Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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3" Jtafi 4 ShiBBBiiiBb "
l ML..
, r
i r
emus if. k crtma hrtwn
H II. Ltt-1ltln. Vte Prealdent : John
nmt peeraTry una iTraayrer. i-eiop p.
i, Jolrn n. wutlm, John J. Hpurswn, v.
?&. ErroniAt doaiid:
:&&2&M .!r.":. . . w.f
JyjlAnTIW. . . .aurl thulntts Menem
ltf dally at I'rutio ln HatMIng,
nepenaance Hnusre. i-nuaueipjii. .
entaiL Ilrtml nn.l chMlntit Streatt
tld Citt I'reaa.iraieit llulldlns
VMS.....,, .SOfl MjltirolllHij Timer
!...... RM ITAril ftiithllns
Lock. ..,.,... too blehelMtsnernt IlulM n
lee.... 1202 Tricun uunum
W-TPHK JlfMP , Tha TW nain
1 iimain ...,,.,,.,.. ot i'riirienairnne
DM lltiniltl. . ' . iltrmnitt Unlit. Hlrnnl
'a ptmtv V u r."l I 0n,
!; ' nunsoniPTioN thumb
. tfw R,iii l.iirs l served id aubieflbars
M.FBllaAitphl nt turraiinrilnt tnwne at the
rttt.ef tit (oi cant nr frk, parable m im
jw,im Jo Mnl fliilildd tf Philadelphia. In
t.linliaJ Alalia. 'n.t of (mlied mate tMM
, ..
Meene, pe,iaa;e fr, Ihlrlr-tltK (( fJl
wroMr M) "JoiUr w rwri tWa in u
'T''nl ortlm togntrl on (l) dollar Jr
, ,Siricn-P'lhcrlberi wlihlnr AAtf hnl
Matt fly ed wll nitr aiMrM.
BSa?.,tytt,VT "KrHTONH. MAIN M
.AitrrH) (l mmm(fri(lon o Mwrtw
fOtr, Irtdfptmlcnct kqHtrt, phllndtlphla.
tXTEiRti it tiii r'i!UiLriii4 rnaTPrrie) i
-,' accnHD-cuaa Mill, mnn,
VrH AVnilAOH Nl'.T I'AlIt DAILY nilU
quiATiOK av thij uvkninu i.hduhh
roii ;
" V . ritlliJtlptili, S.lorJ., D.c.mbtr 9, 5I.
Oh, ft U excellent
T hqua a giant' itttnuthl but It li
To M( it lihe a giant.
, . ' Do you hear uny ono liloUlnir nbout
ilia high coat of plenauro7
;' ; Isn't tha coiiffronaniial tleinnnil for
iinrU partly roiponulblo uftur nil fur tlio
hlgtt Cost of living?
Ppca1tnrr nliout aiirlatrnns prcsonte,
Why not nrraniio tu Jiavo a l'urkwny 150
through ypur yard, tou?
Mr. Carrnnra may not ba littcrcstcd
In Vr?np) vero form, but ho would
dqilbUesa ha dolltflitctl if I10 could hear
tho Vllttt linoll.
Tljo vnr han donp mora to nchlevp
tha purpoBcn of ecluiitlllo noclallsm than
could fiavo boon nccompllaliod in a thou
sand yoarii by nrumnont.
- Ainliaainilor Qornrd nalloil for Clor
many without nny poaco plaim, but ho
took; with him four tons of Rood Ameri
can food.
John Hull la not afraid to nwnp
hory on whjlp croaslnir 0- atream! especially
When ho finds that Uio ono ho la lldlnu'
haa iinjkoa when halfyvny over.
cVouM make Sullivan trail n Stato
road; Ueadlloo,
It la moro (mpprtant Just puw to
mako tho trail to tho hldlmr placu of tho
nin responalblo for crooked Inauranoe a
' weU'-markcrt hlKhway.
'Drumbaiwli tho Mlaundcratoad"
la W1. J. nyan'M tltla for tho dovornor.
But who la In a moro ndvnntnt;eou posi
tion, with hid every word printed nnd
respectfully wolghod, to mnko hlmaolf
s5-' -'v Tho. usual Bccnon marked tha oponlnc
,, lit Coneres.i. according to rcportH, onu
' Cpnpon. Indianapolis Kawu.
, Undo Joo la moro than n acono. He
(0 a tvUolo play In Hvo ucta npd an opl
losuo. There U no reason why ono womnn'a
on (itioiild ro out and defend or to be
trained to defond another woman and
her son who rofuBPs to take training
o,r Blve eqrvlce, Ooneral Scott In hln
Annual report as chief of ntalf at tiQ
' Tha caso, for unlvoreal mtUtnry
tralpjnp haa never been put pioro com-
pa,3My r tnore convlncliiBly,
Nowspaiiara can uueceed nnly when,
they are newspaper and notblni; na ',
Vwl la" tu say, when, ttiey nrlnt the
nows fully and fulrly on one hand nnd
on tha tither comment on H. havlnB
only tha public Interest at heart Lord
-' Nothinir truer than that ban ever
been Paid, but thero la mora of heart
than pf ttanluu in knawlnK what tho pub
llq,"(nteret 1.
t'armera are pretty well iintlafled
wttl Mia prices they aro rccelvtntr for
bflUtx everythlns they produce. If
' thlntm continue as they are, the United
Statea will soon have all the money In
the world and tha farmer will havo
all the money, not owned by John V.
