vHy ESTATE 0R SA-MJ iix ttHK. r R. n ,(M WW JVrrtJI'.tf IMS'. trPM ' fenARLES J. HOOD & CO. lCnLTXM CHESTNUT ST. jrtSWCWl cuHl TTrti.on liteuvewa..-r--w ' J'lliiM and blub etTllmi tint B "... hall. UTln room, umrai rr-om. IK -Wl""..,? .n, taundryi second floor. 4 KrW. V batHV. Third ""yr- VYft If3rt";r Mih Lot h frontaim of 100 iJwi M l... ... .iao for rent. IS u" ' RTaMOBL C. WAGNER, JK. eS6uMriAi. trust buiujno. !Si'i" r smf JEinr.v nun nii.n i?WBfflWE HOMES j. jrRtT JEKSKV snASIIORl "-iMt IIM build nflOISl ousiuu .i.i mil- 'jW ' reninn, t. . "" tLNJilW-VANIA r.'IOIr. . fcemarsh Valley Farm r . horns nnd r,o acresi nouse aur 3 'iTVA h5i " "trine houi.i HV-i stream, orchard, near White- is S? W"S5 Mttnt Clulu and Chestnut I f -srlL t i fiftn ERKNESS& STETSON jIwtown square farm 111. II. i Colonial houte. on.hlih elavatleil I'LCJi niwMi surroiimteu u mo. snam, lrt?.'"1rrlnf.ounl woodii, larits runntne. Igrlrtiit. otntrT'ori!VT I"". .... ....... titttt.ntjort LA...' 'JUT ,,w'".ii. " nACKb9 Hl'CKS CO IBerdmil. from eta In liucklnahnn valley, II 1S5miI complete firm bulldlnsjs, pro- IvC'j.prBItHASON WH CHESTNUT 8T irtrfiSg' northern Cheater County farm bar B?.2lB.1r iisiW J II Tnompon. West IBMH& ,nV JEII1KV WII.M.1 t5 Acres ixw to cmmr kstatk lBS3"fi mtI crn food tlmlMT, J-r Vow, iWrpnsi HO.vtioi ciiUMTNUT sr. s ritliis Kt SOUTH JBIIHnV IIFNHV TAYI.OH VINBUAND M. J gjU, ESTATE SAIiC OH KENT MAIN I.INH. I' It. It. VILLAN0VA ti.,l.nm'hrlik Colonlnl ionic: nnrnttn n-d 111 tcrvst 12 rivm. 3 bnttn. niolrrn con 'inlm-fi, rara t.oldii 2 cam. Will aell or jt,.pir Lower Merion Realty Lo. K LAND TITLE BLDG. faj.-S&.'VZ OR EXCHANGS ftlj4 MUITT IN MODKltN STONK HltML'It 4anXi ltlMIIlBNCi: WU C1.1.A11 HITS IN ZllulIUJI Jii'lti.lliio DTK ST TKItMINAI. IPS' EEAL 'ESTATE WANTED Wo Havo Sold SI 50.000 ttmH OP HEAl. ISSTATi: THIK YCAIt AM) Mra' WIS OAV SBI-I. YllL'IlS. FARRELL, 710 S. 20TH jltnjll TO HUT a lo-atory aldr-yord !-rnora nnr.inwiin i.-iiprov-rmrni nrnunn oi'a ai. ItEl.tfiavi l-ou to orter? M 1121 I.dspr nfni... iGjTTiaTATl. Iwuehr a iid rntrd rnta col kitrtri: raorUaae loam for a trrm of rara ur Inrsiinini aniormiion tuan. i7iiiT!!i;it noavi:i.i.. 233 n. mil . KOTvE"CAI.l.a for 40 and lll'hoviBf. nnonsi mi.nuon I'roripi reiurna, iMUiADLKU'S SONS lB'JIl I'nlnmhli. nv. KtUTbUT chrap rial ulntc nn) arctlon Thlla- arc3. immnoinia inwer, oroKr nroiwieu nguir.iv w jiiJiini.ii. i-,u i n.ninui. BUST imall TSouiea In Went l'hllnd.liihla fur Is;! haie tha Uorra T. II llaalnnlaa & Jm. W)0 nalllmorn avr tANCINQ Ktpart work, modruto a. r iiui.i.uiic!. 1201 t'nratnut. SEAL ESTATE FOR KENT city Itt-ItJ If, Marvlna (alovo llth nml Race), t!!?. 1 rooma. 4.ath toilet, range. lKiWlA...t"'ne- " rooma. conrnlem IBWia Waldrn (above 21at und Mark. xt, a. ilencra. iirlrill. ft JV,V -."1,"-..V ?MB. .U.... IWini halh .nnn. .. ..II.. TlB(.'!?"a;-- r. ror nroau ano Ilac". IJIIl'M'RUCE BTll roonra. 3 butha, 'it-ataar .- .iivii uncH, oaaqinrni KitoDen: noiiir iTOB UMU TITLE AifD T11U8T CO. lMSjf732I-For rent. 2 atonf WWtru.; S'ft. t'T,,?"10" nd ahop. rarpeottr. eflii- i&HAZLfcTr; 4 M038. 318 Walnut at. llHgM.AriCH '.' t001""' - heaters. 3 tolleta. I!zr- . ."i""". booh conuuion: imme Kala.roiiilon. jABBOTT N B cor nroid ami Race. r 218T ST Four.alnev t.vi.tllna' all rnn. aST."!'.;:'.1 ''1 ,',r pr'vnie family. IKE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Cheatnut ata. lE,.u J' 50lJTII ITH 8TUKBT Hl.iY " LEVIS Real Ellate Trn.l tlnllllnr SK?SlW?r,,3M- ,"",nt Ju"' vacatedi BtBOAIt O. CltOSS. Uir Wnlnut at IflJfi HVfPV 11 y.t- an . fcuti... .--. ' room ami - ari...l:Tr,,(:. JPtn - rooma, nira. sooil R&'T"- Hry JIAf8BT. 13th and Clreen. BmM tI!??!,' .!?. )K eonvenlencea; ESfJ ,i,v.o u.i, iii.-js ,v. fitn at. j!5l!"e l-rojertle ami Store STOJtE.i FOR RENT J2r.Tnetnul. IH-1311.3 R llth. Ill .V .111,. i2t n lath Ills M niitl. Il i "nUr.'.'.''-'"' Walnut. i. A, PATTEIU.ON. inn u imi, lto?Li?,liE"?,,i'0AV. VAru- American sSSohhis ,!j?,"1'in.Jc'", arranged. EuBBis k CO.. Rldje at. Uroad, I3L k,,n!,h,nK.f!T BTREirr, 523 " " ISaLuiiS? " "r 'trettl lot 53 31200. fY. 3t7 Cheatnut at. yiTH 8TJJoa I""MaL ai.iiiii " rv,' '' -aior s UlS:,',:;Jlg9' nV. City Hall. Broad St, Stttk. Ait'V VJTL'M" location. v II. Ally. 121H rhvilnnl Vllt..-t Sfiu.t Cheatnut at V,i -i, LE E8TATKM Ton Hnn. BHTATiV ffffB,aSS a": Stores and Duelllnaa U2. la8?. 3liw.iDJ.!i1'"-..!B.l9.!.':rSI lil IAu n . . - Z,-"' BJ" r " " Bf. A"f Va IjViSrf-'i Warihauaej. Jlfr. Floor s 1214 ARfilT STnwTrrT w .', building-, aultabl. for &d Title & Trust Co. "5F.. ' "EMTNUT 8T8. nveTiftftiiN'!?' AND WOOD PrV ,,ZJ' n,-X't: AVE. AND 10TH. 0WJ tT ,H, "AI--HOADS. nw SuSmin, tJi" Plforroa pn two itSri uS'.A?!? B'!'Ur lavaii two . OH Mills "JU-ND TH aTS. ta la iww flw"? toiumoia. NKf msfw"; iirfiri, TfiRiR-ffi van tgf' WneoN lli to, Ja.p.r BS',K,rJK.? LfXSKd-i.j- tUPhen OIVa Bl&rWtSiVi 47.?.' smsssjst Ours res rj? : ST. I'' :- a ..E-c..n .T. . hh. fa li ;:." .-!"" -j , TnSa" V- OVBJBBBOOK HOiUBS BI5 W . -i nrlrN from .SOW up I alto complete rent l"aiii. i7T," aioro, attractlva front; flSgrfJ,'!fn,1,, ,ABfi. HAUTMAN PSWAY'ronvi-n . . .- -. - .- . .!!? NOIITH SECOND HT T?.-T"!Di 3 atury. u rooms, heater. f wly ln' ?,. ana J'o11 '. und.r: ! ?i7Av2i.7Sl,oWl'..l)l,tn..s.kay 2114, .;..-...., nvlia loin r.. Tin. mua , .v.. .,:' EAt, ESTATE TOll RENT orwrra. nt mnesi rooms, rrrc. Ce-atinanf rem rrrredia Cehram ll"L0c?lc.d Busicss Room 'j?'," iirh'ii 'i!d. J'h ""o" t any one.. 912 vvrcn st . a" front very cheap EMERSON CONRAD, 53 N.I Oth St. Pfififiiiiiiii Kn5fSlulff i i-it 'A.X nern..flO to IIMH 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ?.I'.nH fwoii am SQiuriR rKRT PtllEPIloOr nt.DO RRASONAHLB AlBNT Mcnrs & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. ABBOTT BUILDING " m.i.ii! .jl'JI,r"b'.t ,l,ht ."Tien for rrnt. All ouUldo room. HjoniiM rmtali , - AlirKITT KSTATBS. 1 1 nn '"" 'VSl ."Vfi:. "ntlnuoui 1112? IJlI-II rllWrt m. m 09 l'rfMlonn) Offlrr. "J?.yA,VN,",LsT ,'l"l.l offltw for phr.T ffi.". .y.h,,,.,ln, lnllnr nrrlv turn. Ar.plr the PtnnajrHnnla Co (lt7 CniUnut it! ItKXTM. I.ItT" Tiin rnNNSTi.VASiA tompant ror Iniurancrti on l.lvrn and ilranttnc Annulllra. ii u ill! J,ht: .n"1.!' "oil' I'honn -S.1A ? IMh.lSr.lsirtai Mis i-.m .Mir lisn.rt.1 20'JII lcllat lr l'r. 'Mil lift u ...i.. ... ..-. !."?? j:'1"- '5t '!;; it .i-,;! K ""id iov i.-n . i .iv ;; . "i ' . ""i ii.ii ,n i ws .." r . . n "in nil I'arrUi. 3r . "", T- V.'"",,?r.1 !2"". 210 Wharton, tr. Id 00 l33 Nfctarlnar it no tum N nina'i.l Or 1S.0O in, whST I'Hit.Auni.ritiA, ?5! "Wf- .'." !! ami i- wii-n Mr 145 00 451 N 3SJ tar. ittmi Tr.nN 4uh itr SJ no JcJs S,nn.. I2r jn mi 3S43 s,, (,lr 3r zi oa 3S3H Urown Or . 21 no ??.'. t& 'r ino amvin. Ilr S3 3 .nJil? S.,h-- 5C- Jdni'll'IS ntfonl Ilr. So no V' iIflh. 1 lr noon into N ;nth. lnr 21.10 ,';i ft, front lr .ynn;inoi Kalrm t Dr. 2.V00 !J j Uldli- Ur- "H KliW Norrli.ur. 2.100 Otr.l Or. 2J.OOI .(ITdrrcn. Tr.. 21,00 .112 '-"jral. Ur. 20.01(1 120 Honttl. 4r. .. 20 00 v.iO Ainhr, nr... 20.oo,12n. N 2d. Ilr. isnn 112rtfl. 2d. Sr. . 18 00) 201 Wharton. Br. 10 0) SAJHTHI. T WW CO COlt OTH AND 1'ALI.OWlllI.li ST8. fl. K. T.2R rorim.rrt. at . tor nnil 3 Iloora 212 N llth at.. Inrit ator IIIIIKM . ino no . 4100 . 2.1 00 2.101 im.i riiDrri at . it noora IT rrot room am! Mth HTmipn .lvii nu'i'i itvnu 140T 1'iiml.Frianil Or 11ml atorc. i-o'na . .nn.no 2.1 00 . 10 00 000 Ilnllnnn.nn.1. .lnr. b.i.1 n rnimm IIUD falrmiunt. ior nnd I room.. .... .. IIWfil.l.l.NliH I il.. Slnal.r. 12 roonm. ronenl.nca ....f.iono .1120 N llroi.l 14 rooma. convenlencea. . . soon r":o stn-ahall 12 rooma r.n no 4.10 S tilth. 11 rooma wnvrnirnr.a . ... 30110 tnio Norrla. 11 rooma rnnvent'nc.a .... 28 0.1 2.H.1 nlrmnt.. lilr.2ir.".12 Jlerrdlth. 7r...IT sot Nokia. Or 21 H4". N. I.wr'nc 7r IT Pin Wood. Or 2.111017 Hharawi'ixl. hr.. IT N10 Huttonwoo.1. H. 201 013 Melon. Hr . ..in "Il New Mirkat.llr 211 2213 i:. Ilunl'n Or lit .111 N Dirlen Sr 20 I I2i N 10th. 7r.. 10 lari N llth at . (tr 14' 1(12 N I'.rcy. 4r ,I2 UWKl.I.lNatl ISOI fitnmnnrt at. MS14 Diamond at. 1.-.:im .iiuatrr at. 1120 Oiford at. 420 M. 1.1th at I STOI1ES 3S5n Lanraatrr ave. IN.K cor 1.1th Walnut fit HJ.- 'il'OWN J..'l), J1J S Hroailit. jit r.sT j'lML.uir.i.piiiA Wc Are OiTcrint; FOR RENT Th9 1nnct Hmt lt nlcttnn of hoims ninl ftnartmfitii In Wmt .'h.lfti.e.i'hlfi WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO.. Inc. ; 8 Spy II KITH ST1, Nt.ire nml Dwellings 3!)00 riAI.TIMOIU. AVtt Store nnd cellar, ault ablo for itrocery. confectionery, bakery or dell c.ltradt, atnre. THH LAND T1TI.H AND TllUST CO. Inroad juid Cheatnut ata, I'KNNSVLVANLV HlfllUttllAN IIA1.A-CYNWYD IVr Month K b-droo-na. 2 1'athi. atable SKK.ihI .. Iiedroo.na 1 linti 7.1.0i) .". I .In nil ttafi 70.00 111 hidrou ni .1 bat'ia (11.00 7 b "Iroo B 2 liltha It.. 0 1 .". h.-ilnio.HH I liatli 5'J..1" ttmtruom 2 liath s.1.33 Tb'luim 2 hatha 7n Oil 3 b "trliin 2 lut'ia .I.H'O SAMUEL C. 'WAGNER, JR., fill HALA AVE.. CYNWYD AND OOMiltntflAL TRUST HUJLUINtl. UIIILA. ErjCTNS PARK STONE FARM HOUSE 4i ncrea. 12 rooma nnd bath: remodeled all iii.iMMilen.fH nnd elertrlc Ilchta. Sprlnetlell u.tcr etc atnlde ohlrken house: old ahada Hruiiul lou. m adow with runnlne atream: I mile from lih r i;ililua Park atallon or Jeiikl.itoun aiutlo-i. lomniin.la tinv view or lurwe .atatra Rent 4111 tr month. Herkness & St etson LAND TITLE IllILDINQ JE.VKINTOW ' HOUMEy TO RENT AND S'.LL IV JENKIN ton Wynrute Onk Ijine and I'lliatnut llltl, HERKNESS & STETSON 1M.I.ANI. TITLE HUILDINO MODERN RESIDENCE" Oarui-e and 3 airea: flrat flMr. Ilylne room, dm. liall. Ulnl.