Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
ir- . BEYOND 9 -wv . - .o-a." i -r --.v lETCiwl. $ o" " 1S ' ,hU i,,ue ,f jownr op rnKCEDiNO a-ronr. 'VZZSfif world ""er '""" .' HM .:,e,J!i..5niijJiiMf. Home orrof en " "I-'Jj i i$ Key J-"- IhtmtrlvtM M Is wrt FtiJl sA2 York olflee. Thtlr warn nM.''J. IM iSclf-itrl'J come to g rl"" -.."!,?- l , irXleV the lico o' Hr-t-"2?'!ii human ract art vtetorloui, Wl. tVt ,'rntef llrtr oaltlM. a-tit -i ri7?. p'Sdli to' a ( on IA. eon, fiu J'sen B-r. CHAPTER I Beginnings THOUSAND years of darkness nntt decay I A thousand years ot blight, brutality nnu mavism; of Nature "overwhelming all mans- worie. oi cruniunuH cities ana or lorBoucn civili sation, of stupefaction, ot 5Sh! A thousand years ot night I .So human beings, all alone In that vast !lornes a woman and a man. 'The past. Irrevocable; the present. 'iMhihi with problems, perils and alarms ; ,,. future What? S Athoy.y'-?.";' .... hnrt 0. T - .. . aa am II aitlrlllU HKA rT iMRllBfir smeareu awujr u,, pen xx . S!t.!m n..n from the cosm o canvas. MUif Stern and Beatrlco Kendrlck thrilled ta at VIUM ft Jianamii ..o ...w,,.. ... tilt, oblivious ago lay not between them & ind ihelr lonir kiss, there In sight , of ..m im limn iiiiaz. nua. SV.V.i. .- hnme.to.be alone there In that rerouted world was na natural as the fcr.4J.H9it on the blossomy apple-bough :.-bove their heads, the white and purple -rakes or oaorous macs uiuiik iuo " Jmn itnntt wall, the Kold and purple dawn ('bow briaklng over tho distant reaches of .m...- ..- 1.aba tivn Kfttrnlhrl. Ihtia HolA inun nwn iD ...w ...... . rurnims pair i .......... v...-. f ttioil m the now day burned to living 'eims up the Inverted bowl of sky, this -toum and this man pledged each other. P'tttlr love and loyalty and trust. t; Tims they stood together, his loft nnn tont her warm, lithe body, clad as she "$u only In her tlgerskln. Their eyes met ted held true, there in tne goiuen giory Iflhodawn. Unafraid, she read the mes ttjo In the depths of his, the Invitation, i command s and they both foreknew the fctutei Beatrice spoke first, flushing a little as i drew toward him. 'Allan." she sold with Infinite tender- tets, even an' a. mother might speak to a vtll-laved son, "Allan, come now and let me dress your wound. That's the first tMnt to do. Come, let mo seo your arm." ; I smiled a little, and with his broad, trbwTi jjiand stroked back the spun silk of .her 'hair. Us mass transfixed by the ; gold pins he had found for her among" ii mi ruins oi now iotk. "ao, nol" he objected, "ifa nothing it's' not worth bothering about. I'll be all riiM In a day or two. My flesh heals ilmost at once, without any care. You t Son't realise how healthy I am." i enow, aear, dui it musi nun you tfrribly!" , , "Hurt? Uow could I feel any pain with pat kiss on my mouth?" ' "Come!" she again repeated with In tUttnce, and pointed toward the beach .tjstre their banca lay on the sand. ': "Come,' I'll dress your wound first. And lt.ir I find out lust how badlv vou're ilajured ' f.iJie tried to stop her mouth with kisses, mi iaq evaaea mm. . ao. nol' she , cried. "Nat now not jaw!" AU&n hsd ttt MA. Am1! nniw niu.nMw L8 knelt on the fine white sand, his .,? ro Pnea and nunc. back, his cjrnu saoumer and sinewed arnt bare w Prowa "Wilt, la It r.l.H V. .....J irtr , ms do you slye me to survlvo It?" as with i S: noJ"la nB cola limpid vfater of the Htoa she started to lave the caked blood ; ? frm his gashed triceps. .7" me wound she looked grave, iL4! n? Moment. She had no band. K!?,bu5 "wl,h th woodland skill she had OJVllODCrf n (h n..t ... m ti. , -. WCa Wlln nftttlrA. mhtk hmi.il ... .1.... .J IWma Wth cooling leaves and fastened , -csra securtlr In ninr o,ik i..t..nn.. f lrihr thongs from the banco. b3 Erty "!. la'K ws d0I- Stern sllp- 'hrtif KfVV. tr,ed clnsP thB ver SSL"" AM .b ?. " t re- tiJT r. L1' . URnv ner nana " both of wM crushed It to his lips. UtL i'1'. her ?rrect faco bween fc uTSM,-V1f2r lons moment studied M.HunM?i',.i,i,5?r t"lv'nB halr- luxuriant St " .,c,h brown Kletms In the sun. 25 &Bn' fU.'i, ff2 , '"O?- tST;,i,,h b"nnt tides of life-blood narnu ,.v r-H tiw, ino ioyea ana i. lu"0 1Ute 'vln flames. uia mei nera again. tf1 bOVedT breathed hi. Iter j-i.i.i.i-.i . . . .. . t'reltd V. :. , "" Dar to the shoulder, E"2 bis neck; she bid her face 1., bis l"SS1hVtfflfr-y".!!?L??4.... . -t2.h rob,n' untratd. gushed Into a rflbrMd shert2r,.d,,,rucl.th r,v,!f lnto mm willof.. v . ""l't over wnicn tStid aid t!?i nM .'1. oWen y KESri.Tz P,ra.Itf' with nAw and then a - wt ' "" or spray. WtoH wer. iif ,", w,na'n8; sheets of ivJLrl on her mouth. w.lf .h. SSj biS " tttmM 'p,r,t womao. r i.!y??. h - iwr meanlna-. "You wi io do- !vLnow' A,lan- There's so . fla f 4T0t to be practical, you f81' - love -a Ti.S" 4t"-..Bt there', so much "y Tn7,. vfc r womanly homo- TkS5. fft'W WoW not bo ealdMid. Ur. .JK,'? Ana " house t put l EH d ibot ,!?" Ws " very wits. .T' MtV Ifaal .. .. "- "" - S2?i" ! -vrytWaa- gtt !TuBamlJ ,w ? t MuiSi ZT r. ' W 7 ' tks aJT ! WVsm mt MijA naemr ,, , ' .. r 1 a ." 31-i-iuaw jy, teiiac.-Cf lS MMHteMM the dim remnants of what must once have been a broad driveway from the river road along the beach leading up to tho bunga low. Through the encroaching forest and the tnngle of the degenornte apple trees they could see the concrete walls, with hero or there n bit of white stilt gleaming through the enlaccmcnts of nnojent vlnrt tlmt had enveloped tho whole structure woodbine. Ivy, wistarias and the maddest Jungle of climbing roses, red and yellow, that ever mado a nest for love. "Walt, I'll go (lrt nnd clear the way for you." ho said cheerily. Ills big bulk crashed down the undergrowth. Jlls hands hold back tho thorns and briers and tho whipping hnrdhncks. Together they slowly mado way toward tho house. The orchard had lost nil j..-mllanrn nf regularity, for In the thousand years slncoJ me nanu oi man nan pruned or cared foe It Mother Nature had planted nnd re planted the trees beyond counting. Small and gnarled nnd crooked the trees were, as tho splne-trce souls In Dante's dolorosa Bclva. ' Here or there a pine had rooted and grown tall, killing' the lessor tribe of green things underneath. Warm lay- tho sun there. A pleasant carpet of lat year's leaves and' plno spills covered tho earth, "It's nil ready nnd wnltlng for us. all embowered nnd carpeted for love," said Allan musingly. "I wonder what old Van Amburg would think of his estate If he could see It now? And what would ho say to our having It? You know. Vnn was pretty ugly to mo nt ono time about my political opinion but that's all past nnd forgotten now. Only this Is certainly an ouu turn or rate. He helped tho girl over a fallen log. rotted with moss and lichens. "It's one awful mess, suro as you're born. Hut as quick as my nrm gets back Into shape we'll have order out of chaos before you know It. Somo flno day you and I will drlvo our slxty.horsepowcr car up nn as phalt road here, nnd " "A car? Why, twhat do you mean? There's not Such a thing left In tho wholo world as a carl" Tho engineer tapped his forehead with his finger. "Oh, yes, there Is. ,I've got several models right here. You Just wait till you seo the workshop I'm going' to Install on tho bank of tho river with currcnt' power, nnd with an electric light plant for the whole place, and with " Beatrice laughed. "You dear, big, dreaming boyt" she In terrupted. Then with a ktes she took his hand. x "Come." said she. "We'ro home now. And there's work to do." CHAPTER II Settling Down TOQETHEIl, In the comradeship of love and trust and mutual understanding, they reached tho somewhat open spjee be fore the bungalow, where onco the road had ended In a stone-paved drive. Allan's wounded arm, had ho but sensed It, was beginning- to pain more