1 Itckct;l!er. Albuquerque Journal.
Naw Idexlco la a long way off, but
they eaem to ba blo to et at tha milk
In tlio cocoanut pretty successfully.
-"f r,Xt it Ja trua that An,ulth liaa re
twu& an earldom, good for Aaqulth! An
4hrI?ng!lah democrat who turned dovn
&ionet wua Olodntone. Ho didn't KOt
9so !! With Queen Victoria as Dl.
WtHi Ma great rival, and In the, sequel
ttU wns only too uiad to tnko an
WwWqm. TU aaylng expianatoiy of
ijA i that Qladatona treated tha Queen
ejj $ Institution, while JiUraell treated
liar M & wgmap. liut Oladstone waa
p "Tncro Is Just aa much reason fQr
JliaYlnEr that recent cabinet crises augur
)U6'eM that they naaura a, long con
4Nw.yiri of tho war. If the conflict Is to
niemaie, mat fact win pq uitoov-
Ujf by the renewed energy of tha
'i'ho latter feel that they havu not
progress because affaire have
aged badly. If they II nd that
tlufr asu roaka no program whan affairs
$p.JtMm4id efficiently they will be ready
M &M tit eoiwltf(i- If on tha athar
iMHiKfMHid elflciency tflvea definite re
ettHa. rtusly the end will bo nearer
WP" . WVUiO "avo utien uiiuar u uun-
1 Jl J I1L-1 I . UJ
-V k"V c ot NorM kings
sjiy naan uorn- ") rurnii
tudaa the ocean, una of their
U euppoaed to have discovered
HQBtJnnt ,anZ twfor OntiwDbus
toitAat o two of the off-lyta? island
Htiv ih &Mnwn wo hvfe) uH( br
s & my tvo maum WW, w
.Htt. im
b tWWHwtW ereei
...'.,. ...-
rW Vii t"fiiV fir rily jubandonetl.
fl Roril4ii nifcrtJrtht flwt Jw liecn
tor j'ahi tlm iourtli In bIjw nmonit tha
Brent iimrltlmo nnllonn, uritel only
by tha fleet h of KnglanJ, tlormflnv nnd
tlio Unlleil Hinted. In 1M. twfora the
war beBfln, Nnrwny Hub flew over about
two nml a Imlf million lonn of alilpplnir.
Hovernt of (lie Noma uhlpa turn' biillJIntT
on tiio Dolnvi-nrn aro of 10,000 tonH burdtn
wcli. )f the nvornito tonno or tlio nevf
elilim In only (900, th nation will ndil a
million ton jieforo tlio tirasonl l)iillilln
program In poinpleted, nml the United
Hlntwi will nnd It linn a new nnd itlert
competitor for utWt trndq When It beKtmi
tnnllly to rch.ilillllnte ltd merchant ma
rine, our Milpynrdi nra liuv, It Ih true,
hut r Mrrto imrt of the work I for the
linvy, for the contvo trade and for
1TIl. HfMONbH, who vnlorously
A'A loweil Itelloo and Cecil Chesterton
In (loclnrltiK that fjormany waa per
manently beaten nt tho Marne, turna
pessimist and Is teaching hla collcnKUm
of tho New York Trlhuno to roclte thoso
touching lines;
"Wo are lost" the captain shoutfd,
An he stngitrrrd down the stairs.
Mr. Ilrucnmp.i, howover, wrlten to tho
I3vmni.no T,i;u(iii dlrpct from tho
tronches. on roniarknbly clean notepaper,
thnt U'h nn nwful boro waltlim between
uttacks, nnd that hn'd llko ono' of our
"loclrlcoH" (woman renders) to adopt him
lis 11 Kodson nt lone ntiiRo nnd cxchatifie
chntty lottora with him. Ilntwcon tint
opinion nt military cxporta at morn nr
Icsa dlatnnao from tho trunchuu mid tho
opinion of HorKi-nnt Urnciunpa (ho tossivi
off tho fact In piiksIiik thnt Iio'h nliout to
ho promoted to thnt rank from corporal),
wo urn Inclined to ncccpt tho Horifunnt'n.
Ho doasn't ux prims uny.
A Klimll war 9 nettled In torniH of terri
tory 'won or lost. A Krtiit wnr la settled
nnly by 11 cIuuiro of heart. AVImt linppona
to Korlil.'i, Poland nnd llolclum, wo maka
bold to say, In not no Important an how
It happens. Tho wnr or, rather, tho
wars will bo on until tho bullying spirit
linn been humbled. Tho Allien have not
won bucntlso they niloptml nil litlllylnjr n
tone as l'runala's. They Ntnrlod to parcel
put tho Gorman lands In AiikuhI, 1911.
However much of u'llo It may hnvc been
When tho Kolsor told hlH pcoplo ho wail
llRhtlnf? In nclMcfcnse that Ho noun
turned nut to be the truth, an they could
Very plainly nee. To know tho truth und
llrrlit on hcrolcnlly in self-dofonao, right
or wroiiB, this ban been tho aecrot of
Oormnn nucccsn.
