktenlns ldtei- will .print, free of ehro, notice or recent birth sent lit Wr,,u?,f1.1OI?'.rf,u,n,"l. . AdJrea llrnnd Kew liable." Kvenlns l.edlrr. Hue Che. tout fired, rtsin. and aiUrem and. when pontl. ble. telephone number of sender mint o- WM.,.. NtH notice eo seal. Ynter is acknowledged to be one of the most Injurious applications that can be made to he skin,, hut Is used because It Is inexpensive and convenient, if you nnd your skin Is dry nnd rough, substitute a cleansing lotion for water. (Copyrlshtl it glyoerli hanr Is The Idea tlwt tlyoerln promot a growth ot superfluous hanr Is a niUtalt. Alwaja liuilut on havln tlie purest quality. livery on ij haa heard of the marvelous refining prapfrtie of ogourober Julco.' Psw women realise how simply tt may bo njade or they U keen a supply alwsya on band. To nrcpare the Jhtou follow theso dt nottorw: Wash and dry two cucumbers, then cut them lata ?iiull pieces, kln and all. Plac In a clean, taueepan. uud s,dd p, ublespoonf ift at water Jftat tho vtgttabla over a alight flamo so that the Julco will b extracted. PBsJPAnR WITH CABB When it bigut ta sUnmsr rwmflve from the. jtsM and strain tkMusk a sAMt of ooariMi mwlu). tool lie, jvu 44 mm WlW Ply of dttjfttkA water. Lemon and Banana Pie (Drothtr's yovprlte) Cover the outside ,of a plo plate with rich pastry and prick with a fork, iiake a golden brown. When cootl remove from tin and place In the plate. Make fillltijr of one cup granulated sugar, one tabteeuoon butter two rounding tablespoon cornstarch, yolk of one egg, juloa gnd rind of one lemon, pinch of salt Stir, then add one cup, cold water. Jlac on Mote and stir until. thick. When cdol add two sliced bananas and pour In crust. Cover with meringue made with the beaten whits of one egg and two table, spoons sugar, bet in oven to brown. t ftf ! to t MM-tntU the qUaiitlty j! DeacitlieAcIs ThO 1 CQyrm Hwl-' B . n.VYKit, Mr, nnd Mrs. Jacob, 5Jt Mercy street, a son, S )bs. IS oxrt. OI.vnta, Mr. nnd Mrs, James A.. JS2J West Montgomery avahue, a son, 10 lbs. X.YSOU, Mr and Mrs. Udward D, c of Ovorbroolc, a son, Francis longstreth 1-ynch. i MANSriKI.U. Mr. and Mrs. Abranf, tl North Third street, a son. ItOHi-.y, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin, 723 Mor ris street, a sgn, 7 lbs, 0 ots. WKU., Mr. nnd Mrs. Ucrtrand J, sail Walnut street, a, boo. Policemen, Guests nt Annunl AiTnir in Camden, Servo ns Escorts When Festivities End rerhaps It waa lucky that Sergeant Xowrey and ten policemen were Invited by 1'ollco Chief Qravener, of Camden, to at tend the annual Castle Kid ball at Turn Bemefnde, Hall, llroadway nrid Mne street, Camden, Ilefreshments were served. Among those Injured nt 4:15 a. m, today, were; I.llllaii Knox, 0S4 Federal street. Among those arrested were; deorge Shaw, J408 llroadway. Moble Knox, 1063 Segal street,, sister ot I.tlllun Knox. A woman, unidentified. Three men, unidentified. According to tho pallcemen-guests, I,. llan Knox threw a glass at Mrs. Oeorgo Shaw. Shaw hit Ulflan Knox with anotlicr glass, und Mabel Knox nnd foir friends who had not left their cards at the door partici pated, They all hnd a hearing; today before Ilccorder Stackhouie. Former President of Chili Dies 8ANTIA0O, Chill. Dec. 9. Jermon Ttlesoo. who was President ot Chill frcm 1901 to 1906, died yesterday. For'X itas H70 3 435433 ifias The Gift Supreme Distinction com- bined with utility make these Fleck Bros, toilet accessor ies excellent gifts. They meet the vogue for all-white bath rooms, Beautiful, durable white chins that Is easily kept clean. Will not crack, Hefore you buy any other gifts write for our descriptive cir cular or visit our lastly reached show rooms. You can buy these genuine fixture. ONUY at feos.Co. Showrooms 44-46.48 and it North 5th St. BW sEsmm jsmmtrrffliTMt illjuHi'1 lUTTTf I HI " '.Ull hlisslajj ?mTnTTniiiiiiniiiiiini r, hi Baker's Cocoa ' stands all tests of lab or at ory and home. It js pure, it is delicious, it is healthful, . v- u. . . cr. Vdier Baker a CaLtd ETAuaHeD I7BO pORCHEStRNAS& air-' y; tM mmtm jo -3S,aaiat3 ' imEBni llwrfl I V;cf f Hit J ' , I '"' 'I I 1,, I I I jgypii&sa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers