Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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    fS a?.-sfttesc r s-
Hantain Beckett and Quarterback Huntington
lffi?i C14-r, IxrUK T,r Jji. -r- 1
iunanimoua ocicuuuno
ana onyuur eu...vj...i; recognition
.. n. -e rirecnn In well retire-
P11 ,:.l the various ntl-Norl'mest nml
l-tltM ".' A. A Hon Contain ltetketl.
PV1E& Md "tar punier of the ten.,,.
selection, ami
"Hlty" HuntlnR
ton. Ilia iiutirter
buck, li ne
coVtleil the name
t r o a imcnt.
Mitchell nn
end, mcar m
nevernl of the
olevcni. nntt
Itlxler. center,
niiil Snyder, a
Kunnl. nrc re
in e in It c r o rt
llnrtlott. a
tackle , TCRert,
an c ,, il. a 1
and Montelth. a
ha I 1 1) ark. are
placed on t li o
second t o a in .
t-lvlnir I'enn'n
j fy. MAXWELL j,-ow Year's op-
.-.. eight star players In the far wt-
fern who 8 nted Hezdck's team
Hl ini ww It In action iiRn Inst nll-
(-.- If of th "'imfl opinion nn inu ""-"
f5i T.i Oreson hn a great tenm ....".
ll.in trim many of " enstern elevens
WISvSn IK considerable trouWo In
V" ArtAn t.l-iVt Rim K I. IHilll
MMSenn. """ ., ,: ,.- ,. ..
KSffi. TM talfbAck. hit the lino hard
'lWnr ... ...i.i. .... rt.-nliln snoeil and
Stic. fierdek uses tho University of Chi-
ncu -
Ilr7effeno, with many shlfta to ball thliins
lVfJr the opponents Tho tackles are
! tack on nlmoRt every piny, ami mo
f? shift the name an tho University of
",7L,f No quarterback l used, in-
there arc three halfbacks, with one
r tho signals, a la Warner. The In
Lee also Is pood, said Qua. making
it, turn a v,ell-b.-ilnnceil nnd well-coached
llsu Mny Stars
HTte aro many stnra on tho Oregon
Bab," says Zolglor, "and some aro as good
B: Scraps About Scrappcra
..- . it,, half rn-nrn lioxers who will en-
revor to please fans at tho National to-
lW" . .. - - I.. -. l,,l1lAIIW
eirtt r vwiiora m uio nu w uiHm.
t T ifnwinnnt ni Aiuwitunt'L'. viii
Brtt Farrell. of New York, will shoot
Vjibj t each other In tho main melee.
1 . ..i.i... i. .irnnrar iirre. nn Kowlands
gud an Impresslvo debut ThanksglvliiK
Cir and Fnrrcii nns noxeu mittcraiuuj
ivtit National for two years. Harry Con
. .v. ipnn.intt.-pil lightweight from
UruoUjn, also has boxed In this city be-
(Mf,- lu meets l-ni jiooro in uiu
ttirltr Simpson, ino ruggeu jviuiinit.-.i,
aOav Lew Stinger, nleo rugged, as his
bharts. two muians, l.iuo near unu
fciiaa llussell, clash again, and Dan Miller
on Hay Ilrewer in n ncavyweignt
Seh-arta. who la allnglng around
sn. w.'P,'.'" "i"T" "U".V.:!, ir..n-f
LES51H wnn poxins ujr ,i. ..,.-....-..-
wt&t alrht h pp"rd at u smoker ana lioiea
Buatotm!" with thtco illflorcnt vppunenti.
Kwoirlnc Wi K O over Sandy Kfrguson nt
MM Tor. whro ho will make 'his ftrat at-
IltSj KUmaioo htavyvrflKht's opponent. Mlko
Itiyjn, Ql Olt I tUl IB "It " vw
flr..l. . a ll- . IAi..llB rt I n f jH
lI49Illlaa IS irsinmR miuuuiir i". . "?":
ftlU, Aril HOOl l li" "irmina, oiuiiuii ii.....
It'UaMa lis It not irylnir to mnkn his best
Butlitt. boulil will come In about ISJ ".''?!
isd Jteot will l iomwhat heavier nllllo
IjutKa'i bout with Johnny Nelson will ba hi;
IJrt slmthicker. other Clevoland twieri. meet
Jw,ili ind Johnny Caihlll, reipectlvoly. and
LVa. .-aMIa i. I.hnni. M.VII la I hit ntllOf
llt'i e iralnf There will not ba n contest
twB Jack Dillon and Al McCoy nt Ilrooklyn
Itttt yrtdjr night Deep uml dank myitery
Inrreanli the third ralllna ort of tho bout be
Itweta th farooui ''chainplon" and tho min-
IkltlAS ti.nA Num.. anAAlu .nnnlfl. nnnnlnif
UJiJ that ihe li, hai It that Alhertua broko
ai rm in a minniKnt auio atrmrni imm
ndiu from tho iceno of n boxing match for
"MC-cti.rny. Not a lew lana nam to ieo
a:Cur knockt'l out. he la keeDlnic 'cm In sui
iVahanr Klllianft h nltnw,l hlminlf in take
fiollMi. lie ii anxious to met Kred Welh,
M4 m iuro ho can la, tho llahtwclxht chump
Iptt U hat ngrtsed to mrtt tho llrltnn "t thn
It- p. ob tbi day or th match. The New York
llvuw the but orfer will bCu.o the bout
lyasla two month.
TftKfl tf OaTaAitmoi t Ma.l .!... ttA nnailiulotr
T"4 ' ! ttivtv III l IIIUIT HI Uin i-""l w
li'i' " e held Tueiiliy nleht. He has
Igttcatd Tommy Cariy and Oroiar ltayna In
i? lnd-uiJ. Othir bouts ara lied Mack va.
IfJMUe Wiiiisms. Johnny Iluck m. Voune Coi-
vwun jiomnion va jiaiiiini. vriau uiu.
Mac Mount vi. Johnny llovau.
am.- im . ... .... ......
", "---pounii reampion or ins unuen eiatei
Wwfa..? .in I'hllailjlphla hli home, lien
HrH I lltrman says ha holds the nu-ntloned
ISSTa '"' Jwlro l after any of the ::."-
lfftMta Lvv Stinger In u ten-rounder at
lM.rrTitQwn. l'a.
' I ! t
Speedway Body Elects Officers
Plana I. - . ,, .. , . .......
track la th world were dllcuned
Jfwf a the annual meeting- of tha Thlla-
" ior PtMuMway Asipclatlon. nm at
ii """'a "' Commit. In tha Wldener
irJT reeeneti auaiiionai impiiui ai
V ""n"a unnnuet, neia at ine iajvllio
EStaiZ" "", louowirur on icon anu
JffilMi vwa tlecttd ll.nry CV IJunlap. I'hlla
Hf. PrtilJent, c. U. HoWer, Jobmtown.
Kuf.nr n.1...!re4,urr! Horace T. ilyeri,
H v,9?.nl..w,llUm Hobeniack, lvland, Itlch
Ig,, MattUon. Jr., Ambleri C, B. Jackion.
uTir't"."11' . uanimore, i-iauuo
Mri Waihlnaton. W I., r-rnruaon. l'hlla.
SSLV ftVf i ". I'tHladelfihla. J M.
"S1' Wllalin l'rllrhalt. Phliarialnhlaii Ilv.
SaJra.7unn."..l'hllildIPhli Vnn A. Shanor.
"gMirgli, ana llmrry C Trixler. Allentown.
( Doylestown IT S. Wins Easily
Elilai.J.a'a .SthoSl .nulnif t defeated Narbertb
ra.-a,i..ft . (U iVt
r ""Ism
1 f vL
It. '. & gsriffv
uui luunieiui. iusiey
aa tho Perm players Heckett. tho tackle
and cnptnln. weighs .05 pounds. Is fast and
doe all of the punting. He can nAerngp
forly.nve yards In a (tame. Johnny Par
sons, n halfback. Is reg.irdod na lh best
back on the coisL He neighs 174 nnd Is
erv fast 'Shy1 Huntington, another track
flrltl man, Up, the lienm al 100 nnd Is a
wonderful player. He gives the signals.
hut really plays fullback Mitchell, an end.
Is the beit t liavo seen on the coast, nnd as
good na any I hac seen In the Knat "
Zelgler wns assistant conch at the Uni
versity of California football team Inst
fall and nlded considerably In re-establishing
the game on tho coast. Kor severnl
enrs tho American gaino hnitibeen In dis
card nnd rugby played Instead. Sentiment
ngalnst cnllcgo football nna so strong that
even the high schools dropped It The game
has regained Its popularity, however, and It
Is believed that more than one hundred new
teams will be In the field nxt year.
Coaches Had Hard Task
California played rugby up to 191B, and
tho men who ciuno out for tho squad know
nothing of tho other game Kor one yenr
there wns considerable experimenting, nnd
this year Andy Smith. Uddlo Mahan nnd
Zelglcr were engaged to get tho players In
shnpe. Their task was a hard one. when
ono realize that tho candidates never had
seen nn American collejto game. Their
knowledge was gained through newspaper
accounts, which sometimes are not the best
Smith nnd Zclgler did most of tho work
nnd had to teach tho men from the begin
ning It wns harder than conchlng n prep
school team, as only the simplest kind of
football could be tnught. Kor more than a
month tho tenm was drilled nn funda
mentals, but after that somo progress wns
shbwn. nud In tho later games California
made a good showing. Klcvon games were
played, six resulting In vlctorlos, flvo de
feats: nnd ono tie
Zelgler will nsslst Kolwell In preparing
I'cnn for tho Coast battle He knows iho
stlo of gamo used by Oregon nnd vir
tually will have charge of tho defenso The
lied and Illua is mighty lucky to get Zelg
lcr's services.
Hnughton Wnms 1917 Cnndidntcs to
Keep Up in Scholarship
CAMimiDGU Mass.. Dec. D. Conch
I'ercy . Haughton, of tho Harvard foot
ball tenm, has sent n personal fetter to all
candidates for next year's cloven urging
them to keep up In scholarship "as it part
of thalr football dutlot."
"This year's defeat," ho wrote, "can be
traced to slackness In study between tho
tlmo of last yenr'H gamo nnd midyear,
when men whoso prcsenco on tho tenm
would probably havo turned tho scalo got
on probation at tho collega odlcc, their serv
ices being Anally lost to tho team."
News of the Boiolers
TIaers won two games out of threo from
Maneto realiter-d 1002 In lis openlnar nma
with Wyndham Colts. Marshall knocking; down
33 and Itadcllffn liia. Tho latter rolled Si'3 la
hli second samo.
Satterwalle's S.x helped the White Rlephanti
to win tho final game from the Giants.
Price, for Wyndham. contributed flls pins In
hli threo irnms, getting ecorta of ID", 03 and
Trucks, lead-off man for Maneto. set a fait
paro, with tallica of -08, 203 and 0T. averaging
00 pins.
Cook, anchor on Maneto, bowled a 010 total
In three games.
Nock aot tha belt alngle-aamo score In the
Quaker City IeaauQ series. 2UI, nnd then twice
In succculon knocked down 104.
Milling snuad retained first place In Ianaton
IeaKu by winning two games from Tool Koom
Tho rhlladalphla-Mads Hardware league
iNorin iiroiners tenm won two rrom J'liaton,
and Dumb quintet won two from Miller I-ock1.
Terminal Colts bested Aclti'ea In two of their
three gnmes. thus holding the top position
Actives' victory was In the nrat game, when
they totaled 033 pins. In which Sprengol con
tributed SI0 and nuth23.
Manufacturers' Yellow team roverei! Itself
with glory wl,h Its big 103!) game and tha threi
game total of SS3D, In which the tram won all
three International U-aguo games from Union
league Illua aquad. It won tho aecond gamu,
891 to S80.
Walnut, of Ovorbrook Oreen tiam. totalml
S22 In hli second game agatjist Harquet He
serves. Tho (Ireen bowlers won all three con
tests. It. I.ee's third game with Merlon White
brought forth a 239 count.
(lermann kept up hli good work for Enarav
Inn. starting tho evening's matches with 222.
Harmer holds Drat place In Herman-American
League, having won a series mora than Olrard
and Columbia, who are lied for second place.
The Quartet squad li gradually catching the
leaders In the Otrman-Am-rlcan league. It
outrolled (.Irani In all thrte games this week,
twice going over ths ono mark.
Tarbuck. of K. I. H A . started with a i'2l
score, and Wilier flnlihed with 509 for the
lame quintet.
Tha riratea are again In tint Place In Key
stone lat-ague Section A. diplte the fact that
they lost two games to Terminal, aa Illlllkln
lost the entire serin to Edouard
Fticke, of Tlrates hit tha pins for a 220
score In Ida Initial effort
MacMchlan. of Terminal, again mashed In
wood for scores of 1" 211 and 210, rolling
with Terminal agalnit I'lratei
Tenn has been asked to enter a team In an
Intercollegiate League now Ulng formed.
Meter team, leader of. the Electrlp Lswrua.
showed tha value of a fiW pins bv winning the
second game from Acamntlng, 718 to Till, and
the final by a one-pin margin, by totaling 7JI.
uit enough to overcome th Accounting .V' 1
taam'a seven-pln handicap SJeter won tha first
game by 31 pins.
Red and Blue Only Needs to
Tie Haverforcl This After
noon to Clinch Crown
HTANIUNtl til' Till". TtlAMH
WI.T.1H WI.T.ris.
renn . . . 4 o o a llirtsrd. . t w I
I'rlnretnn I I o a 1 ste ...1105
Itatrrford .IU4 Cernell ...1300
Kor tho third successive year tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania Is In llna for the In
tercollegiate soccer chnmplon-hlp. nnd this
afternoon the Hed nnd IllUo only needs to
get a draw ngalnst Haverford lo tllnch tho
title The game will bo played on Kranklm
Field last year Haverford held the same
advantage nnd, ns the gamo resulted In a
one-to-one tlo. the championship went In
tho Main Liners. I'cnn was tho winner In
I'enn has played nnd won four games
for a total or eight points Princeton hns
plaved five, but lost ono gnmo ami only has
eight points A lie will add ono point and
tho nine will bo sufficient to nsstiro the Hod
nnd Illue tho honors.
Captain Mohr and bis men aro In nno
condition, in all the game played this
season tho Qimkern havo outplayed their
opponent nnd tho fnst work of tho team
speak well for tho work of Conch Stew
art. Cornell wns handed a 'severe lacing
a week ago, I'cnn winning by tho one
aided Score of eight to one.
Hiixby nt right halfback and Montenegro
at outside right are expected to play nn
Important part In tho struggle
I'enn , llnierford
Shannon soul ... . ,, 'J.
Kdxnrds . . rltht fiillhark .... tlardlne r
llatilwln. left fiiUbBfk . ?,r''"
llu.br. rUhl hnln.ttU llallelt
Vlohr . .renter halfback . .. Thomas
vve-.man left halflmrk C Thorpe
Vlolltenram onlslde rlrhl I. Thorpe
Nna-nu . . In-1. In rltht hupnmn
llsron renter forward I ij-,n
xpenrer .. .. Inside jell t or-on
Tin. man . . . oul.lile let! . . Harlow
Snm Whito Will Re Ono ot Coach
Speedy Rush's Assistants
rillNCBTOV. N. J Per I The Hoard nf
Athletic Control of Princeton t'nlverslty. com
liosed of memliers of th fHrulty of the Cnlver
sit nnd managers and rnptalns nt the nthletlc
ti-ami, have electe.1 Ihe fmitball roarhlnis com
mute" for the ensuln -.ear
This l-narit has for Its mnthe the seleitlnn of
he head couch nsalatnnt inacbes. plan of
lonctilng and drnwlns up nf the erhedute Its
aits aro ratified bv the tiiiiird of t'onlrd. s.
that lh ,ni n are dlre.tly rtsimnalblo to tnos.
who put them 111 Pimer Sim While, whoa
sensational work In the season nt lull Is stilt
fresh In mind nnd Knox Tailor, a 'riser tout
ball star of twenty yenrs sun, are the nien
elected to succeed Unas Mrflnvo nnd llownril
llenr). whose term of office expired
Illg lllll Kdwnrd-i. Stewart linker nnd J S
Munn aro the other meml-ers of tho committee
the football situation at I'rlnretnn for the time
being rests entirely wlih the-ie men It Is un
derstood that thn first meeting for outlining the
plana for next rar Im to bo held shortly after
be Now Year.
Sixty (o Compete in A. A. V. Run
With about allty athletea repre-entlng tho
local clubs antl ono from Pittsburgh, the nn
mini senior crosa tountry chnmptonahlp of the
Mid tlo Atlantic Aaaoclallon. A A t". n III
bt held this afternoon over a sls-inlle course
starting from the Lighthouse Hoys' Club. How
ard and Homeraet alrreta
The most prominent entry Is thst of James
MeCauahey. Pittsburgh A A who won tho
Junior title two weeks ago at MrKresport rid
will Stllelda the I'enn Kreahmen runner and
holder of Iho Interacholaatlc two-mllo record. Is
another contender fur the honor.
daughter ot John J and Margaret Anderson.
Itelatlves and friends, also 11. V. M. Sodality,
Invited to funeral. Mon.. H 30 a m parents
residence. 20U8 Winter at. Solemn requiem, maaa
Cathedral lo a. m. Int. Holy Cross dm. Auto
ANIIRHSON - At 5137 Spru.e at.. l. . H.
ni.UAinrni i.i:onahh. k or w. h. Ander
son. Services Mon.. 2 p. 111. Oliver II. llalr
Hide.. IM'.'O t'heatnut at Int nrliale.
UAKKH. Dec H, KLIZAHimi M . wife of
the lata Charles Hiker, sged al, Tuneral serv
ices Sun . 1 P m . at realdence of her ami,
Charles W Ilaker, B13U Ann St.. Weit I'hllu.
Int. private at Montgomery Cem . Norrlatonrn,
"lUltNAItl). 12th month, nth. nt Lanadowne.
Pa , MAUV L IIAIlNAHl) llelatlvea and
friends Invited to funeral without further no
tice. New Usrdan Mvetlnx Houac. 2d day. 12th
month, I p. m Trains leaving llroad nt Mta
tlon ll 03 a m. and 2pm trolley wilt be met
at Toughksnamon.
HKA.M Dec, , SYLVIA, wife of Samuel
Heon and daughter of Iloae and late Andrew
l'hgle, aged 21. Itelatlves and friends Invited to
funeral. Mon. 2 30 u m. 2147 r. York at.
Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Ittmalns may Lu
viewed Sun , after 7 p in
husband of Ilarbara II Header aged til Itela
Uvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services.
Mon., 2 P. m . 222J N. 2lll St lilt private.
Odd Fellows' Cem.
Ht'ltUl'Il Dec. 7 of diphtheria. IIKHTIIA
A., daughter of Charles V and Lucy H Herger
aged 2 yra a mm No funeral. Iteatdeiice.
240H N inth si Int private.
HLANKDN At I'almvra N J.. Dec
nOIIKKT IIAIHIJ 1II.NKKN' son nf llobert
snd Itebeccu Hlsnken Services at alaler a real
dence. Mrs Oeorga Ciwke. n0 Washington ave
Palmyra. N. J.. Sun .2pm Int private
llaverly. N J. Trains leave Markit si ferry
'VrtAI.Y.lD.c1: a' CATIir.IltNB T, lUtADY
(neo Ittgglnsl. wife of Edward J llrsdy llila
tl.es and frlenda. JUrrled Women's Hoda'ity ..f
Church of tho (leau. Invited to funeral Tuee
M a. m , husband s residence. 1213 N IJih it
Solemn requiem mass Churrh of the tl.su u ao
a m Int Holy Croai Cam
CAIIIJItET Dec. . HANNT. daughter of
Joaeph and Mary Caburst. sged 31. Its atlves
snd friends Invited to funeral, Hun I 30 p m
nsranls' residence. D.lrt N I2tb st Int Mt
Vernon Cam. Ittmalns may be vlawed Sat
sged U2. Itelatlves snd frlenda in-lido
funeral, Mon.. 11 a. m. lata realdtnco. 1713
N. 23th at Int private. .
CIM(KE.--Dac . OEOItaK. nueband of
.Vltivlna Clarke (nee Arendt,. aged 4U Itela
lives and friends. bouUiwarki ouii-ll N-.
144. O. of I A . doldbtalers' tlolon. Invited to
funeral. Sun. 1 p m.. 2323 S .Abler at Int
Kernwood Com. Itemains may bo viewed Hal .
a to in p. m . , .
CALDWKI.L Doc. 7. ANNA ! . widow ,.f
Oeorga il Caldwell Itelatlves and friends in
vited to funeral services. Mon . 2 p m . at lo.n
N. 18th st. Int Westminster Cem
ClvriHEIl Dec 8. KATIli R. wife of
Jamei II Clothier, aasd 03 IteHtlvea and
frlmdi Invited to funeral sfv pes, Tuea i . . p
m.. son-ln-law'a realdenc. William KeUh. ,'30J
li. Norrls st. Int private. Monument Cem
Itemains may tw viewed Mon eve.
roAli -duddtnly. In Conahoh ken. Dee 7
CLEMENT J . huaband of late Susan I' i osd
(nee Sweeney) llelallvas snd fflen. a 1 It
Itsll.f Ass'n, Dlv No 1. A II . ly-l Order
of .Mooae. Invited to fufieral. Mon 8 a in . HIS
5.r mhSss$?&& I'Sf s-s 'in,:
COEMAN.'-ec' VMAHY 15.. wit. of Philip
E. Coleman. Itelatlves and friends Invited to
aervlcea, Mon.. S SO p. m.. at tale re-ldnee. IJiiJ
D Katb at.. NorrUtown. Int. private at 14.
Laurel Hill Cem. Autos mt train f.orrlown
alallon leaving llroud St. station 1 la p nl
daughter of WllllamJ an.1 Ijannah Colllna i and
granddaughter of John and Bllaabetn hnas.
!"d 1 i Itelitlvea and friend. Invited to fu
neral Sun. 2 P. m gr.ndparents' realdenc.
l'Mi H llt al Int Ml Morlee I em
CltAWSHAW-Pec! S. MAUY U1IK1K widow
of Charles Crawthaw Helatlves and friends
Invited to funeral services, Men . 2 p. m. at
114 Apalerst Qermantown. Int rrlrate,
r-nrvviTVTrvv r. n.wmIMa i t
HAPlltY I-: , husband nf Martha Cation' Cromp.
...... . , iiuai-aiHi ... Aiaiinn i.i.n .-iii--
ten Itelatlves ahd friends Pennserove 1-o.lge,
No. lt. P, and A M.. Uashlntton Camp. So.
