gar rTsa w '5, "?? s3 StfuJ- : r. JT . . F&d-e&m it . tlJ nft.yy r.. .f , ( , RltfUttttJ tfriigcr rUBttG tEDOElt COMPANY . frtncs it r tonnh. ! H tl Lu4lncten. vtra IWMtnts John Mttn. Rajratarr. f Traaaarari fhlllp ft. , .jnnn u, vvilliama, John J. Bptirten, ' lay, DlrKtota KlijTOntAt. ItOAhUl teCM It. K. Ccttii, Ctialrman. .6rflt6r ma MAflTlTT Otntral Dutlnrti Mantr , Firotltntil llj- l rtiuo I-rtam Itolldlnf, &S813 aLtM L inwpanaarrca rquaro, rniinoaipnia (Mwr Ctrii . Uroad and cvlnut BtrMla .A. AjVT1 Cm . .,,, , , .Prttt-VfUin nitlHn gw ioax,,i ..70Q MttropoHtan mr ft. I-OCU ., , 00 tIoW)'floTal HulMlMt WhttM...,,, . .ltOJ It1fc Mulldlnr . . NfrtVK tltlhEAUKl wjiMimBToK itttiMo ... ... nt Hull tint Jf? Mi Ion kw lirman Th rm tlnlldinf Un linui .......i.. .no Prt4rlchiraM iii ltciuv ..... .Marconi llouiv Btrant 1I0UM. fit IHIU It til 'iI I1D1UD 8j nwi rand llntrttllnftAU VKfynllil ni BfiwiHij Lttxin It aarved to nubcflbt i rmladtlphl and ttirroundlnf towna at the rata at Hx (0) cant par tnvli. parabla to th "rftr ., . !- Is Mnl aula J of Phi aflalnhlii. In .laa Clnltad Bt PtaW, Canada or Unlttd fltatta po' jtajcria, poainaa ir. . tnlMJ"tUa (3D) crnir i -.wr tnoiitli. Ona III) dollar for Ihrra monlh wr Btontn, on III) dollar lor Ihraa montnt er four (ft) dollar par roar, carabla In ad Tnei To ll forttrn countrlia ena (II) dollar par ttOntTU Nonen flnbferlbtra wlthlnr a.Mreat ehanttd Mutt ! oW aa wall a naw addrtai. nax. iwo walnut kf.ysto:h maih iom Zpr AoMrria oil fommmKviHoin to Hunting IdgtT, tndtptndtnci fKiuart, PMlatUtihla, uxruo it tin r'nurnariiu rontornca aa ((cnNO'Ctaaa mail mnn -L. TUB AVCnAOB NBT IAtD DAILY Cllt. CUtATION OP" THII KVnNINO M3DORU jroa ixoviaiiiKii wah ui.uu rhii.j.iphU, riW.y. DkibW i. mi. Gnat thing through gnat hazard are cltalnid And then they thin. Baaumant and FUtehtr. lias tho I'cnnsylvanlu let nnythlriK to da with tlte Iftwo? IcoKircum "Sundao" Tho hlBh oot of loving 1 threat nlnir to Uo nnothor thlnR to worry nbout, With tho proapctn of an aavnnco In tho Jtrico of mlatlotoo. It has bean tald thnt tho preiant ' ytcm of BrnntlnK nftloon lloon In qulvalont to local option, but not no that Philadelphia can notlco It. Could anything accentuate more ;S acutely tho Increased cont of llvliiR than ftho Bryan nve-dollar dinner In X9U com. fiared with tho popular Urynn dollar- lnnorn In 18007 Baldwin llaadllna. Llkaly to He Bpcakar.- To paraphrnao tho famous rcmurk f Fletcher of Haltoun, I'onroso docn not "earo who alta In tho Hxecutlvo Mansion o long aa ho can pull tho ntrlims In tho General Assembly. It wa Mr. nrynn, wo bellove, who Mmo back" from a rnemorahlo trip abroad hd proposed Hovornmc: ownarshlp of railroads. But Mr. Bryan In opposed to oomploto Rovarnment regulation of rail roads. Verily, tho mind of tho great Ncbruskan runneth In circles and ha urdvoth not. Ton per cont Incrcasea In worcs made by firms In nil pnrta of the coun try art beoombiR so numerous thnt It la really hlRh time for the American Feder ation of tabor to keep up with tho times and yield to lta olllco force, wtjlch linn formed a union within the, union, to do wand $3 a day for each employe. Bualnoss men's objections to discon tinuance of tho pnoumatla mall-tubo tervlco and to tho alternative of auto delivery trucks nro backed by a fact thut la apparent to every ono tho reckless tpeed with which mall waRons aro drlvon. The city has suffered onousli thin ycur from trucks and other motor, with 110 persona killed alnco last January. Doctor Shaw Is entirely correct , when aho osscrta (hat "wars can bo waRod only through the patriotism of women as well aa men." Tho HUfferlnRS "V c women In time of war are often even greater and more prolonged than thoxe ', ef men. They frequently are condemned to what la the equivalent of Imprison- '' jnent for Hfo, whereas men merely die, - nd that they do gloriously. Nothing la ever settlod in politics until it lias becomo virtually unanimous. r Turning, thereforo, to tho Journal of So- lect Council, wo And the police Insurance -" investigation unanimously opposed. But wait a moment! "Wo also find the same !' inveatlgaUon demanded by Common Coun- '., ell ftlmoat as decisively. Tho mlnd'u a j. 