NIGHT EXTRA pST&A NIGHt EXTRA IWUJtUlUJl VaA&T TLLITIIIIKT VOL. III. NO. 75 KiG OF GREECE DEFIES ALLIES; GATHERS ARMY Mobilization Gall Believed Prelude to Attack on Sarrail's Lines " ' " - PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0. 1016 .,., ,o.. .,,.., .. 1 '' ' - ft AS FORCE OF 75,000 MEN jfedynllats Stir Nation for War on the Side oi central Empires SAI.ONtCA, Hoc. D. itine Constantino has burncit his bridge IkUnd him In avowed hostility to the ln riMil Ha has Issued nn nnlcr for moblll- jatlon hlch, In nil probability, ends nil hjs of a peaceful settlement of the Oreco-Kntento dispute Tno maximum "rnsiber of soldiers nt Conitnntlne's com- feeitnd Is estlmntcd nt TS.000. It la asserted Itt ood authority that tno proclamation or ViU blockade of lircece uy mo ,iucs mm iiH Utrman Victories in riuniann niitu Jrorepled tho King nnd tho llojnllst party U commit themselves definitely ngalmt the r'ALhs- " ' now "I1"1 u,al lne ,vlnB 'will make an nttempt to cm mi way norw 'wsrd through Laris'. nnd Join linnds with rili Teulon-Dulgiir nnny on the Monnstlr 'Iroa.1. Such a course would not no iiipron ' ible. In view of the fnct that tho King ,& upptlea '"" nt Ica,t n lw0 n10nl,",, : campaign. Oencrnl Sarrail, nowcvir. 13 I prepared for any emernencj L ... ...nnn m pn fntrlncr ftlll nil- iri.vnni nunMKiiivi -i tv ......., ..... r?iatace of the urrtiian 1c10nes m . Msanla and nro exaggerating- them in ftaeamlnK articles In tho press They nro knoiJInc out tho firomlcc to tho Greek pco- itph that the presence of Allied forces in Crete will soon lo nt cnil nnu Hint a pon trfiit German army Is soon to bo sent southward from Ilumnntn for a grcnt offen- itrl In Macedonia that "will drive Scrrall's forces Into the sea" The Itojallsts also predict a German drlvo on Odessa through Etuarabla nnd n complete nnd early Ger mn victor. In which, It tho enters tho war ca the fide of tho Central Powers nt once, Crete will share The Untento blockade of Greece Is pro- ?Wedlnj In n sjsternatlo manner. "No slips M allowed to leave or enter any genu LLOYD GEORGE BARRIER AGAINST GERMAN MENACE TO U. SORTHCLIFFE -SAYS Success of Allies Under New Premier's Leadership Means Removal of Aggression in New World His Rise in Life Like That of Typical American-Shows Magnificent Courage Even in Opposition to Policies of Party or Country if Deemed Wrong PAGE RESIGNATION NEWS TO LANSING Already in President's Hands, However, Says High Authority SEEKING PRIVATE LIFE PRICE ONE CENT Following is tho most remarkable statement niwif ....of. ;.. Ilt.'.l. ..!...-- ".". "" "' IBI wh frfc r ,rhn ' " l"r",? i?"?'.!!" . "". ' "? s,t,m,ion n..iu " " " ,l"""- ""tcriiHiriir, wrtiint bu the man w!w mad, that has come out of the possible. By LORD NORTHCLII'KK kopyneni. win, KU llr I nllnl I'm, I n.i..l..Lt..l ... .. i;. tt....i.... .; "."LI" " '". uf irrirnin. inMnnv n r. ; "' r"" '! ...,..,, i,KK, y. rt, n ncrsonniitv. nvi,i 1 1. .1 n ul"j'i wtuim: I oliyrloMf J nl ncrsonniitv. Iinvi.i reasons intcrcstinj: nnd important to tho United State v U..1.9H awucsmen uniicrstamlinR the difficult and Ullies soon to depose KING, LONDON HEARS LONDON. Dec 9. Within a week King Constantino of ;tc will be an exile, iloposea from 111s Miss by the Allies, nnd M. Venlzelos will P In charge of tho Greek Goiemmcnt. Tho Cftek army also will bo disarmed. This Is I (hi) expectation here. Ktiur Conatnntlne has brought his fnto ICMm himself by persistently Intriguing with Itts Kaiser. Despite repeated warnings from B& Allies, he regularly sends nnd receives wesMges from the Kaiser through neutral liDlomatlc channels. Some of these mes- (es hae been Intercepted nnd