47 P ( S of A and K 1 du Ponl Ce 'a em
plerea Invited to funeral Mon. 11 a m, rest
denee of nfece Mrs George Keatherer, 8.3 S
ttread tt . Pennsgrove Int Rmanuel Cem He
mains may be vlewe.1 Sun eve
.DANdt.Ktl flee 7. MAIIT I! wlfe.ef Wll
Ham II Dangler are.! fvS llelstires and friends
lrlvlte.1 to funeral servlees Men , 10 a m SVla
flermantown ave Services continued Pain lew
Charel, 1 13 p m Int. norertown. Pa Auto
funeral Itemains may n viewed Sun . a r m
lavnraater. Pa papers, copy
DAVIS Near Martian, N J.. Dee It. 11KN
JAMIN P DAVIS sge.1 70. Itelatlves and
(rlrnda Invited to funeral. Sun . t p. m , resi
dence of fleeitae W Dtvis, near Marljen, N J
Int. Colfstown Cem Train leaves Market st
vhstf a. m. for Marlton Station. Auto
DK11H Dee f) miSB wife of Charles W.
Drr Inee Sehmhl) Itelatlves and trlenfVs In
vited to funeral aervlces. Sun , 2 p. m , J71S
West ilumbla ave Int Jit Peace ,Cem.
Lanesaler tawrt copy
DIKTnit'll Dec 7. XtAllEI. t. . daughter ef
William E snd Emma K Dietrich (nee lloyer,,
aged 27 lletaiiies arnt friends, membera of
Cookmsn M E Church and Sunday school, em
plnyea W Allee Purree Co . Invited to funeral
services. Mon . 2 p in , pvrenta' resident. 2sao
N 12th st Int private lllllsbra t'em Itemains
mav be viewed Sun, eve Aut" funeral
DILLON Dec 7 JA1KH lUI.IAl.V Itela
tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Mon a
a m , Isle residence Meeting House lane. Cvn
wyit p High max at t Margaret a Churrh.
Narberth. Ca , vio m Int. st Denis's
IH,N.K(!AND-c 7 at bar Isle residence.
12H N Pa elhorp al M.MlUAUKr A . wife of
t'eorr J. Dineican ml itvughirr of Thtophlln
;.nd Mvrlia D'Auir.ehj lle'atlv-- and friends
Invited to fiiiieral Tuea . a .10 n m solemn
re.iuiem mesa mi Michael s Church 10 u tn. Int
Hotv Ct..aa t'ero
oiJ.n!7..,N0 T-.'l. a ANNIR M widow of
CIKKilAllli Dltt'DIS'il ine. OslrnderH. ar-l
no iielniivea and friends Confraternity of the
lllened H.-.ramenl Altar snd Itnasrv Society
and all societies! tonneeied with St Atphonsua s
.l?'h.,,"!,.L,0 fnral Mon . 7 30 a. m 42i
VAolf at lllah maaa st Alphnnsus s t'hurrn
Bam Int Holy liedremer Cem vu funeral
DCPPY Dec 7. PHILIP A, hu.bsnd of
Anns T Dlifti (nee Wsrdl aged "' ltelatlves
.'!'.,..'r,f.,,ll, Invited to funeral, Tuea . s .10 a in
il0 Jlerlen ave Holemn re-tulem ma
I hutch of Our Mother nf Morrows Hi a m. Int.
athcdral Cem
.. ELLls Dec 7 ClLVnt.rs J . son of Charles
II and Jennie Ellla (nee McAnanyi a.r.1 '.",.
Itelatlves and frlenda Inilleii to funeral, Moll.,
a a in residence) of parenti ll Mllnin at.
solemn mssa of ieqilem Church of si Thomas
A'V.'1M.",..2 .!?. " .'" .,n "d Csthedril Cem.
VKHIH'SOX Dec. 7 ANIIIIEVS tl. hu-band
of Sarah Perguaon. Itelatttea nnd frlenda In
vlled li the aervlcea. lion . 2 p m . at Ivte real
denre 111 H. endfll at. Int. Kern wived Cein
rrlenda mav view remains Bun.. 7 to II I. in.
I-.! lVl:.yY.1.." ''" ANTON II . Iiuslinnd Of
Elllatieth Ktlelityr Ihee Alrdl' avnll nti
llvea and frlenda. Invited In funeral aervirea.
Mon . 2 i m 313V Krankford ave
Int prl-
tnie "n . enar iiiii i em
PISi III.lt IW 7 JOIIV huaband of
Thereala 1'iaiher (nee Sihaferi aged .11 Itelo.
tlvea and friends Invited to funeral Tlla 7-H!
S. n! .t'"" .""'"d' al Solemn high maaa al
"'..'.'"."i'riTiV mirc'! ,nl, ""I nederner Cem
.! ,'.'.'. iA"AN -,l-e " Hamburg. Pi.
DAVID J. son of D.ivld J and Into Mary
1 Unarm, aged .17. Duo nntlre nf funeral will
be given from fiiher's r.aldeni-r. i;.i,in ;m
aesalng ue , V I'hllv
KIIANKI.IN I km 7 nt Atlintlc Cllv N
J, s,ATi!'J. H. widow of Dr Man us Prank
lln of I3IS N llroad si 1'uneral servlirs und
inl alrlrtly private.
I'ltECND --Dec R I.OPIS rilKDND. hlia.
bvnd of Julia Kreun.l llwi (Innait nged sj
Itelatlves and frlenda Phlla Turngeinelllde
Pioneers of I'hila Turngemelnde and Kranken
kasae Noa 1 nnd 3 and aurvivora of 2!lth
Iteg't. N V Vnluntters Invlled to fum-ral
Mon 2 p m residence of son In tvw Edward
Pals .1013 Ludlow at tin Ijiurrl Hill Cem
Prlen.ta mav call Sun eie
daughter of late Martin and Ellen (laughnn (neo
(.vrrlty; llelstlies and frlenda Invite,) m fu
neral Mon a 3u n m cousin's residence ll
Kenney 2121 li-ilnbrl.lsr at Solemn high maaa
nf requiem SI I'atrl.k'a churrh lo n in Int
Holy Croas Cem llnltetnn Pa , papera ropv
chael (leoghegan Itetatlvea nnd friends league
of Ihe Sncre.l Henri, Invlled to funeral. Mon
l( 30 a m . 2121 K Arttonn st Solemn requiem
mass Church of the Holy Name 10 n. m Int
St Mary a Cem . Norwlt n. i onn .vmo tiin.rt.l
sged Sll Itelatlves and friends Invited ,o fll.
tieral Sun , 1 3i, v. m realdence of inn David
I. (llliaon. 1211 Wolf at Int Arlington Cem.
Krlenda may call Sal eve Alllo (uneral
(HI. I'll. LAN De( 7. HOI, CUT. htllluitid of
Mary (lllnllnn. aged V llelatltes nnd friends,
also llrldeabnrg I'reabylerlan t bun h and Mon
day H.hiiol, Tsiony In'dte. No 3.1S, I o o I' .
Vlngoho king Trllie. No 33, I O It M . em
ptoei of CharUa la.tnnlri- Cheiulrul Co In
vltoil to nttend funeral Met. . .1 p ni . late
realdence '."142 Pratt st . Ilrtdeaburg Inl Prea
byterlan Orounda. Hody may lai viewed Sunday,
a to III i m
lltl'STt D.C ll. LENA, daughter of Ilnp
tlsta and Jennie (Uustl. ngetl ,1 Itelntlvea nnd
frlenda invited tn (unrral. Moo H .10 a m .
from pireiiia' reildrnrv. llI2 Kerahnw ave .
Weat I'.llla Mervlcea nt Church of Our !.ady nf
the Ang.da. .loth nnd Mailer sis . In a. in. Int
Hole Crcaa (eni
lldl'CIIEIt Dec ll. nt Hoatnn. Jlasa . SAM
DEL J (KH'CIIEIt. llge.1 HI ll-li.tlea nnd
frlenda Invited to funeral sen lies. Mon . 3 p. ,n ,
3H N 311th st Int. Woodland Cem
HIENPELL Dec 7, KIII.Pl.lllf'IC O, hus
band ot lute Elale M (trenfoll nnd son of l-'r.-d-erbk
O. Sr . und late Mary ilrenfell njred 27,
Itelatlves and frlnnda also Kalrvlew Counril,
No 52. P P A . Ilvan A Ice W.nn
tlrfvera' Pnlon, No I. Invited to services. Mon .