'wonder. This la quite aa atrlklng an euunplo or its paradoxes aa the twist In that Ohio Journalist's brain which made htm record recontly that the nearest thlng to "unanimity" in tho electoral col- 'uleffft happened when Hayca got 18S and ttllden 1S votes. Mr- aregory In hla annual report reminds Congress that many ueta com mitted In serious violation o our sov ereignty are not now punishable by any federal criminal law, and. that in some oases there ore no statutory provisions ' tor compelling the observance or our In ternational obligations. Ue recomminds' the passage of twenty-two different acta la remedy these defects. They range t from laws making It a crime to set fire .-at mmw! nfMfrf In fnre!fn f.nmma.. If&e to tamper with her machinery to laws fe.S ,-. ..,w. ..H.. w. ...w. wv laulhorlzlni? the ifiuUN at arrna or miint. 3&iillfr" which the Qqvrnment haa rea,- WMm to believe are holng exported In viola- 91TLu& nf nn emluirfra. TliArA la nnllilnv rtbian or controversial about any of The fXovernmititt fminr! 1 Him. TlH4 t0 punlah alien eyropttthlsera with fmrtiftn patwna wno at tne cegmmng of ' ififi war sought to destroy shipping in r port, and, It haa been handicapped tig, it dealings with Mexico because of :5k of proper legal authority to deal 1 y&h tho shipment or munition. The ,frr eofumltteea of Congress should BrrfaaSfcMM Ue ntcBary bill and push them --JVtWp to final postage. 'Tfcfe have ben mani3Uouslona me war oegan aoout im posaime upon aj-Jatociucy 4n Baropc, but MM T tbam bss Um toroe of tfc jjggje. fe sj iwi Nri !:mifi m " 4MNllaBiHfiiiHB1 HyssBBHHBWaMsflHHBKSjSKltffiR. Wt& THA i I Trim in Hun fti-M ii lsffinn ii I'l "I H i i MM. M ' TTHHfiif Tltl si ' 1Wi " - n.ajfinir t- Brlffljfr tJoVeritmt mark the comple tion of a goctat rovotutlon. which, If It Were hot' occurring when the imtlon U ftbtorbed In a utrugRle for lit llf, would dlplc all other eubject In popular dlncuenlon In tho empire. The predecee or of this man, wh6 ha rlnen from tho lowest riiftliB, Imvo hoort lords or con hected with noble fnmlllos or member of tho moneyed aristocracy nlmont without exception. There were Lord John ItUMell, the 1SAH of Derby, tho Karl of Aberdeen, Viscount Palmei-eton, Karl Iluiwoll, the Milrquls of BullaburyJ tho llnrl of ltoco berr Arthur J. Dalfour, a nephew of Ixrd Snllabury, and'Blr Henry Campbell ilannortnan before Mr. Aitiuitti m& Moyd doorae, nenjamlit Dlnraell wnn an apparent oxcaptlou, but he wan descended from a wealthy Jewleh family and roe lo power throtiRh hln Mpouml of tho cauee of tho nrlntocmoy. Mr. Anqulth bclone to ono of tho county fntnlllix and N nn Oxford sradtiato. Thin Krent upheaval In Kuropo Iim lifted the bottom to tho top, tvhero It U likely to ntay for nomo yrnrn to come. ORGANIZERS OF VICTOItY X "NXY a fow dnyH iiro II. a. that If any tnnn otood WoIIb wild head nml ahotlldera nbovo Kuropa's troubled mil lions It wan Jo me. Ho, If any, npprwiched Hie hero level. No noonor Ims ho committed himself than Mr. Wrlla must rend lntlmntlonn thnt this very JolTro Is off Jiln pedestal. JofTro mapped nut a nuporli ilefonse; but lio In nlxty-four: onco moio tho ury Ii for n younger mm. Tho iipwh thnt re tain, liorola defender of Verdun, who waa only a colonel at tho atnrt of tho war, wna Hiiggcitud for miprcmo com mand of both Trench and British forcas In n now offensive Is shadowy, but Intll cations nro Jilllng up that Knglnnd'n po litical crisis had Its origin In tho halting of tho Homtno drlvn. Tho French felt tho iiood of ono guiding genius for tho combined British and French forces, and the Coalition Cabinet In Ixindon iwm evi dently not ablo to rlso to a perfect tin dcrntaudlnR uith tho Govornmont at I'nrls. But Paris now exhibits symptoms of n graver crisis thah lndon's. In tho light of French history, tho talk of forcing President Polncare Into retirement looks omliKiiiH for thut Kepubllo's future. Tliero In always n strong Iloynllst movument undor tho nurfuco In Franco. Tho war has helped religion there, and tho roll. rIous element Is hostile to tho ltcpublic. As long an there were victories Asriulth was tolerated In Unglund and bureau ciats woro tolerated In France. But military ruvcrnos turn mon'o mlndi to dictatorship. Lloyd G cor go thus hna his part to play In Finnco iih woll na Bngland. Act ing boldly with JolTro and Brland, ho may