-B room p.niry. kitchen and laundrv; anor.d tlnor 7 It drontia and 3 hatha; nurtifrn'ii oi-u Mr plana. ..I.ttrlu light, all on-nl ni"' Bnrtt.w for 4 nira ami A but tall, for a.dlU- lioraa ad ahuda. tennla court iru-k tardtn: email voo.llHrn. with runnlnu atrmm. 3 mlnutea' wiilk from rail road station RO minutes to illy; near KOlf und hunt clubs. J7.1 pr mo. , Herkness & Stetson 1.AND TITLE IIl'ILDINO l'l,iuiMi r vital lOH-ACRK FARM, snth and Oroya ava. . .Phila delphia, rood dwelling and Ure putbulldlnaa; suitable for any purpo- AUUOT4. N. K. eurncr Broad and Race. 1?0R KENT FOKNISHED CITY . . ' N. UROAD ST"; 15 ROOM3, BEABON OR YBAB. S bails, wat.r Hi . eis l.i. 1t'!'"' ftith at south: 13 rooma 2 batra, na mo. C. P. .-OTBHS 0N. doa CHBaTNUT BT MORTOAOES ADVANCES TO ""Jjngj18 A rECIALTr TO INVEST IN FIRST MOIITOAOKS In tba City of I'hUndtlphU L0WE8T MARKET RAT5a Apply to HAZLBTT MOSS iI8 WAW.IJT ST. ..i its tsumtwrd 35 lit MORTGAGES First and Second I plan tbim Muiikly. m4 IM. on SCkVh..,. pToduca'ouIck uaulta. Try me. CHAS.Z.DE YOUNG & $100S000-4K2 FLAT .Wuu'ww yaw GOOD FIHgLH'W'CnjPf,- s, IfOBACB H FnmS V WALNf'TST " TQ SECURE A StORTOAOB mai"Ume OH WRITE JO 8 A FbNDS FOR M0RTt.AGi:. Kipayabla In ier of " oi lasts Uw ni v"" Northern Trust Company SIXTH At'P BPBINO GARDEN : ISO KOTB OR MORTOAOB I TO 11000 UeastUsd huh -i BulldUllf Aas-sflatwo Ba. Ufss "T". "av z . "dSmWKY S7 IWtel S50 1100,. WOO TO 5000 mn. iflr. tq.uo i3!S? ?' .r. r fMV loi I'opUr. ISr.. 4T.SO I J 10 Illa'and. Ilr 4.1 no i ai it-ir. ISr is oo jJJ?; ,!s'n J-lf I""" SI"! flr..n, Iflr .40 00 'i ? Jf. o!31?-.'." SJU" I4SI harton.nr ..!' ilUS Bftk,1..r HJoft 14! N 11th, nr.. S.V0O 'SI? n?,J,i.,!f ?. co 1!3 i I- r'nk'n 1r S3 0.) n41 N.n il nh flt 'Jl mil nil I .....- n. nn nit It Oil EVENING rEl)GliII--VH:riiADBLl'HliV, SATOKDAY, BEOliJHBEB, 9, SICOIlTOAaES ConttavM from rrttrttUt Cotmn LARGE FUNDS Tor Ut mortrirf Adrnr m.t to cult-ler. JAMES D. WINCHELL ITTH ANU SANSOM ST8. tf. To loin J'U lmmdUt to diiriMl. on real filn purltrt ttlnwnli payW $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 'Vnlffi1 w. n.jSxik KfVJ5Snn!s-i "rS?0. .I.:SS'BST !n ?". rnortt. In ISISI. J!? ,100."'i ! bulldlni itiiocUtlon rnonjy r tfcand mortaaa -iL.C SJ-'UBIi fO., 1lh and Callowhlll ata. AU. AMOINTS itT AN'DSb M0IIT0A0K3 -Jyjimr EJiiJi a Ti?fii Em r. Kn. Tr. nid. TRW,l?a!Wv1s,tioiPwxaB "" J.AMJ TITI.K HCII.DINO rtDs rort JBt,AKi so ionTOAor.s ru.vnjt ron ht AMt)3n MonTOAOBS rOTTS A THOMSON, iSSlJ-JtMl'MPTL. . . . hi irranKrora , MONKY p(ll 1ST AND ! 3D MQftTOAOKS T. A HKDDINO P(l I0B WALNUT. ST. B203 BPItUCB AT, l.N TRUST ruNtis . ....E?r.A.n0,d lortiea J.tm'AIUi LITZ. 210 N. ITlh at. MONKT tor mortaaaM Hmk. County prorerty. . .AIITIIVH l TOWNAHNIt Lincoln ilulldlnc, Philadelphia. i.ni;!.'J".N0..A.'l'!.ot',ATION FUNDS 1IKNIIT H. IIUKD. 1420 Chratnut !. FARMER SMITH'S Tho letters of nppcnl for help nt Christmas ttnio nre comliip; In so thick nnd fast thrtt wo have tlccldcd to turn some of them over to the little members who lmvo not as yet sent in their boxes for tho Christmns Kninbow Exhibition. Below you will tlnd printed n list of "Cases." Pick out a "Cnse," rend tho ages of the children nnd then think very hard to see if you cannot help in somo little way. Perhaps YOU aro nine years old and linvo n little Inst year's coat that will keep a little clffht-ycar-old warm this cold winter. If you have, when you send your packago mark very plainly, "For tho little eight-year-old girl in Cnsc 3," or whatever case it may chnnco to be. Pcrhnps somo llttlo girls and boys who nrc brothers nnd sisters will be ablo to gather together so much outgrown clothing that they can "adopt" an entire "Cnso." Won't it bo fun to wake up Christmas and say, "I wonder how MY family is this morning?" Why, it's just like a story bookl CASK ONE "WouM you b an kind n to hcjp my little onoa? Thoy will lio a.ul Christmas They haven't nmtiy clothrt nnil tliey all neJ ahoet very twtlly. I Oo try my best. If you will give them n llttlo It will help n lot. I have lx llttlo ones Die Klrlu. twelve, ten, plcht. Kit nnd two jer Tho hoy Is two yenra." t'AMK TWO "CouM I Hk for some under clcthltifc for rhlldren a Rlrl BKcd nine, n liny thirteen, n hoy lx nnd o tclrl twelve? I would Ilka to lime helped you with your isood work, hut iicrhnpa next year Inatend of nskltiR for help I may lie nblo to kIo It My husband la work Iiik now, hut we nre so far behind with the hllla that It Is very, very hnrd to cntch up and clothe the little ones warm ly ut the samo time." CAM! TII1I1.I. "Will you pleaae remember my children nt Chrlstman time'" My hua band In not well, and It la hnrd lo buy rtothlnK for the children. They need ahoea nnd stockings nnd underclothes. If mime one has an old coat I could uao It for one of the children. There are (.ETTISG THK CHRISTMAS THEE By Farmer Smith Tumpety tee dee. Tumpetv tee dee, I'm as happy As can be. Hilly wns so hnppy with the thought of Christinas nnd tho merry spirit of the times that he began to dance when his wife enmo In. "Why did you run nwny from mo?" alio asked. "nun nwny? Tut-tut! Mlatcr OlrafTo camo nlotiR with n hlR secret nnd I had to follow hJm to rrot It out of him. His wife Is ROlnR to send you a Christmns present and I nm not troliiR to tell you what It Is. Wo nre roIiib to liavo so many presents that we will hale to onlnrse our house "Think of that! Sit down nnd consider III Of nil the Rood folks In Oontvllle, wa nro to have the most prebents. Hut what nro we roIor to do for a tree? Chrletmas would not be fliristmas wmiuu. u u. . must hiuttan nut nnd i;et one for us." Ileforo Mm Humpus could ay nnother word her husband had darted out of the door 'and wiih on his way to the forest whero the trees wcro standlnR. nwnltlnR to bo cut dow n for Christmas trees. Soon Hilly came to little tree which ho thought would be Just the right Ue Ho beRiin to pull the tree, thlnklnif to set It up by tho roots. occur' cuine n tiny olce. "Whnfs the matter7 nsKed limy, noi knowliiR quite what had happened. "I nm un oak tree and you want a pine tree or u fir " "l.xcusa me." paid Illly. as he went to look for another tree. "Hero I am," said n voice near by. Ahr' enld Hilly. "Just the tree I nm looklne for," nnd with that he pulled the little plno tree from Its roots and trotted tiff toward home with It. "For thousands of years we hnve glad dened tho Christmas season," the Little Tree told Hilly when It was- all set up ready for Mrs. Goat to look at "Do you think tha will hold a self-play-InR piano?" nuked Hilly of his wife. "I think It will hold mora than one." enld lifs.EOod wife with n smile. Ullly wondered If she knew HIS secret! $2 J In Christmas Prises Kor th- b-at Erryian Lxita serspbooka the following jirl-ea will ba awarded: Klrst prlie. 