2 p in , at 4701 Merlon nv Inl Chelten Hum
Cem Coaleavllle, l'a. panera tl-nse (inv
OEOOIIEdAN Deo. It. MAIIY. widow of
o on a-HUU
Hnwnrd St. nnd
Allochony Ave.
3 ho t; sr.H i.
J J a c t n K I "
A IV" A 1 '
At Rensington Avenue and Ontario
Russell and
16 on $400
1409 OAB1I
l-lpat Vlnrla.a. II1IIAI1II
Second Mortaaae... 100 oa
aioney requireu... ive qq
Total Monthly Expenses, $17.10
And you're saving III In the bulldlna A loan atiocUtlon.
We havo followed out our policy of hnv
Inn everything "up to th minute" In tho
above houses. Tho heatlnsr nppnratus a
(,-uo ran teed for ten yenr. and cement
ar. -.aarsti u aa BA eiHnltiABI llrs f at, fl t It r A
IfiiltJIino iw HituiiB
Mlehsel Oeefheran. Relatives and friends.
League nf Sarred Heart Invited to funeral
Men . SJIO a m 3434 R Arisona . Solemn
requiem mass Chur.h ef lloty Name 10 a. m.
tnt SI Mary s Cem . Norwich, Conn. Auto
tlltl'NDY Dec T MAItlA wife of John W
flrundy, and daughter nf lst Samusl and Sarah
Itarrcnrks Itelatlves and, frlenda Invited t. fu
neral. Mon . 8 p. m . 2in W Tieira st , Int.
tlreenmount Cem Itemains may be vdewed
Sun , 7 to 10 p m
HAAS tiee f. MATIIH.DK S. (nee !cheek
widow of Jsreh Hsas. Ilelatlves and frlenda
invited tn funeral services Sun ,1pm. 4i31
N 3th st Int. private. Mt Vernon Cem. Ite
mains mar be viewed Sat. eve.
late Msry Harrows ttelstlves and friends In
vited to funeral Tuea a .10 n m. 2101 N.
17lh st. Itequlem hlsh mass Church of Our
trfidy ef Mercy lo a m Int Holy Cross t em.
widow of Charles w Harknes Services New
York Clly. Alon Dec tl n, a m Int private
IIAHTMAN Dec 7. JONAH 11.. husband of
Jennie 1. Hariman Itelatlves ami frlenda
Washington Camp. No 1VU. P. O. 8 of A.
Inysl order of Meoae No .11. Comnanv I,
IMifla Hatlatlon. 8. of V . Camp No 13. S of
V tlemral D 11 lllrney IVst and emploj'a ef
P II t Co. Invited to funeral servl.es. Tues.
1 P.m. 3130 Msrstnn st Int, lllluld. Cem .
via funeral car llemalns ma; 1 viewed Mon .
alter i p m
love.1 son of John II and Jennie F
Jr . .be
less Pu-
neral nnd Int alrletlv private , ,
IIPnilKS,-Suddenly. I.4 7 MAIIY A , wife
ef Jsmee p liushea and daughter of late
Michael and iltsry (Iralln Ilelatlves and friends
Invited tn funersl Mon . a 30 a m WHO West,
mlnater ave Solemn requiem maaa church of
our Mother of Sorrow!. 10 a. m Int. Cathedral
l7tWN At Trenton. N J.. Dec. a. P.MMV
K. wife nf Cheater W, Irwin aged .12. Itela
tlvea nnd frlenda Invited to tunernl. from .bus
band's residence 371 Walnut at., Trenton N. J
Mon . 2 t m. tnt. clreenwood Cem,
JollNaoN- Dec a. CI.AH V .It,NON Merv
Ices nt 33 W I'enn si , ttermantown, Mon.,
I p m Inl private,
.ll'DSON -Suddenly Di. V. SAHAII WOlt
Hl'.l.l. wife ..f Dr Charles I" Judeon Services
and ml privnte I'lenae omit Hon era
KII.K -M ouakenowii. Dec. .7. CATllAlltNi;
KILE aid ti.'. Hetallvea and friends Invited
lo funeral. Tuea.. 337 Erie ave. lo a, in. Serv
Uea ln.30 n, m. Third St. Church. Int. fnlon
C'"nE Suddenly. Dee. 7. COIINEI.llIS
I.VN'E at Manhattan lleaih. N Y. Solemn re
quiem maaa SI Mark s Chur.li. llrooklvn. Mon
a m Services nl Cathedral of Mia 1 'eter
and Paul. Isth and llsie sis Phil . Mon . S
v m Int. Duly Sepuldier Cem.
I.oTT. Dec. 7, EI.EAM'll Y. wife of Wll
Ham ll, Lott, aged 03 llelatlvea and friends
Invited o funrrul asrvleea. sun.. I.I" P tn .
231 a Columbia ave. Int. privnte. Mt. Morlah
"LCDASrilElt -Dec r.Mtl. LCDASCIir.il.
huvhnnd of wilhelmini I.udascher. aged i.il
llelatlvea nnd frlenda lnvlle.1 In funeral aervirea,
Sun I 30 p in Itrlst.d pike and Hu.-k rntd.
Kddlngton flu. ka Cn Pa Int. PC vale ) eat
Laurel lllll em omit ilowers Take. Ilrlaiol
trolley ni at Krankford or train. 11 35 n m .
Pro id st stailnn ,,
MncliltlDi: -D-c s Ll'.V.IE daughter of
late Mattieu and Marlha Marltrlde Itealdenr
1131 W (llrard ave Due notice nt funeral will
""jlACY iver R. MAUY E wife of John W
Ma. v (nee Ilex, Itelatlves and frlenda Invited
In funeral services, Mon . S p. tit . residence, of
J p Connors J.II tln-en si Int Orreniiiount
Cem Itemains may be viewed Sun eie.
MAtl.LCT Dec 3 JOSEPH A. huaband of
OIa II. Mdllei (nee LinnvrU'. aged a llela
tlvea and frlenda, t.ydla Dvrrali Council. No.
172 J O. C A M. eniploves of Cuale) A
Mullen. Invited to funeral Hun .11 n. ill . V.
Atianttr nnd llrmvk aves Mngnolli N J Tika
Clemenlon trolley, get off at Lincoln a.o. Inl.
Northwood Cem ;itn funeral ,,,-
XUKI.IIY Suddenly. Dec 7. MAUY C .
wife of Stephen II Mnrklcy. sged Til Itela
tl.ee nnd friends Invited tu fiitiernl services,
Mon 11 n m . 2013 N. College ave lot
'"iui'lSV - Dec S, J V.MKS H McCANN nac.l
112 Hebiilves and friends Invlled to funeral
aervlcea Sun I 3D p ni , residents) of lirotlier.
William 11 llci'min. "07 Uddyslone uve. I.d.ly
stone Pa Int private Itemains may lie
' Xcl'LLCN -Dec q M AU1 AHET McCl-L-t.EN
(nee Sulllvain wire of ll.nlph M.CuPen
Due notice of funeral will .!" klien. (,01o Cal
lowblll el Weal I'hllld-lphla
MillLO.NE Dec 3. AL"YSll'S It son of
Michael nnd late Cecelia Mclllone llelatlvea
nnd frl.nda. also Dlv No lilt A O II . 'atholle
Sons of D"rry. Invited lo funeral Mon , H JO
n 111. flther'e residence. 121.1 N 13th al
Solemn requiem mass St Malaehy'a Church 10
xKriilA.N,"-,iefl """MAUY (noo HradyV
widow of Patrick MKlulgan llelatlvea and
rrlenda Invlled lo funeral, Mnn.. a .lu a... m
r.aMenrtiof nephew. John tlrndy. 1132 N Philip
at III. h nuns SI Michael's Church HI a. in
Int Cathedral Cem ,.,.,. , , . ,
McNl'l.TY D.c 7. JAMI.S A., huaband of
Int" Una.. II MeNulty (wi llauahv, sun of
I'llen and Into Patrick MeNulty llelatpea nm:
rrlenda Young Men's Catholic llenenclil SoUcu,
It" ll I) No 31 I and Court Washln.tui,,
No HI, P i( A . Imlled lo funeral Mun . M
1 '.n inoiher s realdence 2.11 Morris st (llnu.