bo expected to try to co-ordlnnto tho western forces undor ono head, drive tho secret sesilona of, tho French Chnmbor Into tho light of day nnd rentoro prestige to tho democracy nnd Its arms In both ISnsland and France. HOW LONG JiHOULI) A KISS HE? TUDATHICAIj ccnnor.M used to meniiltu ItlHsen by tho lapso of time between tho start nnd llnlsh. The older generation will remember the scnsntlon produced by Olgn Nelhersole'a famous Hnpho klst. When it begun tho lllppnnt In tho audi oncoH used to tnko out their vntchca nnd tlmo It. No doubt It seemed much longer to tho Bpoctntors thnn to tho participants, but thoro Is crcdlblo authority for tho statement that It lasted nt least a minute. ' Nowadays, with tho advent of tho "movlos," kisses are measured by lineal foot of film. In Ohio nnd Kansas thoy may not bo longer than ten feet. Boinu moralists insist that eight foot Is long enough. In this Btato the law gives tho censors wide Intltude. Provided that tho slgnillcanco of tho oscillatory ealuto is not lost, thoy may permit It to bo llfteon or even twenty foot long. But oven tho longest "movie" kiss Is shorter than the Hoosao tunnel specimen, which extended over three miles of darkness. THE HAY PLAN HAS FAILED TllUrtU la no exposition of tho way the plan for federalizing tho Nnttonal Ouard haa worked in practice to be found in tho annual roport rjf the Secretary of War. Mr. Baker haa many pleasant wordi to say about the militiamen on the Mexican border and the benefits of tho military training wnicu tney nave re ceived in the flold; but there is not a word about the rofusal of 40,000 of them to take the oath aa Federal soldiers, re quired by the Hay act, That law haa ao revolutionized the con ditions of service in the National Ouard that it has produced demoralization. The militia is a volunteer force. Ita primary purpose la to maintain order within the Btatoa. Ita members enlisted with that understanding. The I lay law provides that In time of war the President may "draft into the military servloe of the United States to servo therein for the period of the war" all memberu of tho Natipna! Guard. "Draf" Is nn ugly word. It means compulsory military service. Iji the great Civil War, when the fate of the Union was at slake, reluotm'ic citl tens were drafted into tho army, but even then there was at tlrst a fixed term ef service. It was not until the fighting had continued a long time that men wero asked to serve until tho end of the war. Neither a business man nor a working man, enlisted In the State militia, likes to assume (Jie obligations involved in the new form of military service. The law was intended to strengthen the National Guard and make it a more dependable seoond line of defense. It has weakened the National Guard by dis couraging enlistment It must be en tirely overhauled and revised if tho land fojees are to be put in, proper shape for natipna! defease. Leaders In Congress lye thJSi but Secretary Sake seems uiwaM.mE any suwl QUHa in BYBmrt MMaliitmirADi3rHiA, Mwa -.'jjliw .. T-fJIrr i h r i ii in Tom Daly's Column tt AhLAttt: OF lttlWB iTor liola A fiiritM I . Mu alad heart cllno to the irtnoi Thnt toar tcllh the Unnct' ay, I thriU trttli tho farolino O thruthet arreting tho Mav, lint never n icorrf I'd tail nctrainno hullet or nrrdtn Or tlug that w aimed to hv The mean, Aintophaoniii sparrow. Tho herald roUn that ulna A-lllt on a maple pray, t lovo for the, cheer he trlna When tklo are a tioddnn prapi Hut never mu hand shall tlay Another that aim to harrow, To nentler, to wound, to flay Tho mean, tDatophatloua sparrow. Mu dcarctt Imaplnisp, Mv fancv' kindliest play J'ursuo thn mcahenlna sptlnp's Procession of rook and Jay; 1 luliifc at the ctiwi' fornu On urcenlno lilllock and bairow: Hut lake for mv hole's full steau Tho rnrrtn, sratophaomis sparrou. nxvov Oh, deem me, Master, I prav, A'ot cruel or cold or narrow: Hut how enn tna pnrav iiifiij Thr mean, scataplini)ou sparrowf With nshca upon our head, children, wo ncknowlcdRo that Dear Teacher's fool slipped tho other day. Under tho tltlo of Alnyslus'a poem, "Thirst For Knowledge," wo Inserted In pnronthoHCH tho word "vlllrinollc." Hpi-rdlly tho mall brought this to in: TO AI.OV8IU.S "A dainty thing's a Vlllanclle" If )nu ran lenrn to wrlto