Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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    5.1 .
Ajlifes to Ttlka Drastic
MfeJisiirb to Bring Athens
to Terms
General Snrrall Prefers War to
v" Present Unsettled
' v Situation
LONDOK, Dee. .
The. Alttca have declfled Upon nnal dran
tlo actlort to end the situation In Oreece
,A blockade of Oreek porta will le pre
claimed offlolally In Purl today "'o.
flrnl itep. Athena dispatches say that Ine
Allied ministers are preparing to demand
at least the re-eatabllshment of AltUd eon
trol of tha potlee, malls, telerapha, rail
Ways, porta, customs and passports
It was asserted In Athena Government
clrcUa that Orteca could wlthMand a sleic;
of twenty days, although dlitrlcta that could
be reached only by water would auffar mora
iulckfr, accordlnr to these dispatches.
ffh Itusslan, Italian, Krenoh and Brit
ish ministers called at the Oreek Foreign
OlBoa In a, body and demanded an ex
planation of tha Greek military actlrlty.
General Sarrall, the rronch commander
in, Macedonia, I quoted aa aaylng that h
iSefera Oreeco openly hostile to nn un
Milled situation. The Kntenle Mlnletera
eon no nop of an agreement short of com
Bleu compliance with the Allied demand.
The members of tha nuealan colony hay
left Athena, Only the Italian colony of
tha KnUnto citizens remain, and they ara
expected to depart soon.
nr-auir op cabinet cntsis
The Entente decision for sterner meas
ure la hailed hern as the flrit outcome
cf tha Cabinet crisis, which wm precipi
tated to o, great extent by publla dissatis
faction with tho handling of the Oreek
In consequence of the recent clnah of tha
Entente forcea with Ureek In Athena the
British and French Uovernment prohibit
ed several days ago the sailing of Oreek
cUa&uhtpa from their porta to those of
Tha Entente Allied diplomats, although
they havo received no Instructions as yet,
see no prospect of nn arrangement by the
Oreek Government, and It Is believed they
will demand nt least the re-catabJIhment of
Allied control of the police, posts and tele
Staphs, railwaja, ports, customs and pass
sorts, Geriham Plan Big
Blow at Sarrail
Centlnoad from l'aso One
such as tho one that crushed Rumania,
will solve his difficulties and cnablo him
to ontor thb war on tho stdq of tho
Central Empires.
BEItMN. Dec I.
Tho German advance on the line beyond
Bucharest and Polcscl is proceeding so rap
idly that Rumanian forcea on, tho frontier
mountains in tho Predeal and Altschans
passes havo had their retreat cuf. off, to
day's official Wan Oftlce statement asserted.
These Rumanian forces, It was said, en
countered the Austro-Oerman troops as they
aought to turn tha enemy's flank, and, al
ready being prcssod from tho north,, a ma
jority of tha Rumanians havo fallen
In tho whole section of Rumania be
tween the mountains and the Danube tho
German pursuit of the enemy continue-).
The German Ninth Army yesterday took
mora than ten thousand prisoners.
'On tho Alt, tho statement said, tho. trap
against Rumanian forces, cut otf In the
weetorn part of the country "had boen ful
filled." "Colonel Voroulvo, with his AustrcIIun-garlan-Oerman
troops on December G
forced tbeao to surrender." the statement
explained, "Ten battalions, one squadron
and six batteries numbering 8000 men, with
twenty-elx cannon, laid down their arms.
JTtealUlng tho failure or their offensive,
designed to relievo pressura on tho Ruma
nian front, tho Russian forces In the Car
pathians undertook only partial attacks
yesterday, according to tho oltlolat state
ment. Seycral attacks ngalnst German lines
around CUdova and In the Trotosul valloy
wero repUlscd with heavy loss.
Russian attacks on the Dvlna front also
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U l& Uitl Uatsfy of liila oMiit or i
Vlft cslsrad frsntiiDlccr. WW lbtto-
a mB, uaauui w etou. ocia.ro,
alieil, the statement added. South of Vlesy.
Russian detachment: that had penmated
0B of the German tulpot position wet
tJOHOOti, Dee. s.