.cater Cltt. N J Solemn requiem maaa Ht
Mnry'a Chunli n a in Inl SI Mnrv it Cem
eil 7H ltebtllv.s .mil fro Hi's, l.nlltt No .'
I and A M . Masonli Veternni nf Pennayl
vanla nnd other organlxntlons of which he wtia
n ineinber. Invlle.1 to iillelld funeral ecrtlces.
Mnn . 2 p m . 1713 Montgomery ave Please
mMILNM0W -P-r ll. I.I.LI.r.N. widow of
James Mllnnniow Ilelatlves nnd friends Itnsnry
Sm-lety f SI. Mnnlra's Church. Invited to fu
neral. Mon . H 30 n in . 1717 ltltner at Solemn
mass of requiem st Monica's Church In a in
Int 1'nlliedrnt Com
MiiS'AilHAN Dec. 7. JULIA, wife of Put-
rick W Monaghan, formerly of (lirardvllle. Pa
llelatlvea nnd friends, also Intaglio of Sa red
Henri of Church of Trnnallguratloii. Invltt-d to
funeral, Mon , h n. in .1.1330 Culharlno st Sul-
Homes Are
Selling More Itapldly Than Any
i-''ir stparaie itperaiicna lo
I Front St. and
AlleRlieny Ave.
o K
" ' U ,, i.T o t'
Schiller Streets, H
The Newest and Beat Creation to tho KensinRton
and Frnnkford Elevated Station.
will hold onn of thoao
nnd you enn occupy
settlement la made.
Kntvliern In the cltv enn von cot aa desirable, a
and a homo rontalnlnir tho conveniences these hnve for nny
whero nenr the price Anionc other thine. thy nro eaulp
petl with eloctrlc llfhts nnd hot-water Hent Iho parlor Is
laatefiilly docorated nnd Its comfnrt nnd beauty arn enhanced
by the latent model OAH OltATUH.
Pickwick St. Russeii st. f &m m
?2500 ?2800 tr8- y
DOUGHERTY Has BUILT and SOLD More f. t. &,...
Homes Than Any Builder in This Section
100 ('AMI
L'l,., tlnrla.aa tl'Oa
Int on 1st Mtis. at
( -10 170 JO
Taxes per sar 3T.0S
Water Item ... 1! 00
iilds. and Loan It
psr month f 00
Perond Morlsass .. 900
Money required .. 400 00
Pant at ItO
Savlna II. A T.
Association ...
aipaniea.. .1.05 24
Total Monthly
These homes are Ideal In every sense of
the word. Their durability la proved by
the splendid condition of tho 100 built and
sold bv mo during tho past Ihree year
In addition " this, remember that lliev
are n 17 INVESTMENT.
''IP - - - --
tut south nnoAO btbkbt
. ,,., I Hher. t'lininwt AditflkuaejUsjqXeLi.f-. K;. : Agi
nrAtiM , .
emn requiem roi at Chnrcn Trafistlgvirallen,
Oam. tnt
. Mcitfyiv.
Pilratel. lt
Holy Nsme.
v a m. ini t nuietirai tern AUttt service.
iy. -suddenly, pec. a cilltlSTQl'liEll
CB .husband of Margaret vturphy (nee
Ittdntlvta and friends, members of
ily Nsme rvoclete tnvltM to funeral Men .
g Sri a, m 2140 Cross st Solemn requiem masa
si. Ktimonu a unurcn, to a. ra. int. iioiy vroaa
NAII1L1. - Pec. 7 THOMAS ANTHONY, tfity
of Jebn V and Mary It Nahlll tnee Cllrtord,,
aged 1.1 Itelatlves and friends Invlled to fu
neral. Men . 8 .10 a. m , from parents residence,
SMS N Taylor al Inrar JMh and Indiana I
Solemn .hlh requiem mass st Columba's
Church, lo a m Int Holy Cross Cem
,.o MVI.I.KY fVec n kdXvaIH, huaband of
Mary. O'Maller (nee HcMlntloiii llelatlvea and
ftlends invite.) to funeral, Mon , S a m , real.
'Jfnt ."' fcro,her-ln-law. Rdnanl Caaaldr, 111
Nati lain St. High requiem mass st Joseph's
- IH rr.lJi. .n -a ' " m '"I Holy Crosa Cem.
.. f .3H,,ANnicll'--Aa Pslmrro, N J.. Ivee.
P. .J.AJi, A. wife of Wll Ism (rierantier.
llelatlvea and friends InMled in funeral earv.
Icei. Men . 2 p in , .(13 w. llroad si. Pal
myra Int. Morgan Cem. Train leavea Market
st. ferry 1 20 p in
t. ''A.rTON -Dec V nt her realdence, anot
Hamilton st . PANN1K PATTON. Notice of
funeral later
Kunernl Tuea , s a. m , residence of son In law,
Edward McCarron 2120 Washington ave High
mas SI Anthony Padua Chunh tm i m
Int Cathedral Cem llelnlltes and frlenda in
l'IKUCE Suddenly. Dec 7, ANNA V.. widow
ef lh.nlnm.tn Pierre, need .a Itelatlves snd
frlenda Int lied to funeral aervlces Set nnd Prea.
byierlan Church, llh and llenaon sis Camden.
N J . Mnn , 2 43 n m Int private. Evergreen
Cer-i , Comden llenialns ,n be vlewe.1 Sun.
sfl.T 7 p in. daughter a residence, Mrs Jessie
Worrell yjm N 'lavlor st , Phlia
UEItll.K At trierstown v . . lec 7.
tlllnitOE II HKIOLV: sttJ 7A llelatlvea nnd
friends Invlled to funeral, from tale residence,
Mon. lo a in. nnd at the Neshsmlny Church
II in a in Int Neshamlny Cemetery
ItlCE - Dec. S HANNAH, widow of David
lllce. Ilelatlves nnd frlenda invited to aervlcea.
Mon. 2 p. m.. at late residence, rear 1010 Poplar
it. Inl prltate
, lltCHM V.SV Dec, 7. Dll. KENNETH C.
ItlCHMAN. Itetslltes and frlenda lnvite.1 lo
aervlcea. Sun., 1 .10 p in , nt late residence, .1232
Spruce at. int irltale.
. Itll.EY Dec EV ItlLEY, daughter of
Mary Morris and Isle Thomas K tiller. Il'l.i
lives and frlenda emploves nf Welsbach l.is.i.
to , Itntltd In funeral. 3lnn , 1 tt m resldrncs
of mother. 111.14 De Lnncey at . IV Phlla. Hit,
private Lovvrtngton Cem. Krlenda may nil
Sun ete,
IttTTEH. Dec. 7. f CIIIlllSLtA O . widow of
Obndlnll Hitter. iglil 2 Ilelatlves and
friends Invited lo funeral aervbes. Mon . lo
n m, nt 3732 foiinncnw si Itemains may be
viewed Hun , a lo Hi p m Int Montrose C-m
llotilnaon And daughter of lato Jncttb and Han
nah lllvel I'.ealdence 2113(1 E. Hunllhgdoil It
Due notice will i Klven.
widow of Isaao lloaikam. Ill Munich, tlermany,
ngeil 71
IIOTII At real.leiiee nf son. 211(1 N IHh al ,
Dec V LOl'IH II IIOTII. nsrd 71 Dun notice
of funeral will be given
UI'DDVi'll In Norrlalonn. Pa. Pet 7.