It. Your Pnntomn unrwers ory wall; Tho general Idea Is enclt. I'm not Hunting Jimt to unite It "A dainty thing's a Vlllnnvlle." Of noiimo, t hesitate to trll You that your Vlllaiicllo's tint uulte It. Your I'nntoum answers very woll. My eyo upon jour tltlp fell Willi such a keen dcslro to right It I "A dainty thing's a Vlllaiinlla." Your l'nutomn answers M-ry ivcll In Ilia rnt campalin no ona randaral mora tiiittlflih rcrvlco Ihun Mr. llryun, an I I nm liaipv in knan that thin dlnnar airtr tho Katiufnn admiration of all Democrat lor him Wot da taken from the eplstlo of Our Chief .Mnglstrnto to tho chaltinnu of tho Bryan dinner on Wednesday night, nml What middor word of tongue or pen Than that "uii'H'Hlflli" could lutvo bitcu? Hi: COULDN'T rend llngllsh or write It nml hu needed n Hlgn to cnll tho niton tlou of mnrhetom lo tho lino heats ho lind for hiiIo at lil-i stand on Columbia nveuiio near Twentieth Htreot. Ho appealed to n neighbor, uliu happened to Im waggish, and prcHcntly tlila iilgn appeared upon tho pllu of beetH: NICK CANTi:i.OUI'i:.S 3 BUNCIIKH FOR lOu that rami: out cow The bard laments he never sum a slnolo purpla cow. I iclsh that he iiere hero with mc. I'd show him somcthlnu now. I'd show him ilyiJ on Chestnut street cnauiih to make htm tauah; .Vol oulu purple, red and urccn, but every color calf. MIXXli; ItA-lt.X. Whn t'li thut? Oh, not nt nil, my ilcnr! Hay, listen, SI In, you rofcr to tho upporn of the sIioch, don't you? Yei, my dear, of course; you seo tho calfskin Is mmicthnos oen decora tud with rosoH and mieli like. "My Oeorge." writes Mm. Ci. V. 11, "Is n funny old dear. Bomotlmes I catch him laughing nt the most nnrluus thlngH. Ily tho way, did jou noo that lino now sign ut Twentieth and .Mmkut nticetn? Till: NORTH AMUItlCAN THi; SPOKESMAN OF NO CLASS Posplta tho ghoulish glco with which S. B. D. hurries to call our attention to this ad ACADUMY OF MUSIC WKDNi:3DAY nVRNlNO, DBCISMBKR DAMNATION OF FAUST ny Tiin choral socmi'v wo nro plensod to roport ono more tri umph scored by the C. B. . Spinster Hcronvcmrnta A3 TO BERT Qlndys Is n m humor fair, ITetty little incr-fllrtj Beach Ouard Bert was mlno for fair, Till I saw them kisses sharo! Now alone I dry, my hair, For I ueo he's Herbert. PI. Wo thought wo had wandered Into tho mimical department when wo saw among tho physicians In tho Tolcphono Directory Ida Virginia Reel, of 4027 Spring Gar den; but Oraco A. Du Quid Hounds rea sonable enough. Tito Leaden Hours MV LHADISN Il6UR Is from, sny. 8 S a. in to 7:15 a. m. During that period I do nothing but answor frantic subscribers who ask: "What la tho exact time, please?" I nm a telephone operator In a district infested by commuters. BAOIH. Dear Tom If such thing were atl n vogue. I would hao Inserted this morning the following' PBUSOMAXt If ti Udr In. black, who raalt.1 htr Ally pouii-l albowa on lha ahouldvra uf tho uultl wit lirft (antUmaii dlractly 111 front l .r at KaUh a ou Uonday nlalit and who Up Mr. llttra' aon with, hlnv In chainbtruiala'a falaailo aunuuiwad bla numbara an J ravtd otar Iba nutunar In whlilt ha wort hit ktr chain, all Hit whlU porfumluat tlla alinosuhtra wllh inrHt tplrlt uf ararllo, will InOluita throub Ihlt column what nlaht aha aiiwcta to utat wttk'a. bill, iho q. liut p. atnt. will orranjia to apati4 th atrua tvaolnir lit tha owa The Irish themsetveci will tell you there isn't anything more unreasoning than an Irish partisan. Recontly we took occasion to baric at John McCormack, It brought forth from an anonymous cor respondent a bitter arraignment of our own shorteomlngs and a laudation of the popular singer which would hae done credit to the writer's affeetion for a beloved countryman if she had not persistently misspelled the gentleman's name All this proves our belief that the darts were flung at us not because w laid aa unholy nana upon AleCur- Hl 1wajNB milm& t? eW. at iwm?. i' '.-v -;!-att'cs film What Do You Know? tjurrfe of atntrnt interrnt ttld b ontwtrtd In this column, Tm guexflous. the antutra to which even irrHnurmrti vcrton ettuutU .now are ailed a(i, Qqiz I. AMml It n "lirurt murmur"? 1. Ilila Din nnmlirr uf rat I'ulut rmlrla lirri llirralkrdr .1. Wlni wii (ho "lnrnrd lllniktinllli"? I. Ulml l tho AmMi Imrrli? 8. Mlint la "illniiliia miiirt"? 