' 'When tho Alllc.1 aro ready to rcatoro
Gcrmany'a cijloulcs, or Intcrnutlonallzo
nil colonics, Kuarautco tho uso ot trndo
route:! to all nntlonn, jiroposo Interna
tlonnl iirotectoratc'a for tha small con
iiored couutrias, Includlnir Alsuoe-I.or-ralne,
tlioy will bo ready to atnrt tho wnr
nRnlnst VrusHtnn bullyliiK with u clean
slnto. AVlion thnt lmppen.i Kerccnnt Ilru
cnmpfl will foi-KOt his Hoiitlmentnl ncccpt
nneci nf boredom nnd uontln yearnlim for
fair Kodmotliera. Ho will havo nu opinion
that will startlo Ilorlln.
WHAT explanation will tho Hoard of
Itevlslon of Taxeu llnd for tho din
cloqiireH of uiuloranaeuHinunt iniulu by 11.
M. HarrlH?
Thin Kentlonmn six months ngo bounlit
5 North Ilroail street lot for $27,000
which wnq assessed at 18,000. Ilu paid
$10,000 for another lot whoso owner alx
mouths carllor had sworn bufuro the
Hoard of Itevlnlon that It waa worth only
10000, and ho had Kreat dlfllculty in por
suudlnK the man to accept tho lartior
llffuro. Ho wanted irioro. JJr. Harris
nwna n new rraniBo which ho would not
sell for J5O.Q00, but his nnHeuameut on
It Is only 435,000. Ho mentions a pieca
of proporty In tlio vicinity of .Market
und Twenty-third streets, assessed at
1 125,000, which, at tha provulllntr prices
of land In that neluhborhood, Is worth
Tho man who can afford to bold a
piece of property worth J400.000 lu cer
tainly bettor able to pay taxos on u fair
valuation than tho man who finds It
dlfllcult to pny tiixaa on a $5000 valua
tion of a homo which he would bo im,
able, to nll for that sum.
An Increased tax rata we have, but
a revision otniasoaamcuts la not yet on
tho calendar.
I feel H my duty to warn, as sol
emply as may aiialnst the danger Hint
lies In u poselPIe feelhitf on the part of
our jeeiila that tlio navy has now been
uttended to. Hoorelury lUnlela,
WH HASTEN to roussuro tlio Hocro
tary. Tho pcoplo will not feel that
tho navy haa been attended to until thoy
know that Josephus has been uttended to,
IT COW only twenty-eight and a halt
cents a day to feed the Chleavo
diet experimenters for the second week.
Health Commissioner Robertson an
nouneed. when be began, that he could
fed a faintly on forty cents a day for
each person, Ha haa proved that tho
average cost f?r two weeks was only
thlrty-ono cent. Ha says that f
lvad continued Ills experiment for an
other week he aeuld Iwve reduced the
cost to twenty-five cants. This sum la
much nearer the amount tha average
workman "ai afftvd or Ids family than
the original estimate of tho oommls
slontf. The axperlnjnt luia valup for
tlie families ot only comfortable Inoomaa.
The meala auwaiaa were, varied and
cellant, a good aa the average American
family eats. Aa prices art not likely to
come down for a- Ions time, and as the
salaried man mint live on his old pay,
the cammUsloner sterna to havo pointed
uut tba way tu make both ends meet
W await, wltto interest, tha report of
TTqrtf w tM mmm jfiawrt iu
i,'i, m imrmff mrm.. .
Tom Daly's Column
Tim viMjAON ronr
When Jh-er filli a Paturifai an' alt mv
tcotk t thrnuph
t take Mm out on vhctnut street to tet
iohat neat It new.
llut iehnt t realty fl fa Mm, the white
we're on our twil,
. "JohnnV, it tent ftnn of tiou to vMt
me today,
Ah' mow the ft. 0. srrMon It a thing that'i
patt nn' oono
itayhnp noboly'lt mind 1 vou tllteiitt It
pro an' con;
1UI rrnlljj like to pull a troop on tlenr oM
Orantlmut Hlcc,
An' It vou'll onll htlp me I'll report Jou,
m, nt 'hlcff.'"
llut Jnhnnv anttcr.reil, "Can the bull on'
nix po the aabl
I'olkt only recognlte me when vou turtle
me down a 'crab.'"
"llut lltlan, John," I al to Mm, "the
tfiij.t ic7n) Jcnoio you brtt;
Who rr.atlte the work you do hat tccalh-
crcit everu tetl,
llelleve that If you'd tprnlt your mind nn'
tell t what you know
Thtt burn mlffht learn n teuton nt to
how to Ihrlve an' prow;
That If you'd only tell tho way you play
the ft. ft. name
A lot of folkt mltiht profit by their study
of the tame" -7Mt
John ha looked reproachful an' taldi
"AV upon tho aabl
I'olkt only rrrou'iltr me when you write
me down a 'erab.'"
That's why, dctiiulrlnu of the chance I
fondly hoped to find
Of droiiAnii helpful lettont from the
thuuuht 1 had In mind,
When I'.vert hits a Halurday an' nil my
work It through
I take htm out on Chestnut street to tee
what news Is new.
MiuIiirh of a MolorlHt
Tlicro Ih lots of lirokrii class on llio ronds
thi-Ho inornliiKS mid H's niinopt nil Ice.
If you lien li enr abend wnlililliiK around
and anting foollrh Kenrrally. nnd Klvcn that
tlm ilrlvcr isn't ilriink, it's oltlicr:
1. Ilo'ri trylnit to IlKlit Ins I'U'a and
ulcer at tlio saina time, or
'J. IIo'h a woman. KKAI).