are now In Ills sandi of the Allies. i for many He H one of tho ntamrilile tisvchnlocv nf iiittmcncnn temperament. He is important to Amotion for another ronton. He 11 now head oi tho Hritish nations engaged in war Hritain, Canada, Australia, N'ew Zcalnnd and South Africa, together with India. Winning of the war now primarily devolves on these nations. .Jf they nnd the Allies are beaten, it will he America's turn next, for Germany's plans in South America and Germany's hatred of the United States should bo Known to every American who rends tho nnti-Amer-icnn propaganda of tho German Gov ernment. LIKK "TYPICAL" AMERICAN Lloyd George is also Interesting to your hundred millions because his life hns been very much similar to many of you. Ho began simply, without other assets of life than a good father nnd mother. Ho had tho same kind of education that nn American boy gets. There aro millions of Amer ican homes like his little homo in Wnles, wherein he snent bis onrlv uaiu uuvft UKUKUK childhood. His father was n teacher of a school in Liverpool, mannged by n committee of Unitarians, including Harriet Mnrtinenu. His mother was a daughter of n Baptist minister in the Welsh village of Llanystumdwy. I Wi 'If- " niimiiiiiiiiiiiiin 1 -. - titT'1iiH QUICK NEWS FOUR SHIPS SUNK IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS LONDON, Dec. 0. The Danish steamship Sigurd, 2UI) tons, nnd tho Hritish steamships Avrlston, 3B18 tons; Conch, 0020 tons, and Tnnfleht have been sunk within the last twenty-four hours, Lloyd's repotted today. CONTRACTS LET FOR 96 ARMY HYDROAEROPLANES WASHINGTON. Dec. 0. Tho Wat Dcpnttmcnt today nwaulcd !J1,C7.D0I wotth of contracts for nincty-sls hyrlroacioplancs tor cotst nrtillciy stations as follows: Curtlss Company, Buffalo, sixteen, at $22,5U0 each; Acto Mailue EnglucciinB and Sales Company, New Yorl:, sixteen, at !?18,000 each; llurgcss Company, JInblchc.d, ilass., thhty-twa, at 92a,032 each; Standard Aeroplane Coipoiatioti, 1'ialU Held, N. J., thltty-lwo, at $21,000 each. THREE U. S. JURIES PROBE PRICES NEXT WEEK W.N.SIU.NOTO.V. Ore. P Snocllll nuiinl .In. I Seizes woman in leap TO DEATH IN RIVER Autoist Dashes Over Bridge nnd Snatches Would-Be Suicide From Rail An automobile and a qulch-nctlng driver today saved Mrs Mathilda llujcs. slxty-flve, frwn committing suicide by leaping from the Falrmount Tark trolley brldse near Straw- ierry Mansion. Tit notnan was on top of the railing n Frank U Dill, of 400 North Sjxty- wlra strttt, who was motoring east on tia trWje, saw her. Uo speeded up, reached fa point where she had climbed, and leaped ttw the machine, hU father, Walter J. Dill, We- the wheel Toe young Mr. Dill was Just In time to b the tall of the woman's coat as she ted her long leap Into tho Schuylkill. Mrs. Hayes weighs about 135, and her H to be. free nlmost mml mil lnn bi &l$. for he had only one hand to devote to m1 Uik, having to use the other to keep r hla own position on the brldire. The ftM. too, was tearing under the strain. Mnwhlle Dlirs father had driven back W tWO Dark BUard!l hum Wnnrinnl .,.,,.1 Sb. They were l. .r. vnhm,,. n,i v t. The thrA nt tham nllmt...! .. At.- Sna. fOrmlni? A nhnln raanl.A.l I .. ita to get a body hold on Mrs. Haves. wV.-'S u ,Wllr ,0 et 'rea and '". but' tr saved nc Tben ihn w.i . 1 .. iM n.,..M j "' """ ,u ,,1B riJaraiiouse m queitloned by Sergeant Sh nun that It was almnlv n nt ency Her only relative In the fau.h tJr '. "r ne ,a "Shtlng with the -r" "aiifuinan. out naa Den ntfo many veam Rh ta tMr'SlJiV".. 