0. Wluil 1 llio rui'Jfltr of n ilrniljulin and nhul la thit rurlom ilrrlvutluu of llio uoril? 7. I'trlaln. urllrlri In Kncllah iifapDra nro nillril "lr " ro Uwt nillril "Irailrra." Ulllll kind ol urtttlta S How nl.iuy jrnrdt In n tulle? V Uluit It nipitiil hrn It la anld (Iml man la "nilt.rU to tho tiurplo"? 10. Ulmt tho "auko" llmt la drunk In, nml how N tlio unrd tironuiiiiird? Answers to Yt'stcrda) 'h Quiz I. A. Ilounr Imxt la the Irailrr nf llio Ton- arniltllra In I'nrlltmrnt nml miim inado rrrrrlim uf tho tulonlra In tho Aaiiulth fnilltlou Ciiuturt Up ii ua olTrrril tno rrrmlprahlii, hut ijptltnrd In Invor of l.loil (trorro t Chrtttloa la llio fuiimua I omlon niirllun huiiai. lilirro vnlllilblo luilnlliiaa, hooka fiirnltiiro tiiiU uthrr uork of urt iro auld. U ripiMiulirrnil la n Houllirrn UUh aofl torn hrrail arrtMl In n itrrn imn In uhlrh It U hukfil nml Ulniird ont ullll u alKion. H l iiaiiuUar ruten Willi airiin I. IjirtiaU aro Afrkan or Atlallo winatd rdlblo Inarrta. mlKrutlmc In mmrma nnd ron atimliia .rarliillon of wholo dlatrlrta. fi. Tho Mrlnnirra uro a ruro of awitrtlir. rnrlr luitrnl iituiiiitiiln itrunlo uf oouthwrnt Vlr Klllltl. lhr uro vnrlollal) alllMMiarU to bo uf I'urttixurao. Inillitn ur irlliar nlrnctlon. mid by aunio uro hrtd to bo inulultura. d lllrda run not lly nt arrol ultltiidra brruuao thrro tho ulr la loo rurrllnl to auiioort thoin. 7. A iilndlironk U nnr nUntlmr on the wind ward hldo of hulldliiKN orrhilrda Kardrna, rtr , with tho ohjert of utrrrumlnc iho forro of tho wind S, "l.lchl" wliida nro Ihoao of u irlorllr from ouo lo nluo nillra nil houri "frrah,1 from trn to ulnalrfiii "hrlak," tiirntr to tnrntr-ulnet "IiIkIi." thirty to thlriv-nluai 'aula," forlr to lltt'-nluoi "hurricane." lur nnu uhoir Tho I nltrd Mlnlrs uaaiiiuril rraponallillltr lo the wurld mi lor ino iMiimoni or nun 110. ilebla A riMrlirrahlii wuh ratab- l.Hiirir. II. ll.hpil. mi Aiuprlriill tirlna iiiiiki iilp.1 tu iiilminUtrr tho lliianrra. ItetulutloiiH ro iiilrril Iho Inlrrirnllon ur tin- I'nlicd htutra rmy, unit now- nivr ofTlrrrn are tlrluiilly In IrmiKirory routrul uf the llomlnlrnii llutrruiurnt. 10. Artralmi wclla uro nnniril for tho old rrrnrh nroilnco of Artnla where the uldrat well In l.uro.-e wua liorril In llu Patriotic Jcwh I There aro three books by Mticllson C Peters In tho Mercantile Library dealing with the Jews' contribution to American patriotism: "Tho Jow as a Patriot," "The JewsMn America: a Short Story of Their Part In tho Building of tho Republic" anil "Tlio Jews Who Stood by Washington: An Unwritten Chapter In American History." The last-named, published In 191C, probably Is the book to which you refer Stock Brokers' Commissions O, B. C Tho minimum commission rate set down by the Philadelphia Stock Hx changa Is, cenorally epeaklng, one-eighth of one per cent. Tne ruia is, ior earns -una trust stocks, 35 cants a share; for Insur ance stocks over 1100. 25 cents u share, and for all other stocks, IIW cents a sharo for stocks at (10 or oer and UU cents a share for stocks under IIP. First Asphalt Street T J MacL The first sheet asphalt street pavement laid In Philadelphia was In 1889 by the Barber Asphalt Paving Company on Broad street between Diamond street and Columbia avenue. Tar combination pave ments were laid before that date. Marriages N A duly ordained minister from Ver mont or 6ther State Is authorized to per form a marriage veremony In Pennsylvania. Bo I required, within thirty days after tho marriage. make two returns: (1) The return blank on the marriage llcenso to the marriage license clerk and (2) a blank to the Uureau of Vital Statlstloa. The latttr blank he may obtain at City Hall, Room BIT- 4 Where Was Brodie? II 8. Q Hair-splitting argument as to where Stee Brodie was when he made his famous leap frR the Ilrookljn Bridge may be settled by an appeal to the dictionary, although, as Is natural in arguments of this character, the dictionary may not render an aeowtebl deoWtoJ. It U true that he bad not jumped while he was standing pn the bridge, mr was he on the bridge afttr he had lumped. These faoU are self-evident. But. if we view the imianaltlvo verb "lump" In the Ught of Its definition as an act of projecting oneself through space, Bredte vtas oa th) bridge