Orrman troops along the wholo Monastlr
front are beffg strongly ra-enforeed, ac
cording to advice' from Satonlca today,
Presumably these forces are being diverted
from the Rumanian theatre of war.
It waa believed here that the Oerman
are preparing for a powerful offensive
against the rranco-Serblan-Itallan.Drltlsh
forces (n Macedonia, strengthening the Dul
garlan and Oerman troops there with big
forces now no longer need In Rumania,
Fresh detail of the Herman occupancy
of Rucharest received today added to tho
belief here that tho Rumanian retirement
had been masterfully executed and with a
minimum of lostes.
The Rumanian army Is still InUct and
with reorganisation and re-equipment may
again become a formldabla force.
ROME, Deo. 8.
Oermany and Austria have offered to
"reopen land communications" to Oreeco If
Oreeco will declare war on the Allies, ac
cording to a, wireless dispatch received
hero from Swltserland today.
"Reopening of land communications" can
only mean that Germany and Austria hnva
pledged a clearing awny of all Allied forces
from Uulgarla south to Oreeco,- posilbly
also from tho Macedonian front.
doth sides beaten
in cerna Attacks
PARIB, Dec. S.
Three violent Oermnn-Ilulgarlan attacks
wero repulsed by the fterblan forces east
of the Cerna River In the region of Ktar
nilna (Macedonian front), today's oDlclal
statement asserted.
RoVlA, Dee, 8.
Repeated repute of enemy attacks along
tlin Macedonian front was announced In
today's ofTlclat statement.
DKRLIM, Deo. 8.
Failure of Serbian night attacks near
Trnava, east of th Cerna, waa announced
by tho War Office today.
PAniS, Dec, 8.
Oerman troops were driven from tho
positions east of tho slope of till) 104 on
the left hank of tho Meuse, which they
occupied Wednesday, today's French of
ficial statement declared. French troops
ousted tha enemy. This was the only In
cident reported from tho west front.
LONDON, Dee. 8.
Mutual Intermittent shotting was reported
by General Sir Douglas Ilnlg from the
Ilrttlsh front today.
RERUN, Deo. 8.
"No Important ovents,!' was tho latest
official statement' report of fighting on tho
western front today.
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Men Wtui Are Likely to Join
Ministry of Lloyd George
, LONDON, Dee. 8.
FOLLOWING, it Is liclicved, wilt bo
tho composition of Lloyd Georgo's
Wnr Council!
Premier- Lloyl GcorRo.
Becretnry for War Lord Derby.
First Lord of tho Admlrnlty A.
uonar Law.
SecroUry for Foreign AlTnlrs
Lord Curion.
Minister for Pension Arthur
Tho rcmnlnlnK members of tho
Cabinet nro likely to bo:
Colonial Secretary -Arthur Dai
four, at present First Lord of the
President of the Board of Trade
Walter Runciman, who now holds
that post.
Minister for Munitions Edwin
Samuol Montagu.
Socrotary for Homo Affnlra Hor
bort L. Samuels.
Lord High Chancellor Karon
Attorney General Sir Frederick
A. Smith.
Liberals Will Back
Premier Lloyd George
Cenilnsea frwn Fr One
tlonallst group Is the only ono of any
strength now remaining- In Commons whose
position toward the new Ministry Is not
yet clear. It Is conceded their soventy-nve
votes In the House of Commons ajlves them
strength on whloh to bargain for Irish
home rule ns the price of the support of
the new Ministry.
London does not expect formnf announce
ment of the personnel of the new ministry
until next Tuesday, to which dato the House
of Commons adjourned yesterday. In the
Interim Lloyd George has plenty of time
In which to mak his selections and to
utilise his gift aa . conciliator, Infowr of
enthusiasm and organiser
Tho Liberal Conference today d,td
reaolutlons of eohfldene lit Its ldjT,
former I'remler -AAaultH, but declared IU
dsUrmlnatlon to support the new Govern
ment In the prosecution of tha war
About 00 Liberals from both hous of
Parliament. Including a nunmer or """
Ministers, attended the meetlPKet the
parly, held at booh In the Heform Club.
Mr Aiwpilth. smillho; and apparently
happy, was accorded an enthusUftlc ova
tion by the crowd which gathered at the
entrance to the club
Former I'remler AaUlth presided at the
meeting of the Llnefalii. He explained In
full detail all the clrcumstanca leading up
to the change In government particularly
denning his own position In the crisis which
led to dissolution of tha coalition Cabinet
Asqulth's speech was described aa a
splendidly patriotic Iterance a vigorous
appeal for unity In war. He pointed nut
that each of his Inte colleagues In the
Coalition Cabinet had acted In accordance
with his own dictates of conscience and
concluded with a muting appeal empliael
Ing the Importance of strenuous adherence
of whatever goernment wan In power for
the purpose of winning the war. The lata
Premier was repeatedly Interrupted with
Tho general admiration for Lloyd
Oeorge'a enercy, organising ability and gift
of conciliation wait expressed by the 1'all
Mall asiette toddy. ,
"The success and rapidity with whloh
Lloyd Oeorgs Is fulfilling his commission,"
the datette asserted, "Indices we will
shortly havo an administration not nnly
with a strong personality and practical
talont, but armed with the nation's conn
dence. Yesterday's achievement gives a
more vlyld Impression than anything else
of the striking gilts of leadership which the
new I'remler possesses."
LO.VDON', Dec 7,
In the effort in suppress the submarine
menace, many Urltlsh merchant ships are
being armed with guns of high cnllbrr, so
that the odds against thorn shall bo les
sened. In this connection It Is recalled
that the agitation for sterner measures
that led to tha downfall of the Asqulth
y 30-32-34 S. SECOND ST. 6
I Cfirigtmag popping J
Thousands of beautiful things gifts for the (
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ministry called for adequate measure to
mH tha American rJevernment nold" that
the Increawd armament rmU rnerehsjit
ships In the claa of war veMela, Halifax
will besoms the chief American port for
transatlantic shipping dur Ing the war
Britain Is able to use her fleet to keep thla
port eltar Such a change Is bound to
have a big effect on the port of New
The arming of merchant ships la a dim
cult problem, since the, mfluntlng of bio
guns means alterations In structure. Fig
ure show that only one out of flya vic
tims of submarines Is an armed ship.
The Liverpool Bxprees reports that the
Government may assume control of all ship
ping concerns. It Is said that Lloyd Cleorge,
In his conference with the labor leaders to
day, promised such aovcrnment control.
t -
PAItlS, Dec, I.
Llka Englahd, France Is preparing a re
construction of Government The change
will not be one of Cabinet however, but
will be In a new organisation of the general
staff and a concentration of the war a con
duct under reatrlUI dlrcetlon.
Organisation," "concentration" and "re
stricted direction" these phrases were In
cluded In the language of a resolution of
confidence In the Drland ministry adopted
by the Chamber of Deputies last night. Ill
to HO It followed a stormy secret session.
Ths meeting was the tenth closed session
held recently In which It Is believed tho
Ilrland ministry came dangerously near
dissolution. Last night. It Is assumed, tho
deputies found satisfaction In certain prom
ises of reforms looking to more energetlo
conduct r,of the war made by Ilrland, and
thereupon registered their support of his
A number of deputies at last nlght'a ses-
Browning, King
& Company
slow bitterly ammtiea "sUtionirr warfare,"
and demsnded A "speeding up."
The Kchd de Paris says
"Net to conquer with ths means we pos
ses would be a crime But to conquer
we need an organisation and a will Iet
us have them '
Ouitave Herve, famous French aviator,
"VTa must have civil leaders 'who are
warrior chiefs, men of will apd Imagination
who know how to lake extraordinary meas
ures and apply them. That Is the only
superiority Oermany has over us "
"Let us choose few leaders." says the
Midi, "but leadens who nre resolved to con
quer or die with us. Let the Ministers
themeelves be chosen few In number, but
Invested with full power, and let them know
that they answer with their lives for the
publla welfare"
"A fight to a r.nlth has never app&red
more Inevitable than In tho present cir
cumstances." aaya the Flgiro today. In com
menting on Germany's successes on the
Rumanian front
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