8bJ tfMea at 2"2 or nS3tiiw,u Mnt htr ,Q ,ha phiiade THE WEATHER I do not know I.loyrt Oeorgo In private life; t am not In ngrecment with him on many political n 'fairs. VTe have been pub licly antagonistic on many matters during twenty jenrs Ho adopted a line In the Door war that nnB not mine. Incurring tho hatred, oven contempt, of millions of his fellow-subjects. It was n bravo line, for It demanded more courage to bo on the ln sldo of tho minority opposing the vr than to shout with the majority supporting It Since then I.loyd Georgo has led nil sorts of movements nt variance with tho tenets of the political party to which I belong ALWAYS KVINCHD COUKAGl' 'Sometimes he has been right and proved right, sometimes ho has been wrong and proved wrong; but In all he has undertaken ho hns evinced tho same courage shown throughout this one mo mentous week's history. 'Tho British people's fear of helping Ger man propaganda In the United States pro- I vented Kngllsh wrlteri from sav Inn how dissatisfied the Ilrltloli people have been with the politicians who have managed our share In the war since 1914. I.Iod George wan the onlj member of the Government with the lournge to exhibit discontent over our feeblo nnd vacillating conduct of the war. Occasionally in I'arlln merit and on the platform he attempted to tell tho people a little of the truth, but on these occasions ho was alwas howled down by members of his party and their newspapers as unpatriotic and giving com fort to the enem Tho rest did their best to hide the truth. The hlde-the-truth tactics In Commons of smaller politicians were shown at the time they were endeavoring to cover up their blunders nnd Sir I'd ward Carson left the Government last J ear SHOULD IIAVi: QUIT KAULIUU If Lloyd Georgo had resigned with him then the war would have been greatlj ad vanced He was prevailed upon to remain, but evidently at the end of last weeU ha found the state of torpidity and twlf-wtls MRS. LE DUC FREE; TELLSjOF MURDER Pretty Woman of Hotel Tragedy Goes Back to Home and Husband RELEASE! BY CORONER By M'LISS Mrs. I.e Duo! Kven tho court reporters were caught by tho thrill tint swept over the room as It alnaj.s does at the summoning of tho star witness In a murder case when sho Is a spectacularly biautlful woman when Mrs Joseph C I.o Due. of Chicago, tooL the stand to tell publicly toilnj for the llrst time the part she plajid in tho triangle traged) nt the Ilotil Walton September 2. In this lurid shooting fr.iy Mrs Murgant Ilelzar, of New York. .nd Joseph C Ora veur. New York gnruge uwner, were klllul anil Mrs I.o Due herself was dangerously w ounded About three minutes after she had testi fied a verdict freeing her was rendered Swaying liko u tall and graceful Illy, her f.ieo as white as alabaster, tho violet of her ejos enhanced by the deep purple shidows that rimmed them, Mrs I,e Due approached tho witness box supported on the arm of her husband, who arrived hastllj from. Chicago this morning to he present at tho Coroner's Inquest. She trembled visibly. When she waant wiping uway the beads of perspiration from her fao. her long white hands placed nervously In her lap Her husband, who, from the. beginning, has been emphatic In hU belief of her inno cence, even when the tnster) of the shoot WAI.TKU IUNKS PAGE WASHINGTON. Dec 1 - When In formed of the report thut Walter Mines Iligc Ambassador to Kiighiml had re signed. Sccretarv of Htnta I.nnsliiR to clay snld ho had not even hcaitl the en voy Intended giving up his post. Notwithstanding this statement hy Sec rotary t-uisltig, it i,,,., been learned on high authority that tho leslRiinlton of Anib.isrndor I'ago has been In tho linnds of President Wilson for suvrrnl clavs. The liifotmnnt let It bo clcaily under, stood that