ELMANOIt S daughter of Inle Will A and
Elisabeth Ituddach llelatlvea and friends In
vlted to scrMcts, 213 E Onk at . Man. 7 30
p m
SAMMIH Dec ll, I'llAHLOTTE It, wlfo of
Eirn It Ssmnils Services nud Int Dec. V, In
Hrookttn, N Y
SCIINEIDEIt Dec (1. PIIANIC 11 . husband
of I.cuU.1 S Sthliflder. ngrd IS. Ilelatlves and
frlenda Wiahlngton t'ninp. No. 71. P. t). S,
of A Iota council. No. l'jit Jr. t t. A. M ,
snd Oriental Couit. No K'iPv of Otcnn Clly.
N J . Invited to funeral services Sun . 2 p. m..
313 s .mill st Int Arlington Cem Auto fu
neral. Hematite may titt viewed Snt etc
SlilllACK. Dec tl. EMILY SMITH
SI'IIIIACK. .'212 Stettiirt at . nitc'l 711. llflatlt.s
anil frlenda Invited to aervlcea Tufa.. 2 p m .
nt Olltir II llalr 111.1c. 12U Chratnut al. Int.
privnte Ml. Peine C"lll.
ngrd Ml llrlntltes nnd rrlenda Invited tn fu
nerd aervli.s Hun 2 3)1 p tn realdence nf
Itlchard S Egbert. 128 Slnte st . Camden, N J.
Int private New t'limden Cem
band of lato Annlo Shnnnon llelitlven nnd
frtenda Int ltd to fuii.riil Mon h 30 n ,n,,
realdenio of brother. Charles Shannon 233ll E
Sitmeract at Solemn requiem miss St. Ann's
Churth 10 it in Int New Cnthtdrat (Vni
Heintlvcs and frlrends hit lied to funeral. Mon .
7 3o n in . realdence of niece 233.. H Chad
wick st, iltllner al t-litw- I7I'0 High requiem
uinaa Crturih of St. Monica U a. m. Int. Cathe
dral Celt!.
SIIOEMAKEII Dec 7. ELIZA A., wife nf
John K. Slliieinnkcr (nei. llorlnger), nged 2S
Itela, Ives und frlenda, nlao Herman Heformed
churth, Sundny s hool aoclety nnd lady ald,
Invited to funeral Mon 2 p. m.. 2H23 Z Ve
naugn St. Iteiualna can be vlewtd Sun , S to ll,
p m Int North ( etlur lllll Cem
tlten and frlenda Invited In funeral Mnn., 2
it nl , brolher In Inw a realderco. Holntrt D.
Mlrea, 12.1 Slnte st Cniiidiui N J. Inl prl
talo, Harlelgh Cem Itemnlna may be viewed
SMITH" Dec, 7. ANNA (HaP.TIIUPI.. widow
of Wllllmn J. Smith llelatlvea nnd frlenda In
vited to funeral aervlcea Mon , 2 p. m . 2(1.0
S Juniper st. Int private. Mt Morluh Cem.
Iteimtllia mav be viewed Sun . sfter H p m
SMITH Dec S HACIIEL wlfo of llenl unln
Smith Ilelntlvcs nnd friends Invited to funeral
aervlces Tuea, 2 p. m. late resident!!, 2210
Wtti.l at ii privnte,
SPADE In lllltborn Pn Dec. 7. KI.OH.
CNCE M wife of Edwnrd Spade Inee Eckl
Helntlvt-n and friends Invited to funeral Mon ,
.1 p in HnttHtrn M. i: Church Int Hatboro
Cem vllentown and lleaitlng papers cop.
SPEItltY. Dec. 7. MAUY XIATILDa" widow
of S'tinuel Sperry. ngetl 71 ItetntiveM und
friends Invlled lo funeral services Snt H p. m .
nt residence of son-ln law Chnrlej H Tenl. ill'Jil
Mnai-- .: runner services Iniwer PrnvldeiKo
I'resbyterlan ChurtJi Sun.. 2 p. m. Int. adjoin-
Imr cent
STEU'AIIT Dec. 7. at tt'cetvllle, N J. HE
IlKf'OA A widow of William ll Stewart.
nci'd.O. Ilelatl.es and friends Invlled to
(Russell St.)
CoarruC- for butlillntl ffcrae linmd
twrrc iniiife In forv ndcrtrire in
Others In
elec rrom
O " ' """rn"
btreet T'o on$400
to I Street mk
It until
Tl'o on ?400
lotal sip.
year ....
Yearly savins;,...
Plrst mtae JU00.
5 1-10
Taxes psr year...
Water llent . ..
Ulil. A Loan,
par month
1(1 00
Total yearly "JIM
Expenses, $18.00
funeral. Men .a p m.. rarlor of fleer; Jf
Jyarner. sis irqnmeutu. at bleocestsr CttTi
N 3 . Int. Mt Morlah Cem Friends my t1w
remsln Bun eve . Pmadwar and Pins (L,
tvesiviue w j auio tunerai
STOCKTON bee It. NK-rTlB K, wlfo ef
Vm t Slneklon (nee X(urptir). nelattrr and
friends memtiera of Slleam M, IS ,'Rurch and
Sabbath School. Invlled in funeral services.
Mon, 3P.m, parents' residence, llenl II.
Murphy. SIM Memphis st Int private. North
1'e.tar lllll fern. Itematna may be viewed Bun.,
after a n. m
STOItrit Pee S DAnilARA BTOrtCH.
wlijare of. Adam Slorrh. sse.l Is fteTstlvea
and friends, ulsn members of Trinity Lutheran
fhureh Invltetl to funeral, Tties , 1 p. m.. lata)
realdence, Mtt S Smh st Seryiees nt Trinity
Lutheran. I'hurrh. isth and Wolf st,. S.p, m.
Int Trinltv Lutheran I'hurehyaM. Friends may
,it!?.r?,,ln l"n , S to 10 p. m.
TIIISTLB Sudlenly, Dee T. BAMUKU tin.
lavnd of Anna Tlilsile and son of the Isle Jsmee
and Hannah TJilaile, Ititatlvc and friends In
vited to funeral. Mon , S p. m, from the parlor
?.'.JV ? .! "Illlrs. (10. N lOfh st Int. at Odd
Kellotva' (.'em.
..TIIOIINTO.N Dec. T. JAMHS. husband of
!rlr .J .Thornton, neltllrea and frlenda In
vited to funarnl Mon., 1 p m . 494S Chcalnut
at Services, llroad 81 M. K. Church llroad
nl TlHn. 3 3D p in Int. Mt Morlah iSra.
TtHil.K. Dee 8. MAnT, TrIJow of Cnrltlo.
Phrr Toole llelatlvea and friends Invited to
tunerai, Wed aid a, m. '.'4I S lath st.
Solemn hlah mass of remilem Church ot tire
KP.'Jhanjr To m int Cathedral Cem.
VVAI.KO. ,i ltoaa Tree. Xle.Ua. Del. Co.. Pa.,
Pec. . JOHN, husbaml of Mary Walko. sard 89.
I." ''...I' "JVjr"' " ' ',,r 'fn Oliver II.
llalr Illda eo rheatnut St.