than a little. Hut ho was oblivious. His love, the fire of spring that burned In his blood, the lure of this great adventuring, banished all con sciousness of til. Parting a thicket, they reached tho steps. And for a while they stood there, hand In hand, silent and thrilled with vast, strange thoughts, .dreaming of what mint be. In their eyes lay. mirrored the future of the human race. The light that glowed In them evoked the glories of tho dawn of life ngaln, after ten centuries of black oblivion. "Our home now!" he told her very gently, and again he kissed her, but this time on the forehead. "Ours when we shall have reclaimed It and made It ours. See the yellow roses, dear? They symbolize our 'golden future. The red, red roses? Our passion and our pain I" The girl made no answer, but tears gathered In her eyes tears from the deep est -wells of the soul. She brought hhi hand to her lips. "Ours!" she whispered tremblingly. They stood there together for a little space, silent and glad. From an oalc that shaded the porch n squtrrel chlppered. at them. A sparrow larger now than the Sparrows they remembered In the time that -was peered out at them, wondering but unafraid from the nest under the eaves ; at them, the first humans It had ever seen. "We've got a tenant already, haven't we?" smiled Allan, "'Well, I guess we shan't have to disturb her, unless perhaps for a while, when I cut away this poison Ivy hero." He pointed at the glossy triple leaf. "No poisonous thlnr, whether plant, snake, spider or Insect. Is going to stay In this Eden I" he concluded, with a laugh. Together, with a strange sense of vlolat Ing the spirit ot the past, they went up the concreto steps, untrodden now by human feet for ten centuries. The massive blocks were still Intact for the most part, for old Van Amburg had bullded with endless car "4 with no re. motest regard for coat Here a vlne.'there a sapling had -managed to Insinuate a tap root In some crack made by the frost, but the damage, was trifling. Except for the falling of a part of a cornice, the build. Ing -was complete. Hut It was hidden In Vines and mold. Moss, lichens and weeds grew on the steps, flourishing In the detritus that had accumulated. Allan du the toe of his sandal Into the loose drift of dead. leaves, and plne-spltls that littered the broad plaits- "I ell need more than a vacuum cleaner to put this in shape I" said he. "Weil, the sooner we get at It, the better. We'd do well to take a look at the Inside." The front door, one-time built of oaken nlanks studded with hand.worked nails and banded with huge wrouahk-lron hinges, now hum: there a mere shell of Itself, worm eaten, crumbling. dislntegratd. With no tools but his naked hands Stent tore and battere4 it awy. A thick, pung nt hase of dust arose, yellow In the morn ing suniisni " " - mj time in a thousand years, fell warm and hrlsht aerosa the oobwebbed front hall way through thi aperture Itooro by room Allan and Beatrice, ej. Dlored. The bungalow was virtually itriDDed bar ? time. "Only moth and rust." sighed the girl The .am story everywhere we gg. But uM Sw lo- Wll o fcve It look W6JI, ".;" ili.v ma a broom. lnr .. tinmeiuiD. w -. - - and I'll wep out the worst of It at Talking now la terms of practical detaij, i7h reman tot (ft hour diwlaeed by bOUJK. ...0inaut furnishiilfii. oals nl.SlB4W MM WW MWl - gia mrmim LEDaEH-pHrCABiipHiA, Saturday, December o. THE vci lumlnatrd the wreck of nil that had once been the lavish home of a billionaire. Huge, paintings, furniture, bibelots, treas ures of nil kinds now lay commingled In mournful decay. In what Imd evidently been tho musto room, overlooking the grounds to southward, the grand piano now was only a mass of rusted frame, twisted nnd broken fragments nt wire nnd n con siderable heap of wood detritus, with a couple of corroded pedals burled In the pile. "And this was the famous hundred thousand -dollar harp ot Sara, hts daugh ter, that (he pnperit used to talk so much shout, you remember?" asked the girl, stir ring with her foot n few mournful bits ot rubbish that lay nenr the piano. "Slo transit gloria mundll" growled Slcrn. shaking hts head. "You nnd she were the game age, almost. And now " Silent and full ot strange thoughts they went on Into what had been tho kitchen. Tho stove, though heavily bedded In rust, retained Its form, for tho solid steel had resisted even tho fearful lapse of vanished time. "Jfter I scour that with sand and water," said Stern, "and polish up theso aluminum utensils and reset that broken pane with a piece of glass from upstnlts where It Isn't needed, you won't know this place. Yes, and I'll have running water In here, too and electricity from the power plant, nnd " "Oh, Allan," Interrupted the girl, de lightedly, "this must havo been the dining room," She beckoned from a doorway "No end of dishes lclt for usl Isn't It Jolly? This Is luxury compared to the way wo had to start In the tower!" In the dining room n good number of the1 mora solid cut glass nnd china pieces had resisted tho shock ot having fallen, centu ries ago. to tho floor, when the shelves nnd cupboards of teak and mahognny had rotted nnd gone to pieces. Corroded sllverwnro lay scattered all about; and there was gold plate, too. Intact save for the patina of extreme age platters, dishes, beakers, nut ot the table and chairs nothing remained Bavo dust I.lko curious children, they poked and pried. "Dishes enough 1" exclaimed she. "Oold, till you can't rest But how about some thing to put oil the dishes? We haven't had n bite since yesterdny noon, and I'm about starved. Now that the lighting's all over, I begin to remember my heitlthy appetite." Stern smiled. "You'll have some breakfast girlie," promised he, "There'll be the wherewithal to garnish our elghteen-carat, never tear. Just let's have a .look upstairs, and then I'll go after something for the larder." They left the downstairs rooms, silent savo for a fly buzzing In a spider's web, nnd together ascended the dusty stairs. The railing was entirely gone; but the con crete steps remained. Stern helped the girl. In spite ot the twinge of pain It cnused his wounded nrm. Ills heart beat faster so, too, did hers as they gained the upper story. The touch of her was. to him, like a lighted match flung Into a powder magazine : but he bit his Up, and though his face paled, then flushed, he held his volco steady as he said; "So then, bats up here? Well, how the deuce do they get In and out? Ah. That broken window, where the elm branch has knocked out the glass I seel That's got to be fixed at onco !" - II. 1.....I. .1 ..-Alt. nM.f ,1t.f fmm thk r,.. malntng panes, nnd together they peered out over the orchard, out across the river, now a broad sheet of molten gold. His arm went about her; he drew her head against his heart, fast beating J and silence Come, Allan," said the girl at length, calmer than he, "Let's see what we've got hero to do with. Oh, I tell you to be gin with," and she smiled up frankly at him, "I'm a tremendously practical sort of woman. You may be an engineer, nnd know how to build wireless telegraphs and bridges land and thlpgs; but when -It comes to home-building " "I admit It Well, lead on." ho answered ; and together they explored the upper rooms, Tho sense of Intimacy now lay strong upon them, of unity nnd Indissoluble love nnd comradeship. This was quite another ven ture than tho exploration of the tower, for now they were choosing a home, their home, and In them the mating Instinct had begututo thrill, to burn. Each room, despite Us ruin and decy; took on a special charm, a dignity, the foreshadowing ot what must be. et in trinsically the place was mournful, even after Stern had let the sunshine In. For all was dark desolation. The rose wood and mahogany furniture, pictures, rues brass beds, all alike lay reduced to duit'and ashes. A gold clock, tho porcelain mtlngs of the bathroom, and some flne clay and meerschaum pipes In what had evl. dently been Van Amburg's den these con stituted all that had escaped tho tooth of ""in a front room that probably had been Sara's a mud-awallow had built Its nest fn far corner. It flew out, frightened, when Stem ?hVu.t his hand Into the aper. wre to see It the nest was tenanted, flut tered about with soared cries, then van it.,i un the broad fireplace. "Efrss-wannr announced Stern. "Well, .....B!5!rV.iM havs to be shut tip and left IID UIWIIItM 1.VW1 ... uuu. ..v... ..- .- we've got more i than enough, anyhow. l work for youT dear." he added, with a smile. Wv mlBht ue only the lower floor. If you like Tdon't want you killing yourself with holfsework? you undersu - She leushe4 cheerily. ..... "You make me a broom and get all the dishes and thing together." she answered, irf then leave the rest to me. In a week rrom now you won't know this place. Once wlear out a little foothold her. we can go bai to the tower and fetch up a few loadV of tools and supplies" Come on. coma cnl" he Interrupted, -.kirns her by the hand and leading her sfwiy "All Planning will do after breakfast, but I'm starving! How about a flve-pound has on the coals. h? Come on, let's tso Ashing." CHAPTER III Tho MiakellungG, WITH charasterUtie resoursefolness, Stern goon manufactured adequate taekle Uh rj weU'triraBied alder pole a line of Wther thongs and a hook tf etput plan Sire properly bent to make a barb and ruboed io a fine point on a stone. He iausbt a doxsn young frogs anions; the Ldras in the naarsny stretch at the north and of the landing beaeh. aod confined Thn a the oirfy available receptacle, the atater ot hi aubwaU jlil this hurt his arm severely, but he paid a &d- tix Vetrlfi w OewastMsr iMflMr gbsjr -MMh4 bt o; itl GREAT OBLIVION Bontrico struck with thu gilded smoothly out on the breast of the great current. "I'll paddle," she volunteered. "You mustn't, with your arm In tho condition It Is. Which way?" "Up-s-over there Into that covo beyond the point," he answered, baiting up his hook with a frog that kicked ns naturally as though a full thousand years hadn't passed since any of lltt progenitors had been handled thus. "This certainly Is far from being the kind of tackle that Bob Davis or any of that gansc used to swear by, but It's the best we can do for now. When I get to making lines and hooks and things In earnest, there'll be some sport In this vicinity. Imagine water untouched by the angler for ten hundred years or morel" He swung his clumsy line us he spoke, and cast. Par across the shining water the circles splead.. silver In the morning light) then the trailing line cut a long- se ries ot Vs as the girl paddled slowly to ward the cove. Behind the banca a rippling wake flashed metallic; the cold, clear water caressed tho primitive hull, murmuring with soft cadences. In, tho old, familiar muslu of the time when there were men on earth. The witchery of It stirred Beatrice; she smiled, looked up with joy anu wonder at the beauty of that perfect morning, and fn her clear voice began to sing, very low, very softly to herself, a song whereof-save In her brain no memory now remained In the whole world 'Stark wle der Fels. Tlef wle dss Meer, , Muss delne I.lebe, muss detne I.lebe selh " "Ah!" cried the man, Interrupting hej The aider pole was Jerking, quivering In his hands; the leather line was taut "A strike, so help me I A big one 1" He sprang to his feet and, unmindful ot the swaying of the banca, began to play the fish. Beatrice, her eyes a-sparkle, turned to watch; the paddle Uy forgotten In her hands. "Hera ha comes! O damn I" shouted Stern. "It I only had a reel now-V' "Pull him right In. can't you?" tho girl suggested. He. groaned, between clenched teeth fpr the strain .on hs arm was torture. "Yes,, and have, him break. the Jlnel" he cried. "There he goes, under the boat, now I Paddle! Op ahead paddle I" She seized the oar, and while Stern fought the (monster she set the banca In motion again. Now the flali was leaping wildly from side to side, slg-sagglng, shaking- at the hook as a bulldog shakes an old b09t The leather cord hummed through the water, ripping and vlbratlne, taut as, a. riddle string- A long, silvery Una of bub bles followed the vibrant cord. Flash, 1 High In air, lithe and graceful and vtry swift, a spurt of green and whlte-a lops;, slim curve qf glistening power a splash; and again th cord drew hard.' "Muikellunges." Stern cried. "Oh, we've got to land him got to I Fifteen pounds It he's an, ounce!" , Beatrice, flushed and eager, watched the fight with fascination. "If I can bring- him close, you Strike hit harfl" the man directed, "Give It to pim! If e' our break? st I" Even in the excitement of the battle Stern realized how very beautiful this wo. toinj was. Her color was adrcbierr.rMe leaves ftd cream. Her eyes were sh?t full ot Ikht and lite as4 tba Jay of (IvMiv; u tMMStd hajr, wavy and rich and hrewn. fcatt Wd the graceful curve of her ejc a p to M Kratcb, to fetp him. 44 uw djnimitaa m4 .Mm to S ttt & tf Ja4 14 1 m H paddlo onco, twice, with magnificent at the woman's feet as his trlbuto and his trophy. Ho had. In the days of lone aso, fished In The Adirondack wildernesses, lie had fished for tarpon In tho aulf; he had cast tho fly along tho brooks ot Maine and lured tho small.mouthcd hasJ with floating bait on many n lako nnd stream. Ho had even flshed In a Hocky Mountain torrent, nnd out on the far Columbia, when failure to' succeed meant hunger, But this experience was unique. Never had ho fished all ulone in tho world with a loved woman who depended oil his skill for her food, her life, her everything. Forgotten uow the wounded nrm, the crude and absurd Implements; forgotten everything but Just that sole, Indomitable thought: "I've got to wnl" Camo now a lull In' the struggles of the monster. Stern hauled in. Another rush, met by a paylng-out, a gradual tautening of the line, a strong and stendy pull, "lla'a tiring," exultod Stem. ''Be ready when I bring him close!" Again tho fish broke cover; ngaln It lived, but now Us strength was lessening fast. Allan hauled In. Now, far down In the clear depths, they could both see the darting, flickering shift of white and green. "Up ho comes now I dive It ta him hard I" ' As Stern brought him to tho surface, Beatrice struck with the paddle -once, twice, with magnificent strength and Judg. ment Over the gunwale or the banca, In a sparkle ot flying upray, silvery In tho morn ing the muskellunge gleamed. Excited and happy as a child, Beatrice clapped her nanus, titsrn seized the paddle ns she left It fall. A moment later the huge fish, stunned and dying, lay In the bottom of the boat. Its gilla rising, falling In oonvunlve gasps, its body quivering, scales shining In Jhe sunlight a thing of wondrous beauty, a promise of the feast for two strong, healthy humans. Stern dried his brow on the back nf his hand and drew a deep breath, tor the morning was already .warm and h labor had been hard. "Now." said he, and smiled, "now- a nice little pile of dead wood on the beach, a curl of birch bark and a handful of pine punk and grass a touch of the flint nnd steel! Then this." and he pointed at the muskellunge, "broiled on a pointed stick, with a handful ot checkerberrle for des sert, and I think you and I will be about ready to begin work In earnet I" He knelt and kissed her a kfew that she returned and thsn, slowly, happily ahd filled with the Joy of comradeship, tbey drove their bane once "fore to the white and gleaming- beach. CHAPTER IV .The Goiden Age STllN'S plans of hard wsrk for the lm mediate present had to be a deferred a little, for In spite of his perfect health, the spear thrust In his ariuV-laeklnff the proper trsatmsnt and Irritated by his labor In catehlflu the hlK flsb developed swelling and soreness. A little fever even set in the teeend day- And though he was eager ta go out fishing again, Btatrico appointed herself M sure and guardian and with held permUstoa, They Uvad tm stuns fays on the excellent au of'tlw wuekeUuiM. on ejain froa the gh. arnous ctauui of itajtetem Hy-wt ww Intti ytWt ptoVh saaat. ibw, grew abundantly te" Um tfetdMtr ioio strength and judgment. nnd Bomewhat resembled breadfruit; op wild asparagus sprouts, nnd on the few Squirrels thnt Stern ivas nblo to "pot" with his revolver from tho shelter of the leafy little camping placo they had arranged near the river. , Though Beatrice worked many hours all alono In tho bungnlow, sweeping It With a broom mado of twigs lnshcd to a pole, and trying to bring the placo Into order, It was still no fit habitation. Sho would not even let the mnn try to help her, but Insisted on his keeping quiet In their camp. This lay under tho shelter of a thlck-follagcd oak at the southern end of the beach. Tho perfect weather and the presence ot n threo-quarter moon nt night invited them to sleep out under the sky. "There'll be plenty of time for the bun galow," she mid. "when It rains. As long ns we have fair June weather llko this no roof shall cover mo!" Singularly enough, there were no mos quitoes. In the thousand yeara that had elapsed, they plight either have shifted their habitat from eastern America, or else some obscura evolutionary process might have-wiped them out entirely. At nny rate, none existed, for which the two adven turers gave thanks. ' Wild benBts they feared not Though now and then they heard tho yell of a wild cat fnr back In the woods, or the trumping of an occasional bulk through the forest and though once a cinnamon bear poked his muzzle out Into the clearing, sniffed and departed with a grunt ot disapproval, they could not bring themselves to nny realiza tion ot animals ns a real peril. Their camp-nro nurueu nign all night, heaped with driftwood and windfalls; and beyond this protection, Stern had his automatic and a belt nearly full of cartridges. They dis cussed the question of a possible attack by some remnants ot the Horde; but com mon sense uajiured them that these creatures would such as survived give them a wide berth. "And In any event," Stern summed it up, "it anything happens, wo have the bungalow to retreat Into. Though In Its present state, without nny doors or shut ters. I think wo'rs safer out among- the trees, where In a pinch, we could g aloft" Thus his convalescenoo progressed In the open air, under the clouds and sun and stars and lustrous moon of that deserted world. Beatrice showed both skill and Ingenuity In her treatment With a clam shell she scraped and saved tho rich fat from under the skins of the squirrels, and this she "tried out" In a golden dish over ths (Ire. The oil thus got she used to anoint his heallna wound. She used a dressing ot clay and leaves; and when the fever flushed him she made him comfortable on his bed ot spruos tips, bathed his forehead and cheeks, and gave him oold water from a spring that trickled down over the moss soma fifty feet to westward of the camp. Many a long- talk they had, too -ha prone on the spruce, she sitting beside him, tend ing the Are. holding hts hand or letting his head He In her lap. the while she stroked his hair. Ferns, flowers In profusion--lilacs and clover and climbing roses and some new, strange seart blossom bowered thllr nest' And through the pain and fever, the delay and dtaappointment. thsy both were glad and cheerful No word of IropatlenM or haste or repining Maped them. For they had Ufa; they had ach other ; they had love. And these days. later they looked bk uon them, were anwuf.th Iiap4t, the most yurli