13. a--ond pre, 13: third prlae, .' and fllteen prliea of II each. ,M ,h ie.y-ka ar to ba exhibited from Deoimber 1(1 to December !J at the (hrlatmaa Ralnlsiw KihUtUlon. li be h.ld at BOS Chotnut atreet. they muat b sanl or brousht to tha elub bsfera Dtcsmbir Id. HOW TO MKK THE SCKAI'IIOOKS (let u romro-ltlon book or make on out , of pleeee ef wrapping paper eul l; alia ef ' u romwslllon Inwl. and lied ul the edrea U ribbon er rlrlna Trera ura thre. dlf. lerenf wnys K-r reu l make gur arrapbook. ' Vint. I'd .furies sr falka from Farmer iuit"V K-v-'w ritk News and lllu.trale fiein with rt re cut from any part of tha KT.y'O Lk'.. rirroiid Cut pJ;tiTa from the back pat if tha lirii La'osa or from lbs liulde ires nod urite itrles. i)ui or fomposl. .k.,,1 Lut the pictures. TUIrtl Crl ilnrVajrltl." from the RJn oi ilitb si. id Illustrate them with i!rVr-.r-. lar ln.tai.ra. In u ,ur, aboi-t HIIIJ' Kumpja, draw lb) picture gf a 304f and club wui mm ayptar hi i.ij top ul taeh ! . . .. it la ml nNtarf -a puy ina tsvasiaa sVi. IB ut4r " eaoinete, ADDftHS.i RMBK hilirll. Eiiu.tujt. fliU. LSI ifllt dclpida Brh Club News Wnfr" JuoapHsje ''-'yl.. of South Twen- .,w airK .' ' -'lwa t anoourae u i-r C"trU . v k : "W ar Uelghted . , j- ., -. . ' le'lJ' the UtUe poor , k aa I r ' ' 'h"- a hwls." VVt hav aJ s 'nAVa in-! a Pd deal ofHionay Otr i-rapc"! club haa lurned Into a ewInT olrel un4 wo have made petti goat. We have, Bent Chrttma stock- in. too full "t toys. W hav a llttlo kuiderparten- The namea of our pupil are Franc EnUw. HuIU MeAIlIster. Nellie Kennedy and Bill UuiiH We often say a little prayer toTanwNr Smith' CiuJj.- J.. b .nui uv BusA foe all !& ktvvis lOl&U '' MORTOAOES Coitlaaed from Prtttdtne Colamn MonTtuirKa miist and ".kconu. . nnNTa coi.lrctkiv-ri.ai. kstatr cot.o C. It. nilOAtin tSth arota Suaouehanno. I.OAN8 ON INTKM3ST IN R3TATB3 Reaaonable Charaea JOHN A 1IATIHT 307 Ijnd Title Illd 1RT and 2d mlaa 1 Mdr and rrltata fund' nnlek and eMIafariorv reaulta. rno.ierata eparaea CAMERON ESTATS 211 Kemlnaton are. KUNpS lor flrat arond pr ipllt mortaacia. Mltratand ihort-term loan.. .. ... AnnnNRTur. iss s 12th. st.i n. nth. MONEY for flrat and aeeond morlta. prifata fiinda and Polldln aaaociatlona .VM, FRIEWttCH ft CO Mi N 15th at. pntVATB FUNDB for flrat moftraara; R and 1k mnn.y for eond mortaanja: no premluma JOS ALLEN rOTTS 40J llaltlmora ae. 1ST AND 2D mlae or on nola any .amount: n ratea. fmmedlala'inaiear F X Da Ipa. 13 Lincoln llldt . Jtroad and Uenn o.uar. MONET for flrat and aennd motlaaaea: bultdlnf aaaoelatlon and Inatalment mortaaaea Wlllla Wtnrhrater Co., loot Cheatnut at MONEY TO LOAN tou can nonttpw .MoNr.r I in diamonds. Jewels, etc, h and up irt ooANbl:: ::;::::::::.: Vl , MARKET VU:btin'& RIDOE AVE. AND OXVYIRD ST. 2.D AND BOtfTlt8jr8 DO YOU NEED MONEY? We- will loan to alarted people and othera wlthaul aeurlty. low rate eourteom treatment aecurny. low rate oi inie treatment rake, l.lceme.1 A llonded tn Room Silt No In N 4th at ol IntffMit nj D D Drake, l.lcemed A llonded titi lltoker MONET LOANED In hlr of linaettled eatalea. Intereata bouihl FRANK V MARTIN, 721 23 Htephrn tllrard liviMdiiir. 