Early DoorH
Tlio i;entlo sprltiK lnm come nnd koiio
Tho Mummer days havu wont.
Tlio melancholy dnya of fall
Havo all licon gone nnd Hpunt,
That lirliigH uh up to wlntcrlltno,
With that old Christmas myth,
"Gn do your nlioppln' early."
Yoa, but toll mo plonsu what with?
Re the R
Dear Hit- I seo bo tlio pa-apern, as Mr.
Hooloy would say. that tlio subject of med
ical (duration on tho linsls of fulMlmo pro
fiinnorshlps In IicIiik imitated fr l'lillnilul
plila. followiiiK Noiiio recent action tntvnrd
ii slinllnr nrrniiKenient in Clilrago. It Is
Biifwcstcd that n u th pror.inrs In Ined
ieul snliools nro usually cluiscn from iinicmir
"grout authorities In tlmlr sprclul fields
both In tlio oyrs of tha profession ami In
tlio eyes of the public." tlioao rlioxcn nro
primarily too busy with thulr practlco and
coiiDUltatlons properly to prepare for ami
give, tlm tliuu und elToi't to lliclr work nt
Whllu there may ho a question an to
wliatlicr those less ruri-cisfiilly liusy with
thulr praatlro woulit Im fit nod whether
inonoy enoUKli could he offered to Induce
tlio "great aiitliorltleH" to glvo,thclr first
ondeavor lo tha leacliliig of s'tudunlH ot
ineillnliic, thorn Is In tho inllidH of soino n.
rUiistlon as to Vthether the uulijort Is wortli
teiielilng at nil, anil this iiKllatlou veuniH to
show Unit tlm "iiuiiincillcul" Nystains havo
got 'oiii going, to say tha leant.
A pliyiilclun of n certain nonmedical
school (liut not u psyelilo nor a foi-nllud
inetupliyHli-lnii) remarked to me recently In
an excess of generosity towurd tho medical
doetnrs: "Well, you havo lo hand It to
soma of them. Tliey nro pretty smnrt
fellows and sometimes thoy get results Just
itu wo do!" HIHIII Mliltlt.
it.ujt.ivu of Tin: scitun
Yes, I'm a scrub and nothlna more,
And on the side lines watch the yame.
Is this an honor, since befara
I used to watch them JustJha samcf
My icorfc uli, met Is simply thli.
As 1 tin plodding on my way
This to bo said with emphasis,
1'va tiptHT misted a practlaa dayi
from tcrlmmaue bumps I act oulte sore,
llut papers never print mv mime,'
IV never In the football lore
That makes up football's Hall of fame,
Olit happy, longed-for time of bliss
When 1 can enter In tho fray;
Did I hear anybody hlssf
I've never missed a practice day.
llut tone day I'll ho at the lore;
Thu critics then my face will frame,
They'll toy "lie had an open door,"
llut this Is how he really came:
lie worked, kept at It, hit or pitta,
Hluck to Ityes, und say,
The keynote of succcttr-l tcfi,
"iicfcr tuba a prwiffco day,"
Oh, coacht remember when vou score
The scrub for some ntfifaken play,
Your jjreatest star tha scrub of yore
Who never mfjtfld a practice day.
N. II. lllfh Bhno.
"Just Afore Christina"
Hero Is a "sign of tho times" seen at
Front street and Husquehnnna uvonuo:
aOOD IlOV WANTHD (Grocery store)
U ntioutdn't be Imnl for the cunployor
to And n suitable npplloaut at this time
of tho year, 8. H. K,
Bpoaklng of truth In advertising, hero's
u sign displayed on Eighth street below
89c 8UOK3 1.35
' A.q.
Tcachtr Declares
That these ara absolutely true:
A paper turned In by a Khoiar contained
the word UMI3NJJKAN3. It was found to
have rfern to the nslgfabersl
A boy came noma front a I'rbyteriaa
etturab whro the Shorter CateahUm had
bwn discussed and. tu test his attention to
the service, was asked tha first question:
What la th chief nd of raanr
The kid eould net nwmniW after re
panted questioning, wrwwii his brotbat
who had net been at service, responded!
n'he ahtaf end of waiiT His beant"
Another kid asked mother. "WUat Is a
VltoAdlel Asked lw she spelled it, ane
said: "Why o-l-t-a-d-e-l."
sni'IB'sjiissp sj i eja-esjsT-
JIttueton I'oit.
Aaa, rmrv u. r. ii, new wearijuy
most of ua would Caat ateng the broad
way If wo could ba suro be had put It
IMlU .
Child Actors' Troubles in tho Movies Rritnin's "Superior Pre
tensions" Artesian Wells Redmond and
Home Rule
TM.i iriinrlMcst It re to oil "' u'
u-lal. t rnirrM their oinnloiii "W,C', "'
rurrest (nlrreif. It if on ojim l rum, a nil i"
(lie flne of ll -orrr(omi-!if. f'r"rr,,",J,;:
urllrr, not ntrrmvtrxlu lor jiuldimllos
cuurtinlfii of gwtl faith
To the lidttor af the livening Ledger:
WrAra not nil people offended by the
sight nf crying children In tho movhig-plo-turo
dramas? Any one who knows any
thing at nil nbout tlm psychology of child
hood need nut tin told that children nro
llicnpalilo of simulating such terror and
grief as wo witness again and again during
ho mo or lliQKit (irodlictluns.