when he lumpJ ; la oHwt word, at u ub U bridge vUm be etxnniktited the act that projected hlat through aDee. This M ft swrtetui '''-'-- UavmnKJue vnommm a ioio GJETTING HIM AWAKE 1T0R THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Comment on Mrs. Polnk'a State ment Lloyd George A Let ter Krom the Trenches Tila lirparfoietif la free to till rtadtrv feho icfih ro rftirrta thrlr opinion on tuWrrfa 0 rwrrrnt fnlfrraf, II (a no ofen orum. nnd lt Hitnlnt I.nlotr nitumra mo rctpontiblntv for (fie Knot ol lit rorroiondralt. LUttrt mil b Sigurd bu Ca oninc uail odilrraj of tht tcrltrr, not nrrcaanrllu for rubllrnlloa, tut nt a uuamntta ot good lalth. WHAT MRS. POLAK MEANT To thti Kdllor of thn livening Ledger: Hlr On November 22. 1916, your paper published an Interview with Mrs. Polilk, president of tho Illg Sisters, absolutely cor rect In every detail one of tho statements made, however. It nppcars, could bo m.ulo to menn something entirely different from that Intended, ow ing to the wording of same Mrs Polak was talking of the "Immoral Jewish girls," nnd ho mado the statement thnt of Ihts-clnsN. of the Immoral Jewish girls, to emphasize tho point, ninety per cent wero so hcc.iuso they had rejected the nilvlco of tholr parents, and breauiro thoy had drifted away from their control, and also on account of other home conditions Tho Jewish World, n paper circulating among tho foreign element, seemed to view tluse words as meaning that Mrs. Polak stated that ninety per tent of tho foreign Jowlsh women wero Immoral It this paper understood tho nrttcle that way, we desire to state that thero was no Intention on the part of Mrs Pohtk to mako such a state ment, and she did not make It. She was referring to the Immoral women, and stated that ninety per cent of them became thnt way through the above conditions. To provent any further misunderstanding Mrs. Polak authorizes us to repeat the statement she thon made, as she Intonded It to bo understood: 'These people (the foreign clement) were slow to become Amcrlcanlted. but their children, however. Americanized nt a pace unusually fast, and soon grow far beyond the control of the more old-fashioned parents. "The girls soon drifted away from their homo environment and missed the proper homo training. Ninety per cent of Iho Im morality that exists among the Jewish people exists among that class of girls, 'the ones that have rejected tho advice and ro fuied to be controlled by their parents' opinions ' " ' We made no statement that the foreign element were Immoral, as a rule, or that a certain percentage of them were! we were not referring to tho genernl Jewish population at all. We were distinctly re. terrlng to u certain class, "the Immoral Jowlsh woman," and stated that ninety per cent of this class waa the result of con ditions above referred to. IHO SISTERS, Per J. Marcus Pnlak, Publicity Committee. Philadelphia, December 8. HE LOVES JOHN BULL To th Kdltor o tfts Euenlnp tedoer; Sir It must be extremely mortifying to your oorrespondant, Charles C. Rhodes, Jr, that Qreat Britain has any friends at alb Is he aware of the fact that Transvaal men are now fighting under the British flagT Great Britain never .touched a people that she did not benefit, and we of her blood love har today because she gave us our Anglo-Saxon Bible. JOIINNIB WICACO. Philadelphia, December o IRISH CONSCRIPTION To the Kdllor o th Hvenlny J.tdger' Sir "Lloyd O corse has all along favored conscription In Ireland and may now try to apply it- If he does all Ireland ya, tlonallat, Unionist, Sinn Fein and Oaellc League will rise and revolt and present to the British Government a much more serious situation and problem than did the uprising of "Easter Week." With an artificial stervatton staring them In the face; with ail the promises made by the Liberals unfulfilled or broken, and with the Irish Parliamentary party impotent and distrusted, the Irish people are In no mood to be trilled with, much less coerced. Australia rejected conscription by a popular vote l Ireland, deprived of such a vote, releets It by a concrete and united public opinion, and any attempt to run counter to this by the extension of the military service act will prove disastrous to whoever attempts it tl J. COy Philadelphia, December t DONT TEMPT THE BOYS To (A Jfdiler of (as tf vanlnji Ltdgir: 8r-iJ a Weawd ttot the auaeiten. KEEPS ...... -jr. UssrJj4X.iW1VkJ& I would like to ask If something could be dono to stop the throwing of tho ends of cigarettes and cigars In tho streets, I have anen no many amnll boys picking them up nnd smoking them ! 