21 H I2lh at RAINBOW CLUB I three boys, nine, live and two years old. There Is one (rlrl. U years old I will bo very thankful for anvthlmr nt nil." CASK FOUR "Dear K.tntn Claud. Wo ' hno had n icre.tt deal of nlckneas. nnd my father makes small wanes and wo havo eight children. They are four ttlrls. four teen, twelve, two years and two months Thero nro four boys, ten, eight, six nnd four. Wo will be cry. ery thankful for nnythlnpr you and tho Italnbowa mny Kle us A little Klrl twelve years old." t'AHi: rivr. "I lmo been In the hospital nnd the children had a tery sad Thanks kUIiik I would like to think that their Christmas will be n little happier I would like their little hearts to ho happy like other children's They nro alwayH talkliiK about Kris KrlnKle. nnd I am so sorry that can't Blve them tho thlnRM that other children will hne They need shoes and other cluthlnr", but whateior you Rlvo them I will bo happy to hno. Please, please don't fori-pt no Thero are two boys, nine mid six. There nro two Klrls. ilc nnd three Dense, farmer Smith remember us " Christmas Rainbow Itox The follow, hb articles hato been received within the last few days- Rainbow Hearttasa Club, of Danville, Pa Little Loy'a suit four palra nf itorklnsa als aulta of underwear, aweater dapnrl pettlroat, talr of (lovia and two linen kins, by llerllm lilldl. Tha R'oomlns Ralntow Branch -Two dreia.a flannal klmona. baby jacket, two flannel petti roata and pair alocklnss lsry -losspnin Cuyle, Msrsant Coyla Meta Kennedy. Ruth lIcAIIUtir. Ruth 8ctt and Ntllla Kennetly. Dreaa and coat Ruth Hoke Drraa. hat and huv'a ault.Darolhv K'ttfim, Cost and ahln Wlllanl Ruly. Two coata, woolen skirt, wslil and two pairs nt .IIULIiim. l..nj lpi.mn. Three tint rol.l.r tl Utmost nstlli-osts. nm.. mmtal pin case, ulsbt sown, iwo lieavy woulen sMrla Usui Hanck and Haiti's tils brother Lew. Kress- -Maresr-t S-ott. A vtry lar laby doll, with a try rter waril rot. at Mu hjkl mdii ttV Dttllia tTlinrt Ihres nnn! pttlriwt mad by 1U1r and Ottilia -""111 alls Ulisaia, (If 9Mf HIUUM, IHU II el K. raat. prn ill f rf tindorwrar, ihrw palra o( atocklnstt. i-tlrt IIMfna IMmtr, lUrutrniil f whi mb an I i4pr dolU HarUn NI1r arenway i-nu. Two rwit ilraH four :-alri ..f HocUlngi. twu wttlcoaU tm -'v nMrta- iennU JUrUtrtet, Ka-t Wljhjrt atrtH. . Jwt co -vi,, l-vi refin-'-iii anl iu!t uf un-d0rivir-Uttl- J nn- Mw'f Ta Two drta. au.t ni uiarar talr slovta -jnd a, prUy baby dol ftmubna Kcailtf. JUU aonflM N. J. I I Imam H.s.... ..l' u 4.,.u- ..,- a. - a - Tor Mwfntf rnacMnv lady'a draw. coat, ahlrt acstfr KoudI, Nor in Kourth atrtiat mnn uvrr-my. .Miriam aa ji .ktb win ir'M uetni loy'a aaiUir ault. Hv patra of a'oklna U iowm- rut Wlf V w mml two culLiii-at. ruin itaittu itrni. uamt r tiM4e at " i rtx'K!. ftunnUs. U o c tlu t lavily Ilttta toy. In iu4lia- a. m-i iUi-1 EUuta Cutua Otartfa uud -r"ea.W ' t-4V t4l M -( Tail tfraUi tkrt-sH S'tniafii nilmtt. our- eiiilt. Af Ufij3aiWssBr IhrMt RolEinieT na 1 1 IsrlaB I turn ra-ilvss -.