In tho curly part of "A Daughter of tho
floila" u child of Tour or five yearn is cast
adrift In it small, leaky boat. 1 havo never
seen a fuco express such an cxtremo of
terror au that of tills small child during
the time it tnltoa thu water slowly to lilt
the boat and finally sink It nnd Ub occu
pant, Thurp ran Im no question, lu tills
particular Instance, aa to tlio reality of tho
child's fright or thu nlncurlty of Its tours,
even If wo lielleved In tho possibility of
their being artificially produced,
If thero Is ono sure nnd posMvo truth
about tlio emotions of little children It Is
that they never cry iiiiIms Uny nro In
physical or mental torment. The harm
douo to tho nerves of tho child must be
cquully bud. whether thu meaim of bring
ing about tho condition bo natural or aril
llclnl. Tlireals, pinching or pepper must be
quite as painful us nctunl dread of drown
ing, anyway. Wo would never stand Tor
sucli an. exhibition In a theatrical perform
mice on tho stage, nnd wo must not forget
that nil moving pictures were, In their Ini
tial production, actual physical perform-
""JT;8.; . . . sauah h. k. wninsit.
I'lilladelphla, December S.
To tho Kilitor of the livening Ledger:
Sir Apropos of tho political situation
in Knglaud. London cable dispatches in
clude tlio following rows Itemi
Having gained tho support of tho
Labor imrty, Premier Lloyd (iooiito la
now negotiating with the Irish Nation
nllsts. John ltodmond, loader of tho
Nationalists, Is taking advantage of thu
present situation to push forwurd home
rulo Interests.
If tho now rremler, lu his negotiations
with John Itedmoud, oan offer nothing bet
tcr than a partition of Ulster, nothing will
come of such negotiations, Lloyd fleorge
offered that before as his solution of the
Irish question, nnd al Ireland- Nationalist
and Unionist allkerrejctd the plan. Ire
land demands that the home rulo act. "Ild
nslde In lavender," as lllshop O'Dwyer. of
Limerick, puts it, be at once put Into
operation, and nothing short of this will
satisfy her.
When the act was passed John Itedmond
could havo Insisted on Its Immediate on
forofinent, but he lacked baekbone. and,
with the cry, "Trust Awiulth and tho
Liberals 1" turned down the greatest on
portunUy of his poll ties I life, Now ha nUy
iMtixrZt to the little Welshman's pivse,
DBTOaelphla, December 8. IS. J. COY.
To fif Hdller "ie NUenlno Ledger:
Blrl paroelvo that again the mantle of
nroijitay Ivas fallen on Charles G. Itliodtt,
Jr- lie ban left out the wrongs of Ireland.
IWsia. Qreece. India aw a few sueh uthtr
triHee, and this tlm it I the wees g(
'fraMvaal wlitoli cause htm lo shed salty
ta.rs7 AsTrosvaalhasltsowit pgrllainsnt,
eleatcfl- by the lioers, and tbay oeoupy the
BiaJority ot the seats, and At present a
lleor geaeral is landing a Boer army against
,tbe (Termaaa. tbey da not seem to be so
dawneast as Jdr. Ilhodes about tnair future.
BrltalB is going to make war upoo &srt
with "gusja," whatever that is. Lst m
boua tlt this wtu be the only UjgA exBlaV
slve used l tha awful combat The Itilla..
delpltUt prophet aoeuses Britain of wuklair
war en (lariuany with "superior preten
sion." whtefc exactly dpscrtfe Uu whole
tone of hU Uttsr. A llrlUln docs nut
drown tumooudmtants with submarines,
luuutuue i,ian cUUeas ltk &i(wiinj.
or lead natlea lata slnvefy m Uerwany Is
Uoiug with tkM Hr tMKlaia. uf tub litem
of iMU food, ike way that is bela dene It)
gBypg. SwWa an Ptdaiut. Hrtmi tw
woefully ilancleut In the culturo Which Mr.
Ithodes evidently ndmlrea. Any anno man
who usserts that Ilrltaln will over protlt
commorclnlly on this eido of tho gravo from
I'l- prosciit war Is (It for the padded call.
Ilrltaln spent a billion of dollars on tho
Transtaat war. an.1 11 has pot benrllted
'", fmbi one loin. Tlio great Victoria
I'"al!a electric contract went to Ueriunii
flrniB, after tho war, am Is flnniiced by tho
Deutsche nnd tho Drcsdner hanks. Does
this look 1 1 lui shuttingout the foreigner?
It Is t Britain's vital Interest that tlm
Mates remain strong, us their government
may havu done foolish things, hut It has
mer d.uiga dirty thing. Tho Uiiltrd States
stands forll that Is decent, and s Ideals.
In splto of what Mr. Ilhodi- may say, are
similar to Britain's. The laws nru the same,
tho lunguaKo Is tlio sumo and Its Interests
nro tho wiinc. More than two thousand gal
lant Americans h.ivo ald down thoir llvss
In ilia rn-.i(tiui nroiy for tho country
which Mr. Ilhodea afflicts to despise. Thou
sands moro are suffering mid fighting now.
By all that Is sacred Iheso nru the Kind of
Aniei-lcans wlimii sills fulr-mlndad world
honors. Unasked, thoy have volunteered
ami fought Mnv Clod IiIpim their mi-mory !
Ilrltaln 1ms un nfTectlon for America which
mail)' of Its cltl;!eis do not reciprocate.
Undo Kg m is all right, lu splto of periodic
bluster from cantankerous critical curro
spOiiiKnts. More power to him, say I,
although I am guilty of tlm unpardonnblo
crime nf being a Britisher, nnd sign myself,
with keen feelings of uttncluncnta to the
laud ot did tllory,
Philadelphia, December B,
To the l.'tlitor of the Kvenlng Ledger:
HIr Tlio odorous and disagreeable
Schuylkill Blvcr water nt present served to
u pot (lot) or tlio olty should h causo fur
prompt measures to be takon to procure a
supiily of puro water from another source,
preferably from artesian wells.
It might bo feasible to Install a system
of urteslan wells nlong the Delaware Itlver
between Brldvaburg and Torresdnle from
which sullloleut water, pumped direct from
tho wells to tho distributing reservoirs.
Could bo obtained for the needs nf u large
part of If not the whole olty. Tho city of
1,'nmden is supplied with water from a chain
of wells In a uomparatlvuly small urea on
the opposite side of the river, and doubtless
the same water-bearing strata could be
tapiied on the Pennsylvania side of the
At all events, the experiment ot.slnking
wells Is worth making, and If an adequate
supply pf urleslau water can be obtained,
the cost of the wls would soon be paid for
III deersjuMd cost of pperatloii-ns compared
with tlte'present system. AHTKSIAN,
Clerinuhtown, December -I.
Olve us a imihs to fill the mind
With ths shining thoughts that lead man
kind The glory of learning, tha Joy of ort
A name that tells of a splendid part
In the long, Ions' toll and the strenuous
Of tho human race to win Its way
Prom the anetent darkness Into (ha day
Ot freedom, brotherhood, equal rfgllUr
A name Ilka a star, a name of light l
I give you I'raneel
Olve us a name to stir the blood
With a warmer glow and a swlftsr flSAd
At the touch ot n ooursg that ejei"iuare
A name Ilk the call of a trumpet elear
And silver-sweet ami rou-trou.
That brlaga three million men te tttelr fast,
Heady to mareii and steady to tgsst
The fee who threatens that ugifie with
A name that rings like a battleaagt
I g4ve you Vroneel '
Olve us a nainl to move the heart
With the strength that noble Briefs Impart
A name that speaks of the blood outpoured
To ave mankind from the ay of tb
A name that calls the world to sjutr
The burden of sacrificial strife
Where the cause at stake U the world's free
And tbe rule of the peavte everywhere-
4 mm Ufe vw, a mm Ww a jjrajjr.
What Do You Know?
Ourrfrs of umrrnl intcrttl will t answered
ts.nta rolimis, Tin ourjfluHs, the o,iiturr to
which n'fl-u U'llMnon-ifd (i,roll al,,u,ij know,
arc lUktd dally.
1. r.tnlaln the orlaln of the uonl "oimruin ."
:. Tlirre are lie roiuitlea In IoiiIMuhu. ttlinl
me tlm illntrirt- 'irrr-ouiidlns lu rouutlrn
inllnl In tlui stMf! , , ,
3, The iwuiilc iir one hut- nre iiouulnrlr inlleil
"Tar llatU." Wli-.it .Slate l Ilislf
4, V.ho I. Iho --W lilt.- I.hi1 if llerlln1'?
A. Wllilt I- the IMOlliins of I. II. K?
II Where I- Tnlilllf '
7. UI10 il - I hill JlailUnnf
K. tio wue Hie ltrl of lleronllelii;
0. Wlmt l u llllonrlle 1111U linl l u ian-
Alinnl huur Inns iloea It InL rleelrlnlr "
lrafl Ihri.iiKh 11 trtrirnhli wlr- In it ill
rvrt line from tin. Atiunllr tu Ilia Purine
Answers to Ycsterday'H (iulit
I. Vilirn (lie uilea of Ilia heart are rliqnted
l,r ileae llii- iiumiIi oiidurcn iillrriilloii,
iiiiorlunI U the illmiiii-tlcjun. The nnr
iiml mmiiuI. mar he Intennllleil or eal(
eneil ur lliey in.ir dl4UK'ur end h re
lilurl h 'miirliiiira,"
. lb net r M.i t. IUIO, Inrrcii -e i Jlie mini
lier nf 11ml 1'olllt fjilel l Ml. t.i l.e
nude In fmir animal Inrrementa, ao that
the ni.mber for He Hr.t ear li If lie
hit, for the M-ior.J c:ir 1DI.U, Itilrd 1100,
. Tlie0"rarneii'lll:i(kniltli" van Blilm llur-
4. Tha itinlah.C'hiirrli Ij u liraiirli of tile Men-
nonllo ilenomliiiilliin. . It. I iismrd for
Jui uli Amen, ul'o hrhl that tbe eirom
iiiiiiileiitloM f eiiK.yurt:' to a luirrlacn
ilUtslirJ Ihr ourrlnse, tie, lie fnrlind;
tlm noa vt liiiil.jn. u ud tli IrlinmlnK uf
Ih,- iiourd. iruHcriol'oii t.lilrli siinlte.
3. "Illmiiiu n:i(l" la it Imblt uf aoni macn
I linrrr Memrii of the fouth. The end
,( it tick U fliexrd Into a peln uml lt!i
IhU-ua a nnUr.lillt l.ru-'i the snug la
'.lllii.nl" end rubbed on II. o suma.
fl. A drmUohii line rninri to uieii-i n liotlle
niltirr tlmn n iueur. Imt It arlKlnallr
hq, thrre-lenltia uf n sallau Tha tiuru
U n lorreiitioii of t!ie rreneh l),inie
Jianne" IJMme Jane), u iiluful prr.uul
(Untloii .uf ihn llnsk
T. "Indari." In r.nllli naHranapers nre Uuu
Ine rdllerlsN. ,.,.
5. Verd. In n ndte. 1710,
U. "ItsUnl tu lli iuri"i lielnx made n rar
to. Knke hi nrenaunrrd "mtilinr." It la a
Jtiiuneae fcriurnted Hauur luaila from
Trade Dollar
(1. The United Htntee trade dollar,
coined 1S73.S7, was Issued for, the spoolna
purpose of trading with Japan and China
and was not legal tender for ordinary
transactions, although a' few ot the dollars
were In circulation and woro generally ac
cepted, II ww use It was not legal tender,
the trndo dollar yielded nbout fifteen cents
less than tl when It was recalled from cir
culation. As a matter of fact, it contained
moro silver than the silver dollar, weights
Of tho two coins being respectively -I2Q and
tl'J.6 grains. The paradox In the value ot
the trade dollar illustrates the power of a
(loverument like that ot Die United States
to fix ooln values. This also Is lllutrated
by the fsot that the silver dollar, vvhluh la
legal tender and on a parity Willi ths gold
dollar. Is intrinsically worth only about
sixty oents at tha present time..
Wind and Ilaromctcr
J. K. H., Jll (a) The United States
Weather Bureau's wind-bamnieter table
allows that a falling barometer Indicate
precipitation and wind and that a rising
barometer iioints to olearlng or fair
weather. As a rule, winds front tha east
quadrants and a falling barometer indicate
fliul weather, and winds shitting to the
west quadrants Indicate fair weather.
(10 During the colder months, wbq the
(and temperatures aro below the ocean
water temperatures, precipitation will be
gin along the seaboard, without regard to
the height of Die barometer, when tho wind
shifts and blows sUadlly from the water
over the land.
Ktirutjuhty (Darby)
. I K. Yea. there la a family named
Knrougkty, the members of which pro
nounoe It as if It were spelled Darby. The
origin of this peculiar pnmuwaUtlon le tukl
a a story which runs as follow i X
Widowed Mrs. Derby, who had a son, mar
ried a Ur- lnrougty In spite of tlie ob
jections of her lets huseaad's relatives, who
constituted a proud Mjrrytaad family. Upon
II r. Knroughty's death It was found lie uTd
Willed bis proijerty to young Darby, on the
eonditlun that the latter would take his
game. Young Darby tuimpllxi with this
legal requirement, but out vt delsreoco to
his father's family did not chaage the uro
nuncUtlun of his name. His dascerajinu
ooattaued to call themselves Darby, ul
Oiousb their name is aiieUed K roughly.
- ,
l,n "aw w r?aW
The Nawo of France
Two American Novelties Given,
With Mr. Rich Replacing
Mr. Stokowskl
The elreumsUnee that go In make a
concert enjwyable, or the t-evers, nre often
so subtle, no curiously dlflkult of appre
hension, that it Is n risky business allotting
credit and blsme. The offlelal return ot the
Philadelphia Orchestra to Its home pUu
form yesterday afternoon, howerer, was
rhnraeterlscd (It had better lie said nt once)
by a firegram In which no body of MUslna.ni
could hone to make their topmost talent
dear. There were a few other deterrents,
but thnt was the mnln one.
Tho fact that Mr. Stokowskl. becoming
III, was unable to conduct, and that Concert
master Jttch took his place, had nothing to
do with It. Mr. Iltch Is a leader ot earnest
purpose, good poise nnd excellent school
Ing, and ho agreeably went through hit
suddenly acquired task with grace and
dignity. Tho romance of the mind ot
Schumann Is not entirety within his scope.
Ho did nothing remarkable with tha
Ithenljli Symphony. llut he did offer
ple.isnnt readings of the "Kuryanthe" over,
turo of Vpn Weber and of Liszt's second
Hungarian rhnpsody, the schoolgirl's de
light. The men played strongly and well
In these numbers, nnd ono would not have
suspected that they but recently completed
an arduous tour, except for the occasional
hnishneiis and uncertainty of the brass
There were two novelties, both of Ameri
can extraction, offered tha patrons of the
orchestra. One of these Mr Arne Old
berg's decidedly "program" "June" wt
given with tho composer replnclng Mr Hlch
nt the aland. It belongs to that school of
advanced polyphony In which nu elaborate
rcorlng Is mndo to do duty for melodic In
vention, and In which the writer, by "ths
cotirnRn of his chromatics." seeks lo dis
guise tlio timidity of his Imagination. In
form nnd content It vrns something llko "I.n
Vllle Kose," a. I'rench pleco played by the
Philadelphia organization some, years nro.
In cleverness of manipulation It was capi
tal. Hut, alas! Percy (Iralngera are not
I born txery day, and not over'y one who
dares nrhleves Tho audience seemed to
think It passably Interesting (It was short),
and It was undoubtedly done with much sr
tlstli: unity and a bright seusn of contrast
Mfrrin Zlmhnllst. tho violinist, came her
for tho first time this senron to play with
tho orchestra the new concerto by Fred
erick Ktock. Just why he choae so dreary
nnd Involved a work for his nnnual re
lutroductlon Is not apparent. Here we have
modern music by tho conductor of the Chi
cago Symphony Orchestra muslo with all
the elahornto artifices of Illchard litrauis.
with all tho bedlzeuinent of enstauet nnd
kettle-drum nnd with nearly nil the dutl
itft ot llrucknor. Mr Klmhsllst plnycd It
idii tlm moat perfect mechanical surety,
brilliantly nnd accurately, llo rarely lint
played with less Inspiration. Nor can this
ha held entirely ngalnat him Mr Ktock's
symphony, which Mr. Stokowskl gave In a
bygono acajou, was a great deal more di
verting. U. D.
City Has Its Annual Deluge o
"Poetry" in the Old Fa
miliar Strain
Kirlualvri of todny there nra twolire more
ttinpnlnf dnya before t'hrlallims.
A deluge of Christinas poetry la spread
ing o'er tho city, it ndorns tlio boxes of
thosu who encourage wholesale giving. But
theso advocates of charity, strange to say,
bellovo that thoy should remain on tho re
ceiving end.
As for tho pootry it Is of tho third reader
style, it carries an atmosphere of turkey
and sleigh bells. Although tho rhymes nro
tlralned and wobbly In places, they all
carry tlio r-amo message glvo. glvo, give,
It Ib well to realize tho worst now. Just
two weeks beforo Christmas, After you
havo glvoii "mom" and "pop" and "wlfcy"
and nil of wife's sister's youngsters, in ad
dition to your nwn. suitable presents nnd
nlHo remembered I'nclo John. Aunt Annie
and Cousin Dave, not to mention your
brother and alstcr and their children, bear
tu mind you aro not near half done,
There Is still tho maid, the washwoman,
tho newsboy who serves your home, the
boy who servos you at tlio olllce, the
woman who cleans tho oltlco, tho elevator
man. your stenographer, tho olllce boy who
n-rretly denounces you all year's tho ash
inun, tho letter carrier, the grocer'a boy,
the various species of moasonger boys whom
you havo uovor eeii before, the butchers
boy, the linker, the barber, the waitress
where you grab your dally lunch nnd the
waiter where you cat rogular meals some
times with wlfcy, the garbago man und tho
cop who nods to you on tha corner
And most of thone tpeclea of Christmas
receivers have boxes. They nru usually
adorned with holly mid "Merry Christmas"
stures at you from all directions as though
to say "thu moro the mcrrlor."
As t.o tho rhymes they bear many bril
liant Ideas, such as this:
Think of tha manser bor atnndlns hrei
Who rerrla your intaaaoa all year without
He plouuha wearily throuth the enow and aluah
And you will slwajra And film nn tha ruab
Hu lake nut your puree without a eur
And add omo Joy lo Ma rhrlatmaa rheer.
Pcrliaps you think that the garbage man
would never be poetically Inspired; If so
you are mlstakeo. His box has already
blossomed out with
Chrlatmaa Day will aeon ba hare
And aa itu hausy hour drawa near
iu. aa llbarul a you ran
And don t forcd the garfiaxa man.
The poems of the elevator man remind
ing the public of Its duty are on a par with
Ids Job, One effusion seen In a car ne
Broad and Chestnut streets i-oea on to rayt
The altvator man laka yiAi up and dawn
When you're in a hurry,
1n-i naiar see hhti crowl ur frown,
AllhUKH he Im uiueh worry.
II Unews tbet eu will be a man
When you reed II) la rnyme
And d.i the tery beat yuu can
In tha lltrry Clirtalmas Ilea.
The Inspirations of the oltlce cleaners are
equally as bright. 'Wiay alt Hlnt out how
they have been worjipg for you nil year
and hoping that suacees VIII crown your
efforts In all directions.
a.... .-
State Capitol Tut In Readiness for
Opening of Legislative Session
HAimiSIlUUO, Deo. 9-aovernor Brum
baugh Is eiiending several days out of the
city and at the same time Is building hit
message, which he will send to the Legisla
ture when It convenes.
Itverythtng Is twig? put In rtadintsa
about the Capitol Building for the opening
ot the legislative session. Superintendent
of drouoda and Buildings Itambo has a.
force ot men at work taking tha maseive
chandtUer auart In the House end Senate
onambers and cleaning and Installing; new
globes so that tha legislators will have no
ghanee to complain about poor light
i'hiladolplilons Bound for Europe
The follovriug PblUdlphlao4 sailed today
on. the steamship St. IjuU from New York
for Liverpool:
I'tuuka Waaaeii
Juan Ryahton Weed
Julin ItlUeiun
I'Vlllu U.lllj'
ulaa JtrMsrt niily
MUs Wary i-Oiral
11 U Jlary Oorailvy
Hue Mar !k CJW"
Ulae Sarah K It
Miaa DrliUct il.Don.
Ulaa Katharine Oravaa
alias NallU MarlW
Ulaa Maud IV J 4
Jack KurworLll
lliaa iUru-r.t wusosj
at. faaae Shriu
"WpS tK& fle
m nmMv
4 -
- 4