thero Is no political significance whatever In the lejlgnatlon of tho Am bnssntlor. Ills action, It Is sold, Is merely the result of it dcslro on tho part of .Mr Pago to h,i i .n..v ...I r i,n . tremol nidunus duties nnd responsi bilities of his olllcial position, nnd to bo enabled to return homo mid tnke up anew the less exacting life of a private Amcrl can citizen. Since tho hoitlnnliii; of the I'mopeati war -Mr. rngo linn been burdened with ever-Increasing- tasks, which orpin nt the start of hostilities, whon ho was called upon to. arrango for tho return liomu of thou sands of American tnunlors many of them stianded without funds In Hnghud and other br-UJtwcnt countries. While Anglo-American iclntlons since tho start, afrjJic Giat- War -'have novcr been within me.istir.ioli distance of crises surli as thoio between this coun try nnd Ocrimny lesultlng from sub mnrino warfare It Is probable thrft Am iMimador Page has been nn oven buslor mm In London than Mr. Clernnl In Her lln Tho dllllcultles that liavo arisen wiui cerinnny imvo been of a "short though ugly" charactei, with tho Issues compiratively dearly defined, In stlnng contrast with the long and vexatious no Botlitlons, tho Interminable) discussions entailed by Gieat llrltaln's sea policies. I'lrst. thero were tho various rnntrnlmnd declarations which failed to meet tho letter of International uw then followed the anomalous 'blockade with Its m-titral re artlom and Its corollaries on thn methods of "st nnd search . next the mall sell urrs. and finally the blacklist with the iwsnsibllltles of American reprisal I !(! Ilt'I'IIll 111 III It-iMI fl.f K .... '" '"""' - mraKn nnu isew Vor. flu. ml.ldl.. ,.r ....v. .. i, u , Innulrles of high cost of living Asslstnm Attorney Anilei-un. In oh trB. of tho piOhe. niiliounced to.lij. STEEL'S UNFILLED ORDERS A RECORD Stiil.1 VJ!UC" ""'' :'T,, '"""nK" r l,m!t(l rU 1 1 on tho books of tho United .stitn .sieci rorpointion Novembet So set n irvv lilKli iocoi.I nt ll.05S.WI tons nn IM-Tlotaicrt T0!w5B,OI,, WCI" M, r,0ler 3l ,0l", l,"""C" ,"'',,,'H N'om"l,rr 3' PROVISIONAL POLISH STATE COUNCIL CREATED dJll'H'i' U,."C ' A"0"""-,"t was made today through tile somlolllclnl v.iorseas News Ageno of the creation of a provisional ntuto council for tlm new V, . .' T" ,ro,l"lo"l '"'' "I" ronslst of fifteen inemberH from tno illstrlrtH ocniidcd bv (lermuis nnd ten frm.. n. ... - 1...1.1 1... garnns Liter tho members will be elected li5 the Poles 111,000 STONEMEN TO CO TO NEW YORK TOMORROW Twelve thousand Sloncmen. the latest hods nf men that evei left this city as 0110 ion. win ,m,Uo u pllgrlniaco to New York tmnurmw to establish 1 tree new lodgea. two in Ilrookljn and one In Mnuliiittiin Thoy will bo led bj tho Itov II. c Stone, lender of the Sloncmen lVllomhlp. who will conduct the services . , fn,l",,lr'11 oC ti J"1"' l" llne AirniiBemenla liavo been mailo by the 1 hlladelphl., m,d Itendlm; Itallvv.ij for tuontv-ono special trains to tnku th 111 mj o'V7' "0Bll,nl"K "' fi::" " tialin will leave the Teimlnal eveij live mlmiles until S JO Tho Ktoneniell ulll um ml tl... nl..l,i n. , 1 . ... ........... 30 n 111 Monilnj morning WAR COUNCIL DEBATES NEXT TEUTON BLOW Kaiser Presides at Meeting Held at Ger- man Headquarters LONDON EXPECTS MONASTIR DRIVE More Than 70,000 Rumanian Troops Captured Since December 1 , RUSSIAN ATTACKS FAIL WOm AN JUST PAST CENTURY, MARK DEAD .... ,A wwna" mi"'t """ Imndred cnrs old tiled today ut tho homo of tho Indigent Widows and HInglo Women's Society. .101. Chestnut street. Hliu w.n Mrs. Kllza both T. Pritt. born In October. 