-.sEiT." &-! j"- " vr.r.ffi' Tz"7srzr7.rz9' Mtvewit-r iufiwHi urn--' mim .oMnmm i nd Charlie Hurley iwiiuii rm Pmk mwlon pa is ftssu. I "b-Ptuirp aVine m ttleamt. tlr lo k! Kar'grCi Dowltac. wtw-rt.iiis MFKI IfsSJ n. Mf .lotkl' .m. -tr.I.n U,iln W. . Wast. Pa. Two D.sk balr rlbtteaa4:a4y 1V.Ua. Rainbows, Please Note THE Christmas Rainbow Exhibi tion will not open until Saturday. December 16. Please notice change ol date. t will be held In Boom 101. WMngton Building. 60S Chestnut fflxSllS The Yotinit Lady Across the Wny $2 I (J Asi'iL M. 'r-yj The line Inily neruaa the way a.tya he iverhenrd her father aienk cry tiarahly of somo ono he called h moral bankrupt nnd It did eeem to her as If the poor fellow ovicht to bo Riven 'crodlt for beltig moral even If he had lost hit tnonoy. Medley H you worn t, Amt I ncro you. And wo wcro sum Nobody Itncw, I would, Would yoil7 Conioll Widow. "If ou itieise, i 'upturn, our com pass Is completely out vt order. It's lmposHlblo to tell where we nro!" 'dittt Mrufu' Thai's what comes of RlvliiR ccry member of the crew the Iron Cross"' 1 ---'T-a-!-.- "t ivsryif Urw "- I -I wcM Tt witTtvt! tmwmit6 and 1 6 rrARistT ctHinum I 1 " . "'ftr.WiVi" MiToifo ""- toon OMtxceArxiB nat Lr-7 -rKJUJiytia v. j . . . BEWARE!! fiZT) m Retort Discourteous IMPASSIBLE riifto One lid utt mv feet Small I'tio Is It much of u. walk . --, The Disadvantage- " A-- ) J MtlfclsL wW - - - - - - - ltJ f NO TROUBLE ANTICIPATED An Opulent Help ' Applicant I'm afraid, mum, I cant . ' ItffQ I $ri 1 Jir T uTll Iidy Hut tho wauoa ara liberal fm Vv jj, yWmJfJ JrM Applicant That's all right, mum, tssjfl(?,Lj,iVTOra3--KW .dftfafi w XM N 'iMlUM but you llaren'' Any. Barnsa for me Wlfey (leaving home for a few days) Tou needn't trouble to rise early Qt YsTn n tha baker to put the bread in through the window T Vr-isS Hubby (thlnktui; of tho high prices) And when the butcher calls I suppose Vf SftrTrc I can ct him to put the mut through the keyhole. vj) (2Z7T7. DWING TO THE WHITE PAPER FAMINE, ADVERTISERS MUST RESORT ci, V tWWOk TO OTHER MEDIUMS P.SrTlA tel.m . H,:! Vr 1'.,'..1 tE 3 YmmmMmmmmmmmmmmm . m v "-ck isNaexssasimEi jr&mmsmiiviN&Biv.Braar'. um.w'mKtim Z3?m&. w;y,iitn iiWmmVSvwSmsr " tfjj p-vTva IslW ?SILJ f a look at -: mSk W 3iJi' i5 I ' vjm irn" i It Mill sw " t ii i ii i .in.1 .i us. iHTtnriiiis; f S -srw46. J Kim i T,r miT I r. ' irzzr .rS-t nm mivTOFiciu?..rriR m n lfL?Y m oWAVa .. H 'sm- t? am n & kk . . 'gieMiJief- Pft mh-X kill 5 SS I- &'' liMlMrM l v&vif fe? " sSi r--z&m fin, J 1016 S C RAP P LEjl THK PADDED CKLL I John the .ndiam damce th ( THE AMATEUR " OJE OFTHE LADies'HATS V HUMORIST r."'S) dtovli SOCttA) ( t rldW-N0w AT i.n ifti.'ry I I I svow ' jb I " '" I I vr yr y v' . I . THERE'S A COMKHACK TO IT SOMEWHERE Clrst Scarred Veteran Lumme, Mac, nln't Rot'tho artillery to clear It for us IT" r&iifatvtiifmiiMMMWm London Opinion. barbed wire I We'll av to eo back we now wo'ro back In Ellshty! 1)$P -!&SW fl -vt msm&m&l HWrfttn. V4W I street. t aasaTrWy- ...sis.fr. r. $&? -" . I k&S . mmimt m jrw. mp" pg 4iMWa & vy. Wr 4 4i 4L I !MU UUJflU U JJjji PS .- 11 W i-l . JMajim.. nmii aau jiisii jnaii 1 1 mMtjii i , i j issiis-aaaasjee-walasaaaiassiiigrs- inifiiii iin.-r -j.r2 ,,