beautiful, the sweeteet of their whole wau- iinu strsiise iwwlwa He oa , $msm ") wwntaej sa Mmm w4wbjsfe-. " wanp -mmvfrnfM 5 conscious of the other's presence. Ths con tlnulty of love, care and sympathy was never broken. Even when, at daybreak, sho went away nroUnd tho wooded point for her bath In the river, he could hear her; splashing and singing and laughing happily In the cold water, It wns tho Oolden Age come hack to earth again the ago ot natural simplicity, truth, trust, honor, faith and Jpy, unspoiled by malice or deceit, by lies, conventions, sor did ambitions, or the lust ot wealth or power. A ready, nt last In truth! Their convcrratlon was of many things. They talked ot their awakening in the tower and their adventures there; of ths possible causa ot the worldcatastrophe that had wiped out tho human race, save for; tholr own survival ; the Horde and the great battle; their escape, their present condi tion, nnd their probable future: the possi bility of their over finding any other Isolated human beings, and of reconstituting the fragments ot the world or ot renewing the 1 human race. And ns they spoke ot (his, sometimes the girl wouldgrow strangely silent nnd a look almost at inspiration the universal mother-look ot the race would fill her wondrous oyes. Her liand would tremble IrulilH; but he wduld .hold It tight, for he, too understood. "Afraid, little girl?" ha asked her once. "No, not nfrald," sho answered; and their eyes met, "Only so much depends pn us on you. on' me I What strength we two must have,, what courage, what en durance! The future of the human race lies In our hands!" Ho made no answer; he, too, grew silent. And for a long while they sat and watched tho embers of the fire ; and the day waned. Slowly the sun set Jn Its glory- over the, virgin hills; the far eastern spaces ot ths sky grew bathed In tender lavenders and purples. Haze .drew Its veils across the world, and the air grew brown with even fall. Presently the girl arose, to throw more wood on the Are- Clad only In her loose tiger-skin, clasped with gold, she moved like a primeval goddess. Stern marked the supple play of her muscles, the unspoiled grace and strength of that young body, the swelling warmth of her bosom. And as he looked he loved; he pressed a hand to his eyes ; for a while he thought It was as though ho prayed. Evening camo on the warm, dark, mys terious night Off there In 'the shallows gradually arose the million-voiced chorus of frog, shrill and monotonous, plaintive, ap pealing the cry of new life to the over arching, Implacable mystery of the uni verse. The first faint silvery powder of the stars came spangling out along the horizon. Unsteady bat began to reel across the sky. The solemn beauty of the scene awed the woman and the man to sllepce. But Stern, leaning his back against the bole of the great oak, encircled Beatrlo with his arm. Her beautiful, dear head rested In the hollow ot hts throat: her -warm, gragrant -hair caresed his cheek) he felt the whole. some strength ana sweetness ot tnir-woman whom he loved; and In his eyes unseen by her tears welted and gleamed In. the firelight Beatrice watched, like a contended child, the dancing showers ofae-parka that roie, wavering and whirling In complex sara. bands pajfks red as passion, golden the unknown future of their dreams. From the river they heard .the geatle Up-la IsnJng of the waves along the shore. Alt was rest and peace and beauty: this wte Bden pnee againand there -was no ar pent U enter In. Presently ftern spoke. "Dear. sW he, "do you Xnow. Vm bit puzzled In some ways, about weU. 4hout night and day, and temperature afel gravitation, and a number of little thl like that Puzzled. We're lacing prohU-M here that w don't realize fmiy as yet" "Problems? What problems, o-tcpt t maka our home. and-and live - CONTINUED JN M0ND4&8 Wm$m ' iM.fi -3JS'iSH n. u - gyjJrp?4 aw.wf -j -1 - ---T