1 think the older men ought lo havo Alio Interest of the boys at henrt enough not to put temptation In their way I listened to a talk telling of tho 111 effects of cigarettes, and It has mado me utiTlous to nave tho boys I always try to point out to every boy I sea using them the harm they will do to him. oni: inteiu:sti:d in poys Philadelphia, December 7. WANTED A GODMOTHER To the Editor of the Evening Ltdfjtr: Sir We havo learned from thn newspa pers which reach us In our trenches, eighty meters from the enemy, that you supported the candidacy of Mr. Hughes. I nddrcss'myself, therefore, to you, nnd this Is why In our trenches, between two attacks. vn aro cnnuled, nnd I would like to correspond with one of your women readers. We could write of many thlnga, of war, of peace, of In France, of literature, of history, etc Could you not find for me this godmother? I nm a bachelor, a corporal In the army, and since the attack on the Somme I have passed for promotion to a sergeancy. M. IJRUCAMPS. Third Mixed Regiment of Zouavei and TlrallleurH, Second Company, Sixty eighth Postul Division With tho Armies of France, November 11, It has becomo tho custom In France for men and women to adopt a soldier aa a godchild and to look after his comfort ao far as possible. M. Brucamps Is evi dently seeking for this sort of fostering caro by an American woman Ddltor of the KVENINQ I.UDOEIl. CHRISTMAS TRUMPETS, BLOW AGAIN Seema to me I want to hear Christmas trumpets blow again, Through the mists of yesteryear, Like a message unto men. Ilugles and the little drum, Ah, that fanfare ot the child Music of the morning, come, Set me dancing mad and wild) Lord, the weight of life ia such. Heavy with Its war and woel Just once more that golden touch Of the trumpets let them blowl Silvery mujla, sweet and clear. Muslo that the child lips made When the Chrlutmai dawn drew near And tho little bugles played. Seems to me we want it. all, Here and now and all the while The made of that childhood call, The glory at that stainless smile: Blow It, trumpets, clear and sweet, Mualc of the Christmas cheer, Sounding through each listening street Bringing peaca and gladness near, Stems to me It would be fine Just to have It as ot old All Its laughter and Its shine, All Its Innocence of gold. Christmas trumpets blowing far Over hill and over dell , Sea to hill and hill to star Muslo ot the Christmas spell. Kolger McKlniey, In Baltimore Bun ACADEMY OP MUSIC BURTON HOLMES TONIGHT ,Vl5THE GERMAN TOMOR. , J FATHERLAND BOc. 15a. tt. at lltppe'e. J5o at Academy EXTRA !. Sat. Dec- 29 nBd 30 CANADIAN ROCKIES Ainrlnrvmr "vP IVTiinin J nv.ciuvuiji jx irxitoiVi 1'IiILillEl.rHIA OHAHO OPKHA COUlUNr Monday, t I.lVtiSi,l?,..OJ,Jr,l"r,Ii' at lne7 Dee. 31, 'WIOIA". Wadotaii ami Xl'MTv2fr..ri,,w 1 .:ui. .-h: "u.' &ri?!LTi(qATSKiiv,Bjar.tirirjDi 1 Ch.tiout doit at., roe vo tz uv Awiwiiuiaim, ouo Walnut Matinee Today, 26c, 50c VVUUlUb Bvsr. Bat. Uat xtJc. 3e, TSa "The Little Girl God Forgot" Heat Wwk Mult and JatTe We&Inc BkTIIOPOUTJIN OPEHA. ltOU8B UETOOroUTAN OPERA COMPANY. H. T TUET&viV. IL.TROVATORE baata. ilOS Ciutnut el. Walnut 34. luce t. ACADEMY sate at Htpra'a, Ilia Chtataut pniiaaeipma irv Tomnr. 8 13 . yS: sirra ' "" tfagjg s. i i -r?'.T r7" VleUaUt KNICiUSKBQCKER asr, ,, Ta 3L Storm Country i&: ?v4v hi t gr-ssr. -wiir.s" il . .n. ar. rsi- ssr i niwi'M 3ft iirartn juukast tfrsaK t ,?r-'"?1.lj .'"" t.gj"'g - nfMsHssUfciaJUveiilr, Hie Ndrtheast Corner Cn,uat nf Ihe Day'n Work ry. OilARLBS ORAY SHAW head H jls mo uctmiwuciii vi imiiusopny in w Vork University, apparently has ihe rourtS of his convictions. As a logui Ira nKL doubtless. In his earlier youth on the dL trlnes laid down by Jevons, he has ivottet from tho reports of n recent diatribe, nuit. forgotten the rules of logic as coHsUiI , tho late-lamenled philosopher r:iementl logic wss when we struggled manfully Wi!n tho question, based upon certain Immutable laws, nnd one of