1S1C. In n houso vvhlili stood near Fifth nnd Locust stieeta rho'un irtnlncd the use of nil her faculties until tho end and had ror many venrs that she would live to bo morn than onti hundred yenis old hhu wns tho Miuni-ost of Ave chlldien All her lolntlve-i died jbiinir Kiincrnl iiorv Ices will bu held on T'lcsd-iA. MISTAKES AMMONIA FOR . - t t GIN; DRINKS IT; DIES A drink of nmmonli. swullowed In mlstiiko for cln. (nused the death of Jacob Wyler. foitj nine cntn old. of ISC West Norrbt ntrcot. The bottles of Bln" and anitnonlii were side hj n'do In the kitchen oupbourd nt the Wyler home. Wyler took the wiong hntllo nnd. renllslnc hla mistake, rushed to fit. Mnry'a Hospllnl. .u uivu hiiiiiu) niicrvvnrti WpHP''"laiaH I I Tliri iNlMlWl " l-lT -" BiBiBiBiBiBiH f BfflKf IV) mm 1 j (HI I vMfi f'isH nl s? ' Hn.Ms-aat-satnaai-f umii lm'miamm0 'OSBORNE' BLAMED FOR SUICIDE HERE Young Milliner, Grace Fran cis, Said to Have Been His Dupe DAUGHTER'S TRAGIC DEATH FATAL TO MOTHER Crlef, over the ti.iRlp tnd of her duiRliIer. .Mary Ilrudlnff, twcnty-llvo yca'rs old. who died from huriiH jn tho Methodist Hospital. Is believed to hav.i t.nwetl the de.ith fo Mis. Anna IJrudlnj;. bImj jciis old. of 4s Wolf street The Kul was bathlnK her mother with tiirpentlno hist Knturdnj when tho lluld Ijjnltid and the daughter was fatally burned GAVE EARNINGS TO HIM' TOO MUCH LEARNING MADE HER A FIREBUG CHICAGO, Dec . Mis. Hllzabetli .Miller MlCowiiii. mnduato of two univor. sltles nnd Itlnderi-iirteii principal, became a "llrebiiR" by hei limiwIedBii of chemlstiy ncconllntr to a confession I)ejmt Statu Plro Marshal Nlola .luiil. ,ir. 8,0 his slKtied. AccordhiK lo tho confession, who set lire to her Hintleifiiirten nnd npart- --.ui niii-n ui.i rvuiiiu imien io iirini; a piont nflci liavlnc heavily Insured bulldlnft. the SEES NO NEED FOR INCREASE IN PRICE OF BREAD HAItlllOIll'Itd, Dec. 9 Hikers of tho .State have no Just reason for ndvancliiK tho prlco of liriad fmm five to six tenia a loaf, In tho opinion of Jnines Sweeney chief of tho Stnto llurenu of Hlund.trds, who today Issiud a eompiehoiiiilvo ntate ment la rebuttal of tho rlalms of the Pennsj Ivanla Master Halters' Association, which this week recommended that all the bakers of tho state advance their prices not later than Jiinunr 1. Mr Sweeney sas tlm of tho loaf has been reduced to cover the advancing cost of flour and other in ilerlals and that a further Increaso Is not JiiHlillible faction of his colleagues In the face of his Ins and of Mrs. If Hue's relations to iy FOtlEOABT rhUadelphta and vUslntthParv r 04 Much rnU.. ...j,. . .,.. t """. iroaj7 touthicest and vest IENOTII OF IHY Tilt m ... -. ... t?.?K,VEa T,DB PJAN0E3 J?JtS ft".'" ?!. JtfB AT KtCI IIOPB Hi 1UI 11. . .. .: .S : . , in ... ; ii i 3i 4i a 04 1 531 63 I I repeated setbacks Impossible to u man of his vision and patriotism Of thoaa col leagues, writing; as I am an article which will appear In some 800 American and Can adian newspapers, I prefer only to say that they wero men who wouldn't believe tho war was coming; when It did, and who hadn't un Idea of Its tremendous portent for our race. Jn my own newspapers at home I have bolhiuci ou ! Thru, falumii Three FHEEZE.UP FOB TONIGHT Cold Wave Predicted After Day of Rainfall Cloudy Tomorrow The weather forecast for the next twenty four hours Is Just one thing; after another. Reports from the Wather Uureau this morning; predict a. continuance of rain until tonight, when the temperature will fall and hover around the frmnlns mark. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with the sun occasionally breaking through the clouds, while the mercury will still stay down around the thirties. The cold wave will continue for several days, maybe longer Clruvuur were haziest, sat by her side and patted her urm as In an. almcwt Inaudible voice she gave her account of tho affair. MHS I.K lll'C'S hTQUV Mrs. I.e i)uc's story tf the shooting was Mr. (Iraveur and I Jiad dinner on the roof garden. When o went to his room on the ninth Hoar to gt my handbag which I had left there twrllttr In the evening Mr Oravecr went In side. I think I had in) hand on the door knob I heard a volte and then I saw a tall wouidn ins-Id go up to Mr. Qraveur. Then I heard u shot and saw him fall. Tiien there was another shot and t knew 1 was wounded 1 turned and ran up the hall and up the stalrwa) I dont remember an thing elM. When she had completed her testimony, Mrs. I- Iue tried to rUw from the chair In which she sat But ft was as though she were petrified with fright. Her hist- IbamP' lifted her up tenderly and took Inu la a half fainting condition to th aide of the courtroom,, where It was necessary to sign a witness form iler hand shook so she could, not steady the pea !.e Pile Lrought her water She tried again and "Oliver Osborne." who has been In tho New York limelight ns a wrecker of women's hearts, and has admitted that ha "loved them all." Is said to hove been the tlince of Miss Grace Francis, n milliner, who was found dead In her home, 8 West Chellcn avenue, hist Pebruar) According to I ho police version of the affair. Miss frauds committed suicide when she discovered that her fiance was un worth) of her lovb and had embezzled sev eral thousand dollars given him to Invest. He was said to be a bond salesman. "Oliver Osborne" was arrested last Sun day In Chicago His real name Is Charles It. Wax. Secret service men had been an his trail for more than a ear. Ho Is said to have been the pun who made love to Itae Tunzer and then disappeared, Ho has been Identified by several women as a 'heart crusher." Federal authorities have received word from a woman that War, or ''O, O" was responslbje for 'he suicide or Mlsa Francis Dr. William a. Shields, Jr., HI West ScllPOl House lane, who wan nAlltffl In yMtss Francis committed suicide, said today mat he did not recall having heard of the name of Osborne In connection wl'h Mis Francis's death He said he knew that the name of some, man did figure In the case, POSBD AS SALESMAN According to Detective Whitman, of the Bue-Stratford, (he sultpr of Ms Frit no! s posed as a, bond salesman He said that the name the man used was Spencer, and that for a short time he worked for a bond firm on Chestnut street Whltcomb said be, did not recall having FIRE DAMAGES WOOLWORTH STORE IN OTTAWA OTTAWA. Ont. Uce !. Fire In the heart of Ottnvva's buslncsu aectlon today destroed the Interior of tho F. W. U'oolvvortli store and seriously damaged five othora In the Titus block The loss Is estimated at moi than 1100.000. U. S. FLEET ASSEMBLES FOR REVIEW AT HAMPTON ROADS NOIU'O'.lC, Va, Ute Fifteen Frilled Staten warships. Including four aub. tnarlneu and all of the new drciilnou-jhta of the navj. nsswnbleil In Hiimplon Hoods today to participate In tho naval review which will be held here In connection with the convention of tlm Southern Commercial Congress Secretary Daniels and other (Jov eminent olllclals will levlevv the fleet. RUSSIA SEEKS 100 MORE LOCOMOTIVES HERE The Itusslan Oovernment has ordered 100 moie locomotives from the Baldwin locomotive Works, which will tost ', 000.009 Tho locomotive are to bo large frclitht engines and will cost approximately NO.000 each. The Huwiian Clovernment placed orders for fmty locomotives vyltli I'dldwiwi several weeks ago, Thu whole order will total 5,600.000. COST OF