W ALL Dec T. .MAIIpAltET WALK Itela.
dies and frlenda Invited .to funeral, Mon,. 9
7. ."V r.'sldence of niece, Msry McCartney, Sfl41
Itvlnbrldee st Solemn hlsh mass of requiem
st Anthony's Church o Ju a m. Int. Holy Cross
vVAI.LACK Dee. 7. DOPOTIIV It , dsuthter
of Charles I. and Mali da Wallace (nse CJelierY
need 8 Ilelatlves and friends Invite,! to fn.
tieral. Man. 8,5 m,. residence of William W.
funeral Arllntton Cem, Auto
VVAIID . Dec (I, JOSPPH I... son of Thomas.
It ami (ale Mary A Ward axed 2T, .tela,
tliea and rrlen.la Invited to funeral. Turs,, 8 JO
a m . in.1.1 Wolf at Holemn hlsh msst of re.
milem SI Monica's Church, lj a, m, Int,
Holy Croas Cftn.
vv!all.t.lt snddenlr. Dec 8. JACOD, hua.
hand i.f ate i:ila vt'eller Notice of funeral
",.m..r!'.,!,.J.,'.lsrt w- Norr s st.
VVHALIaN Per N. ANDHRXV K , husband
of May K Whaler, (nee Leliteil. Ilelatlves and
friends, also P. A ll llwj. Veterans, Invited
in funeral services, '.'tin N. IMh st., Mon,, 7SII)
t m lot at Srhi'MKIII llavm, Pa. Tues, 1:30
.' Wll AllTON .suddenly. IVe T. ALONZO,
huaband of late Joaephln- Wharton, aaed 78.
lleUtlvea and friends Invlled to funeral servtees,
Mon, an in. . at chaptl of Northwood Cem.
Int Northwooit Cem
WIHTI.'IHI.D Dec 7. .MAltOAnKT. wife ot
Henry Wti ttlM.(ne Prnctor), oireil 0 ltela
llvea and friends Invlled to funeral services,
sun . a p in 7ji N ifopo gt. int, private.
llreentvond lli of PI Cell, .
widow of I red y.lmmrrman. ssed BT. Itela.
iltes and friends nil members of aocletlej ot
which ehe was a memlier. Invllid tn fuvral.
!'1V . ni!.n. " a"0" In-lsw's residence, Alfred .
tMtred ..JSSS S Nsna al I31at and Wharton
"'"'. Hlfh .mssa 8t Aloyslus's Church 10 a.
m Inl Holy Iledeemer Cem
IIAO Pound, on December 8. black silk bac
conlnlnliia purse, marked with Initials. Claim
at L'Hiil Walnut st,
L',i!i'i'i.M',,.".'.,:r.,f"1 or.mlalald. certlflcato No.
HUSH. Philadelphia Klrclrlo 3 per cent roliS
iruai Ainuicntion nse tieen made to tbe Land
i I,," nun t u sit I lllll l'l II,
rruai Company for. a new certincate,
undeirlft 1.33 Klllmore at., Prank
Mar) II Vi
roru. l'nin
IHin latist tiluek and white sattor pup. Its-
wnni. iieturn John Slrnvvbrldite. Cheltenhant
nl , Chestnut lllll.
PI'IIHI. Will party who ricked up purse lost
nn Chestnut Hill truln Thuradav rnmmunl.
cato will, owner nf railroad ticket Inclosed
11 nurse nno rerelte lltierit, r..wnr,li no nueai.
lions naked phone Cheslmit lllll 71)0.
SPIT CASUS lost between Oallcna. Md., end
(lien llldille. Pa., a ault cases and 1 emMl
liiiml box, Inltlnla P W. nit one and J, 1C, XI,
nn tilli. r. Notify H. D. Itlddle. Cllan Hlddlo,
P.v and receive reward.
pin'lgy' ac'kkh' CO.
ui .v. a'lit ST.
AtlTO CLKIIIC warned', must be brltht and
steady, operator of L. c. Smith machinal
permanent position, with advancement lo cvnn
lletil iiersoil p 43S, Ledej On Ice.
llOOI.lCKl.Pl.lt, esp nn double entry; alio soma
evu. In stenoxraphy ami typewrltlnxs per
manent position, statu re fe. ami salary wanted
In confidence P 4'.!i,Letlaer onjee,
llOUKKl.l.PKIt and alenosrapher, younc woman,'
e-p , In ottlco of nifr , IS per vveeki opp. for
advancement Address ' 7.V P O llns a44i
cqillinHl'ONI)n.ST."l8tn 23 years! m'uat"b
hlsh school uraduale, with hlsh standing In
Ihisllali branchra. aalsry IS. Call Curtis
Publishing Co . Saiurday. 0 to 11.
IT.IlPI'ltS VNI IUI.I)i:ilM. nn tint ttork. Ap
ply "I'll P Asrunend st.. flermantown.
OIIIL, Oerman. as mother's helper, must speak
Hlrh Otrman. UT 11 ML Plcaaant avo
Sidcwlck Mutton. Uermsntown.
GIIIL. while for rooking and downstairs wnfkT
..51.1(1 Newhall st . Utll Phono flln. 3144 J,
OIHLS wanted, xood wages, (o work In wall.
puper factory! apply at ones, llsc-er. Smith
& Pant, Water and Snyder uvo.
OIHLS r,or HI yenra of axe.
Slartlnr new machinery.
Ooml wnars, pall nhlle learnlnsr.
Apply (Irlawol.l WoraiedJIOj. Darby.
OIHLS, over HI years of age, to learn rlnlshlnjr
work In msnufacturlna drug houss, to psr
week while learning, with quick advancement.
Apply 4JU S IJth st.
OIHLS. over HI. Apply InlernstTonal Art Pub
lishing Company, fi'th and Callowhlll, I'd noor
HOSIIIIir Topitera and "knitters on Srolt.A Wll.
lUtiis and Slsndard I' machines! highest
wages stesdy work, bast working conditions,
lljglenlc Fleeced 'Underwear Co., Hosiery JJ.
partment 24,8 N Howard
MlMmui it, rtr.i,i, tv t),-4lir.ll
i:nti:d aiiticlk op liui in:.v
ilJBKfb m
si:r I'ntlr.f.
t::: .-.-:.-..-. .-. ..-i;;. ;: it...... I. -i -.;-.-- r: -.-riii
Hl'Sri.KHl 8Ti:V)V l-OHITIONl llfn'Kll.
UNCI; till SKCUIIJTV HKgUlltllll. lvAUlA.
MAN MI'O. COt. 012 Cllt-IlltV HT.
LIT IinOTHUItH rrnulra eiperlanced
sslFSwomen for various departmsnts. Apply
linililoymant llureau.
STKNOOItAPIIKH wa.ited. rttilne.1 girl, white or
rnlnrrd good I'ngllsh education, aa assistant
to a busy woman. Writs In own hand, with
saiiiplt. typewritten latter, uddresslng Mrs. 11.,
P. O llox I0J. Merlon, Pa. .
STPNOattAPHKIt ahd typewriter at .1510
annum, age la to z- cltllen,
sun. l-'rankford Arsenal.
Apply In per
foe ttmst
Toung women .for typewriting. Apply
Hureau uf Kmptoymsnt, 4Vs floor, before
it a. m.
WOMAN, mlddle.agsd, for houseworkt good
comfurtabls home; S adults In rarallyt call
any evening after f. 4082 N. Uber. PhSS
Vyomini. IJ0O J.
WOMAN. Intelligent, to assist elderly ladyt
WOMKN. white. 2. who will appreciate steadf
employment and good wages, one for cook and
general housework) one for mother's helper,
with 2 children, aged & and 7, wages to-ls
per week, depending on work you will agree)
lo do. Apply 318 Llsndrlllo road, Cynwyd.
Ons square from Cynwyd Slstlon.
ACKKItS need experienced chocolate
coalers saliswomen. candy packers and
wrappers Apply Confectionary Depart
ment. 121 Is. Ml! st.
i f OH COMTpW ( ItE HEE- N0W H AV,0 au.OP-1 DAP& A f WL- -5' .. " -" 3Z? ,. V fclaB