them wag to the tfTett inat ii concluiiort tnuat be drawn from sernr premises Doctor Shaw delivers his tilll. malum thusi When n girl says "I cannot be your wife, but "J be vour friend." she tri-s lo speak the truth, but utters a psycho loglunt falsehood. Unfortunate!, masculine frlendahlos are passing from the earth and In the ' course of time friends will be found only In museum along with other abo riginal products This melancholy situ nllon Is duo to tne fact that modern lift tends, to destroy personality and a philosophic Wow uf the world Men Is bound to man, not by ties of friend ship, but by bonds of professionalism which nro usually ot n 'commercial character Home day we nro going to write n mono graph on friendship which will deal with that commodity ns exhaustively as lr Henri llergson has dealt with laughter Meanwhile Doctor Shaw may consider that his premises being wild and futtta he hu naturally nid properly arrived nt wild anj foolish conclusions Ax wltnras he says that masculine friendships nro pnsstng from the earth. "It's all wrong. Osirahl, It's a wrong." Such friendship, aro not passing. Further, "theno ties between men are net bnsod upon bonds of professionalism which are usually of a commercial character" Doctor Shaw says a girl who says she cant marry ou, but will be your frlendi, la ut tering n falsehood, Without prejudice wo dcslro to recall to tho mind of Doator Shaw a conundrum nnctently told by nn old mint of ours "A boy said lie hid two fathers nnd two mothers, but no par ents What did ho have?" Tho answer Is, 'The boy lied " CHESTNUT ST. TWICC DAiT OPERA HOUSE "8 iimtn or flucenssKB Evgs. & Sat. Mnt., 25c to 1 Other Mc'-s., 25c, 50c, 15c ONLY 8 MORE DAYS mtnnnvRn skats xow nnhLtxa I"Oll AM. PCItPOllMANCEB WILLIAM FOX rnnscNTB "A Daughter of the Gods"- with ANNETTE Kellermann this vicTtmn nuAirnrur. Dedicated to nil who lovo beauty, joy, tho laughter of children, tho lovo of brave men and fair women. OUIt NEXT ATTRACTION' . "The Honor System" The Clrratett Human atory Every Told UAnKET AB. 10T11 CONTINUua 11 !'5 A. M to lljlS P. U. STANLKV COXCBRT OncllK.TTItX LENORE ULRICII in rniHT piuisk.ntAtipn op "THE ROAD TO LOVE" "DATA OT? 12U MAHKBT STItnET JAi-iAHj Marguerite Clark in "Miss George Washington" l-nnA TT A CHESTNUT 8T. Bal. HtS i.ixjJn.XJ llx jo a si. to ii. is p. u. DoittniiY ijai.ton WIM.IAM DESMOID la "A GAMBLE IN SOULS" , ALL.NUXT'WEKK Douglas Fairbanks in the Matrimaniae Charlie Chaplin a Rink "PURITY" ALW TA,TnV ICTORIA (Marlitt Abova Ninth) FKATUIll.MI TUB AKTISTS' MODE!, Auuni:v mu.sso.v in AitTisTrc rosfs Contlnunua. 0 A. M, to 11:1s 1. M. Naat Week -Monday, Turnlay onJ WeJntadajr CHARLIE CHAPLIN iN Vhowmw "THE RINK" CIIAKt.KH HAY In 1IONOIIA1II.IJ MAX "i wihii i coyi.D HUY a tickkt ro nVfiRY MAN ANI WOMAN IN PlIILADKI 1'IIIA TO 8KE THIS VVO.SUEIU'UI. PHOTO- "civilization ntcautr It Ttarhta a Clrtat Iaaon Whlla H Holda You Hpellbound" Haya Judao Jamea b. (lorman, of tho Municipal Court, of lha Clntma Wondtr now playlns at tha LYRIC THEATRE MATlNKEa DAILY I'HICBBl.sae to II. ADELPHITonight at 8:15 nuauuvn matinki: toMonnow TAa Jotl ll'odrul Flay la Annie "EXPERIENCE" POSITIVELY LAST 1'KP.rOBMANCB DEtt rinln1- T.nnf 9. V.vtra Laat Mat, VXitli.av.rv .mw m miou, Tomorrow HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY With riKKO NlUfco and Eottr N Y Ctrl NEXT WEEK BKAT8 NOW FRITZI SCHEFF ' ijj-, u JIUSIIANDS ClUAIUNTEUO" With Jafltraon Pa AmtUe RPnAr L,t 5 W"M Bva at Bit DlJi.iJ Matlnao Tomorrow, 3:11 FRANCES STARR "ffiSunft0' TTrvwocf Llmlttd Knsaitretnt 1' Utit-bU E,nlna 8i3. Mat. Tomorrow MONTGOMERY STONE In CHIN-CHIN" GLOBE 'I'heatPoJSBiligSttK JXJJAJi-l VAViayiU&njioviotr 10c, 16e. tic, 8Jo iu 11 U a i' u EMPIRE CITY FOUR TATE'S MOTORING and Others Cross Keys MASS. W fo? Krn.. 7 0 10 JO, tit , "THE BROKEN SCARAB" u r. DON'T Mlb-S. HERl TfoiWc: Nan Halperin Ktnaatkm' TIIBATIIK MRS. NTHOil WIIIFrEM ft ca. staiu'Edb moans", wax oak LAND A CO., OTHEH Uia VEATI itCS Today at I. tSo A tOc Tonljht at 8, !? to It LITTLE TM&ATRB TOMOHT, J0. "YOU NEVJBR OAN TELI' PyG. I?waarrti31w 17th & De Lancoy ii (UlNal I.WJ1. M Isifa nautili 4n . iiaM am II f 1 "l m II 1 11 jSPil 3SMBalJBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSmW'XnMK , W r - f - ,'jwr"-" '