LIVING SLUMPS ALL OVER COUNTRY WASHINGTON. Dee fl The "cost of living" has taken a drop, Advkcw from all sections of the country to the Department of Agriculture unci the Department of Justice Indicate this. The reduction In prjws, while small, Is general. O.'llciala believe that It will be continued. C"tlnucJ on rase Tvto, Column Three ! C'eotlnucd ea Vase Tbrce. Column One I NEW BOOST SETS RECORD IN PUDDLERS' WAGES READING. Doc. 9 The, h,lgbet wagwe ever paid to puddlers in the Schuylkill Valley will be paid to Uto of the Heading Iron Company's plants hern, beainnlnir Monday, when another Incroaj. us unnountwU today, will go into ?', amounting to about 18 a ton. 'UMjPi i PMB..IH1P i. m imp f-1 wi isu)i i .hi im ,, FATE OFAMERieAN STEAMSHIP STILL UNCERTAIN KKW yOItK, Dec 9 Uncertainty today still clouded the reported sinking in the Mediterranean at the American steamship Virginia. Gaston, Wlllteraa wiir. more, owners of the steamship thought to have gone down, had no- advice today I eonctirnins her The Virginia was bound for Uenoa with a general cargo. I KAISER WILHELM ir I.ntcst photograph of the Gcrrnam Lmporor. who presided over the Teuton War Council just held it tho German great hcndqunrtcriJ. BERLIN, Dec. 9. Kaity rcpubc of enemy -attacks in tho Ccrna Rend, following n violent shelling of height positions norlh of Monastlr nnd northeast of Pnriovo, on the Mace donian front, was announced by tho War Office today. In the east upper Tallinn Lal.e the Bulgarian vanguards repulsed n British company's attacks. i'ETROGRAl), Dec 9. ItUBaian troops have dislodged tli9 enemy from Ua hcighta west nnd south of Vaicputnn, taking 500 prig, oners, today's olllcial statement said. Six machine nuns, one cannon and two bomb mortars were also captured. nnttM.V, Dec 9. A council of war has Just been held at . Oerman CJrcat Hcndrpiarters, the Overaeaa Noivs Agency reported today Those par ticipating were Kmprror Wllllnm, Kmperop Charles. Field Marshal von Hlndenburjr and I'io'd Marshal Conrad von Hoetrendorff, tt the AiiHtro-UiinKBrlan army, Emperpr yU Ham presided nt the council It Is belljved Hint tho next move of tho Central Empire? wns discussed LONDON, pec ?. Whera will Germany strike next? That Is the tiueetloii that is agltatlpj nrltlsh military experts. There Is a grow lug bollef, in the Allied capitals that the Oerman nllles, after the conquest of Jtu mania, will throw a great force Into Macs donla and swing Greece into the war by a master stroke around Monastlr The possibilities are numerous If th, Onniinn allien are- nble to sweep Human! ' clear, tho way would be nei.ed for nn in vasion of Itussla by way of Besssrah'a?- but there haB been no decisive Indication that this Is Included In Von Hindenburg'a plans ' t It has been reported from time to time that the Germans would make their next stroke of arms against Italy, striving fir crush that country as the smaller nat'owf have Imu smashed One thing, jMsttus to b? certain When in Msrri allien attempt ttwlr next of feilv It will ha In charg of Field Mar shal von Mackensen. who lias proved him , sJt one Qt,h greatt soldiers of y "" war, J3v.n the Allied military uwti py Iwpage to tlie brilliant tactics and th tuf rtfic enargy $ thj wonderful oW Qnwl" soldier. ' ' - H$isiatebi rojn the Bumantaij tbeatHf at war today stated that the HiuttwilMi were gi retiring They uullcattd a.I that llje Ruseian offenstve la tha Ctrpft, CvDlUiMd en t'aae Tw, twiajau ptam eyoad the Great Oblivion," by George Allan England, a Sequel to "The Vacant World," Begins on Page 5 of This i - IBSfe giSWirLaeLasaaaeaaWBaHl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers